Solving Problems

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Solving Problems

Theoretical problems I may encounter? How will I resolve these problems?

Getting false information from an unreliable If I find some useful information that I could
website. use for my documentary, then I will double
check it on another website to see if the
information is correct.
Not knowing what the situation will be like I might not know what the lockdown situation
when it’s time to film. will be when I am planning so I will need to
plan for all situations and have back up plans
that still work for the documentary.
Not receiving enough survey responses. To ensure I get enough responses I will send it
out to more people and ask them to send it to
their friends. I will also put it on my social
media accounts.
Running out of time to complete the I have printed out my production schedule
documentary. also that I complete all tasks for each week. If I
do this then I will be on track to finish by the
Having an interviewee back out at the last To make sure this doesn’t affect me too much
minute. I will prepare for multiple interviews so that if
one person cannot continue it won’t impact
the documentary too much.
Not being able to film because of the I will do interviews via zoom. I will
Coronavirus. communicate with my interviewees before
and tell them how to set up the camera and
what to wear etc… I will need to do some
extra b-roll to make up for the bad interviews.
Bad weather when filming. I will have back up days to film in case there is
bad weather so that I am still able to film. I will
make sure everyone is available on the back
up days in case they are needed.
Road works or building works on location. When I am finding my locations, I will also
have a backup location in case for any reason
the original place is busy or has problems. I
will check these places out before the filming
days to make sure they will work for my

Practical problems I may encounter? How will I resolve these problems?

Bad lighting when doing the interviews. If I am doing them in person, I will do a
location recce before and check if the lighting
is ok. I will most likely film near a window so
Solving Problems
that I have natural light. If I am doing them on
zoom, I will ask them to do it near a window or
in a bright place.
Bad sound quality for interviews. I will check the quality on my camera if it is not
good and I am able to I will borrow a
microphone from college. If I have to do
interviews over zoom there isn’t much I can do
to help apart from get them to sit near their
Run out of storage on my camera. Before I begin the filming process, I am going
to buy a new memory card to make sure I
don’t run out of space when filming long

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