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Nutrient RDI Increase/decrease absorption Sources Comments To meet RDI

Complete proteins containing significant amounts of

all 9 essential amino acids include soy (edamame,
tofu), hemp seeds, quinoa, buckwheat, freekeh
Increase absorption:
Vitamin B6 (which is found in Complete protein sources can be created by eating
protein sources anyway) ~ helps beans/legumes with whole grains, or beans/legumes
enzymes bread down protein and with seeds/nuts.
Protein 48 g carry amino acids to the Legumes, soy, nuts, seeds, For example, beans/legumes are high in lysine but
bloodstream wholegrains low in tryptophan, methionine, and cystine, whilst
whole grains/nuts & seeds are low in lysine but high
Complex carbohydrates ~ in tryptophan, methionine, and cystine.
releases insulin in body which
helps muscles absorb amino acids
However all plant-based sources of protein contain all
9 essential amino acids, and if you consume enough
calories it is difficult to be deficient.

Vegetables, legumes, fruits,

Fibre 25 g wholegrains, nuts, seeds

Increase absorption: To get 3g ALA a day:

Vitamins - B6, B12, biotin (B7), Conversion rates in healthy young women of ALA to - 15g chia seeds
Omega 3 250 mg (EPA, DHA) niacin (B3), folic acid (B9) ALAs: flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp EPA is approx. 21%, whilst conversion of ALA to DHA - 15g ground flaxseed
3g (ALA) seeds, walnuts - 32g hemp seeds
Minerals - zinc, magnesium, is approx. 9%. - 50g walnuts
selenium - 1/2 tbsp of flaxseed oil

Vegetables (especially sweet Good for eyes, immune system, skin

Vitamin A 700 μg potatoes & pumpkins), fruits

Good for cell growth, development, & function

Decrease absorption: Legumes, nuts, seeds (especially
Thiamin (Vit B1) 1.1 mg Too much coffee or tea pepitas) Water-soluble, therefore twice as much is lost when
foods are boiled as opposed to frying or microwaving
Vegetables, nuts (especially Good for cell growth, development, & function
Riboflavin (Vit B2) 1.1 mg almonds), soy

Good for digestive system, skin, nervous system, liver

Niacin (Vit B3) 14 mg Vegetables, nuts, legumes

Necessary for making blood cells and for converting

food into energy. Promotes healthy skin, hair, eyes, &
Pantothenic Acid (Vit B5) 5 mg Vegetables, legumes, nuts liver.
Found in most vegetables and foods. It's very rare to
be deficient unless malnourished.

Involved in protein metabolism, cognitive

development, immune function, hemoglobin
Pyridoxine (Vit B6) 1.3 mg Legumes, vegetables formation


Good for hair, skin, nails, liver

Biotin (Vit B7) 300 μg Nuts, legumes, soy, vegetables

Good for brain health, memory, red blood cell

Vegetables, legumes, nuts & seeds generation & maintainance
Folate (Vit B9) 400 μg (especially pepitas & peanuts), fruit

Nervous system, red blood cell production, digestion

Fortified plant milks/foods, & brain function
Cobalamin (Vit B12) 2.4 μg nutritional yeast
Good for skin, bones, & tissue, and helps prevent
infections & heal wounds, antioxidant

Vitamin C 45 mg Fruits (especially citrus), vegetables Vitamin C is required for the biosynthesis of collagen
which plays a role in wound healing as it is an
essential component of connective tissue
Vitamin C has been shown to regenerate other
antioxidants in the body including Vitamin E

Hormone that controls calcium levels in the blood.

Needed for strong bones, muscles, and overall health. 10-30 minutes in the sun 3 times a week
Vitamin D 20 μg The Sun! is sufficient

Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, aids immune function

Vitamin E 15 mg Nuts, seeds, vegetables

Important for bone health

Vitamin K 90 μg Vegetables (especially kale &
spinach), legumes Fat-soluble

1 cup protein-plus milk = 300mg

Increase absorption: 1 cup calci-plus milk = 400mg
Vitamin D 1/4 pack tofu = 81mg
Fortified plant-milks & foods, nuts, Good for teeth, bones, blood clotting, nerves & 25g chia seeds = 158mg
Calcium 1,000 mg Decrease absorption: seeds, soy muscle tissue. 25g hemp seeds = 17mg
Fibre 25g ground flaxseeds = 62mg
Too much sodium & caffeine 25g walnuts = 25mg

Needed for development of essential thyroid

Sea vegetables (e.g. seaweed, nori hormones that regulate the body's metabolic rate
Iodine 150 μg sheets etc.), fortified breads (with and promote growth & development throughout the
iodised salt) body including the brain.
Increase absorption:
Vitamin C Helps to transport oxygen around the body,
important for producing energy, optimal immune
Iron 18 mg Decrease absorption: Legumes, soy, nuts, pepitas, oats, function, and storing oxygen in our muscles. 1/2 cup oats = 3 mg
wholegrains, fortified foods 1/4 pack of tofu (90g) = 4mg
Fibre Vitamin C increases absorption of non-heme iron
Calcium (plant-based iron) up to 3x
Tannins in tea and coffee

Copper 1.2 mg Seeds, nuts, soybeans, legumes, Needed to build strong tissue, maintain blood
vegetables volume, and producing energy.

Helps regulate protein synthesis, muscle & nerve

Vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, function, blood glucose control, blood pressure
Magnesium 310 mg wholegrains regulation, transports calcium and potassium ions
across cell membranes.

Vegetables, tree fruits (e.g. Helps nerves & muscle function, moves nutrients and
Potassium 2,800 mg avocados, apples, oranges, waste around cells, offsets the effect of sodium in
bananas), legumes raising blood pressure.

Oats, brown rice, vegetables, fruit, Bone health, skin health (helps to form collagen),
Manganese 5 mg black pepper, chickpeas, pepitas, blood sugar control.
soy, grains

Most people consume more than

enough sodium through added salt Helps maintain the correct volume of circulating
Sodium 690 mg in their diet. We should aim to blood and tissue fluids in the body.
keep our sodium content as low as

1/2 cup oats = 3 mg

Essential for immune system function, wound 1/2 cup of cooked chickpeas = 1.3 mg
healing, blood clotting, thyroid function 2 tbsp tahini = 1.4 mg
28g chia seeds = 1 mg
8 mg Decrease absorption: Legumes, nuts, seeds, wholegrains May require up to 50% more than the recommended 10g hemp seeds = 1 mg
Zinc 12 mg (plant-based) Fibre (oats especially), fortified foods intake as the bioavailability of zinc from plant-based 1/4 cup sunflower seeds = 4 mg
sources is much lower. This is due to phytic acid in 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds = 4 mg
sources like pulses which can hinder zinc absorption, 1/4 cup cashews = 4 mg
but soaking decreases those inhibitors. 1/4 cup almonds = 2 mg
1/4 cup pine nuts = 4 mg
Selenium 55 μg Brazil nuts, pepitas, chia seeds, Antioxidant, boosts immunity, heart health, improves 1 brazil nut a day is sufficient
mushrooms blood flow, regulates thyoid function

Muscle, nerve, & kidney function, repairs tissue and

Phosphorus 700 mg Nuts, seeds, legumes cells, helps build bones

When it comes to sugar, you should limit intake to 10% of daily calories
e.g. On a 1500 calorie diet, maximum sugar intake is 150 calories which equals 9-10 tsp of sugar (37-42g)

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