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Pre-Holy Week Recollection

March 27, 2020 on the Eve of Palm Sunday—Fray Lauro V. Larlar gave the Pre-Holy Week Recollection
for the ForSOAR de Filipinas Community via zoom.

In his insightful talk entitled “In the heart of the Crucified Christ” Fr. Larlar led the brothers to reflect on
the Paschal Mystery through the lens of Augustinian Recollect Spirituality. He reminded everyone in the
recollection to return to the roots of their spiritual father St. Augustine. Fray Alu, as he is fondly called
by everybody, invited the brothers during this pandemic to take it as an opportunity to return to the
heart and talk with God in silence and isolation.

He also encouraged the brothers to discover the love of the Crucified Christ through the reading of the
Holy Scripture in moments of solitude, in fraternal sharing and in family relationships.

The recollection ended as Fray Lauro left a lifetime invitation of renewal and revitalization as he
reminded the brothers of their baptismal commitment and always remember their roots. The
recollection was conducted online in order for the brothers wherever in the Philippines and around the
world to participate in the spiritual exercises. In the spirit of fraternity and solidarity a good number of
brothers heeded to the invitation and spent the afternoon with the Lord through Fr. Alu.

(insert profound gratitude to Fray Lauro V. Larlar naa sa certificate.)

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