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1- I had great …………………………… (difficult) in starting the car this morning.

There must be something

wrong with the battery.
2- I wish I had the body of Mr. Universe, the looks of Mel Gibson and the ………………………… (intelligent)
of Einstein.
3- The ………………………… (try) at the Old Bailey Crown Court took six weeks.
In the end, the jury found him guilty and he was sent to prison for three years.
4- Your behaviour was disgusting last night. I think you owe everyone an ………………………… (apologize).
5- ‘’ I cannot stress the ……………… (important) of passing this exam enough,’’ the teacher told the class.
6- Everyone was shocked by her ……………………… (refuse) to attend her son’s wedding.
7- The crowd waited excitedly for the ……………………… (arrive) of Princess Diana.
8- Countries in the Middle East became rich after the …………………… (discover) of oil.
9- In Britain, if pupils miss school, they are expected to take a letter to their teacher from their
parents explaining their ………………………… (absent)
10-Sir Anthony Hopkins was awarded an Oscar for his ……………… (perform) in The Silence of the Lambs.
11-Can you tell the ……………………… (different) between butter and margarine?
12-…………………………… (insure) companies lost millions of pounds when a big earthquake hit the country.

1– Who do you think will win the next …………………… (elect) – the Conservatives or the Labour party?
2– He knew a lot of grammar and vocabulary, but his …………………………………… (pronounce) was so bad that
no one could understand a word he was saying.
3– The …………………… (invent) of the computer has had an enormous impact on people’s lives.
4 – You get a very good ……………………… (mile) from this car. It does 40 miles to a gallon of petrol.
5– What do you say about going to see Mandy and Nick tonight?
‘’ No, thank you! Have you forgotten what happened the last time?
‘’All right, all right, forget it! It was only a …………………………… (suggest) ‘’.
6– ……………………………… (educate) in Britain is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16.
7– This is his second ……………………… (marry) His first wife died in a car crash three years ago.
8– There was a very lively ………………………… (discuss) on TV last night about the proposed introduction of
identity cards in Britain.
9– It is now confirmed that three people died in yesterday’s ………………… (explode) in a restaurant in
Soho. This is the third terrorist bombing in the city this month.
10– Have you had an ………………………… (invite) to Jill’s wedding yet?
11– The police asked the witness for a …………………………… (describe) of the armed robber.
12– The book costs 15$ plus 2.50$ …………………… (post) if you order by post.
1– ‘’Your ……………………… ( ill ) is a direct result of smoking,’’ the doctor told his patient.
2– There is far too much ……………………… ( sad ) in the world today. I wish there was something
we could do to make people happier.
3– There was a full page …………………… (advertise) in today’s newspaper for the new Jaguar car.
4– He has a …………………… (weak) for cream cakes. He just can’t resist eating them.
5– I don’t think there will ever be true ……………………… (equal) between men and women.
6– She made an …………………… (arrange) to see her bank manager at 11:30 on Friday morning.
7– There was a lot of …………… (active) outside my bedroom window this morning. The noise woke me up.
8– Do you get free dental ……………………… (treat) in your country, or do you have to pay for it?
9– We tried to get home before ……………… (dark) fell, as I really hate driving at night.
10– His ……………………… (popular) with television viewers went down enormously after pulling down one of
his assistants’ trousers on a live show.
11– The more unemployment rises, the less popular the …………………………………… (govern) gets – especially

the Prime Minister

12– She found it hard to hide her …………………… (disappoint) at not winning an Oscar, as she was the hot
favourite to win it

1– The ………………………… (high) of the mountain is approximately 2.000 meters.

2– The painting looked genuine but the …………………… (sign) was obviously a forgery. It was spelt ‘’Piccaso’’
instead of ‘’Picasso’’
3– The ……………………… (deep) of the river at this point is over five metres.
4– The company had made a …………………………… (lose) of 10 million dollars for the first time in its history,
instead of making a huge profit.
5– Judo requires both skill and ………………………… (strong)
6– Tea or coffee, Pam? You decide. It is your ………………………… (choose)
7– I could never live in the South of Turkey because of the ……………………… (hot) I can’t even move when
the temperature goes over 30 degrees of Celsius.
8– The workers reacted with ……………………… (angry) and frustration at the news that the factory was
going to be closed.
9– The width of the room is four meters and its …………………… (long) is seven meters.
10– His sudden ………………… (die) from cancer at the age of 24 came as a great shock to everyone.
11– We arrived early at the airport only to be told that our ……………………… (fly) had been delayed
because of ice on the runway.
12– A ………………………… (know) of at least two foreign languages, especially French and German is required
for this job.
Fill in the correct form of the word:
1. Your _______ has no boundaries. kind
2. I’ve found this _______ in the Internet. inform
3. Thank you kindly for your ________. invite
4. She watched the ________ of the new mobile on TV. present
5. We saw awful ______ because of the flood. destroy
6. They had no other ______ but to stay. choose
7. She saw her friend on a ______ to Paris. fly
8. I think crying is a sign of _______. weak
9. We spoke about the ______ in some countries. poor
10. The students discussed the problem of _______. discriminate
11. We read about the ______ of the new device. invent
12. What is the latest ______ in physics? achieve
13. Tom thinks about his _______ at the university. educate
14. We expect his _______ on Tuesday morning. arrive
15. What can you say about yesterday’s _______? perform
16. Can you describe his _______? appear
17. What is your _______? decide
18. Their _______ will be on Saturday. marry
19. The _______ of this bridge will be finished soon. construct
20. Your _______ is awful, my dear! behave
21. We plan our _______ on Friday morning. depart
22. The _______ of this problem was very interesting. discuss
23. I need your _______ in this document. sign
24. Do you know these _______? require
25. He spoke about the _______of the company. manage
26. I take no _______ to visit us on Sunday. refuse
27. You are an excellent ________! swim
28. Do you know the results of your_______ exams? enter
29. The _______ of new mobiles is planned on Monday. deliver
30. Your grammar _______ is very poor. know
31. What is the _______ of this theorem? prove
32. My _______ was not correct. explain
33. We discussed the _______ of the party at school. arrange
34. Your _______ of these films isn’t convincing. compare
35. I need your _______ in this discussion. assist
36. They took part in the _______ yesterday. demonstrate
37. She told us about the _______ of the roads here. improve

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