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H. FESSLER Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nottingham

C . C . ROGERS Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nottingham
P. STANLEY Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nottingham

The frozen-stress photoelastic technique has been used to determine the complete surface stress field in
empty keyways of British Standard proportions for rectangular keys. A method is included for the photo-
elastic analysis of general surface stresses in doubly curved surfaces with one small radius. The ratio of
measured stress to stress in the same fibre in a shaft without keyway is the same for bending and tension.
Stress indices for combined bending and torsion have been calculated for one fillet-radius ratio. A simple
method is presented for obtaining a close upper bound for the peak stress in any B.S. keyway for rectangular
keys subjected to any combination of bending and torsion.


As PART OF A STUDY of the interaction of the stress-con- r Fillet radius in keyway.
centrating effects of a radiused shoulder in a shaft and an T Torque.
adjacent keyway, a detailed stress analysis has been carried t Slice thickness.
out of a series of plain solid shafts containing keyways and x,y Local co-ordinates in fillet (Fig. 1).
loaded in direct tension or compression, bending (with the a Angular co-ordinate around keyway end measured
keyway in the plane of bending) or torsion. from plane of symmetry.
Empty keyways only were tested and all loads were y Principal stress direction relative to keyway end
applied at a distance from the keyway ends. The width, generator.
depth, and range of fillet radii were based on B.S. B Angular co-ordinate about shaft axis measured from
proportions for rectangular keys. It proved necessary for plane of symmetry.
economic and practical reasons to test models of different u Normal stress.
diameters varying from 3 to 12 in. u1,u2 Principal stresses (ul > u2).
The frozen-stress photoelastic method has been used T Shear stress.
throughout and the analyses have included the determina- 4 Angular position in fillet.
tion of surface stresses in both the prismatic section and
the keyway end. The position of the maximum stress for Principal slice-A slice which contains a principal plane
direct loading did not coincide with that for torsion. In of the stress system.
order therefore to determine the magnitude and position
of the maximum stress under combined tension and tor- REVIEW OF PREVIOUS WORK
sion the entire stress field at the end of a typical keyway As far as can be ascertained, there has been no ear!ier
has been determined for the separate loadings and the detailed study of the stress distribution at keyway ends.
stresses for different combined loadings have been ob- With one exception, all previous work has been concerned
tained by tensorial combination. with the stress analysis of the prismatic section of the
keyway. Some of these earlier investigations are relevant
Notation (see Fig. 1) to the present study and they are summarized here,
b Keyway width. together with some reports on the testing of components.
C Correction factor for the principal stress difference Using St Venant’s torsion theory, Filon (I)* obtained an
gradient. approximate theoretical solution for a shaft in torsion
d Shaft diameter. containing one or two keyways in the form of hyperbolic
F Material fringe value. notches. With a similar approach Gronwall(2) and Shep-
Z Stress index. (See Results and Appendix 2.) herd (3) have studied further notch-like keyways and
k Keyway depth. Okubo (4) has investigated the practically important
M Bending moment. rectangular-sectioned keyway. Griffiths and Taylor ( 5 ) (6)
n Fringe reading. used the soap-film technique for evaluating the St Venant
stress function for a hollow shaft with a rectangular-
The M S . of this paper was received at the Institution of Mechanical sectioned keyway and Leven (7) used a numerical method
Engineers on 16th September 1968 and accepted for publication on
29th January 1969. 22 * References are given in Appendix 3.



Fig. 1. Geometry, slices, and notation

for a series of rectangular-sectioned keyways in solid Table 1. Standard proportions
Leven compared his numerical work with photoelastic-
I Fillet ratio
I Diameter
model studies in which he used a scattered-light technique
and the 'surface shell' method. His attempts to carry out a
complete stress separation in the keyway fillet were not
entirely satisfactory, but he was able to conclude for
torsion that:

B.S.(IS) 0.25
ASA (16) 0.25
DIN (17) 0.2pO.29
~ 0.125 I
0~078-0*100 0*007-0.021 1.0 -20.0
- 0.5 6.0

0.056-0.125 0.007-0.018 0.47- 5.9

range, in

d is the maximum value of d in any one of the small ranges of

the maximum shear stress in the prismatic part of the shaft diameter over which a particular keyway dimension is con-
keyway occurred in the keyway fillet; stant.
the maximum tensile stress on the cylindrical surface
excessive bending stresses, probably caused by bearing
of the shaft occurred at the ends of the keyway and was
misalignment. Dorey (14)has tested two large shouldered
independent of the size of the fillet radius;
shafts with keyways in torsional fatigue. At failure,
the maximum tensile stress in the keyway fillet
cracking developed from the keyway end in a 45" helical
exceeded that at the top of the wall when r/d was less
than 0.009.
Nisida and Hondo (8) employed their photoelastic- M O D E L DESIGN
wedge method (9) in the evaluation of shear stresses in the The specifications from the most important standards for
prismatic section of a number of keyways. (The method is plain shafts containing rectangular-sectioned keyways are
attractive for the torsion of prismatic sections since it summarized in Table 1.
offers a direct solution, by analogy, for the St Venant It was clearly preferable that the range of model
function.) dimensions should relate as closely as possible to standard
The results of Okubo (4), Leven (7), and Nisida and recommendations, but practical considerations place fairly
Hondo (8) are summarized in Fig. 7. definite upper and lower limits on model size, particularly
Moore (IO), Gough (11); and Peterson (12) have on the keyway-fillet detail. Detailed stress analyses could
investigated prototype shafts with keyways under a variety not be considered for fillet radii of less than in and,
of loading conditions and Peterson concluded that 'the since the maximum fillet radius/shaft diameter ratio
keyway end is often an important factor in determining permitted by the British Standard is 0.0208, the minimum
failure' and that 'the side-milled keyway was preferable model diameter was 3 in. Limited analyses were carried
to the end-milled type from the standpoint of fatigue'. out on 6-inch-diameter models with & i n and & i n
Timoshenko (13) used the brittle-coating method to keyway-fillet radii (r/d = 0.0104 and 0.0052 respectively)
investigate the cause of a fatigue crack at the end of a in both direct loading and torsion.
keyway in a motor-generator shaft. On the basis of com- +
A 12-inch-diameter model with a in keyway fillet
parative tests, he concluded that the failure was due to was tested in direct loading because it was thought initially

J O U R N A L OF S T R A I N A N A L Y S I S VOL 4 NO 3 1969 181


Table 2. Details of models line of the shaft which ensured that a pure tensile load was

Model Loading I
Dimensions, inches
applied, The direct loading on the 6 and 12-inch-diameter
models was compressive, The ends were machined flat
and the models were fitted inside a cylindrical contaicing

1 1 Shaft
vessel so that the lower face was supported on the vessel
base and the necessary pressure loading of 26 lbf/in2 could
be applied to the upper face from a compressed air supply.
D/.0208 Tension D 0.0208 -1- 3 15
Compression D*
Compression D*
A U-sectioned annular ring of silicone rubber provided
the necessary seal at the edges of the upper face of the
D*/.0052 Compression D* 0.0052 __
'P 6 14 model. Glycerine immersion of the 12-inch-diameter
3 6
3 15
model ensured that self-weight stresses were cancelled.
The usual four-point loading system was used for
T/.0052 Torsion T 0.0052 I 19
6 bending, with the shaft axis horizontal. For torsion the
~ ~~~~

shafts were held vertically in a rig in such a way that one

The width and depth ratios were constant for all models at
b/d = 0.25 and kld = 0.083 respectively. end was fixed whilst the other end was twisted about the
The models are referred to by a letter denoting the form of centre line by a couple applied through a dead-weight
loading followed by the fillet ratio r/d. pulley system. An additional axial tensile load was applied
to the shaft equal in magnitude to the weight of the model
that such models would be required for the complete acting on the end of the keyway, to ensure that the stresses
determination of the surface stress distribution. The on the keyway end were due to the torsional load only.
method eventually adopted for the complete analysis I n all cases loads were chosen to give approximately
required only a in fillet radius and consequently a 6-inch- 20 fringes per the prismatic part of the model.
diameter model was used satisfactorily for the torsion The slices used for the complete stress analysis of the
test. keyway end were those defined by a generator of the
Each model shaft contained two diametrically opposite toroidal fillet and the cylindrical end wall. The slices are
keyways. It was found from the first model that two such characterized by a particular 01 value and are called here-
keyways did not interfere with each other and with this after 'constant a' slices. They did not in general contain
arrangement the loading was facilitated since the centroid the principal planes and could not be satisfactorily
locus coincided with the shaft centre line. analysed by the 'oblique incidence' technique. The
Keyway lengths were in all cases greater than the method of analysis used required the 'through' viewing,
minima recommended by the British Standard. The over- i.e. normal to the fillet surface, of a sub-slice milled from
all model lengths were chosen so that the keyway.ends the edge of each constant 01 slice. It was occasionally
were well clear of the stress discontinuities at the ends of necessary to thin down the sub-slice and take readings
the models. For the 3-inch-diameter models, there was at for a number of different thicknesses. The method is
least 3 in between the end attachments and the keyway described in detail in Appendix 1.
ends. The sub-slices were thinned on wet and dry emery
The models are detailed in Table 2. The keyway ends cloth. Slices from model D*/.0208 with a 0.25 in fillet
of the 6 in and 12 in models were positioned at the centre radius could be thinned by hand whilst those from TF0208
of the shaft length, the other end running out at the end with a 0.125 in radius required the use of a simple holding
face of the model. The 6rst 6 in model T/-0208 was jig. Slices 0.030 in thick were cut from the ends of the
analysed completely; the others were used for the study of keyways in the 12-inch-diameter shaft at 6" intervals as
peak stresses only for smaller r/d ratios. Each incorporated shown in Fig. 1;in the 6 and 3-inch-diameter models con-
two different keyway-fillet radii. Keyways T/.0052 and stant CL slices 0.030 in thick were cut at 10" intervals on
T/.0104 were on one shaft, D*/.0052 and D*/-0104 on alternate sides. A set of meridional slices was also cut
the other. from one model at 30" intervals and further pieces were
cut as required for calibration specimens.
Blanks for shafts 3 inches in diameter were cast in RESULTS
the Araldite C T 200/Hardener H T 901 formulation; the The most important geometrical features are:
Araldite C T 200/HT 907 formulation was used for the
6 and 12-inch-diameter shafts. The production of satis- the toroidal fillet;
factory castings 123 inches in diameter is a difficult task the fillet in the prismatic section;
with serious control problems. The casting for model the top of the wall at the end.
D*/-0208 seemed satisfactory, but may have contained These have been examined in direct loading, bending, and
minor material imperfections. A second casting 12+inches torsion.
in diameter and 28 in long, intended for a torsion model, Stresses throughout are presented as 'stress indices',
was unsuccessful. i.e. as multiples of a convenient nominal stress. The
The machining of models, cutting of slices, and nominal stresses used for direct loading and torsional
measurement of the slice thicknesses will be described in loading were the uniform tensile stress and surface shear
a future paper dealing with stresses at keyway ends near stress respectively, which would occur in the shaft without
shoulders. the keyway. (When this stress was defined for the direct
The 3 in shaft was loaded in tension by means of simple loading, the stresses due to the weight of the model were .
end attachments, having universal joints on the centre included where appropriate.) In bending, the nominal

182 JOURNAL OF S T R A I N A N A L Y S I S VOL 4 NO 3 1969


stress is defined as the maximum bending stress in the

shaft without the keyway. In the combined-loading work
the nominal stress is defined as the maximum principal
stress in the solid shaft under the combined-load system.
The correctness of some of the model design features
was confirmed as early as possible in the investigation. For
example, it was shown for both direct and torsional loading
Symbol e that the shaft stresses in a meridional plane mid-way
zm2.5 between two opposite keyways were not affected by the
presence of the keyways. The variation of longitudinal-
v) A 60' stress index with 0 for model D/.0208 is shown in Fig. 2.
2.0 9 0'
v) It was also shown that, for direct loading, the stress dis-
continuities at the keyway end in a 3-inch-diameter shaft
did not extend further than 1 in from the keyway end.
This suggested that the model keyway lengths were

Direct loading
The results for the keyway end in the 3-inch-diameter
shaft (D/.0208) are given in Fig. 3a, b, c, and d where the
two principal stress indices in the fillet are plotted against
4 for 01 values of 0", 30", 60",and 90".The principal stress
directions y are shown in Fig. 3e; the stress indices at the
upper edge of the wall are shown in Fig. 3f,plotted against
01, where they are compared with the maximum fillet-stress
Fig. 2. Injluence of keyway on stresses around the shaft index in the corresponding 01 planes. It is seen that the
(direct loading) stress index reaches a maximum value of 2.75 on the 01 = 0


0 30 60 90
C 9

-0 30 60 90
0 30 60 90 f
b Q
a = 0". b n = 30'. c cc = 60'. d n = 90". e Directions. f Maximum values.
3 Fillet of model D/.0208.
7 Fillet of D*/.0208.
Top of wall D/.0208.
Fig. 3. Stress indices and directions in the keyway end for direct loading



plane where 4 = 15"; it remains substantially constant portion of the shaft, well away from the keyway ends, the
over a range of 4f5" and af20°, but decreases relatively stress index was nowhere significantly greater than unity.
quickly as 4 increases. An unforeseen feature of the stress The results for the 12-in-diameter shaft (D*/*0208)are
system is the constancy of y for each particular keyway end also shown in Fig. 3 for the fillet only. There are un-
generator at a value approximately equal to a. No par- resolved differences in the stress distributions in the
ticular significance can be attached to this feature; it is geometrically similar models D/.0208 and D*/.0208; the
nevertheless notable and facilitates considerably the greater principal stresses in D*/.0208 are slightly smaller
visualization of the overall distribution. For each a value than those in D/.0208 and there are considerable differ-
the stress index at the upper edge of the keyway wall is ences in magnitude in the smaller principal stress,
smaller than the maximum in the fillet. In the prismatic although the differences in the directions of the principal
stresses are not greater than the possible experimental
5 error. Since the 12-inch-diameter model was loaded in
compression, it might be expected, as a result of the finite
model strains, that the peak-stress index in it would be
greater than that in the 3 in shaft. It was 6 per cent smaller;
this contrary effect is attributable to several possible causes.
The glycerine contamination at the surface of the 12 in
model made edge fringe reading difficult there; however,
I this effect would not influence the 'through' readings of
sub-slices on which the derivation of the correction terms
was based. Material inhomogeneity and possible slightly
I eccentric loading could lead to stress differences of the
order observed. The difference in the peak stresses was
less than the probable 'error in calculated values. The
0 authors suspect that unusually high errors can occur when
oblique incidence is used for reading small fringe orders.
The effects on the peak stress of varying the keyway-
Models D/.0208, D*/.0104 and D*/*0052.
fillet radius are shown in Fig. 4, together with the stress
Fig. 4. Peak stress indices in the keyway end for direct index at the top of the keyway wall which is independent
loading of the fillet-radius ratio.

Y a=30°

d a=Oo
0 0 30 60 90
e 0


Q f
0 30 60 90 d
b 0
a a = 0". b a = 30". c a = 60". d a = 90". e Directions. f Maximum values.
x Fillet.
+ Top of wall.
Model B/*0208.
- - - Scaled-down values from model D/.0208.
Fig. 5. Stress indices and directions in the keyway end for pure bending

I84 JOURNAL O F S T R A I N A N A L Y S I S VOL 4 NO 3 1969


Bending bending values, whilst the opposite is the case for the
Principal-stress indices in the keyway end fillet of the a = 90"plane. There is a small disparity in the y values for
'standard' keyway in bending (B/.0208) are shown (full the a = 60" plane. Peak-stress indices (Fig. 5f) agree
lines) in Fig. 5a, b, c, and d. The full lines in Fig. 5e indicate closely.
the principal stress directions. The peak-fillet-stress index The authors were satisfied that bending-stress indices,
and that at the edge of the keyway wall in a given a plane particularly the more important higher ones, could be
are compared in Fig. 5f. safely predicted from the direct-loading data and for this
The general similarity with the stress distributions for reason further bending tests were not carried out,
the direct-loading cases shown in Fig. 3 is apparent but,
although in this case the peak-stress index on the a = 0 Torsion
plane occurs at the same position (4 = l5"), it is 2.20 Stress data for the fillet and wall at the end of the keyway
compared with 2.75 for direct loading. A close corre- in the torsion. model T/.0208 are given in Fig. 6. The
spondence for the two different loadings is shown if an maximum stress index of 2.35 in the fillet occurs at 4 =
allowance is made for the stress gradient in the bending 20" on the a = 50" plane with only slight decreases over an
case. This has been done by scaling down the indices for a range of f15". This plane is a principal plane of the
model D/.0208 by the factor (d-2k)ld. The resulting stress system, i.e. y = 0. In marked contrast to the direct
distributions are shown by the broken lines in Fig. 5a, b, c, load stress distribution, a higher stress index occurs at the
d, and f;the y values for the direct-loading case have also upper edge of the keyway wall (Fig. 6f), the maximum
been added to Fig. 5e for completeness. This modification value being 3.39 at the a = 50" position. It should be
produces an excellent agreement between the high-stress noted that the greatest tensile principal stress at the top
indices on the a = 0 and 30" planes; for the a = 60"plane of the wall occurs on the opposite side of the keyway to that
the direct-loading indices are somewhat greater than the in the fillet. In the prismatic section of this'model the

a= 90'



a 4
0 30 60 90
c 9 e Q

0 30 60 90
f a

a n =0 . b (
C = 30'. c a = 60". d a = 90". e Directions. f Maximum values.
Top of wall.
Model T/.0208.
Fig. 6. Stress indices and directions in the keyway end for pure torsion

torsional loading are frequently combined. The stress
analysis of the 'standard' keyway has been covered in
detail for the separate loadings to enable the stress
4 systems for different combined loadings to be determined.
The stress indices, which are the principal stresses for
'I unit surface shear stress and unit maximum bending stress
in torsion and bending respectively, can be resolved into
I normal and shearing stresses referred to axes defined by the
ic generator and the normal to it in the tangent plane to the

surface. In this form the stresses for a chosen torsional

loading can be combined with those for a superimposed
I bending loading to give normals and shears for the com-
bined loading, which in turn can be expressed as principal
C stresses with a known inclination to the generator. This
0.01 0.02 process is described in detail in Appendix 2. There is some
freedom in the choiceof a nominal stress for the representa-
Models Tl.0208, T/.0104and T/.0052.
tion of the stresses in the combined bending-torsion load-
0 Keyway end fillet, authors.
Prismatic section fiUet, authors. ing; for example, the maximum shear stress on a surface
x Top of the wall, authors. element of the shaft subjected to the combined loading
Prismatic section fillet, Okubo (4). without the keyway, or the maximum principal stress on
+A Prismatic section fillet, Leven (7).
such an element. Although both have been evaluated (18),
Prismatic section fillet, Nisida and Hondo (8).
the latter only is used here.
Fig. 7. Peak stress indices in the keyway end and in the For the purposes of presentation, a bending moment M
prismatic section for pure torsion has been regarded as 'equal' to a torque T when they
produce identical maximum shears on the shaft surface,
maximum-stress index of 2.25 occurred in the keyway i.e. when numerically M = T. The principal stresses and
fillet. their directions in the fillet and at the top of the wall of the
Stress indices have also been obtained for the torsion 'standard' keyway have been calculated for ten ratios of
models T/.0104 and T/.0052 on the a = 50" planes where T to M within the range pure torsion-pure bending.
the maxima have been assumed to occur. The changes in Values were obtained at ten 4 positions for each of ten a!
the following three stress indices with variations in the positions in the fillet. The bending stress indices were
fillet-radius ratio, over the range permitted by the British derived from the direct loading ones by multiplying the
Standard, are shown in Fig. 7: latter by the factor (d-2k)ld (i.e. 0.83). The maximum-
the maximum stress at the upper edge of the keyway stress indices, the maximum principal stress being used as
end wall (I,) at a = 50"; nominal stress, are shown in Fig. 8 in which, for con-
the maximum principal stress in the fillet of 'the venience, the quantity TIM is represented as varying from
keyway end (I,)at a = 50" and 4 = 20"; 1 at the origin to zero along the right-hand abscissa, the
the maximum principal stress in the fillet of the quantity M /T from 1 to zero along the left-hand abscissa;
prismatic section of the keyway (Zp)at 4 = 20". pure torsion is represented on the extreme left, pure
bending on the extreme right. (The combined stress
Curves have been drawn through the authors' points. systems will differ on opposite sides of the keyway end.
Again, as for direct loading, the maximum-stress index at The maximum stresses for the combined loading will
the upper edge of the keyway wall was independent of r / d occur where the keyway stresses are tensile for the pure
over the range covered. Both of the other stress indices, torsion case, i.e. for a negative in the keyway fillet and
however, did increase considerably as r / d was reduced
from 0.0208 to 0.0052. The overall effect of these
changes was that for r / d > 0.012, Z, > Z, > I,, and for
r/d < 0.012, I, > I, > I,.
The complexity of the keyway stress distribution, par-
ticularly at the ends, is shown in Figs 3-7. The changes of
peak-stress index associated with changes in the ratio r/d
and shown in Figs 4 and 7 are clearly important in the
design and failure analysis of keyways. Because the shapes
were based on B.S. recommendations the effects of varia-
tions in keyway breadth and depth have not been investi-
gated and for this reason, if the relevance of Figs 4 and 7
be accepted, further comment on the results should be
made with special reference to the 'standard' keyway
(bld = 0.25, kld = 0.083, r/d = 0.0208).
The stressing of an actual keyway end in service is com- MP rm
plicated by the fact that nearly always two or three forms Fig. 8. Peak stress indices in the keyway end for combined
of loading act simultaneously, in particular bending and bending and torsion (rld = 0.0208)



torsion. For r/d less than 0.012 the peak stress due to
torsion in the fillet is greater in the prismatic section than
in the keyway end (Fig. 7). Because the differences are
small, the greater value may be used for all combinations
of bending and torsion.
The stress at the top of the wall is independent of r/d
and the peak values for any combination of bending and
torsion are less than for pure torsion (Fig. 8). For r/d less
than 0.011, it is smaller than the greatest fillet stress.
The above data and assumptions permit the following
for r/d < 0.011 the peak-stress index in the pris-
matic section from Fig. 7 may be used for all combina-
tions of bending and torsion;
for r / d > 0.011 the greater of the top-of-the-wall
0 05 1.0 0 " stress index from Fig. 8 and the greatest fillet stress
WT $4 index from Fig. 7 may be used.
Fig. 9. Position of peak stress indices in the keyway end for
combined bending and torsion (rld = 0.0208) CONCLUSIONS
The complete surface stress field has been determined for
c( positive at the top of the keyway wall, see Fig. 1. The
end-milled keyways for B.S. rectangular keys with fillet-
maximum-stress indices shown in Fig. 8 are for these radius ratio r/d = 0.0208 subjected to direct loading and
regions.) torsion.
It is seen that for any combination of bending and In direct loading the peak-stress index is always in the
torsion the peak-stress indices are smaller than for pure fillet at the end of the keyway. It increases from 2.75 to
torsion. 4.30 as the fillet-radius ratio decreases from 0.0208 to
The peak stress occurs at the edge of the keyway wall 0.007 (the B.S. range).
for bending moment/torque ratios less than approximately The stresses due to bending can be obtained from those
1.43 and in the fillet for greater values. The positions of due to direct loading because the ratio of measured stresses
the peak stresses in the keyway end for the various ratios to the stresses in the same fibre in the plain shafts is the
of bending moment/torque are shown in Fig. 9. same for both forms of loading.
Stress concentration factors have been published only In torsion, for fillet-radius ratios greater than 0.01 1, the
for torsion, see Fig. 7. Okubo (4) gives results for the peak-stress index of 3.39 is at the keyway end, at the top
width and depth ratios used. The peak-stress index of of the wall. For values less than 0.011 it is in the fillet in
2.00 which he calculated in the prismatic section is lower the prismatic section and rises to 4.00 for rid = 0.007, the
than the 2.25 obtained in this investigation. It has been smallest fillet-radius ratio permitted by B.S.
shown (Fig. 7) that the peak-stress index at the top of the Stress indices under combined bending and torsion
keyway wall is independent of fillet-radius ratio; there is a have been calculated. The peak values for any combination
suggestion that it may also be independent of keyway of bending and torsion for r/d = 0.0208 are shown in
depth ratio because Leven's (7) value of 3-40 for k / d = Fig. 8. Close upper bounds for the peak-stress indices for
0.125 agrees with the value in Fig. 6f for k/d = 0.083. other values of r / d can be obtained if a number of reason-
Whereas Leven found that the peak stress at the top of the able assumptions are made.
keyway wall exceeded that in the fillet in the keyway end Keyways do not affect the stresses 90" around the
when r/d was less than 0.009, the authors obtained a cylindrical surface of the shaft.
value of 0.011. A process is required for producing satisfactory, big
epoxy resin castings; extremely small details cannot be
Application of combined bending and torsion for studied unless big castings can be guaranteed to be
other fillet-radius ratios reasonably homogeneous and free of initial birefringence.
The peak fillet stresses and the maximum stresses at
the top edge of the keyway wall for the separate loadings ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
can be obtained from Figs 4 and 7 for any r/d value in the
Dr C. C. Rogers held a Science Research Council
B.S. range. Exact values for combined loadings of shafts
studentship during the course of this investigation. The
with fillet-radius ratios other than 0-0208 cannot be
high-quality work of the technical staff of the Faculty
derived from this work, but a close upper bound for the
Workshop and Mechanical Engineering Department is
peak-stress index may be obtained.
gratefully acknowledged.
If the direct-loading values in Fig. 4 are scaled to give
peak-stress indices for bending, it is seen that the stresses APPENDIX 1
in the keyway end fillet for all values of r / d are less in
pure bending than those in pure torsion shown in Fig. 7 T H E ANALYSIS
and, for r/d = 0.0208, they are slightly smaller for any A practicable basis for the stress analysis of the keyway
combination of bending and torsion than for pure torsion end was the set of slices containing a generator of the
(Fig. 8). For the keyway end fillet, the pure torsion value toroidal fillet and cylindrical end wall, i.e. slices charac-
may therefore be used for all combinations of bending and terized by a constant a value. (The use of a surface 'shell'

JOURNAL OF S T R A I N A N A L Y S I S V O L 4 NO 3 1969 187


was not a feasible alternative.) These slices were not in Table 3. Corrected stress values

general ‘principal slices’ and they could not be satis- I I I I I I

factorily analysed by the oblique incidence method. With a

slice thickness of 0.030 in and viewing angles of f 4 5 ” ,
the included arc length along the generator in the
fillet radius for oblique viewing was 0.030 in, approxi-
mately 30 per cent of the total fillet arc length. The

inevitable averaging effect which t h i s would give rise to

‘ 0
I per cent


was not acceptable. It was decided that the included arc
length should not exceed 10 per cent of the total fillet arc.
If the slice thickness were reduced to achieve this, there unit thickness obtained from the 10 ‘through’ fringe
would have to be either an unacceptable decrease in readings in a sub-slice of a given thickness were curve-
fringe-reading accuracy or a load increase which would fitted to a fourth-order polynomial, by the least-squares
cause large deformations and possibly cracking. The use of method. The three curve-fitted values of the fringe read-
small viewing angles leads to a serious ill-conditioning of ings at a particular $ position were themselves ‘fitted’ to a
the equations from which the separate stresses are quadratic, from which the surface value of the fringe order
derived. per unit thickness was obtained by extrapolation. The
After consideration of a number of alternatives, the correction factor for a given loading at a particular point
stress separation method finally developed required : is defined as
normal viewing along the edge of a ‘constant a’ fringes per unit thickness for t b = 0
slice (Fig. 1 ) ; C = fringes per unit thickness for t b / t = 0.48
‘through’ viewing, normal to the fillet surface, of a (The smallest practicable thickness tb for milled sub-slices
sub-slice milled from the edge of the ‘constant a’ slice. is 0.030 in. For the 3-inch-diameter shaft this gave
If u,, uz, and y+90” are the magnitudes and direction tb/r = 0.48; this ratio was aimed at for all sub-slices.)
of the principal stresses, the fringe order n,, read at a A table showing corrected (I,,, lZc)and uncorrected
particular point on the edge of the constant a slice of (I,, la)values of principal-stress indices at different 01
thickness t , is given by positions for a fillet-radiuslshaft-diameter ratio of 0.0208
ul cos2y+02 sin2 y = FnJt, . . (1) with direct loading is given in Table 3.
It is to be noted that for direct loading:
If i b and t b are the fringe order and thickness measured at
the corresponding point in ‘through’ viewing of the the peak stress occurs on the 01 = 0 plane and is
milled sub-slice, then obtained directly from the normal viewing of the 01 = 0
slice without recourse to sub-slice readings;
for other a values the greater principal stress is not
critically dependent on C although large percentage
where the correction factor C depends on the thickness changes result in the smaller stress. This signifies that a
of the sub-slice and the stress gradient through it. high degree of accuracy is not required in these correc-
From equations (1) and (2) tion factors.
= F (%+--sin2y)
. . . (3) For torsional loading the values of the correction factors
were unity throughout the keyway fillet but there were
and significant stress gradients normal to the surface in the
wall of the keyway end. The maximum stresses were
found to occur at the top of the keyway wall and were
obtained from fringe readings in sub-slices. In these cases,
The angle y is read directly from the sub-slice. therefore, the importance of the correction factors is
An essential refinement in the method was the deter- greater and more care is required in their determination.
mination of the correction factor C which enabled an For bending as for direct loading the peak-stress index
allowance to be made for the effect of the principal stress- is independent of the sub-slice reading and therefore of
difference gradient through the thickness of the sub-slice. any correction term. Elsewhere the correction factors for
Correction factors at all points in the keyway end were direct loading were also used for bending.
determined by successively thinning down a sub-slice and
extrapolating the fringe order/thickness curve to zero
thickness to obtain the surface value of the principal stress APPENDIX 2
difference. This operation was not possible on the very D E R I V A T I O N O F STRESS I N D I C E S FOR C O M B I N E D
small slices from the 3-inch-diameter shafts. Correction TORSIONAL A N D B E N D I N G LOADS
factors for direct loading were obtained from model An applied torque T produces a nominal stress 16T/7rd3.
D*/.0208 ( I = 0.25 in), the sub-slice thickness being At any point in the surface of the keyway end the‘principal
reduced in two stages from 0.120 in (for which tb/r = stresses due to the torque are therefore
0-48) to 0.060 in and 0.030 in. For torsional loading
16T 16T
model T/.0208 was used for the determination of correc- (IlT = I l T and oZT = ZzT-
tion factors with successive sub-slice thicknesses of 0.060, nd3
0.040, and 0.020 in. and the inclination of ulT to the generator yT. These
For each loading in turn, the 10 values of fringes per stresses can be resolved in the x direction, parallel to the



generator, and t h e y direction, normal to it as the corresponding maximum stress index at the upper
edge of the keyway wall.
Conversely, the last equation enables the peak stress uIc
for a given torque T and moment M to be obtained from
the data in Fig. 8.

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‘J2c = *c-J(+ ‘Jxc +
‘Jyc +.,2
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(12) PETERSON, R. E. ‘Fatigue of shafts having keyways’, Proc.
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the combined loading, I,,, is given by Proc. Znstn mech. Engrs 1947 157,163.
(14) DOREY,S. F. ‘Large scale torsional fatigue testing of
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I,, =
5 +I;
[l +J1
Part I : 1958 Keys and keyways (London).
(16) American Standards Association 1943, B17, 1.
(17) German Standard D.I.N. 6885.
The maximum value of I,, over the keyway end fillet for (18)ROGERS,C. C. Stresses in shouldered shafts with keyways
the case r/d = 0.0208 is plotted against the moment/ 1968 Thesis submitted to Nottingham University for the
torque (or torque/moment) ratio in Fig. 8, together with degree of Ph.D.


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