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THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C.


THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi


About The Author 3

Who is the Real Alpha Male 4 -5

The Cost of Change 6- 7

Principle 1: Self Esteem 8

Principle 2: Hygeine And 9 - 10

Self Packaging

Principle 3: Your
11 - 13
Unique Selling Point

Principle 4: Never 14 - 15
Settle for less

Principle 5:
16 - 19
Understanding The
Value of Money

The Last

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

About The Author

The author of this book Mr Gaoakanye Gabriel Cuttens Mokgosi is a

gifted and seasoned writer. Now a teacher, Mr Mokgosi was born on
March 4th 1990 and raised in Paje Village, Botswana. He has always
had a different perspective of life from a very young age. Growing up
he always had an open minded view of life that would spark a debate
with everyone around him, his peers and his family. This led him to
be alienated by a lot of people so with not so many friends around
him, he spent most of his time reading all sorts of books and writing
his own books, poems and songs from a very young age.He has
always loved sharing his opinions as a way of helping other people
look at life from a different and much broader perspective. This book
is a gift to every man in this world who wants to transform into a
solid figure of strength, principle and self discipline ( A true Alpha

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

Who is the Real Alpha Male?

There is a misconception in minds of a lot of people that Alpha Male

is about big muscle and a great height. Also that an Alpha Male is a
rude and disrespectful man who never feels or shows pain. That he is
a man who is always going against the grain. This book is here to
help paint a true picture of who a real Alpha Male is.
It is also tailor made to show the world some of the principles that an
Alpha Male needs to live by. Every Alpha Male needs to know what
to do when it is time to do it and also exactly how to do such a thing.
In short we can say that this book is the Alpha Male manual.
In a changed world today, boys and young men grow up being
offered the same kind of education and opportunities as their female
counterparts but they are expected to behave in a particular way that
is different from women. These are who this book is speaking to. In
today ‘s world men in general live in conflict with themselves about
what it means to be a strong and responsible man.
They have the same opportunities as women and they are being told
everyday that they are equal to women and that everything a man can
do, a woman can also do. It is now a question of what men can do to
set themselves apart and take the role of leadership in their society.

We have seen a lot men fall into the deep waters of alcohol abuse and
many other unhealthy habits as they try to escape from the troubling
matters of the world. This is who this book is speaking to.
It is about the principles that a real Alpha Male should posses
regardless of what job he does, whether he is tall or short, heavy
muscles or not.

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

Who is the Real Alpha Male?

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

The Cost Of Change

To be honest this book was not written to judge a man or condemn a

man rather it was written to show a man his mistakes and help him re-
build himself into a much better man. If you have already made
mistakes then is is okay because today is the perfect day to change. It
will take long and also come at a price but it can be done.

Change means living a new life at the cost of your old desires and
associates. In the process of change you are going to loose a lot of
friends and close relatives who share the habits that you are now in
the process of killing. You are going to spend a lot of time alone and
lonely as you start on a journey from your old mindset to the new one
but cheer up because that is called The Price of Change.

We enjoy watching great men that we always see on television

whether they are athletes, movie stars or politicians . We admire their
talent, their wealth and the women they have but a lot of people are
not aware of the price they pay in their private time. Most of them do
not have any close friends or family members that they can trust with
their lives. People always want something from them so they have to
be alert and self disciplined at all times.

In the same manner if you are to be an Alpha Male you will realize
that a lot of people who try to get close to you do so only because
they want to discover your secrets. They want to know what makes
you great and find out your weakness so it is very important to vet
people out before you let them get close to you. Unless you are just a
common man, people who come to you most of the time will be those
who want something from you. As much as it is important to help
other people yet you have to watch out for parasites and vampires.

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

Learn the difference between those who come to you seeking help so
they can move with their lives and those who get stuck to you and
suck life out of you.

Parasites and vampires are never satisfied with anything you give to
them. The more you give to them is the more they will want from
you. They only get closer to you when they realize that you have
something they want and once that thing is gone or they have found
another source in another place they will go away. These kind of
people will never be there for you at a time when you need them and
they will never stand boldly to defend you when you need them.

As an man who is transforming himself into an alpha male these are

the kind of people to weed out of your life no matter how nice they
may seem to be. The same goes for friends who always lead you into
trouble and somehow influence you live a much lower life.
You are going to be lonely and alone for a long time, that is the price
to pay but after paying that price you will reap a joyful reward. Once
you have established yourself as a powerful, unique and great men
other great people will form unbreakable relationships and friendships
with you. You will start to attract like minded people with whom
together you will help one another live the best of your lives.

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

Principle 1: Self Esteem

A true Alpha Male believes in himself and is fully assured that his
way is the true way. He is not shaken by the criticisms that other
people may have about him. The Alpha Male is a lion king who like
everything about himself. There is nothing that anyone can do or say
to make you feel bad about yourself because you do not put the words
and actions of other people above yours.

In today ‘s world people have access to different philosophies and

principles about different kinds of lifestyles. Regardless of these a
true alpha male will always stick to his own principles that make him.
This is because when a man lets go of his own principles, he looses
himself. It is very important to understand who you are, where you
are from and where you are going. After you have figured all of these
out then it is time to stay the path.

In his word Yeshua speaks of a house built on a rock and the one built
on the sand. He says that we should be like a house that is built on a
rock which cannot be blown away by wind nor swept away by flood.
Become deaf and blind to all the things that may tempt to remove you
from your own path.

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

Principle 2: Hygiene and self


What you see in yourself physically affects the way you think about
yourself. This is the reason why a strong man who is willing to be
influential always has to consider his hygiene and dressing style.
Every time you go out of your house/home you should make sure that
you are clean in your body, you are smelling good and you are
properly dressed.

Make it a habit to wash your whole body and clean your teeth at-least
twice a day without missing. There are men who were raised with the
mindset that washing clothes and cleaning your personal space is a
woman ‘s job. The truth of the matter is that you have to show your
woman how much you respect yourself in order for her to respect

Women nowadays have a high sense of self worth, a lot of them are
confident and very much organized. Such women will require a man
to have an even much greater confidence for them to submit
themselves to such a man. An alpha male has to be more organized,
extremely confident and posses even greater sense of worth than the
woman that he aspires to have as his submissive wife/girlfriend.

It has to be repeated that your hygiene and packaging determines how

much self-worth you are going to have. It is only when you are clean,
you are smelling good and you are dressed in quality clothes that you
will see yourself as a man of high value. It is not only in the colour of
the clothes you put on, the brand and price tag of your clothes also
matters as it affects your mindset. Dressing in cheap clothes will

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

make you feel cheap but on the other hand dressing in expensive
clothes of a valuable brand will make you feel expensive and valuable
as well. All a man needs to be an alpha-male is for him to feel and
believe that he is expensive and valuable.

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

Principle 3: Your Unique Selling Point

As an Alpha male you need to have something that makes you unique
from all the other men around you. Alpha males don’t function with a
hive mentality, there is always something that makes them stand out.
For some its money, having a lot of money makes you to be admired
by other men and respected by all women. While this is the case
money is not the only thing that will put you above other men.

Whatever you are good at can become your leverage if you use it
well. Some men are good at sports and athletics, it gives them an edge
over other men and it attracts women to them. Like it has already
been stated it takes anything you are really good at to be a light in the
darkness. Some men have found their leverage in the ability to speak
and be heard. They may not be the best thing out there in terms of
their physical looks but they posses a great confidence in their speech.
They are able to maintain eye contact and speak with so much power
that they can convince anyone around them to see things from their
perspective. These men have become Alpha males out of this talent.

It is never about one thing so it is actually useless to fight for the

throne with other men. The fact is you are already a king, you are on
your throne because surely there is something you are good at.
Whether it is drawing, painting, writing, poetry or singing if you can
develop it enough it will make you into a star.

The most important thing is knowing and understanding your

audience. You need to find people who will love you and respect you

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

for who you are. Never expose your talent to those who will not
appreciate it.

Sometimes you will find pastors trying to preach to people of

different religions or atheists, trying so hard to make these people
believe what they are saying. Most of the time such pastors end up
being converted into what they have been preaching against. This is
because they exposed their talents to the wrong audience. If you have
something to share with people who hold different beliefs, don’t
argue. Give them a little piece of your message and leave them alone.
If they will ever change, you shall expose them to more of your
messages at that time.

If you are a dark rock musician don’t try singing to the 3rd degree
Christians and if you are a 3rd degree Christian don’t force
unbelievers to hear you. The Word says “don’t speak to fools for they
scorn the wisdom out of your words”. A fool is anyone who sees the
world from a different perspective. It doesn't necessarily mean that
they are stupid in general terms. They are fools to you at that time and
it is okay, leave them alone. Focus on those who can relate to your
talents because those are your gifts. Nowadays we live in an open
world due to the internet and social media websites. There are a lot of
online international and interracial groups/communities for every
class of people all around the world. Go online find where you fit in
and have fun. A fish can never excel or be tolerated in the jungle just
as a lion can never excel or be tolerated in an ocean. There is always a
place for you where you can excel and stand out.

Today we have men who are admired by a lot of people because of

their potential in wrestling. We have those who have excelled in
politics. If you can take Marco Rubio one of the greatest senators in

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

The United States of America and put him in a boxing ring, he will
become a beta male. In the same manner Floyd Mayweather will
become a beta male in a political star rally. On the other way round
Marco Rubio is a true Alpha male in a political star rally and Floyd
Mayweather is a true Alpha male in the boxing ring. That is what
makes them to stand out. This is why it is very important to find your
path and stay on it.

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

Principle 4:High Ambition

Our thoughts are very important because they make us who we are
and they give us what we have. It is very important as a man to set
goals on what will satisfy you in every aspect of life. Have a goal of
what kind of a woman you will like to have in your life. Set a
standard for yourself in matters of relationships and never change this
standard except at a time when you raise it.

Even when it comes to your dream career or business you still need to
set a standard for yourself. Be sure that you know exactly what kind
of a job or business venture you would like to have. It should be that
which will make you happy and comfortable according to the
standard which you have set for your own life but rather not the
standards that other people have set for you.

Everyone has their own perspective of life. If certain people see the
career or the woman you are dreaming of as out of you league, it does
not mean that you have to see those things the same way too. Maybe
they see that career as of low value but if you see value in it yourself
then that is the very one you should pursue. Maintain your own
perspective of life and stay the path.Remember that the only time
your should alter your ambition is supposed to be when you are
increasing that ambition.

If you lower your ambition in any aspect of life because of the

circumstances that surround you then many unfavourable

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

circumstances will be attracted to you and you will have to keep

lowering that ambition.

Think of it this way, Let us say you are aiming to hit an eagle. While
aiming to hit the eagle you see a sparrow flying much lower than the
eagle and you realize that the sparrow will be a much easier target. If
you can change from aiming at the eagle to aiming at the sparrow
because the sparrow appears to be a much easier target, how long do
you think it will take before you see a butterfly as a much easier
target than the sparrow. With that kind of mindset you will soon
change and aim at the butterfly. Very soon you will now be aiming at
the beetle upon realizing that it the easiest target of all.

This is why you are not supposed to change your focus and your
target regardless of the circumstances that surround you. There are
people who always say we should eliminate the temptation but
removing the temptation will only waste your energy and make you
weak. The best way to deal with life is to let the temptations stay
while you focus on what is really your target. Maintain your aim and
shoot for your target even with the last remaining arrow in your
quiver. Believe with all you are that yes indeed you will overcome.

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

Principle 5: Understanding The Value

of Money

It is important to have a clear understanding of the value of money.

Understand that the concept of money has been there from the
beginning and money has through out the years existed in different
forms. There was a time when the most precious stones like gold and
silver were used in the form that money is used today. Money has
outlived every human being that has ever lived in this world before
and it will outlive many others who are yet to come, that shows us
that money is one of the most precious resources in this world.

It took me a long time to figure out that money is as important as our

own blood yet a lot of people cannot handle their money as they
handle their body organs. After careful consideration, I realized that
men who understand the value of money have turned out to be strong
men. On the other hand I also realized that most women do
understand the value of money more than a lot of men. Money is

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

more valuable than sex, it is more valuable than the beauty of any
women which is why men who have self discipline never easily throw
their money at women.

On the other hand men who lack self discipline and esteem would
give money to any beautiful woman they meet on the street in hopes
of having sex or hoping that such a woman would fall in love with
them.You have to ask yourself why is it that a woman you meet in the
streets will not just easily agree to have sex with you but as a man
you can just easily give that woman something as valuable as money
without getting anything back.Money never gets old, money never
loose its beauty and money is obedient to you when you have it.
This should come to your mind the next time you throw it away to
anything of a lesser value.

As an Alpha Male it is very important to use your money to take care

of your family, your real woman and your children and then exercise
the discipline to say no to the psychic vampires of this world. If you
are a single man, being single does not give you the right to waste
your money on things that do not add much value into your life.
Practice the discipline of saying NO and learn to save your
money.Most loan schemes today are ran by powerful women because
for a long time women are known for their self discipline and self
control when it comes to money. It has to be understood though that
this self discipline with money comes from the understanding of the
value of money.

The people who posses self discipline with money are those who have
a good understanding of its value.They spend money the same way
they would spend their own blood. Although blood is being produced
all the time in the body, there is always a set of amount of blood in

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

circulation around the body. As much as it is a good thing to donate

blood to those who may need it at the time, you have to make sure
you donate a limited amount of blood at a time so that you wont loose
your life. There are circumstances where you have to help other
people who may be in need but always make sure that it is for the
purpose of saving them while also keeping yourself alive.

There are many tempting circumstance in this world that are just out
there to suck the life out of a man. It goes from parasitic relationships
with other men, with women and even relatives who are always
taking your money but never giving it or anything of relative value
back to you. Your immediate family members are your responsibility
when they are young and are not yet financially stable. This means
your wife, your children and your siblings when they are young but
once they are grown it is time to give them the opportunity to learn
how to be dependant.

A lot of men just like women are in desperate need for love and
affection, this has been a field day for psychic vampires who use their
sexuality to trick men into giving them money. They are always
promising to fulfil the sexual appetite and hunger for affection but in
most cases it ends up not even close to satisfaction.

The other factor that is always taking from a lot of men is alcohol.
This substance gives people a momentary sense of high self esteem
during the period of drunkenness but once the high is gone that self
esteem is also gone together with the money. A lot of men who used
to be true Alpha males have lost their power because they have been
bled dry by their tendency of being ruled by alcohol. They make
money through hard-work but it is always easy for them to loose it to
alcohol. It is time to learn the discipline of saying NO to the urges

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

that can only lead you to destruction. That is what being an Alpha
male is all about, the discipline of saying No.Just because your body
aches for something does not mean that you have to go and get that
thing momentarily.

There was a time when Yeshua had spent 40 days fasting in the
desert. Surely, after 40 days of not eating and spending cold nights
alone, his humanly side was aching for food and warm clothes. As the
son of The Most High, The Creator of the heavens and earth, I am
sure that deep within he desired to be honored and worshiped as
king.At his point of great weakness, the devil came by and offered
him everything that his heart desired at that time but yet he was able
to say NO and stick to it with boldness. If he could have accepted the
devil ‘s offer we would have no salvation and light today.

Yeshua had to think about His purpose in this world which is saving
us and he had to put that above his own desires. This is very
important to learn from through out our weaknesses. We may never
have as much ability to resist temptation as Yeshua did but then again
we do not need to have the same ability he had because he did it for
us but when it comes to matters we can handle we should always take
responsibility. Think about what matters the most to you and say No
to that which will only bring you momentarily gratification. Saving
your money will always benefit you in the long run.

If its sex you want, understand that saving your money now will later
on bring you all the gratifying sex you have ever dreamed of. There is
power in saying No.

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi

The Last Remarks

As the author of the opinions above I can safely say I have figured out
what it means to be a true Alpha Male but it is from my own point of
view. Yet unlike the world of fantasy, there is no single defining
explanation to subjects like this—no Excalibur, no Sorting Hat—that
marks the complete evolution of an Alpha Male. The meaning of an
Alpha changes with the times as the world itself constantly changes,
but what remains steadfast is the commitment of an Alpha male at
What warriors of the past like Shaka Zulu, Achelius, Leo Niders
looked like on the outside is not exactly what the Alpha Males of
today look like on the outside but at the heart core we still posses the
same Alpha spirit.

THE ALPHA MALE MANUAL 2021 Gaoakanye G. C. Mokgosi


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