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5/7/2021 Sleeping with socks on: Benefits and risks

Is sleeping with socks on good for

Medically reviewed by Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph.D., R.N., CRNA — Written
by Stephen Gill on March 6, 2018

Socks help you sleep Sleep and body temperature Other benefits

As strange as it might seem, sleeping with socks on may

aid getting to sleep faster. This is because temperature
regulation is a necessary part of the sleep cycle.

Sleep is a vital part of everyone’s life. After all, humans spend around a
third of their days sleeping.

The National Institute of Health say that sleep is essential for normal brain
and body function.

Most people have difficulty getting to sleep from time to time. One trick
they may not have tried is sleeping with their socks on.

Read on to find out more about the benefits and risks of sleeping with
socks on.

5/7/2021 Sleeping with socks on: Benefits and risks

Socks help you fall asleep

Studies suggest that wearing socks in bed may aid sleep.

It may seem like wearing socks in bed would overheat the feet. But, in
reality, this habit might assist the body’s internal temperature regulation.

A study from 2007 reported that adults who wore either normal or heated
socks in bed got to sleep faster .

This is because a person’s core body temperature drops during the night,
reaching the lowest temperature around 4 a.m. The average body
temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (°F), but this varies by 1 to 2
degrees over the course of 24 hours.

Warming up the feet and hands makes the blood vessels dilate, a
response that is called vasodilation. This releases heat through the skin
and helps to lower core body temperature. This, in turn, sends a message
to the brain that it is bedtime.

Research suggests that warm skin is associated with  getting to sleep

faster. ADVERTISEMENT 2/10
5/7/2021 Sleeping with socks on: Benefits and risks

Sleep and body temperature

A person’s core body temperature is affected by their biological clock,
also called their circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm controls the timing of
sleep, making a person feel sleepy at night and awake in the morning.

Body temperature gradually rises during the day, peaking in the late
afternoon when people feel most awake and alert. Body temperature
then decreases during the night, making a person feel sleepy.

When someone begins to fall asleep, the temperature of their body

decreases by 1 to 2 degrees. This could be because the body is
conserving energy for other functions.

If a person sleeps with their socks on, this may help with their
temperature regulation cycles.

Good temperature regulation in the body is also why it is usually

suggested that people keep their bedrooms cool, somewhere between
60 and 67°F.


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5/7/2021 Sleeping with socks on: Benefits and risks


Other benefits of wearing socks in bed

Reducing Raynaud’s symptoms

Wearing socks while sleeping may help to prevent the symptoms of Raynaud’s disease.

Hands and feet that are frequently cold could be a sign of Raynaud’s

Raynaud’s is a condition that affects the blood vessels in the skin. Attacks
usually happen when a person is feeling cold or stressed.

During an attack, blood flow to the hands and feet is reduced. As a result,
the fingers and toes start to feel cold and numb. They may also change
color to white or blue.

People experiencing a Raynaud’s attack for the first time should speak to
a doctor. Wearing socks in bed could help reduce symptoms, as well as

keeping warm throughout the day . 4/10
5/7/2021 Sleeping with socks on: Benefits and risks

Preventing hot flushes

Many women going through the menopause will experience hot flashes
or flushes. Symptoms include:

a sudden sensation of intense warmth that spreads through the




flushing of the face

The ability of socks to help lower core body temperature during the night
can also be of benefit in preventing hot flashes.

This is because hot flashes are thought to be caused by hormonal

fluctuations that affect the body’s temperature control.

Better sex

According to a popular news story from 2005, one study found that
couples who wore socks in bed were more likely to orgasm during sex.

The study reportedly investigated brain responses during sex and found
that cold feet put people off. However, the study quoted in the news
report was small, using only 13 couples.


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5/7/2021 Sleeping with socks on: Benefits and risks

Alternatives to socks in bed

A hot water bottle will help to warm the feet, and may offer similar benefits to wearing
socks in bed.

People who are averse to wearing socks in bed could also try:

a warm foot bath before bedtime

wearing a warm pair of slipper before getting into bed

sleeping with a hot water bottle near the feet

sleeping with a blanket over the foot of the bed

taking a bath 1 or 2 hours before bedtime

If using heated socks, then it is important not to overheat them. If they are
too hot they can not only burn the skin but also pose a fire hazard.

Despite what is often said, wearing socks in bed is not unhygienic.

However, it is important to choose a pair of socks that are not too tight, as
this can reduce circulation.

Avoid wearing compression

socks in bed, unless otherwise directed to by 
your doctor.
5/7/2021 Sleeping with socks on: Benefits and risks

Adults typically need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. Not
getting enough sleep can negatively impact concentration, memory, and
mood. A chronic lack of sleep can also increase the risk of heart disease,
depression, and obesity.

Temperature regulation is an important part of falling asleep. Wearing

socks in bed increases blood flow to feet and heat loss through the skin,
which helps lower core body temperature. In turn, this helps a person get
to sleep faster.

For similar reasons, wearing socks in bed may also help prevent attacks in
people with Raynaud’s phenomenon and hot flushes in women going
through the menopause.


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Last medically reviewed on March 6, 2018 7/10
5/7/2021 Sleeping with socks on: Benefits and risks

Vascular Sleep / Sleep Disorders / Insomnia

 11 sources

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5/7/2021 Sleeping with socks on: Benefits and risks

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5/7/2021 Sleeping with socks on: Benefits and risks

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