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‫السالم عليمك ورمحة هللا وبراكته‬

Good morning everybody.

Specially, honorable the adjudicaters.

And the excellency to all of the audience.

Hi, how are you?

So good to see you, hope you all having a good day and always
healthy although nowdays we have to meet by online. But, it has to
be OK, right?

Here, I have to say, that is such an honour to be here, I’m really

happy to be here, I’m like a nerd and brought my own speech, but I
hope it’s OK that I take this opportunity to really just spend my
precious time taking a part here.

Yes, Oke. Hello, I’m Nadifa Aulia from MTsN 3 Jombang, East Java.

Ladies And Gentleman we all know

Indonesia is a beautiful country and we can find so many diversity

here. We can easily find many natural and cultural wealth. Actually,
there are more than 100 cultures in Indonesia. Like traditional dance,
traditional songs, Wayang, Madurese Ethnic, Batik etc. But
unfortunately, young generations nowadays are living in a
globalization era. They don’t have any interest with their own culture.
They believe that this world is border-less and we can access any
information, talk with anybody without a limitation. They behave like
a western style, they like korean dance, R&B, hip hop song more than
their own songs.

And young generation nowadays tend to use English or Korean and

other language more in social media because they thing that
Indonesia language is old-fashioned. And also, teenager nowadays is
using internet and social media such as YouTube, Twitter or Instagram
to see about the western or other foreign culture like street dance,
korean movie, break dance, and etc. They don’t want to learn
traditional or sing traditional dance because they think those are not
trendy, right?

So, ladies and gentlemen I’m standing here to tell you Keeping
Indonesian Cultural as Young Generation. Why do I say like that?
Because if not us, the teenagers, the young generation that take care
our culture, then who else will do it? Do we going to let our culture
extinct? Of course, no. We don’t want to let that thing happen, right?

So, welcome, here is my speech.

Brother and sister.

Here, I want to tell you about what can we do to improve the culture
awareness for young generation?

First, we have to be proud as Indonesian. We don’t have to be

ashamed to be a part of Indonesian. Instead of just learn about
foreign skill we can to increase our Indonesian language more and
trend it. For example, if we make a hashtag on twitter like
#IndonesianLanguageDay or #MyLocalLanguage. We can also
attract other people to know about it and join it.

Second is to make the teenager nowadays love our dance and

music. We have to make them realize that our music and dance is
also great and not old-fashioned. And also, we can create something
like mix our culture, mix between Muang Sangkal dance from Madura
and another dance and make it more fun.

The last and the most important thing that I’ve to speech here is about
our effort to do something more proudly to our amazing country,
Indonesia is, we have to educate and inform them about Indonesian
culture. Because their careless is due to the fact that nobody inform
them about our culture.

So, ladies and gentlemen don’t be the generation that will destroy our
culture. But let’s be the generation that save our culture. Because if
not us, the young generation, who do it, then who else?

So that’s all from me. Thank you very much for the attention.

See you and good bye.

‫والسالم عليمك ورمحة هللا وبراكته‬

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