Coursebook - Engineering Analysis

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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research


Department of Mechanical Engineering

College of Engineering
University of Zakho
Subject: Engineering Analysis
Course Book – Year 3
Hussein J. Zekri PhD
Academic Year: 2019/2020

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research

Course Book
1. Course name Engineering Analysis
2. Lecturer in charge Hussein J. Zekri
3. Department/ College Engineering
4. Contact e-mail:
Tel: (optional)
5. Time (in hours) per For example Theory: 4
week Tutorial: 1
6. Office hours 11:00am-01:00pm on Sunday
7. Course code
8. Teacher's academic
9. Keywords DEs, ODEs & PDEs.
10. Course overview:
In physics many laws are formulated in terms of Differential Equations (DEs), Ordinary
Differential Equations (ODEs) and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The questions we have in
real life problems, physics, engineering, biology, chemistry, and so on, are about the nature of their
solutions. A partial differential equation (PDE) describes a relation between an unknown function
and its partial derivatives. PDEs appear frequently in all areas of physics and engineering. To
explore complex systems, physicists, engineers, financiers and mathematicians require analytical
and computational methods. In this module, Engineering Analysis, we focus on some important
aspects of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). In particular, we pay a good attention on the three
principal examples of the wave equation, the heat equation, and Laplace's equation. Boundary value
problems (PVPs), Initial Value Problems (IVPs) and Initial-Boundary Value Problems (IBVPs) are
discussed in details. These problems are the tools to model the real life problems. The nature of this
problems are usually very complex and need a very careful study. Analytical solutions are
discussed in this module. However, due to the complexity of these kind of formulations, students
should take this module as a first step to deal and get advantage of analytical methods before
engaging any perturbation or numerical step.
11. Course objective:
To understand:

 What is a Differential Equation (DE).

 Types of solutions of DEs.
 Types of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs).
 Methods of solving ordinary differential equations.
 Modelling, using 1st and 2nd order ODEs.
 Types of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs).

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research
 Methods of solving partial differential equations.
 Modelling, using 1st and 2nd order PDEs.
12. Student's obligation
It is mandatory for students to be present in all lectures. Being absent without prior permission
from the department will be recorded and department will add it to the students record for
further action if required. Home works and reports should be uploaded by the deadline. Being
well-behaved during delivering lecture is a part of students’ responsibilities.
13. Forms of teaching
.‫ مهلزهمه‬,‫ تهختهی سپی‬،‫ سهر تهختهڕهش‬،‫داتاشۆ و پاوهرپۆینت‬
14. Assessment scheme

Task(s) Status Number Marks

Presentation (√) 1 10
Reports (√) 2 10
Assignments (×) Choose an item. Choose an item.
Quizzes (√) 2 8
Projects (×) Choose an item. Choose an item.
Homework (√) 6 12
Mid-term examination (√) 1 20
Final examination (√) 1 40
Others (×) Choose an item.

15. Student learning outcome:

At the end of this course, a student would:

1. Get introduced to analytical methods for engineering problems.

2. Solving most important kinds of ODEs analytically.
3. Solving most important kinds of PDEs analytically.
4. Solving most important kinds of IBVPs analytically.
Modelling simple real life problems.
16. Course Reading List and References:
▪ Key references:
1. O'neil, P.V., 2011. Advanced engineering mathematics. Cengage learning.
2. Kreyszig, Erwin. "Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8-th edition." (1999).

▪ Useful references:
1- Richard K. Miller, Introduction to Differential Equations (2nd Edition), 1998.
2- William F. Trench, Elementary Differential Equations, 2013.

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research
3- Henry Edwards & David E. Penney, Elementary Differential L Equations (6th
Edition), 2008.
4- University library.
5- Internet surfing.

17. The Topics: Lecturer's name

Name: Basic concepts of ODEs and PDEs:

Student should be familiar with the basic concepts of ODEs and

PDEs, and methods of solving first order ODEs..

weeks Lectures Topics Details

ODEs, linearity and non-linearity, homogeneous and

inhomogeneous DEs, solution to an ODE.

 Separable variables.
1-4  Homogeneous equations.
Solutions by the  Exact differential equations.
method of  Linear differential equations
 Bernoulli differential equations.
 Some applications of 1st order ODEs.

Name: 2nd Order PDEs:


Student should be familiar with the method of solving 2nd order

 By the method of characteristics.
5-6 Solutions  By the method of undetermined coefficients.
 Some applications of 2nd order ODEs.

CHAPTER Name: Laplace’s Transform Method


Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research
Is to introduce method of solving 1st and 2nd order ODEs by using
Laplace Transform.
week Lectures Topics Details

 Laplace’s Transform definition.

 Laplace’s Transform for functions.
Methods of solving 1st  Laplace’s Inverse Transform for functions.
7  Solving 1st and 2nd order ODEs by using
and 2nd order ODEs
Laplace’s Transform.

Name: PDEs

FOUR Students will be introduced to the solution method of solving 1 st
and 2nd order PDEs and some applications of the type pf PDEs will
be given to relate the PDEs to real life problems.
week Lectures Topics Details

Characteristics Method  Solving 1st order PDE via change of variables.

for solving 1st order  Solving 1st order PDE via characteristics curves.
PDEs.  Some real life problems are explained which are
modelled to 1st order PDEs.
Methods of solving 2nd
8-10  Some real life problems are explained which are
order PDEs
modelled to 2nd order PDEs.
and  Solving 2nd order PDE by the method of
characteristics (factorizing method).
some applications of 2nd
order PDEs.

Name: Fourier series

Students will be introduced to the Fourier series and its application
in solving PDEs.

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research
week Lectures Topics Details

 Even and odd functions, periodic functions,

11 Fourier Series orthogonality, Fourier representation of

Name: Solutions to second order PDEs

Students will be introduced to the method of separable variables to
solve three big PDEs with the help of Fourier Series.
week Lectures Topics Details

 Solution to Laplace’s equation.

12-15 Three Big Equations  Solution to heat equation.
 Solution to wave equation.

18. Practical Topics (If there is any)

No practical
19. Examinations:
Some examples of the exam style:

Q1/ Solve the following differential equations (or partial differential equations).

Q2/ Give an example to the following: a second order linear nonhom. PDE or PDE

Q3/ Find the solution for the following IBVPs.

20. Extra notes:

21. Peer review ‫پێداچوونهوهی هاوهڵ‬
This course book has to be reviewed and signed by a peer. The peer approves the contents of your
course book by writing a few sentences in this section.
(A peer is a person who has enough knowledge about the subject you are teaching, he/she has to
be a professor, assistant professor, a lecturer or an expert in the field of your subject).
‫ئهم کۆرسبووکه دهبێت لهالیهن هاوهڵێکی ئهکادیمیهوه سهیر بکرێت و ناوهڕۆکی بابهتهکانی کۆرسهکه پهسهند بکات و جهند‬
.‫ووشهیهک بنووسێت لهسهر شیاوی ناوهڕۆکی کۆرسهکه و واژووی لهسهر بکات‬
.‫هاوهڵ ئهو کهسهیه که زانیاری ههبێت لهسهر کۆرسهکه و دهبیت پلهی زانستی له مامۆستا کهمتر نهبێت‬

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫بهڕێوهبهرایهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهبهخشین‬

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