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Chapter 7: Interpersonal Relationship

Total Score [15]

Name: Noor Fatima Roll No: 20L-0993

Section: BSE 2B-1

Write to the point comprehensive responses to distinguish between relationship types.

1. List three people you have known for some time that you consider to be acquaintances. Why
do you consider these people to be acquaintances rather than friends? What do you talk about
with each of these people? What subjects do you avoid? Do any of these relationships have the
potential to become friendships? If so, what would you have to do to make that transition? (5)

Three people whom I have known for some time, and consider to be acquaintances are my
neighbor Mishaal, my travel companion Seerat, and my classmate Saira. I consider these people
acquaintances rather than friends because I spent a little time with them, and also I don’t know
much about them. We just talked about general topics. With Mishaal my discussion was just
about the nearby places and hobbies, whereas the discussion between Seerat and me was just
about the beauty of nature and weather, and with Saira, I had talked about lectures,
homework, and projects. I avoided talking about my family, and my personal interests and
issues because I did not consider them friends. I did not consider our relationship much
trustworthy to share my personal information. I believe that my classmate Saira has the
potential to become my friend. I feel that we have some common beliefs and we are going to
be in the same class for years. In order to transform our relationship into a friendship, we have
to set up times to spend time together with other than class times. Moreover, we have to be
more responsive to each other and share our personal opinions, feelings, and information.
Further, we have to provide emotional support to each other, whenever it is needed.

2. List three people you have known for some time whom you consider to be friends. Why do
you consider each of these people to be a friend? How does your relationship with each differ
from your relationships with your acquaintances? What do you talk about with each of these
people? What subjects do you avoid? Do any of these relationships have the potential to become
the best friendships or intimate relationships? If so, what would you have to do to make the
transition? (5)
My classmate Laiba, my cousin Amina, and my neighbor Aleena are three people whom I
consider my friend. My friendship with Laiba differs from my relationship with my
acquaintances in the way that we share our personal opinions and information with each other
while with my acquaintances I didn’t share any personal information. With my cousin Amina we
share our personal issues and we also find emotional support from each other. My neighbor
Aleena is also my friend because we meet often and we often share our experiences and also
help each other in the hour of need. With Laiba I often talk about class activities, upcoming
dramas, and our memories of school life. Whereas with Amina I often talk about preparations
and plans for upcoming events to celebrate together, and also about our childhood memories.
However, with Aleena, I often discuss studies, hobbies, and my family gatherings. I avoid talking
about controversial topics and my personal problems. I believe my friendship with Amina can
be turned into the best friends because we have trust in our relationship, and also depend on
each other in many tasks. In order to make this transition, we have to be more dependable,
collaborative, faithful, and transparent to each other.

3. List one to three people you have known for some time whom you consider to be your best
friends or intimates. Why do you consider each of these people to be best friends or intimates?
What do you talk about with each of these people? What subjects do you avoid? How does each
of these relationships differ from those you have with your friends? (5)

One of my cousins, Amina is my best friend. We were first friends, but then after some time, we
felt that we have common grounds for each other and we also trust each other. We usually talk
about our past experiences, childhood memories, personal issues, and even about our
weaknesses, and fears. There is no particular subject to avoid in our conversations, but we
usually do not talk about our elders’ conflicts. My relationship with Amina is quite different
from the relationship with my friends in the way that I share almost everything with Amina, and
we are transparent to each other while with my friends I do not share my weaknesses.

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