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Von Mikel O.

Idiesca ENTRE 1-2

1. Identify 5 Filipino scientists not mentioned in the lesson. Attached the

pictures from websites and other sources. Discuss their contributions
in their field of specialization.

 Irene Crisologo

- She is in Germany working on open- source methods for processing weather

radar data. She said that there is a possibility that we can customize various
methods to suit the local condition that enhance the monitoring of weather and
also forecasting. She called it “the enemy of short-term band-aid solutions.”

 Julius Sempo
- He invented thing in his own home by creating a not-so-typical invention. He is
developing an effective archive and database from Diwata-1 which is the
microsatellite that Philippines launched into the orbit. The Diwata-2 is in the
making and ensure that it will be easier to access in terms of monitoring the
environment and detecting it.

 Andreia Carillo

- She is an astrophysicist and based in Austin, Texas. She published a paper that
shows the characteristics of the dwarf galaxy 15 million years away and it
includes the stars that had some implication in our nature.

 Kamela Ng
- She is a molecular epidemiologist. She focused on the early detection of drug
resistant-tuberculosis transmission. Her goal is to implement the drug-resistant
surveillance in our country since tuberculosis is timely and a deadly disease that
affect thousands of people in the Philippines.

 Migs Canilao

- He is an anthropologist and archaeologist. His research is focusing on the high

resolution of satellite imagery to track ancient gold trading trails and settlements
in Northwestern Luzon.

1. Discuss the difficulties they have encountered during the process of

developing an invention or pursuing their field of specialization.

- The difficulties that they have encountered is the lack of support of the
government of the Philippines financially because it is hard to do a certain
innovation without enough money to support and supply it. They also had a hard
time to invent and research things because they have a doubt that science is just
a career that they will took and it will not bring them to their place right now.

2. Choose 1 research the scientist have conducted, give the summary

and discuss its significance.
- The Diwata Program by Julius Sempo. Diwata-2 was successfully launched to
space. It is a small satellite piggybacked with the main payloads IBUKI-2. It is a
remote sensing the Earth observation satellite. Diwata-2 is the Philippines’
second Earth-observing microsatellite developed and built under the
Development of Philippine Scientific Earth Observation Microsatellite (PHL-
Microsat) Program, which is funded by the Department of Science and
Technology (DOST), monitored by DOST-Philippine Council for Industry and
Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD), and done
through the collaboration between the University of the Philippines Diliman, the
DOST-Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI

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