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Mr. Anto's family is a healthy and harmonious family. But one day, Mr. Anto's wife, Mrs.

complained that her joints hurt when used for activities. Then Ms. Yanti checked herself into the health
center and the result was that Ms. Yanti experienced rheumatism so that she often felt pain during
activities. Puskesmas nurses and Ibu Yanti have agreed to carry out independent care measures (Home

Nurse : Assalamu'alaikum, Good morning Ms. Yanti

Family : Wa'alaikumsalam, good morning, please come in.

Nurse : Thank you Mr.

Family : a moment, yes Nurse. Mother, this nurse has arrived.

Patient : yes sir, I met

Nurse : Alhamdulillah I met you again, how are you?

Patient : Yes, like Nurse, it hurts badly when you use activities, let alone heavy activities. Right now, my
elbow is swollen.

Nurse : Where does the pain in my hand, ma'am?

Patient : Nurse's right hand, on the elbow

Nurse : What kind of pain do you feel and does the pain spread to other parts too, ma'am?
Patient : The pain feels like a tingling and burning sensation in the joint, and spreads to the wrist

Nurse : What do you think makes the pain feel lighter or heavier and usually when does the pain

Patient : usually the pain occurs during activity, if it is used for activity the pain is getting heavier but if
not used for movement the pain is slightly reduced.

Nurse : Alright ma'am, then I will do an examination first. The

nurse then checks the vital signs including blood pressure, temperature, respiration and pulse of the

Nurse : Alright ma'am, the result of the blood pressure check is 110/80, and the mother has a slight
fever with a temperature of 38ºC. Normal mother's breathing is 15x per minute and pulse 80x per
minute. Well then I will give cold compress therapy to reduce pain and swelling that you feel, please
cooperate, ma'am

Family : Good, Nurse. Is there anything I need to help prepare?

Nurse : Thank you sir. Please prepare a basin, washcloth and cold water.

Family : Okay, I'll prepare for a moment.

The patient's family prepares the necessary needs for cold compress therapy.

Family : This is what Nurse asked for, I have prepared

Nurse : Thank you, Sir. Mother, ask for a supine position to be comfortable. I'll give you a cold
compress. This aims to reduce pain and swelling in the hands. This action takes 10-20 minutes and can
be done 3 times or more in a day

Patient : Good Nurse, I understand The

nurse takes a cold compress by putting a washcloth in cold water, then squeezing a little and putting it
on the patient's pain area for 10-20 minutes and repeated for 3x

Family : I want to ask the nurse, I think this compressing action is quite easy to do alone and the tools
used are easy to find. Is it okay if the nurse is sick at any time?

Nurse : that's right sir, this cold compress can be done alone and the tools are easy to find in your
home. So when you feel pain, you can apply the compress regularly.

Family : good, thank you for the explanation, nurse.

After finishing the cold compress, then the nurse evaluates the action.

Nurse : I have done the action, how is the condition now?

Patient : Alhamdulillah it is true Nurse, my pain is reduced and it is easier to use for moving: Thank

Nurse God then, if you feel pain again, this action can be done personally and regularly, ma'am,
because this therapy is natural and does not have side effects such as drugs in Generally

Patient : thank you ma'am

Nurse : like this sir, ma'am, for the food consumed, please be more guarded, reduce fried foods, foods
that are high in salt and also

Family preservative: good Nurse, from now on we will take better care of the food we consume

Nurse : OK If so, I think that's enough. I said goodbye to go home, sir, ma'am. See you.

Patient : thank you nurse, be careful on the road. See you too

Family : wa'alaikumsalam, thank you very much nurse

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