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My perspective of self is similar to the theory of Plato which he implied that the soul has three

elements, namely Reason, Physical Appetite, and Spirit or Passion. In my view to his definition of the

“self”, I can say that I agree to his ideas since I also strongly believe that if someone has the right mind

and balanced opinion about something, everything will be in harmony. According to him, we could obtain

genuine happiness if and only if our reason, the ability to think deeply, will dominate. I also believe that if

we let our emotions devour us, that would be the end of everything. I always think thoroughly between

situations so that in the future, I will not regret everything I did. As an optimistic person, I don’t let my

emotions and biological needs consume my mind because as I view it, if we let it consume us, the ability

to think wisely and the ability to provide solutions to problems will be overshadowed by it.

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