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1. What kind of learning mode are you having this semester? (Explain)

Currently, the university is following an asynchronous and synchronous educational strategy for the
semester; however, it is most likely that the asynchronous strategy is being followed. Asynchronous
learning is done through module distribution using the university’s webpage, to be read by the
students on their own pace; although, there are days where the professors require online live chats
either through Microsoft Teams or Zoom meets – which serves as our synchronous class. Given the
reason that not all the students have the capability to learn online, the university offers modular
learning, where the distribution of academic materials are given through flash drives and to be
printed by the student, for those who lack the contraptions to be able to satisfy the requirements
of the semester.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your learning mode?

Being under this academic approach, the only advantage that I can see, through observation and
experience, is that, we, the students are safe from the virus since we are under our roof. The
disadvantage of the systems of learning that are imposed are quite serious: (1) stacking modules to
students’ backs which are either unfamiliar to them and confusing for most parts, (2) causing
mental stress and breakdown for students to pass overlapping activities, requirements, and
paperwork given a few span of time to learn and satisfy, (3) cause probable health-linked threats to
students who are exposed to their gadget screens for extensive timeframe, (4) require greater
financial efforts to back the required mode of learning which causes greater tension to the booming
number of people who lost jobs and doesn’t have a stable source of income, (5) the desecration of
the students’ essence of learning putting into though that requirement-satisfaction must be a top
priority to pass rather than real and applied learning, and (6) lack of the opportunity to learn more
extensively due to a limited space of learning where the environment cannot be chosen for
comfortable learning.

3. What are your struggles with this type of learning system?

Aside from growing social anxiety, inability to express my love for learning (applied learning is
truest form of learning for me), financial shortage, stressful learning environment, difficulty in
attending synchronous learning due to a weak WiFi ( Wireless Fidelity ) connectivity and lack of
devices to be used, I am starting to think that the lowest form of learning (memorizing) is toppling
all the others for the sake of compliance and that the core of learning is slowly being forgotten.
Also, stress and mental breakdown plays a big role in a person’s development, this learning system
doesn’t value welfare but has its focus only on the system of requirement-satisfaction.

4. Are you in favor of the type of learning you are having?

I never have favored this type of educational approach, but what choice do I have?

5. Do you think our current learning system good for the students’ mental health? (Cite you own

As I have mentioned in my previous statements, this system doesn’t value welfare and health of
any kind. Comparable to tyrants that only care about reaching their quotas, this system only cares
about requirement-satisfaction. Both the students and university’s staff are having a hard time in
meeting the demands of this system, which causes great stress in the mentality of all experiencing it
(maybe not to those who imposed it in the first place). I, personally, am experiencing growing
anxiety and dissatisfaction to what I’m doing, constantly worrying if I missed any activity,
questioning myself and the “knowledge” I’m gaining through this educational approach, and is
grieving due to an overflowing amount of loads that is in need of passing.

6. Which do you prefer online or modular classes? Why?

If the word “none” is stated, I could’ve chosen none. Online learning for me, if all have the
capability to be part of it, is a better option because somehow; students are able to have an
interactive class, the professor can deliver lessons more effectively, and the students would be able
to understand and cope up easily through verbal and visual communication.

7. What do you think is the importance of using responsibly any type of media?

Responsibility serves as the anchorage of all things; this sets limits to avoid recklessness and gives
context to order within things. Without a responsible use of any media platform, chaos and
misunderstanding could take place which could result into an information catastrophe and

8. How do you spend your day using any type of media?

Currently, to satisfy all my requirements and to give focus on what must be done for the sake of
“learning” and compliance to what is imposed by the authorities. Usually, I spend no more than 12
hours in front of any screen; however, If I do, I follow the common netiquette and indulge in
spending leisure through online recreation.

9. How do you protect your mental health with the mode of learning you have?
I talk to people that I love and pray to the Almighty God for strength to face more days ahead. Also,
control my anxiety by constructing and deconstructing Lego blocks and listening to rain sounds.

10. What is your opinion with asynchronous and synchronous type of learning?

In simple opinion, I do know the main reason for conducting such approach for the continuation of
the education of the students. However, is this really learning? Are these approaches really
improving students? Because I believe not. It might not work for some, but for most, this is just
another conundrum to deal with during this catastrophe. Learning is quintessential to people, a
need that must be filled and is ceaselessly happening; but during these dark times, the imposed
approach for me is but another weight to drag every citizen down.

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