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“Marketing merely reflects the needs and wants of consumer”

Human needs are arranged in a hierarchy from most to least pressing – physiological needs (primary or
fundamental needs), safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self – actualization needs. When a
person succeeds in satisfying an important need, he will then try to satisfy the next most important
need. God create human with different types. In this world, there are continent, ocean, country, and
city. They are different, so are we. I think we have same physiological needs because we cannot live
without them.

As customers, we always want quality products, which satisfy our needs and wants. Customers are
looking for products and services with best combination of price, quality, and availability. As a human,
we are different.

If, you are female, your needs and wants are different with male. Asians, needs and wants are different
with American. Asians eat rice, while Americans eat burger, pizza, and other food. This is why marketers
must create and develop attractive product.

Marketing is about giving satisfaction to the customers. Customers must be number one. We make our
own needs and wants, and marketers give what we want. As a consumer of one product, we do not
even care how the products are being processed, we just know that the quality is perfect and the price is
appropriate. Sometimes, as a person, we do not know exactly what we need. This can be a factor why
human is never satisfied. I think marketing’s job is to help us to determine our needs. They give us some
options, so we can choose what we want.

In millennium age, there are so many needs and wants. We need cell phone, laptop, car, etc. Marketing
provide all things that maybe we want. If we need cell phone, there are places to provide cell phone
with the accessories. It is easy for us to buy something. The marketers always watch our behavior in the
market. If we like their product, they strive to keep us as their customers. I think in marketing process,
marketers or company must work together with customers to satisfy needs and wants and make their
goal become real. Communication is important for both of marketer and customer. On the other hand,
create a feedback. Marketer can get what they want and we as a consumer get the satisfaction. In my
understanding, marketing is reflections from my needs and wants.

We must know what exactly we need and want. Marketers may attract our attention, but we must be
smart. We buy what we need to buy. We cannot be a greedy person. Yes, human never be satisfied. As
long as we have money, we always have demands. I think, marketing only know that their products and
services are sold. They only communicate about their products or services. We must be aware with all
things marketing provide to us. We must make the best decision in marketing.

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