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Torres, Louella Marie V.


Part A. Answer the following discussion points, each will be given ( 20 pts max)

1. Describe what happened to prompt the Quality team to submit an escalation report
requesting that action be taken regarding the behavior and performance of particular agents.

- The submission of the quality team was an escalation report on what occurred inside the
company regarding the performances of their agents who were skipping procedures and
not following the proper protocols that may result to dismay of customers.

2. What are the main performance (or behavior) issues raised? Were there other issues
raised and can you list or identify what these are?

- The main behavior concern raised are skipping the process , placing the call on hold even
w/out customer approval, successfully placing issues resolved even if it is still unresolved,
creating issues for dispute, further escalation and order recalls.

3. In your own words, differentiate between the roles of the team managers, operation
manager and senior management.

- The difference between these managers are the team manager is the one responsible for
developing timelines, assigning specific work tasks, providing team buildings to encourage
team work, and generally ensuring that the team is operating at peak efficiency, while the
operation manager is in-charge of the overall operations to achieve an effective and
successful management of labor, productivity, quality control and safety measures as
established and set for the department. On the other hand, the senior manager focuses on
planning and directing the work of a group of individuals. They monitor and take corrective
actions when necessary. They often supervises the largest group in a company.

4. Can you explain what might have happened during the individual meeting the OM had
with each of the five-team managers?

- The meeting could’ve result to a better situation. If only they had the time to talk
individually, the five-team managers could’ve openly discussed their problems in each
team so that it could’ve been addressed earlier. The OM could’ve conduct a strategic plan
to encourage better workforce.

5. What do you think should the two terminated managers have done to avoid reaching this
leadership crossroads? What could they have done differently?

- In this situation, the two terminated managers could’ve avoided this situation if they have
performed their job well even if it is a bulk number to review and should not rely heavily
on reports without checking it personally.
Torres, Louella Marie V.
6. Do you think the OM should have responded differently given the consequence
management measures he implemented? Why? What would you do in his place?
- No, because before he reaches his position he probably knows what are the problems
that must be resolved under different departments. If I were in his place, I would do the
same in order for me to resolve the issue I must dig into where it all begin.

7. Was there anything the OM could have done to avoid getting to this leadership

- Yes, in order to avoid this kind of leadership crossroad. It is best to always have an open
meeting with each department managers to discuss what are the difficulties that they are
experiencing in the workplace. This will also enforce the team to cooperate and get advises
on how to effectively manage the situation.

8. Do you think the Client could have reacted or responded differently towards the
consequence management measures implemented if they had knowledge of these reports?

- No, because as a Client it is not their responsibility to fix the management. The only
thing that they can do for the management is to submit feedbacks that would help determine
the underlying issues in the company so that it may be resolved immediately to avoid
further problems.

9. How would you feel about the consequence management measures implemented if you
were in the terminated agents’ shoes? The other three agents? The team managers of the
five agents? A senior manager? The client?

- I would feel disappointed with myself because I could’ve done my best and exerted my
effort to maintain my job. I believe that there is always a room for improvement so this
must serve as a lesson to be a better version of myself.

10. If you were in the agents’ shoes, what could you have done differently?

- I should’ve applied all the learnings I’ve learned from the trainings so that I could handle
the situations properly. I should’ve always been honest to my job even if nobody is looking.
Torres, Louella Marie V.
Part B. Conduct a Cause and Effect Analysis. Identify the Causes of the problem and its (20 pts max)

Person Method Machine

Poor performing Loss customers due to Not handling calls

agents bad performance properly

Managers are not Lack of agent Unresolved issues

self-regulated trainings in the system

Lack of employee Poor supervisions of Fail to deliver scripted up-

motivation managers to agents sell software services Termination
of Managers
and Agents
Failure to respond to Unethical practices in the
reports and the workplace
compilations attached

Less time on monitoring on the

Failed to review anomalous agent
workplace of subordinates
activities noted on monitoring tools

Miscommunication of forwarded Lack of customer -

reports that are submitted more employee relationship
than three months ago

Material Environment
Torres, Louella Marie V.
Part C. Draw a process flowchart on how should agents elevates a problem to a Team Leader or Supervisor. Use the different
flowchart symbols Explain in 2 to 3 paragraph your process. (10 pts max)

This flowchart simply shows how the Agent should communicate with the Team Leader if there is a problem in the workplace. The
Team Leader will decide whether to resolve it alone or consult it with the OM. If the problem is tolerable and could be fixed without
the OM’s help then the Team Leader is the one who will come up with a solution.

Talk with your team leader and

discuss the difficulties you’ve been
encountering in your wokplace

The Team Leader will report this to

the Operation Manager that will
include the problems

Once the Operation Managers The Team Leader itself would have
receives the report, he will now to resolve the problem on his own
proceed to a plan on how to solve since he did not seek for the OM’s
the problem advice
Torres, Louella Marie V.

Part D. Identify Wastes in this Case. If you are the Operations Manager what would you do to eliminate the wastes you
identified. ( 15 pts max )

If I were the Operations Manager I would consider a lot of things before submitting my recommendations and will have a meeting with
the five team managers separately to discuss the problems in each department. To improve the unethical behavior inside the company,
I will require the agents to attend trainings and after that call for the attention of the managers to monitor and coach their agents properly.
By doing this, it will eliminate the communication barriers in the workplace and the agents can freely talk about their problems.

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