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San Diego Mesa College

When I finished my B. A. in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, I looked for a

job. However, it was not much opportunity with my major to teach, so I decided to become a

tutor at San Diego Mesa College. My first thought was to tutor Russian. When I came to find the

requirements, I met my former professor, and he convinced me to become an English tutor. Since

then, my tutoring journey began.

I have been Russian/English tutor for three years, and I love what I am doing. I am

working with a diverse student population, and all-time spending with my students makes me a

better person and help me to grow professionally. I have so many thankful words to my students

that it is hard to write down all of them. I feel that San Diego Mesa College is my home, where I

am always welcomed and safe.

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