Love Is Not Easy

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Love isn't Easy

Which of these adjectives describe the boyfriend I girlfriend you would like to have?

~ Listen to the problem page letters then match the sentences to the correct letter.
a) I get jealous when I see her laughing with other boys. 0
b) She's making me choose between my friends and her. 0
c) She's a geek but I like her. o
d) My friend will never forgive me but he's worth it. o
e) I want to tell her to stop. o
f) I hope I didn't hurt her feelings, shy people can be sensitive. o
g) She's so insecure. o
h) I know that we'd be happy together but it's a terrible thing to do to a friend. o
~ Listen again and make a word web with five phrasal verbs connected to
relationships. There are clues in the box.

1 . 2 ..

1 break off a relationship

2 like a lot and think in the same way
3 be boyfriend and girlfriend
4 something or someone is on your mind
5 invite someone somewhere

5 .
3 .

4 .

Write your own sentences with the phrasal verbs.

1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
5 .

Now write a reply to one of the problem page letters.

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