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Have we considered varied type of assessment strategies to assess the

important learning objectives of our unit?

As a group, we considered the varied type of assessment strategies to
assess the important learning objectives. In the first assessment purpose,
which is the Gauging the Student Needs; we picked think-pair-share,
brainstorming and debate. We believe that these kind of assessment will make
the start of learning interesting with the sharing of ideas from one student to
In the second assessment purpose which is the Encouraging Self-
Direction and Collaboration; we choose group plan for short video and project
plan for digi-comics. Students will be working individually and collaboratively,
where they will synthesize their learning in a form of short video as well as
creating their own draft of story and make digital comics from it using the
Pixton app.
In the third assessment purpose which is the Monitoring Progress; we
select project rubric, progress checklist, collaborative assessment-short video
and peer feedback-digicomics. Project rubric will serve as a guide or criteria
used to evaluate their performance and what will be expected from their
outputs. Progress checklist will be used in monitoring their progress in making
the activity. In collaborative assessment, students will rate the contribution of
every member in making their video such as being the scriptwriter, the editor,
cameraman, actor etc. Peer feedback will be done by pair where students
evaluate each other works/outputs in digi-comics.
In the fourth assessment purpose which is the Checking Understanding
and Encouraging Metacognition; we include projects or product outputs are
shared and assessed with rubrics and video and photo journals. Teacher will
assess the presentation of short video as well as digi-comics based on the given
criteria. Video and photo journals will be a proof or documentation during the
process of making their presentation or outputs.
In the fifth assessment purpose which is the Demonstrating
Understanding; we take artistic expressions and reflection. The students will
create a poster of their favorite myth, in this way they can be creative.
Reflection will sum up their learning from the unit, it’s like the generalization of
the discussion about mythology.
Are students engaged in the assessment process?
As we select different assessment strategies we also make sure that it
engages students in the process as well as it fits with our learning objectives.
The following are the assessment we picked:
Think-Pair-Share and Brainstorming - using think-pair-share makes the
students work together to answer a question with regards to the difference
between Philippine tradition and beliefs from other countries. Students firstly
(1) think individually about a topic or answer; and then (2) share ideas with
their classmates. During this process, it also includes brainstorming or
gathering list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members.
Debate - After reading the given story, students will exchange their opinions
through debate using Kialo online platform. The class will be divided into two
groups; the pros and cons and the debate topic will be based on how the
characters behave in the story.
Group Plan for Short Video - The students will synthesize their learning in a
form of short video. They will be divided into groups and portray the
lesson/message from the mythology cartoon they have watched.
Project Plan for Digi-Comics - students individually create their own draft of
mythology. After making and submitted their draft they can give life the story
through digital comics using Pixton.
Project Rubric - is a scoring guide used to evaluate their performance which is
the short video and their individual output in digital comics. It consists of three
parts: 1) performance criteria; 2) rating scale; and 3) indicators. It defines what
is expected and what will be assessed from their performance.
Progress Checklist - serves as a monitor of what specific tasks/requirements
they’ve already met or done. Every meeting it will be checked by the teacher,
from selecting theme to making draft of their story.
Collaborative Assessment-Short video – students will be grading each other or
evaluating the level of contribution made by each member in making their
short video task
Peer Feedback-DigiComics - students will submit their digital comics
individually. This feedback will be done by pair where students evaluate each
other works/outputs.
Projects or Product Outputs are shared and assessed with rubrics - students
will present their short video presentation and digital comics in the class and
the teacher will assess it based on the given criteria.
Video and Photo Journals - this will serve as proof or documentation during
the process of making their presentation or outputs and it could help support
their progress checklist.
Artistic Expressions - to give other examples of mythologies, the students will
create a poster of their favorite myth.
Reflection - to sum up their learning from the unit, students will be required to
make individual reflection that generalizes the concepts and elements of
In general, the assessment process can be described as student-

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