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Minutes of Planning Meeting

Date: 11th July 2019

Time: 13:00 Mauritian time

Names Title Attended (Yes/No)

Desire Blehouet Saham Assurance Mali Yes
Nikaudit Auditor Cabinet d’audit Nicolas Yes
Tahar El Idrissi Manager EY Morocco No
Christo Du Toit Partner EY SA No
Amina Ebrahim Senior Manager EY SA Yes
Thandanani E Tuswa Senior EY SA Yes
Zahrah Jeetoo Manager EY RDS Yes
Yourisha Heerooa Assistant EY RDS Yes

 IFRS 16
- Status on completeness sign off
- As per auditor, documents have been received and is on track to sign off by
tomorrow, 12 July. No issues noted.

 IFRIC 23
- Status update on IFRIC 23 - Opening and half yearly accounts to be updated to
reflect the actual position as per IFRIC 23
- Management – Actually in progress and no issues highlighted. Will meet deadline
of 14th July.
- Auditor confirmed deadline of 29th July
- No issues noted.

 SAP Pack
- Is Management on track in providing the SAP pack for Auditors’ review;
- To confirm whether Auditors will complete by 29th July
- Management – will send pack to auditors on the 14th July.
- Auditor – confirmed to sign off pack on the 29th July.
- No issues noted

 Update on issues (where applicable);

- Update and action plans for issues highlighted in prior calls;
- Any new issue
- Management – no issues highlighted.
- Auditor – no issues highlighted.

 Deliverables – Late from Management and auditors

- Auditor to send due instructions to EY Morocco asap.
 Audit fee
- Confirmation whether audit fees have been agreed by local Management
- Management - No audit fees in respect of 30 June.
- Auditor – annual billing is done and same will be reported to EY Morocco. PMO
requested to provide split to EY Morocco to which the Auditor agreed.
- Will send by latest 29th July but will try to send earlier.

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