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L. The doy before Fridoy.

On nCnJewdfrv 3. The first doy ofthe

5. Doy three of the month:
9. The month when people
celebrote Hqlloween.
1O. The first month of summer.
11. The month when people ph7
12.Ihe month when people
celebrote Christmos.
14. The lost doy of the workweel-
15. The first doy ofthe weekend"
1.8. The seqson when snow coven
the ground.
2O. The month when mony North
Americons go bock to school
23.Ihe number of doys in q weeL
24. Sqturdoy ond Sundoy:
25. Day two of the month:
26. The lost month of summer.
27. Atime when people toke time
off ond celebrote.

2. The seoson when fqrmers 7. The doy of the week that begins L6. The seoson when leoves
plont crops. with W. chonge color.
3. The month when people 8. The month when people 17. Day one of the month:
celebrote St. Potrick's Doy. celebrote Valentine's Doy. The
4. The doy ofter Soturday. 10. The middle month of summer. 19. The number of months in
6. The month when people 13. The first month of the yeor. the yeor.
celebrote Thonksgiving. 15. The seoson when fomilies go 21. The fifth month of the yeor.
to the beqch. 22.Ihe
doy before Wednesdoy.

Oa ntl aw alhewe

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