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Dany Stella Nguepi Jiometsa

ENG 1201 English Composition II

Prof: William Loudermilk


Cancer: A Dangerous Disease.

Every person in this life has experience at least one kind of disease even if it was just

a fever that didn’t last for long. Normally, people doesn’t panic when they are diagnoses

with common diseases. But there are others diseases that no one wants to hear about even

if they are told that they are going to be fine. Regardless of the diagnosis, they would still be

afraid and in total shock. Cancer is one of those diseases that nobody wants to even think

about it. Cancer can be described as an illness triggered by an unrestrained partition of

nonstandard cells in a part of the body. While some diseases are mostly treatable, or people

can live with them on the everyday basis, some cancer forms are mostly incurable. Although

it has been proven that many kinds of cancer can be prevented or treated if caught early,

said Center of Disease Control and prevention. Currently, cancer is a big concern around the

world and even ranks as second in the mortality leading cause in the U.S. That is why it would

be important to identify some of the common causes of cancer, different types of cancer, and

some treatments available for cancer nowadays, some ways to cope with this frightening

disease, and finally, the group of people that prefer not to go through all these pathways.

The human body is always undergoing transformation. At every stage of the life,

almost all the cells of the body are being regenerated, and the old cells are replaced by new
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and healthier cells by our organism. Because sometimes the body doesn’t run as planned

because it’s not a machine, sometimes cells can go out of control or can be affected by

external elements. Cancer it just healthy cells turning into sick and damage ones that

developed more rapidly than the normal rate and causing harms to our organism. In her

article “Understanding Cancer -- the Basics” published on January 24, 2020, Gabriela

Pichardo explain in details what is cancer, and how our own cells could help us beat cancer.

Gabriella Pichardo said in that article answering the question, “What Is Cancer” that, during

lifespan, healthy cells in bodies split, substitute one another in an organized way. This

disease begins while cell is someway changed so it can reproduce uncontrollably. Pichardo

adds that, cancer is constituted of uncharacteristic cells. All malignances form tumors,

however not all tumors are malignant.

Malignant cancers are the ones that spreads and can affect other body fragments

than the one they initially started growing on. According to Pichardo, cancerous tumors

dominate healthy cells, obstruct normal body roles, and lure resources from the organism.

Cancers continue to develop and extent through a method named metastasis, whereby

lymphatic, ultimately creating fresh growths in other body fragments. Pronouncing the word

cancer, it seems like it describes just one disease but on the contrary it refers to a wild range

of disorders. As explained by Pichardo, the expression “cancer” comprehends a lot of

disorders distressing approximately all body’s parts, and all are hypothetically lethal. As

suggested by Pichardo’s article it can now be concluded that cancer is a term that designate

multiple kind of diseases that could lead to the worst or the unwanted.
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Cancer is a sum of multiple diseases that falls into the general definition of “cancer”. For

this purpose, the National Cancer Institute published an article: “Understanding Cancer: What

is Cancer?” published on the site of the National Institute of Health, February 9, 2015. In this

article, National Cancer Institute refers to cancer as “A collection of related diseases.” The

article written by the National Cancer Institute supports the position of Pichardo’s. That

cancer is a term to describe more than one single sickness, National Cancer Institute says

“cancer is the name given to a collection of related diseases. In all types of cancer, some of

the body’s cells begin to divide without stopping and spread into surrounding tissues.”

There is a real distinction between tumor cells and healthy cells. According to

National Cancer Institute, cancer cell diverges from healthy cells in multiple manner that

permit them to develop and become aggressive. The difference is that tumor cells are less

focused in regard of ordinary cells. That is, whereas ordinary cells mature into very distinct

cell types which have precise purposes, and tumor cells don’t. furthermore, tumor cells are

capable to ignore signals that habitually tells cells of halt apportioning or of starting the

process known as automated cells decease, or apoptosis. Apoptosis, which is a mechanism

that the body utilizes to get cleared from unnecessary cells. tumor cells are cells that can

escape from the immune system. Immune system which is in a way, an arrangement of

organs, tissues, specified cells that safeguards the organism from illnesses. Even though the

response system customarily eliminates uncharacteristic cells from the organism, certain

tumor cells are capable of hiding away from the natural defenses of the body. Also, tumors

can use the body’s defenses to remain flourishing and mature. National Cancer Institute

gives an example and explain that with the help of certain natural response cells that
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typically block an escaped from the natural defenses, tumor cells can essentially preserve the

natural response of the body they are attacking from exterminating unwanted cells.

Cancer generally arise from the genes of the patient. “Cancer is a genetic disease –

that is caused by changes to genes that control the way our cells function, especially how

they grow and divide.” Said National Cancer Institute. This disease affects three different

types of genes that originate from genetic changes and contribute to cancer development.

The first type of gene is: roto-oncogenes which are implied in ordinary cell expansion and

partition. However, when roto-oncogenes are changed in some ways, and are operating

more than usual. They could be converted into genes that causes cancer permitting cells to

develop and live when they normally should be death. (National Cancer Institute). Second

types of genes involve the tumor suppressor genes which implied monitoring cells

development, and separation. Some Cells with modifications in tumor suppressor genes may

hysterically split. And finally, according to National Cancer Institute, DNA repair genes which

are involved in repairing injured DNA. Cells with transformations in their genes are inclined

of grow supplementary alterations in surrounding genes. Jointly, all transformations cited

above would likely cause the cells to become malignant.

There are multiple types of cancer and they are classified into two (2) category which

are non-cancerous and cancerous. Benign cancer develops gently and doesn’t extent.

Malignant tumors develop speedily, occupies, and devastates immediate standard tissues,

extent throughout the body (National Cancer Institute).

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There are multiple types of cancers that are listed in the medical domain. This is

habitually baptized for tissues where the cancer starts forming. National Cancer Institute

takes for example the term lung cancer which means that cancer cells started in the lung…

Certain groups of this disease initiate explicit sorts of cells include. First, one of the most

usual kinds of cancer is Carcinoma. According to National Cancer Institute carcinomas are

produced by cells called epithelial, that are types of cells surrounding internal, external body

faces. Observed under microscopy, epithelial cells frequently have column like form.

Additionally, there is Sarcoma these are cancers that grows in connective tissue. After

Sarcoma, there is Leukemia, which develops in soft tissues, including muscles, fat cells, blood

vessels, lymph vessels, and fibrous tissue, and bones. Osteosarcoma is another bones cancer.

Said National Cancer Institute.

The National Cancer Institute said, most usual types of soft tissue are

dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, and leiomyosarcoma, Kaposi sarcoma, malignant fibrous

histiocytoma, and liposarcoma.

Another form of cancer is lymphoma which starts in lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are

illness-fighting white blood cells that are part of the natural response. According to CDC, in

lymphoma, nonstandard lymphocytes developed into lymph nodes and vessels, together

with further body structures. It exists several kinds of lymphoma according to National

Cancer Institute: Hodgkin lymphoma – person suffering from this illness has atypical

lymphocytes named Reed-Sternberg cells. which are frequently produced from B cells. And

Non- Hodgkin lymphoma – this big illness assembly of cancers begins in lymphocytes. This
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disease can propagate speedily or unhurriedly, can be developed from B or T cells. (Center of

Disease Control and Prevention)

In addition, there is several myelomas which is one type of cancer which develops

into the cells of plasma, which is another type of response cell. Nonstandard plasma cells,

termed myeloma cells, arise from the innermost bone layer and produce tumors in bones

throughout the organism. Several myelomas are likewise named plasma cell myeloma, and

Kahler disease. Additionally, melanoma is cancer that commences in cells which turns into

melanocytes, which are expert cells that build up the pigment of the skin. Maximum of

melanomas develop on skin, nonetheless melanomas can furthermore develop in other

pigmented tissues, like in the eye said National Cancer Institute

There are different types of brain and spinal cord tumors. These tumors are baptized

founded on the kind of cell in which they are produced and where the tumor was first

created in the central nervous system. For instance, an astrocytic tumor stars in star-shaped

brain cells entitled astrocytes, which help keep nerve cells healthy explain the National

Cancer Institute. Brain tumors as several others growth can be benign or malignant. National

Cancer Institute said, it exists other types of tumors like germ cell Tumors, neuroendocrine

tumors, and carcinoid tumors.

Another type of tumor is brain cancer where metastases can spread to the lungs or in

different other organs in the body. According to Dong, Kai et al. in the article “Brain

Metastases from Lung Cancer with Neuropsychiatric Symptoms as the First Symptoms”

concluded that “the possibility of brain metastases from lung cancer patient develops

neuropsychiatric symptoms.” These metastases could happen in many types of cancers.

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To be specific most scientists described brain tumor as a growth of uncharacteristic

cells in the brain. As all other categories of cancers, there are several forms of brain tumors

that exist. Brain tumors can begin in the brain which in that case is named principally brain

tumors, or cancer can begin in other parts of the body and spread to the brain and in this

case, it is called secondary, or metastatic, brain tumors said, National Cancer Institute.

I was also curious about younger patients with cancer, to understand the causes,

effects, treatments. I thought since they were younger, they had higher chances of remission

because of their age and because the younger someone is, the most their cells regenerate

themselves. Kuntz, Nancy, et al. in the article “Pediatric Cancer Patients’ Treatment Journey:

Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer Narratives.” Addresses some of the concerns of

the younger patient history, treatments, and journey through cancer.

At last, there are some effective and beneficial ways to cope with this hateful disease

called cancer. In one article from Harvard Health Publishing “Dealing with a Cancer

Diagnosis” published in May, 2018. It is true that no one would like to hear a worrisome

diagnosis of any kind of disease regarding them or their love ones. It is more nerve-wracking

when this positive diagnosis is about cancer, whether is cancerous or non-cancerous the

shock is the same. Luckily, there are ways to cope with cancer and the psychological aspect

most be between the first concerns. “The natural response to hearing ‘cancer’ is to feel a

surge of anxiety and negative thoughts like ‘I’ am going to die,” Says Dr. John Peteet, head of

psychosocial oncology fellowship at the Harvard-Farber cancer institute.

Harvard Medical School propose some ways to deals with cancer diagnosis, and they

are as followed: Prioritizing the patient life “a diagnosis changes your life in the short and
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long term and offers a chance to focus on what is most important this period: your health,

family, and quality f life.” Getting informed, “you may feel less anxiety and stress if you are

an active participant in your health care.” Finding some support system, the patient should

take care of himself/herself “it’s common to abandon your usual health habits when dealing

with stressful events, but it’s essential you remain a regular exercise routine, continue to

follow a diet, and get enough sleep.”, Embracing stress relievers (meditation, and

recreational activities are other ways..), designating a spokesperson “friends and family want

to know you are coping, which can be further stressor, so have someone be your official

spokesperson to share updates and other information”, Looking at what worked before “this

is not the first time you have gone through a tough period of life” (Harvard Medical School)

After learning how to cope with cancer diagnosis, it is important to talk about the

common cancer treatments. Although all cancer types are not life threatening, there are

multiple options when it comes to cancer treatments options. The National Cancer Institute

talks about: firstly, surgery which is when physicians (surgeons) removed the mass from the

body. Radiation therapy is also a form of cancer action which uses elevated amounts of

radiation for exterminating cancer cells, and reduce masses. After that, Chemotherapy is one

kind of treatment that employs medicines for destroying cancer cells. Additionally,

immunotherapy is another way to treat cancer. Immunotherapy is the form of cancer

management that helps the natural response battle the cancer. Plus, targeted therapy which is

a kind of cancer management that focusses on different variations in cancer cells that aid them

to flourish, apportion, and extent. Followed by hormone therapy, a sort of treatment which

decelerates or halts the progression of breast and prostate cancers which utilizes hormones to
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propagate. Again, stem cell transplant which are techniques that reestablish blood-forming

stem cells in cancer patients who have had their stem cells demolished by very elevated

quantities of chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. And, precision medicine which helps

physicians make the right call as for the best treatments option that will be beneficial and most

helpful for patients founded on a genetic appreciation of their illness. Lastly, Biomarker testing

can be use in cancer management, and is a manner to look for genes, proteins, and other

substances that can provide information about cancer. Said National Cancer Institute, “Cancer

Treatment “

Everybody should be supportive toward people with cancer. Cancer does not know

races, gender, culture, age, social or economic class. Cancer is the common enemy of all human

being. The article “Cancer” by Max Roser and Hannah Ritchie, bring to our attention that there
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is cancer all around the world and the percentage in 2017 was already reaching the 1.3%.
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Above is a map showing how cancer does not chose where to attack people’s cells. In

this map the variation of color shows the spread or the presence of the cancer in every part of

the world. From the color light yellow being where cases are lower to the dark red where cases

of cancer are more predominant.

Despite all the work of the health professionals’ team on research concerning cancer to

reach a cure, sadly there is not a definitive cure for all types of malignant cancer documented

until today. Some malignant cancer can be treated aggressively when discovered on an early

stage. But there is hope that researchers will one day find a cure. Because all the treatments

available do not always work and some can bring bad side effect, some people prefer not to

take them when presented with the options. There are a group of people that prefer live their
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best life and died eventually smoothly than to go through the struggle of fighting for their life

through treatments that may affect their life style.

finally, cancer is a disease that is very scary. Cancer is the abnormal development of

cells in a part of the body that escape the normal control of the immune system response,

which makes them a threat for other cells. There are multiple types of cancer which falls into

two category the benign and malignant cancer which means non-cancerous and cancerous

respectively. Receiving the news about cancer is always though emotionally so, it is

important to learn and know ways to cope with the news and get support as soon as

possible. There is a wild range of treatment existing for cancer treatment but it is sad that

there is no cure yet for most malignant tumors and people are still dying on a daily basis due

to complications of cancer and for this reason some people won’t take the treatment when

offer to them because they are afraid the side effects might be worse than the actual

disease. But the good news is there is hope because scientists are always in research for new

treatments and their ultimate goal is to find a cure that will save thousands of lives.
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Works Cited

“Breast Cancer.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 14 September 2020. Accessed 15 April 2021.

“Dealing with a Cancer Diagnosis.” Harvard Health Publishing. Harvard Medical School, May,


diagnosis.Accessed 20 April 2021.

Dong, Kai et al. “Brain metastases from lung cancer with neuropsychiatric symptoms as the first

symptoms.” Translational lung cancer research vol. 8,5 (2019): 682-691.

doi:10.21037/tlcr.2019.10.02. Accessed 15 April 2021.

Gabriela Pichardo. “Understanding Cancer—the Basics.” WebMD/Cancer Center, 24 January

2020. Accessed

15 April 2021.

Max Roser and Hannah Ritchie. “Cancer.” Our World in Data, July 2015. Accessed 22 April 2021

National Cancer Institute. “Understanding Cancer: What is Cancer?” National Institute of

Health, 9 February 2015,

cancer. Accessed 15 April 2021.

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