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School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science

Module Handbook 2020/21

Module Title: Computational Algorithms and Paradigms

Module Code: 7COM1078 - 0105

Semester: B

Number of Credits: 30

Module leader: Dr Joseph Spring

This module is designed to require: 300 hours of student effort

1. Module tutors
Name Room Tel Email Mode of contact Drop-in
Joseph LC267 01707 Email, Discussions Tuesday:
Spring 284351 9-10, 11-12

Preeti Kandwal STRI - Discussions, -

Tutorials, Labs
Yongjun Zheng LC206 - Tutorials, Labs -
Julia - - Discussions, -
Goncharenko Labs
Christopher LC206 - Tutorials, Labs Tuesday: 2-3
Friday: 11-12
Lili Kirner - - Tutorials, Labs -

2. Module Learning Outcomes

Successful students will typically have a knowledge and understanding of:

1. the fundamental concepts underlying the computational paradigms covered in the


2. how the concepts affect algorithms employed in different paradigms.

Successful students will typically:

3. be able to discuss and critically evaluate one or more paradigms suitable for solving a
given problem;

4. be able to develop an appropriate algorithm for a given problem and implement the
algorithm/parts of the algorithm in an appropriate programming language.

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School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science

3. Assessment
To pass this module you must pass overall.

Number of hours to complete assignment

Target week for return of marked work
Individual (I), Group (G) or Both (I/G)
Formative (F) or Summative (S)

% of total (Individual work)

Learning Outcome 1

Learning Outcome 2

Learning Outcome 3

Learning Outcome 4
% of Groupwork

Hand-in week

Set week

1 Online Class Test S I 40 - 40 40 42 2 x x

2 Online S I 60 - 41 41 N/A 2 x x x x
Assessment 2 tbc tbc

Please note:
• Late submission of coursework will typically attract a lateness penalty. For each day or
part thereof for up to five days after the published deadline, coursework submitted late
(including deferred coursework, but with the exception of referred coursework), will have the
numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade reaches or is a
bare pass (i.e. 40 for undergraduate modules, 50 for postgraduate modules). Where the
numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than the bare pass, no lateness penalty will
be applied.
• Late submission of online timed assessments typically will not be accepted.
• Coursework (including deferred coursework) submitted later than five days (five working days
in the case of hard copy submission) after the published deadline will be awarded a grade of
zero (0).
• Late submission of referred coursework will automatically be awarded a mark of zero.
• You are strongly advised to submit your work one hour before the submission deadline, to give
time to resolve difficulties. The application of lateness penalty is automated and therefore any
submission after the deadline will attract a lateness penalty.
Scores and feedback that you see have been through a thorough process. When we design an
assignment, it is reviewed by colleagues. For modules at level 5 (second year undergraduate) and
above assignments are also reviewed by an external examiner. We also take great care with your
assessments once you submit them; an overview of how our internal moderation process works can
be found in this video (~3 minutes):

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School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science

4. Academic Calendar (Indicative Schedule)

Your week-by-week teaching plan can be found below. Activities and topics are also listed on Canvas
under Units.

Week Week T/V/ Activity / Topic

number beginning EX
31 22-02-21 T-1 Introduction, Overview, Algorithms and Complexity
32 01-03-21 T-2 Problems, formulae, algorithms and the Imperative Paradigm
33 08-03-21 T-3 The Functional Paradigm, Revision 1
34 15-03-21 T-4 The Logic Paradigm, Revision 2
35 22-03-21 T-5 Quantum algorithms, Revision 3
36 29-03-21 V Vacation
V BANK HOLIDAY: Friday 02 April 2021
37 05-04-21
BANK HOLIDAY: Monday 05 April 2021
38 12-04-21 T-6 OOP and Revision 4
39 19-04-21 T-7 OOP 2, Revision 5
40 26-04-21 T-8 In Class Test (40%), Independent Study
41 03-05-21 EX Semester B and AB end-of-module assessment
42 10-05-21 EX
End of Semester B: Friday 21 May 2021.
43 17-05-21 EX
… … … …
47 14-06-21 Revision week for students taking referred/deferred assessments in
weeks 48 and 49.
48 21-06-21 Referred/deferred assessments for Semesters A, B and AB 2020-2021.
49 28-06-21 Tuesday 22 June 2021 – Friday 02 July 2021.

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School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science

5. Other Useful Information

5.1 Reading List
The Reading List for this module is available on Canvas, under Module Information.

5.2 Serious Adverse Circumstances (SAC) affecting performance

Sometimes situations outside of your control can arise that make it seem difficult to focus on your
assessments. SAC may be applicable to your individual case; for information about SACs please
refer to Ask Herts:
Please note that:
• If you participate in an assessment, it is normally assumed that, except in very rare
circumstances, you were fit for that assessment.
• Applications for SACs must be received before the relevant Module Board of Examiners’

5.3 Boards of Examiners

All marks awarded are provisional and subject to change until confirmed by a Board of Examiners.
Module Boards consider module grades.
The Programme Board decides whether each student may progress to the next year of study, or for
final-year students what their degree classification will be. In all cases, their decisions are made within
the regulations of the University and the Programme, but also in the best interest of the student

5.4 Appeals and Appeal Deadlines

In certain circumstances, you can appeal against decisions made by assessors and Boards of
Examiners. However, there are very specific rules about the grounds on which you may appeal.
These can be found in Ask Herts:
In all cases, there are stages you should go through, starting with a discussion with your Module

5.5 Evaluation of Previous Years

The results were very good. We continue with the same team as last year together with two new
members of staff and encourage active participation from all students.

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