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Case Studies

Case Study 1. Verbal Communication

Read the given case and write comprehensive written responses to the questions given at the
end. You are advised to answer these questions showing your full understanding of Verbal
Communication. Copied responses will not be accepted.

Abbie was adding sweetener to her latte when she spied her friends Ethan and Nate sitting at a
table in a corner of the coffee shop. She popped a top on her drink and strolled over to join them.
“Hi guys. What are you doing?” Abbie asked.
“Not much. Ethan and I were just comparing our biology notes. How about you?”
“I’m just heading over to my philosophy class,” Abbie replied. “But, I’ve got to say I
don’ t know why I even bother going.”
“Why not? What’s up?” asked Nate.
“Well,” responded Abbie, “Professor Miller is so mean. The other day, I offered my
opinion and she told me I was wrong. Can you believe it? I mean, she could have praised me
for offering my opinion. What makes her opinion so ‘right’ anyway? She is so narrow-minded
and obviously doesn’t care about her students.”
Ethan asked, “Well, were you?”
“Was I what?” Abbie asked.
“Well, I guess so. But that’s not the point,” Abbie contested.
“Actually, I think it is,” Ethan replied. “Maybe she said you were wrong because she
does care about her students and wants you to learn. Maybe she sets high standards and wants to
help you achieve them.”
“Whatever. That’s your opinion. I bet you’d feel differently if she embarrassed you in
front of the other students,” Abbie retorted.
“Maybe you should go talk to her about it during her office hours,” suggested Nate. “She
probably doesn’t even realize she embarrassed you.”
“Oh, she knows,” replied Abbie. “And there is no way am I going to talk to her about it.
I’m just going to get through the semester and then tell her exactly what I think on the end-of-
semester evaluations. See you later!”

1. What ethical principles if any are at issue in this case? [3]

In this case Abbie has used disrespectful and rude words for her teacher. Behaving respectfully
and showing regards for others is one of the basic ethical principles of communication, which is
not followed here. Moreover, she also didn’t even listen properly to her friends(Ethan and Nate).
She just told them about her issue. She didn’t give importance to Ethan’s opinion of visiting her
Professor. She rejected her suggestion so rudely.

2.Had you been at the place of Abbie, how would you have reacted to the behaviour of your
professor? Why [4]

I would have accepted my mistake and tried to learn from my mistake. I wouldn’t have
expressed rudeness or hateness for the teacher. Because, I believe that a person learns from his
mistakes. Those teachers are a blessing who made their students able to realize their mistakes so
that they can learn from them. Therefore, I would have been thankful to my teacher for all that.
Case Study 2. Non-Verbal Communication

Read the given case and write comprehensive written responses to the questions given at the
end. You are advised to answer these questions showing your full understanding of Non-Verbal
Communication. Copied responses will not be accepted.

After finishing their grueling mixed-doubles volleyball game, Bengt and Lisa joined their
competitors, Brad and Eleni, for burgers at the local bar and grill. Brad and Eleni, who had been
dating for about a year, had won the games thanks to Eleni’s killer spikes.
After some general conversation about the game, Bengt said, “Eleni, your spikes tonight
were awesome!”
“Yeah, I was really impressed. You rocked!” Lisa added.
“Thanks, guys,” Eleni said in a tone of gratitude, “I’ve really been working on them.”
“Careful guys. We don’t want too many compliments to go to Eleni’s head,” Brad said
jokingly. Then after a pause, he said, “Oh, Eleni, would you get my sweater? I left it on that chair
by the other table.”
“You’re kidding, right Brad? The chair is right next to you,” Eleni replied.
Brad said nothing as he focused his gaze directly at Eleni.
Eleni quickly said, “OK, Brad. It’s cool,” and got the sweater for him.
“Isn’t she sweet?” Brad said as Eleni gave him the sweater.
Lisa smiled, glanced at Bengt, and said, “Well, I’m out of here. I’ve got a lot to do this
“Me too,” Bengt said as he quickly stood up to join Lisa.
“See you next week,” they said in unison as they hurried out the door, leaving Brad and
Eleni alone at the table.

1. What do you think Brad’s nonverbal messages were attempting to communicate? [4]

Brad’s non verbal messages were ambiguous. When he said nothing, but focused his gaze
directly at Eleni, he was trying to say that ‘I am not joking, go and get my sweater.’ He was
requesting Eleni to get his sweater. When she got the sweater for him, he was trying to say that
she is a lovely girl.

Case Study 3. Non-Verbal Communication

Read the given case and write comprehensive written responses to the questions given at the
end. You are advised to answer these questions showing your full understanding of Non-Verbal
Communication. Copied responses will not be accepted.
At an early stage project meeting Mary, the project team leader, presented her suggested project
timetable to meet the project goals. During the presentation she noticed that two team members
were showing non-verbal signs of disapproval.  Simon was frowning and shaking his head and
Justin had leant back in his chair and folded his arms.

Mary stopped what she was saying, turned to Simon and Justin and asked ‘I sense you are not
supportive of what I’m saying. Can I clarify anything for you?’ Simon replied ‘You are right. I
think the project timetable is unachievable.’ Mary responded by directing a question to the whole
group ‘How do the rest of you feel about the timetable I’m suggesting?’

By observing these valuable non-verbal cues Mary was able to open up communication amongst
the team and find an early resolution to this problem.

1. Had she ignored or not been aware of the cues, what kind of problems, at least two,
Mary would have encountered? [4]

She had not ignored the non verbal cues of audience members. In fact she noticed that some
members were showing disagreement from their cues. So, she talked about and resolved the
issue. In the case, if she didn’t notice their signs of disapproval she might didn’t even know that
there was some problem with others. Ultimately, in that situation the team would not perform
well. They would not achieve their goal. This would have shown his incredibility of not being a
good leader.

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