Team B of W4W Final Project Charter

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11 January 2021

Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

Project Charter


In the Philippines, almost 7 million people rely on unsafe and unsustainable water sources
while 24 million lack access to improved sanitation facilities (​Philippines Water Crisis -
Water In The Philippines 2020​). Those who lack access to clean water are usually those from
impoverished communities who cannot afford or do not have access to the said resource, and
such lack can cause a ripple effect of problems. On one hand, community members —
particularly women and children — may need to spend time fetching water if it isn’t readily
available in their homes. This leads to a loss of productive time that could have been spent on
important activities such as working, tending to the household, going to school, and
recreation. On the other hand, these communities are more prone to gastrointestinal illnesses.
To get treatment, they must spend time and economic resources which they may have so little
of already. With the COVID-19 pandemic in the picture, impoverished communities need
improved sanitation more than ever, given that the washing of hands is one of the prescribed
measures to stop the spread of the virus.

Barangay Sapang Uwak in Porac, Pampanga is just one of the many communities that do not
have access to clean water. The members of Sitio Pidpid rely on an undeveloped spring for
their domestic water use that has never undergone water quality testing. The lack of
infrastructure for clean water has led to incidences of gastrointestinal illnesses in the
community that prevent the members from doing productive and worthwhile activities,
whether it be going to school or tending to the household. While some members have been
more creative in filtering the fetched water (ex. using a cloth, boiling the water), most of
them still choose to consume directly from the source. Families with infants choose to buy
vended water, which they must walk 3 kilometers to purchase at a price of P30-P45 per 5
gallons. Last October 2019, in partnership with Tang Philippines, Waves For Water
Philippines was able to provide six manual water filtration systems in addition to the
installment of a rainwater catchment tank. In Waves For Water Philippines’ most recent visit
to the community, they were able to provide an additional amount of nine manual water
filtration systems and conduct a water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) module training.
11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

Despite the presence of technology coupled with WASH training, members of the community
failed to recognize the importance of the manual water filtration systems provided to them by
Waves For Water Philippines. According to the monitoring and evaluation report conducted
last July 2020 by Waves For Water Philippines, only one family in the community made use
of the filters for their drinking water and cooking due to their new born baby. The other filters
were just left to be stocked in the Chieftain's house. As a result, the community continues to
directly consume from the undeveloped spring source. In an interview with one of the
community leaders, the member shared that in order to make use of the manual water filters,
the community members still have to retrieve water from their spring source and then wait an
additional 30 minutes to filter one bucket of water. Given that there were only six filters
available to a total of 128 households, the community also struggled with the equal
distribution of the water filters.

Based on our team’s assessment of the situation in the community, our team was able to
identify the lack of direct access to water as the root problem faced by the community.
Without addressing the need for better access to a water source, the water filter systems
coupled with WASH training will be ineffective. In order to address the root problem, our
team recommends the installation of a hydraulic ram pump system to create a more direct
access to water for the community. Through the improved access to water, our team believes
that the manual water filter systems and WASH module training will be maximised by the
community members which will result in the overall health and well-being of the community​.


The Aeta community of Sitio Pidpid, Porac, Pampanga has improved health and well-being
because of improved access to water.

Specific Objectives

Objectives Success Criteria

Hire a third-party company or organization to ● Sign a memorandum of understanding

conduct the assessment of feasibility and between a third-party organisation,
appropriateness of a Ram Pump in the community Waves For Water Philippines, and W4W
of Sitio Pidpid and the succeeding installment of Team B by Jan 9, 2021 which outlines
said Ram Pump the agreement to conduct the on-site
assessment and analysis.
● Facilitate the on-site survey of the
community for Ram Pump Installation
by Jan 21, 2021 which will be conducted
by the third-party organisation .
11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

● Produce Ram Pump model estimation

through the third-party’s technical team
by Feb 8, 2021 which will include the
official price of the ram pump model,
timeline of construction, and delivery
and installation fees.

Raise funds for the purchase and installation of a ● Raise at least 80,000 pesos by May 15,
Hydraulic Ram Pump through an online fundraiser 2021 in order to cover all possible costs
and corporate sponsorships to be incurred for the assessment and
installation of the AIDFI Ram Pump
● Reach out to potential sponsor
companies and secure a partnership with
at least one sponsor corporation
● The sponsor corporation will help boost
exposure of the advocacy campaign and
fundraiser through sharing social media
posts and providing monetary donations

Create awareness towards the situation faced by ● Based on W4W’s current engagement
our partnered community through social media rate on Facebook, the goal is to double
engagement and effective storytelling that paints a the current average and aim for an
clear and truthful picture of the issue of the Aeta average of 80 post likes and 40 post
community with content that is both impactful and shares for all advocacy campaign posts
data-driven ● To successfully publish 2 testimonials
with the consent of community members
by the end of the campaign on May 15,
● To provide at least a 20% Instagram
follower growth for Waves for Water
Philippines from April 17 to May 15,
● Organise 2 partnerships advocacy-driven

Scope or High-level Requirements

In order to address the need for improved access to water in the Aeta community of Sitio
Pidpid, our team’s project goal is to facilitate the research and funding for the purchase of a
hydraulic ram pump. Used as a solution for pumping water from lower points to higher
elevations, the installation of a ram pump in the community of Sitio Pidpid will create direct
access to the community’s natural spring source without the use of any electricity or motor
driven machines. The product scope of the project is a social media advocacy campaign
paired with an online fundraiser through the use of all social media platforms of Waves for
Water Philippines. The project scope entails the coordination between a third party for the
assessment of the community in order to determine the feasibility of installing a ram pump,
11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

content creation for the advocacy campaign and online fundraiser, and lastly, the actual
implementation of an advocacy campaign and online fundraiser through all social media
platforms of Waves for Water Philippines.

Through the implementation of a social media advocacy campaign, the project aims to draw
attention to the issue of lack of access to water that the community faces by providing
background information and data on the issue and the community itself. The advocacy
campaign will also outline Waves for Water Philippines’ response to the issue of lack of
access to water in the community and will provide important information and data on the
feasibility and appropriateness of the installation of a ram pump in the community. Through
the online fundraiser, a target amount of funds to be raised will be identified for the purchase
and installation of the ram pump with a breakdown of costs and expenses. The level of
advocacy will be focused at the local level and will aim to establish partnerships between
advocacy-driven organisations and potential corporate sponsors. Thus, the project scope does
not include the purchase of the Ram Pump nor the assurance of reaching the identified target
amount of funds to be raised for the Ram Pump. Furthermore, the project scope does not
include the actual installation of the ram pump nor the impact assessment of the installed ram
pump in the community.

Within the Scope Deliverables Outside the Scope Deliverables

Coordinate with third-party consultant for the Purchasing of Ram Pump

Ram Pump assessment

Social Media Advocacy Campaign Installation of Ram Pump

Funds and Resource Mobilisation for Ram Pump Impact Assessment of the Ram Pump
through online fundraiser

Key Stakeholders

Partner Client Community Sitio Pidpid, Porac, Pampanga

or Institution Waves For Water Philippines

Sponsor / Board Emmanuel Joseph B. Solis II (DEV 107 Course Coach), Jenica
Dizon (Waves For Water Coordinator), Louie Cudo (OSCI

Project Manager Alexis Claire Venzon

11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

Deputy Project Manager Lianna Francesca Cabigas

Project Team Members Juan Gabriel Angeles

Gabriel Antonio Singson
Ma. Patricia Policarpio
Martin James Tan
Jaime Viceo
Krizia Zulueta

Empowerment Strategy Intervention Model

Amongst the different empowerment strategy intervention models, the team will make use of
three models in order to achieve the project’s goal of improving the health and wellbeing of
the Aeta community of Sitio Pidpid, Porac through improved access to water. The first
empowerment strategy model that the team will implement is in the form of an advocacy
campaign in order to ​raise awareness of the current state of water and sanitation in rural
communities in the Philippines specific to the Aeta community of Porac, Pampanga.
Through the implementation of a social media advocacy campaign, the project aims to draw
attention to the issue of lack of access to water that the community faces. The advocacy
campaign will also outline Waves for Water Philippines’ current response to the issue, such
as the supply of manual water filtration systems and installment of a rainwater catchment
system. The advocacy campaign will provide an avenue for the team to present its assessment
of the situation faced by the community and its proposed solution to the problem which is the
installment of a Hydraulic Ram Pump. By making use of Waves For Water Philippines’
social media platforms, the team aims to communicate the advocacy campaign at local level
in order to connect with relevant stakeholders such as the general public, potential donors,
potential corporate sponsors, and advocacy-driven organizations.

In tandem with the advocacy campaign, the team will make use of a fundraising and resource
mobilisation strategy through the implementation of an online fundraiser on all of Waves For
Water Philippines’ digital platforms. Through the use of social media, the team aims to reach
out to potential donors and link them to the various donation channels of Waves For Water
Philippines in order to raise the targeted amount of funds needed for the purchase and
installation of a ram pump for the Aeta community of Sitio Pidpid. Furthermore, the team
aims to tap into potential corporate sponsors that may provide necessary resources or funds
for the project’s duration and purchase of the ram pump.
11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

Lastly, the team will make use of a networking and partnerships intervention strategy by
hiring a third-party consultant to survey and assess the community of Sitio Pidpid in order to
determine the appropriateness and feasibility of installing a ram pump in the community.
Through the process of initiating and maintaining contact between the third-party consultant
and Waves for Water Philippines, the team will be able to coordinate an onsite survey of the
community which will allow the third-party consultant to create a technical analysis and
proposal of a Ram Pump model that will best suit the community. Once this is done, our team
will be able to identify the target amount of funds needed to be raised and determine the
feasibility of obtaining the funds through an online fundraiser.

Alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals

In line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, our project’s advocacy
campaign and fundraiser is hinged upon the third SDG on Good Health and Well-being, and
the sixth SDG on Clean Water and Sanitation. According to the current assessment of the
Philippines’ progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, significant
challenges remain in achieving clean water and sanitation for all (Sustainable Development
Report: Philippines, 2020). In order to draw attention to the issue of water and sanitation in
the Philippines, our project consists of an advocacy campaign that advocates for the lack of
access to water and sanitation faced by the Aeta Community of Sitio Pidpid, Porac

Our project aims to directly address SGD 6 by focusing on the target to “substantially
increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and
supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people
suffering from water scarcity” (Water and Sanitation – United Nations Sustainable
Development 2020). Through the raising of funds for the purchase and installation of a
Hydraulic Ram Pump in the Aeta community of Sitio Pidpid, community members will no
longer have to spend around 31 - 60 minutes fetching water from the nearest spring source.
This reduction in time spent fetching water can greatly increase the opportunity for better
management of food and energy production and contribute to decent work and economic
growth (Why it matters: Clean Water and Sanitation 2020).

Furthermore, by addressing the need for improved access to water in the community, the
community will be able to explore further interventions that will address the need for access
to safe and affordable drinking water from treated water sources. This can be translated into
SDG 3 by targeting the end of the epidemic of waterborne diseases and reducing the number
of deaths and illnesses from water pollution and contamination by 2030 in order to ensure
healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages (Water and Sanitation – United
Nations Sustainable Development 2020). Now more than ever, communities living in
11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

vulnerability need adequate and equitable access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
services in order to combat the covid-19.


The project started on December 8, 2020. Its main milestones are as follows:
Memorandum of understanding signed between third-party January 11, 2021
company, Waves For Water Philippines, and W4W Team B

Third-party company sends official ram pump model proposal February 8, 2021
including price points of delivery and installation fees

Campaign plan approved by Waves For Water March 1, 2021

World Water Day March 22, 2021

List of partner organizations for campaign finalized March 26, 2021

Campaign and fundraiser launched on social media April 17, 2021

Closing of fundraiser and final day for advocacy campaign May 15, 2021

Funds are consolidated and turned over to third-party company May 22, 2021

Project Ended May 22, 2021

Budget Summary

In order to allocate necessary funds for the implementation of the project, the team has
identified an estimate of the total shared services, transaction costs, direct costs, and indirect
costs that will incur during the entire duration of the project. The direct costs of the project
would entail transportation allowances, food allowances, and communication allowances
during the onsite community visits of the Waves For Water Philippines and the third-party
consultant for the assessment of the ram pump in the community. In addition, a separate fee
of P3,000 will incur for the onsite survey and the ram pump model estimation conducted by
the third-party consultant. The transaction costs of the project would entail the indirect
expenses of the team such as the use of internet connection and communication channels for
the coordination between partners and team members, graphic design and copywriting
programs for the content creation of the advocacy campaign, and electronic devices to be
used for the bulk of project deliverables.
11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

The shared services accounted for in the project budget incurred by the project team entail the
personal resources and labor spent on the coordination between stakeholders for the
assessment of the ram pump in the community, creation of advocacy campaign, and
coordination of the online fundraiser for the Ram Pump. ​Given that project duration is a total
of 102 days and assuming that each member will work a total 1 hour per day, the total labor
costs incurred by the project would be Php 50,857 at an hourly rate of Php 62.5 based on the
daily minimum wage rate of NCR which is a total of Php 500 divided by eight hours​. Lastly,
an important cost estimate would be the target amount of funds needed to purchase the ram
pump model. According to the price points provided by the third party consultant for the ram
pump, the largest ram pump offered with a size of 6” in diameter, with a flow rate of 1,000 to
2,500 liters of water from the source per minute, is priced at Php 69,000. This will be used as
the basis for the target amount of funds to be raised by the online fundraiser organised by the

Constraints, Assumptions, Risks, and Opportunities

Constraints Scope Constraints

A major constraint that may potentially impact the project requirements

would be the pandemic and quarantine guidelines. The pandemic makes it
harder for the group to do their work requirements since it stops the group
from conducting community visits in order to gain important information
for the online advocacy campaign. The pandemic also limits the
communication between group members to an online basis only, making it
harder to work and revise the needed deliverables. This also makes it harder
to communicate and conduct interviews with the partner community.

Financial and Material Constraints

Depending on how much money is raised and how much money W4W is
willing to contribute, the actual ram pump installed may differ according to
the outcomes of the fundraiser. Another constraint on costs could be the
amount of money that could be allotted for other internal activities, such as
outsourcing a graphic designer or video editor to aid in the creation of
marketing materials. However, due to financial constraints, the team will
have to handle the design and creation of all advocacy campaign materials.

Human Resource Constraints

11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

A constraint to resources could be the number of team members for the

project. This quarter, one of the original members did not take SocSc 13;
this makes it harder for the groupmate to catch up with the full extent of the
project due to a learning curve. The team will also have to invest time into
bringing up this groupmate up to speed with the project plan.

Time Constraints

In the original plans, the installation of the ram pump was included in the
project timeline. However, after hearing the schedule estimates from
AIDFI, it became apparent that we would be unable to fit this within the
semester schedule. Hence, this constraint led us to adjusting our project
scope. Another constraint on time could be that the groups schedule must
follow the W4W schedule since they are the ones conducting community
visits needed to gain needed information for the online advocacy campaign.
Additionally, whenever conducting the interviews with community
members, we can only ask for a short amount of time with them so as not to
greatly inconvenience the community members.

Quality Constraints

One constraint on the quality of project outcomes could be the limited

information gained from the community which would make it harder to
create marketing materials for the online advocacy campaign. Another
constraint would be the group members lack of access and knowledge on
how to use social media and other platforms to create online materials such
as infographics, posters and other content. Hence, the team will face certain
difficulties in producing the same level of content quality that Waves for
Water might be accustomed to.

Assumptions: 1. The group is relying on the assumption that sufficient funds will be
collected to conduct the installation of the ramp pump.
2. The group also relies on the condition that the community is willing
to allow the installation of the ram pump and is willing to actively
integrate this new technology into their daily lives.
3. The group is also relying on certain assumptions that involve Waves
for Water Philippines:
11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

a. W4W will be able to conduct community visits and proceed

with the interviews for the testimonials that will be a main
feature of the advocacy campaign.
b. Waves for Water’s social media reach will aid in gaining
high exposure and engagement on the advocacy campaign
c. W4W has assured the group that they are willing to shoulder
any other costs that aren’t covered by the initial funds raised.

High-Level 1. A high-level risk would be failure to secure a third-party company

Risks: who is able to perform the community assessment and installation.
As of the moment, the third-party consultant’s ability to do an onsite
survey remains to be the most pressing risk since there is a
possibility that travel restrictions due to the pandemic will deter a
technical team from a third-party consultant from visiting the
community in order to conduct an onsite survey and assessment.
This step is also crucial to the entire project since a green light
regarding the compatibility of a ram pump in the community must
be given before launching the fundraiser.
2. Another high level risk that could interfere with the project could be
W4W cancelling their community visits. The cancellation of
community visits would make it more difficult for the group
members to obtain the necessary information and media materials
for the online advocacy campaign that is crucial to the fundraiser.
3. Moreover, the cancellation of classes has been identified as a
high-level risk as this event is completely out of the control of the
group and is highly dependent on many factors such as the global
pandemic, the unstable political climate, and possible weather
disturbances. Should classes be cancelled, this would derail the
progress of the group and the already laid out implementation plan.
4. Lastly, another high-level risk that garnered a score of 10 in the Risk
Register would be the possibility of AIDFI declaring that they will
not be able to install a ram pump due to possible adverse effects on
the environment or other geographical reasons. This poses a huge
risk to the project implementation since it would signify a need for a
significant change in the project direction.
5. It’s worth noting that risks concerning financial matters were not
considered high-risk due to the reassurance of Waves of Water to
subsidize any shortages in the funds raised.
11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

Opportunities: 1. The first major benefit of the project would be an increased social
awareness on the need for access to clean water within the
community of Sitio Pidpid and indigeneous communities as a whole.
The campaign aims to expose more people to the reality faced by
our community in this day and age.
2. The second major benefit of the fundraiser is providing the
community with secure and safe access to water that is much closer
than their current source of water. Due to this, community members
will spend less time traveling to the water source and will have more
time to focus on other productive activities or leisure time for their
family. The increased access to water is also an opportunity for
community members to maximise the use of the manual water filter
systems provided by Waves For Water and put into practice the
WASH modules on a daily basis instead of the current ‘minsan lang’
attitude of the community. This would lead to an overall improved
well-being for the community members of Sitio Pidpid.
3. The project could also help in building relationships with the
community and donors that could be beneficial for future projects.

Governance and Project Management Structure

A. Governance
11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

The highest tier of the organizational chart consists of the Project Board, which is composed
of our Course Coach, OSCI Formator, and Partner Institution Representative and is
represented by the dashed lines surrounding them. As the Project Board, they hold the
majority of the decision-making authority and are regularly consulted by the Project Team
regarding updates and clarifications on the project scope and details. They have authority to
halt the team operations or revert the project direction according to their analysis. They must
also hold the Project Leaders and Project Team accountable for the execution of the proposed
project implementation and ensure that the tolerances discussed below are followed
throughout the duration of the project.

Directly below them are the Project Manager and Project Deputy who are in charge of
directly communicating with the Project Board for meetings and significant project decisions.
Specifically, the Project Manager sets the direction of the team meetings and deliverables,
while the Project Deputy assists the PM in documentation, project tracking, and any other
supporting activity. Together, they are in charge of delegating responsibilities to the project
members and ensuring that all deadlines and deliverables are accomplished by project team
members. In the event of a project member dropping out or an unforeseen event arises during
the project, they are responsible for mitigating the consequences and consulting with the
Project Board on the appropriate measures to be taken.
11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

Finally, the Project Team is then responsible for executing their assigned deliverables from
the RACI and GANTT Chart in order to accomplish the project objectives. It is also worth
noting that our project managers in the following semester will be taking on the role for a
second time. Upon much deliberation and discussions within the group, we believe this is the
best step moving forward in order to maintain continuity from the work that was
accomplished this semester. Our Project Manager, for example, has already been in constant
communication with the third-party company AIDFI and it would be simply inefficient and
cause more confusion on the client's side to reassign a new point person. With the addition of
a new member next semester, the group also agreed it’s important to minimize the amount of
changes in the team to maintain our current momentum and positive team dynamic. Hence, it
was decided as a whole group that the chosen project managers would be the best fit to lead
the team through the execution of the project.

B. Tolerance

Tolerance Levels Description

Benefits Tolerance: ​The range for the As mentioned earlier, a major risk is the attainment
acceptable performance of the project at the of the goal amount in order to install the desired
ram pump. However, in the event that the total
outcomes level of the logical framework
funds raised by both the team and Waves for Water
is not sufficient for the desired ram specification,
then the team could settle for a cheaper ram pump
as per the guidance of the third-party organisation.
Despite any project changes or risks, the ram pump
installation must still be followed through by the

Time tolerance: The amount of time by The project timeline may exceed only until June 5,
which a project can exceed or fall short of 2021 as this is the end of the semester for the team.
If the fundraiser goal is met earlier than the closing
project completion dates.
of the fundraiser, this is very much welcome and the
team will simply continue to keep donation
channels open until the official closing of the

Cost tolerance​: The percentage, or a cash Since the current goal of P80,000 already has
amount, by which the project can be over or some allowance for unforeseen costs, the
under against the planned budget. project team is setting a low tolerance of 10%
for exceeding the budget. If the costs go below
the budget, this won’t pose a problem and any
extra funds raised will be channeled back into
helping the community through other means
such as seed money for maintenance and
11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

repairs or any upgrades that can still be made to

the ram pump.

Scope tolerance: An agreed variation from As mentioned in the risks, there may be some
the work needed to be done in order to unforeseen tasks needed to accomplish the
accomplish the project. hiring of the third party company or the launch
of the advocacy campaign; additional tasks
needed to accomplish these objectives will be
accommodated. However, additions to the
overall scope of the project will have to be
covered by W4W. For example, if the project
requires coordination with AIDFI for a
post-installment check up, this would have to
be handled by W4W Philippines as this is
beyond our scope.

Risk tolerance​: Identify which risks need to All complications that involve the hiring of the
be brought to the attention of the higher third-party company, the installation of the ram
pump proper, and major changes in the scope will
project governance level.
be brought to the attention of the higher governance
level. Other than this, regular updates will be given
to ensure that the Project Board is aware of the
progress of the campaign and fundraiser.

Quality tolerance​: Target for acceptable For advocacy campaign materials, the minimum
performance and standard of a project amount of publications to be published would be ½
of the planned posts. In terms of performance, the
product (e.g. training materials, advocacy
acceptable standard for post engagement would be
campaign materials, etc.) or service. to reach at least 40 post likes and 15 post shares as
this is the average amount of post engagement
Waves for Water’s FB page gets on a regular day.

Change Control

In the event that the project exceeds any of the tolerance levels identified above, certain
processes will have to take place to accommodate the unforeseen circumstances. First, the
Project Manager and Project Deputy will hold an emergency meeting with the Project Team
11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

to discuss all possible routes of action. The leaders will facilitate a brainstorming session and
discussion in order to come up with a consensus on how to move forward given the changes.
Upon reaching a consensus, it is up to the Project Leaders to refine and polish any last details
before then presenting it to the Project Board for final approval.

Approval Signatures

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Jenica Dizon​, Project Mark Anthony D. Abenir​, Louie Cudo​, Project Board
Partner Client Project Board

Alexis Claire Venzon​, Lianna Francesca Cabigas​, Juan Gabriel Angeles​,

Project Manager Deputy Project Manager Project Team Member

Gabriel Antonio Singson​, Ma. Patricia Policarpio​, Martin James Tan​, Project
Project Team Member
Project Team Member Team Member

Krizia Zulueta​, Project

Team Member


GMA News Online. (2019, November 14). WATCH: How a kid's idea changed the lives of
an Aeta Community in Pampanga #KidsGetItDone. Retrieved December 22, 2020,
11 January 2021
Online Advocacy Campaign and Fundraiser for the Purchase of a Ram Pump for the
Community of Sitio Pidpid

Philippines Water Crisis - Water In The Philippines 2020. (2020). Retrieved October 09,
2020, from

Sustainable Development Report: Philippines. (n.d.). Retrieved December 22, 2020, from

Water and Sanitation – United Nations Sustainable Development. (n.d.). Retrieved December
22, 2020, from

Water shortage in the Philippines threatens sustainable development and health. (n.d.).
Retrieved December 21, 2020, from

Why it matters: Clean Water and Sanitation. (n.d.). Retrieved December 22, 2020, from

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