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Vũ Thị Bích Ngọc 



Unit 5: Celebrations Around the World.

1. What is your favorite cultural celebration? Explain your answer.

 Lunar New Year is my favorite cultural celebration. It is also the biggest festival of the year
with the whole country downing tools for family get-togethers. Tet is the best time for me to visit
temples with my family, to make traditional food. Many flower stalls set up as giving flowers is
customary during Tet.

2.       What are some popular wedding customs in your country? What is the significance
of these customs?

At the wedding of my country have many popular customs such as proposal ceremony,
engagement party, wedding reception. In my opinion, the significance of these customs is the
proposal ceremony. The proposal ceremony is the meeting of two families between the groom
and the bride. The main of this meeting is to help both families to come to an understanding
about the upcoming marriage. 

3.       Do you think society places a lot of importance on marriage? How do younger

generations view marriage, compared to older generations?

No, I don’t think society places a lot of importance on marriage. Nowadays, young people have a
more comfortable view of marriage than the older generation. Older generations see marriage as
an obligation even without love. In contrast, young people usually think carefully and wait until
their love is big enough or good finance to have a marriage.

4.       Fireworks are an important part of many Chinese rituals and events. What do you
think these fireworks symbolize?

In my opinion, fireworks symbolize is an enhance the festive atmosphere.  It is also a way to add
a jubilant atmosphere to the festival and it brings great happiness. In some places, families first
set off firecrackers when they open the door or before they go out. It symbolizes good luck
throughout the whole year.
Vũ Thị Bích Ngọc



5.       Describe your ideal wedding. What would it be like? Who would you invite? Where
would it be help?

it is an important time in my life so I have to prepra carelully.

On my wedding day, I would like to wear a beautiful white dress and a long veil on my head. I’d
like to get married on the coast with a lot of white flowers everywhere on the beach. All my
relatives and friends will be attending the wedding and after the ceremony, I’d like to go to a
traditional restaurant where I would choose only Vietnamese food and where I would like to
have the biggest cake in the world with chocolate, strawberries. On my wedding day, I’d like to
employ a photographer who will take a lot of photos so when I am old I will be able to remember
my “special day”.  

6.       Have there been any interesting celebrity weddings lately? Which ones caught your

I have been attended an interesting celebrity weeding. The formal atmosphere in the wedding is
important and affects my attention. It is easy to make someone feeling the meaning of love and
the value of family.

Unit 6: It’s a Mystery!

1.       Do you select a place to live based on how accessible it is?

I don’t know the meaning of this question, in my opinion, the places I chose to live to depend on
the environment. The place has a clean atmosphere, peaceful, near nature, and a friendly

2.       What kind of shoe is appropriate for rough terrain?

I think running shoes are appropriate for rough terrain. It is best to have shoes with good tread as
well as built-in protection, foot support, and stability for uneven surfaces. 

3.       Do you think stock market speculation is dangerous? Why, or why not? 

  The stock market speculation is dangerous for the people not good at a number. Because the
number constantly changing and the money changing too, I can’t control and don’t know exactly
the money I lose.

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