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Invitation │ 모시는 글 002

Program at a Glance│ 프로그램 004

Floor Plan│ 행사장 안내 006

Invited Faculty│ 초청연사 007

On-site Conference Information│ 현장 안내 009

Virtual Conference Information│ 온라인 행사 안내 010

Sponsors & Exhibitors│ 후원 및 전시 012

Scientific Program│ 상세프로그램 013

COVID-19 대응지침 029

Abstract│ 초록 035
Dear colleagues and scholars from abroad,

The 53rd Korean Society of Hypertension scientific meeting in conjunction with Hypertension Seoul 2020 will
be held in Seoul from 6th to 7th of November, 2020. The title of this year’s symposium is “Comprehensive
Approaches in Hypertension Management”.

Since its foundation in 1994, by the great efforts of the successive executives and members of the Korean
Society of Hypertension, our society has developed rapidly in active research and academic activities. In 2018,
the Korean Society of Hypertension revised Korean Society of Hypertension guideline.

Since COVID-19 pandemic, scientific meetings of KSH faced huge challenges. In this August, we successfully
ran the delayed Hypertension Busan 2020 meeting with a new normal format in compliance with the prevention
guidelines for COVID-19 by Korean Center for Disease Control. Upon this experience, we programmed
Hypertension Seoul 2020 to diversify the format of the symposium and abstract sessions.

Basically, it will be an online streaming conference. Domestic speakers and panelists will participate in an offline
format to provide more realistic discussion and communications. In addition, a number of the foreign invited
speakers will participate via online lectures and panel discussions, which have been arranged according to the
time difference. Abstract sessions including Clinical Research Award and Young Investigator Award will be held
using Zoom based on the small group discussions and some of them will be streamed. In this meeting, there will
be a joint symposium between Korean Society of Hypertension and Thai Hypertension Society with the session
title of “Strategies to Increase the Control Rate of Hypertension”. For multidisciplinary collaboration, another
joint session between KSH and Pharmaceutical Society of Korea will be held.

Despite these huge challenges by COVID-19 pandemic, we believe we will make a breakthrough by this
Hypertension Seoul 2020 for our scientific activity, communication, and friendship. Please join us ! If you would
experience fully activated online scientific meeting, you will be confident for the future of Korean Hypertension
Society and you will find a chance for other societies.

Best wishes to all of you.

September 2020

Chairman of KSH Young-Dae Kim

President of KSH Woook Boom Pyun
Director of Scientific Committee of KSH Jin Ho Shin

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

존경하는 대한고혈압학회 회원 여러분,


COVID-19 판데믹이라는 초유의 사태를 맞이하여 안팎으로 여러가지 어려운 사정에도 불구하고 Hypertension
Seoul 2020 및 제 53회 대한고혈압학회 국내개최 국제학술대회가 2020 년 11 월 6일(금) - 7일(토) 양일간
서울, 콘래드 호텔에서 개최됩니다. 금번 심포지엄의 주제는 “Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension

1994년 창립 이래 우리 학회는 쉬지 않고 학회에 주어진 학술적, 교육적, 정책적, 사회적 책임을 다하기 위해
노력하고 발전하고 있습니다. 아시다시피 이번에는 COVID-19 유행 이후 우리 학회의 학술대회도 큰 도전에
직면했습니다. 당초 5월에 개최 예정이었던 춘계학술대회도 연기되어 이번 8 월에 질병관리본부 COVID-19 예방
지침을 준수하면서 새로운 포맷으로 부산에서 성공적으로 진행했습니다. 회원님들의 단결된 한마음이 아니었다면
감히 시도하기도 쉽지 않았을 것입니다. 처음으로 온라인 연수평점을 성공적으로 발급하였으며 온라인 포스터 세션
역시 처음으로 진행하였습니다. 아직은 미흡한 점이 있지만 여러 회원님들의 정성 어린 질책으로 더 발전할 수 있는
기틀을 마련할 수 있었습니다. 이러한 경험을 바탕으로 심포지엄의 포맷과 진행방식을 더 다양화하여 Hypertension
Seoul 2020을 기획하였습니다.

금번 학회는 기본적으로 온라인 스트리밍 컨퍼런스가 될 것입니다. 그러나 국내 연사와 패널은 오프라인 형식으로
참여하고 청중 참여도 스트리밍하여 보다 현장감 있는 토론과 커뮤니케이션을 제공하고 청중의 질의응답 참여도
더욱 활성화 할 예정입니다. 해외초청 연사들은 온라인 녹화강의 및 실시간 패널 토론을 통해 참여할 것이며
시차에 따라 세션의 시간이 재조정되어 진행될 예정입니다. 기존에 운영했던 Clinical Research Award와 Young
Investigator Award 세션도 변함없이 운영하고 해외초록 세션은 Zoom 기반의 소그룹 토론 형식으로 진행될
예정입니다. “Strategies to Increase the Control Rate of Hypertension”이라는 주제로 우리 학회와 태국
고혈압학회가 조인트 심포지엄을 개최할 예정이며, 다학제 간 협력을 위해 우리 학회와 대한약학회가 조인트 세션을
개최할 예정입니다.

COVID-19 대유행의 엄청난 도전에도 불구하고 우리는 과학적 연구활동, 상호교류, 및 친목 도모라는 학술대회의
본연의 목적을 지켜 나가고 이번 Hypertension Seoul 2020을 통해 새로운 돌파구를 만들 수 있을 것이라고
믿습니다. 함께하시어 활발하게 진행되는 새로운 포맷의 학술대회를 경험하시고 우리 학회의 비전을 공유해 주시고
아낌없는 조언과 성원을 부탁드립니다.

2020년 9월

대한고혈압학회 회장 김영대
이사장 편욱범
학술이사 신진호

Program at a Glance 프로그램
DAY 1 : 2020. 11. 06 (Fri)
*[E]: English Session

Room A Room B Room C Room D

09:00-09:40 09:00-09:30 09:00-09:30 09:00-10:00

Industry Sponsored Industry Sponsored Industry Sponsored Industry Sponsored

Symposium I Symposium II Symposium III Symposium IV
[Samjin] [Boryung] [Menarini] [HK inno.N]


Opening Ceremony

10:15-11:30 10:15-11:15 10:15-11:30 10:15-11:30

Blood Pressure Monitoring:

Therapeutic Approach in
New Techniques in the
From Big Data through Nocturnal Blood Pressure
Detection of Organ Damages Clinical Research Award
Machine Learning (Working Group for Blood
(Basic Hypertension Research
Pressure Monitoring)



12:40-13:40 12:40-13:55 12:40-13:55 12:40-13:55

Home BP Measurement in the Hypertension and Atrial Controversies in Hypertension Young Investigator Award
Special Population Fibrillation [E] [E]

14:05-14:45 14:05-15:20 14:05-15:05 14:05-15:20

Latest Knowledge of Metabolic

Industrial Satellite Syndrome Treatment in Special Updates on Central Blood Oral I:
Symposium I Conditions Pressure International Session
[Novartis] (Working Group on Metabolic [E] [E]

15:30-16:45 15:30-16:45 15:30-16:30 15:30-16:45

Ambulatory BP Monitoring in
Pediatric Hypertension Smartphone Applications for
Adherence and Patient
Blood Pressure Control in CKD (Pediatric Hypertension Blood Pressure Measurement
Centered Medicine
Society) [E]

16:50-18:00 16:50-18:00 16:50-17:50 16:50-18:00

Blood Pressure Variability in

Epidemiology of Chronic
Research and Practice of Emerging Treatment for Neurological Disorder
Diseases in Korea
Exercise Intervention for Hypertension (The Research Society for
(Hypertension Epidemiology
Hypertensive Patients [E] Hypertensive Cerebrovascular
Research Group)

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

DAY 2 : 2020. 11. 07 (Sat)

*[E]: English Session

Room A Room B Room C Room D

07:00-08:00 07:00-07:30 07:00-07:20 07:00-07:30
Industry Sponsored
Industry Sponsored Industry Sponsored Industry Sponsored
Symposium VII
Symposium V Symposium VI Symposium VIII
[Daiichi-Sankyo &
[MSD] [Yuhan] [Daewon]
08:00-09:00 08:00-09:00
Meet the Expert Session I: Oral II: International Session
Electrolyte and Drug Therapy [E]
Special Lecture [E]
09:40-10:55 09:40-10:55 09:40-10:55 09:40-10:55
Hot issue in Resistant
Session for Clinical
Infection and Hypertension Hypertension
Hypertension, KSH-PSK Joint Symposium
[E] (Working Group of Resistant
the Official Journal of KSH
11:05-12:05 11:05-12:05 11:05-12:05 11:05-12:05
Industrial Satellite Timing of Anti-Hypertensive Oral III:
Health Disparities in
Symposium II Drug Administration International Session
[Hanmi] [E] [E]
12:10-13:00 12:10-13:10 12:10-13:10
Luncheon Session I Luncheon Session II Luncheon Session III
[Donga-ST] [Servier] [Pfizer]
13:30-14:40 13:30-14:40 13:30-14:40 13:30-14:30
Essential Course of
Hypertension Management KSH-Thai Hypertension
Microcirculation in Meet the Expert Session II:
for General Practitioners and Society Joint Symposium:
Hypertensive Heart Disease Clinical Application of Central
Trainees - Strategy to Increase the
(Working Group on Blood Pressure
Session I. Effective Diagnosis, Control Rate of Hypertension
Hypertension Complication) [E]
Treatment, and Monitoring of [E]
Hypertension in Primary Care
14:50-16:05 14:50-16:05 14:50-15:50 14:50-15:35
In-Depth Course of
Hypertension Management New Classification of
for General Practitioners and Pulmonary Hypertension Updates in Aldosterone and Meet the Expert Session III:
Trainees - Based on Case Presentation Hypertension Drug Induced Hypertension
Session II. Practical (Korean Research Society of [E] [E]
Management of Hypertension Pulmonary Hypertension)
in Real World
Plenary Lecture [E]
Closing Ceremony

Floor Plan On-site 행사장 안내
Place: Conrad Hotel, Seoul, 6F

연 Room D

Room C

Room B

무 Room A
Rest 인
room 등

진 Preview Room
데 &

크 연사대기실


Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

Overseas Invited Faculty 해외초청연사

Apichard Sukonthasarn Chen-Huan Chen

Chiang Mai University National Yang-Ming
Thailand University

Chien-Chang Lee Franz Schaefer

National Taiwan University Heidelberg University
Hospital Hospital
Taiwan Germany

Giuseppe Faraco James Sharman

Weill Cornell Medical College, Menzies Institute

Cornell University for Medical Research,
University of Tasmania

Kazuomi Kario Keita Saku

Jichi Medical University National Cerebral and
School of Medicine Cardiovascular Center
Japan Japan

Miguel Camafort Paolo Mulatero
Babkowski University of Torino
University of Barcelona Italy

Prin Vateesatokit Rhian Touyz

Mahidol University University of Glasgow
Thailand UK

Somkiat Sangwatanaroj Takayoshi Ohkubo

Chulalongkorn University Teikyo University
Thailand School of Medicine

Thilo Burkard Yuda Turana

University Hospital Basel Atma Jaya Catholic University
Switzerland of Indonesia

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

On-site Conference Information 현장 안내

Operating Hours
Date Operation Hours Place

Nov 6 (Fri) 08:00 – 17:00

Foyer (6F), Conrad Seoul
Nov 7 (Sat) 06:30 – 16:30

Name Badge
* 평점체크를 위하여 명찰을 대회기간 내 소지하시기 바랍니다.

평점 안내
구분 11월 6일(금) 11월 7일(토)

대한의사협회 6점 6점

대한내과학회 분과전문의 2점 2점

내과전공의 외부학술회의(학술대회) 2점

- 대한의사협회 연수교육 관리지침에 따라 세션 참석한 시간에 비례하여 이수 가능한 평점이 달라집니다.

- 평점 확인을 위하여 반드시 행사장 입장 시 1회, 퇴장 시 1회 바코드를 스캔해 주십시오. (1일 2회 이상 스캔)
- 바코드 스캔은 무인등록기 혹은 셀프평점체크기에서 하실 수 있습니다.
- 현장 방문으로 획득하신 평점과 온라인 행사에서 획득하신 평점을 합산하여 최종 평점이 산정됩니다.

Information for Invited Speakers & Panelists

Preview Room
All invited speakers must check in and submit their Power Point presentation files at the Preview Room.
Date Operation Hours Place

Nov 6 (Fri) 08:00 – 17:00 Preview Room & 연사대기실 (6F),

Nov 7 (Sat) 06:30 – 16:00 Conrad Seoul

e-Poster Presentation
˙등록을 완료한 참석자들은 온라인 학술대회 웹사이트상에서 모든 e-Poster Presentation 열람 가능
˙각 e-Poster 마다 실시간 Q&A 댓글 가능

Virtual Conference Information 온라인 행사 안내
Introduction to virtual Hypertension Seoul 2020



*The virtual conference may only be accessed by registered participants.

Hypertension Seoul 2020 온라인 학술대회 참여 방법

1. Hypertension Seoul 2020 웹사이트(에 접속하여 “Join Virtual Conference” 클릭
2. 로그인
ID: Hypertension Seoul 2020웹사이트 아이디와 동일
PW:휴대폰번호 끝 4자리 (웹사이트 등록시 입력한 휴대폰번호)
3. Hypertension Seoul 2020 온라인 학술대회 입장
- Live Sessions, e-Posters, Virtual exhibitions등 클릭하여 참석
- Live Sessions의 경우 “세션입장” 및 “세션퇴장”을 반드시 클릭
- e-Posters, Virtual exhibitions의 경우 휴대폰으로 참여 불가

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

대회 연수 평점
대한의사협회 연수교육 지침에 따라 실제 세션을 수강하신 시간에 비례하여 평점이 인정됩니다.
현장에 참석하신 초청연사는 온라인 및 오프라인 참석 시간을 합산하여 평점을 신청해 드립니다.
[예시] 11월 6일 온라인 참여 2시간 및 현장참여 4시간 / 11월 7일 현창 참여 6시간 =총 12 점
- 부분 평점 부여 : 1 일 최소 1점-최대 6점 인정, 2 일 최대 12 점 인정

평 점 안내
구분 11월 6일(금) 11월 7일(토)

대한의사협회 6점 6점

대한내과학회 분과전문의 2점 2점

내과전공의 외부학술회의(학술대회) 2점

대한의사협회 평점 인정 기준
코로나-19 사태로 인해 대한의사협회 연수교육기관의 온라인 연수교육 시행에 대해 한시적으로 연수평점을 인정 하기
로 하였습니다.
구분 내용

1일 최대 6평점 취득 가능
취득 가능 평점
(필수평점교육을 수강하실 경우 필수평점 최대 2평점, 일반평점 최대 4평점 취득 가능)

▶ 1시간 미만: 1평점 인정 불가 ▶ 1시간 이상 ~ 2시간 미만 ➡ 1평점

평점 인정 기준 ▶ 2시간 이상 ~ 3시간 미만 ➡ 2평점 ▶ 3시간 이상 ~ 4시간 미만 ➡ 3평점
(세션 수강 시간 기준) ▶ 4시간 이상 ~ 5시간 미만 ➡ 4평점 ▶ 5시간 이상 ~ 6시간 미만 ➡ 5평점
▶ 6시간 이상 ⇨ 6평점

평점 취득 방법
구분 내용

- 세션 수강 시 각 세션 별로 반드시 ‘세션입장’ 및 ‘세션퇴장’ 버튼 모두 클릭 (버튼을 누르지 않으면 수강 시간에

평점 취득 방법 반영 불가)
- 세션 시작 전 입장 시에도 세션 시간 기준으로만 평점 반영

- Break Time시 평점 인정 불가
- 동일한 시간에 복수의 온라인 세션을 수강한 경우 해당 평점은 모두 불인정
유의 사항
- 세션 중간에 기기 오류로 퇴실 처리가 될 경우 모바일이나 다른 기기로 로그인하시어 세션 수강 진행 (단, 1개의 ID를
동시간에 여러 기기로 접속 시, 모든 출결 기록은 불인정)

온라인 연수교육 시 주의 사항
1) 온라인 연수교육 시 인터넷 환경으로 인해 연결이 원활하지 않을 수 있습니다. 모바일의 경우 wi-fi 대신 자체
데이터 사용을, PC는 랜선 이용을 권장합니다.
2) 병원은 방화벽이 높아 원내 PC 로는 접근이 용이하지 않을 수 있습니다. 원내 PC가 아닌 모바일 또는 다른 기기로
접속할 것을 권장합니다.

Sponsors 후원
Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Exhibitors 전시
경풍약품-에리슨제약 바이엘코리아 인바디

광동제약 베링거 잉겔하임 일동제약

동화약품 암젠코리아 종근당

미쓰비시다나베 파마코리아 ㈜엘지화학 한림제약㈜

모든 전시는 Virtual Conference에서 e-Booth로 보실 수 있습니다.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

Scientific Program 상세프로그램

DAY 1 : 2020. 11. 06 (Fri)
Room A

09:00-09:40 Industry Sponsored Symposium I [Samjin]

좌장: 주승재(제주의대)

09:00-09:20 Intensive Lipid Lowering in Hypertensive Patients


09:20-09:40 Management of Hypertension and Dyslipidemia for Prevention of CVD


10:00-10:15 Opening Ceremony (Room A, B, C, D)

10:15-11:30 From Big Data through Machine Learning

좌장: 유승기(을지의대), 성기철(성균관의대)

10:15-10:30 Big Data Analytics and International Heterogeneous Data


10:30-10:45 A Community-Based Intervention for Improving Medication Adherence for Elderly Patients with Hypertension in
Korea; Using Korean National Health Insurance (KNHI) Big Data

10:45-11:00 The Limitations of Big Data Analysis: AI as a Solution?


11:00-11:15 Applications in Machine Learning for Big Data of Hypertension Research


11:15-11:30 Panel Discussion

박진주(서울의대), 최병걸(고려의대)

11:40-12:40 Luncheon

12:40-13:40 Home BP Measurement in the Special Population

좌장: 조명찬(충북의대), 임상현(가톨릭의대)

12:40-12:55 Home BP Measurement in the Pregnant Women


12:55-13:10 Home BP Measurement in the Patients with CKD


13:10-13:25 Home BP Measurement in the Elderly


13:25-13:40 Panel Discussion

위진(가천의대), 이상은(이화의대), 최재혁(한림의대)

14:05-14:45 Industrial Satellite Symposium I [Novartis]
좌장: 김동수(인제의대)

14:05-14:25 From Valsartan to ARNI, The Differentiated Clinical Value for CV Disease Management

14:25-14:45 The Benefits of Early ARNI Therapy in HFrEF Patients: When, for Whom and How?

15:30-16:45 Blood Pressure Control in CKD

좌장: 김근호(한양의대), 박대균(한림의대)

15:30-15:45 International Variation of Blood Pressure Control in Chronic Kidney Disease


15:45-16:00 Ultrafiltration Rate, Blood Pressure, Residual Kidney Function, and Survival among Hemodialysis Patients

16:00-16:15 Relationship between Volume Status and Possibility of Pulmonary Hypertension in Dialysis Naive CKD5 P

16:15-16:30 Hypertension and Long-Term Outcomes among Living Kidney Donors


16:30-16:45 Panel Discussion

김세중(서울의대), 최대은(충남의대), 송영림(한림의대)

16:50-18:00 Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases in Korea (Hypertension Epidemiology Research Group)

좌장: 이태용(충남의대), 김영대(동아의대)

16:50-17:05 Obesity Fact Sheets


17:05-17:20 Diabetes Fact Sheets


17:20-17:35 Dyslipidemia Fact Sheets


17:35-17:50 Hypertension Fact Sheets


17:50-18:00 Panel Discussion

윤종찬(가톨릭의대), 이찬주(연세의대)

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

Room B

09:00-09:30 Industry Sponsored Symposium II [Boryung]

좌장: 홍순표(조선의대)

09:00-09:30 Facing the Challenge of Hypertension and Dyslipidemia Management


10:00-10:15 Opening Ceremony (Room A, B, C, D)

10:15-11:15 Pathophysiology : New Techniques in the Detection of Organ Damages

(Basic Hypertension Research Group)
좌장: 전병화(충남의대), 김인겸(경북의대)

10:15-10:30 Assessment of Vascular Inflammation in Hypertension


10:30-10:45 Assessment of Renal Damage in Hypertension


10:45-11:00 Nanobiotechnology

11:00-11:15 Panel Discussion

배은희(전남의대), 안계택(충남의대), 최철웅(고려의대)

11:40-12:40 Luncheon

12:40-13:55 Hypertension and Atrial Fibrillation

좌장: 김원호(전북의대), 홍경순(한림의대)

12:40-12:55 Pathophysiology of AF and the Role of Hypertension


12:55-13:10 Genetics in AF

13:10-13:25 Hypertension and Pre-hypertension, as a Risk Factor of AF


13:25-13:40 Subclinical Risk Factors of Stroke in AF Patients, beyond the CAH2DS2-VASc Score

13:40-13:55 Panel Discussion

김인철(계명의대), 백용수(인하의대), 이지현(서울의대), 정혜문(경희의대)

14:05-15:20 Latest Knowledge of Metabolic Syndrome Treatment in Special Conditions

(Working Group on Metabolic Syndrome)
좌장: 현민수(순천향의대), 손현식(가톨릭의대)

14:05-14:20 고도비만 청소년에서의 대사증후군 치료


14:20-14:35 고위험군 노인에서의 대사증후군 치료


14:35-14:50 대사증후군의 수술적 치료

14:50-15:05 심혈관 질환에서 대사증후군의 치료


15:05-15:20 Panel Discussion

김현진(한양의대), 서원우(한림의대), 서재빈(서울의대)

15:30-16:45 Adherence and Patient Centered Medicine

좌장: 박훈기(한양의대), 김대중(아주의대)

15:30-15:45 Clinical Interview: Styles and Skills


15:45-16:00 How to Follow the Patient in (Pre)contemplation Stage


16:00-16:15 How to Measure Patient Centered Communication

안정아(아주대학교 간호대학)

16:15-16:30 Application of Clinical Communication in the Guidelines


16:30-16:45 Panel Discussion

김춘자(아주대학교 간호대학), 김학령(서울의대), 박상민(을지의대)

16:50-18:00 Research and Practice of Exercise Intervention for Hypertensive Patients

좌장: 제세영(서울시립대학교), 김연수(서울대학교)

16:50-17:05 Changes of Blood Pressure by Aerobic Exercise


17:05-17:20 Changes of Blood Pressure by Strengthening Exercise


17:20-17:35 Application of Exercise in Hypertensive Patients


17:35-17:50 Clinical Strategies for Promoting Physical Activities and Exercise in Hypertensive Patients

17:50-18:00 Panel Discussion

강현주(순천향대학교), 김효은(연세의대), 이온(스포츠정책과학원)

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

Room C

09:00-09:30 Industry Sponsored Symposium III [Menarini]

좌장: 조상기(광주기독병원)

09:00-09:30 Approaches to HTN Treatment with Beta-blockers : Findings from Real World Evidence

10:00-10:15 Opening Ceremony (Room A, B, C, D)

10:15-11:30 Blood Pressure Monitoring : Therapeutic Approach in Nocturnal Blood Pressure

(Working Group for Blood Pressure Monitoring) [Eng]
Chairpersons: Soon-Kil Kim(Hanyang University), Sang-Hyun Ihm(Catholic University)

10:15-10:30 Physiology of Nighttime Blood Pressure and Isolated Nocturnal Hypertension

Bae-Keun Kim(Sungae Hospital)

10:30-10:45 Smoothness Index versus TOVI (Treatment On Variability Index) for Nocturnal BP
Mi-Hyang Jung(Hallym University)

10:45-11:00 Best Drug Therapy to Reduce Nocturnal Blood Pressure?

Ho-Youn Won(Chung-Ang University)

11:00-11:15 Nocturnal Blood Pressure Measured by Home Devices: Evidence and Perspective for Clinical Application
Takayoshi Ohkubo(Japan)

11:15-11:30 Panel Discussion

Dae-Hee Kim(Ulsan University), Sang-Min Park(Eulji University), Jin-Sun Park(Ajou University)

11:40-12:40 Luncheon

12:40-13:55 Controversies in Hypertension [Eng]

Chairpersons: Jae‐Hyung Kim(Catholic University), Dong-Kyu Jin(Soonchunhyang University)

12:40-12:55 Blood Pressure Variability and New Onset AF

Chang-Hee Kwon(Konkuk University)

12:55-13:10 Clinical Impact of Masked Hypertension and MUCH: How to Screen and Treat?

Min-Ho Lee(Soonchunhyang University)

13:10-13:25 Implication of Blood Pressure Variability in Dementia

Jung-Eun Yoo(Seoul National University)

13:25-13:40 How Low Should We Go to Prevent Dementia?

Yuda Turana(Indonesia)

13:40-13:55 Panel Discussion

Il-Suk Sohn(Kyunghee University), Jeong-Hun Shin(Hanyang University ), Sung-Hee Shin(Inha University)

14:05-15:05 Updates on Central Blood Pressure [Eng]

Chairpersons: Ki-Chul Sung(Sungkyunkwan University), Jin-Man Cho(Kyunghee University)

14:05-14:20 Ambulatory Central BP Monitoring Using Mobil-O-Graph Device

Eun-Joo Cho (Catholic University)

14:20-14:35 The Value of Accurate Measurement of Central Blood Pressure
James Sharman(Australia)

14:35-14:50 Association between Central Pulse Pressure and Orthostatic Hypotension

Hack-Lyoung Kim(Seoul National University)

14:50-15:05 Panel Discussion

Jong-Chan Youn(Catholic University), Hye-Moon Chung(Kyunghee University),
In-Jeong Cho(Ewha Womans University)

15:30-16:30 Ambulatory BP Monitoring in Pediatric Hypertension (Pediatric Hypertension Society) [Eng]

Chairpersons: Il-Soo Ha(Seoul National University), Jo-Won Jung(Yonsei University)

15:30-15:45 Normal Ambulatory BP Reference Values and Staging of Ambulatory BP Levels in Children
Franz Schaefer(Germany)

15:45-16:00 Application of Ambulatory BP Monitoring in Children

Franz Schaefer(Germany)

16:00-16:15 Non-pharmacological Treatment of Hypertension in Children

Jin-Hee Oh(Catholic University)

16:15-16:30 Panel Discussion

Ji-Hee Kwak(Sungkyunkwan University), Sung-Hye Kim(Cha University),
Hyo-Soon Ahn(Seoul National University), Jin-Hee Oh(Catholic University)

16:50-17:50 Emerging Treatment for Hypertension [Eng]

Chairpersons: Seung-Jae Joo(Jeju National University), Jin Ho Shin(Hanyang University)

16:50-17:05 Renal Denervation by Newer Modalities and Smart Baroreceptor Activation

Kazuomi Kario(Japan)

17:05-17:20 Targeting the Brain Renin Angiotensin System - New Therapeutic Approaches
Rhian Touyz(UK)

17:20-17:35 Development of Smart Baroreflex Activation Therapy Targeting Blood Pressure Variability
Keita Saku(Japan)

17:35-17:50 Panel Discussion

Sung-Ha Park(Yonsei University), Jin Ho Shin(Hanyang University), Ki-Yuk Chang(Catholic University)

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

Room D

09:00-10:00 Industry Sponsored Symposium IV [HK inno.N]

좌장: 서홍석(고려의대)

09:00-09:30 Dyslipidemia Management with Atorvastatin


09:30-10:00 Comorbidity and Guidelines of Hypertension and Dyslipidemia


10:00-10:15 Opening Ceremony (Room A, B, C, D)

10:15-11:30 Clinical Research Award

좌장: 김영대(동아의대), 유병수(연세원주의대)
심사위원: 김현진(한양의대), 서혜선(순천향의대), 박용현(부산의대), 허란(한양의대)

11:40-12:40 Luncheon

12:40-13:55 Young Investigator Award [Eng]

Chairpersons: Shung-Chull Chae(Kyungpook National University), Jin Ho Shin(Hanyang University)
Judges: Hee-Sun Lee(Seoul National University), Beom-Joon Kim(Ulsan University),
Hyun-Jin Kim(Hanyang University), Ran Heo(Hanyang University)

14:05-15:20 Oral I: International Session [Eng]

Chairpersons: Moo-Yong Rhee(Dongguk University), Sung-Ha Park(Yonsei University)
Judges: Beom-Joon Kim(Ulsan University), Sang-Min Park(Eulji University), Hye-Sun Seo(Soonchunhyang University)

15:30-16:45 Smartphone Applications for Blood Pressure Measurement [Eng]

Chairpersons: Chong-Jin Kim(Kyunghee University), Seung-Woo Park(Sungkyunkwan University)

15:30-15:45 Mechanism of Blood Pressure (BP) Measurement Using Photoplethysmographic-based Smartphone Algorithm
Jong-Mo Seo(Seoul National University)

15:45-16:00 Current Status of Smartphone Applications for Blood Pressure Measurement

Hae-Young Lee(Seoul National University)

16:00-16:20 Remained Task of Photoplethysmographic-based BP Measurement

Thilo Burkard(Switzerland)

16:20-16:30 Gaps in the Evidence and Need for Further Studies Korean Doctors
Kwang-Il Kim(Seoul National University)

16:30-16:45 Panel Discussion

Jong-Min Choi(Principal Engineer, Samsung Electronics),
Joon-Ho Moon(Seoul National University), Jin-Han Lee(Journalist, The Dong-A Ilbo)

16:50-18:00 Blood Pressure Variability in Neurological Disorder

(The Research Society for Hypertensive Cerebrovascular Diseases)
Chairpersons: 권순억(울산의대), 박종무(을지의대)

16:50-17:05 BPV in Stroke


17:05-17:20 BPV in Dementia


17:20-17:35 BPV in Parkinson's Disease

17:35-17:50 BPV in Sleep Disorder


17:50-18:00 Panel Discussion

김범준(울산의대), 신원철(경희의대), 신혜원(중앙의대)

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

DAY 2 : 2020. 11. 07 (Sat)

Room A

07:00-08:00 Industry Sponsored Symposium V [MSD]

좌장: 김문재(인하의대)

07:00-07:05 Opening

07:05-07:35 Recent Hypertension Guidelines Update & Unchanged Value of Cozaar


07:35-08:00 Discussion

08:00-09:00 Council Meeting

09:10-09:30 Special Lecture (Room A,B,C,D) [Eng]

Chairperson: Young-Dae Kim(KSH Chairman)

09:10-09:30 Dietary Salt Promotes Cognitive Impairment through Tau Phosphorylation

Giuseppe Faraco(USA)

09:40-10:55 Session for Clinical Hypertension, the Official Journal of KSH

좌장: 편욱범(대한고혈압학회 이사장), 허선(한림의대/의편협&과편협 회장)

09:40-09:50 Clinical Hypertension 감사패 수여 및 학회지 시상

09:50-10:00 Clinical Hypertension 25주년 축하의 말씀


10:00-10:20 학회지 25주년을 맞이하여


10:20-10:35 Clinical Hypertension 국제 색인 데이터베이스 등재를 위한 준비

허선(한림의대/의편협&과편협 회장)

10:35-10:55 Panel Discussion

김현진(한양의대), 나진오(고려의대), 박재형(충남의대), 조현재(서울의대)

11:05-12:05 Industrial Satellite Symposium II [Hanmi]

좌장: 이방헌(한양의대)

11:05-11:30 Optimal Comorbidity Management for CV Protection in Hypertensive Patients with Hyperlipidemia

11:30-11:55 Ideal Combination Therapy of Antihypertensive Drugs for CV Protective Effect


11:55-12:05 Discussion

12:10-13:00 Luncheon Session I [Donga-ST]

좌장: 김영권(동국의대)

12:10-12:40 The Differential Benefit of New ARB Azilsartan above Conventional ARBs

12:40-13:00 Discussion

13:30-14:40 Essential Course of Hypertension Management for General Practitioners and Trainees
- Session I. Effective Diagnosis, Treatment, and Monitoring of Hypertension in Primary Care
좌장: 김영대(대한고혈압학회 회장), 김영권(동국의대)

13:30-13:45 Diagnosis of Hypertension


13:45-14:00 Treatment of Hypertension


14:00-14:15 Monitoring of Hypertension


14:15-14:30 Resistant Hypertension


14:30-14:40 Panel Discussion

박용현(부산의대), 유승기(을지의대), 정욱진(가천의대)

14:50-16:05 In-Depth Course of Hypertension Management for General Practitioners and Trainees
- Session II. Practical Management of Hypertension in Real World
좌장: 편욱범(대한고혈압학회 이사장), 조은주(대한고혈압학회 교육이사)

14:50-15:05 Common Complaint during Hypertension Management


15:05-15:20 Hypertension in Elderly


15:20-15:35 Hypertension in CKD


15:35-15:50 Antiplatelet Agent in Hypertension Management


15:50-16:05 Panel Discussion

김미정(가톨릭의대), 신성희(인하의대), 이은미(원광의대)

16:15-16:55 Plenary Lecture (Room A,B,C,D) [Eng]

Chairperson: Wook-Bum Pyun(KSH President)

16:15-16:55 Blood Pressure and HFPEF, Pending Issues and Future Perspectives
Miguel Camafort Babkowski(Spain)

16:55-17:00 Closing Ceremony

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

Room B

07:00-07:30 Industry Sponsored Symposium VI [Yuhan]

좌장: 이재우(춘해병원)

07:00-07:30 24-hour Powerful BP Reduction and CV Events Prevention with SPC


08:00-09:00 Meet the Expert Session I: Electrolyte and Drug Therapy

좌장: 신길자(이화의대), 고영엽(조선의대)

08:00-08:15 Hypokalemia and Antihypertensive Drug Therapy


08:15-08:30 Case Presentation: Hypokalemia following Combination Therapy


08:30-08:45 Hyponatremia and Antihypertensive Therapy


08:45-09:00 Case presentation: Hyponatremia following Combination Therapy


09:10-09:30 Special Lecture (Room A,B,C,D) [Eng]

Chairperson: Young-Dae Kim(KSH Chairman)

09:10-09:30 Dietary Salt Promotes Cognitive Impairment through Tau Phosphorylation

Giuseppe Faraco(USA)

09:40-10:55 KSH-PSK Joint Symposium

좌장: 김영대(대한고혈압학회 회장), 이용복(대한약학회 회장)

09:40-09:55 Current Status and Challenges of Hypertensive Control


09:55-10:10 Current Status of Hypertensive Drug Use in Korea, Comparison to OECD Nations
이숙향(아주대학교 약학대)

10:10-10:25 Collaboration between Doctor and Pharmacist in Hypertension Control


10:25-10:40 Collaboration between Pharmacist and Doctor in Hypertension Control

이정연(이화여자대학교 약학대)

10:40-10:55 Panel Discussion

김지희(가톨릭의대), 오정미(서울대학교 약학대), 조정선(가톨릭의대)

11:05-12:05 Health Disparities in Hypertension

좌장: 성기철(성균관의대), 권대익(한국일보)

11:05-11:20 New Data form KNHIS by KSH: Error in Interpretation?


11:20-11:35 Health Disparities in Hypertension: Is There a Solution?


11:35-11:50 Panel Discussion 1
김원호(국립보건연구원), 박성하(연세의대), 박효순(경향신문)

11:50-12:05 Panel Discussion 2

김혜미(중앙의대), 손일석(경희의대)

12:10-13:10 Luncheon Session II [Servier]

좌장: 박종춘(전남의대)

12:10-12:30 Perindopril, Improving Survival in High Risk Patients with Hypertension


12:30-12:50 Evidence-Based Diuretic: Which Diuretic Should be Selected First for Patients with Hypertension?

12:50-13:10 Discussion

13:30-14:40 Microcirculation in Hypertensive Heart Disease(Working Group on Hypertension Complication)

좌장: 유규형(한림의대), 김응주(고려의대)

13:30-13:45 Pathophysiology of Microvascular Dysfunction


13:45-14:00 Microvascular Dysfunction and Angina


14:00-14:15 Microvascular Dysfunction and Heart Failure


14:15-14:30 Microvascular Dysfunction and Atrial Fibrillation


14:30-14:40 Panel Discussion

신미승(가천의대), 최성훈(한림의대), 한성우(한림의대)

14:50-16:05 New Classification of Pulmonary Hypertension Based on Case Presentation

(Korean Research Society of Pulmonary Hypertension)
좌장: 이신석(전남의대), 정욱진(가천의대)

14:50-15:05 Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension


15:05-15:20 Pulmonary Hypertension due to Left Heart Disease


15:20-15:35 Pulmonary Hypertension due to Lung Disease and/or Hypoxemia


15:35-15:50 Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension


15:50-16:05 Panel Discussion

김현숙(순천향의대), 안경진(가천의대), 이주희(충북의대)

16:15-16:55 Plenary Lecture (Room A,B,C,D) [Eng]

Chairperson: Wook-Bum Pyun(KSH President)

16:15-16:55 Blood Pressure and HFPEF, Pending Issues and Future Perspectives
Miguel Camafort Babkowski(Spain)

16:55-17:00 Closing Ceremony

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

Room C

07:00-07:20 Industry Sponsored Symposium VII [Daiichi-Sankyo & Daewoong]

좌장: 정진원(원광의대)

07:00-07:20 The Earlier the Better : Importance of Early and Fast BP Control

09:10-09:30 Special Lecture (Room A,B,C,D) [Eng]

Chairperson: Young-Dae Kim(KSH Chairman)

09:10-09:30 Dietary Salt Promotes Cognitive Impairment through Tau Phosphorylation

Giuseppe Faraco(USA)

09:40-10:55 Infection and Hypertension [Eng]

Chairpersons: Jin-Won Jeong(Wonkwang University), Il-Suk Sohn(Kyunghee University)

09:40-09:55 History of Infectious Diseases and High Blood Pressure

Eun-Joo Cho(Catholic University)

09:55-10:10 Host Defense System against Viral Infection

Bong-Young Kim(Hanyang University)

10:10-10:25 Vulnerability of Elderly Hypertension Patients to Corona Virus

Chang-Won Won(Kyunghee University)

10:25-10:40 ARB and Short Term Mortality in Sepsis

Chien-Chang Lee(Taiwan)

10:40-10:55 Panel Discussion

Kwang-Il Kim(Seoul National University), Sung-Kee Ryu(Eulji University),
Hae-Young Lee(Seoul National University)

11:05-12:05 Timing of Anti-hypertensive Drug Administration [Eng]

Chairpersons: Jin Ho Shin(Hanyang University), Kwang-Il Kim(Seoul National University)

11:05-11:20 Approaches for Disrupted Circadian Rhythm of Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients
Kazuomi Kario(Japan)

11:20-11:35 Blood Pressure in Shift Workers (Especially on a Graveyard Shift)

Hyun-Jin Kim(Hanyang University )

11:35-11:50 Chronotherapy in Hypertension and its Controversies

Jun-Bean Park(Seoul National University)

11:50-12:05 Panel Discussion

Kye-Taek Ahn(Chungnam National University), Mi-Jeong Kim(Catholic University)

12:10-13:10 Luncheon Session III [Pfizer]

좌장: 김철호(서울의대)

12:10-12:35 Impact of Long-Term Blood Pressure Variability on Cardiovascular Disease -

the Choice of CCB/ARB Combination Therapy

12:35-13:00 카듀엣 Guideline 및 ASCOT-LEGACY 결과에 기반한 HTN/DYS 동반 환자의 약제 선택


13:00-13:10 Q&A

13:30-14:40 KSH-Thai Hypertension Society Joint Symposium:
Strategy to Increase the Control Rate of Hypertension [Eng]
Chairpersons: Wook-Bum Pyun(KSH President),
Apichard Sukonthasarn(President of Thai Hypertension Society)

13:30-13:45 Major Barrier to Improve Control Rate in Korea

Hyeon-Chang Kim(Yonsei University)

13:45-14:00 Major Barrier to Improve Control Rate in Thailand

Somkiat Sangwatanaroj(Thai)

14:00-14:15 Priority in the Strategies to Improve Hypertension Control Rate in Korea

Ki-Chul Sung(Sungkyunkwan University)

14:15-14:30 Priority in the Strategies to Improve Hypertension Control Rate in Thailand

Prin Vathesatogkit(Thai)

14:30-14:40 Panel Discussion

Mi-Hyang Jung(Hallym University), Sang-Ho Jo(Hallym University)

14:50-15:50 Updates in Aldosterone and Hypertension [Eng]

Chairpersons: Sang-Hyun Ihm(Catholic University), Jin Ho Shin(Hanyang University )

14:50-15:05 AF and Hidden Aldosteronism

Joong-Wha Chung(Chosun University)

15:05-15:20 Real World Primary Aldosteronism and Screening Strategy

Paolo Mulatero(Italy)

15:20-15:35 Dietary Potassium Supply in Primary Aldosteronism

Jung-Hwan Park(Hanyang University)

15:35-15:50 Panel Discussion

Jun-Bean Park(Seoul National University), Mi-Na Kim(Korea University),
Hyun-Ju Yoon(Chonnam National University), Sun-Ki Lee(Hallym University)

16:15-16:55 Plenary Lecture (Room A,B,C,D) [Eng]

Chairperson: Wook-Bum Pyun(KSH President)

16:15-16:55 Blood Pressure and HFPEF, Pending Issues and Future Perspectives
Miguel Camafort Babkowski(Spain)

16:55-17:00 Closing Ceremony

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

Room D

07:00-07:30 Industry Sponsored Symposium VIII [Daewon]

좌장: 유석희(LSK Global PS)

07:00-07:30 혈압변동성 조절의 중요성 및 24시간 혈압조절 전략


08:00-09:00 Oral II: International Session [Eng]

Chairpersons: Eun-Mi Lee(Wonkwang University), Kwang-Il Kim(Seoul National University)
Judges: Hyun-Jin Kim(Hanyang University), Mi-Hyang Jung(Hallym University),
Ji Young Park(Eulji University)

09:10-09:30 Special Lecture (Room A,B,C,D) [Eng]

Chairperson: Young-Dae Kim(KSH Chairman)

09:10-09:30 Dietary Salt Promotes Cognitive Impairment through Tau Phosphorylation

Giuseppe Faraco(USA)

09:40-10:55 Hot Issue in Resistant Hypertension(Working Group of Resistant Hypertension)

좌장: 김영권(동국의대), 박창규(고려의대)

09:40-09:55 How to Rule Out Pseudoresistant HTN


09:55-10:10 Introduction for Investigational Drugs for Resistant HTN:


10:10-10:25 The Role of Renal Denervation Treatment of Resistant HTN, Pros


10:25-10:40 The Role of Renal Denervation Treatment of Resistant HTN, Cons


10:40-10:55 Panel Discussion

김성환(고려의대), 신상훈(이화의대), 임영효(한양의대)

11:05-12:05 Oral III: International Session [Eng]

Chairpersons: Sang-Hyun Ihm(Catholic University), Eun-Mi Lee(Wonkwang University)
Judges: Sung-Hea Kim(KonKuk University), Mi-Hyang Jung(Hallym University),
Ji Young Park(Eulji University)

13:30-14:30 Meet the Expert Session II: Clinical Application of Central Blood Pressure [Eng]
Chairpersons: Cheol‐Ho Kim(Seoul National University), Eun-Mi Lee(Wonkwang University)

13:30-13:45 Noninvascive versus Invasive Measurement of Central BPs

Hack-Lyoung Kim(Seoul National University)

13:45-14:00 Application of Central Blood Pressure in the Young

Chen-Huan Chen(Taiwan)

14:00-14:15 Application of Central Blood Pressure in the Elderly

Ju-Hee Lee(Chungbuk National University)

14:15-14:30 Panel Discussion

Hack-Lyoung Kim(Seoul National University), Ju-Hee Lee(Chungbuk National University)

14:50-15:35 Meet the Expert Session III : Drug Induced Hypertension [Eng]
Chairperson: Sung-Ha Park(Yonsei University)

14:50-15:05 NSAIDs and Hypertension

Kye-Taek Ahn(Chungnam National University)

15:05-15:20 Anticancer Agents and Hypertension : Anti-VEGF, Tyrosine Inhibitor, MTOR Inhibitor
Chan-Joo Lee(Yonsei University)

15:20-15:35 Case Presentation: Anti-VEGF Induced Hypertension

Mi-Hyang Jung(Hallym University)

16:15-16:55 Plenary Lecture (Room A,B,C,D) [Eng]

Chairperson: Wook-Bum Pyun(KSH President)

16:15-16:55 Blood Pressure and HFPEF, Pending Issues and Future Perspectives
Miguel Camafort Babkowski(Spain)

16:55-17:00 Closing Ceremony

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

COVID-19 대응지침
1. 행사장 (콘래드호텔 6층) 출입 통제
1-1. 행사장 도면 및 동선 관리

연 Room D

Room C

Room B

무 Room A
Rest 인
room 등

진 Preview Room
데 &

크 연사대기실


출입구 6층 로비 학회장

・ 엘리베이터 하차후 오른쪽 출입구 ・ 출입시 건강 거리 두기 유도

・ 문진데스크 오른쪽은 차단봉으로 출입제한 ・ 각 룸 안쪽에 손 소독제 비치
・ 방역 관리 요원 배치

문진데스크 프리뷰룸/연사대기실

・ 열화상카메라 ・ 출입시 건강 거리 두기 유도
・ 비접촉 체온계 ・ 거리두기 좌석 안내
・ 손 소독제 ・ 룸 곳곳에 손소독제 비치
・ 오프라인 문진표 ・ 수시로 프리뷰 노트북, 테이블, 의자 등 소독
・ 일자별 출입 팔찌

[문진 데스크]
•위치: 6층 로비 오른편, 엘리베이터 하차시 오른편 사선방향
•운영 인원 : 3명 (카메라 & 열체크 1명, 문진 1명, 안내 1명)
•준비 사항: 열화상카메라, 비접촉체온계, 일자별 출입 팔찌, 오프라인 문진표, 손 소독제

“건강거리두기! 잠시만 기다려주세요”




[문진 데스크 운영방법 및 참가자 Flow]

열화상카메라로 체온확인 온라인 문진표 작성 및 마스크 착용 확인

작성 완료 작성 미완료

QR 코드 확인 오프라인 문진표 작성

팔찌 수령 및 입장

[입장 불가능 경우]

• 열화상 카메라 1회 + 비접촉체온계 3회에도 37.5도 이상의 체온이 나오는 참가자는 입장이 불가능 하며, 현장
방역팀과 호텔 지정 격리장소로 이동
• KF94이상 마스크 미착용 및 일자별 팔찌 미착용 시 출입불가
• 문진표 응답항목 중 [예]가 있는 경우 학술대회장 입장이 제한

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

1-2. 입장 절차

참가자 대상 온라인 문진 안내 문자 발송
행사 양일 간 오전 6시 30분 (1 일 1회, 일자별로 각각 진행)

호텔 6층 행사장 입구 (열화상카메라 발열체크, 문진 확인, 출입 팔찌 발급)

*일자 별 출입팔찌가 다르므로, 매일 체크 후 출입 팔찌 착용

온라인 문진 완료 후 발급되는 등록 QR 코드를 무인키오스크에 태그

명찰, 영수증 발급

Health Kit 배포처에서 명찰 태그하여 수령

손소독제로 손 소독 후, 마스크 착용 후 회의장 출입

2. 행사장 내부 관리
2-1. 호텔 내부 방역 관리
구분 세부내용

・ 행사 개장 전/후
・ 행사장 내 방역 완료된 체크리스트를 사무국에 이메일로 발송

・ 호텔내 모든 출입구 열화상카메라 및 손소독제 비치

・ L2 직원 출입구 및 P4 로딩덕으로 출입하는 모든 외부인 체온 측정

동선관리 ・ 열화상 카메라 설치된 곳만 출입 허용

・ 호텔 내 간호사실(#7708)로 이동
유증상 의심자
- 보안과 및 간호사 직원이 #1339 또는 영등포구보건소에 즉시 신고하며 필요한 조치를 취함

・ 회의장 사용 전·후 배기 시스템 운용

회의장내 ・ 회의장 내 10곳의 고접촉 구역에 집중 방역 실시 (테이블, 의자, 손잡이, 연단 및 음향 장비등 포함)
・ 회의장 주 출입구에 행사 시작 전 방역완료 스티커 부착

주차공간 ・ 호텔 지하 주차장 개방

2-2. 등록데스크 관리 및 운영
• 모든 사전등록자들은 무인 등록 키오스크를 활용한 비대면 등록 진행하고 대면 안내데스크 대신 [카카오 채널 :
온라인 사무국] 운영
• 등록데스크 앞 바닥 스티커 부착을 통한 적정 위치 거리두기 줄서기 시행

2-3. 회의장 내 관리 및 운영
• 회의장 내 좌석 배치 : 1.8m 책상당 1인 착석 및 지그재그 형태로 배치
• 실내 환기: 공조시스템 가동
• 행사전 회의장 내 기기, 물품 등 고접촉 구역 소독

2-4. 행사장 방역 소독 및 청소
• 회의장 및 공용시설 -화장실, 로비 등 행사 개장 전·후 소독
• 방역 완료 후 회의장 문에 방역완료 스티커 부착됨 ➞ 현장요원이 회의장 개방한 이후에만 입장 가능

3. 참가자 관리
3-1. 출입 통제
• 6층 행사장 입구 열화상카메라로 발열 체크하여 입장 시 발열 여부 확인
• 대회 양일 오전 6시 30분 카카오톡 알림톡 URL 링크 발송으로 온라인 문진
• 온라인 문진 완료 시 등록을 위한 QR 코드와 출입 팔찌 제공 (일자별 팔찌 색상 상이)
• 전체 참가자 KF94 이상 마스크 착용 의무화 : 미 착용시 입장제한
• 방역관리요원 : 학술대회 공간에 해당일자 출입팔찌와 명찰, 마스크 착용 없이 출입하는 경우 제지

3-2. 방역물품
• 학회 등록 시 참가자들에게 Health Kit 제공
• 행사장 내 곳곳에 손소독제 비치
• 좌장석 : 아크릴 칸막이 설치, 세션 변경 시 마이크 커버 교체, 손소독제 비치
• 연사석 : 연사 변경 시 마이크 커버 교체
• 패널석 : 아크릴 칸막이 설치, 세션 변경 시 마이크 커버 교체

3-3. 학회 기간 중 거리두기 : 참가자의 역할

• KF94 이상 마스크 착용 의무화 : 미 착용시 입장제한

• 참가자용 Health Kit으로 제공되는 물품을 활용하여 개인위생에 유의
• 학회 기간 중 참가자들간 악수 등 신체접촉을 자제함
• 식사 중에는 대화를 자제하고, 모든 대화는 마스크를 착용한 상태에서 함
• 학회 기간 중 단체모임이나 3인 이상이 모이는 회식 등은 금지
• 학회 기간 중 다중밀집시설 방문 금지

[참가자용 Health Kit 구성]

A세트: KF94 마스크 2매, 에탄올 세정티슈 3매, 손소독 세정제 2매, 스프레이 살균소독제 1개
B세트: KF94 마스크 2매, 에탄올 세정티슈 20매, 스프레이 살균소독제 1개

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management

4. 진행요원 관리
4-1. 출입 통제
• 6층 행사장 입구 열화상카메라로 발열 체크 및 문진표 작성 후 업무 진행
• 전체 진행요원 KF80 마스크 착용 의무화

4-2. 방역물품
• 진행요원용 Health Kit 제공
• 모든 진행요원은 학회에서 제공한 니트릴 장갑을 착용
• 대면 등록데스크는 아크릴 가림막을 설치하여 참가자와의 접촉을 최소화함
• 방역 담당 진행요원은 형광색 조끼를 착용
• 참가자 대면 업무 진행요원은 학회에서 제공한 페이스쉴드 착용을 의무화

4-3. 학회 기간 중 거리두기: 방역요원의 역할

• 형광색 방역 스탭 조끼 착용
• 방역완료스티커가 부착된 회의장 행사 2시간 전 개방
• 회의 중 마스크 미착용자, 명찰 미패용자, 출입확인 팔찌 비패용자 수시 확인
• 회의장 내 책상 및 의자 간격 유지 확인
• 행사장 내 입장 동선에 따른 참가자 간 거리 유지확인
• 유증상자 발생 시 의무실 대기 안내 및 방역 책임자에게 통보
• 손소독제 관리
• 위생장갑 및 마스크 수거 휴지통 관리

[진행요원용 보호장비 구성]

KF80 마스크 2매, 페이스쉴드 1개, 니트릴 장갑 1매

5. 의심환자 및 확진자 발생 시 대응 절차

의심환자 및 확진자 발생

현장 지배인에게 통보

호텔 간호사실(#7708)로 이동 후 체온 측정

호텔 보안과 간호사 직원이 관계당국에 즉시 신고 후 필요 조치 (영등포보건소로 이동 등)

호텔지배인은 의심환자의 이동경로 및 접촉자 파악

행사장 내 안내방송 실시

의심환자의 검사결과에 따른 후속 조치 진행

Clinical Research Award
11월 6일(금) 10:15-11:30

좌장 김영대(동아의대), 유병수(연세원주의대)
심사위원 김현진(한양의대), 서혜선(순천향의대), 박용현(부산의대), 허란(한양의대)

CRA-1 Inference of a causal relation between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and

hypertension using mendelian randomization analysis

CRA-2 Developing a multi-center clinical data mart of ACEI and ARB for real-world evidence (RWE)

CRA-3 Selective inhibition of histone deacetylase 8 improves vascular hypertrophy, relaxation,

and inflammation in angiotensin II hypertensive mice

CRA-4 The clinical impact and accuracy of blood pressure after-consultation: comparison with
pre-consultation blood pressure

CRA-5 Prevalence and prognosis of the 2018 vs 2008 AHA definitions of apparent treatment-
resistant hypertension in high-risk hypertension patients

CRA-6 Characteristics, practice patterns, and outcomes in patients with acute severe
hypertension in the emergency department

CRA-7 Association of ambulatory blood pressure with frontal cortical thickness and hippocampal

Inference of a causal relation between low-density lipoprotein

cholesterol and hypertension using mendelian randomization
Tae-Hwa Go1, Kyeong Im Kwak2, Ji-Yun Jang3, Minheui Yu4, Hye Sim Kim5, Jang Young Kim6, Sang Baek Koh7, Dae Ryong Kang8
Department of Biostatistics, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Center of Cancer Data, National Cancer Center, Ilsan, Korea, Republic of
Center of Biomedical Data Science, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Artificial Intelligence BigData Medical Center , Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Division of Endocrinology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Department of Cardiology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Department of Preventive Medicine, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Department of Precision Medicine, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of

It is known in some studies that higher the LDL-C, the greater the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. However, studies of
the causal effects between LDL-C and hypertension are limited by their observational study design, and genetic epidemiology
studies of associations between LDL-C and hypertension are lacking, as are studies using data for Koreans. In this study, we
confirmed the causal effect of LDL-C on hypertension using Korean chip data.

The epidemiology and genotype data were collected from the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study conducted by the
Korea National Institute of Health and covered 20,701 subjects. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with LDL-C were
selected (p-value < 5 < 10-8)> from the Global Lipids Genetics Consortium database, and Mendelian randomization analysis
(MRA) was performed with counted genetic risk scores and weighted genetic risk scores (WGRSs) for 24 single-nucleotide

The assumptions for MRA were statistically confirmed, and WGRSs showed a strong association with LDL-C. Interestingly,
while the relationship between LDL-C and hypertension was not statistically significant in the observational study, MRA study
demonstrated that the risk of hypertension increased as LDL-C increased in both men and women. The results were confirmed
in MRA using weighted GRS in model 3, with odds ratios for hypertension risk of 1.08 (95% CI, 0.91 - 1.27) and 1.42 (95% CI, 1.09
- 1.85) for near optimal and high group LDL-C levels, respectively, in men and 1.18 (95% CI, 1.03 - 1.35) and 1.84 (95% CI. 1.51
- 2.24) in women.

The results of this study confirmed that the relationship between LDL-C and hypertension is greatly influenced by genetic
information, and the effect is stronger in woman.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Developing a multi-center clinical data mart of ACEI and ARB for

real-world evidence (RWE)
Hun-Sung Kim
Medical Informatics, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea, Republic of

Randomized controlled trials can be expensive and time-consuming, leading to medical researchers utilizing real-world
evidence (RWE) based on already-collected data. We aimed to conduct various RWE studies on angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB), commonly used as firstline therapy for blood pressure, and
to develop a multi-center clinical data mart (CDM) of ACEI/ARB for various

Data from electronic medical records of St. Mary's Hospital and the Seoul National University Hospital were collected. We
obtained blood and urine test results of patients within the 30 days prior to their first prescription of ACEI or ARB, as well as
the first date of diagnosis and presence of various chronic and cardiovascular diseases using the International Classification
of Diseases-10 classification. One researcher managed data quality and collation for each hospital in order to facilitate patient
anonymity. When results were unclear, the responsible investigator for each hospital attempted to resolve ambiguities by
direct chart review.

A total of 102,333 patients who were prescribed ACEI or ARB for the first time were included (21,481 ACEI, 80,551 ARB, and
301 both). Our ACEI/ARB-CDM included short-term studies (within 12 months) to observe changes in various blood or urinary
laboratory test values after the initial prescription of ACEI or ARB and long-term studies to confirm the incidence of various

We established a CDM of RWE for ACEI/ARB prescription, which included various clinical studies. As we accumulate experience
in this process, we expect that the use of RWE research will grow and develop.


Selective inhibition of histone deacetylase 8 improves vascular

hypertrophy, relaxation, and inflammation in angiotensin II
hypertensive mice
Hae Jin Kee, Myung Ho Jeong

The dysregulation of histone deacetylase (HDAC) protein expression or its enzyme activity is implicated in a variety of disease.
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether PCI34051, an HDAC8-selective inhibitor, can modulate angiotensin II-
induced hypertension and its regulatory mechanism.

An angiotensin II-regulated mouse model was used in this study. Animals received vehicle or PCI34051 (3 mg/kg/day) via
intraperitoneal injection. Systolic blood pressure was measured using tail-cuff method. Blood vessel thickness was measured
following hematoxylin and eosin staining. VCAM-1 immunohistochemistry was performed in the aortas and mRNA expression
of renin-angiotensin system components, inflammation markers, and NAPDH oxidase (Nox) was determined by RT-PCR. The
effect of PCI34051 on vasorelaxation was studied in rat aortic rings. Nitric oxide (NO) production was performed using NO-
sensitive fluorescence probe DAF FM in human umbilical vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs).

PCI34051 administration reduced systolic blood pressure via downregulation of angiotensin II receptor type I (AT1) mRNA
expression. PCI34051 treatment attenuated vascular hypertrophy by decreasing E2F3 and GATA6 mRNA expression. Vascular
relaxation after PCI34051 treatment was more dependent on vascular endothelial cells and it was blocked by an NO synthase
(NOS) inhibitor. In addition, NO production increased in HUVECs after PCI34051 treatment; this was decreased by the NOS
inhibitor. The expression of inflammatory molecules and adhesion molecules VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 decreased in the aortas of
angiotensin II-induced mice after PCI34051 administration. However, PCI34051 did not affect Nox or its regulatory subunits.

PCI34051 lowered high blood pressure through modulation of arterial remodeling, vasoconstriction, and inflammation in
angiotensin II-induced hypertension model. We suggest that HDAC8 could be a potential therapeutic target for hypertension.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


The clinical impact and accuracy of blood pressure after-

consultation: comparison with pre-consultation blood pressure
Woong-Gil Choi
Cardiology, Konkuk University Chungju Hospital, Korea, Republic of

It is most important to measure blood pressure (BP) exactly in treating hypertension. Recent recommendations for diagnosing
hypertension clearly acknowledge that an increase in BP attributable to the “whitecoat response” is frequently associated with
manual BP recordings performed in community-based practice.
However, there was no data about after consult (AC) BP that could reduce whitecoat effect. So we evaluated before-consult
(BC) and AC routine clinic BP and research based automated office blood pressure (AOBP) measured.

The study population consisted of 82 consecutive patients with hypertension between April 2019 and December 2019.
We measured routine clinic BP and AOBP before and after see a doctor, respectively. Seated blood pressure and pulse are
measured at each time after a rest period using an automated device as it offers reduced potential for observer biases. AOBP
was measured and measuring BP 3 times un-observed. We compared each BP parameter for identifying exact resting BP state.

There was significant difference between BC and AC systolic BP (135.37 ± 16.90 vs 131.95 ± 16.40 mmHg, p=0.015). However
there was no difference in the BC and AC diastolic blood pressure (73.75 ± 11.85 vs 74.42 ± 11.71 mmHg, p= 0.415). In the
AOBP comparison, there was also significant difference (BC systolic AOBP vs AC systolic AOBP, 125.17 ± 14.41 vs 122.98 ± 14.09
mmHg, p=0.006; BC diastolic ABOB vs AC diastolic AOBP, 71.99 ± 10.49 vs 70.99 ± 9.83, p=0.038).

In our study, AC AOBP was most lowest representing resting state. Although AC BP was higher than BC AOBP, it might be used
as alternative measurement for whitecoat effect in the routine clinical practice.


Prevalence and prognosis of the 2018 vs 2008 AHA definitions

of apparent treatment-resistant hypertension in high-risk
hypertension patients
Kyeong-Hyeon Chun1, Chan Joo Lee1, Jaewon Oh1, Sang-Hak Lee1, Seok-Min Kang1, Kazuomi Kario2, Sungha Park2
Division of Cardiology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Jichi Medical University School of Medicine, Japan

Resistant hypertension was defined according to the 2008 scientific statement as office blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mm Hg
and the 2018 scientific statement as office blood pressure ≥ 130/80 mm Hg. We investigated the prognostic significance
of lowered blood pressure threshold for defining resistant hypertension in the 2018 American Heart Association scientific
statement compared with that in the 2008 scientific statement.

The participants of this prospective cohort were enrolled from December 2013 to November 2018. Major adverse
cardiovascular events (MACEs) were defined as a composite of cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal
stroke, and heart failure hospitalization. Renal event was defined as a ≥ 50% decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate or
progression to end-stage renal disease.

A total of 206 patients among 2018 (10.2%) were diagnosed with resistant hypertension by the previous definition (≥140/90
mm Hg), and 276 patients among 2011 (13.7%) were diagnosed with resistant hypertension by the updated definition
(≥130/80 mm Hg). During a median follow-up of 4.5 years, 33 MACEs (3.7 per 1000 patient-years) and 164 renal events (19.9
per 1000 patient-years) occurred in the study population. Treatment-resistant hypertension groups had a higher incidence
rate of MACEs and renal events than the control groups. In multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression analysis, resistant
hypertension by both definitions was significantly associated with increased risk of MACE and renal event. Both the previous
and updated definitions of resistant hypertension were significant predictors of MACEs and renal events.

This finding supports the adoption of the updated criteria for resistant hypertension in clinical practice.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Characteristics, practice patterns, and outcomes in patients with

acute severe hypertension in the emergency department
Minhyung Lyu, Hyun-Jin Kim, Yonggu Lee, Jeong-Hun Shin
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Hanyang University Guri Hospital, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of

Although optimal treatment strategies have been established for patients with chronic hypertension, less is known about
treatment for patients with acute severe hypertension. The purpose of this study was to evaluate demographics, practice
patterns, and outcomes for patients with acute severe hypertension in the emergency department.

A retrospective study was conducted over a 2-year period from January 2016 to December 2017 at the emergency
departments of a tertiary university hospital (48,000 visits annually). This study included patients aged 19 years older with acute
severe hypertension (>180 mmHg systolic and/or >100 mmHg diastolic).

5,390 patients (median age 56 years, 46.2% women) were enrolled. 45.1% (n = 2,388) had been diagnosed hypertension
previously, 9.1% (n=474) had chronic or end-stage kidney disease, 9.5% (n=493) had prior cerebrovascular events. 28.9% (n =
691) of patients with hypertension had current medication nonadherence. For lowering elevated blood pressure, intravenous
antihypertensive drugs were preferred (82.4%) to oral medications. 108 (8.1%) developed iatrogenic hypotension during
managing acute severe hypertension at the emergency department. 1,796 (33.3%) patients were hospitalized for further blood
pressure control and 345 (6.4%) patients had end-organ damage such as renal insufficiency, acute heart failure, and acute
coronary syndrome. Within 3 months, 14% (n =749) patients were revisited due to acute severe hypertension, 2.4% (n = 129)
were rehospitalized, and 7.2% (n = 387) were died, respectively.

Prescribing intravenous antihypertensive drugs in patients with acute severe hypertension were preferred at the emergency
department and one-third of patients were hospitalized for further control. Acute severe hypertension was associated with
poor outcomes, including high revisit rates, mortality, and readmission rates. We should be more alert about patients with
acute severe hypertension in the emergency department, and systematic management such as regular outpatient follow-up
after discharge as well as early intensive blood pressure-lowering treatment is required.


Association of ambulatory blood pressure with frontal cortical

thickness and hippocampal volume
Jeong-Ha Ha1, Chan Joo Lee1, Woojin Kim2, Heeseon Jang3, Jaewon Oh3, Sang-Hak Lee3, Seok-Min Kang3, Seung-Koo Lee4,
Changsoo Kim4, Sungha Park4, Sang Won Seo5
Severance Cardiovascular Hospital, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Division of Cardiology, Korea,
Republic of
Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Division of Preventive Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Department of Public Health, Korea, Republic of
Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Department of Radiology, Korea, Republic of
Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Department of Neurology, Korea, Republic of

In the elderly, the effect of blood pressure on brain structure or cognitive function has not been clear. However, there
are limitations in that most of studies was done using serial change in clinic blood pressure. We sought to determine the
association of the ambulatory blood pressure over time with the brain structural alterations and cognitive function.

In this study, we sought to examine the association between blood pressure and brain structure/cognitive function in the
elderly over the age of 60 by using the 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure information at 2 different visits (mean time interval
is 3.4 years). From October 2018, we included participants performed Korean Mini Mental State Exam; older than 60 years old
among the participants in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease Etiology Research Center-High Risk Cohort.

When we divided the 170 participants into two groups according to the control of cumulative average daytime blood pressure,
the cortical thickness of frontal lobe was thinner and the average hippocampal volume was smaller in the uncontrolled group
(P=0.002, P=0.01 respectively). In multivariate linear analysis, the uncontrolled group for cumulative average daytime blood
pressure was associated with thinner cortical thickness of frontal lobe and smaller average hippocampal volume (P=0.007,
P=0.024 respectively). However, the baseline daytime blood pressure had no associations with brain structure or cognitive

Our observations suggest that serial measurements of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure may be important to assess the
cumulative pressure load and the association with structural changes of the brain

Young Investigator Award
[English Session]

November 6(Fri) 12:40-13:55

Chairpersons Shung-Chull Chae(Kyungpook National University), Jin Ho Shin(Hanyang University)

Judges Hee-Sun Lee(Seoul National University), Beom-Joon Kim(Ulsan University),

Hyun-Jin Kim(Hanyang University), Ran Heo(Hanyang University)

YIA-1 Impact of baseline pulse rate on the efficacy of nebivolol in a real world clinical study for
hypertension patients
Sung Joo Cha(Hanyang University Medical Center)

YIA-2 Adherence to Antihypertensive Medication and Incident Cardiovascular Events in Young

Adults with Hypertension
Hokyou Lee(Yonsei University College of Medicine)

YIA-3 Efficacy and safety of 2.5mg dose of nebivolol in hypertension patients in a real world
studies in Korea
Jaewon Lee(HanYang University Hospital)

YIA-4 Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity as a predictor of cardiovascular events in patients with
type 2 diabetes mellitus
Won Kyeong Jeon(Seoul National University)

YIA-5 Office blood pressure threshold of 130/80 mmHg better predicts uncontrolled out-of-office
blood pressure in apparent treatment-resistant hypertension
Chan Joo Lee(Yonsei University College of Medicine)

YIA-6 Association of the serum osteoprotegerin level with target organ damage in patients at high
risk of coronary artery disease
Jaehoon Chung(National Medical Center)

YIA-7 Association of estimated pulse wave velocity with cardiovascular events in subjects
without previous cardiovascular diseases: a nationwide population-based study
Dong-Hyuk Cho(Yonsei University, Wonju College of Medicine)

Impact of baseline pulse rate on the efficacy of nebivolol in a real

world clinical study for hypertension patients
Sung Joo Cha1, Jinho Shin1, Dong-Hoon Cha2, Woo Hyung Bae3, InHyun Jung4, Seung-Pyo Hong5, Sang-Hyun Kim6, Jun-Young
Do7, Won Min Hwang8, Sang Won Park9, Young Youp Koh10
Division of Cardiology , Hanyang University Medical Center , Korea, Republic of
Department of cardiology , CHA University, Bundang CHA Medical Center, Korea, Republic of
Department of cardiology , BongSeng Memorial Hospital, Korea, Republic of
Department of cardiology, Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital, Korea, Republic of
Department of cardiology, Daegu Catholic University Medical Center, Korea, Republic of
Department of cardiology , Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center, Korea, Republic of
Department of cardiology, Yeungnam University Medical Center, Korea, Republic of
Department of cardiology, Konyang University Hospital, Korea, Republic of
Department of cardiology, A.Menarini Korea Ltd., Korea, Republic of
Department of cardiology, Chosun University Hospital, Korea, Republic of

In 2018 European hypertension guidelines, beta blocker can be recommended for the patient with increased heart rate.
For clinical viewpoint, increased heart rate suggests activated sympathetic tone which could be alleviated by beta blocker
reducing blood pressure (BP) as well. But there are few data supporting the use of heart rate as the indication for vasodilating

For 3,250 participants of BENEFIT-Korea, the real world study to examine the efficacy of nebivolol, according to the baseline
pulse rate of less than 70 (group 1), 70 to 79 (group 2), and over 80 beats (group 3) per minutes, BP reduction were compared.
Subgroup analyses were performed according to the pre-existing therapy, i.e., treatment with or without beta-blocker.
Covariates for the multiple regression analysis were age, sex, BMI, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

Number of patients were 647, 765, and 1173 for group 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Ages were 66.8 ± 11.0, 63.3 ± 12.2, 62.0 ±
14.0 yrs (p<0.0001) and proportions of female were 45.9%, 40.4%, and 39.0% (p=0.014), for group 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
There was no difference in the proportions of obesity, diabetes, and history of cardiovascular diseases. Pre-existing treatment
including beta blocker was done in 31.8%, 26.0%, and 15.9% in group 1, 2, and 3, respectively. SBP, and DBP reductions at
24-week treatment were -7.7 ± 20.1/-3.2 ± 13.2, -11.3 ± 20.2/-7.3 ± 13.1, and -13.8 ± 20.7/-8.8 ± 14.1 in group 1, 2, and 3,
respectively (p<0.0001). When adjusted for age, sex, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, adjusted SBP reductions
were -11.8 ± 1.2, -13.1 ± 1.0, and -15.4 ± 0.9 for group 1, 2, and 3, respectively (GLM, p = 0.0191). Similar results were observed
in patient group treated by other antihypertension medications than beta-blocker. In patients taking beta-blocker, SBP
reductions were -2.5 ± 2.0, -7.1 ± 1.9, and -5.2 ± 2.0 (p=0.1722).

Being consistent with guideline recommendations, in this real world study, blood pressure lowering efficacy was greater as the
heart rate increases even when adjusted with age, sex, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. But in the group with
heart rate < 70 bpm, still SBP reduction was greater than 10 mmHg.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Adherence to Antihypertensive Medication and Incident

Cardiovascular Events in Young Adults with Hypertension
Hokyou Lee1, Yuichiro Yano2, So Mi Jemma Cho2, Ji Eun Heo2, Dong-Wook Kim3, Sungha Park4,
Donald Lloyd-Jones5, Hyeon Chang Kim5
Department of Preventive Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Department of Community and Family Medicine, Duke University, United States
Big Data Steering Department, National Health Insurance Service, Korea, Republic of
Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Department of Preventive Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, United States

Treatment and control rates for high blood pressure are unsatisfactory in young adults. Adherence to pharmacological
treatment is consistently low. Yet, little is known regarding health outcomes associated with antihypertensive medication
adherence among young adults.

From a Korean nationwide health insurance database, we included 123,390 participants (75.1% male) of age 20 to 44 years,
free of prior cardiovascular disease (CVD), who initiated pharmacological treatment for hypertension from 2004 through 2007.
Participants were categorized as either adherent (proportion of days covered [PDC] ≥0.8; n=45,350; 63.2%) or nonadherent
(PDC <0.8; n=78,040; 36.8%) to antihypertensive medication during the first year of treatment. The primary outcome was
composite cardiovascular disease (CVD) events, including myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, and cardiovascular death.

Over a median follow-up of 10 years, 3,002 new CVD events occurred. CVD incidence rates per 100,000 person-years were
191.0 in the adherent group and 282.1 in the nonadherent group. The cumulative incidence of CVD events was higher in the
nonadherent group than in the adherent group (log-rank P <0.001; Figure A). Multivariable-adjusted hazard ratio for CVD
events associated with nonadherence versus adherence was 1.57 (95% confidence interval, 1.45-1.71). There was a dose-
response association between medication adherence (in quartiles or restricted cubic splines of PDC) and CVD risk (Figure B).
When older participants were added into the study sample for comparison with young adults as an ancillary analysis, HR for
CVD events associated with antihypertensive medication nonadherence was highest in the age group of 20-44 years, followed
by 45-64 years, then by 65-79 years (all P<0.05 for interaction between age groups).

Among young adults who initiated pharmacological treatment for high blood pressure, poor medication adherence
was associated with higher risk for future CVD events. Healthcare providers and patients should be aware of the later-life
cardiovascular risk associated with nonadherence to antihypertensive medication during young adulthood.


Efficacy and safety of 2.5mg dose of nebivolol in hypertension

patients in a real world studies in Korea
Jinho Shin, Jaewon Lee
Internal Medicine/Cardiology, HanYang university hosipital, Korea, Republic of

In general, beta-blocker is not a preferred drug in the elderly hypertensive patients. And this is because of the frequent
side effect such as weakness, depression, and erectile dysfunctions, which could interact its efficacy. Overdose by altered
phamacokinetics in the elderly and/or impaired renal functions may one of the causes of the limitations. As for vasodilating
beta blocker of nebivolol, half dose is recommended for the elderly or for the patient with impaired renal function.

Among 3,250 participants of BENEFIT-Korea, the real world study to examine the efficacy of nebivolol, in which nebivolol was
started with the half dose in patients with impaired renal function and in the elderly ≥ 65 years, 999 subjects treated with
nevibolol 5mg(n=765) and 2.5mg(n=234) for 24 week period were compared in regard to blood pressure(BP) reduction.

At baseline, systolic BPs (SBP) were 144.5 ± 17.2 vs 137.4 ± 18.2 mmHgs (p<0.005) and diastolic BPs (DBP) were 84.7 ± 12.9 vs
79.9 ± 11.9 mmHgs (p<0.005). SBP reductions were -13.6 ± 19.4 vs -9.2 ± 19.8 mmHg (p<0.005). Diastolic BP(DBP) reductions
were -8.0 ± 13.0 vs -6.6 ± 13.5 mmHg (p=0.05) in the 5mg vs 2.5 mg groups, respectively. In 5mg vs 2.5 mg subgroups
according to the baseline heart rate (HR), in the group of HR < 70 bpm, SBP reductions were -10.1 ± 18.7 mmHg (n=111)
vs -11.4 ± 18.7 mmHg (n=48) (p=0.67). In the two groups of HR between 70 and 80 bpm, SBP reductions were -12.5 ± 19.9
mmHg(n=205) vs -11.74 ± 19.9 mmHg(n=53) (p=0.78). In the tow group of HR > 80bpm, SBP reductions were -16.3 ± 19.1
mmHg (n=351) vs -7.6 ± 21.1 mmHg (n=103) (p<0.0001). But for those with baseline SBP > 139mmHg and HR ≥ 80bpm, SBP
reductions were -21.5 ± 17.5 mmHg (n=265) vs -20.3 ± 18.5 mmHg (n=47) (p=0.68). Overall side effects were 4%, which is
similar to the side effect of the pooled population.

In real world setting, using 2.5mg of nebivolol seems to be as effective as 5mg when it is administered to the elderly or the
patient with impaired renal function regardless of baseline heart rate. The frequency of side effect was acceptable.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity as a predictor of cardiovascular

events in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Won Kyeong Jeon, Hack-Lyoung Kim
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Boramae Medical Center, Korea, Republic of

The prognostic value of arterial stiffness in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) is remained unclear. The aim of this study
was to investigate the association between brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) and the occurrence of cardiovascular
events in patients with DM.

A total of 2714 patients (mean age, 63.6 years; male, 59.3%) with type 2 DM and without documented cardiovascular
disease and stroke who underwent baPWV measurement were retrospectively analyzed. Primary end-point of this study was
composite cardiovascular events of cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization and stroke.

Baseline characteristics of study subgroups divided by presence or absence of composite cardiovascular events are shown in
Table 1. There was 118 composite outcome (4.3%) during a median follow-up period of 3.84 years (interquartile range, 1.60-
5.52 years). Area under the receiver operating curve was 0.618 and cut-off value of baPWV predicting composite event was
1672 cm/s by sensitivity of 65.3% and specificity of 50.9% (P < 0.001) (Figure 1). There was significant difference in event free
survival rate between two groups divided by cut-off value (baPWV = 1672 cm/s, Log-rank P < 0.001) (Figure 2). Lowest tertile
showed significantly high event free survival rate when compared to middle and highest tertile (Log-rank P = 0.023 and Log-
rank P < 0.001) (Figure3). In multivariable cox regression analysis, baPWV above cut-off value had independently increased risk
of major cardiovascular event (HR 2.53 (P = 0.002)) (Table 2). In comparison of tertile of baPWV, middle and highest tertile had
independently increased risk of major cardiovascular event (HR 2.37 (P = 0.024) and HR 4.33 (P < 0.001)) (Table 2).

In DM patients, baPWV, the surrogate marker of arterial stiffness, was predictor of major cardiovascular event, including cardiac
death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization and stroke. This result could be clinically helpful in dealing
with patients and establish treatment strategy in real world.


Office blood pressure threshold of 130/80 mmHg better predicts

uncontrolled out-of-office blood pressure in apparent treatment-
resistant hypertension
Chan Joo Lee1, Jeong-Ha Ha2, Jang Young Kim3, In-Cheol Kim4, Sung Kee Ryu5, Moo-Yong Rhee6, Ju-Hee Lee7, Jung-Hee Lee8,
Hae-Young Lee9, Sang-Hyun Ihm10, Joong Wha Chung11, Jung Hyun Choi12, Jinho Shin13, Kazuomi kario14, Sungha Park14
Cardiology, Yonsei University College of Medicine , Korea, Republic of
Health Promotion, Severance Hospital, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, Keimyung University College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, Eulji University School of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, Seoul National University Hospital, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, Chosun University School of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Korea, Republic of
Cardiovascular Medicine, Jichi Medical University School of Medicine, Japan

The American Heart Association lowered the office blood pressure (BP) threshold of resistant hypertension from ≥140/90
mmHg to ≥130/80 mmHg. The objective of this study was to compare the predictive value of the old and new threshold of
apparent treatment-resistant hypertension (aTRH) for correctly identifying uncontrolled out-of-office BP.

We analyzed 481 subjects from a prospectively enrolled cohort of patients with resistant hypertension in South Korea
( NCT03540992). Resistant hypertension was defined as office BP ≥130/80 mmHg with three different classes
of antihypertensive medications including thiazide-type/like diuretics, or treated hypertension with four different classes of
antihypertensive medications. We conducted different types of BP measurements including office BP, automated office BP
(AOBP), home BP, and ambulatory BP. We defined uncontrolled out-of-office BP as daytime BP ≥135/85 mmHg and/or home BP
≥135/85 mmHg.

In the ROC curve analysis, the office BP of 137/81 mmHg and the ABOP of 131/80 mmHg showed the highest sensitivity and
specificity for identifying uncontrolled out-of-office BP, respectively. The office BP threshold of 130/80 mmHg was better able
to diagnose uncontrolled out-of-office BP than 140/90 mmHg, and the net reclassification improvement (NRI) was 0.248. The
AOBP threshold of 130/80 mmHg also revealed better diagnostic accuracy than 140/90 mmHg, with NRI of 0.547. Among
subjects with office BP <140/90 mmHg and subjects with office BP <130/80 mmHg, 65% and 55% had uncontrolled out-of-
office BP, respectively.

The office BP threshold should be targeted to 130/80 mmHg for reducing the proportion of masked uncontrolled hypertension
in subjects with aTRH.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Association of the serum osteoprotegerin level with target organ

damage in patients at high risk of coronary artery disease
Jaehoon Chung1, Hack-Lyoung Kim2
Internal Medicine/Cardiology, National Medical Center, Korea, Republic of
Internal Medicine/Cardiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Boramae Medical Center, Korea, Republic of

There is little data as to whether osteoprotegerin (OPG) is associated with target organ damage (TOD). We evaluated the
association between OPG and TOD in patients at high risk of coronary disease (CAD).

A total of 349 patients who underwent invasive coronary angiography (ICA) for suspected CAD were prospectively recruited.
During index admission, 6 TOD parameters were collected, which included extent of CAD, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), left
ventricular mass index (LVMI), E/e', brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) and ankle-brachial index (ABI). Serum OPG
levels were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

The OPG level was significantly higher in patients with ≥1 TOD than in those without (314 ± 186 vs. 202 ± 74 pg/mL, P<0.001).
In each TOD parameter, the serum OPG level was significantly higher in patients with TOD than in those without (P<0.05 for
each) except ABI. In correlation analysis, OPG was significantly associated with GFR, LVMI, E/e', baPWV and ABI (P<0.05 for
each). The OPG concentration increased proportionally with increasing TOD numbers (P<0.001). Higher OPG concentrations
(≥198 pg/mL) was significantly associated with the presence of TOD (odds ratio 3.22; 95% confidence interval 1.51-6.85;
P=0.002) even after controlling for potential confounders.

Serum OPG was significantly associated with various TOD in patients undergoing ICA. OPG may be a useful marker for TOD and
in the risk stratification of patients at high risk of CAD.


Association of estimated pulse wave velocity with cardiovascular

events in subjects without previous cardiovascular diseases:
a nationwide population-based study
Dong-Hyuk Cho, Tae-Hwa Go, Dae Ryong Kang, Jang Young Kim
Cardiology, Yonsei University, Wonju College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of

Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) is an index of aortic stiffness and reflects underlying arteriosclerosis. Recent data
suggest a predictive role of estimated PWV calculated by previously published equations using age and blood pressure in
future cardiovascular events. This study aimed to evaluate the predictive value of estimated PWV for cardiovascular events in a
nationwide large population without previous cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

We identified 4,668,405 subjects without previous CVD who underwent health check-up examination in 2009 and 2011 from
the Korean National Health Insurance Cohort database. The primary composite endpoint (CE) was a composite of non-fatal
myocardial infarction (MI), ischemic stroke, and CV mortality. A Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was performed to
assess the association between the estimated PWV and the primary endpoint.

During the median follow-up period of 6 years, there were 81,558 cases of CE (22,898 of non-fatal MI, 57,551 of ischemic stroke,
and 2,724 cases of CV mortality). The mean value of the estimated PWV was 8.31 ± 1.26 m/s, and the first, second, and third
quartile values of estimated PWV were 7.36, 8.12, and 9.12 m/s, respectively. The Cox regression demonstrated that estimated
PWV (per 1 SD increase) independently predicted CE, ischemic stroke, but not MI, cardiovascular mortality (CE; hazard ratio
(HR): 1.20, CI: 1.16 to 1.24, MI; HR: 1.01, CI: 0.95 to 1.08, stroke; HR: 1.25, CI: 1.20 to 1.30, CV mortality; HR: 0.99, CI: 0.82 to 1.19).
Figure A demonstrates that the development of CE, MI, stroke, cardiovascular mortality proportionally increased according to
the quartile of estimated PWV (All p for trend < 0.05). In subgroup analysis, sex, age, obesity, diabetes, and HTN significantly
increased the influence of estimated PWV on CV risk (all p for interaction < 0.001) (Figure B).

Estimated PWV predicted cardiovascular events independent of traditional risk factors including systolic blood pressure,
indicating an incremental role of markers of aortic stiffness on residual cardiovascular risk in subjects without previous CVD.

OralⅠ: International Session
[English Session]

November 6(Fri) 14:05-15:20

Chairpersons Moo-Yong Rhee(Dongguk University), Sung-Ha Park(Yonsei University)

Judges Beom-Joon Kim(Ulsan University), Sang-Min Park(Eulji University),
Hye-Sun Seo(Soonchunhyang University)

O1-1 The Effect of Mobile Phone-based Interventions for Controlling Blood Pressure in Patients
with Uncontrolled Hypertension Grade II
Niyata Hananta Karunawan(Indonesia)

O1-2 Evaluation of WHO/INRUD Core Drug Indicators of Antihypertensive medications at tertiary

care hospital of Karachi, Pakistan
Saira Shahnaz(Pakistan)

O1-3 Correlation Between Left Ventricular Geometry Pattern and Diastolic Dysfunction in
Hypertensive Patients
Badai Bhatara Tiksnadi(Indonesia)

O1-4 Clinical, treatment, and outcomes of hypertensive emergency patients: The results from
the Hypertension Registry Program in the northeastern Thais
Praew Kotruchin(Thailand)

O1-5 Classification of Eye Condition based on Electroencephalogram Signals using Extreme

Learning Machines Algorithm (ELM)
Rifaldy Fajar(Indonesia)

O1-6 Predicting Kidney Disease Using Data Mining

Jakir Hossain Bhuiyan Masud(Bangladesh)

The Effect of Mobile Phone-based Interventions for Controlling

Blood Pressure in Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension Grade II
Niyata Hananta Karunawan1, Marcel Agung Radityo1, Henryanto Irawan1, Christian Poerniawan2, Abdul Aziz2, Muafiya 2,
Yeni Vuty Vera Vera2, Farida Marina3
Faculty of Medicine, Duta Wacana Christian University, Indonesia
Internship Doctor, Blooto Primary Health Care, Indonesia
General Practitioner, Blooto Primary Health Care, Indonesia

Hypertension is still a big challenged disease in Indonesia. Based on the National Health Survey(RISKESDAS), the prevalence
of hypertension had increased from 25.8 % in 2013 to 34.1 percent in 2018. In addition, 45.6% of these patients have poor
adherence therapies. Nowadays the development of mobile phones is widely available among communities. Technology such
as mobile phones can affect positive behavior changes or clinical outcomes. The Adoption of smartphone technology makes a
promising tool to enhance self-management and reduce medication nonadherence. This study aimed to evaluate whether the
effect of interventions delivered by mobile-phone to blood pressure control in patients with uncontrolled hypertension grade
2 at primary health care.

This study is prospective study design, the study compared the blood pressure levels between mobile phone-based
interventions and standard care inpatient with essential hypertension grade II. Mobile phone-based interventions are used
group interactive WhatsApp(WA)Messenger and private messages WA-Messenger such as education information about the
importance of medication intake and adherence, healthy diet (salt intake), and also antihypertensive medication schedule. Text
messages were sent every 6 days (table 1.) during the 3-month. The primary outcome of the study is blood pressure control
after follow up 3-month intervention. The Data were analyzed univariate and bivariate followed by the chi-square test and
paired T-test.

The Data of 100 patients consisted of 50 patients who were randomized to receive and 50 to not receive the intervention.
Subjects were dominated by females (70.8%), 32.7 % had an elementary-high school educational level, and the mean age was
48.97 ± 6.55 years. After 3 months of follow-up, systolic blood pressure level in the intervention group decreased from 163.24 ±
2.09 mmHg to 138.44 ± 11.17 mmHg(P<0.001). Mobile phone-based intervention improved Blood Pressure control (RR, 1.57;
95% CI, 1.07- 2.30, p= 0.016) inpatient with uncontrolled hypertension grade 2 at primary health care.

Mobile phone-based intervention can become an effective tool to blood pressure control by providing drug intake reminders,
offering information, and healthy lifestyle education. This program has great potential to improve population health and
should be considered for large-scale use at primary health care in Indonesia.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Evaluation of WHO/INRUD Core Drug Indicators of

Antihypertensive medications at tertiary care hospital of Karachi,
Saira Shahnaz1, Mudassar Arain2
Pharmacy Practice, Ziauddin University, Pakistan
Pharmacy/Jamshoro Sindh, University of Sindh, Pakistan

World health organization /international network of rational use of drugs developed the measuring parameters related to the
rational use of the drugs in three different general areas of health providing settings, which is known as core drug indicators.
Most essential element of achieving the best quality of the health and medical care of the patients in the community is
achieved through the appropriate use of the drugs.

A retrospective study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital of Karachi, for prescribing indicators, Prescriptions, medical
records of patients from inpatients and out patients wards from 5 Out Patients Departments were approached. Data collection
from the patient's wards were compared with the WHO guidelines/prescribing parameters. The duration of study was 08
months March-October 2019. A total of 1000 prescriptions were analyzed by the systematic random sampling technique to
minimize the biasness in the data that may occur due to interruptions in supply cycle of drugs or seasonal variations.

Among 1000 Prescriptions, the average number of medicines in one prescription was 3.4. 76% of the antihypertensive
medicines were prescribed by their brand names. Most commonly prescribed class of medication was b-blockers, ACE
inhibitors however among combination drug therapies was found ARBs+thiazide Diuretics, and ARBS+ b-antagonists with
maximum reduction in diastolic pressure of 30mmHg, whereas least reduction was observed 10mmHg. Maximum number of
medicines were prescribed from the essential list. The average time of consultation to each patients is only 1.1 minute.

The study clearly stated that irrationality was seen in different occasions due to multi factors such as polypharmacy, frequent
antibiotic prescribing and minimum time of consultation.


Correlation Between Left Ventricular Geometry Pattern and

Diastolic Dysfunction in Hypertensive Patients
Harvi Puspa Wardani, Badai Bhatara Tiksnadi, Alberta Claudia Undarsa, Erwinanto Erwinanto, Mega Febrianora,
Mohammad Rizki Akbar
Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia

Left ventricular (LV) geometry nowadays has gained attention due to its role in improving cardiovascular risk stratification
in hypertension. Diastolic dysfunction (DD) appears to occur in parallel with cardiac structural change characterizing
hypertension. We hypothesized that LV geometry pattern defined by LV mass and concentricity may have correlation with
occurrence of DD in hypertensive patients. In addition, there is still lack of data which LV geometry has the most impact to
diastolic dysfunction.

Cross-sectional study of hypertensive patients aged over 18 years old selected consecutively at 3 public health centers in
Bandung, Indonesia from January to February 2018. Hypertensive patients with history of coronary heart disease, heart
failure, anemia, severe lung disease were excluded. Examination of DD and geometry was performed using transthoracal
echocardiography. Diastolic dysfunction was defined by presence of more than 2 criteria listed as e'septal velocity <8 cm/
s, e'lateral velocity <10cm/s, or LAVI>34ml/m2 (ASE/EACVI Guideline 2009). Geometry pattern was divided into: normal,
concentric remodeling (CR), eccentric hypertrophy (EH), and concentric hypertrophy (CH) based on ASE/EACVI Guideline 2015.

Fifty hypertensive subjects were included with median (range) 61(31-71) years old. Thirty percent of the subjects were male.
Hypertensive duration median (range) was 5.3(0.20-30) year. LV mass defined by LV mass index had mean (SD) 101.64 (33.52)
g/m2 and relative wall thickness had median (range) 0.43(0,25-0.72). LV geometry pattern was significantly different between
patients with or without DD (p<0.001). Normal pattern was the most prevalent pattern in non-diastolic dysfunction group
(84%) while concentric hypertrophy was the most observed LV pattern presented in hypertensive with diastolic dysfunction
group (72%).

Left ventricular geometry pattern was correlated with diastolic dysfunction in hypertensive patients especially concentric

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Clinical, treatment, and outcomes of hypertensive emergency

patients: The results from the Hypertension Registry Program in
the northeastern Thais
Praew Kotruchin, Wachira Pratoomrat, Thapanawong Mitsungnern, Sittichai Khamsai, Supap Imoun
Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Hypertensive emergency is a challenge in clinical practice according to the complication of vital organs which may lead to an
unfavorable outcome if is left untreated. There is insufficient information about the epidemiology, treatment, and outcomes of
hypertensive emergency patients, especially in the Southeast Asia region. Therefore, we aimed to determine the prevalence,
clinical characters, treatment, and outcomes of Thai hypertensive emergency patients.

A retrospective cohort study conducted at a university hospital in northeast Thailand from January 2016 to December 2019.
Hypertensive crises patients were consecutively registered to the Hypertension Registry Program. Hypertensive emergency
was defined by SBP ≥180 and/or DBP ≥120 mmHg with the evidence of acute target organ damage.

There were 263674 patients who admitted to the ER, 60755patients had BP ≥140/90 mmHg and 1342 patients were diagnosed
with hypertensive emergency (127 per 100000 patient-year). The mean age was 66 years old, 52.1% were men. The most
common target organ damage was strokes (49.8%), followed by acute heart failure (19.3%), and acute coronary syndromes
(6.5%). Intravenous antihypertensive medication was given in 42.1% of the patients, 80% were admitted to the hospital. The
in-hospital mortality rate was 1.6%.

Hypertensive emergency was not uncommon among the emergency patients. Strokes was the most common target organ
damage. Although there was a high hospital admission rate, the mortality rate was low.


Classification of Eye Condition based on Electroencephalogram

Signals using Extreme Learning Machines Algorithm (ELM)
Asfirani Umar, Aleya Siti Zaha, Rifaldy Fajar
Mathematical and Computational Biology Laboratory, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Electroencephalography or EEG signals is a biosignal that is rife in current research topics. EEG signals have many benefits such
as the detection of epilepsy, sleep disorders, or input in a computer application. One input that can be detected based on
EEG signals is the state of the eye. However, to be used as input in an application a classification with adequate performance
is required. Therefore a study was conducted in which one method of learning Artificial Neural Networks, Extreme Learning
Machine (ELM) will be implemented to classify eye conditions based on EEG signals.

The dataset used to train and test the model is an eye-state dataset donated by Oliver Roesler combined with a dataset from
the University of California repository website, IrvineI (UCI). There are seven corpus which consist of EEG recording done to four
different people, then one corpus is added, which is a combination of all other corpus.

From the test results, it was concluded that ELM can be used for the classification of eye conditions with an accuracy of 97.95%
with training time of only 0.81 seconds if each data is used separately, whereas the merging of the whole dataset only reaches
an accuracy of 78.94% with 5.71 seconds training time.

By getting a model with good accuracy with training time that tends to be fast, the ELM algorithm can be utilized as a Brain-
computer Interface by previously conducting training based on the person's EEG signal with a short amount of time to build
the model. However, because the model of 1 person cannot be used for different people, then for each different person who
uses the system, the retraining process is necessary.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Predicting Kidney Disease Using Data Mining

Jakir Hossain Bhuiyan Masud
Public Health Informatics, Public Health Informatics Foundation, Bangladesh

Hypertension (HTN) and diabetes mellitus (DM) is the notable cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal
disease (ESRD) in both developed and developing countries. Half of the new ESRD patients have diabetic nephropathy and
27% have HTN among all ESRD patients in the United States (US) Taiwan had the highest prevalence of ESRD for more than a
decade. A study of Taiwan showed that the prevalence of CKD is high (11.9%) in adults A recent study recommended screening
for albuminuria in those with diabetes mellitus and hypertension Different study noticed that Taiwan has a high prevalence
of CKD and ESRD The patients', who had CKD and ESRD, are at increased risk for cardiovascular diseases and that leads the
sequence to kidney failure A recent study of Taiwan revealed that more than two-thirds of ESRD is associated with DM or HTN.
The study found that patients with HTN and anaemia were high risks of CKD A study of Taiwan found significant associations
for ESRD were histories of HTN and DM Machine learning is a potential field to discover knowledge from dataset. Data mining
method is the best way to investigate data for decision making. Classification is a data mining method used to predict group
relationship for data instances. Our aim was to predict the kidney disease and risk factors.

We used the ESRD data of NHIRDB of Taiwan. From this dataset, we have taken twenty-one thousands three hundred eighty-
seven instances and eleven attributes for analysis of kidney disease. The attributes are Age, Gender, Group, Death, Diabetes,
Hypertension, Hyperlipidaemia, four Drugs (Table1). This dataset consists of renal affected disease information. We analyzed
our data by Weka 3.6 version and SPSS 16 version software. Classification methods were used in our study. The methods were
artificial neural network (ANN), decision tree (DT), random forest (RF) and logistic regression (LR). Risk association of variables
also checked in Weka by Apropri algorithm. For continuous variable, we used t-test and for categorical variables, we used chi-
square test to show the significance using p<0.005.

There were 21387 patients, 10693 in the study cohort and 10694 in the control cohort. *p<0.005, p value is obtained by t-test
and Chi square test. The study reveals that the mean age of ESRD patient was 60.03 ± 15.193 and Non-ESRD was 60.68 ±
15.725. This study shows the highest model performance of ANN (accuracy 82.19% and ROC 0.804) than others. Our analysis
using apropri method showed that the hypertension is more associated with ESRD.

Data mining is a useful tool for predicting disease. Our study found convenient results for the four classification methods
and ANN shows the highest result. Our study also revealed that hypertension is the top risk factor for kidney disease. For
better prediction of kidney disease, we may use other classification methods with more attributes such as food type, working
environment, living conditions, water intake, and environmental factors.

Oral Ⅱ: International Session
[English Session]

November 7(Sat) 08:00-09:00

Chairpersons Eun-Mi Lee(Wonkwang University), Kwang-il Kim(Seoul National University)

Judges Hyun-Jin Kim(Hanyang University), Mi-Hyang Jung(Hallym University),
Ji Young Park(Eulji University)

O2-1 Prehypertension and Its Modifiable Risk Factors: Finding from Youth Indonesian
Yusuf Ari Mashuri (Indonesia)

O2-2 A Cross Sectional Study of the Current Status of Hypertension among Adolescents across
Schools of North India
Vandana Awasthi (India)

O2-3 Comparison between Centroid Defuzzification and Maximum Defuzzifier Model Mean of
Maxima (MOM) for the Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Rifaldy Fajar (Indonesia)

O2-4 Use of Manual or Digital Blood Pressure Set during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional
Study among General Practioners in Malaysia
Navin Kumar Devaraj (Malaysia)

O2-5 Data Mining Application through Decision Tree C4.5 Model Algorithm to Predict the
Posibility of Obesity Risk
Rifaldy Fajar (Indonesia)
Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Prehypertension and Its Modifiable Risk Factors:

Finding from Youth Indonesian
Yusuf Ari Mashuri
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

Globally, high blood pressure is still an important risk factor of disability and mortality. Hypertension and its aspects are widely
studied. However, prehypertension, especially among youths, is less noticed and analyzed . This study aims to investigate the
prevalence of prehypertension and its modifiable factors among youth Indonesian.

Indonesian Family Life Survey-5 data, with a total of 6,800 youth individuals were analyzed. Modifiable factors such as BMI, sex,
residence area, educational status, nicotine addiction, physical activity, food consumption, and sleeping habit were analyzed.
Socioeconomic such as working and marital status were also included. Multiple logistic regression was used to investigated
factors associated with prehypertension among youth Indonesian.

The prevalence of prehypertension among youth Indonesian was 37.5%. Multivariable analysis showed that BMI status [OR:
0.4 (underweight); OR: 1.6 (overweight), and OR:3.3 (obese)] and residence area [OR:1.1 (rural)] were an important modifiable
factor of prehypertension. The other factors associated with prehypertension were sex [OR:5.5 (male)] and educational status
[OR: 0.6 (high school and above)]. On the other hand, nicotine addiction, physical activity, food consumption, and sleeping
habit were not associated with prehypertension.

The prevalence of prehypertension among youth Indonesian is high. Modifiable factors such as BMI status and living area play
an important role in this prevalence. Therefore, a comprehensive intervention on reducing high BMI among youth, particularly
in a rural area, must be prioritized to achieve a better health outcome. This intervention will also useful to prevent youth
Indonesian from developing hypertension in later life.


A cross sectional study of the current status of hypertension

among adolescents across schools of North India
Vandana Awasthi1, Narsingh Verma2
Physiology, PhD, India
Physiology, Professor, India

Chronic disease begins early in life, yet population data are sparse on potential causal factors in adolescent Hypertension in
north India. To find the current status of prevalence of adolescent hypertension in 25 schools in North India

A cross-sectional study was conducted in 25 schools in and around Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India from January 2018 to April
2019. A proforma with detailed medical history was filled of 800 students of standard 7th to standard 12th age (11 to 17 years
of age). Anthropometric measurements of height, weight, waist size, hip size were done. Heart rate and Blood pressure both
systolic, diastolic was taken thrice each in left and right arm with Omron Blood pressure monitor and average was noted.

62% (n= 496) were boys and 38% (n = 304) were girls. Mean age was 14.26 ± 0.8 years. Boys were found to be more obese
as compared to girls. 92 students (11.5%) were found to have systolic hypertension while 29 (3.62%) were found to have
(DBP) diastolic hypertension. Mean body weight was 46.44 kgs. Average height of 800 students was 145.94 centimetres.
Overall prevalence of hypertension was 15.12% in Indian school going adolescents. Mean (SBP)systolic blood pressure for 800
students was 115.13 mm of Hg and mean diastolic blood pressure was 68.17 mm of Hg. Mean heart rate was 86.17. Waist
size and hip size were significantly associated with a greater chance of hypertension. Gender were found to be independent
predictor for systolic hypertension.

Adolescent HTN is now not rare in developing countries like India, this may be attributed to family history and other social
factors including dietary habits and stress levels.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Comparison between centroid defuzzification and maximum

defuzzifier model mean of maxima (MOM) for the diagnosis of
coronary artery disease (CAD)
Rifaldy Fajar, Aleya Zaha, Asfirani Umar
Mathematical and Computational Biology Laboratory, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Cardiovascular, especially coronary artery disease, is the number one cause of death globally. Every year, more people die from
cardiovascular disease than any other disease. There are several factors and symptoms of coronary artery disease (CAD) that are
easily recognized. To find out the severity of CAD, a diagnosis of CAD is needed to facilitate medical treatment. This study aims
to explain the diagnostic process for CAD using a fuzzy system and to determine the accuracy of the fuzzy system.

This study uses a fuzzy system to diagnose the severity of coronary artery disease. Input variables used in the study were
gender, age, pulse, systolic blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, triglycerides, electrocardiagram (ECG), chest pain,
shortness of breath, and cough. In making the system, 90 data were used which were then divided into two types of data,
namely 70 training data and 20 testing data. The fuzzy inference system used in this study is the mamdani inference system
that uses centroid defuzzification and MOM. This defuzzification process is used to diagnose types of coronary artery disease,
namely: CAD level 1 (Asymptomatic), CAD level 2 (Angina Pectoris), and CAD level 3 (Acute Myocardial Infarction).

The results of the research on the application of the fuzzy system for diagnosing coronary artery disease were the accuracy
of the defuzzification centroid method of 98.5% for training data and 95% for testing data, while for the MOM defuzzification
method, the accuracy level of training data was 98.5% and 90% for testing data.

Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the centroid defuzzification method is better than the MOM
defuzzification system for the coronary artery disease diagnosis system, so, it can be said that by using a fuzzy system with
centroid defuzzification, the probability of correctly diagnosing one patient is 95%.



Navin Kumar Devaraj
Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Hypertension is a major killer in Malaysia and worldwide. If not treated to control, it can result in major complications such
as myocardial infarction, stroke, blindness and end stage kidney disease and. Even though manual sphygmomanometer is
the goal standard in blood pressure measurement, in recent years there has a surge of well validated electronic/digital blood
pressure sets. This study aims to determine the use of manual or digital blood pressure sets and associated factors among
physicians working in general practice in the capital state of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during the new normal ear of COVID-19.

This is cross-sectional study using an online validated google form questionnaire in 2020. The sample population were general
practitioners with their own practice in Kuala Lumpur. The questionnaire contains demographic questions, use of either
manual or digital BP sets for BP measurements as well as reason for use of the chosen BP apparatus. Data analysis was done
with SPSS v26.0.

The response rate was 95% (n=402). The median age was 42.1 years (IQR 20.7 years) of which male physicians made up 60.3%
of the total number of physicians. Digital BP set was used by 92% of the physician while 8% still prefer to use the manual BP
set. Factors that favoured the use of digital BP set included the convenience, less contact with the patient's upper limb and also
available additional measurements parameters such as pulse rate and presence of arrhythmia (p<0.05).

Overall, majority of the general practitioners preferred the use digital BP set in the era of COVID-19. This shows the digital BP
set is now replacing manual BP set as preferred BP measuring apparatus.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management



Rifaldy Fajar, Asfirani Umar
Mathematical and Computational Biology Laboratory, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Obesity is a health problem that has negative effects with long consequences for the sufferer, family, and others. The Republic
of Indonesia's Basic Health Research data shows that 21.7% of Indonesia's adult population over the age of 18 is obese. Obesity
is also the root of other dangerous diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD) and tends to be diabetogenic which will
contaminate dangerous diseases such as hyperlipidemia, liver and gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, cancer, and respiratory
diseases. Apart from causing physiological problems obesity also causes emotional and psychological problems such as
reduced self-confidence because physical appearance is less attractive. In this study, we propose an evaluation of the Decision
Tree C4.5 model Algorithm for the classification process as a predictive solution to the possibility of obesity.

Data Mining is a method or technique used to solve a data problem using implementations to find data solutions. Decision
Tree Model C4.5 Algorithm is one of the algorithms used by data mining which is very powerful and well known. Then this
model is evaluated and validated using WEKA 3.7.4 to calculate the permanent value of the model used.

From the results of tests conducted, this model has an accuracy value of 80%. The precision and pecall values generated from
the test results are quite high, 0.778 for "Risky Outputs" and 0.818 for "No Risky Outputs". The ROC area shown in the trial results
is also in the good classification range, which is 0.878.

We conclude that the Decision Tree Classification Model Method using C4.5 Algorithm has a good performance in providing
predictive solutions to the possibility of obesity.

Oral Ⅲ: International Session
[English Session]

November 7(Sat) 11:05-12:05

Chairpersons Sang-Hyun Ihm (Catholic University), Eun-Mi Lee(Wonkwang University)

Judges Sung-Hea Kim(KonKuk University), Mi-Hyang Jung(Hallym University),
Ji Young Park(Eulji University)

O3-1 Gesit Mandiri Intervention to Imporve Self Management and Decrease Blood Pressure on
Older Persons with Hypertension Community at Jagakarsa
Sukmah Fitriani (Indonesia)

O3-2 Evaluation of the Incidence Rate and Correlative Risk Factors of Chronic Kidney Disease in
Mudassar Iqbal Arain (Pakistan)

O3-3 The Role of Government Health Insurance on Health Services Using by Indonesian
Hypertension Patient
Ni Made Ratih Kusuma Dewi (Indonesia)

O3-4 Online Health Information Seeking and Knowledge on Hypertension aAmong

Undergraduate Students in a Public Malaysian University
Kasendra Selvanesan (Malaysia)

O3-5 The Fraction Area of Degeneration and Necrosis in The Kidney Tissue of The Hyperlipidemic
Rats Model after The Intervention of Synbiotic Beverage from Kefir Milk and Date Palm
Rafik Prabowo (Indonesia)
Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management



Sukmah Fitriani1, Etty Rekawati2, AStuti Yuni Nursasi3
Lecturer Departement of Nursing Academy, Sukmah Fitriani, Indonesia
Lecturer Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia, Etty Rekawati, Indonesia
Lecturer Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia, Astuti Yuni Nursasi, Indonesia

Hypertension as a silent killer has increased on insidence at 60 years old, became leading cause of death in the world. Blood
pressure can be prevented from since early. But, olders person with hypertension, blood pressure can be controlled by self
management . Hypertension requiries a long term treatment by having self management. It refers to the older ability to
maintain daily positive behavior effectively and independently. the intervention carried out is GESIT MANDIRI. Program GESIT
MANDIRI is a movement for the elderly to be aware of hypertension As a intervention includes health education, formating
Self Help Group(SHG), monitoring and emotional coping with the illness., physical activity, diet, interactions with health
professionals, blood pressure monitoring and adherence to treatment regimen. The purpose to see the effectiveness of
interventions GESIT MANDIRI to improve self management and decrease blood pressure.

GESIT MANDIRI a provided to 57 respondents olders with hypertension. As a intervention for 7 month includes health
education, formating Self Help Group(SHG), monitoring and emotional coping with the illness, physical activity, diet,
interactions with health professionals, blood pressure monitoring and adherence to treatment regimen. The Research used
quasy experimental pre-post design with purposive sampling technique was used with a total sample was 57 respondents.
The independent variable was using modification on shiatsu therapy is and the dependent variables's was self management
used self management quesioner and measurement blood pressure used sfigmomanometer.

Data was analyzed using independent and dependent T test. The results showed significant changes in self management pre
post (60,67 ; 66,21) and blood pressure systolic pre post (148.6 ; 135.8) mmhg and diastolic (100.35 ; 91,75).

Dicussion : lifestyle with GESIT MANDIRI changes with self-management can change the lifestyle is the main thing in the
prevention and control of blood pressure in improving health status. Conclucion : Therefore, self management is suggested to
be done becase ts impact to awareness of applying healthy life style.



Dr Mudassar Iqbal Arain1, Dr Saira Shah2, Dr Ramesha Anwar3
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sindh Jamshoro, Pakistan
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ziauddin University Karachi, Pakistan
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Karachi, Pakistan

Epidemiologic review suggests that end-stage kidney disease or chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an alarming and major public
health problem globally And the multifactorial reasons such as inadequate & lack of health related awareness, and most
important the high burden of comorbidities such as age, diabetes, cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, and hepatic disease
add-on CKD, makes these observations knotty to interpret. These co morbidities not only could alter the course of kidney
infections but also may be the major reason behind the epidemiologic association CKD because of systemic changes and leads
to potential nephrotoxic risk. CKD is progressive loss of half or more than half of normal kidney and risk of adverse outcomes
has been increase day by day. This study was used to consider the frequency of CKD and to determine its association with
avoidable factors of risk such as Diabetes & Hypertension. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence and
clinical factors linked with CKD.

A descriptive study was performed on 300 participants aged above than 40 years in five clinical setup of Hyderabad, Pakistan.
This study was carried out from March 2019 to March 2020. A special proforma was formed to gather the data. Routine
following information was collected e.g diet routine & physical activity, smoking status, co-morbidities, Serum level of
creatinine and glomerular filtration rate was checked by using the CKD epidemiology collaboration equation.

Results show that the overall prevalence of kidney disease was 24.6%. 97% had their serum creatinine checked. Among them,
72.4% had GFR >90, 19.8 were in CKD stage 2 with eGFR 60-89, and 7.8% in CDK stage 3 with eGFR 30-59. CKD patients were
notably older, performed limited physically actives, have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease & stroke as compared
to other. A strong association was reported between kidney disease & hyperglycaemia & hypertension. 61.3% patients with
diabetes were found during study.

Current study shows that CKD is more common in Pakistani population. This is mostly to be an ignored in early stage of CKD.
The high risk factors & poor management of diabetes & hypertension among patients with CKD emphasize the need to provide
CKD awareness, management & prevention in the primary care services in Pakistan.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


The Role of Government Health Insurance on Health Services Using

by Indonesian Hypertension Patient
Ni Made Ratih Kusuma Dewi1, Rosinta Hotmaida Pebrianti Purba2
Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Poverty Alleviation and Community Empowerment, Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency,

The number of people with hypertension continues to increase yearly. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015
showed that around 1.13 billion people worldwide suffered from hypertension and is estimated there will be 1.5 billion people
affected by hypertension in 2025. On the early 2000's the Indonesian government has begun to reform the national health
system by providing the health protection as known as government health insurance. The policy goal is to reduce catastrophic
expenditure such as hypertension especially for the poor people in form of health subsidies.

This study using the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) data to analyze how people's choices in using health services due to
the existence of health insurance by the Indonesian government. The outcomes will be explored by using multinomial logistic
regression method.

From the regression results it can be seen that social health insurance increases the likelihood of people visiting public
hospitals compared to community health service centre (Puskesmas). Government insurance also affects the choice of
hypertensive patients to choose private hospitals and clinics for outpatient treatment. This is due to policies established by
the government which authorize public hospitals, private hospitals, and clinics to serve patients. Further, this shows that the
government has succeeded in providing social protection for the community. The government provides a health subsidy
policy for the community at bottom 40 so that they do not have to pay for health insurance or are called Contribution
Assistance Recipients (PBI). Meanwhile, 60 percent of the population pays a relatively low price for health insurance.

From the regression results it can be seen that social health insurance increases the likelihood of people visiting public
hospitals compared to community health service centre (Puskesmas). Government insurance also affects the choice of
hypertensive patients to choose private hospitals and clinics for outpatient treatment. This is due to policies established by
the government which authorize public hospitals, private hospitals, and clinics to serve patients. Further, this shows that the
government has succeeded in providing social protection for the community. The government provides a health subsidy
policy for the community at bottom 40 so that they do not have to pay for health insurance or are called Contribution
Assistance Recipients (PBI). Meanwhile, 60 percent of the population pays a relatively low price for health insurance.


Online Health Information Seeking and Knowledge on

Hypertension Among Undergraduate Students in a Public
Malaysian University
Aneesa Abdul Rashid 1, Navin Kumar Devaraj1, Kasendra Selvanesan2, Low Zhi Xuan2, Akmal Aiman Noorazalan2
Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia , Malaysia
Second Year Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Hypertension prevalence among Malaysian adults aged 18 and above is relatively high at around 30%, and is also reported to
be the highest risk factor attributable to mortality in Malaysia. Diagnosis rate is often missed among young adults and can lead
to a rapid onset of uncontrolled disease and complications. Good knowledge on hypertension has been related to a favourable
outcome. One of the most popular methods of seeking knowledge on medical conditions in young adults is through the
online medium. This study aims to determine the online health information seeking practices, and knowledge on hypertension
among undergraduate students in a medical and health sciences faculty of a public university in Malaysia.

A cross-sectional study design was done for this study that was conducted among the undergraduate students of the Faculty
of Medicine and Health Sciences (FHMS), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) to look at the socio-demographic factors and online
health seeking and their level of knowledge on hypertension. The participants for this study were selected via simple random
sampling. The research instrument was an online questionnaire that consists of three sections capturing information on : (1)
socio-demographic data; (2) online health information sought ; and (3) knowledge of hypertension. The data was analyzed
using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences program (SPSS) version 25. Independent T tests and one-way ANOVA were
conducted to identify factors associated with knowledge of hypertension among respondents.

Based on 286 respondents, their mean (sd) age was 21(1.2) years. The majority of respondents were female, 207(73.1%), Malay,
177(61.9%), taking the medical degree course 127 (44.4%), and in the second year of study, 111(38.8%), with an mean of 9.50
(4.50) hours of internet usage per day. A large number of respondents 196 (68.5%) looked for hypertension information online,
mostly general information about hypertension 268 (93.7%). The mean knowledge score for hypertension score was 8.32
(1.46) which is classified as good knowledge. Knowledge of hypertension was found to be significantly associated with race
(p<0.001), the type of undergraduate course (p<0.001), year of study (p<0.001) and type of health information searched online

This study reports good knowledge on hypertension among FHMS UPM students. Those who were of Indian ethnicity, took the
Medicine (MD) course, in 5th year and searched information of hypertension online had significantly higher scores.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


The Fraction Area of Degeneration and Necrosis in The Kidney

Tissue of The Hyperlipidemic Rats Model after The Intervention of
Synbiotic Beverage from Kefir Milk and Date Palm Concentrate
Rafik Prabowo1, Saosanti Mariana2, Miranti Dewi Pramaningtyas3
Clinical Program of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Chemical Engineering , Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Hyperlipidemia condition can induce oxidative stress on kidney tissue. High levels of oxidative stress cause damage in the
kidney tissue. It condition has an association with the prevalence of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Previous research
has shown that probiotic can increase antioxidant and improve injury condition in the kidney tissue. This research aim is to
know the effect of synbiotic beverage from kefir milk and date palm concentrate on the fraction area of degeneration and
necrosis in the kidney tissue of the hyperlipidemic rats model.

Synbiotic beverage was made in accordance with good manufacturing product (GMP) standards procedure. Kefir milk (KM)
is obtained from fermentation for 12 hours at room temperature between kefir grain and pasteurized cow milk with a ratio of
1:20 (100 grams of kefir grain: 2 liters of cow milk). after 12 hours the filtrate in the form of kefir milk is then combined with date
palm concentrate (DPC) with ratio 50% KM: 50% DPC. This combination was re-fermented for 12 hours at room temperature.
The design of this research is quasi-experimental used 15 rats divided into 3 groups (A+, A-, K). all groups were given fed ad
libitum for 8 weeks. The A- and K groups were given quail egg yolk 5 ml/200 gr body weight (grBW) for 4 weeks. The next
4 weeks, group of K was given a synbiotic beverage with a dose of 5 ml/200 grBW. At the end of this research, all rats were
terminated to take kidney organ and was dissected transversally then stained using hematoxylin and eosin. The Fraction area
of degeneration and necrosis was measured by ImageJ application. Data were collected and analysed with statistic software.

All data were expressed as mean standard deviation (%). The mean of fraction area (%) were 0.41 ± 0.12 (A+), 0.76 ± 0.12 (A-),
1.12 ± 0.23 (K). One way ANOVA test showed no significant different between all groups after intervention synbiotic beverage
on the Fraction area of degeneration and necrosis in the kidney tissue of the hiperlipidemic rats (p>0.05).

the intervention of synbiotic beverage from kefir milk and date palm concentrate was no significant differences on the fraction
area of degeneration and necrosis in the kidney tissue of the hyperlipidemic rats model (P>0.05).


EP01 Treatment of Parkinson's Disorders and Related Complication Through Application of

Bavachin in the Medicine: Biological Importance through Scientific Data Analysis
Kanika Patel (India)

EP02 Knowledge, Attitude, Practise And Awareness on Hypertension among Staffs in the Faculty
of Medicine and Health Sciences (Fmhs), Universiti Putra Malaysia
Navin Kumar Devaraj (Malaysia)

EP03 Knowledge, Attitude, Practise and Awareness on Hypertension among Students in the
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (Fmhs), Universiti Putra Malaysia
Navin Kumar Devaraj (Malaysia)

EP04 Post Marketing Surveillance Studies of Calcium Channel Blockers at Government Teaching
Hospital of Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan
Mudassar Iqbal Arain (Pakistan)

EP05 Measurment of Malondialdehyde Level and Superoxide Dismutase Activity in the Liver
Tissue after Intervention of Synbiotic Drink from Kefir Milk And Jicama Concentrate
(Pachyrhizus Erosus) in the Hyperlipidemic Rats (Rattus Norvegicus)
Rafik Prabowo (Indonesia)

EP06 Pharmacovigilance Studies of Diuretics at Tertiary Care Hospital of Karachi, Pakistan

Saira Shahnaz (Pakistan)

EP07 Effect Noxious Stimuli on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Patients of Metabolic Syndrome
before, during and after Tooth Extraction/ Root Canal Treatment
Smriti Rastogi (India)

EP08 Antihypertensive Medication in Elderly Patients: Analysis of Associated Factors and

Angelina Yuwono (Indonesia)

EP09 Assessment of Lipid Profile in Hypertensive Patients at Tertiary Care Setup of Jamshoro,
Mudassar Iqbal Arain (Pakistan)

EP10 Extent of the Effect of Consumption of Energy Drinks on Variables of Blood Pressure, Heart
Rate and Blood Glucose in Healthy Adults Working Out in the Gymnasium
Abhinav Verma (India)
Effect of Korean Wave to Eating Disorders Risk on Female Adolescence in Yogyakarta,
Nurina Habibah (Indonesia)

EP13 Alanine Transaminase More Reliable to Predict Major Adverse Cardiac Event in Acute
Coronary Syndrome Patients with Hypertension Comorbidity
Adika Zhulhi Arjana (Indonesia)

The Influence of Comorbidity in Determining the Cut Off Value of High Sensitive Troponin I
for Diagnosing Acute Coronary Syndrome
Ninda Devita (Indonesia)

EP15 The Pitfall of Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio in Predicting Major Adverse Cardiac Event in
Infection Conditions
Adika Zhulhi Arjana (Indonesia)

EP16 Hypertension Comorbidity in Heart Failure Patients Contribute to Longer Hospital Stay
Ninda Devita (Indonesia)

Correlation between Readings of Non-manual Blood Pressure Sets: A Cross-sectional
Study among General Practioners in Malaysia
Navin Kumar Devaraj (Malaysia)

EP18 Health Service Quality between Hypertension and Diabetes Melitus Patients in Community
Health Center in Sleman District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Sani Rachman Soleman (Indonesia)

Researching Central Blood Pressure and Arterial Stiffness in Hypertensive Patients
Le Hoang (Viet Nam)

Effect of Ranolazine Added to Amiodarone in the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: A Meta-
Agil Noviar Alvirosa (Indonesia)

Antihypertensive Effect of Prunus Amygdalus against NG-Nitro-L-Arginine Methyl Ester
(L-NAME) Induced Hypertensive Rats
Vikas Kumar (India)

EP23 Fabrication, Characterization of PLGA Loaded Nano-Particle of Resveratrol Exhibited

the Antihypertensive and Vasorelaxant Effect on Rats via Endothelium-Dependent and
Endothelium-Independent Pathways
V Kumar (India)
EP25 Comparative Study of Blood Pressure Monitoring with Reference to the Exercise at Various
Workplace in Hyderabad, Pakistan
Mudassar Iqbal Arain (Pakistan)

EP26 Impact of Lifestyle Intervention in Hypertensive patients, A Multicenter Study of

Hyderabad, Pakistan
Mudassar Iqbal Arain (Pakistan)

Assessment of Antihypertensive Prescription in Eelderly Patients among Various Private
Clinical Setups of Karachi, Pakistan
Saira Shahnaz (Pakistan)

EP28 Cardiorespiratory Fitness Level as Atrial Fibrillation Risk Factor: An Evidence Case Report
Putra Rizki (Indonesia)

EP30 Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio Predict Adverse Outcomes in Patients with Acute Coronary
Mohammad Sidqi Aulia (Indonesia)

EP31 Assessment of Predictors Intensifying the Clinical Control among the Hypertensive Patients
in Karachi
Saira Shahnaz (Pakistan)

EP32 Assessing Dietary Quality Using Indonesian Healthy Eating Index and Its Association with
Pre-hypertension among Healthy Adults: A Cross-sectional Study
Farah Faza (Indonesia)

EP33 Potential Risk Factors that Influencing Pre-hypertension among Healthy Adults in
Yogyakarta, Indonesia: A Cross-sectional Study
Susetyowati Susetyowati (Indonesia)

EP34 Comparative of Anthropometric Indices of Obesity as Correlates with Prehypertension in

Urban Area of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Ancelma Rayi Sari Pranasti (Indonesia)

EP35 Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection and Its Diagnosis in Different Clinical Settings of
Karachi, Pakistan
Saira Shahnaz (Pakistan)

EP36 Evaluation of Drug-drug Interactions in Prescriptions of Hypertensive Patients at

Government Setup of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
Saira Shahnaz (Pakistan)
EP37 The Effect of Non-Fermented and Fermented Soymilk (Glycine Max) on Heart
Malondialdehyde Levels in the Dyslipidemic Rats (Rattus Norvegicus)
Hilmi Ardian Sudiarto (Indonesia)

EP38 Serum Cortisol and Cardiometabolic Parameters in Young Adults: Sex Matters
Wan Fatein Nabeila Wan Omar (Malaysia)

EP39 Korean Wave Undercover: Determination of Social Factors in the Development of Eating
Disorders on Female Adolescent
Nurina Habibah (Indonesia)

EP40 Changes of Blood Pressure in Animal Model Trial Hypertension Method Subtotal Nefrctomy
Ernadita Budiastuti (Indonesia)

Use of Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitor Drugs to Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular
Disease in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Systematic Review
Muhammad Luthfi Adnan (Indonesia)

Inflammatory Index Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio Correlates with Liver and Coagulation
Disorders in Preeclampsia Patients

EP43 Effect of Diabetes Mellitus And High-Fat Diet on Systolic Blood Pressure in STZ-Induced
Diabetic Adolescent Rats
Dini Islamiana (Indonesia)

Hypertension as Risk Factor of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
Niyata Hananta Karunawan (Indonesia)

EP45 The Relationship Between Age and Gender with Hypertension among Adults in Utama
Health Care Belitung Indonesia: Cross Sectional Study
Rizki Febriawan (Indonesia)

The Relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference (WC) with
Hypertension Staging among Elderly in Air Saga Public Health Care Belitung Indonesia:
Cross Sectional Study
Nurul Fajri Widyasari (Indonesia)

EP48 Relationship between Duration of Seated and High Blood Pressure

Rima Nur Rahmawati (Indonesia)

Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Screening for Hypertension in Rural Community
Dian Muhammad Gibran (Indonesia)
EP50 Transient High Systolic Pressure in Patients with Heart Failure
Ninda Devita (Indonesia)

EP51 The Correlation between Period of E-Cigarettes Consumption and Anxiety Level in Sleman,
D.I.Yogyakarta : Cross-sectional Study
Syafira Laila Nurulita (Indonesia)

EP52 The Correlation between Period of Cigarette Consumption and Cigarette Knowledge Score
in Sleman, D.I.Yogyakarta : Cross-sectional Study
Syafira Laila Nurulita (Indonesia)

EP54 Acute Aerobic Exercise Does Not Attenuate Central Blood Pressure Reactivity to
Sympathetic Activation in Young Adults: A Randomized Crossover Trial
Min Jeong Cho (Korea, Republic of)

EP55 Effects of Blood Pressure Control on Cognitive Decline in Elderly Hypertensives: The
Korean Urban Rural Elderly (KURE) Study
Mi Kyoung Son (Korea, Republic of)

EP56 Prognostic Value of Arterial Stiffness according to the Cardiovascular Risk Profiles
Hack-Lyoung Kim (Korea, Republic of)

EP57 Association of Ages at Menarche and Menopause with the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Hansol Choi (Korea, Republic of)

EP58 Comprehensive Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of First-line Beta-blocker

Monotherapy in Hypertensive Patients: A Large-scale Multi-Center Observational Study
Seng Chan You (Korea, Republic of)

EP59 Towards Reducing Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) among among Rural
Population in Bangladesh: Assessing Knowledge and Feasibility of Community-Based
Non-Communicable Disease Interventions
Tilak Chandra Nath (Korea, Republic of)

EP60 Hyponatremic Hypertensive Syndrome in Pediatrics

Seon Hee Lim (Korea, Republic of)

EP61 Efficacy and Safety of Nebivolol in the Management of Hypertension in Coronary Artery
Disease: Result from BENEFIT-KOREA Study
Jong-Young Lee (Korea, Republic of)

EP62 Ref-1 Protects against FeCl3-induced Thrombosis and Tissue Factor Expression via the
GSK3βNF-κB Pathway
Ikjun Lee (Korea, Republic of)
EP63 The Role of Secretory Ref-1 on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Vascular Inflammation
Hee Kyoung Joo (Korea, Republic of)

EP64 Transfer of Adult Th17 Cells Accelerates Development of Hypertension in Juvenile

Spontaneous Hypertensive Rats
Jee Young Kim (Korea, Republic of)

EP65 Dahl Salt-resistant Rat Protects from Hypertension after High-salt Intake via Induction of
Anti-inflammatory Trec Cell Polarity
Inkyeom Kim (Korea, Republic of)

EP66 Downregulation of CRIF1 Suppresses Endothelial Cell Migration via RhoGDI2 and
Harsha Nagar (Korea, Republic of)

EP67 SIRT1 Activation Inhibits Endothelial-Specific Deletion of CRIF1-Induced Cardiac

Shuyu piao (Korea, Republic of)

Treatment of Parkinson's disorders and related complication

through application of bavachin in the Medicine: Biological
importance through scientific data analysis
Kanika Patel, Dinesh Kumar Patel
Faculty of Health Sciences, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, India

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is neurodegenerative disorder mainly arise through multiple signaling pathways in the brain.
Monoamine oxidase (MAO)-B inhibitors are used in the early management of Parkinson's disease (PD). There is the urgent need
of safer alternative medicine for the treatment of Parkinson's disorders as available medicines have long-term suspected side
effects. Bavachin have been separated and isolated from the seeds of Psoralea corylifolia and well known drugs in the medicine
and other allied health sectors for the treatment of human disorders.

In order to know the effectiveness of bavachin against various form of neurodegenerative disorders, here in the present
investigation numerous scientific data have been collected and analyzed. Biological potential of bavachin have been
investigated in the medicine for their effectiveness against human MAO-A and MAO-B (hMAO-A and hMAO-B) inhibitior
through scientific data analysis of various research work. Biological role of neuroinflammation, oxidative damage,
acetylcholinesterase and protein targets such as amyloid β-peptide 42 in the Alzheimer's disease have been investigated
through scientific data analysis of various research works.

Present study scientific data analysis signified the biological potential of bavachin in the medicine for the treatment of
various form of neurodegenerative complications. Scientific data analysis revealed the biological potential of bavachin in the
Parkinson's disorders as it effectively reduced hMAO-B activity more than hMAO-A and showed selective hMAO-B inhibition.
Molecular mechanistic study also signified their role in the medicine for the treatment of Parkinson's disorders. Data analysis of
different research work revealed that bavachin could inhibit acetylcholinesterase, neuroinflammation and oxidative damage
and play an important role against amyloid β-peptide 42 which signified their usefulness in the treatment of Alzheimer's

Scientific data analysis of various research works revealed the therapeutic importance of bavachin against hMAO-B inhibitor
which could be beneficial for the treatment of Parkinson's disorders.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management



Navin Kumar Devaraj1, Aneesa Abdul Rashid1, Siew Mooi Ching1, Muhammad Syakirin Jamari2, Nur Fatihah Sharif2,
Reshma Paramesvaran2
Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia , Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Hypertension is one of the most common and fatal non-communicable diseases in Malaysia. If not identified earlier, it can
result in complications such as stroke, end stage kidney disease and myocardial infarction. This study aims to determine the
knowledge, attitude, practice and awareness level of staffs and associated factors that are attached to a medical and health
sciences campus in the largest state in Malaysia.

This is cross-sectional study using an online validated google form questionnaire. The sample population were both academic
and non-academic staffs. Median scores for all four domains of knowledge, attitude, practice and awareness was determined
with maximum sore of 8 points for knowledge, attitude and awareness and 16 points for practice. Data analysis was done with
SPSS v26.0.

The response rate was 100% (n=87). The median age was 40 years (IQR 10 years) of which female staffs made up 70.1% of
the total number of staffs. The median score was 7 (IQR 1),7(IQR 1), 11(IQR 2) and 6(2) for knowledge, attitude, practice and
awareness, respectively. The only factor found to be significant in univariate analysis was the association between age and level
of practice in which older age staffs were found to have better practice level regarding hypertension (p=0.002).

Overall, the level of knowledge, attitude, practice and awareness was good among staff belonging to this medical based
faculty. This augur wells for this health professionals in their quest to help reduce the prevalence of hypertension and its
devastating complications.



Navin Kumar Devaraj1, Aneesa Abdul Rashid1, Siew Mooi Ching1, Muhammad Syakirin Jamari2, Nur Fatihah Sharif2,
Reshma Paramesvaran2
Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Hypertension is one of the most common non-communicable diseases in Malaysia. If not identified earlier, it can result in
various complications that includes a mortality rate of 20%. This study aims to determine the knowledge, attitude, practice and
awareness level of students pursuing various medical related courses and associated factors in a medical and health sciences
campus in the largest state in Malaysia.

This is cross-sectional study using an online validated google form questionnaire. The sample population were undergraduate
pursuing various courses such as medicine, nursing, biomedical science and environmental health. Median scores for all four
domains of knowledge, attitude, practice and awareness was determined with maximum sore of 8 points for knowledge,
attitude and awareness and 16 points for practice. Data analysis was done with SPSS v26.0.

The response rate was 100% (n=340). The median age was 21 years (IQR 1 years) of which female students made up 71.7%
of the total number of students. The median score was 7 (IQR 1),7(IQR 1), 11(IQR 2) and 6(2) for knowledge, attitude, practice
and awareness, respectively. Significant factors in multivariate analysis were belonging to the Chinese ethnic group which was
associated with a 0.45 lower odd of having poor awareness on hypertension as compared to a Malay student (95% CI 0.224 -
0.920, p= 0.028).

Overall, the level of knowledge, attitude, practice and awareness was good among students in this faculty. This augur wells for
this future health professionals in their quest to help reduce the prevalence of hypertension as well reduce its complications.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Post Marketing Surveillance Studies of Calcium Channel Blockers

at Government Teaching Hospital of Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan
Dr Mudassar Iqbal Arain1, Dr Saira Shahnaz2, Dr Ramesha Anwar3
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sindh Jamshoro, Pakistan
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ziauddin University, Pakistan
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Karachi, Pakistan

Post marketing Phase in which risks factors will evaluate in shortest possible time that will help to create the guidelines for
future about that medicine. The utilization of Pharmacovigilance is applicable completely at every step of medicines including
pre as well as post approval stages1. Now a day's latest or modern medicines are prescribed for the treatment and better
management of disease but with the advantages of medicines the chances of ADRs is also present and it was confirmed by
various studies that leads to common adverse effects that may be preventable or not, disability of any organ and also the
chances of death. The current study was design to sort out the expected adverse drug reactions among hypertensive patients
who had used calcium channel blockers as monotherapy.

The cross-sectional study was conducted at government teaching hospital of Hyderabad, Sindh Pakistan for a period of 01
years from june 2019 to june 2020. The sampling technique was purposive. The total number of patients were 300 with 95%
confidence interval. The data were compared with WHO probability assessment scale.

Out of 300 patients, 153 patients were belonged to male gender while 147 were from female. Further the age range of enrolled
patients were from 22 to 68 years. Maximum 55.43 patients were from the age range of 42-52 years. 52% of the patients
had hypertension since last 5 years. Moreover the patients who used Calcium channel Blockers, Amlodipine were the most
commonly used medicine followed by Nifedipine and Verapamil. Mostly the patients who used amlodipine had bradycardia in
58% followed by GERD and constipation as well.

The above study was clearly stated that amlodipine may cause bradycardia. So proper monitoring will be required to sort out
the factors and TDM services were also implemented for dose titration.


Measurment of Malondialdehyde Level and Superoxide Dismutase

Activity In The Liver Tissue after Intervention of Synbiotic Drink
From Kefir Milk And Jicama Concentrate (Pachyrhizus erosus) In
The Hyperlipidemic Rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Rafik Prabowo1, Saosanti Mariana2, Miranti Dewi Pramaningtyas3
Clinical Program of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Hyperlipidemia condition can makes liver cell damage and can be marked with an increase of malondialdehyde (MDA) levels
and decrease of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. Synbiotic is a product that contains prebiotic and probiotics. One source
of prebiotic is jicama and probiotic is kefir milk. The aim of this research is to know the effect of synbiotic drink from kefir milk
and jicama concentrate on MDA level and SOD activity in the liver tissue of the hyperlipidemic rats.

This research used 25 rats divided into 5 groups (K+, K-, P1, P2, and P3). Group of K+, P1, P2, P3 were given quail egg yolk for
the first 4 weeks. For the next 4 weeks, K+ and K- group were only given fed ad libitum. Group of P1, P2, and P3 were given
synbiotic with the formulation of P1: 85% kefir milk (K) and 15% jicama Concentrate (J), P2: 75% K, 25% J, and P3: 65% K, 35% J.
The dose of quail egg yolks and synbiotic was 5 ml/200 grBW. In the end, the animal model was terminated to get liver organs
to measure the MDA level and SOD activity.

Mean of MDA level (nmol/gr) were 11.8 ± 0.17 (K+), 2.5 ± 0.12 (K-), 7.7 ± 0.18 (P1) 5.7 ± 0.10 (P2), 4.1 ± 0.09 (P3). The result
showed significant differences between all groups (p<0,001). Mean of SOD activity (%) were 21.43 ± 2.52 (K+), 71.43 ± 3.91 (K-
), 30.71 ± 1.53 (P1) 50.35 ± 2.84 (P2), 63.93 ± 1.53 (P3). The result showed significant differences between all groups (p<0,001)
except between K+ with P1 and K- with P3 (p> 0.05).

Intervention of synbiotic drink from kefir milk and jicama concentrate significantly decrease MDA level in all groups and
increase SOD activity in the P2 and P3 groups, with P3 group clinically significant.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Pharmacovigilance Studies of Diuretics at Tertiary Care Hospital of

Karachi, Pakistan
Saira Shahnaz1, Mudassar Arain2
Department of Pharmacy Practice, Ziauddin university Karachi, Pakistan
Pharmacy Practice, Sindh University Jamshoro, Pakistan

The care of patients is utmost important part of therapy and it is the responsibility on Health Care Professionals (HCPs) to fulfill
with the rationale therapy. Pharmacovigilance is a key part of rationale therapy. The harm of patients is not wished by any
individual but due to various reasons any drug/medicines will show expected or unexpected ADRs. The current study was
design to sort out the expected adverse drug reactions among hypertensive patients who had used diuretics.

The cross-sectional study was conducted at tertiary care hospital of Karachi, Pakistan for a period of 02 years. The sampling
technique was convenience. The total number of patients were 300 with 95% confidence interval. The data were compared
with WHO probability assessment scale.

Out of 300 patients, 63 patients were male while 37 were female. Further the age range of patients were from 23 to 69 years.
Maximum 56.33 patients were from the age range of 43-51 years. 49% of the patients had hypertension since last 3 years.
Moreover the patients who used diuretic, furosemide were the most commonly used medicine followed by spironolactone
and hydrochlorothiazide. Mostly the patients who used furosemide had hypokalemia in 53%, the P value was less than
0.5 followed by headache and bradycardia as well. The patients who used spironolactone had experiences headache and
bradycardia. 42% of the ADRs were minor, 35% of moderate and 23% were of severe ADRs were noted.

The above study was clearly stated that furosemide may cause hypokalemia and bradycardia. So proper monitoring will be
required to sort out the factors and TDM services were also implemented for dose titration.


Effect noxious stimuli on Blood Pressure and heart rate in patients

of metabolic syndrome before, during and after tooth extraction/
root canal treatment
Smriti Rastogi1, Narsingh Verma2
Physiology, Research Scholar, India
Physiology, Professor, India

Tooth Extraction and root canal treatment(RCT) is sure to bring about changes in systolic (SBP)and diastolic blood

To study the effect of noxious dental ailment on blood pressure and heart rate in patients of metabolic syndrome.

For 400 patients of metabolic syndrome having noxious stimuli (toothache/pulpitis) (SBP,DBP) heart rate (HR) was recorded
before, during and after dental procedure in Oral Surgery, Endodontics OPD. Extraction & Root Canal Treatment was scheduled
for 200 patients each.

Baseline SBP DBP HR = 123 ± 4.1 76 ± 2.2 and 78 ± 3.3 beats per min (bpm) in tooth extraction patients. After local anaesthetic
(2% lidocaine 1:80 000 epinephrine) SBP = 148 ± 3.5 ,DBP 84 ± 2.1 HR = 99 ± 4.2 bpm. Immediately after extraction SBP 132.78
± 2 DBP 80.78 ± 3 HR 88 bpm. After 1 hour SBP 126 ± 2 DBP 77 ± 2 HR 76 bpm.

Baseline SBP, DBP, HR 128 ± 5, 78 ± 4.1 and 86 ± 6.2 bpm in patients scheduled for root canal treatment. During RCT SBP 136.78
± 4.2 , DBP 82.33 ± 1.3,HR 96 ± 3 bpm. Immediately after RCT SBP 130.15 ± 1.1, DBP ± 80 HR 82 ± 1.3 .1hr after RCT, SBP 129 ±
2, DBP 79 ± 1 HR 80 ± 3 bpm.
All the above values are mean values.

Significant changes are observed in blood pressure due to noxious stimuli and it is absolutely vital to do a dental procedure
only when the blood pressure of the individual is normal, patient has had his/her anti -hypertensive medication and blood
pressure is under control.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Antihypertensive Medication in Elderly Patients:

Analysis of associated factors and comorbidities
Angelina Yuwono, Rensa
Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia / Atma Jaya Hospital, Jakarta,
Indonesia, Indonesia

Hypertension increases with age. Controlling blood pressure with lifestyle modification and drug management are the key to
avoid major cardiovascular events. In geriatric population, prescription of antihypertensive medication in geriatric patient must
consider changes of body metabolism of drugs due to aging, impaired cognition, frailty, functional status, comorbidities and
risk of polypharmacy. Increasing the dose of antihypertensive agent may increase risk of side effects, therefore combination
of antihypertensive agents is warranted. This study aims to analyze of factors associating with number of antihypertensive
medication and comorbidities in elderly patients.

This is a cross-sectional study which included elderly patients (aged 60 years and above) in Geriatric Outpatient Clinic at Atma
Jaya Hospital, from May 2021 to August 2021 (3 months). Analysis of comprehensive geriatric assessment component from
all elderly patients were done. Hypertensive patients were selected. We grouped the subjects based on gender, marital status,
multimorbidity (> 1 disease), polypharmacy (> 5 drugs), comorbidities and antihypertensive medication, functional status
(Barthel ADL), frailty (FI-40), cognitive impairment (Mini-Cog), malnutrition (MST), sarcopenia (SARC-F) and depression (5-item
GDS). We used multivariate analysis to determine association between independent variables and number of antihypertensive
used. We elaborate ten most common comorbidities and antihypertensive medication used in each disease.

From 179 patients visited Geriatric Outpatient Clinic, about 149 subjects or 86% patients had hypertension. In this study we
found 94% of hypertensive subjects had comorbidities, mostly had 3 accompanying disease. From bivariate analysis we found
that obesity, multimorbidity and polypharmacy is associated with number of antihypertensive agent (p=0.04, 0.01, and 0.04,
respectively). Multivariate analysis showed multimorbidity and polypharmacy is associated with number of antihypertensive
agent used. The most common comorbidities presented in our subjects were diabetes mellitus (61%), dyslipidemia (48%),
cardiovascular related diseases (43%), Osteoarthritis (25%) and cerebrovascular diseases (22%). Our subjects mostly received
combination of antihypertensive agents (63%), with ACEi/ARB, Calcium-Channel Blocker and beta-blockers as the most
common combinations.

Most (86%) of the geriatric patients had hypertension. From multivariate analysis, we conclude comorbidities and
polypharmacy were associated with number of antihypertensive agents used. The most common medication used for them
were ACEi/ARB, calcium-channel blocker and beta-blockers.



Dr Mudassar Iqbal Arain1, Dr Saira Shahnaz2, Dr Ramesha Anwar3
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ziauddin University Karachi, Pakistan
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Karachi, Pakistan

One of the most common cardiovascular disorder and leading cause of death is hypertension present all over the world
including underdeveloped as well as developed countries. So the associated risk factors was also countable for the prevalence
of disease and the most common factor is lipid profile disturbance i.e. Dyslipidemias. The current study was carried out to
assess the lipid disorders in study group i.e. hypertensive samples and control group i.e. non-hypertensive samples.

A descriptive study was conducted in which total of 300 samples were recruited from inpatient and out departments of a
tertiary care setup located at Jamshoro for a period of 06 months from September 2019 to February 2020. The sample was
collected through random sampling technique. The samples were divided into 02 groups i.e. study and control group and
then assessed the lipid profiles and their factors. The above study was also approved by the expert committee. The data was
analyzed through different statistical tools.

Maximum number of samples among the total number was laying between the age of 40-49 years of age and more commonly
present in male. The study group was significantly higher lipid abnormalities (P <0.005) as compared to the control group. The
BMI, Triglycerides, LDL values were significantly more in male gender as compared to female in study group i.e. Hypertensive

The co-relation between the lipid profile in hypertensive and non-hypertensive samples was assessed in above study and it
was concluded that the values of lipid profile was high in hypertensive sample so the chances to develop the cardiovascular
problems as compared to non-hypertensive samples were also more.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Extent of the effect of Consumption of Energy Drinks on variables

of Blood Pressure, Heart Rate and Blood Glucose in healthy adults
working out in the gymnasium
Dr. Abhinav Verma1, Dr. Narsingh Verma2
Medicine, Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Physiologyindia, KGMU , India

Aim: To assess the effect of frequent consumption of energy drinks on blood pressure, heart rate and blood glucose in healthy
adults working out in the gymnasium.

200 healthy young adults, were divided into two groups: the first consumed at least three energy drinks at one-hour intervals,
and the second drank the same amount of water. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure(DBP) ,heart rate (HR)
and blood glucose (BG) were measured before consumption of energy drink (250 ml per can)/ water (250 ml ) and before
working out. After working out for 45 minutes (treadmill, cycling and elliptical cross trainer) 1 hr of rest was given to both
groups. SBP, DBP, HR and blood glucose were then measured. All participants could report any health problems before and
after consuming each portion of energy drink. All parameters were measured thrice weekly for 3 months.

Having consumed three portions of ED ( 150 to 180 mg of caffeine), the participants presented a significant increase in DBP
(p = 0.033), by over 10.32%, no significant change in SBP (p = 0.715). HR increased in adults drinking 3 energy drinks (p =
0.040). Consumption of EDs caused a significant increase (p< 0.001) in BG, by 23.5 %, on average. Some participants reported
of palpitations and disturbed sleep which increased after 2 and 3 energy drinks.

Increased diastolic blood pressure, blood glucose, no significant change in systolic blood pressure occurred in healthy young
people as compared to their controls drinking water.


Effect of Korean Wave to Eating Disorders Risk on Female

Adolescence in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Nurina Habibah1, Sumarni DW2
Health and Nutrition, Department of Health and Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

The Korean wave is a form of South Korean culture that is packaged in such a way, is a plan by the Korean government to
improve the image of Korea in the eyes of other countries, also proves the strength of this country in transmitting culture
and art to other countries to reach all parts of the world. Currently, Indonesia is one of the countries affected by the Korean
"fever", which is due to the globalization of the Korean wave through the media. The impact of media information can effect
adolescence' dynamic life. Through the content of Korean wave which displayed model characteristics that identical with a
slender body, tall, and attractive can lead to the adolescent body image perception. The problem most often experienced
by adolescents is physical appearance. The negative body image in adolescence could encourage the emergence of eating
behavior disorders known as eating disorders. The goal of this study is to analyze the relation between Korean wave exposure
through media information with body image and eating disorders risk on female high school students in Yogyakarta.

This research utilizes the cross-sectional method with a quantitative approach. The research population is a female first-grade
high school student in Yogyakarta. The subjects of 109 female students who are qualified with the inclusion and exclusion
criteria are requested to fill out the Korean wave exposure questionnaire, the Contour Drawing Rating Scale questionnaire, and
the Eating Attitude Test 26. Data analyzed with a chi-square test and logistic regression test.

Multivariate analysis result showed body image and Korean wave exposure has significant correlation (RP=1,6; 95%CI=0,14-
16,65). Eating disorders risk significantly correlated with Korean wave exposure (RP=2,1; 95%CI=0,97-4,63) and body image
(RP=2,93; 95%CI=1,25-5,49). The chi-square analysis showed body image has significant correlation with eating disorders risk
(RP=6,2; 95%CI=1,25-5,94).

There is a significant correlation between Korean wave exposure with body image and eating disorders risk on female
adolescence in Yogyakarta.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Alanine Transaminase More Reliable to Predict Major Adverse

Cardiac Event in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients with
Hypertension Comorbidity
Adika Zhulhi Arjana1, Ninda Devita2, Teguh Triyono2
Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Biomedical Sciences Programme, Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Major Adverse Cardiac Event many happened in Acute Coronary Syndrome patients who undergo reperfusion therapy. Some
predictors were developed to predict Major Adverse Cardiac Event for better Acute Coronary Syndrome management. Some
of them are Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), Alanine Transaminase (ALT), and AST/
ALT ratio. Hypertension comorbidity increases the risk of Major Adverse Cardiac Event. Hypertension condition influence the
measurement of some marker therefore could be bias. This study aims to know the best marker to predict Major Adverse
Cardiac Event in Acute Coronary Syndrome patients with hypertension comorbidity.

Keyword: ALT, MACE, ACS

This study was using a retrospective cohort design. All patients presenting with Acute Coronary Syndrome were included in
this study. All laboratory data in admission and MACE outcomes were analyzed. Hematology data was taken from automatic
blood count Sysmex XN-1000. Chemistry data was taken from Cobas Analyzer. Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratios was
calculated from the ratio of neutrophil percentages divide with lymphocyte percentages. Comparison of Receiver Operating
Characteristics (ROC) analysis was performed to rank the best marker to predict MACE. Statistical analysis was performed with
Medcalc program.

A total of 383 subjects were included in this study. The mean ages were 61.77 years old. The majority of subjects were men
(64.06%). The median value of AST was 33 (5-2378) U/L. The median value for ALT and NLR were 27 (3-1166) U/L and 4.62
(0.97-74.23) respectively. Multiple Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis showed that ALT has the highest area
under the curve (AUC) compared to other markers. Alanine Transferase was known as an inflammatory response in liver and
cardiac injury. Patients with hypertension tend to increase inflammation response. Neutrophil to Lymphocyte ratio has the
lowest AUC in this study.

Alanine Transaminase has the highest AUC then more reliable to predict Major Adverse Cardiac Event in Acute Coronary
Syndrome patients with hypertension comorbidity.


The Influence of Comorbidity in determining the cut off value

of High Sensitive Troponin I for diagnosing Acute Coronary
Adika Zhulhi Arjana1, Ninda Devita2, Teguh Triyono2
Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Biomedical Sciences Programme, Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is a condition that is still prevalent, especially in developing countries. The use of the
Hs Troponin I biomarker as one of the 3 diagnostic criteria for ACS helps clinicians to determine percutaneous coronary
intervention measures to reduce comorbidity. Determination of cut-off values for Hs Troponin I currently only based on the
increase in the levels are above normal. Comorbid conditions have not taken into consideration in determining the increase in
high sensitive troponin I (Hs-Troponin I) when diagnosing ACS. This study aims to determine whether the comorbid conditions
of hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus affect the cut off value of Hs Troponin I in diagnosing ACS.

Keywords: Hs Troponin I, ACS, Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

This was a cross-sectional study based on the medical record of all Acute Coronary Syndrome patients in Sardjito General
Hospital, Indonesia in a 1-year study. Comorbidity condition, Electrocardiogram, and percutaneous coronary intervention
result were analyzed in this study. All incomplete data were excluded. As mandatory in our hospital, Hs Troponin I sample was
taken within 30 minutes of hospital admission of anyone with chest pain complaint. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC)
curve analysis was used to determine the cut-off value to diagnose ACS. Subjects were grouped according to their comorbidity
and age criteria. Medcalc was used for statistical analysis

A total of 507 subjects were included in this study. The majority of subjects were male as many as 341 (68.2%) subjects. The
mean age of the subjects was 58.93 years old. The number of subjects diagnosed as ACS confirmed by the percutaneous
coronary intervention was 336 (67.2%) subjects. The total subjects who had comorbid hypertension and diabetes, hypertension
only, diabetes alone were 67 (13.4%), 142 (28.5%), 85 (17%) subjects respectively. Meanwhile, there were 205 (41.1%) subjects
without comorbidity. ROC analysis showed that Hs Troponin I levels above 920.2 ng / mL were required to diagnose ACS in non-
comorbid subjects. This rate increases in geriatric conditions (more than 60 years old) where 1093.2 ng / mL is required. The
presence of diabetic comorbidities reduced this cut off to 127 ng / mL while hypertension was 295 ng / mL.

This study showed that hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus lower the cut off value of Hs Troponin I to diagnose Acute
Coronary Syndrome. The clinician should be aware of ACS patients with a low increment of Hs Troponin I presentation if
comorbid present.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


The Pitfall of Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio in Predicting Major

Adverse Cardiac Event in Infection Conditions
Adika Zhulhi Arjana1, Ninda Devita2, Umi Solekhah Intansari2
Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Biomedical Sciences Programme, Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio was a known parameter to predict Major Adverse Cardiac Event in acute coronary syndrome
patients who undergo reperfusion therapy. Some studies showed that Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio was the best predictor
among other indexes such as Monocyte to Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio. However, as this index arises
from hematology data, it was influenced by some conditions such as infection. This study aims to know if infection condition
influence the predictive value of Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio in predicting Major Adverse Cardiac Event after percutaneous
coronary interventions.

Keywords: NLR, MACE, Infection

This is a retrospective cohort study. The subjects were Acute Coronary Syndrome patients in Sardjito General Hospital
Indonesia who undergo Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. This study includes all patients in one year of study. All subjects
were then divided into two groups: infection and non-infection group based on their clinical presentation and laboratory
results. All subjects then followed up to know if they have a Major Adverse Cardiac Event or not. The data was analyzed using
the Receiver of Operating Characteristics Curve with Medcalc statistic program.

A total of 506 subjects were included in this study. Subjects in non-infection groups are 336 subjects and 170 subjects
in infection groups. There are 33 subjects (6.6%) from non-infection groups to develop the Major Adverse Cardiac Event.
Meanwhile, 37 subjects (7.4%) from infection groups develop Major Adverse Cardiac Event. The receiver of Operating
Characteristics analysis showed that Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio could predict Major Adverse Cardiac Event in non-infection
groups with Area Under Curve 0.612 (p= 0.027). Meanwhile, infection groups couldn't predict (p=0.103).

Utilization of Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio for predicting Major Adverse Cardiac Event will be influenced by infection
conditions. The clinician should consider infection conditions before using this index.


Hypertension Comorbidity in Heart Failure Patients Contribute to

Longer Hospital Stay
Ninda Devita1, Adika Zhulhi Arjana2
Biomedical Sciences Programme, Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Hypertension remains major comorbidity of patients with CHF. The presence of hypertension is often aggravating the patient's
complaints. This study aimed to determine the effect of the presence of hypertension comorbid against elongation length of
stay of patients with heart failure.

Keywords: Hypertension, Heart Failure, Length of Stay

This was the second report of an ongoing study entitled “Correlation between Ischemic Heart Diseases and Clinical Outcome
in Heart Failure Patients in dr Soedono Hospital Madiun”. This study was funded by the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam
Indonesia. This was a cross-sectional study based on medical records. The subjects of this study were 50 medical records of
hospitalization patients with heart failure from 2017 to 2018 at dr Soedono Hospital Madiun. Clinical characteristics were
collected. Data then analyses using ANOVA with the Medcalc program.

Fifty medical records of inpatient heart failure were collected. There are 14 patients with hypertension comorbidity, 11 patients
with no hypertension condition, and 14 patients with mixed cardiovascular comorbidity. Statistical analyses showed there are
differences in mean of hospitalization duration with longer stay in a mixed cardiovascular group, then hypertension group
(9.35 vs 7.64 vs 7.27 respectively).

Hypertension comorbidity contributes to longer hospitalization duration in heart failure patients.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management



Navin Kumar Devaraj
Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Hypertension remains one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular events. Its prevalence remains to be high, afflicting 1 in 3
adults in Malaysia alone. Recently the use of non -mercury based blood pressure (BP) apparatus has gain prominence due to
concerns of the environmental effects of mercury. This study aims to determine the correlation of the blood pressure readings
of aneroid sphygmomanometer or digital BP set and associated factors among physicians working in general practice in the
Selangor, Malaysia.

This is cross-sectional study using a validated questionnaire in 2020. The participants were known hypertensives visiting 50
general practice clinics having both aneroid sphygmomanometer and digital BP sets that were selected through systematic
random sampling. The questionnaire contains demographic questions, BP measurements as well as reason for use of the
chosen BP apparatus. Data analysis was done with SPSS v26.0.

The response rate was 93.6% (n=365/390). The mean age was 47.1 years (IQR 19.7 years) of which male physicians made
up 73.3% of the total number of physicians. The mean reading of the aneroid and digital BP set was 143.2 mmHg ( ± 17.3)
and 142.7 mmHg ( ± 18.2), respectively. The correlation between these mean BP readings were high and significant (r=0.87,
p=0.03). Factors that favoured the use of aneroid BP set included the similarity to manual BP measurement with manual BP
sets (68.3%%) and high dependence on physician presence (71.6%%) while factors that favoured the use of digital BP set were
convenience (83.3%) and costs (70.7%)

Good correlation exists between the BP readings of aneroid sphygmomanometer and digital BP sets. Therefore, physicians can
be reassured of the use of either BP apparatus based on its affordability and personal preference.


Health Service Quality Between Hypertension and Diabetes

Melitus Patients in Community Health Center in Sleman District,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Aqmarina Firda1, Refa Nabila2, Teguh Sulistiyanto3, Sani Rachman Soleman4
Medical Doctor, Internship programs in PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital, Indonesia
Medical Doctor, Internship programs in Pertamina Balikpapan Hospital, Balikpapan, Indonesia
Medical Doctor, Internship programs in PDHI Yogyakarta Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Department of Public Health, Indonesia

The prevalence of chronic diseases such hypertension and diabetes mellitus in Indonesia was increasing every year. The
impact was not only on the patients but also economical burden. The government created a regulation through National
Social Security Implementation on Health Agency (BPJS-K) that hypertension and diabetes patients should be included in
PROLANIS program to control the impact. The program was established in 2015 but until now, there was nothing evaluation
comprehensively about it. The aim this study is to assess health quality services among hypertension and diabetes patients of
PROLANIS program in 25 community health services in Sleman district, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

A cross sectional design was conducted as study method, while sample size was calculated into two steps, first was calculating
sample size and obtained 230 respondents, the second was divided into 25 community health services and each of it, was
found 8-10 respondents that taken by simple random sampling. The instrument is SERVQUAL method divided into five
dimensions such as tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. There were 35 questions that divided into two
categories, expectation and reality that must be filled by likert scale. The data was analyzed descriptively by three method such
as Gap analysis, Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) meanwhile Man Whitney test
was proposed to search level of satisfaction among hypertension and diabetes patients against PROLANIS program.

Based on gap analysis was found that whole of aspects tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy were
below 0 point that concluded hypertension and diabetes patients were unsatisfied with PROLANIS program, CSI analysis
was obtained 74.45 for hypertension and 75.15 for diabetes that resumed the program “cause for concern” that means the
program should be fixed the complexity of the problems and IPA analysis was found distribution of respondents answers
the questionnaire was in quadrant one and two that means primary priority or maintain the achievement the program. Man
Whitney analysis was obtained there was nothing different of level satisfaction between hypertension and diabetes patients
(p value 0.943) while five dimension was found that only assurance aspect that correlated by health services quality with
PROLANIS program (p value 0.001).

The patients of chronic disease in PROLANIS program was unsatisfied with health services quality provided by BPJS-K. There
were nothing correlation level of satisfaction between hypertension and diabetes patients however assurance dimension
associated by health quality services among patients in Sleman district, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management



Le Hoang
Vietnam National Heart Association, Member, Viet Nam

In the formation of target organ damages (TOD) in hypertensives, the pressure that the heart and brain actually face is central
blood pressure, not peripheral blood pressure (BP). On the other hand, arterial stiffness (AS) is seen as an independent predictor
of cardiovascular disease in addition to the known traditional cardiovascular risk factors.
The aim of this research was to evaluate relationship and correlation between central blood pressure (CBP) and AS with a
number of TODs, and built a predictive model of CBP and AS in hypertensive patients simutaneously.

A descriptive cross-sectional study compared a control group in 210 study subjects (including 105 hypertensives and 105
normotensives), noninvasively measured CBP, AS through pulse wave velocity (PWV) using the Agedio B900 device, evaluated
left ventricular mass index (LVMI), carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT) and built predictive models using a multiple
regression analysis.

There was a statistically significant positive correlation between central systolic BP and diastolic BP with LVMI (with strong level,
r was 0,6659 and 0,580, respectively, p <0,0001, and higher than peripheral BP) and CIMT (with moderate level, r was 0,436 and
0,345, respectively, p <0,0001 and higher than peripheral BP). PWV was statistically positively correlated with LVMI (with weak
level, r was 0,171, p <0,05) and CIMT (with moderate level, r was 0,315, p <0,0001). A multivariate linear regression model to
predict cSBP = 30,775 + 3,085*(Dyslipidemia) + 6,559 *(Smoking) + 1,316*(Peripheral pulse pressure: pPP) + 0,236*(Heart rate:
HR) ; F = 163,285, p <0,0001, R2 = 76,1%. Model of cDBP = 23,144 + 9,309*(Smoking) + 0,447*(pPP) + 0,3*(HR) + 4,743*(Sex);
F = 35,6, p<0,0001, R2 = 41%. Model of PWV = 0,158*(Age) + 0,03*(pPP) + 0,022*(Peripheral mean blood pressure: pMAP)
- 4,267; F = 805,475, p <0,0001, R2 = 92,1%. Model of LVMI = 26,544 - 8,302*(Sex) - 0,365*(HR) + 1,185*(cMBP); F = 54,768,
p<0,0001, R2 = 44,4%. Model of CIMT = 0,288 + 0,006*(cPP) + 0,004*(pDBP) + 0,004*(Age) - 0,096*(Sex); F = 16,214, p<0,0001,
R2 =24%.

Central blood pressure and Arterial stiffness could be correlated with target organ damage in hypertensive patients.


Effect of Ranolazine Added to Amiodarone in the Treatment of

Atrial Fibrillation: A Meta-Analysis
Agil Noviar Alvirosa1, Dahniar Rizki Fahriani2, Rizki Febriawan3, Umi Hani Vismayanti Lesmana4, Ema Novalia Dewi Kurnia Sari5
General Practitioner, Muhammadiyah Lamongan Clinic, Indonesia
General Practitioner, Dr. Soegiri Regional Hospital, Indonesia
General Practitioner, Belitung Utama Hospital, Indonesia
General Practitioner, Hermina Solo Hospital, Indonesia
General Practitioner, Saras Ibnu Sina Sukowati Hospital, Indonesia

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common rhythm disorder that is associated with mortality. Ranolazine is anti-ischemic drug,
which also has anti-arrhythmic properties. The studies regarding ranolazine for prevention and treatment of AF have yielded
conflicting results. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to clarify the effect of
ranolazine in treatment of AF.

We performed comprehensive search using PubMed data bases until September 2020 to find studies that assessed the
effectiveness of ranolazine for treatment of AF. The primary outcome was the AF incidence and the secondary outcome was
time to conversion. We used a random-effects model to estimate the overall summary effect of this study using Revman 5.3.

A total of 4 RCTs (1,157 participants) were included in the meta-analysis. We found that patients in the amiodarone plus
ranolazine group compared with the amiodarone-only group showed increase successfully higher conversion at 24 h (RR =
1.32, 95% CI: 1.05, 1.65, Z = 2.41, P = 0.02). Futhermore, amiodarone plus ranolazine group compared with amiodarone only
group has shorter time to conversion from AF to sinus (MD = -12.12, CI: -12.57, -11.68, Z = 53.73, P = 0.00001)

Addition of ranolazine to amiodarone enhance effectiveness in the treatment of AF.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Antihypertensive effect of Prunus amygdalus against NG-nitro-l-

arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) induced hypertensive rats
Vikas Kumar1, Firoz Anwar2
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, India
Biochemistry , King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

Hypertension disease is considered one of the most serve causes for and consequences of vascular disease, ischemic heart
disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and heart failure. Hypotension is considered as the 2nd leading
risk factor for the global burden of disease. The current study investigates the antihypertensive effect of Prunus amygdalus
extract in NGnitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) induced hypertension in rats and explore the possible mechanism of

In-vitro study was performed for the estimation of Vasorelaxant effect. Wistar rats were divided into different group and
received the Prunus amygdalus extract at dose dependent manner for 4 weeks. Blood pressure was estimated at regular time
intervals. On the 29 day, heamodynamic, serum marker and cholesterol parameters were estimated.

In-vitro study, Prunus amygdalus extract induced the endothelium dependent vasorelaxation, which was partically blocked
in the presence of indomethacin, atropine and L-NAME. aortic rings pre-contracted with Prunus amygdalus induced
vasorelaxation and shifted Ca2+ concentration response curves to the right and suppressed PE peak formation, similar to
verapamil, in Ca2+ free medium. In hypertensive rats received the Prunus amygdalus showed the antihypertensive effect via
exhibited 70.53 ± 3.84% fall in MAP (70mmHg). Prunus amygdalus significantly increased the cholesterol and reduced the
inflammation and necrosis at dose dependent manner.

The data indicate that L-NAME and atropine-sensitive endothelial-derived NO and COX enzyme inhibitors and Ca2+ entry
blocking-mediated vasodilator effect of the extract explain its antihypertensive potential.


Fabrication, characterization of PLGA loaded nano-particle of

Resveratrol exhibited the antihypertensive and Vasorelaxant
effect on rats via endothelium-dependent and endothelium-
independent pathways
V Kumar1, Prakash Bhatt2
Pharmacy, SIHAS, India
Pharmacy, Jamia Hamdard, India

Hypertension is considered to be one of the most important causes of vascular disease, diabetes, ischaemic heart disease,
non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, atherosclerosis and heart failure and its consequences. Hypotension is considered to be the
second major risk factor for the global disease burden. Resveratrol isolated from the different plants and had the effect of
antihypertension and vasorelaxation, but the antihypertensive molecular mechanism was not investigated. The current study
aims to comfort the vasorelaxant and antihypertensive effect of resveratrol (RT) nanoformulation loaded with PLGA on blood
pressure and vascular tension in rats and to investigate the underlying mechanism.

For the determination of influential formulating parameters, resveratrol nanoparticle formulation (RT-PLGA) formulated using
ultrasonic technique and Box-Behnken design was used to obtain the desired nano-size compound acquired quality range.
The vasorelaxant effect of RT-PLGA on thoracic aortic rings has been investigated. The effect of RT-PLGA-NPs on the aorta
isolated from rats was scrutinised in the presence of blockers and antagonists for the molecular mechanism. A tail-cuff model
was used for the antihypertension effect.

RT-PLGA-NPs, along with the poly-dispersity index of 0.22 zeta potential < 20 mV, drug loading capacity > 94.3 percent and
drug release (95 percent) after 48 h, showed an average particle size of 173 nm. The vasorelaxation impact on the aortic rings
pre-incubated with the KCL was shown by RT. RT-induced relaxation was not persuaded by the pre-treatment of aortic rings
with atropine, 9-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-9H-purine-6-amine, propranolol, indomethacin, 4-aminopyridine followed by the
addition of Phe before RT. By contrast, K+ channel blocker, NO synthase inhibitor and guanylyl cyclase inhibitor significantly
suppressed the vasorelaxant potential of RT. As a result, in the absence of extracellular Ca 2+, RT reduced contractions. In
addition, with our alteration of the heart rate in the experimental rats, RT reduced systolic blood pressure.

On the basis of the outcome, we can conclude that through endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent
pathways, resveratrol showed vasorelaxant and hypertensive effects.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Comparative Study of Blood Pressure Monitoring with reference to

the exercise at various workplace in Hyderabad, Pakistan
Dr Mudassar Iqbal Arain1, Dr Saira Shahnaz2, Dr Ramesha Anwar3
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan, Pakistan
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ziauddin University Karachi, Pakistan
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Karachi, Pakistan

On whole earth one of widespread disease is High blood pressure i.e. also called Hypertension. Worldwide it is also the
maximum risk factor to increase the encumber of disease. The most common factor of cardiovascular disease is High blood
pressure and it caused more than 17 million deaths every year. According to American Heart Association, “High blood pressure
may define as the pressure applied by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels particularly arteries”

The comparative, cross-sectional study was conducted at 3 different works place i.e School, Colleges and business offices via
purposive sampling method. The total number of 200 participant were included in the study who had hypertension since last
one year. Blood Pressure monitored with the help of digital sphygmomanometer. The participant who had 3 days per week
doing exercise included in the study for one group.

Out of 200 patients, 123 patients were belonged to male gender while 77 were from female. Further the age range of enrolled
patients were from 27 to 51 years. The patients were classified in two groups. One group who had exercise in one group and
second group who had not any type of exercise. 100 participant in each group. The blood pressure values are analyzed i.e.
exercise group had an average systolic blood pressure in 129/83 mmHg while in other group the blood pressure were 142/93

From the above study it was clearly said that exercise is one of the best tool for the management of Hypertension.


Impact of Lifestyle intervention in Hypertensive patients, a

multicenter study of Hyderabad, Pakistan
Dr Mudassar Iqbal Arain1, Dr Saira Shahnaz2, Dr Ramesha Anwar3
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sindh Jamshoro, Pakistan
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ziauddin University Karachi, Pakistan
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Karachi, Pakistan

According to JNC VIII guidelines, Life style modification is the primary step for the treatment of Hypertension. Lifestyle
modification includes exercise, diet control and adherence with the treatment. Various studies were conducted for analysis
of lifestyle intervention impact but this study was different because it will focus to compare the lifestyle with treatment

The multicenter study was conducted for a period of six month from September 2019 to February 2020. Only hypertensive
patients were included via purposive sampling method. A total of 500 patients were the part of study after the written consent.
The patients were divided into 02 groups i.e. group 01 and 02 with 250 patients each. group 01 is non interventional group
with proper treatment and group 02 was the study group with lifestyle modification and treatment. The data were analyzed
by using simple ANOVA.

Out of 500 patients, group 1 comprised 250 i..e control group and mostly the patients were taken routine antihyperetnsive
treatment without any lifestyle modification. In group 1, dual therapy was most commonly prescribed. The combination of
ARBs with CCBs were the most common group. The ranges of blood pressure were not controlled in more than 60% of the
patients. While in group 2 i.e study group in life style modification was also incorporated with proper treatment adherence. In
this group the blood pressure values were in control range and co-morbidities were also less as compared to the control group
or non-interventional group of patients.

The study reflects that life style modification were positively impact on the hypertensive patients and values were in control
range. The associated problems were also less as compared to the non-interventional group. Proper counselling were also the
mandatory part of the treatment.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Assessment of Antihypertensive Prescription in elderly patients

among various private clinical setups of Karachi, Pakistan
Saira Shahnaz
Pharmacy Practice, Ziauddin University, Pakistan

Hypertension is one of the leading cause of mortalities in under developed countries. It may lead to various pathologies
particularly cardiac problems. Further it is also known as silent killer. The antihypertensive medicines are lifelong, so proper
utilization may also help for proper management of hypertension. To assess the Prescription in elderly patients among various
private clinical setups of Karachi, Pakistan.

The design of study was descriptive and it was conducted at 10 different clinical setups of Karachi, Pakistan. Total of 300
prescriptions were collected for a period of one year during 2019 and 2020. The sampling technique was purposive. Those
patients with confirmed diagnosis of hypertension prescribed with at least 1 antihypertensive and aged more than 60 years of
age were included in the study.

Out of 300 samples, 193 were belonged to male and 107 were female. The history of hypertension is positive in majority of
patients i.e. 169 and co-morbidities were also present in 194 patients. More than half of the patients were on combination
therapy i.e.209. The most common prescribing group among monotherapy patients were ARBs and in combination therapy
was angiotensin receptor blocker with calcium channel blockers. Among the most prescribing group, the telmisartan plus
hydrochlorothiazide were most common.

The study concluded that hypertension was most commonly present in the patients who had positive family history of
hypertension. The JNC guidelines were not followed so proper education will be required for all health care professionals.


Cardiorespiratory Fitness Level as Atrial Fibrillation Risk Factor: an

Evidence Case Report
Putra Rizki1, Angelica Angunadi2
Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Sports Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a typical supraventricular arrhythmia, with uncoordinated activation of the atrial resulting in worsening
of atrial mechanical function. The prevalence of AF reaches 1-2% in Indonesia and will continue to increase in the next 50
years. Atrial fibrillation leads to increased mortality and morbidity, including stroke, heart failure, and decreased quality of life.
AF main procedures include the use of anticoagulant drugs, rhythm control, and rate control. Additional procedures include
comprehensive lifestyle modification, including management of several risks of heart disease, obstructive sleep apnea, obesity,
and exercise.

The search was conducted using Pubmed, Proquest, and Ebscohost database. The keywords used are Adult AND Physical
fitness OR Cardiorespiratory fitness OR Exercise test AND Atrial fibrillation OR Atrial tachycardia OR Supraventricular tachycardia.
The literature search found 6052 studies in Pubmed, 9166 studies in Ebscohost, and 5442 studies in Proquest. Inclusion criteria
include English language research, full article, human research. The exclusion criteria were published more than five years ago.
From exclusion and inclusion criteria, research findings are minimized by reading titles and abstracts. After reading the title
and abstract obtained six studies that answered PICO. From the sixth full-text reading of this study, it turns out that four studies
are part of one meta-analysis study, and one other study is longitudinal research. The literature was conducted critically about
validity, importance, and applicability (VIA) criteria using the basic principles of Evidence-Based Medicine.

Continuous variable analysis shows an increase in physical fitness of one METs will lower the risk of AF occurring by 9% (RR:
0.91; 95% CI: 0.84-1.00; P =0.05). Category variables show three levels of physical fitness: low level, medium level, and high
level. Analysis of category variables showed high levels of physical fitness increased AF risk compared to low physical fitness
levels (RR: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.28-0.91; P =0.02) (figure 2.3), and the physical fitness level lowering the AF's risk compared to low
physical fitness levels (RR: 0.72; 95% CI: 0.56-0.93; P =0.01). Any higher cardiorespiratory fitness estimate of 1-METs, associated
with a 5% lower AF risk in men (HR: 0.95; 95% CI, 0.89-1.00) and 16% lower AF risk in women (HR: 0.84; 95% CI, 0.77-0.92). An
estimated increase in cardiorespiratory fitness of 1-METs in 10 years was associated with a 7% lower AF risk (HR: 0.56; 95% CI,

Physical fitness, or rather cardiorespiratory fitness, is one of the risk factors for the onion of AF. The lower cardiorespiratory
fitness, the higher the risk of AF.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio Predict Adverse Outcomes in

Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome
Mohammad Sidqi Aulia, Kevin Karim, Vita Karima Fadhilah, Arinta Setyasari, Sherly Yosephina, Prihadi Estu,
nNizamuddin Ubaidillah
Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Dustira Army Hospital, Indonesia

Inflammatory response plays an important role in atherosclerosis in the mechanism of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). In
particular, platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) is an inflammatory marker that could be correlated with morbidity dan mortality in
patients with ACS. This study aims to determine the correlation between PLR with GRACE and TIMI score in patients with ACS.

A total of 1000 ACS patients that were submitted to Cardiology Department at Dustira Army Hospital were included into this
study. Patient assessment and medical record were restrospectively performed from January 2019 to June 2020.

GRACE risk score was significantly higher in the high PLR group than in those with moderate or low PLR group (158 (144-
174),130 (114.5-149), 124 (104-147.75), respectively, p<0.000). Similarly, TIMI score for UAP, NSTEMI and STEMI were
significantly higher in the high PLR group compared to those with moderate and low PLR group respectively (3 (3-4), 3 (3-4),
3 (3-3), p=0.001), (5 (4-5), 4 (4-5), 4.5 (4-5), p<0.000), (6 (5-7), 6 (5-6), 6 (5.5-6), p=0.003). Moreover, GRACE risk score (r=0.314,
p<0.000), TIMI risk score for UAP (r=0.365, p<0.000), TIMI risk score for NSTEMI (r=0.314, p<0.000), and TIMI risk score for STEMI
(r=0.227, p=0.001) showed a positive correlation with PLR.

PLR is an inexpensive, convenient and reproducible laboratory marker in routine clinical practice that could predict the
prognosis in patients with ACS.


Assessment of Predictors intensifying the clinical control among

the Hypertensive patients in Karachi
Saira Shahnaz
Pharmacy Practice/Karachi Sindh, Ziauddin University, Pakistan

Hypertension is an asymptomatic disease which requires constant medical support and appropriate long-term
pharmacological therapy predisposing to the development of adverse drugs reactions. The purpose of the current study was
to evaluate the adverse drugs reactions which hinders the response of antihypertensive therapies.

A descriptive observational study was conducted for the period of 11 months, starting from November 2018-September 2019.
Collection of data was conducted on a structured questionnaire, after obtaining patients consent. For descriptive statistics and
frequency, mean and standard deviation were obtained, the required parameters for the study were evaluated using SPSS
version 21.0.

The results of study showed out of 500 patients, 78% patients were males, 22 % were females, majority of patients belonged
to 38.9 ± 5 mean age. The evaluation of therapies and reduction in Systolic pressures were recorded post 3months ± 10
days Lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide 15mmHg (P< 0.028) Losartan/hydrochlorothiazide 13mmHg ± 5 (P<0.005), for Enalapril/
hydrochlorothiazide 16 mmHg ± 5 (P 0.0051), Candesartan/hydrochlorothiazide 20mmHg ± 5, for adjusted values of
(P=0.224), Atenolol/Chlorthalidone 20mmHg ± 5 (P<0.001), Amlodipine/Perindopril 12mmHg ± 5However 35.9% ADRs were
reported during the study, whereas 64.7% patients were prescribed with combination drugs treatments.

The ADRs are the most powerful predictors of unsuccessful therapy, minimum Adverse drugs events and optimal blood
pressure control can improve the patient's adherence hence resulting the therapy to be effective.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Assessing Dietary Quality using Indonesian Healthy Eating Index

and Its Association with Pre-hypertension among Healthy Adults:
A Cross-sectional Study
Farah Faza1, Susetyowati Susetyowati2
Nutrition, Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Nutrition and Health, Department of Nutrition and Health, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Since pre-hypertension is rising, one of main factors might be dietary quality. One of the most used to assess dietary quality
is Healthy Eating Index (HEI). We aim to examine dietary quality explained by HEI and its relationship with pre-hypertension
among healthy adults.

Cross-sectional study, conducted in 2018 and involved 157 healthy adults 19-64 years old in Bantul and Wonosari District.
Pregnant or breastfed woman was excluded. The data included socio-demographic and dietary quality using Indonesia HEI
(I-HEI). The components were grain/whole grain/cereal, vegetable, fruit, milk, animal protein, total fat(%), saturated fat(%),
cholesterol (mg), sodium (mg), and diet diversity score (DDS). Score for each component was maximally 10 and minimally
0. Maximum score of I-HEI was 100 for the best dietary quality and was categorized into three: poor diet (≤50), need
improvement diet (51 - 80), good diet (>80). Pre-hypertension was defined as systolic 120-139 mmHg or diastolic 80-89

Prevalence of pre-hypertension was 65.2%. Mean value of I-HEI was 54.65, hence 60% of I-HEI were in the need improvement
diet and none in the good diet category. There is no association between I-HEI and pre-hypertension (p=0.911). Mean value of
animal protein portion was higher in pre-hypertension than normotension (2.0 vs. 0.5 portion/day, p=0.016). Meanwhile, the
others was found to be lower in pre-hypertension although there were no significant difference.

The I-HEI was not associated with pre-hypertension. Regardless of that, diet quality among adults is not good quality diet yet,
hence it should be improved through modification lifestyle and healthy supporting environment.


Potential Risk Factors that Influencing Pre-hypertension among

Healthy Adults in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: A Cross-sectional Study
Susetyowati Susetyowati1, Farah Faza2
Nutrition and Health, Department of Nutrition and Health, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Indonesia
Nutrition, Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

Prehypertension is undetected and considered as a precursor of hypertension. It may be related to several factors. We aim to
investigate the potential risk factors related to pre-hypertension among healthy adults.

Cross-sectional study, conducted on 2016 - 2018 and involved 542 healthy adults 19-64 years of age in five different setting
area in Yogyakarta Province, represented urban, semi-urban and rural area. Pregnant or breastfed woman was excluded. The
data including socio-demographic and physical activity using GPAQ which was classified onto light, medium, and heavy
activity. We measured BMI, waist circumference (WC), and blood pressure (pre-hypertension was systolic 120-139 mmHg or
diastolic 80-89 mmHg). We collected fasting blood samples, and classified as pre-diabetes (fasting blood glucose/FBG 100-
125 mg/dL), dyslipidemia (TChol ≥200 mg/dl, LDL ≥130 mg/dl, HDL <40 mg/dl and triglyceride ≥150 mg/dl. Food intake was
assessed using 2x24-hours food recall and using Indonesian Recommended Dietary Allowance to create categorization for

Prevalence of pre-hypertension was 68%. The mean value of WC, total cholesterol, triglyceride, protein, and carbohydrates
were significantly higher in pre-hypertension compared to normotension (p<0.05). However, BMI and energy intake were also
higher in pre-hypertension compared to the counterparts, although not significantly different. Logistic regression revealed
potential risk factors influencing pre-hypertension the most were gender (men has 7.5 times higher), age (middle adult has 3.8
times higher), and smoking history (smoking has 2.8 times higher).

Pre-hypertension is potentially influenced by gender, age, and smoking history. Those who are men, middle adult, and has
smoking history have higher probability for being pre-hypertension.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Comparative of Anthropometric Indices of Obesity as Correlates

with Prehypertension in Urban Area of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Ancelma Rayi Sari Pranasti, Susetyowati -
Department of Health Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Obesity is recognized as a major risk factor for the development of hypertension. The close association of obesity with blood
pressure has long been recognized in both genders and even in diverse racial/ethnic groups. Monitoring anthropometric
indices of obesity as early detection of prehypertension is needed to prevent the development of illness. This study aimed to
compare the performance of five anthropometric indices of obesity: body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-
to-height ratio (WHtR), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and body fat percentages (BF); as correlates with prehypertension in urban
area population.

A cross-sectional study was conducted among 200 adults (aged 20 years and older), living in urban area in Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. Blood pressure as well as anthropometric data, which included weight, height, waist and hip circumferences, and
body fat percentages were obtained by well-trained personnel.

The mean age of the study respondents was 39.44 ± 12.075 years, and 65% (78.5% in men and 53.3% in women) of them
had prehypertension (p-value 0.001). The mean values of BMI (24.248 ± 5.108), WC (84.273 ± 11.647), WHtR (0.533 ± 0.804),
and WHR (0.943 ± 0.715) were all increased in prehypertension participants compared to normotension participants. On the
opposite, the mean value of BF (26.319 ± 8.529) was shown decreasing in prehypertension participants instead. However,
WC was the only index showing significant correlation with prehypertension (p-value 0.004). In women population, waist
circumference had significant correlation with prehypertension (p-value 0.003), while in men population it didn't show
significant result. Moreover, the results univariate analysis showed there was no significant relationship among age, waist
circumference, and prehypertension (p-value 0.387).

In this study, WC is the only anthropometric index of obesity having significant correlation with prehypertension, especially in
women. Improving awareness of prehypertension and early prevention of hypertension can be done targeting individuals with
WC above the cutoff level.


Prevalence of Urinary tract infection and its diagnosis in different

clinical settings of Karachi, Pakistan
Saira Shahnaz
Pharmacy Practice/Sindh Pakistan, Ziauddin university Karachi, Pakistan

In our society many contagious infections occur but Urinary tract infection (UTI) is most prevalent and affecting peoples
globally. It is the 2nd most common type of body. The term UTIs is used as clinical conditions which show bacterial infection
in urinary tract such as kidney, bladder, urethra and ureters. It is very necessary to identify prevalence and organisms causing
UTIs and their treatments to control complications & decrease the hazard of any suspicion. Previous study shows that all age
groups of individuals & both genders have equal chance of UTI and 70 to 80% is caused by Gram negative bacteria. The main
objective of this study is to find out frequency of urinary tract infections and its cause factors.

A population-based study was conducted to find out the prevalence of UTI among patients visiting in different clinics of
Karachi Pakistan. In this study, 200 samples were included of all age groups and used two method, question-based data and
lab results of urine testing for a period of 1 year from January to December 2018.

181 patients showed positive results for pathogenic microorganisms. In age group of 1-10 years (21.5%) and above 50 (20.8%)
showed higher numbers of frequency of UTI in patients. Out of 181 positive samples, 76.8% test were found that gram
negative bacteria were main cause of UTIs and 23.2% were cause to gram positive bacteria. E. coli (37.1%), Candida (27.4%) and
Klebsiella species (22.7%) were most frequent reported uropathogen bacteria. mostly used drug class is antibacterial (93%), in
which Gentamicin is commonly used 68.7% antibiotics. Results of this study concluded that UTI is common in our region.

Gram negative bacteria are most common causative agents of UTI and prescribing trends show that gentamicin mostly used

Key words: Urinary tract infection, bladder, contagious infection uropathogen bacteria.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Evaluation of Drug-Drug Interactions in prescriptions of

hypertensive patients at Government Setup of Karachi, Sindh,
Saira Shahnaz
Pharmacy Practice/Sindh , Ziauddin University Karachi, Pakistan

To assess the level of drug-drug interactions and their correlation among known hypertensive patients in various government
settings of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.

The current work included the prescription of 1000 patient's medicine selected by random sampling method for a period of
12 months from March 2019 to March 2020. Patients' prescriptions were assessed for drug-drug interaction between the same
group of medications as well as with other group of medications. It was also assessed the type of drug-drug interactions.

Randomly collected examples had been organized by their hospital i.e. 442 and 837 were gathered from two government
hospital. While on gender orientation 68% were male and 32 % were female in a secondary care government hospital
of Hyderabad, and 57% and 43% were of male and female respectively in tertiary care government hospital. Out of 1000
Prescriptions, 430 (43%) prescriptions had different levels of drug-drug interactions . furthermore 44% of drug interactions
were found in government hospital that was more than founded in secondary care hospital during the study i.e. 42%. Out of
44%, 61% of drug interactions were found to be moderate type of drug interactions that is less than founded in secondary care
hospital which constitute about 64%..For the most part 37 cases between Diuretics with Laxatives, Anti diabetic, NSAIDS and
Antihistamines in government hospital in a total of moderate type drug interactions in government hospital , while 55 cases
of drug-drug interaction between ACE ,NSAIDS, Antihistamines, Anti diabetic and vasodilators in a sum of moderately severe
drug-drug interaction in secondary care hospital.

Medical services experts must be more perceptive about medication related problems, especially drug-drug interactions.
Medical Profile of the patient is likewise required by the healthcare provider experts for their correctness and appropriateness.
Proper observation of the patients all through the connection with medicinal services experts is required for anticipation
and appropriate treatment of adverse drugs events that might be because of the DDIs. Antihypertensive medications (s)
are selected without interacting with other medications. Basic and simple regimen should be preferred instead of Complex
regimen of treatment to avoid the DDIs. Appropriate guiding about the use of medications must be followed, furthermore
proper counseling of the patients to inform their concerned physician about any adverse drug reactions at any point.


The Effect of Non-Fermented and Fermented Soymilk

(Glycine max) on Heart Malondialdehyde Levels in The
Dyslipidemic Rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Hilmi Ardian Sudiarto, Miranti Dewi Pramaningtyas, Dini Islamiana
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia

Dyslipidemia is one of the cardiometabolic syndrome that can cause oxidative stress in multi organ including the heart.
Malondialdehyde (MDA) can be used as a marker of oxidative stress. There were few studies have compared the effect of non-
fermented and fermented soymilk on dyslipidemia. The purpose of this research is to compare the effect of non-fermented and
fermented soymilk on heart MDA levels of dyslipidemic rats.

This study used a quasi-experimental method with post-test only control group design. This research was conducted in the
laboratory of physiology, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) for 4 weeks. This research used male Wistar strain rats aged 1-2
months with BW of 100-150 grams. Rats were divided into four groups. All groups were given fed ad libitum for 4 weeks. In the
first two weeks, first group, third group, and fourth group were given 5 ml/200 gram BW/day quail egg yolks (G1, G3, and G4),
while second group was not given the quail egg yolks (G2). In the second two weeks, third group were given 5 ml/200 gram
BW/day non fermented soymilk, while fourth group were given 5 ml/200 gram BW/day fermented soymilk. In the end of the
research, MDA levels on heart were measured. ANOVA with bonferroni post-hoc test was used in statistical analyzing.

Mean of MDA level (nmol/gr) were 9,74 ± 0,41 for A group; 1,34 ± 0,13 for B group, 4,38 ± 0,21 for C group, and 3,12 ± 0,09 for
D group. Statistical analyzing shown that there were significant differences of MDA levels among the groups (p=0.00).

Both non fermented and fermented soymilk had the potency to reduce MDA levels (p=0.00), but fermented soymilk can
reduce the MDA level on heart better than non-fermented soymilk.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Serum Cortisol and Cardiometabolic Parameters in Young Adults:

Sex Matters
Wan Fatein Nabeila Wan Omar1, Norlelawati A. Talib2, Aszrin Abdullah2, Jamalludin Ab. Rahman3, Azarisman Shah Mohd Shah4
Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Kulliyyah of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Department of Pathology And Laboratory Medicine, Kulliyyah of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Department of Community Medicine, Kulliyyah of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Department of Internal Medicine, Kulliyyah of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia

Young men are at higher cardiovascular risk than women counterparts. Since cortisol could have a role in the pathophysiology
of cardiometabolic syndrome, it could contribute to the observed intersex risk difference. The aim of this study is to examine
the association between morning cortisol level and the cardiometabolic parameters in healthy male and female young adults.

We analysed secondary data from an observational cross-sectional study conducted in 2017-2018. A total of 240 subjects
aged 18-45 years from Kuantan were recruited via purposive sampling based on blood pressure status. Fasting blood was
collected for serum cortisol, fasting blood glucose and HbA1c quantitation. Blood pressure parameters and anthropometry
were recorded.

There was no significant difference in proportion of MetS in males and females (p = 0.175). Males had higher systolic (p <
0.001), diastolic (p = 0.015), mean arterial pressure (p < 0.001), cortisol (p = 0.001), and HbA1c (p = 0.004) compared to female
young adults. In males, cortisol was associated with blood pressure (p = 0.008). There was no significant association between
cortisol to central obesity, low HDL cholesterol, hypertriglyceridaemia and impaired fasting glucose in both sexes.

In male young adults, cortisol level was only associated with blood pressure, suggesting that cortisol was unlikely to contribute
to the higher cardiometabolic risk observed in young men. Further studies are warranted to delineate the underlying
pathophysiology of cardiometabolic derangement in young adults.


Korean wave undercover: determination of social factors in the

development of eating disorders on female adolescent
Nurina Habibah1, Sumarni DW2
Health and Nutrition, Department of Health and Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Psychiatry, Departement of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

The outbreak of the Korean wave or in Korean is known as Hallyu began in 1997. The Korean wave phenomenon that appears
through the media is known to have influenced all groups, especially teenagers. Audience acceptance and preference for
content in information media can influence and impact changes in life. Through the content of Korean wave which displayed
model characteristic that identical with a slender body, tall, and attractive can lead to a complex problem that could encourage
the emergence of eating behavior disorders known as eating disorders. The purpose of this study was to analyze the social
determinant involved in the development of eating disorders that are affected by Korean wave exposure through media

This research utilizes the cross-sectional method with a quantitative approach. The research population is a female first-grade
high school student in Yogyakarta. The subjects of 109 female students who are qualified with the inclusion and exclusion
criteria are requested to fill out the Korean wave exposure questionnaire, the Contour Drawing Rating Scale questionnaire, and
the Eating Attitude Test 26. Data analyzed with a chi-square test and logistic regression test.

Multivariate analysis result showed body image and Korean wave exposure has significant correlation (RP=1,6; 95%CI=0,14-
16,65), so did body image and peer group social support (RP=6,7; 95%CI=1,33-32,30). The chi-square analysis showed peer
group social support of satisfaction aspect correlated with body image (RP=1,2; 95%CI=0,04-1,05), also body image has
significant correlation with eating disorders risk (RP=6,2; 95%CI=1,25-5,94).

There are several factors involved in the development of eating disorders on female adolescents. Negative body image and
peer group social support have a significant correlation with Korean wave exposure on the development of eating disorders
among high school female adolescence in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management



Ernadita Budiastuti, Miranti Dewi Pramaningtyas, Rokhima Lusiantari, Titis Nurmasitoh
Fisiologi, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia

Factors that can affect blood pressure include neural, vascular, and hormonal. Neural factors such as stress, sympathetic
nervous activity, and diurnal variation. Vascular factors such as endothelial function, while hormonal factors are influenced
by the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone (RAA) system, these three factors can affect blood pressure (Sudoyono et al., 2009).
Subtotal nephrectomy ablation, in which up to 5/6 kidneys are removed, has been performed to induce chronic kidney disease
(Van Koppen A, 2013). This model demonstrates glomerular, tubular and interstitial injury, loss of nephrons, and development
of hypertension. This can be combined with incorporating excess salt into the diet to increase the severity and speed of the
onset of this hypertension. This mechanism is RAAS-dependent and hypertension can be reduced by ACE inhibition. Renal
ischemia has been produced by microembolization, which has led to the development of nephrosclerosis and hypertension
(Moore S, Mersereau WA, 1968).

This study is a quasi experimental study using pre and post test controlled group design to determine changes in blood
pressure in experimental animal models of hypertension. Blood pressure was measured using a special PANLAB 5002 mouse
sphygmomanometer in the Physiology Laboratory of FK UII. The plan for data analysis used the one way ANOVA test.

From the results that have been carried out in the subtotal nephrectomy group, the mean systole pressure before treatment
was 121.76 and the mean diastolic pressure was 77,224. At week 1 the mean systole pressure was 132.83 and the diastolic
pressure mean was 85.023, the second week systole pressure had an average of 145.61 and diastolic pressure was 112.88,
week 3 systole pressure had a mean of 137.43 and diastolic pressure was 93.8, week 4 of systole pressure reaching 149.1 and
diastolic pressure of 106.5. In the uninfrectomy and saturated salt groups the mean systole blood pressure before treatment
was 109.13 and the mean diastolic blood pressure was 72.66. At week 1 the mean systolic blood pressure was 143.53 and the
diastolic blood pressure mean was 90,198, for the second week systolic blood pressure had a mean of 126.67 and diastolic
blood pressure of 87.2. At week 3, systolic blood pressure had a mean of 172.73 and diastolic blood pressure of 115.2, week
4 of systolic blood pressure was 151.9 and diastolic blood pressure was 120.13. Shame group mean systole blood pressure
before treatment was 119.4 and mean diastolic blood pressure was 77,934. At week 1, the mean systolic blood pressure was
111,134 and diastolic blood pressure was 80,534, for the second week the systolic blood pressure was 89,268 and diastolic
blood pressure was 55,602. At week 3 the mean systolic blood pressure was 125,136 and diastolic blood pressure was 71,802,
at week 4 the mean systolic blood pressure was 112.6 and diastolic blood pressure was 73.
Anova test results before treatment systole blood pressure 0.867 and diastolic blood pressure 0.815 (p> 0.005), week 1 systolic blood
pressure 0.1 and diastolic blood pressure 0.666 (p> 0.005), week 2 systolic blood pressure 0.0 and diastole 0.00 p <0.005, week 3
systole pressure 0.017 and diastolic pressure 0.002 p <0.005, week 4 systole pressure 0.019 and diastolic pressure 0.014 p <0.05.

In this study, there were changes in blood pressure, both systolic and diastolic, with the subtotal nephrectomy method.


Use of Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 Inhibitor Drugs to Reduce

the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Patients: A Systematic Review
Muhammad Luthfi Adnan
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in T2DM patients. Mortality caused by complications of CVD in T2DM
patients can reach 40% compared to T2DM patients without CVD. Glycemic control is one focus of pharmaceutical therapy
that can reduce the risk of CVD events in T2DM patients. One of the second-line antihyperglycemic agents, sodium-glucose
transporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2i), can be used as an alternative adjunctive therapy in diabetic individuals. The SGLT2i drug
works by inhibiting glucose reabsorption in the kidneys thereby increasing glucosuria, reducing hyperglycemia, increasing
weight loss to exert a moderate diuretic effect by reducing blood pressure. The aim of this review is to discuss the effect of
SGLT2i on reducing the risk of complications related to cardiovascular disease in T2DM patients.

The search strategy was developed in MEDLINE and modified for other databases. The search was limited to English-language
reports. The keywords used were "cardiovascular disease", "diabetes mellitus", "sodium-glucose transporter-2 inhibitors",
"cardiovascular risk", and "mortality". The inclusion criteria used were randomized controlled trials (RCTs), observational
studies, and clinical trials with full text in English with publications less than the last 10 years. ". The exclusion criteria used
were a review, systematic review, or meta-analysis with non-full text in English with publications over the last 10 years.
Search strategy included RCT of 3 different SGLT2 inhibitors (canagliflozin, dapagliflozin and empagliflozin) that evaluated the
effects on cardiovascular outcomes including hospitalized-heart failure, major adverse cardiac events and mortality related
cardiovascular events.

Clinical trial, observational studies and randomized control trials that have been conducted in various populations with varying
degrees of heterogeneity have shown the effect of SGLT2i drugs to reduce mortality, HHF and MACE in T2DM individuals both
with patients without CVD risk and with CVD. The use of SGLT2i drugs has been effective in reducing the risk of CVD in T2DM
patients in various countries, regardless of the various types of SGLT2i drugs used. The use of SGLT2i can be a combination drug
option together with metformin which is more effective in reducing CVD risk in high-risk T2DM patients compared to other
GLD drug combinations. However, the use of SGLT2i found that the incidence of diabetes ketoacidosis and genital infections
were more frequent so that the main concern was for discontinuation of treatment and serious side effects.

The use of SGLT2i has the advantage of reducing the risk of complications related to cardiovascular disease in patients with
type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Inflammatory index neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio correlates with

liver and coagulation disorders in preeclampsia patients
HUIXING CUI1, YinHua Zhang1, Chen Chen2, ChunYu Dong2, ZhenYi Guo2
Department of Physiology & Biomedical Sciences, Ischemic/Hypoxic Disease Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea,
Democratic People's Republic of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yanbian University Hospital, China

Preeclampsia (PE) is a hypertensive pregnancy disorder that is associated with increased immune responses. Until recently, the
association of blood pressure and inflammatory indexes with kidney, liver and coagulation dysfunctions are unknown.
We aimed to analyze the correlation between inflammatory indexes and blood pressure with organ dysfunction in normal
pregnancy, mild and severe PE patients.

Clinical examination data of white blood cell and neutrophil (Neu) to lymphocyte (Lym) ratio (NLR), monocyte (Mon) to Lym
ratio (MLR), liver, kidney and coagulation parameters were analyzed in normal pregnancy (Ctr, 188), mild PE (mPE, 73) and
severe PE (sPE,170) patients. Pearson analysis was used for correlation study.

mPE and sPE patients were hypertensive, with liver and renal dysfunctions and coagulation abnormalities. Pearson's
correlation analysis showed that systolic and diastolic blood pressures were weakly correlated with liver and kidney
dysfunction in PE patients. Neu or Mon counts were not affected in PE but Lym count was significantly increased in sPE
patients. Further analysis has shown that Neu and Mon were significantly correlated with liver and coagulation dysfunction in
all PE patients, and the association was stronger in sPE. NLR but not MLR showed positive correlation with liver and coagulation
dysfunction in all PE group, especially in sPE.

These findings suggest that Neu, Mon and NLR correlates with liver dysfunction or impaired coagulation in PE patients.
Inflammatory indexes such as NLR is a strong indicator over blood pressure of organ damage in PE patients, especially in sPE


Effect Of Diabetes Mellitus And High-Fat Diet On Systolic Blood

Pressure In STZ-Induced Diabetic Adolescent Rats
Dini Islamiana, Intan Susmita Rafsanjani, Miranti Dewi Pramaningtyas
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia

Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are two major contributing factors in cardiovascular disease development. Insulin
resistance, oxidative stress, and obesity are the common pathways that overlap in the disease mechanism. Insulin resistance
can interfere blood pressure regulation results in an increase in systolic blood pressure by the increase of body fat. Previous
studies have shown that insulin resistance is worse in obese youth than adults. In this research, we compared the effect of
diabetes mellitus and high fat diet on systolic blood pressure between the normal, STZ-induced only and STZ with high fat
diet-induced of adolescent rats.

This research was used an experimental method. The subjects are adolescent male Sprague-Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus)
aged 3 weeks with body weight 35 - 80 grams divided into 3 groups (K-, K + and P) with pre - post test control group design.
The negative and positive control group of rats fed standard rat chow ad libitum while the intervention group fed high fat diet
with a composition of 12% standard rat chow, 58% beef tallow, 10% quail egg yolk, and 20% high-fructose corn syrup . The diet
and water intake was daily monitored. The positive group received 35 mg / kg STZ induction by intraperitoneal injection while
the intervention group received the STZ induction after 14 days high fat diet treatment. The blood glucose was measured on
animals in fasting of 12 hours, 3 days after STZ induction using the glucosimeter . Blood sample collected from plexus retro
orbitalis under ketamine anesthesia. The systolic blood pressure was measured in all groups before the research and 3 days
after STZ induction using the non invasive method of the tail-cuff plethismography in conscious rats. All data were expressed
as mean ± SD were statistically analyzed using statistical software type dependent sample t-test and Wilcoxon. Values were
considered significant at p <0.05.

There was a significant difference in rat systolic blood pressure before the intervention (p = 0.03) and after the intervention (p
= 0.02). All groups experienced an increase in systolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure promotion in K- group was 3.00
mmHg (2.14%), the K + group was 1.83 mmHg (1.45%) and the P group was 39.33 mmHg (36.87%).

The increase of systolic blood pressure can occur massively in the STZ-induced diabetic adolescent rats with high-fat diet
induced obesity. This could potentially explain the diabetic condition in youth might be give more severe progression in obese
condition than the diabetic-only condition.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Hypertension as Risk Factor of Heart Failure with

Preserved Ejection Fraction
Niyata Hananta Karunawan1, Dhani Tri Wahyu Nugroho2
Faculty of Medicine, Duta Wacana Christian Univeristy, Indonesia
Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Wahidin Sudirohusodo General Hospital, Indonesia

Background: Understanding about risk factors of heart failure based on ejection fraction is very important. The previous study
about the risk factors in patients with heart failure in asian countries was very limitedThe Objective of study to Measure the
comparison between risk factors in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and heart failure with
preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)

This was a nested case-control study using secondary data from electronic medical record of Wahidin Sudirohusodo Mojokerto
Indonesia 2014-2018. The Heart Failure was diagnosed with the cardiologist and confirmed with echocardiography. Heart
failure-rEF was defined EF <40% and heart failure-pEF was defined ≥40%. The risk factors were defined systematically.

The data of 200 subjects consisted of 100 patients with HFrEF and 100 patients with HFpEF. Male patients, Ischemic Heart
Disease, Smoking, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Kidney Disease were more common in heart failure-rEF. Hypertension (OR :1.684
95%CI:1.312-2.163, p: 0.001), female patient (OR: 1.613 95%CI: 1.446-1.799, p: 0.001), atrial fibrillation (OR :1.963 95%CI:1.522-
2.532 p: 0.001), valvular disease, (OR:5.438 95%CI: 3.310-8.936, p:0.001) and right heart failure (OR:2.621, 95%CI:1.626-4.225,
p:0.001) were significantly associated with HFpEF .

Hypertension, female patients, atrial fibrillation, valvular disease and right heart failure were risk factors which significantly had
an effect on HFpEf.


The Relationship Between Age and Gender with Hypertension

Among Adults in Utama Health Care Belitung Indonesia:
Cross Sectional Study
Rizki Febriawan1, Nurul Fajri Widyasari2, Agil Noviar Alvirosa3
General Practitioner, Utama Hospital Belitung, Indonesia
Clinical Epidemiology, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
General Practitioner, Intan Medika Hospital Lamongan, Indonesia

Hypertension is one of major global health problems. The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia was 34.11%. Population
characteristics, including age and gender were unmodified factor related to hypertension. This study aim to analyze the
relationship between age and gender with hypertension in the Utama Health Care Belitung, Indonesia.

This study was an observational analytic study with cross-sectional approach based on secondary data obtained from medical
record of Utama Health Care Belitung in September 2020. The sampling technique was total sampling with 243 subject who
examined themselves at the Utama Health Care Belitung. The independent variable were age (18 to 45 years old or more than
45 years old) and gender (Male or Female). The dependent variable was hypertension event. The data was analyzed with chi-
square test.

A total 243 subject were included in this study, with 155 subject had hypertension (63.8%) and 88 subject without
hypertension (36.2%). 143 Subject with age >45 years old had hypertension (78.6%). In regards of the gender, 62 Male (62.6%)
and 93 female (64.6%) subject had hypertension. The result of the study showed that significant relationship between age
and hypertension event (OR 16.002, 95% CI 7.733 to 33.113 ,P<0.001). There was not significant relationship between type of
gender and hypertension event (OR 0.919, 95%CI 0.54 to 1.563, P=0.755).

There was significant relationship between age (>45 years old) and hypertension event.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


The Relationship Between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist

Circumference (WC) with Hypertension Staging Among Elderly in
Air Saga Public Health Care Belitung Indonesia:
Cross Sectional Study
Nurul Fajri Widyasari1, Rizki Febriawan2, Rahmayuni Fitrianti3, Fricelia Ade Octavin4, Fransiska Oktaviani5, Laya Ladeya Sari6
Clinical Epidemiology, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
General Practitioner, Utama Hospital Belitung, Indonesia
General Practitioner, Depati Hamzah Hospital, Indonesia
Aesthetic Doctor, Keisha Aesthetic Clinic, Indonesia
General Practitioner, Tzu Chi Hospital, Indonesia
General Practitioner, Gunung Manik Hospital, Indonesia

Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference (WC) were modified factor related to hypertension. This study aim to analyse
the relationship between BMI and WC with hypertension staging among elderly population in the Air Saga Primary Health Care
Belitung, Indonesia.

This study was an observational analytic study with cross-sectional approach based on secondary data obtained from medical
record of Air Saga Public Health Care Belitung in 2019. The sampling technique using total sampling with 100 subject who
examined themselves at the Air Saga Public Health Care Belitung. The independent variable were status of BMI (obese/no-
obese) and WC (Normal/High-waist circumference) of patients. The dependent variable was stage of hypertension based on
JNC VIII criteria. The data was analysed using chi-square test.

A total 100 subject were included int this study, with 46 subject had hypertension stage 1 (46%) and 54 subject had
hypertension stage 2 (54%). The mean age was 65.39 ± 6.746 years old. 49 subject was obese (49%) and 71 subject had
high-waist circumference (71%). The result of the study showed that the relationship between BMI and WC with stage of
hypertension were not significant (P=0.155 and P=0.77 respectively)

Status of BMI and WC were not significantly related to the stage of hypertension among elderly population.


Relationship between duration of Seated and High Blood Pressure

Rima Nur Rahmawati
emergency unit, Bhayangkara Pusdik Brimob Hospital, Indonesia

Hypertension (HT) is one type of cardiovascular disease that is characterized by an increase systolic pressure, diastolic pressure,
or both of them. In Indonesia, HT included in the list of health problems sizeable faced by the State. Sustained HT, can lead to
several complications, such as stroke, coronary heart disease, and kidney failure. Hypertension may occur due to many factors,
such as genetics, race, and lifestyle habits. Lifestyle in question may be a lack of activity, eating fatty foods, alcoholic, lack of
exercise, smoking, and so on. The aim of this research is to determine whether there is a relationship between the differences
in duration of seated and blood pressure.

This research is a observational study on employees at the faculty of medicine Islamic University of Indonesia who included the

The result showed that p value in this research is 0,004. Employees who work with duration of seated more than 5 hours a day
have a higher risk of HT than employees who sit for less. Affecting factors of HT are cardiac output and peripheral resistance.
Cardiac output is determined by heart rate, myocardial contractility, and vascular. Seating can be interpreted as a lack of activity
that can reduce the production of Nitric Oxide (NO) by the endothelium. This will lead the formation of Derive Endothelial
Relaxing Factor (DERF) that serves to impaired vasodilation. When they have a lack of activity, histological reviews of their vessel
will be changed, like decreasing elasticity and diminution of the blood vessels. The width of blood vessels is associated with
peripheral resistance. Blood vessels will constrict the increase of peripheral resistance, thereby increasing blood pressure.

conclusion of this study, there is a significant relationship between the duration of seated with high blood pressure in subjects

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Screening for Hypertension

in Rural Community
Dian Muhammad Gibran, Riana Rahmawati
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia

The recent national survey showed that hypertension existed in one-third of Indonesian adult people. However, less than
40 percent of them did not become aware that they had hypertension. Screening for hypertension is one of the routine
services in the village-level integrated health care services for the elderly (Posyandu lansia). Given the potential of screening
in hypertension management, what factors determining the effectiveness of this program need to be further explored,
particularly in rural areas with limited resources.
This study aimed to explore the perspectives of community health workers and patients regarding factors that affected the
effectiveness of screening hypertension program in Posyandu lansia.

A qualitative study was undertaken in a rural district in Yogyakarta province. Data were collected through three focus group
discussions (each included 10-12 community health workers) and in-depth interviews with patients. Data were transcribed
and thematically analyzed.

Three themes related to factors affecting the effectiveness of the screening program: i) the patients' awareness and their
enthusiasm to attend the screening schedule announced, ii) dedication from community health workers to voluntarily served
the older people in the villages (including home visit service and spending money to support the program), and iii) supports
from the local leaders and community health centre. Respondents highlighted the need for a broader publication and
support for the resources required to conduct the screening (e.g. sphygmomanometer, skilled community health workers,
representative venues for conducting the screening).

To be effective, the hypertension screening program for rural people should consider strategies to improve people's
participation, community health workers' significant role, and support from the community leaders.


Transient High Systolic Pressure in Patients with Heart Failure

Ninda Devita1, Adika Zhulhi Arjana2
Biomedical Sciences Programme, Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Systolic pressure is the main indicator of the enforcement of hypertension. Medical conditions can affect this systolic pressure
and are often diagnosed as hypertension. Heart failure conditions may cause misdiagnosis and therefore should be wary of
their high systolic pressure that is transient. This study aims to determine the proportion of high systolic pressure transient
events that do not require anti-hypertensive medication.

Keywords: Systolic, Hypertension, Heart Failure

This was the third report of an ongoing study entitled "Correlation between Ischemic Heart Diseases and Clinical Outcome in
Heart Failure Patients in Dr. Soedono Hospital Madiun". This study was funded by the Faculty of Medicine, Indonesian Islamic
University. This was a cross-sectional study using medical records of hospitalization patients with heart failure from 2017 to
2018 at Dr. Soedono Hospital Madiun. Data were analyzed by grouping subject comorbidities and correlates with high systolic
pressure conditions. Statistical analysis was performed using the Chi-Square with Medcalc Program.

Fifty medical records of inpatient heart failure were collected. Mean systolic blood pressure was (135.2 ± 23.62mmHg) and
diastolic blood pressure was (86.02 ± 15.62 mmHg). A total of 16 subjects experienced high systolic pressure (41%) but only 8
subjects among them had hypertension comorbidities (50%).

Half of the patients with high systolic blood pressure were not hypertension so clinicians should be aware of diagnosing
hypertension in patients with heart failure.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


The Correlation between Period of E-Cigarettes Consumption and

Anxiety Level in Sleman, D.I.Yogyakarta : Cross-sectional Study
Syafira Laila Nurulita
Biochemistry departement, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia

Since 2000s, electronic cigarettes became a trending item among smokers, especially in Indonesia. Even with the negative
stereotype surrounding e-cigarettes, a lot of users swear by them to bring pleasant sensation and also reduced level of
anxiety, but they are very likely to be placebo effects. Therefore, this research aims to test the plausibility the aforementioned
statements by measuring the relationship between period of e-cigarettes consumption and their anxiety levels.

This research uses a cross-sectional method by collecting a sample of Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta residents and giving them an
e-questionnaire. Subjects are chosen through consecutive sampling method, and follow these inclusion criteria : a.) are of age
17-40 years, and b.) are willing to cooperate with the researcher. Meanwhile, subjects who do not answer the questionnaire
fully are excluded from the experiment. After the main test is conducted, statistical analysis is performed on the collected data
using SPSS 2.0.

The analysis data using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test with two variable (period of e-cigarettes consumption and
anxiety level) is p<0,05. Spearman test has shown a non-significant result with p=0.622 (p>0.05). 85.72% of cigarette smokers
have very high anxiety level, 8,57% have high anxiety level, and 5,71% have intermediate anxiety level.

This study showed that, there is no correlation between period of e-cigarettes consumption and their anxiety levels.


The Correlation between Period of Cigarette Consumption and

Cigarette Knowledge Score in Sleman, D.I.Yogyakarta :
Cross-sectional Study
Syafira Laila Nurulita
Biochemistry Departemen, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia

Cigarettes can cause various health problems, including hypertension, respiratory diseases and others. One of the active
substances in cigarettes is nicotine. Nicotine can lead to addiction. This condition can make smokers have difficulty to stop
smoking and have a long period of cigarette consumption. In Indonesia, 63% of the total male population are smokers. The
high number of smokers in Indonesia is based on various aspects, one of which is the smoker's knowledge of cigarettes.
Therefore, this research aims to test the plausibility of the aforementioned statements by measuring the relationship between
the period of cigarettes consumption and the cigarette knowledge score.

This research uses a cross-sectional method by collecting a sample of Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta residents and giving them an
e-questionnaire. Subjects are chosen through consecutive sampling method, and follow these inclusion criteria : a.) are of age
17-40 years, and b.) are willing to cooperate with the researcher. Meanwhile, subjects who do not answer the questionnaire
fully are excluded from the experiment. After the main test is conducted, researcher did a statistical analysis on the collected
data using SPSS 2.0.

The analysis data using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test with two variable (The Period of Cigarette Consumption and
Cigarette Knowledge Score ) is p<0,05 or the distribution of data is not normal. So, the correlation test using non-parametric
spearman test. The spearman test has shown a significant result with p=0,01 (p<0.05).

This study showed that, there is correlation between the period of cigarette consumption and cigarette knowledge score.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Acute aerobic exercise does not attenuate central blood pressure

reactivity to sympathetic activation in young adults:
A randomized crossover trial
Min Jeong Cho, Young Woo Kim, Jeong In Kwon, Hyun Jeong Kim, Sae Young Jae
Sport Sciences, University of Seoul, Korea, Republic of

Augmented blood pressure (BP) reactivity to sympathetic activation evoked by the cold pressor test (CPT) is associated with
an increased risk of incident hypertension. Acute aerobic exercise has been shown to attenuate brachial BP reactivity to
sympathetic activation, though whether it also attenuates central BP reactivity remains unclear. Understanding central BP
reactivity is important, as central BP is a stronger predictor of end organ damage and cardiovascular mortality than brachial BP.
We tested the hypothesis that central BP reactivity to the CPT following acute aerobic exercise is attenuated.

Fifteen healthy adults (8 males and 7 females; 23 ± 2 years; 22.6 ± 2.6 kg/m2) completed two trials: (a) acute aerobic exercise
(30 minutes at 60% of heart rate reserve) and (b) quiet sitting as a time control prior to the CPT in a randomized order
(separated by at least 72 h). During the CPT, a hand was submerged up to the wrist in an iced water bath (4°C) for 3 min. Heart
rate and brachial and central BP measurements were obtained at baseline, during the CPT, and after the CPT.

Heart rate, and brachial and central BPs increased similarly during the CPT in both trials (time effect: p<0.05). However, the
magnitude of increases in brachial mean BP and systolic BP were smaller in the acute aerobic exercise trial compared with the
time control trial (interaction effect: p<0.05 for all), but not central mean BP and systolic BP.

These findings demonstrated that acute aerobic exercise did not attenuate central blood pressure reactivity, but attenuated
brachial BP reactivity to the sympathetic activation in young adults.


Effects of blood pressure control on cognitive decline in elderly

hypertensives: the Korean Urban Rural Elderly (KURE) Study
Mi Kyoung Son1, Seungwoo Kim1, Myeong-Chan Cho2, Won-Ho Kim2
Division of Cardiovascular Disease Research, Korea National Institute of Health, Korea, Republic of
Department of Internal Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Korea, Republic of

The effects of intensive blood pressure (BP) control on risk of cognitive impairment in elderly patients with hypertension are
controversial. Thus, we investigated the association of low BP with cognitive decline in elderly hypertension patients with
antihypertensive treatment.

This study used the Korean Urban and Rural Elderly Cohort (KURE), a community-based prospective cohort study at baseline
from 2012 to 2015, and the second-wave follow-up was being conducted from 2016 to 2019. Cognitive assessment, using the
Mini-Mental State Examination for Dementia Screening (MMSE-DS) was performed at baseline and at follow-up. The patients
aged ≥65 years treated with antihypertensive drugs at baseline (2012-2015) were selected. The remaining 1,067 patients were
divided into four groups according to the systolic blood pressure (SBP) as follows: <120 mmHg, 120-129 mmHg, 130-139
mmHg, and ≥140 mmHg.

After a median follow-up of 3.9 years, the reduction rate of MMSE-DS score was 40.3% (n=430), and the greatest reduction rate
in MMSE-DS score showed in patients with SBP<120 mmHg (42.4%). In patients aged ≥75 years, the greatest change in MMSE-
DS score was found in SBP<120 mmHg. In multivariate model for linear regression the MMSE-DS score significantly decreased
in patients with SBP<120 mmHg compared to SBP 130-139 mmHg (β=-0.798, p-value=0.017). However, when stratified by
age, the significance of the association between MMSE-DS score change and achieved SBP less than 120 mmHg was only seen
in patients aged 75 years and older (β=-2.023. p-value=0.029).

Low achieved SBP was independently associated with a greater progression of cognitive decline in elderly patients with
hypertension using antihypertensive drugs. Intensive SBP control may be harmful for older patients with cognitive impairment.
In order to prevent cognitive impairment in elderly hypertensives, it is necessary to prepare a management strategy for proper
control of BP.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Prognostic value of arterial stiffness according to the

cardiovascular risk profiles
Hack-Lyoung Kim, Woo-Hyun Lim, Jae-Bin Seo, Sang-Hyun Kim, Joo-Hee Zo, Myung-A Kim
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Boramae Medical Center, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of

It is not clear whether the influence of arterial stiffness depends on the subject's cardiovascular risk status. This study was
performed to assess the prognostic value of arterial stiffness according to different cardiovascular risk profiles.

A total of 11,767 subjects (61 years and 58% males) who underwent brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) measurement
were retrospectively analyzed. Subjects were stratified into 3 groups: 1) those with traditional risk factor ≤ 1 and without
atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), 2) those with traditional risk factors ≥ 2 and without ASCVD, or 3) those with
documented ASCVD. Composite events of cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization and stroke
were assessed during the clinical follow-up period.

Compared to patients with risk factor ≤ 1, those with risk factor ≥ 2 and those with ASCVD were older, and more frequently
had unfavorable laboratory findings, and higher baPWV values. During the median follow-up of 1,329 days (interquartile range,
570~1,965 days), there were 350 composite events (3.0%). In multivariable Cox regression analyses, higher baPWV value was
independently associated with higher incidence rate of composite events even after controlling for potential confounders in
all 3 groups (P < 0.05 for each)

In this study, it was found that baPWV was independently associated with the occurrence of cardiovascular events irrespective
of baseline cardiovascular risk profiles, suggesting that baPWV is useful for risk stratification in mass screening.


Association of ages at menarche and menopause with the risk of

type 2 diabetes mellitus
Hansol Choi1, Hyun-Young Park2, Hyeon Chang Kim3
Division of Population Health Research, Department of Precision Medicine, Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, Korea, Republic of
Department of Precision Medicine, Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency , Korea, Republic of
Department of Preventive Medicine, Yonsei University Medical School, Korea, Republic of

Ovarian hormone could have significant health implications in later life. We examined whether ovarian hormone exposure is
independently associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) among general Korean women.

To evaluate the association between ovarian hormone exposure and DM risk, we analyzed baseline and follow-up data from
4,530 women from Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study-Kangwha and Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease Etiology
Research Center study. Reproductive factors was measured by interviewer-assisted questionnaire. DM was defined as fasting
blood sugar ≥126 mmHg, glycated hemoglobin ≥6.5%, diagnosed of DM from physician, or current antidiabetic drug usage.
We used multivariable logistic regression models to estimate the odds ratio (OR) for prevalent DM at baseline according
to menarche (≤12, 13-14, 15-16, and ≥17 years) and menopause (≤45, 46-48, 49-51, and ≥52 years). Age, cohort, total
cholesterol, health behaviors, socioeconomic status, reproductive factors, and adult body mass index were considered as a

Prevalence of DM increased significantly in the earliest menarche group about 1.9 times (OR 1.896, 95% CI: 1.176-3.058)
compared to reference group. Women with both early ages at menarche and menopause, the risk for DM was increased nearly
five-fold (OR 4.781, 95% CI=1.934-11.815).

Early menarche and early menopause increased the risk of DM among Korean women. Early menarche may contribute to early
onset of DM since puberty has begun.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Comprehensive comparative effectiveness and safety of first-line

beta-blocker monotherapy in hypertensive patients:
a large-scale multi-center observational study
Seng Chan You1, Harlan Krumholz2, Marc Suchard3, Martijn Schuemie4, George Hripcsak5, RuiJun Chen5, Steven Shea6,
Jon Duke7, Nicole Pratt8, Christian Reich9, David Madigan10, Patrick Ryan10, Rae Woong Park10, Sungha Park11
Department of Biomedical Informatics, Ajou University School of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Section of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, United States
Department of Biostatistics, Fielding School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, United States
Research and Development, Janssen , United States
Department of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, United States
Columbia University, Department of Medicine, Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons, United States
Georgia Tech Research Institute, Georgia Tech College of Computing, United States
Quality Use of Medicines and Pharmacy Research Centre, Clinical and Health Sciences, University of South Australia, Australia
Real World Solutions, IQVIA, United States
Department of Statistics, Columbia University, United States
Division of Cardiology, Severance Cardiovascular Hospital and Integrated Research Center for Cerebrovascular and Cardiovascular diseases,
Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of

Evidence for the effectiveness and safety of the third-generation beta-blockers other than atenolol in hypertension remains
scarce. Accordingly, we assessed the effectiveness, safety, and heterogeneity of first-line beta-blockers as first-line treatment
for hypertension.

We conducted the Large-Scale Evidence Generation and Evaluation in a Network of Database (LEGEND) observational study
using three databases in the United States: two administrative claim databases and one electronic health record-based database
from January 2001 to December 2018. In each database, comparative effectiveness of first-line beta-blocker monotherapy
was assessed, using large-scale propensity adjustment, negative and positive controls, and empirical calibration to address
confounding and other sources of systematic error. Estimates were combined across databases using random-effects meta-
analyses. We made the following comparisons of the risks of acute myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, and hospitalization for
heart failure between: third-generation beta-blockers (carvedilol and nebivolol) versus atenolol; atenolol or third-generation
beta-blockers versus other classes (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors [ACEIs], angiotensin receptor blockers [ARBs],
calcium-channel blockers [CCBs], or thiazide or thiazide-like diuretics [TDs]); nebivolol versus atenolol or other classes.

We identified 118,133 and 267,891 patients initiating third-generation beta-blockers or atenolol, respectively for hypertension
across the three databases. The pooled hazard ratios of acute myocardial infarction, stroke, hospitalization for heart failure, and
most metabolic complications were not different between the third-generation beta-blockers versus atenolol after propensity
score matching and empirical calibration (calibrated hazard ratio [cHR] 1.07, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.55 for acute MI; cHR 1.06, 95%
CI 0.87 to 1.31 for stroke; cHR 1.46, 95% CI 0.99 to 2.24 for hospitalized heart failure). Third-generation beta-blockers were
associated with significantly higher risk of stroke than ACEIs (cHR 1.29, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.72), and TDs (cHR 1.56, 95% CI 1.17 to
2.20). Nebivolol was associated with higher risk for stroke compared with ACEIs (cHR 1.39, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.98), dCCBs (cHR 1.40,
95% CI 1.05 to 1.97), and TDs (cHR 1.56, 95% CI 1.17 to 2.20).

This study found many patients with first-line beta-blocker monotherapy for hypertension and no statistically significant
differences in the effectiveness and safety comparing atenolol with third-generation beta-blockers. We also found that
patients on third-generation beta-blockers had a higher risk of stroke than those on ACEIs and TDs.


Towards reducing risk factors of cardiovascular diseases (CVD)

among among rural population in Bangladesh: Assessing
knowledge and feasibility of community-based
non-communicable disease interventions
Tilak Chandra Nath1, Kakali Nag2, Siblee Sadik3, Adnan Mahfuz4, Saiful Islam4, HM HM Shahadat4
School of Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Korea, Republic of
Department of Pathology, Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College, Bangladesh
Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh
Public Health, University of Hawaii, United States

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading causes of death and disability worldwide including Bangladesh. While
evidence-informed recommendations to prevent non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are available, many policy gaps and
programmatic bottlenecks limit the effectiveness of non-communicable disease interventions. This study was done to evaluate
knowledge about cardiovascular diseases among rural population and to assess the feasibility of community-based non-
communicable disease (CBNCD) intervention in the local context of Bangladesh.

A quasi-experimental study was conducted in Dhaka and Sylhet districts of Bangladesh. A total of 640 adults (aged between
30-50) were randomly assigned to the intervention or control group based on geographic proximity. A baseline survey was
conducted by a pre-tested questionnaire, followed by CBNCD intervention in terms of awareness creating and warning
messages containing leaflets/games on NCD risk factors. The intervention has been developed based on social cognitive
theory. A post-intervention endline survey was conducted among all the participants using the same questionnaire six months
after the intervention. World Health Organization STEPS instrument was used for data collection.

Out of 640 participants, 311 (48.6%) had heard the term “cardiovascular diseases (CVD)” and 278 (43.4%) considered that CVD
is a severe public health problem. Attitude towards CVD prevention was negative, 217 (33.9%) correctly answered questions
regarding the symptoms, prevention, and treatment of CVD. Quantitative findings revealed that CBNCD intervention had a
significant role (P<0.05) to improve the mean knowledge score in the intervention group (3.35) compared to the control group
(0.29). Significant pre- and post-test differences were found for decreasing the number of smoking cigarette, frequency of raw
tobacco intake, amount of added salt intake, drinking alcohol, increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables intake and also
increasing the total weekly physical activity. CVD preventive behaviours and attitude were also significantly increased in the
intervention group compared to the control group.

This study illustrated poor knowledge and practice regarding CVD among the study participants. Increased knowledge score
and behavior changes hint that CBNCD intervention is feasible and can be promising to sensitize community peoples and
to reduce CVD in this setting. However, allocation of adequate budget as well as coordination and collaboration with local
political context should need to be addressed for sustainability of the intervention.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Hyponatremic hypertensive syndrome in pediatrics

Seon Hee Lim, Yo Han Ahn, Il-Soo Ha, Hae Il Cheong, Hee Gyung Kang
Pediatrics, Seoul National University Children's Hospital, Korea, Republic of

More than 50% of pediatric hypertension cases are proven to be due to secondary causes, especially those younger than 15
years old. If hypertension is accompanied by hyponatremia and proteinuria, renin-secreting tumor, renal ischemia, or renal
artery stenosis need to be considered. Unilateral renal artery stenosis in children is most common cause of hyponatremic
hypertension syndrome (HHS). Here, we report a case of 3-month infant with unilateral renal artery stenosis, hyponatremia,
and nephrotic range proteinuria.

We analyzed the clinical course of 3-month boy who presented with severe hypertension, nephrotic range proteinuria, and

The patient was born with 38 weeks, 3.01kg and had a normal kidney USG at birth. The patient visited an outside hospital
for vomiting and poor general condition. His initial systolic blood pressure was 150mmHg and laboratory tests revealed
hyponatremia (123mmol/L), hypoalbuminemia (2.8g/dL), and nephrotic range proteinuria (UPCR 89.74). There were no
specific abnormalities on heart and adrenal gland in imaging. Hormonal work-up for secondary hypertension was normal
including cortisol, ACTH, 17-OH progesterone, and TFT, but renin and aldosterone (4672ng/dL) levels were significantly
increased. Kidney Doppler USG revealed hypotrohic right kidney, arterial vessel narrowing, and compensatory hypertrophic
left kidney. Blood pressure and hyponatremia were not controllable, and atonic type seizure occurred. So, IV nicardipine was
administered and oral enalapril was added. Then, the patient was transferred to SNUH for further evaluation and management.
After 3 days of transfer, renal arteriography was performed, and right proximal artery focal stenosis and old thrombus were
found, and balloon angioplasty was performed. On the next day, serum Cr, renin/aldosterone, and proteinuria improved, and
blood pressure became slowly stable. IV nicardipine was tapered off 5 days after procedure. After 18 days, all anti-hypertensive
medication was discontinued. Serum albumin increased to normal range, but nephrotic range proteinuria continued for more
than a 6 weeks after the procedure.

Severe renovascular hypertension may accompany life-threatening HHS, especially in children.


Efficacy and safety of nebivolol in the management of

hypertension in Coronary Artery Disease:
Result from BENEFIT-KOREA study
Jong-Young Lee1, Yun-Seok Choi1, Jin-Man Cho2, Ji-Yong Jang3, Hyuck-Jun Yoon4, SEung-Woon Rha5, SangWon Park6, Sung Ho Lee7
Division of Cardiology, Catholic University of Korea Yeouido St.Mary's Hospital, Korea, Republic of
Division of Cardiology, KyungHee University Hospital at Gangdong, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, National health insurance service Ilsan hospital, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, Korea University Guro Hospital, Korea, Republic of
Medical , A.Menarini Korea, Korea, Republic of
Cardiology, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Korea, Republic of

There is still controversy the role of beta blockers in patients having coronary artery disease (CAD) with hypertension.
The benefit and risk from a blood pressure lowering therapy with beta blockers, especially nebivolol may not be clearly
elucidated in this specific field. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of nebivolol in the Asian patients having CAD
with hypertension.There is still controversy the role of beta blockers in patients having coronary artery disease (CAD) with
hypertension. The benefit and risk from a blood pressure lowering therapy with beta blockers, especially nebivolol may not be
clearly elucidated in this specific field. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of nebivolol in the Asian patients having
CAD with hypertension.

This study was multi-center, prospective, open, non-controlled, observational study and to evaluate the effects of nebivolol in
changes in systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate (HR) at 12 and 24 weeks compared to
baseline. Total 1,871 men (59.6%) and 1,269 women (40.4%) were analyzed from 3,140 enrolled patients in BENEFIT-KOREA
study (BEnefits after 24 weeks of NEbivolol administration For essential hypertensIon patients wiTh various co-morbidities and
treatment environments in KOREA). Total 1,449 patients who were diagnosed as CAD (angina pectoris or myocardial infarction)
were assessed regarding the efficacy of nebivolol.

Mean age was 66.6 years old (n=536, under 65 years and n=913, 65 years or older) and 63.0% of patients were male. Total
1,123 subjects (77.5%) treated with other concomitant antihypertensive medications which were mainly consisted of calcium
antagonist (n=544) or angiotensin receptor blocker (n = 597). Nebivolol significantly decreased mean SBP and DBP at 12
(130.1/75.0 mmHg) and 24 weeks (129.4/74.6 mmHg) compared with baseline (138.6/80.0 mmHg) (p<0.0001). A significant
lower HR per minute was also observed at 12 (67.9 times/min) and 24 (68.5 times/min) weeks than baseline (73.3 times/
min) (p<0.0001). These effects were consistent in subgroup analysis with various treatment patterns including de novo,
monotherapy switch, add-on or combination switch treatment as well as in different age and gender groups. Adverse drug
reaction occurred only in 1.38%.

Nebivolol was effective in controlling BP in patients having CAD with hypertension regardless of administration strategy, age
and gender. Therefore, nebivolol might be useful option for treatment of hypertension complicated with CAD.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Ref-1 protects against FeCl3-induced thrombosis and tissue factor

expression via the GSK3β-NF-κB pathway
Ikjun Lee1, Harsha Nagar1, Seonhee Kim1, Su-Jeong Choi1, Shuyu Piao1, Moonsang Ahn2, Byeong Hwa Jeon2, Sang-Ha Oh3,
Shin Kwang Kang4, Cuk-seong Kim4
Physiology, Chunganam National University School Of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Surgery, Chungnam National University School Of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery/Brain Research Institute, Chungnam National University School Of Medicine, Korea, Republic of
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Chungnam National University School Of Medicine, Korea, Republic of

Arterial thrombosis and its associated diseases are considered to constitute a major healthcare problem. Arterial thrombosis,
defined as blood clot formation in an artery that interrupts blood circulation, is associated with many cardiovascular diseases.
Oxidative stress is one of many important factors that aggravates the pathophysiological process of arterial thrombosis.
Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1/redox factor-1 (Ref-1) has a multifunctional role in cells that includes the regulation of
oxidative stress and anti-inflammatory function. The aim of this study was to investigate the therapeutic effect of adenovirus-
mediated Ref-1 overexpression on arterial thrombosis induced by 60% FeCl3 solution in rats.

Blood flow was measured to detect the time to occlusion, thrombus formation was detected by hematoxylin and eosin
staining, reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography, and the expression
of tissue factor and other proteins was detected by western blot.

FeCl3 aggravated thrombus formation in carotid arteries and reduced the time to artery occlusion. Ref-1 significantly delayed
arterial obstruction via the inhibition of thrombus formation, especially by downregulating tissue factor expression through
the Akt-GSK3β-NF-κB signaling pathway. Ref-1 also reduced the expression of vascular inflammation markers ICAM-1 and
VCAM-1, and reduced the level of ROS that contributed to thrombus formation.

The results showed that adenovirus-mediated Ref-1 overexpression reduced thrombus formation in the rat carotid artery. In
summary, Ref-1 overexpression had anti-thrombotic effects in a carotid artery thrombosis model and could be a target for the
treatment of arterial thrombosis.


The role of secretory Ref-1 on lipopolysaccharide-induced vascular

Hee Kyoung Joo, Yu Ran Lee, Eun-Ok Lee, Sung Min Kim, Hao Jin, Byeong Hwa Jeon
Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Korea, Republic of

Redox factor is a multifunctional protein identified as a DNA base excision repair enzyme and redox modulator for several
factors. the aim of study is to evaluate the role of secreted Ref-1 on lipopolysaccharide-induced vascular inflammation.

To investigate the role of extracellular Ref-1 in circulation system, we developed the designated secretory Ref-1, PPT-LS-Ref-1,
which is an adenovirus vector system targeting to secrete Ref-1 in systemic circulation. We used two vascular cells (HUVEC
endothelial cells, Raw 264.7 macrophages) and a septic mouse model to study the anti-inflammatory effects of secreted Ref-1.

Expression of tumornecrosis factor-α (TNF-α)-induced vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) inendothelial cells and
lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cyclooxygenase-2 inRaw264.7 cells was inhibited by secretory Ref-1, and this inhibitory
effect wasabrogated following neutralization of Ref-1 with anti-Ref-1 antibody. Treatmentwith LPS markedly increased VCAM-
1 expression, cathepsin or myeloperoxidaseactivity, which were significantly suppressed by treatment with AdPPT-LS-Ref-1.
Furthermore, LPS-induced cytokines, such as TNF-α, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6,and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, were
significantly inhibited inAdPPT-LS-Ref-1-treated mice. However, LPS-induced myeloperoxidase activitieswere not suppressed
by treatment with the redox mutant of secretory Ref-1,AdPPT-LS-Ref-1(C65A/C93A), or wild-type AdRef-1.

Collectively, theseresults suggest that secreted Ref-1 has anti-inflammatory properties and thatits redox cysteine residue
is associated with the anti-inflammatory activity invivo. Our data highlight secretory Ref-1 as potential candidate for
thedevelopment of new strategies for the treatment of systemic inflammation.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Transfer of adult Th17 cells accelerates development of

hypertension in juvenile spontaneous hypertensive rats
Jee Young Kim, Eunjo Lee, Soohyeon Koo, InKyeom Kim
Cardiovascular Research Institute, Kyungpook National University, Korea, Republic of

The transfer of T helper (Th)17 cells induces hypertension in recipient rats when they have been activated in donor rats by
exposure to high-fructose or high-salt intake. We tested the hypothesis that the transfer of Th17 cells from adult spontaneous
hypertensive rats (SHR) accelerates the development of hypertension in juvenile SHR.

The tail-cuff method was used to measure systolic blood pressure. T cells (Th17 and regulatory T (Treg)) profiling was analyzed
by flow cytometry. The expressions of Th17-related interleukin (IL)-17A and Treg-related IL-10 were measured by ELISA. Th17
cells isolated from adult donor SHR were intraperitoneally injected into juvenile recipient SHR and Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY).

SHR exhibited prominent development of hypertension at 15 weeks. The proportion of CD4+IL-17A+ (Th17) cells among Th
cells increased the proportion of CD4+FoxP3+ (Treg) cells decreased in SHR compared to in WKY. The serum levels of IL-17A
increased gradually with aging in SHR, but the serum levels of IL-10 did not. The serum levels of IL-17A and IL-10 seemed
to be well related to the proportion of Th17 cells and Treg cells, respectively. Injection of Th17 cells isolated from adult SHR
accelerated the development of hypertension in juvenile SHR but not in juvenile WKY though it increased the proportion of
Th17 cells in juvenile recipient SHR and WKY.

The transfer of Th17 cells from adult SHR accelerates the development of hypertension in juvenile SHR. These results implicate
that the hypertension in SHR is ascribed to activation of Th17 cells.


Dahl salt-resistant rat protects from hypertension after high-salt

intake via induction of anti-inflammatory Trec cell polarity
Inkyeom Kim
Department of Pharmacology, Kyungpook National University, Korea, Republic of

High-salt intake is a major risk factor for hypertension via oxidative stress and inflammation. Salt sensitivity is a genetic trait.
We tested a hypothesis that Dahl salt-resistant (SR) rat protects from hypertension after high-salt intake via induction of anti-
inflammatory Trec cell polarity.

Eight-week-old male SS and SR rats were put on high-salt diet containing 4% NaCl or chow diet for 4 weeks. Systolic blood
pressure was measured by the tail-cuff method. Cultured splenic lymphocytes isolated from Dahl salt-sensitive (SS) and SR rats
had been subjected to hypertonic salt solution or IL-23. T lymphocytes (Th17 and T regulatory (Treg)) profiling was determined
via flow cytometry. The expression of Th17 -related (interleukin (IL)-17A, IL-17RA,IL-23R and retinoic acid receptor-related
orphan receptor (ROR) γt) and Treg-related (IL-10, CD25, forkhead box (Fox)P3, and TGF-ß) factors were measured via ELISA or

When the two strains were put on normal chow diet, the blood pressure were still comparable. The only difference was that
SR has higher population of regulatory T cells than SS. Cultured splenic lymphocytes isolated from SS and SR rats had been
subjected to hypertonic salt solution or IL-23. Both treatments showed a concentration-dependent increase in IL-17 secretion
in culture supernatant, of which the magnitude were significantly increased in SS splenocytes. Hypertonic salt solution or IL-
23 also increased Il-10 secretion in a concentration-dependent manner, however, of which the magnitude were significantly
increased in SR splenocytes. High salt diet significantly increased BP in SS, but not in SR. High salt intake also significantly
increased serum IL-17a level in SS, but not in SR. On the contrast, it did not affect serum IL-10 level in SS, but further increased
serum IL-10 level in SR. High salt diet significantly increased the population of Th17 cells in both spleen and PBMC of SS, but
not of SR. However, high salt intake did not affect the population of regulatory T cells in either spleen or PBMC of both strains.

Dahl salt-resistant rat protects from hypertension after high-salt intake via induction of anti-inflammatory Trec cell polarity.
These results implicate that SR may have a genetic program resistant to inflammatory stimuli such as high salt diet.

Comprehensive Approaches in Hypertension Management


Downregulation of CRIF1 suppresses Endothelial Cell Migration

via RhoGDI2 and Adrenomedullin2
Harsha Nagar, Seonhee Kim, Ikjun Lee, Su-jeong Choi, Shuyu Piao, Byeong Hwa Jeon, Cuk-Seong Kim
Physiology, Chungnam National University School Of Medicine, Korea, Republic of

Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor (RhoGDI), a downregulator of Rho family GTPases, prevents nucleotide exchange and
membrane association. It is responsible for the activation of Rho GTPases, which regulate a variety of cellular processes, such as
migration. In addition, Adrenomedullin2 (ADM2) secreted by vascular endothelial cells (ECs) promotes migration and invasion
by ECs. Although RhoGDI2 has been identified as a tumor suppressor gene involved in cellular migration and invasion and
ADM2 is an autocrine/paracrine factor that regulates vascular tone and other vascular functions, little is known of their roles
in EC migration. CR6-interacting factor 1 (CRIF1) is a CR6/GADD45-interacting protein with both nuclear and mitochondrial
functions and regulates cell growth.

We examined the expression of RhoGDI2, ADM2 and Akt signaling pathway in CRIF1-deficient human umbilical vein endothelial
cells (HUVECs) and its role in cell migration. Cell migration was measured using the scratch wound healing assay.

Expression of RhoGDI2 was considerably higher in CRIF1-deficient HUVECs, which suppressed their migration; endogenous
ADM2 levels in CRIF1-silenced HUVECs were elevated as a compensatory mechanism. In addition, the phosphorylation of Akt
and CREB was decreased in CRIF1-silenced cells. The Akt-CREB signaling pathway was implicated in the changes in endothelial
cell migration caused by CRIF1 downregulation.

Depletion of RhoGDI2 or exogenous ADM2 significantly restored cell migration via the Akt-CREB signaling pathway. Therefore,
RhoGDI2 and ADM2 play important roles in the migration of CRIF1-deficient endothelial cells.


SIRT1 activation inhibits endothelial-specific deletion of

CRIF1-induced cardiac dysfunction
Shuyu piao, Ikjun Lee, Cuk-Seong kim
Department of Physiology & Medical Science, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Korea, Republic of

Although endothelial cell damage can occur in many tissues throughout the body, endothelial cell death within the heart
results in greater damage to heart muscle than other tissues because of the unique structure of the coronary vasculature.
However, the mechanism underlying heart failure by defective endothelial mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS)
is unclear in a mitochondria-related gene-targeted animal model.

To assess the role of endothelial cells mitochondrial OXPHOS function in the function of the heart, we developed endothelial-
specific CR6-interactin factor1 (CRIF1) knockout mouse and investigated whether the vaso-protective protein sirtuin 1(SIRT1)
improves endothelial function and alleviates cardiac dysfunction.

CRIF1 KO mice showed an increased heart to body weight ratio, reduced lethality, and evidently reduced fractional shortening
of the left ventricle, which results in severe cardiac dysfunction. Moreover, we observed the exhibited mitochondrial
dysfunction, decreased ATP level, and enhanced oxidative stress in CRIF1 KO mice heart tissues, which is associated with
diminished SIRT1 expression. However, SIRT1 activator (SRT1720) ameliorates cardiac dysfunction by activation endothelial
nitric oxide synthase, reducing oxidative stress, and inhibiting inflammation. Furthermore, the decreased endothelial junction
associated protein Zonula occludens-1 in CRIF1 KO mice was significantly recovered after SIRT1 activator treatment.

Our results suggest that endothelial mitochondrial OXPHOS dysfunction plays an important role in maintenance of cardiac
function and SIRT1 is a promising therapeutic strategy for endothelial dysfunction-induced cardiac dysfunction.

국제인증 혈압계
오므론 혈압계는 국제인증기관 AAMI(미국의료기기협회), ESH (유럽고혈합학회),
오므론 혈압계는 AAMI(미국의료기기협회), ESH (유럽고혈합학회),
DABL (다블교육사업기관)의 정확도를 검증 받은 국제인증 혈압계 입니다.
DABL (다블교육사업기관)의 정확도를 검증 받은 국제인증 혈압계 입니다.

미국 의료기기협회 유럽 고혈압학회 다블 교육사업기관

24시간 강력한 혈압 강하

Reference 1. William B. White, et al, Effects of the Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Azilsartan Medoxomil Versus Olmesartan and Valsartan on Ambulatory and Clinic Blood Pressure in Patients With Stages 1 and 2 Hypertension, Hypertension 2011;57:413-420.

Prescribing Information [ 제품명 ] 이달비정40밀리그램(아질사르탄 메독소밀칼륨) / 이달비정80밀리그램(아질사르탄 메독소밀칼륨) [ 유효성분 ] 아질사르탄 메독소밀칼륨 42.68mg (아질사르탄 메독소밀로서 40mg) 아질사르탄 메독소밀칼륨 85.36mg (아질사르탄 메독소밀로서
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에 최대효과가 나타난다. 이 약 단독 투여로 혈압이 조절되지 않는 경우, 다른 혈압강하제[이뇨제(예: 클로르탈리돈, 히드로클로로티아지드)나 칼슘채널차단제]와 병용투여 시 추가적인 혈압강하효과가 나타날 수 있다. [ 사용상의 주의사항 ] 1. 경고 임신 2, 3기인 임부에 레닌-안지오텐신계
(Renin-Angiotensin System, RAS)에 직접적으로 작용하는 약물 투여 시, 태아 및 신생아에게 손상 및 사망까지 유발할 수 있다. 따라서 만일 임신으로 확인될 경우 즉시 이 약의 투여를 중단해야 한다. 2. 다음 환자에는 투여하지 말 것 1) 이 약 또는 이 약에 함유된 성분에 대하여 과민증이 있
는 환자 2) 임부 3) 다음의 환자에게 이 약과 알리스키렌 제제의 병용투여: 당뇨병 환자 또는 중등증~중증의 신장애(사구체여과율<60mL/min/1.73m2) 환자 [ 저장방법 ] 차광기밀용기, 실온(1~30℃)보관, 습기를 피하여 보관 [ 수입자 ] 한국다케다제약주식회사(서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로
98길8, 12층) [ 제조자 ] Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. (Japan) * 이 내용은 허가사항을 요약한 것으로 자세한 정보는 제품의 첨부문서 또는 http://drug.mfds.go.kr를 확인하십시오.
제54회 춘계학술대회
2021년 5월 21일(금)-22일(토)

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