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SAP Note 1885164

NF: Renewal Nota Fiscal consistency checks

Manual Implementation Steps

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1. Message Class ICC_NF_WRITER
1.1. Go to transaction SE91.
1.2. Enter ICC_NF_WRITER as the message class
1.3. In the Subobjects group box, select the Messages radio button
1.4. Enter 44 as the Number
1.5. Choose the Change push button and enter as a text: Mandatory field &1 on tab &2 not filled
1.6. Choose the Long text push button and change the long text to the following:
Mandatory field is empty.
The system does not save the Nota Fiscal if this field is empty.
Maintain this field.
If the field does not exist in any of the screens, the screen with this field has been hidden for this Nota Fiscal type.
The configuration of your system has to be changed in customizing for Nota Fiscal > Nota Fiscal Document Maintenance.
1.7. Enter 45 as the Number
1.8. Choose the Change push button and enter as a text: Mandatory field &1 on tab &2 not filled for item
1.9. Choose the Long text push button and change the long text to the following:
A field cannot be maintained if the tab/sub screen on which the field is placed is hidden. The mandatory field is placed on a
hidden tab/sub screen.
Screen group assigned to tab/sub screen is configured to be hidden.
Field group with field on tab/sub screen is defined as mandatory.
The system does not save the document.
Make sure that the Customizing is consistent, that is, mandatory fields should not be placed in hidden tabs.
1.10. Enter 46 as the Number
1.11. Choose the Change push button and enter as a text: Negative tax rate in item &1
1.12. Set the self-explanatory flag for message 46
1.13. Save your changes in the J1BA package.


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