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9.1(a) Determine the shortest and longest wavelength lines in the Lyman series.

9.1(b) The Pfund series has n1 = 5. Determine the shortest and longest
wavelength lines in the Pfund series.
9.2(a) Compute the wavelength, frequency, and wavenumber of the n = 2 → n = 1
transition in He+.
9.2(b) Compute the wavelength, frequency, and wavenumber of the n = 5 → n = 4
transition in Li+2 .
9.3(a) When ultraviolet radiation of wavelength 58.4 nm from a helium lamp is
directed on to a sample of krypton, electrons are ejected with a speed of 1.59
Mm s−1 . Calculate the ionization energy of krypton.
9.3(b) When ultraviolet radiation of wavelength 58.4 nm from a helium lamp is
directed on to a sample of xenon, electrons are ejected with a speed of 1.79 Mm
s−1 . Calculate the ionization energy of xenon.
9.4(a) State the orbital degeneracy of the levels in a hydrogen atom that have
energy (a) −hcRH; (b) – 1/9hcRH; (c) – 1/25hcRH.
9.4(b) State the orbital degeneracy of the levels in a hydrogenic atom (Z in
parentheses) that have energy (a) −4hcR atom (2); (b) – 1/4hcR atom (4), and (c)
−hcR atom (5).
9.5(a) The wavefunction for the ground state of a hydrogen atom is Ne −r/a0.
Determine the normalization constant N.
9.5(b) The wavefunction for the 2s orbital of a hydrogen atom is N(2 − r/a0)e −r/2a0.
Determine the normalization constant N.
9.6(a) By differentiation of the 2s radial wavefunction, show that it has two
extrema in its amplitude, and locate them.
9.6(b) By differentiation of the 3s radial wavefunction, show that it has three
extrema in its amplitude, and locate them.
9.7(a) At what radius does the probability of finding an electron at a point in the H
atom fall to 50 per cent of its maximum value?
9.7(b) At what radius in the H atom does the radial distribution function of the
ground state have (a) 50 per cent, (b) 75 per cent of its maximum value.
9.8(a) Locate the radial nodes in the 3s orbital of an H atom. 9.8(b) Locate the
radial nodes in the 4p orbital of an H atom.
9.9(a) Calculate the average kinetic and potential energies of an electron in the
ground state of a hydrogen atom.
9.9(b) Calculate the average kinetic and potential energies of a 2s electron in a
hydrogenic atom of atomic number Z.
9.10(a) Write down the expression for the radial distribution function of a 2s
electron in a hydrogenic atom and determine the radius at which the electron is
most likely to be found.
9.10(b) Write down the expression for the radial distribution function of a 3s
electron in a hydrogenic atom and determine the radius at which the electron is
most likely to be found.
9.11(a) Write down the expression for the radial distribution function of a 2p
electron in a hydrogenic atom and determine the radius at which the electron is
most likely to be found.
9.11(b) Write down the expression for the radial distribution function of a 3p
electron in a hydrogenic atom and determine the radius at which the electron is
most likely to be found. 1 4 1 25 1 9 9.12(a) What is the orbital angular
momentum of an electron in the orbitals (a) 1s, (b) 3s, (c) 3d? Give the numbers
of angular and radial nodes in each case.
9.12(b) What is the orbital angular momentum of an electron in the orbitals (a)
4d, (b) 2p, (c) 3p? Give the numbers of angular and radial nodes in each case.
9.13(a) Locate the angular nodes and nodal planes of each of the 2p orbitals of a
hydrogenic atom of atomic number Z. To locate the angular nodes, give the angle
that the plane makes with the z-axis.
9.13(b) Locate the angular nodes and nodal planes of each of the 3d orbitals of a
hydrogenic atom of atomic number Z. To locate the angular nodes, give the angle
that the plane makes with the z-axis.
9.14(a) Which of the following transitions are allowed in the normal electronic
emission spectrum of an atom: (a) 2s → 1s, (b) 2p → 1s, (c) 3d → 2p? 9.14(b)
Which of the following transitions are allowed in the normal electronic emission
spectrum of an atom: (a) 5d → 2s, (b) 5p → 3s, (c) 6p → 4f?
9.15(a) What is the Doppler-shifted wavelength of a red (680 nm) traffic light
approached at 60 km h−1 ?
9.15(b) At what speed of approach would a red (680 nm) traffic light appear green
(530 nm)?
9.16(a) Estimate the lifetime of a state that gives rise to a line of width (a) 0.20
cm−1 , (b) 2.0 cm−1 .
9.16(b) Estimate the lifetime of a state that gives rise to a line of width (a) 200
MHz, (b) 2.45 cm−1 .
9.17(a) A molecule in a liquid undergoes about 1.0 × 1013 collisions in each
second. Suppose that (a) every collision is effective in deactivating the molecule
vibrationally and (b) that one collision in 100 is effective. Calculate the width (in
cm−1 ) of vibrational transitions in the molecule. 9.17(b) A molecule in a gas
undergoes about 1.0 × 109 collisions in each second. Suppose that (a) every
collision is effective in deactivating the molecule rotationally and (b) that one
collision in 10 is effective. Calculate the width (in hertz) of rotational transitions in
the molecule. 9.18(a) Write the ground-state electron configurations of the d-
metals from scandium to zinc. 9.18(b) Write the ground-state electron
configurations of the d-metals from yttrium to cadmium. 9.19(a) (a) Write the
electronic configuration of the Ni2+ ion. (b) What are the possible values of the
total spin quantum numbers S and MS for this ion? 9.19(b) (a) Write the
electronic configuration of the V2+ ion. (b) What are the possible values of the
total spin quantum numbers S and MS for this ion? 9.20(a) Calculate the
permitted values of j for (a) a d electron, (b) an f electron. 9.20(b) Calculate the
permitted values of j for (a) a p electron, (b) an h electron. 9.21(a) An electron in
two different states of an atom is known to have j = and . What is its orbital
angular momentum quantum number in each case? 9.21(b) What are the allowed
total angular momentum quantum numbers of a composite system in which j 1 =
5 and j 2 = 3? 9.22(a) What information does the term symbol 1 D2 provide about
the angular momentum of an atom? 9.22(b) What information does the term
symbol 3 F4 provide about the angular momentum of an atom? 1 2 3 2PROBLEMS
365 9.23(a) Suppose that an atom has (a) 2, (b) 3 electrons in different orbitals.
What are the possible values of the total spin quantum number S? What is the
multiplicity in each case? 9.23(b) Suppose that an atom has (a) 4, (b) 5, electrons
in different orbitals. What are the possible values of the total spin quantum
number S? What is the multiplicity in each case? 9.24(a) What atomic terms are
possible for the electron configuration ns 1 nd1 ? Which term is likely to lie lowest
in energy? 9.24(b) What atomic terms are possible for the electron configuration
np1 nd1 ? Which term is likely to lie lowest in energy? 9.25(a) What values of J
may occur in the terms (a) 1 S, (b) 2 P, (c) 3 P? How many states (distinguished by
the quantum number MJ ) belong to each level? 9.25(b) What values of J may
occur in the terms (a) 3 D, (b) 4 D, (c) 2 G? How many states (distinguished by the
quantum number MJ ) belong to each level? 9.26(a) Give the possible term
symbols for (a) Li [He]2s1 , (b) Na [Ne]3p1 . 9.26(b) Give the possible term
symbols for (a) Sc [Ar]3d1 4s2 , (b) Br [Ar]3d104s2 4p5 . 9.27(a) Which of the
following transitions between terms are allowed in the normal electronic
emission spectrum of a many-electron atom: (a) 3 D2 → 3 P1, (b) 3 P2 → 1 S0, (c)
3 F4 → 3 D3? 9.27(b) Which of the following transitions between terms are
allowed in the normal electronic emission spectrum of a many-electron atom: (a)
2 P3/2 → 2 S1/2, (b) 3 P0 → 3 S1, (c) 3 D3 → 1 P1

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