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Case Study (1)

I. Situation

Educational supervision is defined as a process of facilitating the professional growth

of a teacher, primarily by giving the feedback about classroom interactions and helping the
teacher make use of the feedback in order to make the teaching more effective. Therefore,
supervision broadly refers to the professional guidance and support provided by the
educational managers, who are expected to offer the teacher assistance that will enhance
and improve teacher motivation and classroom instruction.

This definition of educational supervision is very clear that the educational supervisor
which refers to the school head/principal in the school is responsible in making the teachers
perform better to give the best learnings to the learners. An ideal school head/principal could
inspire and encourage the teacher to do their tasks effectively and efficiently, to maintain
their good working relations with their co-workers and deliver the knowledge/skills to the
learners diligently. In a private school where I start working as a registrar/cashier, I observed
how the principal of the school supervise her teachers and the school. I can attest that, that
principal was good in supervising the school extra-curricular activities and she has the
autocratic type of leadership in school. I was close to her because my older sister was her
friend, that’s why I was one of her favorite in school though I was not belong in the teaching
department. But as I observed her, she has her favorites among the teachers, she
immediately praise and appreciate those teachers who were close to her when they
performed good in school, and ignore those teachers who were also a performer in school
just because she didn’t like them. It is not totally ignored but there is no sincerity in
recognizing them unlike to those teachers that she likes. No matter how they work hard in
school for the betterment of the students the hard work and sacrifices of those teachers
didn’t paid off. Sometimes I heard them discussing about their sentiments and I felt sad for
them because they don’t deserved an unfair treatment from their superior.

There was a certain teacher who didn’t hold her anger towards her because of how
she treated her in school. She confronted her in the principal office; they were an exchange
of foul words between that teacher and the principal. By the way, I was in the principal office
because we shared with the same office. The confrontation continued until some member of
the teaching force came and get involved in the scene. The confrontation stopped when the
ustadj of the school interfere and plead to stop. Their attention was called in the office of the
directors of the school to settle the issue.
II. Problem/s

The problem with the school head/principal is that she mixes her professional work
with personal interest. Obviously she is overwhelmed by her power as she is empowered by
the school directors and the school president. She is too much attach to her role, and
believed that the decision she made is for the welfare all of. She is playing the role of an
excellent school head, that in fact she needs improvement is some supervisory functions.
Because of that she forgets her function as educational supervisor.

III. Solution/s

As a supervisor, if you want to have a good relation with your teacher for them to
operate professionally in the inside and outside classroom, you must do the following

• Provide feedback on teacher’s performance it could either be positive or negative

and giving of feedback should be in private.
• Identify needs for staff development. Don’t let them feel that they are not worthy
of any professional growth.
• Ensure teacher motivation and morale. Supervision is not only for checking and
monitoring the availability and appropriateness of teaching learning materials but
also about checking the emotional status of your teacher.
• Provide professional support and guidance to the teachers.

As a superior, don’t let your personal emotion/ interest maneuver or control you in
dealing with your employees. Always remember that, a good employee is an asset of
an organization. Their success is your success; their loss is your loss. If you want to
fly high, be with them and extend your wing with them. Your employees is reflection
of how good you are as a boss or school head.

IV. Conclusion

Educational supervisory is a huge responsibility and you need to fully understand

functions and implement it appropriately. Higher positions comes with great responsibility. It
is very frustrating on our part as a teacher when we are handling by a school head with the
same manners of the principal in this case. And it is very unprofessional on the part of the
school head when they pretend to play their functions and act as an outstanding principal
when the truth is they really can’t handle it well. Therefore, to become school head/ principal
you need to make sure that you can be a great help to your teachers in terms of giving
support to your teachers, evaluating the students and teacher’s needs, and ensure the
appropriateness and accuracy of the deliberation of knowledge/skills to the learners and the
how the students receive education effectively.

V. References › educational-supervision-51911495
Case Study (2)

I. Situation

Salvador National High School is a second home to approximately 1,000 to 1,500

learners per school year. It is the only existing secondary school in the municipality of
Salvador, Lanao del Norte. This school caters to each of the learner’s needs, especially
academically the best ways all teachers could give. A school that caters this large number of
learners also signifies large amount of financial allocation from the Department of Education.
This financial allocation is widely known as the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses,
in short, the M.O.O.E. This financial assistance is released and given to each public school
annually, most possible, in staggered way of release, every 3 – 4 months per school year.
We can read more about this M.O.O.E. in DepEd Order No. 008, s. 2019 (Revised
Implementing Guidelines on the Direct Release, Use, Monitoring and Reporting of
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) Allocation of Schools, Including Other
Funds Managed by Schools).

On the other hand, the school was once known to collect a so-called PTA Fee. This
PTA Fee is amounting to Php540 per student and less Php100 if a student has siblings
studying in the same school, and that is already good for the whole year. Clearly, if I am a
mother of three highschoolers, I would need to pay a total of Php 1,420
(Php540+Php440+Php440). That’s a lot of money if we will be going to multiply it by the total
number of learners in such big school. Did you ever wonder why do one needs to pay
knowing that the government has been releasing financial assistance to the school?

II. Problem/s

Among all of different crisis we are experiencing right now the most common is the
financial crisis. Paying tuition fees/school fees is one of parents struggles yet, inevitable
since it’s one of our sole responsibility, to provide and to send our children to school.
Sometimes, it is really not a question of paying an amount of money for school fees but
above all is the TRANSPARENCY of the school’s financial status and operations, its
financial allocations. Problem existed when many of them were wondering regarding the
purpose of the collection of such big amount of money when they knew that the government
has been assisting the schools financially. The parents had many questions. They had been
wondering and asking as to what projects or allocations the PTA collection gone to. There
was no enough evidences and proofs showed transparency that time. There were also
allegations that the school head had been getting money from the collection without proper
arrangements with the other PTA Officers.
III. Solution/s

To solve such, parents came to a notion to ask help from the LGU of Salvador,
Lanao del Norte. They were certain to act that time since for the record, it was the second
time that the said school head was involved just with same issue. Years ago, the school
head was reported to the Division of Lanao del Norte but was forgiven and given another
chance. Then came March,2019 ,parents came and resulted to a rally in front of the school.
The event was covered and was televised in a local news. Parents shared their concerns
when media approached and interviewed any one of them. Reports and concerns were
already catered by the LGU. It was also known that the parents’ concerns were also reported
in Department of Education-Division of Lanao del Norte. Legally, it was studied thoroughly,
then final decision was, the school head was instructed not to go back in Salvador NHS for
duty. As of the present, she is a principal in a public school in the municipality of Lala, Lanao
del Norte. We just hope she would not be involved in such allegations again. After months of
transition, the school then was given a new administration in the leadership of a male school

IV. Conclusion

There can never be an easy job in this world. One of the very precious things we
must take care of is the trust of the people around us. Trust comes when one is honest and
transparent. There can also never be an assurance that the truth will never come out. Maybe
not in an instant but, truth has always been ways of showing itself. What is being entrusted
to one, whether of duty or money, big or small, one must be truthful and transparent. We as
parents don’t just pick money anywhere, not even on the ground to just live it being allocated
to unjust operations/expenses. Parents work hard to send their children to school even if it
would cost them a lot of their time, effort and money. Again, it was never the question of how
much was being paid, it was all about transparency and being trustworthy. We would
become school heads in the future, let’s make sure we’d never be involve in such awful
incident just like of the oust school head. Let’s take care of our name. Let’s be honest and
take care of every one’s trust. Let’s be transparent.

V. References

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