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Procedia Computer Science 00 (2017) 000–000
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2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2017,

2nd International Conference on Computer
ICCSCI 2017, Science
13-14 October andBali,
2017, Computational
Indonesia Intelligence 2017,
ICCSCI 2017, 13-14 October 2017, Bali, Indonesia
Offline Signature
Signature Recognition
Recognition and
and Verification
Verification System
System using
Efficient Fuzzy Kohonen Clustering Network (EFKCN) Algorithm
Efficient Fuzzy Kohonen Clustering Network (EFKCN) Algorithm
Dewi Suryani, Edy Irwansyah∗∗, Ricki Chindra
Dewi Suryani, Edy Irwansyah , Ricki Chindra
Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Jl. K. H. Syahdan No. 9, DKI Jakarta, 11480, Indonesia
Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Jl. K. H. Syahdan No. 9, DKI Jakarta, 11480, Indonesia

Research on offline signature recognition still has not shown satisfactory results as the results of recent research. Therefore this
study aimsontooffline signature
proposed recognition
an offline signaturestill has not shown
recognition satisfactory
and verification results
system as theemployed
which results ofanrecent research.
efficient Thereforeclus-
fuzzy Kohonen this
study aims to proposed an 1offline signature recognition and verification system which employed an efficient fuzzy Kohonen clus-
tering networks (EFKCN) 1 algorithm. The proposed recognition system and signature verification system consist of five stages
tering networks
including (EFKCN) image
data acquisition, algorithm. The proposed
processing, recognition clustering,
data normalization, system andand signature verification
evaluation. system consist
The recognition of fivepatterns
of signature stages
including data acquisition,
using the clustering methodimage processing,
with the data normalization,
EFKCN algorithm clustering,
shows relatively betterand evaluation.
result with 70% The recognition
accuracy of signature
compared patterns
to the accuracy
using the clustering
of previous researchmethod
2 the EFKCN
which is 53%, algorithm
and a good shows relatively
signature better result
recognition resultwith
can70% accuracy compared
be developed to the
to assist the accuracy
of previous research results which is 53%, and a good signature recognition
system as well as the personal data verification system as made in this study. result can be developed to assist the verification
system as well as the personal data verification system as made in this study.
c 2017

© 2017 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by
by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
c 2017 The Authors.

Peer-review Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of
of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Computer
Computer Science
Science and
and Com-
putational under responsibility
2017.2017.of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Com-
putational Intelligence 2017.
Keywords: Signature Recognition, Verification System, EFKCN
Keywords: Signature Recognition, Verification System, EFKCN

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
In the present, there are several ways to check the validity of one’s personal data, starting from using signature to
In the present,
fingerprint. thereisare
Signature several
a sign as aways
symbolto check
of the thenamevalidity of by
written one’s
hand anddata, starting
by the person from usingassignature
himself to
a personal
fingerprint. Signature is a sign as a symbol of the name written by the hand and by the person himself
marker. Signatures are often used in data verification either in schools, banks, corporations, hospitals, government, and as a personal
much more. Signatures
Due to are
the often used inofdata
importance verification
signature either
function, in schools,
there are many banks, corporations,
parties who want tohospitals,
manipulate government, and
the signatures
much more. Due to the importance of signature function, there are many parties who want to manipulate
of others. Duplicate signatures can be detrimental and included in the criminal realm. Identifying signatures can be the signatures
of others. Duplicate
ascertained both onlinesignatures can Online
and offline. be detrimental
signatureand included is
recognition inused
the criminal
by puttingrealm. Identifying
a signature on thesignatures
pen tabletcan be
ascertained both online and offline. Online signature recognition is used by putting a signature on
offline signature recognition is done by using a scanner. Until now, research on offline signature recognition still has the pen tablet while
not shown signature recognition
satisfactory resultsisasdone by using
the results of arecent
scanner. Untilconducted
research now, research on offline
by Ahmed signature
et al. 3 recognition still has
3 . In the other hand, Bezdek
not shown
4 satisfactory
1 results as the results5of recent research conducted by Ahmed et al. . In the other hand,4 Bezdek
et al. 4 , Yang et al. 1 , and Irwansyah et al. 5 are developing a fuzzy Kohonen clustering networks (FKCN) 4 and an
et al. , Yang
efficient fuzzyetKohonen
al. , andclustering
et al. are developing
(EFKCN) 1 a fuzzy Kohonen
algorithms clusteringwhich
for data clustering networksin its(FKCN) and an
efficient fuzzy Kohonen clustering networks (EFKCN) 1 algorithms for data clustering which in its implementation

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +62-21-534-5830 ext 2188; fax: +62-21-530-0244

∗ Corresponding
E-mail address:author. Tel.: +62-21-534-5830 ext 2188; fax: +62-21-530-0244
E-mail address:
1877-0509  c 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review cunder
2017 The Authors. ofPublished by Elsevier B.V. the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelli-
Peer-review © 2017responsibility
The Authors. the scientific
Published committee
Elsevier of
scientificbycommittee B.V.
gence 2017. under
responsibility of the of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelli-
under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and
gence 2017.
Computational Intelligence 2017.
622 Dewi Suryani et al. / Procedia Computer Science 116 (2017) 621–628
2 Suryani et al. / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2017) 000–000

can produce a correct rate up to 92.67%. In this paper, we proposed an offline signature recognition and verification
system which employed the EFKCN algorithm. Like Chaudhari et al. 2 , Salambue 6 , and Ainun et al. 7 , we also applied
Hu’s seven moment variant 8 as our preprocessing method. Unlike the others, we focus on EFKCN algorithm.

2. Related Work

Signature is an important part of human life. Several tasks need a signature to be completed, especially for per-
sonal authentication and verification. Due to its significant function, sometimes is misused by other people. In order
to prevent that problem, many researches were done in developing a system to automatically recognize the human
signatures 2,3,6,7,9 . Chaudhari et al. 2 are being part of it who proposed a signature recognition system by implementing
fuzzy min-max algorithm 10 in a neural network framework. In their approach, the construction of the system is begun
with preprocessing data and extracting its information using data acquisition and Hu’s seven moment invariant. They
reported a significant improvement in the accuracy which is nearly 53% and up to 92% when increasing the signatures
per class.
Moreover, the study of Ismail and team 9 successfully built another recognition and verification system using prin-
cipal components analysis (PCA) 11 which focuses on offline signature. They separated the process into two different
tasks, i.e., the recognition that used k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier and the verification that used artificial neural
network (ANN). However, before both tasks running, the image preprocessing and feature extractions were applied by
PCA. Their result using PCA is rising approximately 5% in false recognition rate (FRR) compared to the experiment
without PCA.
Furthermore, the approach of Ahmed et al. 3 concentrated in feature extraction methods for offline signature recog-
nition and verification system. Here, they employed the projection-based of Discrete Radon Transform (DRT) as the
method that consists of horizontal, vertical, and the combination of both projections. However, they need a signature
preprocessing, which is done by Otsu’s threshold method 12 . For training the signatures data, their work implemented
dynamic time warping (DWT) algorithm using Euclidean distance. By taking the advantages of the projection-based
DRT, they achieved optimal performances in processing time, memory storage, and results, particularly the combina-
tion of horizontal and vertical projections. The results are measured by false rejection rate (FRR), false acceptance
rate (FAR), total error rate (TER) and equal error rate (EER), i.e., 8.49, 5.60, 14.09, and 7.60 respectively, which is
impressive results as a new approach.
Similar to Chaudhari et al. 2 approach, Salambue 6 and Ainun et al. 7 proposed the signature recognition system
which preprocessed the data using Hu’s moment invariant. However, their recognition methods are different. For
Salambue 6 , he used the Euclidean distance algorithm as the classification and recognition method while Ainun et al. 7
utilized the radial basis function (RBF) neural network. Based on their conducted experiments, Ainun and the team
gain 12% of error rate for the classification task and 20% for the recognition task.

3. Methodology

Five stages of the study were carried out consisting of (1) data acquisition, (2) image processing, (3) data normal-
ization, (4) clustering, and (5) evaluation. Data acquisition was conducted for 80 samples of signatures obtained from
8 persons with 10 different conditions in both sitting, standing, silent, and fast conditions. 50 signatures were used as
training data and another 30 were used as test data.
Image processing stages consist of preprocessing and feature extraction sub-stages. The preprocessing sub-stages
are a series of data scan processes to Red Green Blue (RGB) format, conversion to grayscale, convert to binary image,
inverted binary image, border elimination, and bounding box extraction. Grayscale image is a blend of gray color
variations. From black at the lowest intensity to white at the highest intensity. To get the intensity value by using the
following formula:
grayscale = 0.2989 ∗ R + 0.5870 ∗ G + 0.1140 ∗ B (1)

Border elimination function to make the signatures look more unified and the bounding box extract works to remove
unused backgrounds, so the signature pattern looks more clear. At the feature extraction stage will be used moment
Dewi Suryani et al. / Procedia Computer Science 116 (2017) 621–628 623
Suryani et al. / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2017) 000–000 3

invariant. This method is useful for normalizing an image that changes due to scale and rotation. The respondent’s
signature will be normalized to:

1. Regular moment: moments obtained from boundary shapes and interior areas, converted into functions to be
implemented for digital imagery.
M pq = x yx p yq f (x, y) (2)

2. Center moment: centroid image is used to normalize invariant translations in the image field.
M10 M01
X̄ = , Ȳ = (3)
M00 M00

Furthermore, the central moment can be determined discretely as follows:

M pq = x y(X − X̄) p (Y − Ȳ)q (4)

3. Normalization of the central moment: to normalize the change.

µ pq
n pq = (5)
µ00 γ

4. Seven non-linear function: normalize the signature of scale change, translation, and rotation.
Φ1 = n20 + n02
Φ2 = (n20 + n02 )2 + 4n20 2 11
Φ3 = (n30 + 3n12 )2 + (n30 + 3n21 )2
Φ4 = (n30 + n12 )2 − (n30 + 3n21 )2
Φ5 = (3n30 − 3n12 )(n30 + n12 )[(n30 + n12 )2 3(n21 + 3n03 )2 ](n21 − n03 )(n21 + n03 )x[3(n30 + n12 )2 − (n21 + n03 )2 ]
Φ6 = (n20 − n02 )[(n30 + n12 )2 − (n21 + n03 )2 ]4n11 (n30 − n12 )(n21 + n03 )
Φ7 = (3n21 − n03 )(n30 + n12 )[(n30 + n12 )2 3(n21 + n03 )2 ](3n12 − n30 )(n21 + n03 )x[3(n30 + n12 )2 − (n21 + n30 )2 ]

Obtained results:
Φ1 = 2.2846; Φ2 = 0.097881; Φ3 = 1.3926; Φ4 = 0.027233; Φ5 = −0.0010864; Φ6 = 0.0020606; Φ7 =

The invariant moment value is then normalized using min-max normalization in order to generate values in the
range of 0 to 1. Having obtained the value of normalized invariant moment, then is clustering data with FKCN
algorithm. This algorithm combines the learning rate of Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM) algorithm and KCN’s all vector update.
FKCN algorithm works with following stages:

1. Compute the learning rate:

mt = m0 − t ∗ ∆m, ∆m = (m0 − 1)/tmax (6)
||Xk − Vi,t−1 ||  m−1

uik,t = (7)
||Xk − V j,t−1 ||

2. Determination of FKCN learning rate:

αik,t = (uik,t )mt (8)

624 Dewi Suryani et al. / Procedia Computer Science 116 (2017) 621–628
4 Suryani et al. / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2017) 000–000

3. Update all weight vector:

k=1 αik,t (xk − vi,t−1 )
vi,t = vi,t−1 + n (9)
j=1 αi j,t

4. Compute:

Et = ||Vt − Vt−1 || (10)

5. If Et < E, else t = t + 1 then back to first step.

After obtaining cluster center data invariant moment invited using Euclidean distance by using cluster center
FKCN. In this study used EFKCN which update the learning rate can be adjusted based on fuzzy membership to
produce optimal learning rate 1,5 . EFKCN improved learning rate: tu = fuzzy membership upper limit and td = the
lower limit of fuzzy membership.

 (uik,t )mu , uik,t > tu

αik,t = 
 (uik,t )mt , td ≤ uik,t ≤ tu

(uik,t )md , uik,t ≤ td

tu = 0.7; td = 0.3; mu = 0.4; md = 3;

The clustering results are then evaluated by testing 30 signatures. The data in the form of a signature will be
identified by the range of distance to the cluster center, if it is within the specified Euclidean minimum distance, the
data will be recognized as the original signature and vice versa, if the signature is beyond the specified range, it is
considered not as an original signature. After believed the test results show good results, then developed an application
that can be used to verify access to personal data.

4. Experiment and Result

Signature Data Training

Sample signatures in the process by means of a scan so that the format of RGB, which is then converted into
grayscale format with the aim to more easily converted into binary image. The converted binary image has a pixel
value ‘0’ for the black signature pattern and ‘1’ for the white background. The binary image is then converted into an
inverted binary image so that the black background has a pixel value of ‘1’ and the object becomes white with pixel
value ‘0’. Eliminating the border is meant for a more unified signature pattern which can then be extracted bounding
box so that the unnecessary background will be removed and only take the signature pattern. The extracted results data
are then normalized using Hu’s moment invariant so that it is invariant to scale, rotation, and transformation changes.
Data moment invariant then normalized using min-max normalization. The functionality of the training feature is
intended to select the signature to be tested in order to determine the signature owner (Fig. 1).
For training needs, signatures are performed in a variety of conditions whether sitting, standing, and fast conditions.
The facts show that signatures under different conditions affect the shape of the signature. Training conducted on 50
signatures from 10 respondents, obtained training results in the form of a cluster center for each signature owner as
Fig. 2.
The signature to be tested will be processed in order to find the Euclidean distance value to determine the cluster
data center of the tested signature. If the Euclidean distance can be within a predetermined distance then the signature
will go into the cluster. Before entering, the process must be through the combination of data first as can be seen in
Fig. 3.
Dewi Suryani et al. / Procedia Computer Science 116 (2017) 621–628 625
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Fig. 1: Screen display data and training results where the left side is the results of the right side data

Fig. 2: Signatures of 10 respondents used in the training. The label of each signature is attached on top of the image

Table 1: Rule combination after normalization

Data 1 with data 2. Data 2 with data 3. Data 3 with data 4.

Data 1 with data 3. Data 2 with data 4. Data 3 with data 5.
Data 1 with data 4. Data 2 with data 5. Data 3 with data 6.
Data 1 with data 5. Data 2 with data 6. Data 3 with data 7.
Data 1 with data 6. Data 2 with data 7.
Data 1 with data 7.
Data 4 with data 5. Data 5 with data 6. Data 6 with data 7.
Data 4 with data 6. Data 5 with data 7.
Data 4 with data 7.

Seven data moment invariant that has been normalized with min-max normalization will be combined with the
rules as described in Table 1. The combination rules are divided into six variants where the first rule is the merging of
data 1 to data 7, then the data 2 collaborates with the data 3 to data 7 as the second rules, and so on.
626 Dewi Suryani et al. / Procedia Computer Science 116 (2017) 621–628
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Fig. 3: Screen display data clustering and training results

Table 2: Accuracy signature testing data using EFKCN algorithm

Cluster Signature of Respondent to- Accuracy

Respondent 1 2 3 (%)
1 6 9 6 0%
2 2 2 2 100%
3 3 10 5 33.3%
4 4 4 4 100%
5 5 5 8 66.7%
6 6 6 6 100%
7 7 7 7 100%
8 4 4 4 0%
9 9 9 9 100%
10 10 10 10 100%
Accuracy Average 70%

Signature Data Clustering

The results of the training data are then used to test the results of signature identifiers by the clustering method.
The result of clustering test with EFKCN algorithm is as can be seen in Table 2 as follows.
The test results show that EFKCN is able to recognize the signatures as much as 70% with the other 30% leading
to the signatures of other respondents. In the training and test data, there are 3 data that have low accuracy of 1, 3, and
8 person signatures respectively with 33.3% and 0% accuracy (based on Table 2). Although the signatures generated
by each person are different but the value of feature extraction uses the person invariant moments of 1.3 and 8 are
almost identical with others causing the classification of the signature to point to different clusters. The 1st person
has similarity with the invariant moment value of the 6th and 9th persons, the 3rd person is similar to the 5th and
8th persons invariant value, and the 8th person has the same invariant moment with the 4th person. In Table 2, the
accuracy of the training data is smaller than the accuracy of the test data. Where should the value of test accuracy is
smaller than the value of training accuracy. This is because a person’s signature may not always be exactly the same
between one signature with another signature so, it does not rule out that the accuracy of the test results is greater than
the accuracy of the training.
Dewi Suryani et al. / Procedia Computer Science 116 (2017) 621–628 627
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Signature Recognition for Personal Data Verification

A signature recognition system with better accuracy than the previous research is then developed into an application
for verification of personal data in order to limit access to personal data. The appearance of the created application is
depicted in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4: The application appearance with Otnel’s signature as an example that does not match with the recognition result

Testing of forged signatures in the case of this study is actually the property of Otnel’s signature as the example.
The signature does not match the personal data of each person. The signature shows the clusters of others. And the
invariant moment obtained from the signature is much different. The comparison can be seen in the Fig. 4 and 5.

Fig. 5: Moment invariant of Otnel’s signature

As we can see in Fig. 5, the comparison between invariant moments of the original signatures and the forged
signature of Otnel respondents is as follows:
Otnel: 2.8238; 5.4619; 1.6474; 0.82552; 0.95825; 1.7105; 0.092353
Forged Otnel: 1.6117; 0.70283; 1.1087; 0.18211; 0.079151; 0.1293; 0.020746
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5. Conclussion

The same signature pattern of respondents may differ depending on the condition of the signature so as to allow
an error in the recognition of the signature pattern. The recognition of signature patterns using the clustering method
with the EFKCN algorithm shows relatively better results with 70% accuracy compared to the accuracy of previous
research results 2 which is 53%. A good signature pattern recognition can be developed to assist the verification system
as well as the personal data verification system made in this study.


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