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Donald J. Ecobichon




INSECTICIDES Chlorophenoxy Compounds

Bipyridyl Derivatives
Organochlorine Compounds
Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning
Phosphonomethyl Amino Acids
Site and Mechanism of Toxic Actions
Biotransformation, Distribution, and Storage
Treatment of Poisoning
Anticholinesterase Agents FUNGICIDES
Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning Hexachlorobenzene
Mechanism of Toxic Action Pentachlorophenol
Biotransformation, Distribution, and Storage Phthalimides
Treatment of Poisoning Dithiocarbamates
Pyrethroid Esters
Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning FUMIGANTS
Site and Mechanism of Toxicity Phosphine
Biotransformation, Distribution, and Storage Ethylene Dibromide/Dibromochloropropane
Treatment of Poisoning
Mechanism of Action Zinc Phosphide
Newer Chemical Insecticides Fluoroacetic Acid and Derivatives
Nitromethylenes A-Naphthyl Thiourea
Chloronicotinyl Anticoagulants
Phenylpyrazoles CONCLUSIONS

INTRODUCTION and microorganisms that constantly threatened the supply of food

and fiber as well as posing a threat to health. The historical liter-
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) defines a ature is replete with descriptions of plant diseases and insect
pesticide as any substance or mixture of substances intended for plagues and the measures taken to control them. Sulfur was used
preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest. A pesti- as a fumigant by the Chinese before 1000 B.C. and as a fungicide
cide may also be described as any physical, chemical, or biologi- in the 1800s in Europe against powdery mildew on fruit; it is still
cal agent that will kill an undesirable plant or animal pest. The the major pesticide used in California today. In sixteenth-century
term pest includes harmful, destructive, or troublesome animals, Japan, poor-quality rendered whale oil was mixed with vinegar and
plants, or microorganisms. Pesticide is a generic name for a vari- sprayed on paddies and fields to prevent the development of insect
ety of agents that are classified more specifically on the basis of larvae by weakening the cuticle. The Chinese applied moderate
the pattern of use and organism killed. In addition to the major amounts of arsenic-containing compounds as insecticides in the
agricultural classes that encompass insecticides, herbicides, and sixteenth century. As early as 1690, water extracts of tobacco leaves
fungicides, one finds pest-control agents grouped as acaricides, lar- (Nicotiana tabacum) were sprayed on plants as insecticides, and
vacides, miticides, molluscides, pediculicides, rodenticides, scabi- nux vomica, the seed of Strychnos nux-vomica (strychnine), was
cides, plus attractants (pheromones), defoliants, desiccants, plant introduced to kill rodents. In the mid-1800s, the pulverized root of
growth regulators, and repellants. Derris eliptica, containing rotenone, was used as an insecticide, as
was pyrethrum extracted from the flowers of the chrysanthemum
HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT (Chrysanthemum cineariaefolum). In the late 1800s, arsenic triox-
ide was used as a weed killer, particularly for dandelions. Bordeaux
Over the centuries, humans have developed many ingenious mixture—copper sulfate, lime [Ca(OH)2], and water—was intro-
methods in their attempts to control the invertebrates, vertebrates, duced in 1882 to combat vine downy mildew (Plasmopara viti-

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cola), a disease introduced into France from the United States when cases per year (Coye et al., 1986). Results from California, a state
phylloxera-resistant vine rootstocks were imported. Sulfuric acid, that uses a vast amount of chemical pesticides, revealed that 1087
at a concentration of 10% v/v, was used in the early 1900s to de- occupationally related exposures occurred in 1978. A breakdown
stroy dicotyledonous weeds that would absorb the acid, whereas of these poisonings by job category, as shown in Fig. 22-1, revealed
cereal grains and substitute plants, having a smooth and waxy that ground applicators were at greatest risk, whereas aerial appli-
monocotyledon, were protected. Paris Green (copper arsenite) was cators and workers involved in mosquito-abatement programs had
introduced to control the Colorado beetle in the late 1800s; cal- the least pesticide-related illness (Kilgore, 1980, 1988). Of 1211
cium arsenate replaced Paris Green and lead arsenate was a major cases of pesticide-related illness reported to California physicians
cornerstone in the agriculturalist’s armamentarium against insect in 1986, a total of 1065 were occupational in nature (Edmiston and
pests in the early 1900s. By the 1900s, the widespread use of ar- Maddy, 1987). However, in other countries, the incidence of poi-
senical pesticides caused considerable public concern because soning is very low; for example, in the United Kingdom, fewer
some treated fruits and vegetables were found to have toxic than 20 agricultural incidents with organophosphates are reported
residues. Although some of these early pesticides caused only min- each year (Weir et al., 1992). Such data are not representative of
imal harm to the humans exposed, other agents were exceedingly the rest of the agricultural world.
toxic, and the medical literature of the era is sprinkled with anec- The incidence of poisoning is 13-fold higher in developing
dotal reports of poisonings. Looking back over the early years of countries than in highly industrialized nations, which consume 85
pesticide development, before the 1930s, it is somewhat surprising percent of world’s pesticide production (Forget, 1989). A recently
to realize just how few pesticides were available (Cremlyn, 1978). published proceedings gives a good overview of the situation in
The 1930s ushered in the era of modern synthetic chemistry, developing nations, where there are few regulations controlling the
including the development of a variety of agents such as alkyl thio- importation, registration, and sale of pesticides (Forget, 1993).
cyanate insecticides, dithiiocarbamate fungicides, ethylene dibro- Many countries in Central and South America, Africa, and South-
mide, methyl bromide, and ethylene oxide (Cremlyn, 1978). By east Asia are becoming “breadbaskets” for countries of more tem-
the beginning of World War II, there were a number of pesticides, perate climate, being sources of fresh fruits, vegetables, cut flow-
including dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), dinitrocresol, ers, and so on in the off-season, since they are capable of growing
4-chloro-2-methyloxyacetic acid (MCPA), and 2.4-dichlorophe- two or three crops of export produce each year. Figure 22-2 shows
noxyacetic acid (2,4-D) under experimental investigation, much of the quantities of pesticidal active ingredients used in a number of
this activity being kept under wraps during the war (Kirby, 1980). countries in 1994 (UN FAO, 1994). A more complete listing can
In the postwar era, there was rapid development in the agrochem- be found in O’Malley (1997). In developed countries, more herbi-
ical field, with a plethora of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, cides are used than any other class of pesticides, whereas in trop-
and other chemical agents being introduced. In no other field of ical, developing nations, there is a predominant use of insecticides.
chemistry has there been such a diversity of structures arising from As other developing nations explore the global export produce mar-
the application of the principles of chemistry to the mechanism(s) ket, pesticide consumption—now around 3000 to 10,000 metric
of action in pests to develop selectivity and specificity in agents tons—will increase dramatically. Most developing nations have yet
toward certain species while reducing toxicity to other forms of
Despite the modern-day development of second- and third- Ground Applicators
generation derivatives of the early chemical pesticides, all pesti-
cides possess an inherent degree of toxicity to some living organ- Gardeners and Nurserymen
ism, otherwise they would be of no practical use. Unfortunately,
the target-species selectivity of pesticides is not as well developed Warehouse and Indoors
as might be hoped for, and nontarget species frequently are affected
Mixers and Loaders
because they have physiologic and/or biochemical systems similar
to those of the target organisms. There is no such thing as a com- Structural
pletely safe pesticide. There are, however, pesticides that can be
used safely and/or that present a low level of risk to human health Field Workers
when applied with proper attention to the label’s instructions.
Despite the current controversy over pesticide use and the presence Agricultural Workers and Others
of low levels of residues in food, groundwater, and air, these agents
Manufacturing and Pest Control
are integral components of our crop- and health-protection pro-
grams. As long as pesticides continue to be used, accidental and /or
Firemen, Police
intentional poisoning of wildlife, domestic stock, and humans can
be anticipated and will require treatment. Fumigators
On a worldwide basis, intoxications attributed to pesticides
have been estimated to be as high 3 million cases of acute, severe Aerial Applicators
poisoning annually, with as many or more unreported cases and
some 220,000 deaths (WHO, 1990). These estimates suffer from Mosquito Abatement

inadequate reporting of data for developing countries, but they may 0 50 100 150 200 250
not be too far off the mark. From estimations based on California Number of Human Pesticide Exposure Illnesses
data, a total of some 25,000 cases of pesticide-related illness oc- Figure 22-1. Frequency of pesticide poisoning related to occupation and
cur annually among agricultural workers in that state, with national potential for exposure. [From the records of the California Department
estimate for the United States as a whole being on the order 80,000 of Public Health (Kilgore, 1988)].
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100,000 individual farmers, cooperative members, and workers for

Costa Rica small companies (Boon-Long et al., 1986). In 1981 in Sri Lanka,
approximately 10,000 to 13,000 persons were admitted to hospi-
Ecuador tals for acute poisoning annually, with almost 1000 deaths
(Jeyaratnam, 1993; Jeyaratnam et al., 1982). In Taiwan, for the
years 1985 to 1993, some 7386 out of a total of 23,436 chemical-
Columbia related poisonings involved pesticides (Yang et al., 1996). In Costa
Rica in 1996, some 920 out of a total of 1274 pesticide-related
Turkey poisonings were due to occupational or accidental exposure
(Leveridge, 1998). Poisonings by organophosphorus and carbamate
Korea insecticides represented 38.5 percent of the total (438 out of 1274),
while only 8 intoxications were associated with organochlorine in-
Canada secticides (Leveridge, 1998). None of the above values included
affected individuals who either did not seek medical attention or
Mexico could not afford the time away from work to do so.
No one can doubt the efficacy of pesticides for the protection
of crops in the field, thereby providing us with abundant, inex-
Malaysia pensive, wholesome, and attractive fruits and vegetables. It has
been estimated that in 1830 it took 58 person-hours to tend and
Brazil harvest an acre of grain, whereas today it takes approximately
2 person-hours (Kirby, 1980). Over this time period, the price of
India cereal grain has not risen proportionally to the costs of the labor
to produce it. Along with improved strains of crops, an important
Australia role in crop improvements and yields has been played by insecti-
cides, fungicides, and herbicides. Even with such advances, it is
estimated that up to 50 percent of harvested crops can be damaged
USA by postharvest infestation by insects, fungi, rodents, and the like
(Table 22-1).
The medical miracles accomplished by pesticides have been
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 (x1000)
documented: the suppression of a typhus epidemic in Naples, Italy,
Metric Tons of Active Ingredients
by DDT in the winter of 1943–1944 (Brooks, 1974); the control
Figure 22-2. Quantities of pesticides (active ingredients) used in repre- of river blindness (onchocerciasis) in West Africa by killing of the
sentative countries around the world in 1994. (From O’Malley, 1997, with insect vector (black fly) carrying the filariae for this disease (WHO,
1977; Calamari et al., 1988); and the control of malaria in Africa,
the Middle East, and Asia by elimination of the plasmodium-
bearing mosquito populations with a variety of insecticides
to develop stringent “philosophies” concerning pesticide control (Matsumura, 1985). There is still a great need for advancement in
and usage (Mbiapo and Youovop, 1993). the control of disease vector with pesticides: 600 million people
Most pesticide-related poisonings in developing nations can are at risk from schistosomiasis in the Middle East and Asia; 200
be attributed to inexperience with such chemicals, negligible train- million suffer from filariasis in tropical Africa, Asia, Indonesia, and
ing in their use, and the absence of appropriate personal protective the Caribbean region; 20 million people in tropical Africa, the
equipment. In 1983 in Thailand, 117 incidents per 100,000 agri- Middle East, Mexico, and Guatemala are infected by the filarium
cultural workers were reported for compensation claims by com- causing onchocerciasis; and 1000 million people worldwide har-
panies having more than 20 employees; by comparison, hospital bor pathologic intestinal worm infestations (Albert, 1987). Al-
admissions/deaths due to pesticide poisonings totaled 8268 per though the benefits of pesticides are recognized by those who re-

Table 22-1
Worldwide Harvest Losses in Five Important Crops

Losses Through
CROP (1000 TONS) (1000 TONS) % % %

Rice 715,800 378,645 10.6 9.0 27.5

Maize 563,016 362,582 13.0 9.6 13.0
Wheat 578,400 437,236 9.8 9.5 5.1
Sugarcane 1,603,200 737,483 15.1 19.4 19.5
Cotton 63,172 41,757 5.8 12.1 16.0

GIFAP: International Group of National Association of Agrochemical Manufacturers. Brussels. GIFAP Bulletin, vol 12,
March/April 1986.
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quire them, certain parts of the world are experiencing an envi- FIFRA regulations set out the requirements essential before
ronmentalist- and media-evoked backlash toward all pesticide use EPA-Office of Programs review of any pesticide and/or formulated
because of the carelessness, misuse, and/or abuse of some agents product can occur for registration purposes. This information base
by a relatively few individuals in a limited number of well-publi- includes product and residue chemistry, environmental fate, toxi-
cized incidents. Without bearing any direct responsibility for plan- cology, biotransformation/degradation, occupational exposure and
ning or involvement in health care or food or fiber production, some reentry protection, spray drift, environmental impact on nontarget
environmental and consumer advocacy groups propose a total ban species, and product performance and efficacy. Depending on the
on pesticide use. Between the two extremes of overwhelming use proposed use pattern of the pesticide, results from different
and total ban lies a position advocating the careful and rational use “groups” or toxicologic studies are required to support the regis-
of the beneficial chemicals. tration. The typical spectrum of basic pesticide toxicity data re-
quired under FIFRA regulations is summarized in Table
REGULATORY MANDATE 22-2. Extensive ancillary studies of environmental impact on birds,
mammals, aquatic organisms, plants, soils, environmental persist-
The widespread use and misuse of the early, toxic pesticides cre- ence, and bioaccumulation are also required. A schematic diagram
ated an awareness of the potential health hazards posed by them showing the “information package” required in support of a regis-
and the need to protect the consumer from residues in foods. It was tration and the appropriate time span required to develop this data-
not until 1906 that the Wiley or Sherman Act was passed, creating base—from the point of patenting the newly synthesized chemical
the first Federal Food and Drugs Act. This was replaced by the until its registration, production, marketing, and user acceptabil-
Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) in 1938, with spe- ity—is shown in Fig. 22-3. Although the ultimate uses of the par-
cific pesticide amendments being passed in 1954 and 1958; these ticular chemical will govern the extent of the information base re-
required that pesticide tolerances be established for all agricultural quired prior to registration, estimates of average development costs
commodities. The 1958 amendment contained the famous Delaney on the order of $30 to $80 million are not unrealistic.
clause (Section 409), which states that “no additive shall be deemed Other nations including Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan,
safe if it is found to induce cancer when ingested by man or ani- and, more recently, the European Economic Community (EEC)
mal or, if it is found, after tests which are appropriate for the eval- have promulgated harmonizing legislation similar to that of the
uation of the safely of food additives, to induce cancer in man or United States as safeguards in human exposure to pesticides in food
animals” (National Academy of Sciences, 1987). It should be noted commodities. Some developing nations, with a shortage of trained
that the Delaney clause does not require proof of carcinogenicity technical, scientific, and legal professionals to develop their own
in humans. Pesticides fall under this “additive” legislation. legislation, have adopted the regulatory framework of one or an-
The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act other of the industrialized nations, permitting the sale and use of
(FIFRA) was originally passed by Congress in 1947 as a labeling
statute that would group all pest control products—initially only
insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, and herbicides—under one Table 22-2
law to be administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Basic Requirements Regarding Toxicity Data for New
(USDA). Amendments in 1959 and 1961 added nematicides, plant Pesticide Registrations
growth regulators, defoliants, and desiccants to FIFRA jurisdiction, Acute
plus the authorizations to deny, suspend, or cancel registrations of Oral (rat)
products, although it assured the registrant’s right to appeal. In Dermal (rabbit)
1972, FIFRA was reorganized and administrative authority was Inhalation (usually rat)
turned over to the newly formed Environmental Protection Agency Irritation studies
(EPA). The new law, along with subsequent amendments in 1975, Eye (rabbit)
1978, 1980, and 1984, defines the registration requirements and Skin (rabbit, guinea pig)
appropriate chemical, toxicologic, and environmental impact stud- Dermal sensitization (guinea pig)
ies, label specifications, use restrictions, tolerances for pesticide Delayed neurotoxicity (hen)
residues on raw agricultural products, and the responsibility to Subchronic
monitor pesticide residue levels in foods. FIFRA is not all- 90-Day feeding study
encompassing because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Rodent (rat, mouse)
retains the basic responsibility for both monitoring residue levels Nonrodent (dog)
and for seizure of foods not in compliance with the regulations; Dermal
 Dependent upon use pattern and po-
what is more, the USDA continues to be the authority responsible Inhalation tential for occupational exposure
for the monitoring of meat and poultry for pesticides as well as for Neurotoxicity
other chemicals. The Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA), passed Chronic
by the U.S. Congress in 1996, amended federal laws regarding pes- One- or two-year oral study
ticides to give special consideration for children by (1) providing Rodent (usually rat)
additional protection when allowable levels of pesticides for foods Nonrodent (dog)
are set (data providing children’s food consumption patterns, recog- Oncogenicity study (rat or mouse)
nition of all possible routes of exposure in risk assessment); and Reproductive
(2) considering whether infants and children are disproportionally In vitro mutagenicity (microorganisms, etc.)
susceptible to pesticides. Where data on the pesticides are not ad- Fertility/reproduction (rat, mouse, rabbit)
equate, pesticide tolerances for children must incorporate an addi- Teratogenicity (rat, mouse, rabbit)
tional 10-fold safety factor.
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Figure 22-3. A schematic diagram depicting the generation of an appropriate toxicity database, the time
frame for data acquisition and the significant milestones in the life cycle of a pesticide in the United States.
Stages I to III represent the sales of the pesticide once the commercial product enters the marketplace. (GI-
FAP Bulletin, Sept. 1983, with permission.)

pesticides registered under the legislation of that country but pro- cases, the acute biological effects are clearly observed and may be
hibiting the use of agents unable to meet the stringent requirements. associated with a specific agent or a class of chemicals over a rel-
In still other countries, almost any pesticide ever manufactured is atively narrow dosage range. If no discernible adverse health ef-
available, no legislation having been introduced to curb adverse ef- fects are seen at high levels of exposure, it is unlikely that any-
fects to the environment and human health. thing will be observed at lower levels of exposure. Although this
hypothesis may be true for acute systemic effects, it is not appli-
Exposure cable to chronic effects (changes in organ function, mutagenicity,
teratogenicity, carcinogenicity) that may develop after some latent
The evaluation of the hazards of pesticides to human health begins period following either a single high-level exposure, repeated mod-
with the development of a dose-effect relationship based on docu- erate or high-level exposure, or annual exposure to low levels of
mented and anecdotal information on human exposure (Fig. 22-4). the agents for decades.
Several populations of individuals may be identified as having ex- There is sufficiently detailed documentation on many pestici-
posure to a range of concentrations of a particular agent, includ- dal poisonings to permit an estimation of exposure (Hayes, 1982).
ing: (1) accidental and/or suicidal poisonings that no amount of In some 48 suicide attempts by ingestion of the herbicide
legislation or study can prevent; (2) occupational (manufacturing, glyphosate, the average volume of product (concentrate containing
mixing/loading, application, harvesting, and handling of crops) ex- active ingredient and a surfactant) ingested was 120 mL [range of
posure (Albertson and Cross, 1993; Edmiston and Maddy, 1987); 104 mL (nonfatal) to 206 mL (fatal)] (Swada et al., 1988). In other
(3) bystander exposure to off-target drift from spraying operations cases, such as one involving the insecticide fenitrothion, where the
with, in some cases, the development of hypersensitivity (Bartle, individual experienced dermal exposure to a 7.5% solution of the
1991); (4) the general public who consume food items containing agent in corn oil wiped up with facial tissues by a bare hand, ex-
pesticide residues as a consequence of the illegal use of an agent posure was more difficult to assess (Ecobichon et al., 1977). It is
(e.g., aldicarb on melons and cucumbers) or its misuse, in terms imperative that forensic and clinical toxicologists and emergency
of an incorrect application rate or picking and shipping a crop too service personnel attempt to ascertain how much of the material
soon after pesticide application, resulting in residue concentrations was involved in the poisoning.
above established tolerance levels. The media are replete with doc- Worker exposure can be estimated within reason by consid-
umented incidents of environmental contamination by pesticides: ering the various job functions performed (e.g., diluting concen-
(1) of surface and/or groundwater essential as sources of potable trated formulations, loading diluted end-use formulations into
drinking water; (2) of commercial fish stock as well as sporting tanks, spray application, harvesting sprayed crops, postharvest han-
fish; (3) of wildlife upon which native peoples depend as a major dling of sprayed crops, etc.). The potential level(s) of pesticide en-
source of dietary protein; and (4) of long-distance aerial transport countered in each job category and the route(s) of exposure can be
of undeposited and/or revolatilized pesticide. estimated. The majority of occupational illnesses arising from pes-
The shape of the dose-effect curve is dependent on a detailed ticides involve dermal exposure enhanced, in certain job categories,
knowledge of the amount of exposure received by each of these by acquisition of a portion of the dosage by the inhalation of the
groups. Within each group, variability will be considerable. Fre- aerosolized spray. Many exposures appear to be entirely dermal in
quently, exposure evaluations begin at the top of the relationship character (Vercruysse et al., 1999). The surface areas of the un-
where exposure is greatest, more easily estimated, and, in most clothed parts of the body of an unprotected worker are shown in
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Figure 22-4. A theoretical dose–effect relationship for acute toxicity, comparing the potential for exposure
in terms of occupation, level of exposure and possible biological effects.

Table 22-3, being derived from the U.S. EPA (1987). Data for the concentrations of the potentially toxic agent (Durham and Wolfe,
entire surface area of a “50 percentile man,” as determined by Spear 1962). In reality, direct exposure should be attributed only to pes-
and coworkers (1977), are shown in Table 22-4. With surface patch ticide residues gaining entry into the body by systemic absorption
(gauze, fabric) testing on various parts of the body, accurate esti- following ingestion, inhalation, and/or transdermal penetration. To-
mates of dermal exposure can be obtained. The reader is referred tal exposure can be estimated by measuring excretory products (the
to the following studies for details: Wolfe and colleagues (1967, parent chemical, degradation products) in urine and feces over a
1972), Wojeck and coworkers (1981), and Franklin and coworkers suitable postexposure time interval (Durham et al., 1972;
(1981). Where inhalation can be considered to contribute signifi- Kolmodin-Hedmann et al., 1983; Frank et al., 1985; Grover et al.,
cantly to the total exposure, as in greenhouse and other structural 1986; Takamiya, 1994; Azaroff, 1999). Potential biological effects
spraying operations in enclosed environments, drivers in tractor of exposure can be monitored, including plasma and erythrocy-
cabs, operators of rotary fan mist sprayers, and other operations, tic cholinesterase measurements, -aminolevulinic dehydratase
measurements of aerial concentrations in the working environment (ALAD), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities, cytogenic analy-
can be made and related to respiratory rates and length of time
spent in that environment. Assessment of the inhalation component
of an exposure can be obtained with personal air sampling moni- Table 22-4
tors worn during the day (Trumbull et al., 1985; Grover et al., Percent of Total Body Surface Area Represented by Body
1986). Regions*
In the past, direct exposure was estimated by measuring dep-
osition (on skin, clothing, or surrogate patch) or by ambient air

Head 5.60
Table 22-3
Neck 1.20
Estimated Surface Area of Exposed Portions of a Body
Upper arms 9.70
of a Casually Dressed Individual
Forearms 6.70
UNCLOTHED SURFACE (SQ FT) TOTAL Chest, back, shoulders 22.80
Hips 9.10
Face 0.70 22.0 Thighs 18.00
Hands 0.87 27.6 Calves 13.50
Forearms 1.30 41.3 Feet 6.40
Back of neck 0.12 3.8
Front of neck and “v” of chest 0.16 5.1 *Estimated proportions from the “50 percentile man” having a surface area of 1.92 m2,
height of 175 cm, and body weight of 78 kg.
SOURCE: Batchelor and Walker, 1954. SOURCE: Spear et al., 1977.
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sis of lymphocytic micronuclei, semen quality, fertility, etc. INSECTICIDES

(Lopez-Carillo and Lopez-Cervantes, 1993; Ciesielski et al., 1994;
Davies et al., 1998; Panemangalore et al., 1998; Venegas et al., The literature pertaining to the chemistry and development of the
1998; Larsen et al., 1999). A more complete discussion of the topic various classes of insecticides over the past 45 years is extensive
of occupational exposure can be found in Ecobichon (1998a). and the reader is referred to the monographs of O’Brien (1960,
Minimal protection of certain parts of the body can markedly 1967), Melnikov (1971), Fest and Schmidt (1973), Brooks (1974),
reduce exposure to an agent. Protection of the hands (5.6 percent Eto (1974), Hayes (1982), Kuhr and Dorough (1976), Buchel
of the body surface) by appropriate chemical-resistant gloves may (1983), Leahey (1985), Chambers and Levi (1992), and Ecobichon
reduce contamination by 33 percent (in forest spraying with a knap- and Joy (1994) for detailed discussions of the chemistry, nomen-
sack sprayer having a single-nozzle lance), by 66 percent (in weed clature (chemical, common, and trade names), biotransformation
control using tractor-mounted booms equipped with hydraulic noz- and degradation, and environmental effects as well as target and
zles), or by 86 percent (involving filling tanks on tractor-powered nontarget species toxicity. Compilations of LD50 values in the lab-
sprayers) (Bdonsall, 1985). Studies monitoring the absorption of oratory rat may be found in Gaines (1969), Frear (1969), and
pesticides applied to the skin of different areas of the human body Worthing (1987). Acute toxicity data for laboratory animals, fish,
have revealed marked regional variations in per cutaneous absorp- and wildlife are recorded in a number of reports (Pickering et al.,
tion, with the greatest uptake being in the scrotal region, followed 1962; Tucker and Crabtree, 1970; Worthing, 1987). Several com-
by the axilla, forehead, face, scalp, the dorsal aspect of the hand, pilations of pesticide monographs exist, giving brief but succinct
the palm of the hand, and the forearm in decreasing order (Feldman profiles of the physical and chemical properties of various
and Maiback, 1974). pesticides as well as their environmental persistence and toxicity
The exposure of a bystander, where an individual is acciden- to wildlife, domestic animals, and humans (Kamrin, 1997;
tally sprayed directly or exposed to aerial off-target drifting aerosol, Montgomery, 1997; Tomlin, 1997). Only selected examples of the
is considerably more difficult to assess. The levels encountered may classes of insecticides are discussed in this chapter, with emphasis
be severalfold lower than those in the occupational setting, mak- on their toxicity to humans.
ing the analysis of residue and the detection of meaningful bio- All of the chemical insecticides in use today are neurotoxi-
logical changes more difficult. Greater variation in exposure esti- cants and act by poisoning the nervous systems of the target
mates and biological effects can be anticipated. The adverse health organisms. The central nervous system (CNS) of insects is highly
effects may be subtle in appearance and nonspecific, reflecting a developed and not unlike that of the mammal (O’Brien, 1960).
slow deterioration of physiologic function clouded by the individ- While the peripheral nervous system (PNS) of insects is not as
ual’s adjustment or adaptation to the changes, taking many years complex as that of mammals, there are striking similarities
to develop to the point of detection. The identification of pesticide- (O’Brien, 1960). The development of insecticides has been based
related adverse health effects in the general population, who inad- on specific structure-activity relationships requiring the manipula-
vertently acquire low levels of pesticides daily via food and water, tion of a basic chemical structure to obtain an optimal shape and
is extremely difficult. The residue levels in these media are often configuration for specificity toward a unique biochemical or phys-
orders of magnitude lower than those encountered in occupational iologic feature of the nervous system. Given the fact that insecti-
or bystander exposure and are at or near the limits of analytical cides are not selective and affect nontarget species as readily as
detection by sophisticated techniques. Any biological effects re- target organisms, it is not surprising that a chemical that acts on
sulting from such low-level exposure are unlikely to be distinctive the insect’s nervous system will elicit similar effects in higher forms
and any causal association with a particular chemical or class of of life. The target sites and/or mechanism(s) of action may be sim-
agents is likely to be tenuous and confounded by many other fac- ilar in all species; only the dosage (level of exposure and duration)
tors of a given lifestyle. will dictate the intensity of biological effects. It is sufficient at this
Many of the public concerns about pesticides are related to stage to indicate the potential sites of action of the insecticide
“older” chemicals, these having entered the market in the 1950s classes (Fig. 22-5) and their interference with the membrane trans-
and 1960s without the benefit of the extensive toxicity and envi- port of sodium, potassium, calcium, or chloride ions; inhibition of
ronmental impact studies demanded prior to the registration of selective enzymatic activities; or contribution to the release and/or
chemicals today. It must also be pointed out that many of these the persistence of chemical transmitters at nerve endings.
older pesticides have received little reassessment using the more
definitive techniques and protocols required today. Although gov- Organochlorine Compounds
ernment agencies and industry have been slow in their reevalua-
tion of a vast array of pesticides in use, reassessment often comes No longer considered an important class of insecticides in North
in the wake of or concomitant with some recently disclosed ad- America and Europe, the organochlorine insecticides see contin-
verse environmental or health effect. Given the above-mentioned ued use in developing, tropical countries because they are effec-
costs of conducting a full range of studies (introductory section, tive, inexpensive, essential chemicals in agriculture, forestry, struc-
this chapter), the time frame required, and the limited market for tural protection, and public health. The risk-benefit ratio is highly
some of these chemicals in North America or even worldwide, the weighted in favor of their continued use for the control of insects
registration of many of these pesticides will be withdrawn volun- causing devastation to crops and human health. For example,
tarily by industry, and the answers to some of the public’s con- technical-grade hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), banned in Canada,
cerns will never be obtained. Hazardous chemicals will be removed the United States, China, the Soviet Union, and Australia in 1971,
from use but, unfortunately, it is possible that some very benefi- 1976, 1983, 1990 and 1994, respectively, still sees extensive use
cial and essential pesticides will be lost. The problems of today’s in a number of African nations, Brazil, India, and others (Li, 1999).
situation, created by the last generation and inherited by the pres- While banned in the early 1970s, DDT was still being manufac-
ent one, still must be dealt with. tured in the United States and exported at the rate of 1 ton per day
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demise because of their persistence in the environment, biocon-

centration and biomagnification in food chains, and the acquisition
of biologically active body burdens at higher trophic levels (Carson,
1962). Definitive studies in wild, domestic, and laboratory species
demonstrated potent enzyme-inducing and/or estrogenic proper-
ties, with interference indirectly or directly with fertility and re-
production (Stickel, 1968; McFarland and Lacy, 1969; Peakall,
1970; Longcore et al., 1971; McBlain et al., 1977; Crum et al.,
The organochlorine (chlorinated hydrocarbon) insecticides are
a diverse group of agents belonging to three distinct chemical
classes including the dichlorodiphenylethane-, chlorinated cyclo-
diene- and chlorinated benzene- and cyclohexane-related structures
(Table 22-5). The historical development of these chemicals from
the mid-1940s and their impact on agriculture and human health
can be found in O’Brien (1967), Metcalf (1973), and Brooks

Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning Given the diversity of chem-

ical structures, it is not surprising that the signs and symptoms of
toxicity and the mechanisms of action are somewhat different
(Table 22-6).
Exposure of humans and animals to high oral doses of DDT
Figure 22-5. Potential sites of action of classes of insecticides on the results in paresthesia of the tongue, lips, and face; apprehension;
axon and terminal portions of the nerve.
hypersusceptibilty to external (light, touch, sound) stimuli; irri-
tability, dizziness, and vertigo; tremor and tonic and clonic con-
in 1994 (Smith, 1995). Global transport of such chemicals from vulsions. Motor unrest and fine tremors associated with voluntary
equatorial regions to Arctic and Antarctic regions, with contami- movements progress to coarse tremors without interruption in mod-
nation of wildlife food sources, suggests that these agents are still erate to severe poisonings. Symptoms generally appear several
toxicologically important. Currently, major concerns are centered hours (6 to 24 h) after exposure to large doses. Little toxicity is
on the indigenous people living in Arctic regions, where the sources seen following the dermal exposure to DDT, presumably because
of dietary protein (fish, seals, walruses, whales, etc.) have proven the agent is poorly absorbed through the skin, a physiologic phe-
to be major depositories of organochlorine insecticides and other nomenon that has contributed to the fairly good safety record of
chlorinated hydrocarbons (PCBs, PBBs, PCDDs, PSDFs) (Berti et DDT despite careless handling by applicators and formulators
al., 1998; Chan, 1998). (Hayes, 1971). It has been estimated that a dose of 10 mg/kg will
The properties (low volatility, chemical stability, lipid solu- cause signs of poisoning in humans. Chronic exposure to moder-
bility, slow rate of biotransformation and degradation) that made ate concentrations of DDT causes somewhat milder signs to toxi-
these chemicals such effective insecticides also brought about their city, as listed in Table 22-6.

Table 22-5
Structural Classification of Organochlorine Insecticides

Dichlorodiphenylethanes DDT, DDD

Cl CH Cl Dicofol
Cyclodienes Cl Aldrin, Dieldrin
Cl Heptachlor
C(CCl)2 Chlordane
Cl Cl

Chlorinated benzenes Cl HCB, HCH

Cyclohexanes Cl Cl Lindane (-BHC)

Cl Cl
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Table 22-6
Signs and Symptoms of Acute and Chronic Toxicity Following Exposure to Organochlorine Insecticides


DDT Parethesia (oral ingestion) Loss of weight, anorexia
DDD (Rothane) Ataxia, abnormal stepping Mild anemia
DMC (Dimite) Dizziness, confusion, headache Tremors
Dicofol (Kelthane) Nausea, vomiting Muscular weakness
Methoxychlor Fatigue, lethargy EEG pattern changes
Methiochlor Tremor (peripheral) Hyperexcitability, anxiety
Chlorbenzylate Nervous tension

Lindane (-isomer)
Benzene hexachloride (mixed isomers)
Endrin Dizziness, headache Headache, dizziness,
Telodrin Nausea, vomiting hyperexcitability
Isodrin Motor hyperexcitability Intermittent muscle twitching
Endosulfan Hyperreflexia and myoclonic jerking
Heptachlor Myoclonic jerking Psychological disorders
Aldrin General malaise including insomnia,
Dieldrin Convulsive seizures anxiety, irritability
Chlordane Generalized convulsions EEG pattern changes
Toxaphene Loss of consciousness
Epileptiform convulsions
Chlordecone (Kepone) Chest pains, arthralgia
Mirex Skin rashes
Ataxia, incoordination, slurred
speech, opsoclonus
Visual difficulty, inability to
focus and fixate
Nervousness, irritability, depression
Loss of recent memory
Muscle weakness, tremors of
Severe impairment of spermatogenesis

Although the functional injury of DDT poisoning can be as- and MacKenzie, 1974). The o,p-isomer has been shown to com-
sociated with effects on the CNS in humans, few pathologic pete with estradiol for binding the estrogen receptors in rat uterine
changes can be demonstrated in CNS tissue in animals. However, cytosol (Kupfer and Bulger, 1976). The DDT analog methoxychlor
following exposure to moderate or high nonfatal doses or subse- [1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-methoxyphenyl) ethane] is estrogenic in
quent to subacute or chronic feeding, major pathologic changes are the mouse; problems in initiating and/or maintaining a pregnancy
observed in the liver and reproductive organs. Morphologic are seen, due possibly to alterations in preimplantation embryonic
changes in mammalian liver include hypertrophy of hepatocytes development and estrogenic effects on the oviduct and uterus (Hall
and subcellular organelles such as mitochondria, proliferation of et al., 1997; Swartz and Eroschenko, 1998).
smooth endoplasmic reticulum and the formation of inclusion bod- Dicofol (p-p-dichlorodiphenyl-2,2,2-trichloroethanol) — an
ies, centrolobular necrosis following exposure to high concentra- analog of DDT still registered as an agricultural miticide for cot-
tions, and an increase in the incidence of hepatic tumors (Hayes, ton, beans, citrus, and grapes—has been associated with acute tox-
1959; Hansell and Ecobichon, 1974; IARC, 1974). However, there icity (nausea, dizziness, double vision, ataxia, confusion, disorien-
has yet to be conclusive epidemiologic evidence linking DDT to tation) in a 12-year-old male whose clothing because saturated in
carcinogenicity in humans (Hayes, 1982; Baris et al., 1998; an accident (Lessenger and Riley, 1991). These acute effects pro-
Takayama et al., 1999). When technical-grade DDT (20 percent gressed to chronic signs (headaches, blurred vision, horizontal nys-
o,p-DDT plus 80 percent p,p-DDT) was administered to male tagmus, numbness/tingling in the legs with shooting pains, clum-
cockerels or rats, reduced testicular size was observed and, in fe- siness, memory loss and decreasing academic performance,
male rats, the estrogenic effects of the o,p-isomer were observed impulsive behavior, restlessness and fatigue), which persisted in
in the edematous, blood-engorged uteri (Hayes, 1959; Ecobichon some fashion for up to 4 months. Continuing emotional and aca-
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demic difficulties, impairment of certain cognitive skills, poor self- tremors, altered gait, behavioral changes, ocular flutter (opso-
esteem and depression, all of which were subtle cognitive and psy- clonus), arthralgia, headache, chest pains, weight loss, he-
chological changes, persisted for over 18 months. Dicofol is known patomegaly, splenomegaly, and impotence, the onset of symptoms
to be contaminated by a small percentage of p-p-DDT, showing generally occurring with a latency of approximately 30 days from
estrogenicity in birds (Peakall, 1970). the initiation of exposure and persisting for many months after the
Unlike the situation with DDT, in which there have been few termination of exposure (Joy, 1994a). Laboratory tests showed a
recorded fatalities following poisoning, there have been a number reduced sperm count and reduced sperm motility. Routine neuro-
of fatalities following poisoning by the cyclodiene- and hexa- logic studies showed nothing untoward, but microscopic examina-
chlorocyclohexane-type insecticides. The chlorinated cyclodiene tion of biopsies of the sural nerve revealed relative decreases in the
insecticides are among the most toxic and environmentally per- populations of small myelinated and unmyelinated axons. With
sistent pesticides known (Hayes, 1982). One recent study of two electron microscopy, a number of abnormalities were visible; the
patients, one with a history of chronic exposure to aldrin and the significant findings included damage to Schwann cells (membra-
other with a chronic exposure to lindane/heptachlor, reported death nous inclusions, cytoplasmic folds), prominent endoneural collagen
within 2 years of developing clinical and electromyographic signs pockets, vacuolization of unmyelinated fibers, focal degeneration
and symptoms of chronic motor disease with aggravation of dys- of axons with condensations of neurofilaments and neurotubules,
phagia and weight loss resulting in the mobilization of adipose tis- focal interlamellar splitting of myelin sheaths, and the formation
sue and stored insecticide to enhance the neuronal toxicity (Fon- of myelin bodies and a complex infolding of inner mesaxonal mem-
seca et al., 1993). Even at low doses, these chemicals tend to induce branes into axoplasm (Martinez et al., 1977). The involvement of
convulsions before less serious signs of illness occur. Although the unmyelinated fibers and small myelinated fibers may partially ex-
sequence of signs generally follows the appearance of headaches, plain the clinical picture. It has been suggested that chlordecone
nausea, vertigo, and mild clonic jerking, motor hyperexcitability, may interfere with metabolic processes in Schwann cells. How-
and hyperreflexia, some patients have convulsions without warn- ever, it should be noted that all of these degenerative changes are
ing symptoms (Hayes, 1982). An important difference between nonspecific in nature and are commonly seen in other toxic
DDT and the chlorinated cyclodienes is that the latter are efficiently polyneuropathies. Many of the toxic manifestations of chlordecone
absorbed through the skin and therefore pose an appreciable haz- poisoning in these workers have been confirmed in animal studies,
ard to occupationally exposed individuals. Chronic exposure to low the major target organs being the CNS, liver, adrenals, and testes,
or moderate concentrations of these agents elicits a spectrum of as summarized by Joy (1994a). As with other organochlorine in-
signs and symptoms, involving both sensory and motor compo- secticides, chlordecone is an excellent inducer of hepatic micro-
nents of the CNS (Table 22-6). In addition to the recognized neu- somal monooxygenase enzymes and, in rats and mice, has been
rotoxicity, aldrin and dieldrin interfere with reproduction, with in- associated with the formation of hepatomas and malignant tumors
creased pup losses (vitality, viability) being reported in studies in in organs other than the liver, female animals being more suscep-
rats and dogs (Kitselman, 1953; Treon and Cleveland 1955). Treat- tible than male (Guzelian, 1982). In many ways, mirex behaves
ment with dieldrin during pregnancy caused a reduction in fertil- like chlordecone, and there is evidence for the oxidative biotrans-
ity and increased pup mortality (Treon and Cleveland, 1955). The formation of mirex to chlordecone in vivo. Mirex causes he-
treatment of pregnant mice with dieldrin resulted in teratologic ef- patomegaly and a dose-dependent increase in neoplastic nodules
fects (delayed ossification, increases in supernumerary ribs) (Cher- and hepatocellular carcinomas, particularly in male animals (Innes
noff et al., 1975). et al., 1969; Waters et al., 1977).
Exposure to lindane (the -isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane,
HCH) produces signs of poisoning that resemble those caused by Site and Mechanism of Toxic Actions Essential to the action of
DDT (e.g., tremors, ataxia, convulsions, stimulated respiration, organochlorine insecticides is an intact reflex are consisting of af-
and prostration). In severe cases of acute poisoning, violent tonic and ferent (sensory) peripheral neurons impinging on interneurons in
clinic convulsions occur and degenerative changes in the liver and the spinal cord, with accompanying ramifications and intercon-
renal tubules have been noted. Technical-grade HCH used in in- nections up and down the CNS and interactions with efferent mo-
secticidal preparations contains a mixture of isomers: the - and tor neurons, as shown schematically in Fig. 22-6. In terms of the
-isomer are convulsant poisons; the - and -isomers are CNS mechanism of action of the DDT-type insecticides, the most strik-
depressants. The mechanisms of action remain unknown. Lifetime ing observation in a poisoned insect or mammal is the display of
feeding studies in mice have revealed that technical-grade HCH periodic sequences of persistent tremoring and/or convulsive
and some of the isomers caused an increase in hepatocellular tu- seizures suggestive of repetitive discharges in neurons. These char-
mors (IARC, 1974). Only the -isomer (lindane) sees any medic- acteristic episodes of hyperactivity interspersed with normal func-
inal use today, as a component of a pediculicide shampoo for head tion were recognized as early as 1946. The second most striking
lice. One undocumented case of lindane toxicity, known to the au- observation is that these repetitive tremors, seizures, and electrical
thor, resulted in mild tremors in a child on whose head the sham- activity can be initiated by tactile and auditory stimuli, suggesting
poo was used vigorously and repeatedly for more than a week. The that the sensory nervous system appears to be much more respon-
symptoms disappeared rapidly when the treatment was terminated. sive to stimuli. An examination of the sequence of electrical events
Industrial carelessness during the manufacture of an in normal and DDT-poisoned nerves reveals that, in the latter, a
organochlorine compound chlordecone (Kepone) brought this characteristic prolongation of the falling phase of the action po-
agent and mirex, the closely related insecticide, to the attention of tential (the negative afterpotential) occurs (Fig. 22-7). The nerve
toxicologists in 1975, when 76 of 148 workers in a factory in membrane remains in a partially depolarized state and is extremely
Hopewell, Virginia, developed a severe neurologic syndrome sensitive to complete depolarization again by very small stimuli
(Cannon et al., 1978; Taylor et al., 1978; Guzelian, 1982). This (Joy, 1994a). Thus, following exposure to DDT, the repetitive stim-
condition, known as the “Kepone shakes,” was characterized by ulation of the peripheral sensory nerves by touch or sound is mag-
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Figure 22-6. A simple, intact reflex arc involving a peripheral, afferent

(sensory) neuron, interneurons, and a peripheral, efferent (motor) neu-
ron that innervates a muscle.

nified in the CNS, causing generalized tremoring throughout the

How does DDT elicit this effect? There are at least four mech-
anisms, possibly all functioning simultaneously (Matsumura,
1985), as seen in Fig. 22-8. At the level of the neuronal membrane,
DDT affects the permeability to potassium ions, reducing potas-
sium transport across the membrane. DDT alters the porous chan-
nels through which sodium ions pass. These channels activate Figure 22-8. Proposed sites of action of DDT on (1) reducing potassium
(open) normally, but, once open, are inactivated (closed) slowly, transport through pores, (2) inactivating sodium channel closure, (3) in-
thereby interfering with the active transport of sodium out of the hibiting sodium-potassium and calcium-magnesium ATPases, and (4)
nerve axon during repolarization. DDT inhibits neuronal adenosine calmodulin-calcium binding with the release of neurotransmitter.
triphosphatase (ATPase), particularly the Na,K-ATPase and
Ca2-ATPase, which play vital roles in neuronal repolarization.
DDT also inhibits the ability of calmodulin, a calcium mediator in in the sensory division of the PNS (Table 22-6). The overall ap-
nerves, to transport calcium ions essential for the intraneuronal re- pearance of the intoxicated individual is one of CNS stimulation.
lease of neurotransmitters. All of these inhibited functions reduce As shown in Fig. 22-9, the cyclodiene compounds antagonize the
the rate at which depolarization occurs and increase the sensitiv- action of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
ity of the neurons to small stimuli that would not elicit a response acting at the GABAA receptors in rat dorsal root ganglia and ef-
in a fully depolarized neuron. fectively blocking the GABA-induced uptake of chloride ions by
The chlorinated cyclodiene-, benzene-, and cyclohexane-type desensitizing the current in the receptor-channel complex (Nagata
insecticides are different from DDT in many respects, both in the and Narahashi, 1994). A more recent paper explains the fact that
appearance of the intoxicated individual and possibly also in the dieldrin has a dual effect on the GABAA receptor-channel: an ini-
mechanism(s), which appear to be localized more in the CNS than tial enhancement of the GABA-induced chloride ion current (with
an EC50 of 754 nM) followed by a suppression (Narahashi et al.,
1995). Two types of chloride currents exist, one having a high sen-
sitivity to dieldrin (IC50  5 nM) and the other having a lower
sensitivity to dieldrin (IC50  92 nM). The dieldrin-suppressive
action is responsible for the hyperactivity observed in poisoned an-
imals. The nature of the GABAA receptor-channel is still being
explored. The cyclodienes are also potent inhibitors of Na,K-
ATPase and, more importantly, of the enzyme Ca2, Mg2-ATPase
essential for the transport (uptake and release) of calcium across
membranes (Matsumura, 1985; Wafford et al., 1989). Evidence
suggests that gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (-HCH, lindane)
neurotoxicity is primarily related to the blockade of chloride ion
flux through the inotropic GABAA receptors, resulting in depolar-
ization and hyperexcitation of post-synaptic membranes (Mat-
sumura and Tanaka, 1984). There is also evidence that -HCH can
alter calcium homeostasis, elevating free calcium ion levels intra-
Figure 22-7. A schematic diagram of an oscilloscope recording of the cellularly with the release of neurotransmitters (Joy, 1994a). The
depolarization and repolarization of a normal neuron ( ——— ) and one inhibition of Ca2, Mg2-ATPase, located in the terminal ends of
from a DDT-treated (---) animal, showing the prolonged, negative after- neurons in synaptic membranes, results in an accumulation of in-
potential (AP). tracellular free calcium ions with the promotion of calcium-induced
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and Saschenbrecker, 1969; Craan and Haines, 1998; Delorme et

al., 1999).
It is not surprising that humans acquired body burdens of these
chemicals during the 1950s and 1960s, when they were used on
almost all food crops. Depending on the region of the world, the
intensity of use, the extent of occupational and accidental expo-
sure, and dietary habits, the bioconcentration/bioaccumulation of
DDT in human adipose tissue resulted in levels on the order of
5 ppm DDT and approximately 15 ppm of total DDT-derived
material (Quinby et al., 1965; Fiserova-Bergerova et al., 1967;
Abbott et al., 1968; Morgan and Roan, 1970). The levels of other
organochlorine insecticides sequestered in body fat were never as
high as those of DDT. With declining use and the eventual ban of
this class on insecticides from the North American market, body
burdens of these insecticides declined slowly. By the late 1960s,
adipose levels of 2 ppm DDT(0 ppm of total DDT-derived mate-
rial) were detectable. Whereas the daily intake of DDT in the
United States was approximately 0.2 mg/day in 1958, this had de-
creased to about 0.04 mg/day by 1970 (Hayes, 1971). Today, only
trace levels of DDT, less than 2.0 ppm of total DDT-derived
material, are detectable in human adipose tissue (Mes et al., 1982;
Redetzke and Applegate, 1993; Stevens et al., 1993).

Treatment of Poisoning The life-threatening situation in

Figure 22-9. Proposed sites of action of cyclodiene-type organochlorine organochlorine insecticide poisoning is associated with tremors,
insecticides on chloride ion transport through inhibition of the GABAA motor seizures, and interference with respiratory function (hypox-
receptor channel as well as inhibition of calcium-magnesium ATPase.
emia and resulting acidosis) arising from repetitve stimulation of
the CNS. In addition to general decontamination and supportive
treatment, diazepam (0.3 mg/kg IV; maximum dose of 10 mg) or
phenobarbital (15 mg/kg IV; maximum dose of 1.0 g) may be ad-
release of neurotransmitters from storage vesicles and the subse-
ministered by slow injection to control the convulsions. It may be
quent depolarization of adjacent neurons and the propagation of
necessary to repeat the treatment.
stimuli throughout the CNS.

Biotransformation, Distribution, and Storage The phenome- Anticholinesterase Agents

non of bioconcentration and biomagnification of the organochlo-
rine insecticides in food chains has been mentioned. Once acquired, The agents comprising this type of insecticide have a common
biotransformation/degradation proceeds at an exceptionally slow mechanism of action but arise from two distinctly different chem-
pace, in part due to the complex aromatic ring structures and the ical classes, the esters of phosphoric or phosphorothioic acid and
number of the chlorine substituents, the latter being exceedingly those of carbamic acid (Fig. 22-10). The anticholinesterase insec-
difficult to remove by the enzymatic processes available in tissues. ticides are represented by a vast array of structures that have
The biotransformation of the various organochlorines has been ex- demonstrated the ultimate in structure-activity relationships in at-
tensively studied—for example, DDT (Ecobichon and Saschen- tempts to produce potent and selective insect toxicity while mini-
brecker, 1968), aldrin and heptachlor conversion to dieldrin and mizing the toxicity toward nontarget species. Today, there are some
heptachlor epoxide, respectively (Keane and Zavon, 1969; 200 different organophosphorus ester insecticides and approxi-
Matthews and Matsumura, 1969); chlordane (Menzie, 1969); hexa- mately 25 carbamic acid ester insecticides in the marketplace, for-
chlorocyclohexane (Egan et al., 1965; O’Brien, 1967; Abbott et al., mulated into literally thousands of products. For detailed discus-
1969); and toxaphene (Saleh et al., 1977; Turner et al., 1977). With sions on the nomenclature, chemistry, and development of these
the exception of aldrin, chlordane, and heptachlor, most biotrans- insecticides, the reader is referred to the books of O’Brien (1960),
formation reactions reduce the neurotoxicant activities but mar- Heath (1961), Melnikov (1971), Fest and Schmidt (1973), Eto
ginally affect the weak estrogenicity of the agents. (1974), Kuhr and Dorough (1976), Ecobichon and Joy (1994), and
Slow biotransformation, in addition to the highly lipophilic Matsumura (1985) and a review by Holmstedt (1959).
nature of the organochlorine compounds, guarantees that these The organophosphorus ester insecticides were first synthe-
agents will be sequestered in body tissue having a high lipid con- sized in 1937 by a group of German chemists led by Gerhard
tent, where some biological action may result. In the case of adi- Schrader at Farbenfabriken Bayer AG (Schrader and Kukenthal,
pose tissue, the agents will remain stored and undisturbed, only 1937). Many of their trial compounds proved to be exceedingly
small amounts equilibrating with the blood and being degraded toxic and unfortunately, under the management of the Nazis in
and/or excreted (Dale and Quinby, 1963; Davies et al., 1972). The World War II, some were developed as potential chemical warfare
depuration of these chemicals from systems occurs slowly, in a agents. It is unwise to dismiss the chemical warfare nerve gases
matter of a few weeks for chlordane, and months to years for completely as the weapons of a past, more barbaric era, because it
aldrin/dieldrin, DDT, and others (Laben et al., 1965; Ecobichon is known that at least one country has stocks of a number of these
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stimulus for a search for analogs more selective in their toxicity to

target species and less toxic to nontarget organisms, including
wildlife, domestic stock, and humans.
The first pesticidal carbamic acid esters were synthesized in
the 1930s and were marketed as fungicides. Since these aliphatic
esters possessed poor insecticidal activity, interest lay dormant un-
til the mid-1950s, when renewed interest in insecticides having an-
ticholinesterase activity but reduced mammalian toxicity led to the
synthesis of several potent aryl esters of methylcarbamic acid. The
insecticidal carbamates were synthesized on purely chemical
grounds as analogs of the drug physostigmine, a toxic anti-
cholinesterase alkaloid extracted from the seeds of the plant
Physostigma venenosum, the Calabar bean.

Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning Although their structures are

diverse in nature, the mechanism by which the organophosphorus
and carbamate ester insecticides elicit their toxicity is idential and
is associated with the inhibition of the nervous tissue acetyl-
Figure 22-10. The basic backbone structures of the two types of anti- cholinesterase (AChE), the enzyme responsible the the destruction
cholinesterase-class insecticides, the organophosphorus and carbamate and termination of the biological activity of the neurotransmitter
esters. acetylcholine (ACh). With the accumulation of free, unbound ACh
at the nerve endings of all cholinergic nerves, there is continual
stimulation of electrical activity. The signs of toxicity include those
agents (Fig. 22-11) (Clement, 1994; Gee, 1992). The physico- resulting from stimulation of the muscarinic receptors of the
chemical and toxicologic properties of these agents have been re- parasympathetic autonomic nervous system (increased secretions,
viewed (Sidell, 1992; Somani et al., 1992). Sarin (O-isopropyl bronchoconstriction, miosis, gastrointestinal cramps, diarrhea, uri-
methylphosphonofluoridate) was used in Iraq against Kurdish vil- nation, bradycardia); those resulting from the parasympathetic di-
lages in northern Iraq in 1988 and residues of isopropyl visions of the autonomic nervous system as well as the junctions
methylphosphonic acid were found in soil samples along with between nerves and muscles (causing tachycardia, hypertension,
minute traces of sarin (Webb, 1993). These potent agents should muscle fasciculation, tremors, muscle weakness, and/or flaccid
not be ignored, since they are relatively easy to manufacture in paralysis); and those resulting from effects on the CNS (restless-
small amounts and have been the toxicants of choice of terrorists ness, emotional liability, ataxia, lethargy, mental confusion, loss of
in at least two documented attacks in Japan, in Matsumoto on June memory, generalized weakness, convulsion, cyanosis, coma)
27, 1994 (Morita et al., 1995), and in the Tokyo subway on March (Table 22-7).
20, 1995 (Masuda et al., 1995; Nazaki and Aikowa, 1995; Nazaki The classic picture of anticholinesterase insecticide intoxica-
et al., 1995; Suzuki et al., 1995). The acute and chronic toxicologic tion, first described by DuBois (DuBois, 1948; DuBois et al., 1949),
effects of these incidents are discussed below. has become more complicated in recent years by the recognition
Although it is true that all of the organoposphorus esters were of additional and persistent signs of neurotoxicity not previously
derived from “nerve gases” (chemicals such as soman, sarin, and associated with these chemicals. First, and frequently associated
tabun), a fact that the media continually emphasizes, the insecti- with exposure to high concentrations of the insecticides (resulting
cides used today are at least four generations of development away from suicide attempts or drenching with dilute or concentrated
from those highly toxic chemicals. The first organophosphorus es-
ter insecticide to be used commercially was tetraethylpyrophos-
phate (TEPP); although effective, it was extremely, toxic to all
forms of life and chemical stability was a major problem in that
TEPP hydrolyzed readily in the presenced of moisture. Further de-
velopment was directed toward the synthesis of more stable chem-
icals having moderate environmental persistence, giving rise to
parathion (O,O-diethyl-O-p-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate, E-605)
in 1944 and the oxygen analog paraoxon (O,O-diethyl-O-p-nitro-
phenyl phosphate) at a later date. Although these two chemicals
had the properties desired in an insecticide (low volatility, chemi-
cal stability in sunlight and in the presence of water, environmen-
tal persistence for efficacy), they both exhibited a marked mam-
malian toxicy and were unselective with respect to target and
nontarget species. The replacement of DDT with parathion in the
1950s resulted in a series of fatal poisonings and bizarre accidents
arising from the fact that workers did not appreciate that this agent
was far different from the relatively innocuous organochlorine in- Figure 22-11. Structures of the organophosphorus ester chemical war-
secticides with which they were familiar (Ecobichon, 1994a). The fare nerve gases, the forerunners of the organophosphorus ester insecti-
number of severe poisonings attributed to parathion provided the cides.
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Table 22-7
Signs and Symptoms of Anticholinesterase Insecticide Poisoning



Parasympatheic autonomic Exocrine glands Increased salivation, lacrimation, perspiration

(muscarinic receptors) Eyes Miosis (pinpoint and nonreactive), ptosis, blurring of
postganglionic nerve fibers vision, conjunctival injection, “bloody tears”
Gastrointestinal tract Nausea, vomiting, abdominal tightness, swelling and
cramps, diarrhea, tenesmus, fecal incontinence
Respiratory tract Excessive bronchial secretions, rhinorrhea, wheezing,
edema, tightness in chest, bronchospasms, broncho-
constriction, cough, bradypnea, dyspnea
Cardiovascular system Bradycardia, decrease in blood pressure
Bladder Urinary frequency and incontinence
Parasympathetic and sympathetic Cardiovascular system Tachycardia, pallor, increase in blood pressure
autonomic fibers
(nicotinic receptors)
Somatic motor nerve fibers Skeletal muscles Muscle fasciculations (eyelids, fine facial muscles),
(nicotine receptors) cramps, diminished tendon reflexes, generalized muscle
weakness in peripheral and respiratory muscles,
paralysis, flaccid or rigid tone
Restlessness, generalized motor activity, reaction to
acoustic stimuli, tremulousness, emotional lability,
Brain (acetylcholine receptors) Central nervous system Drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue, mental confusion, inability
to concentrate, headache, pressure in head, generalized
Coma with absence of reflexes, tremors, Cheyne-Stokes
respiration, dyspnea, convulsions, depression of
respiratory centers, cyanosis

SOURCE: Ecobichon and Joy, 1982.

chemicals), are effects that may persist for several months follow- tagmus, pyrexia, ataxia, tremor, paresthesia, polyneuritits, paraly-
ing exposure and may involve neurobehavioral, cognitive, and sis, speech difficulty (slurring), loss of memory, insomnia, som-
neuromuscular functions (Marrs, 1993; Ecobichon, 1994a; Jamal, nambulism, excessive dreaming, drowsiness, lassitude, generalized
1997; Ecobichon, 1998b). One author describes this as a chronic weakness, emotional liability, mental confusion, difficulty in con-
organophosphate-induced neuropsychiatric disorder (COPIND) centration, restlessness, anxiety, depression, dissociation, and
(Jamal, 1997). The first evidence of this type of syndrome, delayed schizophrenic reactions. Although the results of other studies have
psychopathologic-neurologic lesions, was reported by Spiegelberg been equivocal in their support of such an array of long-term signs
(1963), who had been studying workers involved in the production and symptoms, there is a persistent recurrence of the symptoma-
and handling of the highly toxic nerve gases in Germany during tology in a number of anecdotal and documented reports
World War II. The characteristic symptomatology subdivided these (Ecobichon, 1994a; Marrs, 1993; Jamal, 1997). The literature on
patients into two distinct groups. The first and largest group was potential, suspected, and established sequelae of organophospho-
characterized by persistently lowered vitality and ambition; defec- rus ester insecticide intoxications does not confirm the frequently
tive autonomic regulation leading to cephalalgia and gastrointesti- seen statement that clinical recovery from nonfatal poisoning is al-
nal and cardiovascular symptoms; premature decline in potency ways complete in a few days. Continuous and close observation of
and libido; intolerance to alcohol, nicotine, and various medicines; acutely intoxicated patients for some weeks following their recov-
and an impression of premature aging. The second group, in addi- ery from the initial toxicity and treatment thereof would be neces-
tion to the above symptoms, showed one or more of the following: sary to identify the subtle changes indicated above. The emergency
depressive or subdepressive disorders of vital function; cerebral service physician rarely sees the patient following stabilization and
vegetative (syncopal) attacks; slight or moderate amnestic or de- initial “recovery.” Definitive examples in which such observation
mential effects; and slight organoneurologic defects. These symp- has been possible are few, but one such fortuitous case illustrates
toms developed and persisted for some 5 to 10 years following what can be achieved if there is close follow-up (Ecobichon et al.,
exposure to these most toxic organophosphorus esters during the 1977).
war years. The controversial paper of Gershon and Shaw (1961), While most clinical manifestations of acute poisoning are re-
a study of 16 cases of pesticide applicators exposed primarily to solved within days to weeks, some symptoms, particularly those
organophosphorus ester insecticides for 10 to 15 years, reported a of a neuropsychological nature, appear to persist for months or
wide range of persistent signs of toxicity, including tinnitus, nys- longer. Complete reviews of this aspect have been published re-
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cently (Ecobichon, 1994a; Jamal, 1997). A 4-month surveillance

of 19 acutely poisoned farm workers revealed many subjective
signs and symptoms (blurred vision, muscle weakness, nausea,
headaches, night sweats) to persist through the study period, ac-
companied by a slow recovery of plasma and erythrocytic
cholinesterases (Whorton and Obrinsky, 1983). Rosenstock and
coworkers (1991) described the neuropsychological testing of 36
poisoned Nicaraguan agricultural workers some 2 years postexpo-
sure, reporting that the poisoned group did much worse than con-
trols on all subtests, with significantly worse performance on five
of six subtests in the World Health Organization (WHO) neu-
ropsychological test battery and on three of six additional tests that
assessed verbal and visual attention, visual memory, visuomotor
speed, sequencing and problem solving, motor steadiness, and dex-
terity (Ecobichon, 1998b). More recent examples of acute intoxi-
cations—e.g. “dippers’ flu” from repeated exposure to organophos-
phorus esters (diazinon, propetamphos, chlorfenvinphos) used in
Figure 22-12. The basic structures and nomenclature of organophos-
sheep dip—have revealed persistent adverse neurophysiological phorus esters, with examples, capable of causing organophosphate-
and psychological/behavioral effects that can be evaluated by suit- induced delayed neurotoxicity (OPIDN).
able test batteries (Cook, 1992; Murray et al., 1992; Sims, 1992;
Stephens et al., 1995; Beach et al., 1996; Stephens et al., 1996).
As has been seen with signs and symptoms in acute intoxications,
those afflicted did not show adverse responses to all test battery bits, dogs, monkeys, calves) but also demonstrated that only one
parameters; only some responses were significantly different from of the three isomers found in commercial tri-tolyl phosphate, the
normal-range values. However, such poisoning incidents have pro- ortho-isomer, was responsible for the toxicity (Smith and Lillie,
gressed from an anecdotal stage to a testable basis, with refined 1931). The initial flaccidity, characterized by muscle weakness in
test parameters revealing subtle but distinct changes in memory, the arms and legs—giving rise to a clumsy shuffling gait—was re-
academic and motor skills, abstraction, and flexibility in thinking placed by spasticity, hypertonicity, hyperreflexia, clonus, and ab-
(Ecobichon, 1998b). normal reflexes, indicative of damage to the pyramidal tracts and
A second distinct manifestation of exposure to organophos- a permanent upper motor neuron syndrome (Ecobichon, 1994a). In
phorus ester insecticides has been described by clinicians in Sri many patients, recovery was limited to the arms and hands and
Lanka involved in the treatment of suicide attempts (Senanayake damage to the lower extremities (foot drop, spasticity, and hyper-
and Karalliedde, 1987). This paralytic condition, called the inter- active reflexes) was permanent, suggesting damage to the spinal
mediate syndrome, consisted of a sequence of neurologic signs that cord (Moregan and Penovich 1978), Recent studies have demon-
appeared some 24 to 96 h after the acute cholinergic crisis but be- strated that other commercial triarylphosphates (flame retardants
fore the expected onset of delayed neuropathy, the major effect be- in lubricants and plastics) did not elicit significant OPIDN-type
ing muscle weakness, primarily affecting muscles innervated by neurotoxicity at the maximum dose of 2000 mg/kg (Weiner and
the cranial nerves (neck flexors, muscles of respiration) as well as Jortner, 1999). An OPIDN-type neuropathy occurred with an ex-
those of the limbs. Cranial nerve palsies were common. There was perimental organophosphorus ester insecticide, mipafox, following
a distinct risk of death during this time interval because of respi- an accident in a manufacturing pilot plant. Details of the effects
ratory depression and distress that required urgent ventilatory sup- on two of the workers were described by Bidstrup and coworkers
port and was not responsive to atropine or oximes. The chemicals (1953) and Ecobichon (1994a). The poisoning of water buffalo in
involved in these distinctive intoxications included fenthion, the early 1970s in Egypt by a phosphonate insecticide, leptophos,
dimethoate, monocrotophos, and methamidophos. There were no revealed a neurologic syndrome similar to that observed following
obvious clinical differences during the acute intoxication phase in exposure to TOTP (Abou-Donia, 1981). There was also evidence
those patients who developed the intermediate syndrome and oth- of leptophos-induced neuropathies among workers in a manufac-
ers who did not, and all patients were treated in the same manner. turing plant in the United States, but the controversial observations
A third syndrome, that of organophosphate-induced delayed were obscured by concomitant exposure of the workers to n-hexane,
neurotoxicity (OPIDN), is caused by some phosphate, phospho- another neurotoxic chemical (Xintaris et al., 1978).
nate, and phosphoramidate esters, very few of which have ever A number of organophosphorus insecticides—including
been used as insecticides (Fig. 22-12). Historically, this syndrome omethoate, trichloronate, trichlorfon, parathion, methamidophos,
has been known for almost 100 years and has been associated with fenthion, and chlorpyrifos—have been implicated in causing
the chemical tri-o-tolyl phosphate (TOTP) (Ecobichon, 1994a). The OPIDN in humans (Abou-Donia and Lapadula, 1990). However,
first major epidemic of OPIDN occurred during the prohibition it should be emphasized that these incidents all involved accidental
years in the United States, resulting from the consumption of a par- or suicidal exposure to excessively high levels. Concern that many
ticular brand of alcoholic extract of Jamaican ginger contaminated of the over 200 organophosphorus ester insecticides in use might
or adulterated with mixed tolyl phosphate esters. The syndrome, cause this unique neuropathy has resulted in an intensive study of
affecting some 20,000 individuals to varying degrees, was known the syndrome, the identification of the most susceptible species (the
as ginger jake paralysis or jake leg and was studied in detail by hen and the cat), the development of standard protocols to test all
Maurice Smith of the U.S. Public Health Service. He not only con- insecticides, and at least a partial elucidation of the mechanisms
firmed that the condition could be reproduced in animals (e.g., rab- by which agents elicit this condition. Histologic examination of the
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nervous systems of hens treated with a suitable agent [e.g., TOTP, icity. The most apparent reasons are that (1) carbamate insecticides
O,O-diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate (DFP), mipafox, leptophos] are reversible inhibitors of nervous tissue AChE, unlike most of
has revealed a wallerian “dying-back” degeneration of large- the organophosphorus esters (see below, “Mechanism of Toxic Ac-
diameter axons and their myelin sheaths in distal parts of the pe- tion”) and (2) they are rapidly biotransformed in vivo. Despite the
ripheral nerves and of long spinal cord tracts—the rostral ends of extensive toxicologic short-term toxicity following acute adminis-
ascending tracts and the distal ends of descending tracts (Cavanagh, tration, carbamate insecticide toxicity has been reported in humans
1954; Sprague and Bickford, 1981). At autopsy, examination of an and fatalities have occurred (Ecobichon, 1994b; Hayes, 1982, Feld-
unfortunate victim who died 15 months after the sarin attack in the man, 1999). Invariably, these serious poisonings have involved car-
Tokyo subway revealed moderate-to-severe fiber loss in the sural baryl and have occurred as a consequence of accidental or pur-
and sciatic nerves with little effect in the CNS, results consistent poseful (suicidal) exposure to high concentrations (Hayes, 1982;
with the dying-back degeneration of the PNS described above Cranmer, 1986). Information on the incidences of human intoxi-
(Himuro et al., 1998). Surviving victims also showed a higher fre- cation by carbaryl can be found in the Carbaryl Decision Docu-
quency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in peripheral blood ment (EPA, 1980). For the period 1966–1980, a total of 195 hu-
lymphocytes (Li et al., 1998). Biochemical studies have demon- man intoxication cases were reported (3 fatalities, 16 hos-
strated that the above-mentioned agents inhibit a neuronal, non- pitalizations, and 176 cases receiving medical attention). A single
specific carboxylesterase, neuropathic target esterase (NTE), which oral dose of 250 mg of carbaryl (2.8 mg/kg body weight) is suffi-
appears to have some, as yet unknown, role in lipid metabolism in cient to elicit moderately severe poisoning in an adult man (Cran-
neurons (Johnson, 1982). If acute exposure to an appropriate mer, 1986). Moderate but transient toxicity has also been observed
organophosphorus ester results in 70 percent inhibition of NTE, following exposure to a few of the more potent carbamate ester in-
the characteristic OPIDN usually follows, with ataxia being ob- secticides methomyl (Lannate) and propoxur (Baygon) (Fandekar
served some 7 to 14 days following treatment and progression to et al., 1968, 1971; Liddle et al., 1979). More recently the illegal
moderate to severe muscular weakness and paralysis with con- use of aldicarb (Temik), a very acutely toxic carbamate ester, on
comitant changes in neuronal morphology (Johnson, 1982; Slott watermelons in California and on English cucumbers in British Co-
and Ecobichon, 1984). It is the considered opinion of many inves- lumbia, Canada, resulted in moderate to severe toxicity in con-
tigators that many of the commonly used phosphate and phospho- sumers of these products, with signs and symptoms including nau-
rothioate ester insecticides might be capable of causing this sea, vomiting, gastrointestinal cramps, and diarrhea (Goldman et
syndrome if only sufficient concentrations of the agents could be al., 1990a,b).
attained in vivo. However, taking paraoxon as an example of such While there is little evidence of prolonged neurotoxicity after
a phosphate ester, the animal(s) would either die as a consequence exposure to carbamate ester insecticides, this statement should be
of other acute toxic effects or would rapidly detoxify the agent, made cautiously because the signal danger appears to involve acute
thereby preventing the acquisition of sufficient paraoxon to inhibit single exposures to massive doses or at least repeated exposures
NTE. There also appear to be subtle structure-activity relationships to large doses. Examining a number of carbamate (aldicarb,
between organophosphorus esters and the active site on the NTE methomyl) intoxications in children and adults, Lifshitz et al.
protein, because many phosphate esters are not good inhibitors of (1997) discovered that the predominant symptoms in adults were
NTE (Ohkawa et al., 1980; Abou-Donia, 1981). Conversely, while miosis and muscle fasciculations, while the children were more
the nerve gases cause a marked inhibition of NTE, the exposed an- likely to reveal CNS effects (stupor and/or coma) in addition to di-
imals do not develop OPIDN, suggesting that NTE inhibition may arrhea and hypotension. The authors suggested that the blood-brain
not be obligatory (Johnson et al., 1985, Lotti, 1992; Marrs, 1993; barrier was more permeable in the children.
Jamal, 1997). It should be emphasized that although NTE inhibi- Bizarre anecdotal cases exist that are contrary to everything
tion remains a useful function for monitoring the potential of that we know about carbamates. One case, that of a farmer who
organophosphorus esters to induce OPIDN, the role of this enzyme hand-sprayed a vegetable garden with a water-wettable formula-
in the initiation of the syndrome remains unknown and histopatho- tion of carbaryl, drenching himself in the process, developed a
logic evidence is a requirement of the U.S. EPA protocol. How- chronic polyneuropathy, persistent photophobia and paresthesia,
ever, a recently reported poisoning by methamidophos proved that recent memory loss, muscular weakness, fatigue, and lassitude
lymphocyte NTE inhibition was predictive of the subsequent (Ecobichon, 1994b). The case study presented by Branch and Jacqz
OPIDN, the level of activity increasing from 3.1 to 13.3 (1986) developed into a persistent, stocking-and-glove peripheral
nmol/min/mg protein between day 3 after poisoning and day 52 neuropathy accompanied by mental confusion and weakness in ma-
(McConnell et al., 1999). Interestingly, serum autoantibodies (IgM, jor skeletal muscle groups, with fasciculations and cerebral atro-
IgG) to glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), myelin basic protein phy. Grendon et al. (1994) presented long-term observations of a
(MBP), and cytoskeletal elements increased immediately after poi- group of men who had been exposed acutely to aldicarb, several
soning in this case and persisted to day 52, suggesting that these experiencing symptoms 3 years after the initial severe intoxication.
parameters might be useful markers. Two noninsecticidal Feldman (1999) conducted extensive neurologic and psychologi-
organophosphorus esters, the tri-S-alkyl defoliant S,S,S-tributyl cal investigations on three individuals exposed accidentally to aeri-
phosphorotrithioite (Merphos) and its oxidation product, S,S,S-trib- ally applied carbaryl some three to five years before. Their per-
utyl phosphorotrithioate (DEF), have been implicated in produc- sisting subjective symptoms were confirmed by peripheral nerve
ing OPIDN in at least one agricultural worker and cause a char- conduction studies, electromyography, and neuropsychological
acteristic delayed neurotoxicity in hens (Abou-Donia and assessment, both peripheral and central impairment being
Lapadula, 1990). documented.
The signs and symptoms of acute intoxication by carbamate There is evidence in animal studies, albeit at near toxic doses,
insecticides are similar to those described for organophosphorus of a wallerian-type degeneration of spinal cord tracts in rabbits and
compounds, differing only in the duration and intensity of the tox- hens following treatment with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
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(Edingon and Howell, 1969). Carbaryl, when fed to hogs (150 decarbamylation of the inhibited enzyme with the generation of
mg/kg per day for 72 or 83 days), caused a rear leg paralysis, min- free, active enzyme (Fig. 22-13). Carbamic acid esters are nothing
imal at rest but, when the animals were forced to move, resulting more than poor substrates for the cholinesterase-type enzymes.
in marked incoordination, ataxia, tremors, clonic muscle contrac- When the concept of the interaction between organophos-
tions, and prostration, with histologic evidence of lesions in the phorus and carbamic esters with AChE is presented in another man-
CNS and in skeletal muscle (Smalley et al., 1969). Carbamate es- ner (Table 22-8), one can see that the only distinctive difference
ter insecticides do no inhibit NTE or elicit OPIDN-type neurotox- between the two anticholinesterase-type insecticides lies in the rate
icity. Behavioral changes have been noted in a number of animal at which the dephosphorylation or decarbamylation takes place.
studies following the subchronic or chronic administration of dif- The rate is exceedingly slow for organophosphorus esters, so much
ferent carbamate insecticides (Santalucito and Morrison, 1971; so that the enzyme is frequently considered to be irreversibly in-
Desi et al., 1974). hibited. The rate of decarbamylation is sufficiently rapid that these
esters are often considered to be reversible inhibitors with low
Mechanism of Toxic Action Although the anticholinesterase- turnover rates. The characteristics of the various rate constants for
type insecticides have a common mode of action, there are signif- the natural substrate (ACh), organophosphorus, and carbamylation
icant difference between organophosphorus and carbamate esters. esters are shown in Table 22-8. It is important to appreciate that
The reaction between and organophosphorus ester and the active the rate at which step 3 proceeds is thousands of times slower with
site in the AChE protein (a serine hydroxyl group) results in the carbamate esters than with ACh, whereas with organophosphorus
formation of a transient intermediate complex that partially hy- esters it is several orders of manitude slower (Ecobichon, 1979).
drolyzes with the loss of the “Z” substituent group, leaving a sta- This subject has been extensively reviewed by Aldridge and Reiner
ble, phosphorylated, and largely unreactive inhibited enzyme that, (1972). A number of organophosphorus (phosphate, phosphonate,
under normal circumstances, can be reactivated only at a very slow and phosphoramidate) esters (Fig. 22-12)—the chemical warfare
rate (Fig. 22-13). With many organophosphorus ester insecticides, agents sarin, soman, and tabun, and a few other compounds such
an irreversibly inhibited enzyme is formed, and the signs and symp- as DFP, mipafox, and leptophos—have the ability to bind tena-
toms of intoxication are prolonged and persistent, requiring vigor- ciously to the active site of AChE and NTE to produce an irre-
ous medical intervention including the reactivation of the enzyme versibly inhibited enzyme by a mechanism known as aging. The
with specific chemical antidotes (see “Treatment of Poisoning,” be- aging process is dependent on the size and configuration of the
low, this section). Without intervention, the toxicity will persist alkyl (R) substituent, with the potency of the ester increasing in
until sufficient quantities of “new” AChE are synthesized in 20 to the order of diethyl, dipropyl, and dibutyl for such analogs as DFP
30 days to destroy efficiently the excess neurotransmitter. The na- and mipafox (Aldridge and Johnson, 1971). The aging process is
ture of the substituent groups at “X,” “Y,” and “Z” plays an im- generally accepted as being caused by the dealkylation of the in-
portant role in the specificity for the enzyme, the tenacity of bind- termediate dialkylphosphorylated enzymes by one of two possible
ing to the active site, and the rate at which the phosphorylated mechanisms (Fig. 22-14). The first involves the hydrolysis of a
enzyme dissociates to produce free enzyme. More recently intro- P–O bond following a nucleophile (base) attack on the phospho-
duced organophosphorus esters (acephate, temephos, dichlorvos, rus atom. The second mechanism involves the hydrolysis of an
trichlorfon) are less tenacious inhibitors of nervous tissue AChE, O–C bond by an acid catalysis, resulting in the formation of a car-
the phosphorylated enzyme being more readily and spontaneously bonium ion as the leaving group (O’Brien, 1960; Eto, 1974;
dissociated. Johnson, 1982). The aging process is believed to fix an extra charge
In contrast, carbamic acid esters, which attach to the reactive to the protein, causing some perturbation to the active site and
site of the AChE, undergo hydrolysis in two stages: the first stage thereby preventing dephosphorylation. While the exact nature of
is the removal of the “X” substituent (an aryl or alkyl group) with this reaction has not been demonstrated for AChE and NTE, evi-
the formation of a carbamylated enzyme; the second stage is the dence from experiments with saligenin cyclic phosphorus esters
(derivatives of TOTP) and -chymotrypsin points to the possibil-
ity of two stabilized forms of “aged” enzyme (Toia and Casida,
1979). Both of the reactions utilize the imidazole group of a neigh-
boring histidine. In one reaction, the hydroxylated substituent is
released and the phosphorylated enzyme is stabilized by a hydro-
gen on the imidazole group. In the other reaction, the leaving sub-
stituent becomes attached to the imidazole, yielding a N–C-hy-
droxylated derivative of the phospyhorylated enzyme. Johnson
(1982) proposed that, in the case of NTE, if one or two of the P–R
bonds were P–O–C (as in phosphates and phosphonates), aging
would occur rapidly, whereas if the P–R bonds were P–C (as in
phosphinates), aging would not be possible.
A number of acute, high-level exposures and intoxications by
organophosphorus and carbamate esters have resulted in persistent
CNS effects as well as debilitating muscle weakness, particularly
Figure 22-13. The interaction between an organophosphorus or carba-
mate ester with the serine hydroxyl groups in the active site of the en- in the legs, that cannot be explained on the basis of nervous tissue
zyme acetylcholinesterase (E-OH). The intermediate, unstable complexes AChE inhibition alone. One hypothesis has been put forward that
formed before the release of the “leaving” groups (ZH and XOH) are not the excessive amount of undestroyed acetylcholine (ACh) may be
shown. The dephosphorylation or decarbamoylation of the inhibited en- involved by an action at nicotinic (nAChR) and muscarinic
zyme is the rate-limiting step to forming free enzymes. (mAChR) acetylcholine receptors (Ecobichon, 1994a). As shown
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Table 22-8
Kinectics of Ester Hydrolysis

1k1) (k2) (k3)

Substrates Small Extremely Extremely

fast fast
Organophosphorus Small Moderately Slow or
esters fast extremely
Carbamate esters Small Slow Slow

SOURCE: Ecobichon, 1979.

in Fig. 22-15, the ACh accumulating at nAChR would elicit stim- hibition causes muscle hyperactivity as an initial step that triggers
ulation of the neuromuscular junctions, causing fasciculations free radical–induced lipid peroxidation before muscle injury (Yang
(repetitive stimulation) followed by a depolarizing blockade if the and Dettbarn, 1996; Yang et al., 1996). More recent studies, con-
ACh levels remained elevated, leading subsequently to a desensi- ducted at the level of brain mAChR and nAChR, have demonstrated
tization process with a more or less permanent reduction in nAChR that organophosphorus esters (soman, VX, DFP, parathion,
numbers and causing the persistent muscle weakness observed paraoxon, chlorpyrifos) bind to both receptor types, particularly if
through a lack of response to stimuli. Support for this hypothesis the circulatory concentrations are in the micromolar range as would
has been seen in studies revealing chronic abnormal electromyo- be encountered in poisoning cases, resulting in desensitization
graphic (EMG) activity in human intoxications by anti- (Bakry et al., 1988; Eldefrawi et al., 1988; Huff et al., 1994; Katz
cholinesterase insecticides, the details of which can be found in et al., 1997). There is also evidence of differential down-regulation
Ecobichon (1994a) and Feldman (1999). An alternative theory of nAChR subtypes through reduction of messenger RNA expres-
bears examination. sion in rat brain following repeated injections of parathion (Jett et
In an acute tabun study in rats, necrotic diaphragmatic mus- al., 1993, 1994; Ward and Mundy, 1996). Adult mice, exposed to
cle was observed, the effect being prevented by sectioning the DFP on postnatal day 3 or 10, showed decreases in brain nAChR
phrenic nerve to a portion of the diaphragm (Ariens et al., 1969).
Similar diaphragmatic damage has been observed in human poi-
sonings (DeRueck and Willens, 1975; Wecker et al., 1986). Early Excessive
work by Dettbarn and colleagues demonstrated that close intra- ACh
muscular injections of parathion or paraoxon resulted in a skeletal
myopathy accompanied by necrosis of the nerve terminal mem-
brane and of the underlying muscle (summarized in Ecobichon,
1994a). There is evidence that organophosphate-induced AChE in-

Stimulation Fasciculations

Blockade Paralysis


of Receptor Numbers

Persistent Muscle Weakness

Neuromuscular Junction
Damage or Necrosis
Figure 22-15. A schematic diagram illustrating the impact of excessive
Figure 22-14. A schematic diagram illustrating two mechanisms by concentrations of acetylcholine (ACh) on muscarinic and nicotinic acetyl-
which the “aging” of organophosphorus ester–inhibited acetyl- choline receptors in order to explain neuromuscular weakness and dam-
cholinesterase may occur. See text for details. age.
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density as well as significant alterations in spontaneous motor be- phase II processes conjugate the polar phase I metabolites with
havior (Ahlbom et al., 1995). some natural body substituent to form a product with enhanced
Can the carbamate esters induce muscle damage and receptor water solubility and excretability. The biotransformation of anti-
alterations through mechanisms involving ACh, direct binding to cholinesterase-type insecticides has been extensively reviewed in
receptors, or through receptor expression? The repeated injection the literature and the reader is referred to such sources as O’Brien
of such reversible anticholinesterase carbamates as physostigmine (1967), Menzie (1969), Eto (1974), Kulkarni and Hodgson (1984),
or neostigmine has produced myopathies qualitatively similar to and Matsumura (1985) for details on the various mechanisms
those produced by paraoxon, possibly supporting the ACh-related involved.
theory (Wecker et al., 1978). Skeletal muscle lesions (myodegen- Organophosphorus esters undergo simultaneous oxidative bio-
eration, vacuolization) were observed in swine fed carbaryl over a transformation at a number of points in the molecule (Fig. 22-16),
period of 80 days (Smalley et al., 1969). The peripheral neu- the enzymes utilizing the ubiquitous cytochrome P450 isoenzyme
ropathy of a carbaryl-exposed elderly male has been described system. One reaction, that of oxidative desulfuration of phospho-
(Branch and Jacqz, 1986). Some interesting experiments could be rothioate (parathion, methyl parathion, fenitrothion, etc.) and phos-
performed with some of the more potent carbamate insecticides. phorodithioate (azinophos methyl, malathion, etc.) esters, results
in a significant increase in the toxicity of the biotransformation
Biotransformation, Distribution, and Storage Both the products, oxygen analogs (mechanism 1). This reaction is a major
organophosphorus and carbamate ester insecticides undergo ex- obligatory pathway in ester detoxification in mammals equipped
tensive biotransformation in all forms of life. Both the route(s) and with tissue aryl and aliphatic hydrolases (mechanism 8), whereas
the rate(s) of metabolism are highly species-specific and depend- insects are deficient in these enzymes, making them more suscep-
ent on the substituent chemical groups attached to the basic “back- tible. Dealkylation with the formation of an aldehyde occurs read-
bone” structure of these esters (Fig. 22-10). Tissue enzymes of both ily (mechanism 2), but this pathway does not function efficiently
phase I (oxidative, reductive, hydrolytic) and phase II (transfer or when the alkyl group becomes longer. Dearylation occurs with the
conjugative reactions with glutathione, glucuronic acid, glycine, formation of a phenol and either a dialkylphosphoric or di-
and so forth) types are founds in a widespread pattern in plant, in- alkylphosphorothioic acid (mechanism 3). The cytochrome system
vertebrate, and vertebrate species and, indeed, are responsible for can also catalyze (1) aromatic ring hydroxylation (mechanism 4);
some aspects of the species sensitivity and/or both natural and (2) thioether oxidation (mechanism 5); (3) deamination; (4) alkyl
acquired restance to many of these insecticides. The phase I detox- and N-hydroxylation; (5) N-oxide formation; and (6) N-dealkyla-
ification processes usually form reactive metabolites, whereas tion. A number of transferases use glutathione (gamma-glutamyl-

Figure 22-16. A schematic diagram depicting the various phase I and II biotransformation pathways of an
organophosphorus ester and the nature of the products formed as a consequence of oxidative, hydrolytic,
GSH-mediated transfer and conjugation of intermediates in mammals. See text for details.
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L-cysteinyl glycine, GSH) as a cofactor and acceptor for O-alkyl tions involving cytochrome P450 – related monooxygenases can
(methyl) and O-aryl groups (mechanisms 6 and 7) to yield proceed, the ultimate products being considerably more polar than
monodesmethyl products plus S-methylglutathione or aryl-glu- the parent insecticide. The extent of hydrolysis of carbamate ester
tathione derivatives plus the respective phosphoric or phospho- insecticides varies greatly between species, ranging from 30 to
rothioic acids. 95 percent hydrolysis. The type of oxidative reactions observed
Hydrolysis of phosphoric and phosphorothioic acid ester oc- with carbamate esters can be simplified into two main groups: (1)
curs via a number of different tissue hydrolases (nonspecific car- direct ring hydroxylation (mechanism 2) and (2) oxidation of
boxylesterases, arylesterases, phosphorylphosphatases, phospho- appropriate side chains as is shown for this “mythical” methylcar-
triesteraes, carboxyamidases) scattered ubiquitously throughout the bamate, resulting in the hydroxylation of N-methyl groups or
plant and animal kingdoms, with activity being highly dependent methyl groups to form hydroxymethyl groups (mechanism 3),
on the nature of the substituents (Ecobichon, 1979). Slight struc- N-demethylation of secondary and tertiary amines (mechanism 4),
tural modifications to substituents on the insecticide molecule can O-dealkylation of alkoxy side chains (mechanism 5), thioether
dramatically alter the specificity of these enzymes toward an oxidation (mechanism 6), and so forth. Phase II conjugative reac-
agent and affect species selectivity. The arylesterases [aromatic or tions can occur at any free reactive grouping with glucuronide and
A-esterases (ArE), EC] preferentially hydrolyze aryl sulfate derivatives (mechanism 7), and GSH conjugates (mercap-
(phenol, naphtol, indole) esters of short-chain aliphatic or phos- turates) may be formed (mechanism 8). For a comprehensive ex-
phorus acids, particulary if there is a double bond present in the position of the various mechanisms involved, the reader is referred
alcohol moiety in position  with respect to the ester bond (mech- to those reviews mentioned above, this section, as well as to
anism 8). Carboxylesterases [carboxylic acid ester hydrolases (CE), pertinent articles by Ryan (1971), Fukuto (1972), and Kuhr and
EC 3.1.1.] are capable of hydrolyzing a variety of aliphatic and Dorough (1976).
aryl esters of short-chain fatty acids. The most important example
of this reaction involving organophosphorus ester insecticides is Treatment of Poisoning Despite the qualitative and quantita-
with malathion [O,O-dimethyl-S-(1,2-dicarbethoxyethyl) phospho- tive differences between organophosphorus and carbamate insec-
rodithioate], in which one of the two available ethylated carboxylic ticide intoxications, all cases of anticholinesterase poisoning should
ester groups is hydrolyzed to yield malathion (or malaoxon) be treated as serious medical emergencies and the patient should
-monoacids that are biologically inactive (Dauterman and Main, be hospitalized as quickly as possible. The status of the patient
1966). This CE-catalyzed reaction is an important feature of re- should be monitored by repeated analysis of the plasma (serum)
sistance to this insecticide in insects and to tolerance in mammals. cholinesterase and the erythrocyte AChE; the inhibition of the ac-
Potentiation of anticholinergic effects can be produced by the com- tivities of these two enzymes is a good indicator of the severity of
bined administration of certain pairs of organophosphate ester in- organophosphorus ester poisoning, because only the erythrocytic
secticides, such as EPN (O-ethyl-O-p-nitrophenylbenzenethio- AChE is inhibited by carbamate esters (except at excessively high
phosphonate) and malathion (Frawley et al., 1957). The mechanism levels of exposure). As a consequence of the extensive involvement
for this effect involves the inhibition of carboxyesterases by EPN of the entire nervous system, the life-threatening signs (respiratory
(Murphy, 1969, 1972, 1980). Carboxyamidases (acylamide am- depression, bronchospasm, bronchial secretions, pulmonary
diohydrolase, EC, found extensively in plant, insect, and edema, muscular weakness) resulting in hypoxemia will require
vertebrate tissues, are of limited current interest in the degradation immediate artificial respiration and suctioning via an endotracheal
of insecticides; dimethoate (O,O-dimethyl-S-(N-methylcarbamoyl- tube to maintain a patent airway. Arterial blood gases and cardiac
methyl) phosphorodithioate] is the only organophosphorus ester in- function should be monitored.
secticide shown to be hydrolyzed by mammalian tissue amidases The regimen for the treatment of organophosphorus ester in-
(mechanism 9). Phosphorylphosphatases and phosphotriesterases secticide intoxication, based on the analysis of serum pseudo-
have limited involvement in the biotransformation of organophos- cholinesterase, is described in Table 22-9 (Namba et al., 1971;
phorus ester insecticides but play a role in the detoxification of Ecobichon et al., 1977; Marrs, 1993). Atropine is used to counter-
some of the chemical warfare agents. act the initial muscarinic effects of the accumulating neurotrans-
Phase II conjugative reactions are of limited use in the bio- mitter. However, atropine is a highly toxic antidote and great care
transformation of organophosphorus ester insecticides, and they are must be taken. Frequent small doses of atropine (subcutaneously
usually relegated to the task of glucuronidating or sulfating the aro- or intravenously) are indicated for mild signs and symptoms fol-
matic phenols, cresols, and other substances hydrolyzed from the lowing a brief, intense exposure. Large cumulative doses of at-
ester (Yang, 1976). However, one must be wary of these enzyme ropine, up to 50 mg daily, may be essential to control severe mus-
systems because metabolism studies of chlorfenvinphos (2-chloro- carinic symptoms. The status of the patient must be monitored
1-(29,49-dichlorophenyl)vinyl diethylphosphate) revealed the pres- continuously by examining for the disappearance of secretions (dry
ence of glucuronide and glycine conjugates of several products, mouth and nose) and sweating, facial flushing, and mydriasis (di-
whereas studies with trichlorfon (O,O-dimethyl-1-hydroxy-2,2,2- latation of pupils). Supplementary treatment to offset moderate to
trichloroethyl phosphonate) revealed direct glucuronidation of the severe nicotinic and CNS signs and symptoms usually takes the
insecticide without prior biotransformation (Hutson et al., 1967; form of one of the specific antidotal chemicals, the oximes (prali-
Bull, 1972). doxime chloride or 2-PAM, pralidoxime methanesulfonate or P2S),
Carbamate ester insecticides can undergo simultaneous at- administered intravenously to reactivate the inhibited nervous tis-
tack at several points in the molecule, depending on the nature of sue AChE. The use of oximes may not be necessary for cases of
the substituents attached to the basic structure. In addition to the mild intoxication and should be reserved for moderate to severe
hydrolysis of the carbamate ester group by tissue CE and the re- poisonings. Treatment by slow intravenous infusion of doses of
lease of a substituted phenol, carbon dioxide, and methylamine 1.0 g should be initiated as soon as possible, because the longer
(Fig. 22-10), (mechanism 1), several oxidative and reductive reac- the interval between exposure and treatment, the less effective the
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Table 22-9
Classification and Treatment of Organophosphorus Insecticide Poisoning Based on Plasma Pseudocholinesterase Activity


Mild 20–50 1.0 mg SC 1.0 g IV over 20 to 30 min

Moderate 10–20 1.0 mg IV every 20 to 30 min 1.0 g IV over 20 to 30 min
until sweating and salivation
disappear and slight flush and
mydriasis appear
Severe 10 5.0 mg IV every 20 to 30 min 1.0 g IV as above. If no improvement,
until sweating and salivation administer another 1.0 g IV. If no
disappear and slight flush improvement, start IV infusion at
and mydriasis appear 0.5 g/h
SOURCE: Ecobichon et al., 1977.

oxime will be. In many poisonings, a single treatment with prali- nucleophilic oxygen would be positioned close to the electrophilic
doxime will be sufficient to elicit a reversal of the signs and symp- phosphorus atom. These structure-activity requirements led to the
toms and to reduce the amount of atropine needed. In severe poi- development of the pralidoxime compounds, with the syn-isomer
soning cases, a prodigious amount of pralidoxime may be needed. of 2-PAM (2-formyl-N-methylpyridinium chloride oxime) being
If absorption, distribution, and/or metabolism of the organophos- particularly active (Childs et al., 1955; Askew, 1956; Kewitz and
phorus ester is delayed in the body, pralidoxime may be adminis- Wilson, 1956; Namba and Hiraki, 1958). The reaction of 2-PAM
tered repeatedly over several days after the initial treatment. Care with the phosphorylated enzyme proceeds as shown in Fig. 22-17.
should be taken with repeated dosing because pralidoxime effec- The reactivation is an equilibrium reaction, the oxime react-
tively binds calcium ions and causes muscle spasms not unlike ing either with the phosphorylated enzyme or with free, unbound
those elicited by the organophosphorus esters. Severe muscle organophosphorus ester, and the product is a phosphorylated oxime
cramping, particularly in the extremities, may be alleviated by oral which in itself can be a potent cholinesterase inhibitor if it is sta-
or intravenous calcium solutions (Ecobichon et al., 1977). ble in an aqueous medium (Schoene, 1972). In general, the phos-
The therapeutic action of the oxime compounds resides in phorylated oxime degrades quickly in water.
their capacity to reactivate AChE without contributing markedly A practical limitation on the usefulness of oxime reactivators
toxic actions of their own. Those organophosphorus esters that pos- lies in the inability of these agents to reactivate “aged” AChE, that
sess good “leaving groups” (i.e., the “X” moiety) phosphorylate enzyme in which the phosphorylated enzyme has been further
the nervous tissue AChE by a mechanism similar to that of acety- dealkylated and the phosphoryl group becomes tightly bound to
lation by the substrate ACh. These esters are frequently called the reactive site (see Fig. 22-14). Success with the pyridinium
irreversible inhibitors because the hydrolysis of the phosphorylated analogs led to an intensive search for more effective oximes and
enzyme by water is exceedingly slow (Table 22-8). However, var- the discovery of the bispyridinium compounds toxogonin or
ious nucleophilic agents containing a substituted ammonium group obidoxime [bis(4-formyl-N-methylpyridinium oxime) ether dichlo-
will dephosphorylate the phosphorylated enzyme at a much more ride], TMB-4 [N,N-trimethylene bis(pyridine-4-aldoxime) bro-
rapid rate than water. The basic requirements for a reactivating mol- mide], and, more recently, the H-series compounds. However, these
ecule consist of a rigid structure containing a quaternary ammo- agents are not without toxicity and only pralidoxime and toxogo-
nium group and an acidic nucleophile, which would be comple- nin have seen extensive antidotal use (Engelhard and Erdmann,
mentary with the phosphorylated enzyme, in such a way that the 1964; Steinberg et al., 1977).

Figure 22-17. The pralidoxime-catalyzed reactivation of an organo-phosphate-inhibited molecule of acetyl-

cholinesterase, showing the release of active enzyme and the formation of an oxime-phosphate complex.
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With the apparent availability of organophosphorus nerve far exceeded the limited world production, leading chemists to fo-
gases and their known ability to form rapidly aging complexes with cus attention on the synthesis of new analogs, hopefully with bet-
AChE, the relative ineffectiveness of atropine and pralidoxime in ter stability in light and air, better persistence, more selectivity in
such poisonings must be taken into account when the treatment of target species, and low mammalian toxicity. In addition to exten-
individuals exposed to these agents is confronted (Koplovitz et al., sive agricultural use, the synthetic pyrethroids are components of
1992; Webb, 1993; Clement, 1994). Toxogonin (obidoxime household sprays, flea preparations for pets, plant sprays for home
chloride) appears to be effective in tabun poisoning while, of the and greenhouse use, and other applications. For an in-depth dis-
H-series of bis-pyridinium monooximes, HI-6 appears to be effi- cussion of the development of the pyrethroid ester insecticides,
cacious in soman and cyclohexylmethyl phosphorofluoridate their chemistry, and their biological activity, the reader is referred
(CMPF, or CF) poisonings. However, despite striking therapeutic to Elliott (1976), Cremlyn (1978), Casida et al. (1983), Leahey
effects, the issue is clouded by the fact that little reactivation of (1985), Matsumura (1985), Narahashi (1985), Narahashi et al.
erythrocytic or brain AChE occurs (Kusic et al., 1991; Shih, 1993). (1985), and Joy (1994b).
The clinical treatment of carbamate toxicity is similar to that Natural pyrethrum consists of a mixture of six esters derived
for organophosphorus ester insecticide intoxication with the ex- from two acids (chrysanthemic, pyrethric) and three alcohols
ception that the use of oximes is contraindicated. Early reports, in (pyrethrolol, cinerolol, jasmolol), producing an effective contact
which pralidoxime or toxogonin was used in treating carbaryl in- and stomach poison mixture having both knockdown and lethality.
toxications, revealed that the oxime enhanced the carbaryl-induced When the complex structure was identified, the synthetic esters
toxicity (Sterri et al., 1979; Ecobichon and Joy, 1994). However, were marketed (Fig. 22-18). Distinctive molecular structures con-
the oximes appear to offer some antidotal properties in patients vey selectivity toward certain insect species and in some cases to
exposed to aliphatic oxime carbamates (aldicarb, methomyl) toxicity in mammals. Several of the pyrethroid esters exist in iso-
(Feldman, 1999). meric forms around the cyclopropane nucleus, resulting in dis-
Diazepam (10 mg SC or IV) may be included in the treatment tinctly different toxicities and potencies (Casida et al., 1983).
regimen of all but the mildest cases of organophosphorus and/or
carbamate intoxications. In addition to relieving any mental anxi- Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning Based on the symptoms pro-
ety associated with the exposure, diazepam counteracts some as- duced in animals receiving acute toxic doses, the pyrethroids fall
pects of the CNS and neuromuscular signs that are not affected by into two distinct classes of chemicals (Table 22-10). The type I
atropine. Doses of 10 mg (SC or IV) are appropriate and may be poisoning syndrome or T syndrome is produced by esters lacking
repeated. Other centrally acting drugs that may depress respiration the -cyano substituent and is characterized by restlessness, inco-
are not recommended in the absence of artificial respiration. ordination, prostration, and paralysis in the cockroach, as compared
It is important to appreciate that vigorous treatment of anti- with the rat, which exhibits such signs as sparring and aggressive
cholinesterase-type insecticide intoxications does not offer protec- behavior, enhanced startle response, whole-body tremor, and pros-
tion against the possibility of delayed-onset neurotoxicity or the tration. The type II syndrome, also known as the CS syndrome, is
persistent sensory, cognitive, and motor defects discussed earlier. produced by those esters containing the -cyano substituent and
These deficits, albeit reversible over a long time interval, appear elicits intense hyperactivity, incoordination, and convulsions in
consistently in intoxications and are caused by mechanisms as yet cockroaches, in contrast to rats, which display burrowing behav-
unknown. Certain evidence points to severe damage to the neuro- ior, coarse tremors, clonic seizures, sinuous writhing (choreo-
muscular junctions in skeletal muscle, resulting in a persistent pe- athetosis), and profuse salivation without lacrimation; hence the
ripheral muscular weakness (Wecker et al., 1978).

Pyrethroid Esters A
A major class of insecticides comprises the synthetic pyrethroids, C
a group of chemicals that entered the marketplace in 1980 but, by R1 CH CH O R4
1982, accounted for more than 30 percent of worldwide insecti- C CH C CH
cide usage (Anon., 1977; Vijverberg and van den Bercken, 1982). R2
However, these synthetics arise from a much older class of botan- O R3
ical insecticides, pyrethrum, a mixture of six insecticidal esters
(pyrethrins, cinerins, and jasmolins) extracted from dried B
pyrethrum or chrysanthemum flowers (Chrysanthemum cinerari- N
aefolium, Chrysanthemum coccineum) (Hartley and West, 1969). O C
Although it is believed that the natural pyrethroids were discov-
ered by the Chinese in the first century A.D., the first written ac- R5 C CH
counts of these agents are found in the seventeenth-century litera- CH O R4
ture and commercial preparations made their appearance in the CH
mid-1800s (Neumann and Peter, 1987). Japanese woodblock prints CH3 CH3
from the early 1800s exist in which one can see smoldering in-
Figure 22-18. The basic structures of the synthetic pyrethroid ester in-
secticide coils of pressed pyrethrum powder not unlike those man- secticides showing (A) the intact cyclopropane ring in type I esters, with
ufactured and used today. R1 and R2 (methyl, bromine, chlorine, etc.), R3 (hydrogens or cyano) and
In 1965, the world output of pyrethrum was approximately R4 (3-phenoxybenzoate, other) substituents; and (B) the “open” struc-
20,000 tons, with Kenya alone producing some 10,000 tons ture of type II esters with R4 (3-phenoxybenzoate, other) and R5 (substi-
(Cremlyn, 1978). The ever-increasing demand for this product has tuted phenyl substituents).
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Table 22-10
Classification of Pyrethroid Ester Insecticides on the Basis of Chemical Structure
and Observed Biological Activity

Signs and Symptoms


Type I Restlessness Hyperexcitation Allethrin

(“T” syndrome) Incoordination Sparring Cismethrin
Prostration Aggressiveness Phenothrin
Paralysis Enhanced startle Pyrethrin I
response Resmethrin
Whole-body tremor Tetramethrin
Type II Hyperactivity Burrowing Acrinathrin
(“CS” syndrome) Incoordination Dermal tingling Cycloprothrin
Convulsions Clonic seizures Cyfluthrin
Writhing Cyhalothrin
Profuse salivation Cyphenothrin

term CS (choreoathetosis/salivation) syndrome. A few of these city. There has been little evidence of the allergic-type reactions in
agents, fenpropanthrin, for example, cause a mixture of type I and humans exposed to synthetic pyrethroid esters.
II effects, depending on the species (rat or mouse) treated and pos- One notable form of toxicity associated with synthetic
sibly on the route of administration (Verschoyle and Aldridge, pyrethroids has been a cutaneous paresthesia observed in workers
1980; Gammon et al., 1981; Lawrence and Casida, 1982). The bulk spraying esters containing an -cyano substituent (deltamethrin,
of evidence points to the fact that the type II syndrome involves cypermethrin, fenvalerate). The paresthesia developed several hours
primarily an action in the mammalian CNS, whereas with the type I following exposure and was described as a stinging or burning
syndrome, peripheral nerves are also involved. This hypothesis was sensation on the skin which, in some cases, progressed to a tin-
based initially on the observed symptomatology, but more recent gling and numbness, the effects lasting some 12 to 24 h (LeQuesne
evidence has revealed a correlation between the severity of type II et al., 1980; Tucker and Flannigan, 1983; Zhang et al., 1991).
responses and brain concentrations of deltamethrin in mice, re- Reports have appeared in the literature from the People’s
gardless of the route of administration (Barnes and Verschoyle, Republic of China, where synthetic pyrethroids have been used
1974; Ruzo et al., 1979). Agents eliciting the type II syndrome on a large scale on cotton crops since 1982 (Stuart-Harte, 1988;
have greater potency when injected intracerebrally, relative to in- He et al., 1988, 1989). Associated with the sloppy handling of
traperitoneal injection, than those causing type I syndrome effects deltamethrin and fenvalerate, both of which are type II compounds,
(Lawrence and Casida, 1982). There is no indication of a funda- some 573 cases of acute poisoning have occurred with some 229
mental difference between the mode of action of pyrethroids on cases of occupational exposure. Some 45 cases of intoxication in-
neurons of target and nontarget species, and the neurotoxicologic volved cypermethrin. Occupational exposure resulted in some
responses depend on a combination of physicochemical properties dizziness plus a burning, itching, or tingling sensation of the ex-
of the particular pyrethroid ester, the dose applied, the time inter- posed skin, which was exacerbated by sweating and washing with
val after treatment, and the physiologic properties of the particu- warm water. The signs and symptoms disappeared by 24 h after
lar model used (Leaks et al., 1985). exposure. Spilling these agents on the head, face, and eyes resulted
Although these insecticides cannot be considered to be highly in pain, lacrimation, photophobia, congestion, and edema of the
toxic to mammals, their use indoors in enclosed and poorly venti- conjunctiva and eyelids. Ingestion of pyrethroid esters caused epi-
lated spaces has resulted in some interesting signs and symptoms gastric pain, nausea and vomiting, headache, dizziness, anorexia,
of toxicity to humans. Exposure to the natural pyrethrum mixture fatigue, tightness in the chest, blurred vision, paresthesia, palpita-
is known to cause contact dermatitis; descriptions of the effects tions, coarse muscular fasciculations in the large muscles of the
range from localized erythema to a severe vesicular eruption extremities, and disturbances of consciousness. In severe poison-
(McCord et al., 1921). The allergenic nature of this natural prod- ings, convulsive attacks persisting from 30 to 120 s were accom-
uct is not surprising, with asthma-like attacks and anaphylactic re- panied by flexion of the upper limbs and extension of the lower
actions and peripheral vascular collapse among the responses ob- limbs, with opisthotonos and loss of consciousness. The frequency
served. Human toxicity associated with the natural pyrethrins stems of these seizures was on the order of 10 to 30 times a day in the
from their allergenic properties rather than from direct neurotoxi- first week after exposure, gradually decreasing in incidence, with
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recovery within 2 to 3 weeks (He et al., 1989). The signs and symp-
toms of acute intoxication appear to be reversible and no chronic
toxicity has been reported to date.

Site and Mechanism of Toxicity Several mechanisms of action

of pyrethroid esters exist in the sensory, motor, and central nerv-
ous systems of insects and vertebrates, many of these actions be-
ing studied in vitro using cockroach, crayfish, and squid giant axon
preparations or various cultured cell systems (Narahashi, 1971,
1976, 1985; Casida et al., 1983; Forshaw et al., 1993; Narahashi,
1998; Ray, 2000).
Both type I and type II esters modify the gating kinetics of
sodium channels involved in the inward flow of sodium ions, pro-
ducing the action potential in cells that are normally closed at the
resting potential (Marban et al., 1998). The pyrethroids affect both
the activation (opening) and inactivation (closing) of the channel,
resulting in a hyperexcitable state as a consequence of a prolonged
negative afterpotential that is raised to the threshold membrane po-
tential and producing abnormal repetitive discharges (Ginsburg and
Narahashi, 1993; Narahashi et al., 1998). The observed differences
between type I and type II esters lie in the fact that the former hold
sodium channels open for a relatively short time period (millisec-
onds), whereas type II esters keep the channel open for a prolonged
time period (up to seconds) (Joy, 1994b). Although the repetitive
Figure 22-19. Other proposed cellular mechanisms by which pyrethroid
discharges could occur in any region of the nervous system, those esters interfere with neuronal function.
at presynaptic nerve terminals would have the most dramatic ef-
fect on synaptic transmission (i.e., on the CNS and peripheral sen-
sory and motor ganglia), giving rise to the signs documented in
Table 22-10. The depolarizing action would have a dramatic effect experiments were conducted on cultured neuroblastoma cells,
on the sensory nervous system because such neurons tend to dis- sinoatrial node cells, and so on, with results difficult to reconcile
charge when depolarized even slightly, resulting in an increased with neuronal actions. Several agents (permethrin, cypermethrin,
number of discharges and accounting for the tingling and/or burn- deltamethrin) inhibit Ca2, Mg2-ATPase, the effect of which
ing sensation felt on the skin and observed in particular with type would result in increased intracellular calcium levels accompanied
II esters (van den Bercken and Vijverberg, 1983). The biological by increased neurotransmitter release and postsynaptic depolariza-
actions of different pyrethroid esters at sodium channels is highly tion (Clark and Matsumura, 1982).
variable in that (1) cis and trans stereospecificity exists, the cis iso- Type II esters at relatively high concentrations act on the
mers being as much as 10-fold more toxic than trans isomers GABA-gated chloride channels in mammalian brain, this action
(Soderlund, 1985); (2) an additional chiral center is produced if a perhaps being related to the seizures seen with type II ester intox-
cyano-substituent is added to the alcohol (Fig. 22-18), giving rise ication (Abalis et al., 1986; Bloomquist et al., 1986). However,
to eight possible isomers; (3) the binding of cis and trans isomers other studies have shown pyrethroids to have no GABA-antago-
differs, being competitive at one site and noncompetitive at another nistic activity (Joy and Albertson, 1991; Ray, 2000).
(Narahashi, 1986); (4) tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channels are Voltage-sensitive calcium-independent chloride channels in
10-fold more sensitive to pyrethroids than are tetrodotoxin- nervous tissue control cell excitability and exist in functionally dif-
sensitive channels (Ginsburg and Narahashi, 1993; Song and ferent kinds, those sensitive to pyrethroid esters belonging to the
Narahashi, 1996); (5) affinity to sodium channels is dependent on maxi-chloride channel type (Franciolini and Petris, 1990; Forshaw
the variable -subunit composition of the 10 or more different and Ray, 1993). The pyrethroid-induced decrease in chloride ion
channels identified to date (Marban et al., 1998); (6) insect sodium current would result in cell excitability, synergizing with the
channels are 100-fold more sensitive than mammalian channels, pyrethroid effect on sodium channels. Only type II esters affect
thereby in part explaining species susceptibility (Warmke et al., maxi-chloride channels and may be responsible for the generation
1997); (7) low temperature (25°C) exerts a greater inhibitory ef- of salivation and myotonia along with those effects elicited on
fect of pyrethroid esters (on sodium channels) than a higher (37°C) sodium channels (Joy, 1994; Ray et al., 1997; Ray, 2000).
temperature due to increased current flow at low temperature
(Narahashi et al., 1998). According to Narahashi et al. (1998), the Biotransformation, Distribution, and Storage Evidence to date
most important factor that causes differential toxicity is the sodium suggests that pyrethroid esters elicit little chronic toxicity in either
channel of the nervous system. in animals or humans. Chronic animal feeding studies yield high
Other sites of action have been noted for pyrethroid esters, as “no effect” levels, suggesting that there is little storage or accu-
shown in Fig. 22-19. Calcium channels have been proposed tar- mulation of a body burden of these agents and, perhaps, an effi-
gets, particularly in insects at levels of 10
7 M (Duce et al., 1999). cient detoxification of the chemicals.
Mammalian calcium channels appear to be less sensitive, with ef- Two ester linkages exist in pyrethroid esters, a terminal methyl
fects being seen only with type I esters. However, many of these ester (pyrethrin II) and one more centrally located ester adjacent
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to the cyclopropane moiety (allethrin, tetramethrin, phenothrin, and systemic nematodes has been identified at exceptionally low
deltamethrin) and/or the -cyano substituent (deltamethrin, cyper- (0.001 to 0.05 mg/kg body weight) dose levels, but this efficacy
methrin, fenvalerate, cyphenothrin). Pyrethroid esters are suscep- does not extend to tapeworms or flukes (Campbell et al., 1983).
tible to degradation by hydrolytic enzymes, possibly by nonspe- Administered topically or subcutaneously (systemically), iver-
cific carboxylesterases found associated with the microsomal mectin controls grubs, lice, mites, certain ticks, and biting flies on
fraction of tissue homogenates in various species (Ecobichon, cattle, horses, sheep, swine, and dogs (except the collie breed,
1979; Casida et al., 1983). Hydrolysis of the methoxycarbonyl which appears to be uniquely susceptible) (Fisher and Mrozik,
group in pyrethrin II by an esterase in rat liver has been reported, 1992). Ivermectin treatment does not result in the rapid death of
but the major site of hydrolytic activity would appear to be at the biting insects but appears to disrupt engorgement, molting, and re-
central ester linkage (Elliott et al., 1972; Shono et al., 1979; Glick- production (Campbell et al., 1983). A mixture of avermectins B1a
man and Casida, 1982). The importance of ester hydrolysis as a and B1b is also used currently as a foliar spray on crops against
route of detoxification is verified by the fact that many organophos- various mites, Colorado potato beetle, tomato hornworm, Mexican
phorus esters that are capable of inhibiting tissue esterases poten- bean beetle, pea aphid, cabbage looper, corn earworm, and south-
tiate pyrethroid ester toxicity in a variety of species (Casida et al., ern army worm (Fisher and Mrozik, 1992). Emamectin (MK-244),
1983). Species susceptibility to pyrethroid ester toxicity would ap- a derivative of avermectin B1, is more effective against Lepidoptera
pear to be highly dependent on the nature of the tissue esterase, larvae.
the level of activity detected, the substrate specificity, and rate of The discovery that ivermectin was efficacious against the skin-
hydrolysis encountered in target and nontarget species. The mi- dwelling microfilaria of Onchocerca species in cattle and horses
crosomal monooxygenase system found in the tissues of almost all suggested that it might be of use in treating onchocerciasis (river
species is extensively involved in the detoxification of every blindness) in humans, a debilitating disease caused by the organ-
pyrethroid ester in mammals and of some of these agents in insect ism Onchocerca volvulus (Taylor and Green, 1989). It has become
and fish species. Much of the research in this field has been sum- the drug of choice in treating lightly infected individuals, markedly
marized by Shono et al. (1979), Kulkami and Hodgson (1984), and reducing the number of microfilaria in the skin though without ef-
Casida et al., (1983). The importance of the oxidative mechanisms fect on the adult worms (Aziz et al., 1982; Taylor and Greene,
in detoxification is demonstrated by the inclusion of the synergist 1989). It is a safe, long-acting microfilaricide, an applied single
piperonyl butoxide, a classic monooxygenase inhibitor, in prepa- dose (150 ug/kg body weight) killing the immature microfilaria
rations toxic to houseflies and other insects, in order to enhance and keeping the numbers of reappearing microfilaria well below
the potency of pyrethroid esters in the 10- to 300-fold range (Casida pretreatment levels for up to 1 year (Fisher and Mrozik, 1992).
et al., 1983; Matsumura, 1985). Ivermectin treatment can significantly reduce the incidence of on-
chocerciasis by limiting the source of infection.
Treatment of Poisoning Limited experience with pyrethroid in- While the avermectins are highly lipid soluble, dermal ab-
toxications has restricted the development of acceptable protocols sorption is less than 1.0 percent of the applied dose (Fisher
for treatment. Removal from exposure and lavage with vegetable and Mrozik, 1992). Minimal oxidative biotransformation occurs,
and/or vitamin E cream will alleviate dermal paresthesia, presum- 2,4-hydroxymethyl ivermectin and 3-O-desmethyl ivermectin be-
ably by binding the lipophilic pyrethroids (Flannigan et al., 1985). ing formed. Regardless of the route of administration, urinary ex-
Most other therapies have been symptom-related topical steroids cretion accounts for only 0.5 to 2.0 percent of the dose, the re-
for contact dermatitis, antihistaminics, decongestants, and steroid mainder being excreted slowly in the feces (Campbell et al., 1983).
nasal spray for rhinitis and inhaled steroids for asthma (O’Malley, While the liver and adipose tissue took up the agent(s), very little
1997). Systemic poisoning is more difficult to treat, symptomatic residue was found in muscle, kidney or brain. In the case of the
and supportive measures being appropriate (He et al., 1989). Ex- brain, presumably the agent could not penetrate the blood-brain
perimental therapies in animals have included local anesthetics, barrier. In 28 days, almost complete elimination of ivermectin oc-
phenytoin, phenobarbitone, valproate, diazepam, mephenesin, and curred from the tissues of treated cattle with the exception of the
urethane, all at exceptionally high doses with interfering side ef- liver and body fat (Fisher and Mrozik, 1992).
fects (Ray, 2000). Only the chloride channel agonists ivermectin Toxicologically, ivermectin is acutely toxic to rodents and
and pentobarbitone appeared to be of any benefit, particularly in other species, the oral and intraperitoneal LD50 values being of the
type II ester intoxications (Forshaw, 2000). order of 25 to 80 mg/kg body weight (Fisher and Mrozik, 1992).
Dermal toxicity is low, the LD50 for rats and rabbits being 660
Avermectins and 406 mg/kg body weight, respectively. In subchronic studies,
no treatment-related effects were observed in rats, dogs, and mon-
The avermectins were discovered in 1975, isolated from a culture keys at the usual therapeutic dosage range (0.1 to 1.2 mg/kg body
of the actinomycete Streptomyces avermitilis in a soil sample made weight per day). Ivermectin showed no positive genotoxic effects
available to Merck and Co. by the Kitisato Institute in Japan in microbial assays, in a forward mutation assay (mouse lym-
(Campbell et al., 1983; Campbell, 1989; Fisher and Mrozik, 1992). phoma), or in an unscheduled DNA synthesis assay. In develop-
Avermectins are derived from 16-member macrocyclic lactones, mental/reproductive studies, offspring abnormalities were observed
three of which—avermectin B1a, the homolog B1b (abamectin), only at maternotoxic doses in mice, rats, and rabbits. Oncogenic
and the semisynthetic ivermectin—have come into wide use in vet- effects were not found in studies with abamectin.
erinary medicine as potent insecticidal, acaricidal, and anthelmintic
agents (Fisher and Mrozik, 1992) (Fig. 22-20). Ivermectin is used Mechanism of Action Early studies, with a variety of inverte-
for a wide range of ecto- and endoparasites of domestic and wild brate species and model systems, resulted in a number of possible
animals. Potent anthelmintic activity against most gastrointestinal mechanisms of action on neuronal transmission, chloride channels,
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HO 22–23
H C2H5


Common Structural Positions

22–23 25

Avermectin Bla As above As above

Avermectin Blb As above CH(CH3)2
Ivermectin CH2 CH2 80% As above
20% CH(CH3)2

Figure 22-20. A structural representation of the macrocyclic lactone avermectin (B1a), abamectin (B1b), and
the semisynthetic insecticide ivermectin showing the structural differences at positions 22 to 23 and 25 of the

and GABA-like effects, summarized in Fisher and Mrozik (1992). Newer Chemical Insecticides
However, care must be taken in interpreting such results, since in-
terneuronal and neuromuscular junctions are known to differ con- With the development of insect resistance to various classes of
siderably between species (Gerschenfeld, 1973). The low water sol- chemical insecticides, new approaches to insect control are needed.
ubility and extensive (nonspecific) binding of avermectins preclude Utilizing a better understanding of insect neurobiology, some new
accurate estimations of target-site concentrations, overestimating and highly specific agents have been developed, capitalizing on the
the actual target-site concentrations (Fisher and Mrozik, 1992). recognition that various receptors in insect nervous systems are sig-
More recent binding affinity studies in rat brain and in insect and nificantly different from those in mammals. Shown in Fig. 22-21
nematode nerve tissue preparations have revealed that, in inverte- are the structures of three types of new agents entering or avail-
brates, biological activity occurred at nanomolar and picomolar able in the marketplace: (1) the nitromethylene heterocycles, de-
concentrations (Schaeffer et al., 1989; Fisher and Mrozik, 1992). veloped from the cyclodienes and cyclohexanes; (2) the nitroimino
Higher concentrations appear to cause secondary events and/or ar- derivatives (chloronicotinyl or neonicotinoids), similar to nicotine;
tifacts. While there may be different species-specific avermectin and (3) the phenylpyrazoles. These chemicals are effective at low
“receptors,” this insecticide class has a high binding affinity to application rates (8 to 10 g/ha), are not environmentally persistent,
chloride-channel proteins, opening the channels, reducing mem- and show negligible toxicity toward vertebrates. They possess
brane resistance, and increasing conductance inward. Such bind- unique and selective mechanisms of action and perhaps point the
ing sites appear to be distinct from those of other effector mole- way to future insecticide development. To date, there have been no
cules and involve GABA-insensitive chloride channels (Arena et reports of toxicity in humans.
al., 1991; Payne and Soderlund, 1991). Explaining the selective
specificity of avermectins (wide range of nematodes, arthropods, Nitromethylenes A search for new classes of insecticides led to
insects but not tapeworms, flukes, and adult filaria) must await the a study of various aromatic heterocycles containing a nitrometh-
molecular study of the receptor proteins in these species. In ylene substituent, only those containing a pyridine system being
mammals, in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, and the house insecticidal (Fig. 22-21A and B) (Soloway et al., 1979). The ni-
fly, avermectins interact with the GABA-receptor complex, as has tromethylene heterocycle (NMH) insecticides are fast-acting neu-
been shown by avermectin-induced changes in GABA receptor– rotoxicants, effective by both contact or oral ingestion; they are rel-
directed ligands (Deng and Casida, 1992; Arena et al., 1995; Lankas atively safe to vertebrates and degrade rapidly in the environment
et al., 1997). (Schroeder and Flattum, 1984).
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A of the receptor (Huang et al., 1999). Investigations of a nAChR

Cl CH2 N NH structure and function will prove to be a boon to further insecti-
cide development.
Phenylpyrazoles The phenylpyrazole derivatives show extensive
biological activity, including insecticidal, herbicidal, and miticidal
B properties. The compound fipronil (Fig. 22-21D) is insecticidal and
S has been shown to be highly effective against a broad range of in-
sect pests at low-level foliar or soil application. It was first stud-
N CH NO2 ied by Rhone-Poulenc Agro in 1987 and is now available com-
mercially (Gant et al., 1998). It is considered to be a second
generation removed from the earlier organochlorine insecticides
(lindane, -endosulfan) acting at the GABA receptor to block the
C chloride channel (Damgaard et al., 1999).
Cl CH2 N NH Fipronil has a unique mode of action in that it blocks the
passage of chloride ions through the GABA-regulated chloride
N NO2 channel, disrupting CNS activity, since GABA is an inhibitory neu-
rotransmitter. Fipronil is a noncompetitive inhibitor of GABA-
induced effects, the effects in neurons being an increase in rapid
Cl D bursts of electrical activity (Gant et al., 1998). Fipronil, a sulfox-
CN ide, is biotransformed to the corresponding sulfone in biological
systems, the latter compound still being a potent insecticide. This
O conversion can be blocked by piperonyl butoxide, the cytochrome-
S P450 inhibitor. There is also a photoproduct, desulfinyl fipronil.
Cl NH2 Fipronyl and the sulfone selctively bind with high affinity to in-
sect GABA receptors and with much lower affinity to vertebrate
Figure 22-21. Representative structures of the nitromethylene, chlor- brain receptors (Cole et al., 1993; Hainzl et al., 1998). Comparing
onicotinyl, and phenylpyrazole insecticides. fipronil and its derivatives to earlier chloride-channel blockers, the
IC50 vertebrate/IC50 insect ratios are 158 for fipronil, 140 for
lindane, 31 for the desulfinyl product, 19 for fipronil sulfone, and
Using the cockroach ventral nerve cord (the sixth abdominal 4 for -endosulfan (Hainzl et al., 1998). The selectivity ratios rel-
ganglion nerve) preparation, various NMHs at micromolar con- ative to human GABA receptor are 135 for fipronil, 17 for the sul-
centrations produced a biphasic effect characterized by an initial fone, and 16 for the desulfinyl photoproduct (Hainzl et al., 1998).
increase in the frequency of spontaneous discharges followed by a All of the above receptor-specific insecticides have provided
blockade of nerve impulse conduction (Schroeder and Flattum, new ligand probes for neurotransmitter receptors as well as a new
1984). Elegant, classic neuropharmacologic experiments con- approach to insecticide development. The only worrisome concern
ducted by these authors demonstrated that the NMHs acted as neu- is that, with increasing use and reliance on such agents, target in-
rotransmitter mimics and had both excitatory depressant effects, sects may develop resistance to these new compounds through
eventually blocking postsynaptic nicotinic receptors (nAChR). mechanisms similar to those seen for other neurotransmitters. In
More recent experiments with 2(nitromethylene)tetrahydro-1,3- the meantime, the high insect selectivity, low mammalian toxicity,
thiazine (NMTHT) (Fig. 22-21B) confirmed the biphasic action at and low rates of application may provide a breathing space in the
nAChRs in several insect species and suggested that a binding site ongoing search for efficacious, nontoxic chemical insecticides.
resided on the -subunits of insect nAChRs (Leech et al., 1991).
Chloronicotinyl An outgrowth of studies of the nitromethylene-
type insecticides was the discovery of the nitroimino heterocycles Naturally occurring agents of plant origin have been used to con-
best known by the compound imidacloprid (Fig. 22-21C), devel- trol insect pests. These chemicals ranged from highly toxic agents
oped in Japan in the mid-1980s. This agent combines high potency (to both target and nontarget species), such as nicotine, to relatively
to insects with exceptionally low mammalian toxicity and a favor- innocuous substances, such as derris root. Interestingly, despite the
able persistence (Liu et al., 1993; Bayer Corp., 1994). The potency overwhelming number of synthetic insecticide formulations on the
of imidacloprid and several analogs can be correlated with the bind- market, the two above-mentioned agents can still be purchased and
ing affinity to house fly head membranes and mouse brain mem- are still considered effective insecticides.
branes, these agents having a low affinity to the latter (Liu et al.,
1993, 1995; Chao and Casida, 1997). Extensive studies have Nicotine
demonstrated that imidacloprid binds specifically to nAChRs in
various insects’ nervous systems (Liu and Casida, 1993; Nishimura Nicotine, first used as an insecticide in 1763, has been used as a
et al., 1994; Liu et al., 1995). Imidacloprid acts as a partial ago- contact insecticide, stomach poison, and fumigant in the form of
nist at the nAChR channel, generating subconductance-state cur- nicotine alkaloid, the sulfate salt, or in the form of other deriva-
rents (Nagata et al., 1997). Characterization of cloned nAChRs tives. Commercially, nicotine is extracted from the leaves of Nico-
from insects (Myzus persicae, peach aphid) revealed that imida- tiana tabacum and Nicotiana rustica by alkali treatment and steam
cloprid affinity was influenced strongly by the -subunit content distillation or by extraction with benzene, trichloroethylene, or di-
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ethyl ether. Nicotine makes up some 97 percent of the alkaloid con- at exactly the proper time. In the late 1930s, many studies were
tent of commercial tobacco. It is marketed under the trade name initiated to find agents that would selectively destroy certain plant
of Black Leaf 40, an aqueous solution of the sulfate salt of nico- species. Many of these early chemicals were more effective but
tine, containing 40 percent nicotine. still possessed considerable mammalian toxicity. However, a few
Nicotine is extremely toxic, the acute oral LD50 in rats being compounds served as prototype chemicals for further development.
on the order of 50 to 60 mg/kg. It is readily absorbed through the Summaries of the early days of herbicide development are pre-
skin, and any contact with nicotine solutions should be washed off sented by Cremlyn (l978), McEwen and Stephenson (1979), Kirby
immediately. Anecdotal accounts of experiences by people who (1980), and Jager (1983).
sprayed this chemical as an agricultural insecticide make an inter- In the past two decades, the herbicides have represented the
esting collection of stories, all pointing to the fact that nicotine most rapidly growing section of the agrochemical pesticide busi-
mimics the action of acetylcholine at all ganglionic synapses and ness due in part to (1) movement into monocultural practices, where
at neuromuscular junctions, causing muscular fasciculations, con- the risk of weed infestation has increased because fallowing and
vulsions, and death from paralysis of the respiratory muscles via crop rotation, which would change weed species, are no longer in
blockade of the neuromuscular junctions (see Table 22-7). It func- vogue; and (2) mechanization of agricultural practices (planting,
tions as an insecticide in much the same manner, causing a block- tending, harvesting) because of increased labor costs. The annual
ade of synapses associated with motor nerves in insects. rate of growth of herbicide production on a worldwide basis be-
tween 1980 and 1985 was 1.9 percent per year, more than double
Rotenoids the rate of growth for insecticides during the same period (Marquis,
1986). The result has been a plethora of chemically diverse struc-
Six rotenoid esters occur naturally and are isolated from the plant tures rivaling the innovative chemistry of the insecticides, the aim
Derris eliptica found in Southeast Asia or from the plant Lon- being to protect desirable crops and obtain high yields by selec-
chocarpus utilis or Lonchocarpus urucu, native to South America. tively eliminating unwanted plant species, thereby reducing the
Rotenone, one of the alkaloids, is the most potent and can be pu- competition for nutrients.
rified by solvent extraction and recrystallization. It can be used ei- Herbicides may be classified by chemical structure, although
ther as a contact or a stomach poison. However, it is unstable in this is not very enlightening because of overlapping biological ef-
light and heat and almost all toxicity can be lost after 2 to 3 days fects for a variety of chemical structures. The second method of
during the summer. Rotenone is very toxic to fish, and one of its classification pertains to how and when the agents are applied. Pre-
main uses by native people over the centuries was to paralyze fish planting herbicides are applied to the soil before a crop is seeded.
for capture and consumption. The mammalian toxicity varies Preemergent herbicides are applied to the soil before the usual time
greatly with the species exposed, the method of administration, and of appearance of the unwanted vegetation. Postemergent herbicides
the type of formulation. Crystalline rotenone has an acute oral LD50 are applied to the soil or foliage after the germination of the crop
of 60, 132, and 3000 mg/kg for guinea pigs, rats, and rabbits, re- and/or weeds. Plant biochemists classify herbicides according to
spectively (Matsumura, 1985). Because the toxicity of derris pow- their mechanism of toxicity in plants; their action is referred to as
ders exceeds that of the equivalent content of rotenone, it is obvi- selective (toxic to some species), contact (act when impinging on
ous that the other esters in crude preparations have significant the plant foliage), or translocated (being absorbed via the soil or
biological activity. Acute poisoning in animals is characterized by through the foliage into the plant xylem and phloem).
an initial respiratory stimulation followed by respiratory depres- ln this chapter, herbicides are classified by their ability to in-
sion, ataxia, convulsions, and death by respiratory arrest (Shimkin terfere with specific biochemical processes essential for normal
and Anderson, 1936). The anesthetic-like action on nerves appears growth and development—interactions that result in severe injury
to be related to the ability of rotenone to block electron transport to the plant and its eventual death. In Table 22-11, the various mech-
in mitochondria by inhibiting oxidation linked to NADH2, this re- anisms by which herbicides exert their biological effects are shown,
sulting in nerve conduction blockade (O’Brien, 1967; Corbett, along with the generic and chemical names of the classes of her-
1974). Although toxicity in laboratory and domestic animals has bicides and some examples of each class. The claim has been made
been reported with acute LD50 values of 10 to 30 mg/kg, human that, because the modes of action involve biochemical phyto-
intoxications are rare. The estimated fatal oral dose for a 70-kg processes having no counterparts in mammalian systems, no risk
man is of the order of 10 to 100 g. Rotenone has been used topically of mammalian toxicity is associated with these chemicals. With the
for treatment of head lice, scabies, and other ectoparasites, but the exception of a few chemicals, the herbicides have demonstrated
dust is highly irritating to the eyes (potentially causing conjunc- low toxicity in mammals.
tivitis), the skin (causing contact dermatitis), and the upper respi- However, the current controversy around these chemicals cen-
ratory tract (causing rhinitis) and throat (linked with pharyngitis). ters on demonstrated or suspected mutagenicity, teratogenicity,
and/or carcinogenicity associated either with the agent(s) or with
HERBICIDES contaminants and by-products of manufacture found in trace
amounts in technical-grade material. The presence of some of these
A herbicide, in the broadest definition, is any compound that is ca- contaminants has been largely ignored without any recognition that
pable of either killing or severely injuring plants; it may be used the toxicities associated with them are different from those ob-
for the elimination of plant growth or the killing off of plant parts served with the herbicidal chemical and frequently occur at far
(Jager, 1983). Many of the early chemicals—such as sulfuric acid, lower dosages.
sodium chlorate, arsenic trioxide, sodium arsenite, petroleum oils, In terms of general toxicity, because the major route of ex-
iron and copper sulfate, or sodium borate—were frequently hard posure to herbicides is dermal and these agents tend to be strong
to handle and/or were very toxic, relatively nonspecific, or phyto- acids, amines, esters, and phenols, they are dermal irritants, caus-
toxic to the crop as well as the unwanted plant life if not applied ing skin rashes and contact dermatitis even when exposure involves
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Table 22-11
Mechanisms of Action of Herbicides


Inhibition of photosynthesis by disruption of light Ureas, 1,3,5-triazines, 1,4-triazines, uracils, pyridazones,

reactions and blockade of electron transport 4-hydroxybenzonitriles, N-arylcarbamates, acylanilides
Inhibition of respiration by blockade of electron transfer Dinitrophenols
from NADH or blocking the coupling of electron transfer Halophenols
to ADP to form ATP
Growth stimulants, “auxins” Aryloxyalkylcarboxylic acids, benzoic acids
Inhibitors of cell and nucleus division Alkyl N-arylcarbamates
Inhibitors of protein synthesis Dinitroanilines
Inhibition of carotenoid synthesis, protective pigments in Chloracetamide, hydrazines, o-substituted diphenyl ethers
chloroplasts to prevent chlorophyll from being destroyed
by oxidative reactions
Inhibition of lipid synthesis S-alkyl dialkylcarbamodithioates
Aliphatic chlorocarboxylic acids
Inhibition of acetolase synthase Sulfonylureas, imidazolines, triazolopyrimidines,
Inhibition of protoporphyrinogen oxidase Diphenyl ethers, heterocyclic phenyl ethers (benzotriazoles,
indolinones, benzisoxazoles, quinoxalindones,
Inhibition of enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthetase Glyphosate
Inhibition of glutamine synthetase Glufosinate
Unknown mechanisms, nonselective chemicals Inorganic agents (copper sulfate, sulfuric acid, sodium
chlorate, sodium borate)
Organic agents (dichlobenil, benzoylpropethyl,
chlorthiamid, bentazone)

diluted formulations. There appear to be subpopulations of indi- tensive, and uninterrupted use since 1947 in agriculture for broad-
viduals who are hypersensitive to dermal contact with solutions or leafed weeds and in the control of woody plants along roadside,
aerosolized mists of certain types of herbicides, and moderate to railway, and utilities’ rights of way and in reforestation programs.
severe urticaria has been observed to persist for 5 to 10 days fol- In plants, these chemicals mimic the action of auxins, hormones
lowing exposure. Certain individuals, particularly those prone to chemically related to indoleacetic acid, that stimulate growth. No
allergic reactions, may experience severe contact dermatitis, hormonal activity is observed in mammals and other species, and
asthma-like attacks, and even anaphylactic reactions following der- beyond target organ toxicity that can be associated with the phar-
mal or inhalation contact with formulated herbicides. Whether macokinetics, biotransformation, and/or elimination of these chem-
these effects are chemical-specific for the herbicide or for emulsi- icals, their mechanisms of toxic action are poorly understood. The
fiers, cosolvents, and so-called inerts found in formulations has not chlorophenoxy herbicides are no longer the agents of choice be-
been established. One such example is discussed below. Although cause of concerns over the formation of chlorinated dibenzofurans
skin patch testing of herbicidal chemicals has usually proven to be and dibenzodioxins, particularly 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
negative, it is possible that patients’ responses may be associated (TCDD), as a consequence of poorly monitored manufacturing
with a generalized, nonspecific irritant effect of the formulation. practices or improper product storage in steel drums sitting beside
Many of these dermal and pulmonary reactions respond satisfac-
torily to treatment with antihistaminic agents.
In contrast, there are other herbicides that can elicit a range
of acute and chronic effects following exposure, and it is on these
chemicals that attention is focused here.

Chlorophenoxy Compounds
During World War II, considerable effort was directed toward the
development of effective, broad-spectrum herbicides in both the
United States and the United Kingdom with a view to both
increasing food production and finding potential chemical war- Figure 22-22. The molecular structure of the three most common
fare agents (Kirby, 1980). The chlorophenoxy compounds chlorophenoxyacetic acid herbicides: 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
(Fig. 22-22)—including the acids, salts, amines, and esters—were (2,4-D), 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T), and 4-chloro-o-
the first commercially available products evolving from this re- toloxyacetic acid (MCPA). Ester and amine salt derivatives are also mar-
search in 1946. This class of herbicides has seen continuous, ex- keted.
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runways under the tropical sun. However, since they are still used herbicides from early production times, principally from a mixture
in developing nations around the world, their toxicology cannot be of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, the main one being TCDD,
ignored. found in samples of 2,4,5-T at levels of 30 to 50 ug/g (Hay, 1982;
A tremendous volume of mammalian toxicity data has been Gough, 1986). The teratogenicity (cleft palate, renal anomalies)
collected over the past 42 years from both animal studies and in- produced by commercial, TCDD-contaminated (30 ug/g) 2,4,5-T
cidents of human exposure (Hayes, 1982; Stevens and Sumner, was not reproduced when highly purified 2,4,5-T was used
1991). It is of interest to note that, in a recent toxicologic reeval- (Courtney et al., 1970; Courtney and Moore, 1971). Recent in vitro
uation of 2,4-D for the purposes of providing the U.S. EPA with a and in vivo genotoxicity studies of 2,4-D have proven negative
new toxicity database for the chemical, an industry task force dis- (Charles et al., 1999a, b; Gollapudi et al., 1999). Recent acciden-
covered nothing of toxicologic significance that was not already tal/occupational exposures to chlorophenoxy herbicides have not
known about the chemical, with one exception (Mullison, 1986). resulted in peripheral neuropathies, a fact confirmed in animal stud-
The exceptional finding was the appearance of astrocytomas in the ies using purified 2,4-D dimethylamine salt (Mattsson et al., 1986).
brains of male Fischer 344 strain rats exposed to the highest While the carcinogenicity of purified 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T has not
(45 mg/kg per day) dosage. A subsequent review of the findings been established in rodent studies, that of TCDD has (Van Miller
suggested that this tumor incidence was not treatment-related et al., 1977; Kociba et al., 1978). The toxicology of the polychlo-
(Koestner, 1986; Solleveld et al., 1984). The acute toxicity elicited rinated dioxins and furans is discussed in other chapters.
by chlorophenoxy herbicides has been described by Hayes (1982). Public concerns about the chlorophenoxy herbicides have fo-
The oral LD50 values ranged from 300 to 1000 mg/kg in differ- cused on birth defects, cancers, and the spurious illnesses reported
ent animal species, and only the dog appeared to be particularly among military personnel exposed to the defoliant Agent Orange
sensitive, possibly on the basis that it has considerable difficulty (a 50:50 mixture of the n-butyl esters of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T) sprayed
in the renal elimination of such organic acids (Gehring et al., 1976). extensively during the Vietnam conflict and found to be contami-
Accidental and/or occupational intoxications have been re- nated with TCDD to a maximum of 47 ug/g (Hay, 1982; Greenwald
viewed (Hayes, 1982; Stevens and Sumner, 1991; Ecobichon, et al., 1984; Gough, 1986; CDC, 1988; Stellman et al., 1988;
1996). An industrial accident in 1949 in a 2,4,5-T manufacturing Tamburro, 1992). While exposure to this persistent contaminant
plant in Nitro, West Virginia, presented the first large occupational can be verified by blood analysis of veterans, the multifaceted na-
exposure, with acute symptoms of exposure to the reaction prod- ture of the adverse effects has precluded a definitive association
ucts, including skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritation; headache; (Ketchum et al., 1999). Epidemiologic studies of cancer in farm-
dizziness; nausea; acneiform eruptions; severe muscle pain in the ers and others occupationally exposed to chlorophenoxy herbicides
thorax, shoulders and extremities; fatigue; nervousness; irritabil- for long periods of time have suggested an association with soft
ity; dyspnea; complaints of decreased libido; and intolerance to tissue sarcomas, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), and Hodgkin’s
cold (Ashe and Suskind, 1953). In an epidemiologic study of these lymphoma (HL) without any definitive conclusions (Hardell and
same workers conducted in 1984, clinical evidence of chloracne Sandstrom, 1979; Ott et al., 1980; Eriksson et al., 1981; Hardell et
persisted in some 55.7 percent of those exposed (113 out of 204), al., 1981; Cantor, 1982; Theiss et al., 1982; Lynge, 1985;
and an association was found between the persistence of chloracne Schumacher, 1985; Hoar et al., 1986; Pearce et al., 1986; Bond et
and the presence and severity of actinic elastosis of the skin al., 1988; Bond and Rossbacher, 1993). A study of wheat farmers
(Suskind and Hertzberg, 1984). There was no evidence of increased in western Canada, where 2,4-D has been used almost exclusively
risk of cardiovascular, hepatic, or renal disease or of central or pe- from 1947, showed an overall lower mortality and cancer rate than
ripheral nervous tissue damage. One study documented neurotox- expected (Wigle et al., 1990). A review of published studies pre-
icity, decreased peripheral conduction velocities being observed in sented evidence of an association between occupational exposure
workers employed in the manufacture of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T (Singer to chlorophenoxy herbicides and an increased risk of NHL
et al., 1982). Earlier literature reported significant peripheral neu- (Morrison et al., 1992). The study of an international database set
ropathies in three sprayers using 2,4-D ester, signs and symptoms up by IARC/NIEHS revealed no clearly detectable excess for NHL
progressing from muscle pain and paresthesias to severe paralysis, and HL but a sixfold excess of soft tissue sarcomas in the cohort
all of which was supported by electromyographic analysis and a ninefold excess among sprayers (Saracci et al., 1991). An in-
(Goldstein et al., 1959). Chloracne, or “weed bumps,” has been the crease in prostate cancer mortality among Canadian farmers has
most persistent effect observed in almost all incidents of chlorophe- been reported (Morrison et al., 1993). Other studies of databases
noxy herbicide exposure, although this is not a specific effect, being have suggested that the carcinogenic impact of chlorophenoxy
caused by a number of halogenated aromatic compounds includ- compounds was negligible (Munro et al., 1992; Bond and
ing polyhalogenated biphenyls, dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, Rossbacher, 1993). Lacking the ideal “definitive, clean” study, this
and naphthalenes (Schultz, 1968; Poland et al., 1971). controversy will continue in the literature. In the meantime, the
A wide range of human lethal dosages of 2,4-D has been re- chlorophenoxy herbicides have been phased out of use in devel-
ported, the average being in excess of 300 mg/kg, although it may oped nations, being replaced by other agents. However, the con-
be as low as 80 mg/kg. The oral dose required to elicit symptoms cerns persist, particularly in developing countries where use con-
is of the order of 50 to 60 mg/kg. Since these chemicals are irri- tinues and in Vietnam, where exposure was so heavy.
tants, oral ingestion has caused focal submucosal hemorrhage, Animals will tolerate repeated oral exposure to doses of
moderate congestion, and edema as well as necrosis of the intes- chlorophenoxy herbicides marginally below the single, toxic oral
tinal tract, fatty infiltration and necrosis of the liver, degeneration dose without showing significant signs of toxicity, an observation
of the convoluted tubules of the kidney, and pneumonitis and in- suggesting that there is little cumulative effect on target organs. At
flammation in the terminal bronchioles (Hayes, 1982). dosages causing toxicity, few specific signs other than muscular
In hindsight, many of the above-mentioned signs and symp- and neuromuscular involvement were observed in animals, al-
toms might be attributed to contaminants found in chlorophenoxy though tenseness, stiffness in extremities, muscular weakness,
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ataxia, and paralysis have been reported. Hepatic and renal injury type I and type II alveolar epithelial cells, destruction of the
in addition to irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa have been epithelial membranes, and proliferation of fibrotic cells.
observed in acute lethality studies in animals. Paraquat, a highly polar compound, is poorly absorbed from
the gastrointestinal tract (5 to 10 percent) (Haley, 1979). Experi-
Bipyridyl Derivatives ments in rats showed that 52 percent of the administered oral dose
was still localized in the intestine some 32 h postadministration,
One chemical class of herbicides deserving of particular attention although 45 percent of the dose had been excreted in the urine and
is the bipyridyl group, specifically paraquat (1,1-dimethyl-4,4- feces within 48 h, with some detected in urine for up to 21 days
bipyridylium dichloride, methyl viologen) and diquat (1,1-ethyl- (Murray and Gibson, 1974). Intoxication by the ingestion of for-
ene-2,2-bipyridylium dibromide) (Fig. 22-23). Paraquat was first mulation concentrates may be enhanced by increased absorption
synthesized in 1882, but its pesticidal properties were not discov- due to the presence of emulsifiers and cosolvents. Metabolism by
ered until 1959 (Haley, 1979). This agent, a nonselective contact mammalian tissue is not extensive, although intestinal microflora
herbicide, is one of the most specific pulmonary toxicants known may account for 30 percent of the excreted metabolites in animal
and has been the subject of intensive investigation because of the studies (Daniel and Gage, 1966). Elevated levels of paraquat in re-
startling toxicity observed in humans. A high mortality rate is en- nal tissue suggest the kidney as a primary route of excretion (Rose
countered in poisoning cases. Many countries have banned or se- et al., 1976).
verely restricted the use of paraquat because of the debilitating or Pulmonary tissue, both in vivo and in vitro, acquires much
life-threatening hazards from occupational exposure and the large higher concentrations of paraquat than other tissues with the ex-
number of reported accidental and suicidal fatalities (Campbell, ception of the kidney. Over a 30-h posttreatment period, dispro-
1968; Davies et al., 1977; Haley, 1979; Tinoco et al., 1993). How- portionately high levels are found in the lung (Sharp et al., 1972;
ever, paraquat is still used in some 130 countries and, in third- Rose et al., 1976). Acquisition is due to a unique diamine/
world nations, is available to 98 percent of the agricultural work- polyamine transport system in the alveolar cells. Upon uptake,
ers (WHO, 1984; Ramasamy et al., 1988). In Taiwan, paraquat paraquat undergoes a NADPH-dependent one-electron reduction to
accounted for 54 percent of the pesticide-related poisonings in the a free radical that reacts with molecular oxygen to regenerate the
years 1985 to 1993 (Yang et al., 1996). The toxicology of this class paraquat cation plus a reactive superoxide anion (O2
. ), which is
of herbicides should not be ignored. converted into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by the enzyme superox-
In animals, paraquat shows moderate acute toxicity, the oral ide dismutase. Both O2 and H2O2 can attack polyunsaturated lipids,
LD50 values for various species ranging from 22 to 262 mg/kg. forming lipid hydroperoxides that, in turn, react with unsaturated
Intoxication involves a combination of signs and symptoms that lipids to form more lipid-free radicals, perpetuating the destructive
include lethargy, hypoxia, dyspnea, tachycardia, hyperpnea, adip- reaction (Smith, 1987). Alveolar cell membrane damage results in
sia, diarrhea, ataxia, hyperexcitability, and convulsions, depending alveolitis, the destruction of alveolar cells, invasion of the space
on the dosage and the species studied (Smith and Heath, 1976; by fibrotic cells accompanied by a loss of pulmonary elasticity and
Haley, 1979). Necropsy reveals hemorrhagic and edematous lungs, respiratory impairment, with an inefficient gas (O2, CO2) exchange.
intraalveolar hemorrhage, congestion and pulmonary fibrosis, Cellular events can be modulated by the availability of oxygen, an-
centrilobular hepatic necrosis, and renal tubular necrosis. Lung imals kept in air with only 10% oxygen faring better than those
weights of intoxicated animals increase significantly despite kept in room air (Rhodes, 1974).
marked losses in body weight. From a catalog of all the signs and Paraquat poisonings in children and adults have been de-
symptoms, it is obvious that the lung is the most susceptible tar- scribed in detail in the literature (Almog and Tal, 1967; Davies et
get organ, and the same histopathologic picture of pulmonary le- al., 1977; Haley, 1979; Hayes, 1982; Tinoco et al., 1993). Paraquat
sions is observed in mice, rats, dogs, and humans (Clark et al., is a favored agent in suicide attempts in many parts of the world
1966). In poisonings, immediate effects are usually not seen in (Wesseling et al., 1993, 1997; Yang et al., 1996). Paraquat-induced
animals; within 10 to 14 days, however, respiration becomes intoxications should be divided into two categories: (1) poisonings
impaired, rapid, and shallow and the morphologic changes seen in- by accidental or intentional ingestion, usually involving formula-
clude degeneration and vacuolization of pneumocytes, damage to tion concentrates containing up to 20 percent active ingredient, and
(2) functional intoxications, associated with dermal and/or inhala-
tion exposure of diluted spray formulations.
The ingestion of commercial paraquat concentrates is invari-
ably fatal and runs a time course of 3 to 4 weeks. The initial irri-
tation and burning of the mouth and throat, the necrosis and slough-
ing of the oral mucosa, severe gastroenteritis with esophageal and
gastric lesions, abdominal and substernal chest pains, and bloody
stools give way to the characteristic dominant pulmonary symp-
toms, including dyspnea, anoxia, opacity in the lungs seen in chest
x-rays, progressive fibrosis, coma, and death. While the pulmonary
lesions are the most life-threatening, paraquat induces multiorgan
toxicity with necrotic damage to the liver, kidneys, and myocar-
dial muscle plus extensive hemorrhagic incidents throughout the
Survivors of moderate-to-severe paraquat poisonings showed
Figure 22-23. The chemical structures of paraquat and diquat, marketed significant impairment in respiratory function tests, which im-
as the dichloride and dibromide salts, respectively. proved dramatically or partially with time (Lin et al., 1995). How-
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ever, it is as yet unknown whether long-term respiratory health Chloroacetanilides

effects occur with repeated and/or seasonal inhalation and/or
dermal exposure to diluted paraquat aerosols (Wesseling et al., Alachlor (Lasso) (Fig. 22-24) is an aniline herbicide used to con-
1997). Swan (1969) found no detectable changes in workers ex- trol annual grasses and broad-leaf weeds in a number of crops
posed to sprays 6 days per week for 12 weeks. Senanayake et al. (corn, soybeans, peanuts) as a systemic herbicide absorbed by the
(1993) found no changes in standard spirometric tests in Sri Lankan germinating shoots and roots by interfering with protein synthe-
tea plantation workers continually exposed to paraquat aerosols. sis and root elongation. It is a slightly toxic (EPA class III) herbi-
More recent studies have confirmed that no correlation exists cide, the oral LD50 (rat) being 930 to 1350 mg/kg, and is a slight-
between exposure and parameters such as FEV1.0, FVC, etc. to-moderate skin irritant (WSSA, 1994; Kamrin, 1997). Subchronic
(Castro-Gutierrez et al., 1997; Dalvie et al., 1999). However, in studies in rats and dogs, with doses of 1 to 100 mg/kg/day, showed
one study, severity of dyspnea and a threefold increase in episodic no adverse effects, but a 6-month dog study showed hepatic toxicity
wheezing accompanied by shortness of breath was found among at all doses above 5 mg/kg/day, while a year-long study revealed
the most highly exposed workers (Castro-Gutierrez et al., 1997). hepatic, renal, and splenic effects above a dosage of 1 mg/kg/day.
Perhaps the standard, spirometric, functional tests are not sensitive In reproductive studies, maternal and fetal toxicity was observed
enough since, in the second study, there was a significant rela- at the high oral doses used (150 and 400 mg/kg/day), but there was
tionship between long-term exposure and arterial oxygen desatu- no effect on reproduction. Neither were teratogenic effects seen in
ration measured by oximetry during an exercise test (Dalvie et al., rats and rabbits, confirming the negative results in microbial mu-
1999). More sensitive tests may be needed to assess long-term res- tagenicity studies. Revisiting the toxicity database and providing
piratory disabilities. replacement studies for carcinogenicity revealed thyroid tumors
Treatment of paraquat poisoning should be vigorous and ini- and adenocarcinomas of the stomach and nasal turbinates of Long-
tiated as quickly as possible. Gastric lavage should be followed by Evans rats and in the lungs of CD-1 mice receiving relatively high
the administration of mineral adsorbents such as Fuller’s earth doses (126 and 260 mg/kg/day for rats and mice, respectively
(kaolin), bentonite clay, or activated charcoal to bind any unab- (Alachlor Review Board, 1987). Alachlor is considered to be a
sorbed paraquat remaining in the gastrointestinal tract. Purgatives category 2B (probable) human carcinogen by the U.S. EPA, a risk
may be given. Absorbed paraquat may be removed from the blood- to agricultural workers during mixing and loading, with levels of
stream by aggressive, lengthy hemoperfusion through charcoal or exposure ranging from 0.00038 to 2.7 mg/kg/day depending on the
by hemodialysis. To avoid excessive pulmonary damage, supple- exposure model used. The putative carcinogen metabolite,
mental oxygen should be reduced to a level just sufficient to main- 2.6-diethylbenzoquinonimine (DEBQ1), is formed by oxidative
tain acceptable arterial oxygen tension ( 40 to 50 mmHg) (Haley, and nonoxidative reactions in mice, rats, and monkeys but not in
1979; Hayes, 1982). Even though these patients may suffer from humans (Coleman et al., 1999). However, the human may form
hypoxia and respiratory insufficiency, hyperbaric oxygen is con- DEBQ1 via another route. Studies of thyroid tumors in rats sug-
traindicated because it appears to promote cellular toxicity. gest that alachlor-induced follicular cell tumors were related to in-
Diquat is a rapid-acting contact herbicide used as a desiccant, creased metabolism of thyroxine via hepatic enzyme conjugation
for the control of aquatic weeds, and to destroy potato halums be- (Wilson et al., 1996). To date, there has been no evidence of an
fore harvesting. Diquat is slightly less toxic than paraquat; the oral appreciable effect of alachlor exposure on worker mortality or can-
LD50 values in various species are on the order of 100 to 400 mg/kg. cer rates (Acquavella et al., 1996).
Part of the reduced toxicity may be related to the fact that it is The discovery of alachlor in well water at levels of 0.11 to
poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract; only 6 percent of 2.11 g/L, the highest being 9.1 g/L, led to the cancellation of
an ingested dose is excreted in the urine, whereas 90 to 98 percent its registration in Canada in 1985. Concerns about one analog of
of the dose is eliminated via the urine following subcutaneous ad- a series has led to the examination of other chloracetanilides and
ministration (Daniel and Gage, 1966). A latency period of 24 h is closely related agents—e.g., acetochlor, amidochlor, butachlor,
seen prior to visible toxic effects.
Following acute, high-dose exposure or chronic exposure of
animals to diquat, the major target organs were the gastrointesti-
nal tract, the liver, and the kidneys (Hayes, 1982; Morgan, 1982).
Chronic feeding studies resulted in an increased incidence of
cataracts in both dogs and rats (Clark and Hurst, 1970). It is con-
sidered that diquat can form free radicals and that the tissue necro-
sis is associated with the same mechanism(s) of superoxide-
induced peroxidation as observed with paraquat. Unlike paraquat,
diquat shows no special affinity for the lung and does not appear
to involve the same mechanism that selectively concentrates
paraquat in the lung (Rose and Smith, 1977).
Few diquat-related human intoxications have been reported to
date (Schonborn et al., 1971; Narita et al., 1978; Hayes, 1982). In
the few cases of suicidal intent described, ulceration of mucosal
membranes, gastrointestinal symptoms, acute renal failure, hepatic
damage, and respiratory difficulties were observed. CNS effects Figure 22-24. The chemical structures of alachlor (2-chloro-2, 6-
were more severe. Interestingly, no fibrosis was evident in the diethyl-N-(methoxymethyl)acetanilide) and metolachlor (2-chloro-6-
lungs. One individual died of cardiac arrest. ethyl-ethyl-N-(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl) acet-o-toluidide.
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metalaxyl, metolachlor (Fig. 22-24), propachlor, etc.—all of the lar irritant in the rabbit and human (Acquavella et al., 1999).
agents showing a consistent pattern of mutagenic activity mediated Chronic studies with rats, dogs, and rabbits resulted in no
via metabolites, possibly even species-specific intermediates glyphosate-related effects up to the highest doses tested (400 to
(Dearfield et al., 1999). One example acetochlor is converted into 500 mg/kg/day) (WSSA, 1994). Reproductive problems were ob-
a rat-specific metabolite that may be related to the nasal tumors, served in test animals only at very high (150 mg/kg/day) doses
thus posing no genetic or carcinogenic hazard to humans (Ashby that elicited maternal toxicity. Glyphosate was not teratogenic at
et al., 1996). However, changes in leopard frog metamorphosis by elevated doses in rabbits (350 mg/kg/day) or rats (175 mg/kg/day),
acetochlor appears to be related to an interaction with thyroid hor- although other signs of toxicity in dams and fetuses were observed.
mone via a nonthyroid receptor mechanism (Cheek et al., 1999). Glyphosate was not mutagenic in standard tests (Ames and other
No doubt, detailed mechanistic studies will reveal one or more bacterial assays, dominant lethal test in mouse) (Li and Long,
modes of action. 1998; WSSA, 1994). However, one study, with glyphosate iso-
propylamine salt and Roundup formulation, showed weak muta-
genic activity in the Ames test and a significant increase in chro-
Phosphonomethyl Amino Acids mosomal aberrations in the Allium root cell when Roundup was
tested (Rank et al., 1993). Carcinogenicity was not observed in
Two agents, N-phosphonomethyl glycine (glyphosate, Roundup,
mice, rats or dogs, glyphosate being classified by the U.S. EPA
Vision) and N-phosphonomethyl homoalanine (glufosinate, Basta)
as a class E agent. Moses (1989) has reported tumors in the pitu-
must be considered because of their use in attempted suicides in
itary and mammary glands in glyphosate-treated rats. Glyphosate
southeastern Asia (Fig. 22-25). Both agents are broad-spectrum
does not inhibit cholinesterases.
nonselective systemic herbicides for postemergent control of an-
Unfortunately, glyphosate has become the agent of choice to
nual and perennial plants (grasses, sedges, broad-leaf weeds) and
replace paraquat as a suicidal agent in many countries, the inci-
woody plants. While they exist as free acids, these agents are mar-
dence of such poisonings increasing as paraquat is banned or is
keted as the isopropylamine or trimethylsulfonium salts of
more tightly controlled (Talbot et al., 1991; Tominack et al., 1991;
glyphosate and the ammonium salt of glufosinate in formulation
Mendes et al., 1991; Leveridge, 1996; Yang et al., 1996). The for-
concentrates of 41 percent and 18.5 percent, respectively. In con-
mulation concentrate is used. Mild intoxications are characterized
sidering any toxicity data, one must make the distinction whether
by gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdom-
the data pertain to the acid, the salt, or the complete formulation(s)
inal pain) due to mucosal irritation and injury, with resolution
containing what appear to be biologically active surfactants
within 24 h (Talbot et al., 1991). In moderate intoxications, more
(Kamrin, 1997; Watanabe and Sano, 1998).
severe and persistent intestinal symptoms (ulceration, esophagitis,
hemorrhage) are seen, along with hypotension, some pulmonary
Glyphosate Glyphosate binds to and inhibits the enzyme dysfunction, acid-base disturbance, and evidence of hepatic and re-
5-enolpyruvyl-shikimate-3-phosphate synthetase (EPSPS), an en- nal damage. Severe poisoning is characterized by pulmonary dys-
zyme of the aromatic amino acid biosynthesis pathway essential function requiring intubation, renal failure requiring dialysis, hy-
for protein synthesis in plants (Haslam, 1993). In mammals, in- potension and vascular shock, cardiac arrest, repeated seizures,
gestion, with oral LD50 values in the rat being 5600 mg/kg, al- coma, and death (Talbot et al., 1991; Tominack et al., 1991). A rea-
though that of the trimethylsulfonium salt is 750 mg/kg (WSSA, sonable dose-effect relationship was established by Talbot et al.
1994). Formulations of glyphosate show moderate toxicity, LD50 (1991), who estimated the volume(s) of formulation (concentrate)
values being between 1000 and 5000 mg/kg (Monsanto, 1985; ingested causing asymptomatic, mild, moderate or severe poison-
WSSA, 1994). Glyphosate is nontoxic by the dermal route, with ing in humans to be 17, 58, 128 and 184 mL, respectively. This
dermal LD50 values being in excess of 5000 mg/kg for the acid could be converted to glyphosate concentrations of 87, 298, 658,
and the isopropylamine salt. While glyphosate is not a dermal ir- and 946 mg/kg based on the formulation containing 360 g/L of
ritant in animals and does not induce photosensitization, formu- free glyphosate and a 70-kg body weight.
lations can cause severe occupational contact dermatitis, although Several reviews of intoxication cases, particularly the Japan-
patch testing in humans resulted in no visible skin changes or sen- ese and Taiwanese series, have raised suspicions about the toxic-
sitization (WSSA, 1994; Maibach, 1986). Glyphosate is an ocu- ity of the surfactant polyoxyethyleneamine (POEA) in the formu-
lations used currently (Sawada and Nagai, 1987; Sawada et al.,
1988; Talbot et al., 1991; Tominack et al. 1991). The median lethal
O O GLYPHOSATE dose of POEA is less than one-third that of the formulation or
glyphosate (Sawada et al., 1988). Tai et al. (1990) found that POEA
HO C CH2 NH CH2 P OH was responsible for the hypotensive effect in dogs. This class of
OH VISION™ surfactants has been associated with hemolysis and with gastroin-
testinal and CNS effects (Grugg et al., 1960; Sawada et al., 1988).
As of 1999, efforts were being made to reformulate the Roundup
GLUPHOSINATE product to replace POEA (personal communication).

HO C CH CH2 CH2 P CH3 Glufosinate N-phosphonomethyl homoalanine acts as a suicide

BASTA™ substrate, interfering with glutamate synthesis in plants by irre-
NH2 OH TOTAL™ versibly inhibiting the enzyme glutamine synthetase, which plays
Figure 22-25. The chemical structures of glyphosate (N-phospho- an important role in ammonia detoxification and amino acid me-
nomethyl glycine) and glufosinate (N-phosphonomethyl homoalanine). tabolism (Ebert et al., 1990). The herbicidal effect is caused by cy-
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totoxicity from increased ammonia levels and impairment of pho- occupational exposure or with a few atypical but sometimes well-
torespiration and photosynthesis (Hack et al., 1994). publicized incidents (Stevens and Sumner, 1991).
The acute oral toxicity of glufosinate in mice, rats, and rab-
bits was low, the oral LD50 lying between 1500 and 2000 mg/kg FUNGICIDES
(Ebert et al., 1990; Hack et al., 1994). In subchronic feeding stud-
ies in rats, no agent-related deaths occurred, although body weight Fungicidal chemicals are derived from a variety of structures rang-
gains in males were retarded in the 5000-ppm group. Food con- ing from simple inorganic compounds, such as sulfur and copper
sumption was reduced and water consumption increased and, at sulfate, through the aryl- and alkyl-mercurial compounds and chlo-
this high dose, signs of CNS excitation and hypothermia were rinated phenols to metal-containing derivatives of thiocarbamic
noted (Hack et al., 1994). Glufosinate was not considered to be acid (Fig. 22-26). The chemistry of fungicides and their properties
mutaginic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic in animal studies, although have been discussed by Cremlyn (1978), Kramer (1983), and Ed-
in more recent studies using whole-embryo culture, teratogenic wards et al. (1991). Foliar fungicides are applied as liquids or pow-
effects in mice have been observed, the effect being induced apop- ders to the aerial green parts of plants, producing a protective bar-
tosis in the neuroepithelium of developing embryos (Watanabe rier on the cuticular surface and systemic toxicity in the developing
and Iwase, 1996; Watanabe, 1997). While glufosinate did not in-
hibit brain cholinesterase, reductions in erythrocytic and serum
cholinesterases have been seen in 7 of 16 patients affected by this
herbicide (Watanabe and Iwase, 1998). In contrast to plant metab-
olism, glufosinate ammonium inhibited glutamine synthetase in an-
imals, but this did not lead to a problem in ammonia metabolism,
the mammal obviously compensating by using other metabolic
pathways (Hack et al., 1994).
Glufosinate ammonium has been involved in a number of
poisoning cases, particularly in Japan (Koyama et al., 1994;
Watanabe and Sano, 1998; Tanaka et al., 1998). Early clinical
symptoms included nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea associated with
intestinal mucosal irritation but were followed in 24 h by neuro-
logic signs, including impaired respiration, seizures, muscle weak-
ness (post–status epileptic myopathy), convulsions, and death
within 4 days in 6 of 31 patients (Koyama, 1995). Some survivors
showed either a brief loss of memory or amnesia for 7 to 10 days
after intoxication (Koyama, 1995). Any significant role of gluta-
mate in the neurologic events has not been confirmed. Limited in-
formation is available regarding glufosinate persistence in vivo, but
urinary levels higher than concomitant blood levels have been re-
ported and urinary excretion persisted for 3 to 5 days after inges-
tion (Watanabe and Iwase, 1998).
Once again, concerns have been raised about the role of the
surfactant. The direct cause of death seemed to be circulatory dis-
turbance, especially cardiac insufficiency, possibly related to the
surfactant in the formulation involved in the intoxications (Koyama
et al., 1995; Watanabe and Sano, 1998). The absorption of glufos-
inate in animals was 25 to 30 percent higher than the absorption
rate of the agent when given alone (Watanabe and Sano, 1998).
This suggested that the glufosinate-related effects might be en-
hanced by surfactant-induced penetration of the CNS, while the
cardiovascular system effects were surfactant-related.
Many herbicides representative of several chemical classifi-
cations and diverse structures have recently been introduced into
agricultural practice (Table 22-11). In general, these chemicals have
relatively low acute toxicity, the oral LD50 values in rats being of
the order of 100 to 10,000 mg/kg, and they are toxicologically un-
interesting, since—in subchronic and chronic studies—large doses
can be administered without eliciting significant biological effects.
Many of these newer chemicals are applied to crops or soil at
exceedingly low application rates, minimizing nontarget species
toxicity and avoiding environmental contamination. Present con-
cerns focus on groundwater contamination and closer scrutiny of
minor contaminants for mutagenic, teratogenic, and carcinogenic Figure 22-26. Chemical structures of fungicides representative of vari-
effects. Poisonings in humans have usually been associated with ous chemical classifications.
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fungus. Soil fungicides are applied as liquids, dry powders, or gran- An effective fungicide must possess the following properties:
ules, acting either through the vapor phase or by systemic proper- (1) low toxicity to the plant but high toxicity to the particular
ties. Dressing fungicides are applied to the postharvest crop (ce- fungus; (2) activity per se or ability to convert itself (by plant or
real grains, tubers, corms, etc.) as liquids or dry powders to prevent fungal enzymes) into a toxic intermediate; (3) ability to penetrate
fungal infestation of the crop, particularly if it may be stored un- fungal spores or the developing mycelium to reach a site of action;
der less than optimum conditions of temperature and humidity. The and (4) formation of a protective, tenacious deposit on the plant
postharvest loss of food crops to disease is a serious worldwide surface that will be resistant to weathering by sunlight, rain, and
problem (Table 22-1). Fungicides may be described as protective, wind (Cremlyn, 1978). This list of properties is never fulfilled en-
curative, or eradicative, according to their mode of action. Protec- tirely by any single fungicide, and all commercially available com-
tive fungicides, applied to the plant before the appearance of any pounds show some phytotoxicity, lack of persistence due to envi-
phytopathic fungi, prevent infection by either sporicidal activity or ronmental degradation, and so forth. Thus, the timing of the
by changing the physiologic environment on the leaf surface. Cu- application is critical in terms of the development of the plant as
rative fungicides are used when an infestation has already begun well as the fungus.
to invade the plant, and these chemicals function by penetrating The topic of fungicidal toxicity has been extensively reviewed
the plant cuticle and destroying the young fungal mycelium (the by Hayes (1982) Edwards et al. (1991), and Kamrin (1997). With
hyphae) growing in the epidermis of the plant, preventing further a few exceptions, most of these chemicals have a low order of tox-
development. Eradicative fungicides control fungal development icity to mammals (Table 22-12). However, all fungicides are cyto-
following the appearance of symptoms, usually after sporulation, toxic and most produce positive results in the usual in vitro mi-
by killing both the new spores and the mycelia and by penetrating crobial mutagenicity test systems. Such results are not surprising
the cuticle of the plant to the subdermal level (Kramer, 1983). because the microorganisms (Salmonella, coliforms, yeasts, and

Table 22-12
Acute Toxicity of Fungicides



Anilazine Triazine I 2,710

Benomyl Imidazole I 10,000
Captan Phthalimide I 8,400–15,000
Carboxin Oxathiin NI 3,820
Chinomethionate Quinomethionate NI 2,500–3,000
Chlorothalonil Organochlorine I 10,000
Dichloropropene Chlorinated alkene I 130–713
Dinocap Dinitrophenol NI 980
Dodine Aliphatic nitrogen I 1,000
EPTC Thiocarbamate I 1,632
Etridiazole Thiadiazole NI 1,000
Fenarimol Pyrimidine I 2,500
Hexachloroben- Organochlorine I 3,500
Imazalil Imidazole I 227–334
Iprodione Dicarboximide I 3,500
Maneb Dithiocarbamate I 5,000–8,000
Mancozeb Dithiocarbamate I 5,000– 11,200
Metalaxyl Benzenoid I 669
Metiram Dithiocarbamate I 6,180– 10,000
Nabam Dithiocarbamate I 395
Oxycarboxin Oxathiin NI 2,000
Pyrazophos Phosphorothionate NI 151–632
Quintozene Organochlorine I 1,710
Thiabendazole Imidazole NI 3,100–3,600
Thiophanate–Me Dithiocarbamate I 10,000
Thiram Thiocarbamate I 800– 1,900
Triallate Thiocarbamate I 800–2,165
Vinclozolin Dicarboximide I 10,000
Zineb Dithiocarbamate I 7,600–8,900
Ziram Dithiocarbamate I 1,400

*KEY: I, irritant properties; NI, nonirritation.

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fungi) used in these test systems are not dissimilar from those cell Pentachlorophenol
systems that fungicides are designed to kill, either through a direct
lethal effect or via lethal genetic mutations (Lukens, 1971). A safe Once used in tremendous volumes as a biocide in leather tanning,
fungicide (nonmutagenic in test cell systems) would be useless for wood preservation, the paper and cellulose industry, and in paints,
the protection of food and health. Public concern has focused on this chemical has been phased out of use because many commer-
the positive mutagenicity tests obtained with many fungicides and cial products were contaminated by polychlorinated dibenzo-
the predictive possibility of both teratogenic and carcinogenic dioxins and dibenzofurans, predominantly by hexachlorinated,
potential. The fact that nearly 90 percent of all agricultural fungi- heptachlorinated, and octachlorinated congeners. While these
cides are carcinogenic in animal models has not reassured the pub- congeners are considerably less toxic than TCDD, evidence from
lic, especially when this is translated into the fact that some 75 animal studies has pointed to the fact that the contaminants in com-
million pounds of the fungicides used annually fall into this cate- mercial- or technical-grade PCP were responsible for the toxicity
gory (NAS, 1987). An evaluation of 11 fungicides concluded that, observed. Technical-grade PCP fed to rats caused altered plasma
although the areas treated with these chemicals represented only enzymes, increased hepatic and renal weights, and caused hepato-
10 percent of the acreage treated annually with pesticides, they cellular degeneration in addition to changes in blood biochemistry
could account for 60 percent of the total estimated dietary car- (decreased erythrocyte count, decreased hemoglobin and serum al-
cinogenic risk. bumin). The administration of purified PCP resulted only in in-
While a number of different chemicals are shown in creased liver and kidney weight. Prolonged treatment of female
Fig. 22-26 to illustrate the diversity of structures, agents such as rats with technical PCP caused hepatic porphyria, increased mi-
pentachlorophenol (PCP), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), captafol, and crosomal monooxygenase activity, and increased liver weight,
folpet have been deregistered or banned in many countries but still whereas purified PCP caused no changes over the dosage range
see some use in other, less regulated parts of the world. Other fungi- studied (Goldstein et al., 1977). Pentachlorophenol was not ter-
cides are undergoing reevaluation because of suspected toxicity, atogenic in rats and is not considered to be carcinogenic in mice
particularly as teratogens or carcinogens and incomplete or out- or rats (Innes et al., 1969; Johnson et al., 1973; Schwetz et al.,
dated toxicity databases. 1977). A number of environmental problems have been associated
with PCP (Eisler, 1989).
Human poisoning by commercial PCP has occurred, usually
Hexachlorobenzene associated with occupational exposure and instances of sloppy han-
From the 1940s through the 1950s, HCB saw extensive use as a dling and neglect of hygienic principles (Jorens and Schepens,
fungidical dressing applied to seed grain as a dry powder. Between 1993). The chemical is absorbed readily through the skin, the most
1955 and 1959, an epidemic of poisoning occurred in Turkey, ul- usual route of acquisition, with several products, including PCP,
timately involving some 4000 individuals who consumed treated detected in the urine.
grain during times of crop failure. The syndrome, called black sore, High-level exposure can result in death, preceded by an ele-
was characterized by dermal blistering and epidermolysis, pig- vated body temperature (42°C or 108°F), profuse sweating and de-
mentation and scarring, alopecia, photosensitivity, hepatomegaly, hydration, marked loss of appetite, decrease in body weight, tight-
porphyria, suppurative arthritis, osteomyelitis, and osteoporosis of ness in the chest, dyspnea following exercise, rapid pulse, nausea
the bones of the hands (Cam and Nigogosyan, 1963). Both adults and vomiting, headache, incoordination, generalized weakness, and
and children were afflicted, young children and nursing infants be- early coma (Hayes, 1982). Pentachlorophenol acts cellularly to
ing at particular risk (Schmid, 1960; Wray et al., 1962; Hayes, uncouple oxidative phosphorylation, the target enzyme being
1982). While this agent has largely fallen by the wayside, it is still Na,K-ATPase (Desaiah, 1977). Survivors frequently display
being used in developing countries and still presents a health haz- dermal irritation and exfoliation, irritation of the upper respiratory
ard. tract, and possible impairment of autonomic function and
The mammalian toxicity of HCB has been reviewed by Hayes circulation.
(1982) and Hayes and Laws (1991). Like other organochlorine
compounds, HCB possesses all of the properties of chemical sta- Phthalimides
bility, slow degradation and biotransformation, environmental per-
sistence, bioaccumulation in adipose tissue and organs containing Of this class of chemicals, folpet and captofol, true phthalimides,
a high content of lipid membranes, and the ability to induce a range have been deregistered and only captan, being structurally differ-
of tissue cytochrome-P450 as well as conjugative enzymes. Re- ent with a cyclohexene ring (Fig. 22-26), sees any use today. All
peated exposure of animals results in hepatomegaly and porphyria of the agents were embroiled in a prolonged controversy concern-
as well as focal alopecia with itching and eruptions, followed by ing mutagenic and possible teratogenic and carcinogenic proper-
pigmented scars, anorexia, and neurotoxicity expressed as irri- ties. All three chemicals were recognized as effective, persistent
tability, ataxia, and tremors. Immunosuppression was observed in foliar fungicides for rusts and smut, for Botrytis mold on soft fruit,
both mice and rats and a dose-dependent increase in hepatic and apple and pear scab, black spot on roses, and as seed dressings
thyroid tumors was observed in hamsters (Lambrecht et al., 1982). (Cremlyn,1978). All three chemicals have high oral LD50 values
While not mutagenic in microbial test systems and negative in dom- of approximately 10,000 mg/kg in the rat. Mutagenicity associated
inant lethal studies, HCB was teratogenic in mice (renal and palate with these agents was confirmed, but—because of the exception-
malformations) and in rats (increased incidence of 14th rib). Hexa- ally high doses (up to 500 mg/kg) required to elicit biological
chlorobenzene was particularly toxic to developing perinatal ani- effects—teratogenicity was not proven or was masked by mater-
mals, acquisition transplacentally and via the milk causing he- nal toxicity and possible nutritional deficits.
patomegaly, enlarged kidneys, hydronephrosis, and possible effects Although the mechanism(s) by which captan and its analogs
on the immune system. exerted their cellular toxicity has never been established, captan is
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known to react with cellular thiols to produce thiophosgene, a po- pearing rapidly following the second exposure (Israeli et al., 1983).
tent and unstable chemical capable of reacting with sulfhydryl-, A recent report from Brazil on two apparent Parkinson patients re-
amino-, or hydroxyl-containing enzymes (Cremlyn, 1978). Thiols vealed that, as sprayers, they had experienced significant annual
reduce the potency of captan. A volatile breakdown product of cap- exposure to maneb over 4 to 5 years (Ferraz et al., 1988). Signs
tan was responsible for mutagenic activity, the intermediate being and symptoms included inability to walk, difficulty in talking,
short-lived and forming more quickly at higher levels at an alka- tremors in hands and feet, a short-stepped gait with cogwheeling,
line pH. It is possible that there may be several mechanisms by and bradykinesia. An extended study of 50 rural workers, 84 per-
which these chemicals can induce cellular toxicity. cent of whom admitted to using maneb improperly or carelessly,
revealed milder but similar signs and symptoms. It was suggested
Dithiocarbamates that the effects might be related to the manganese content, although
blood manganese levels were not elevated. Other evidence might
Dimethyl- and ethylene-bisdithiocarbamate (EBDC) compounds point to breakdown products of EBDC, such as carbon disulfide,
have been employed since the early 1950s as fungicides, and the as the neurotoxicant, although it is hard to accept such a high level
EBDC chemicals saw widespread use on a large variety of small of absorption. It is also known that dithiocarbamates can bind var-
fruits and vegetables. The nomenclature of these agents arises from ious divalent metals to form more lipophilic complexes capable of
the metal cations with which they are associated; for instance, di- entering the CNS (Ecobichon, 1994c).
methyldithio-carbamic acid bound to iron or zinc are ferbam and
ziram, respectively, whereas EBDC compounds associated with FUMIGANTS
sodium, manganese, or zinc are nabam, maneb, and zineb, respec-
tively. As is shown in Fig. 22-24, these chemicals are polymeric Such agents are used to kill insects, nematodes, weed seeds, and
structures that possess environmental stability and yield good fo- fungi in soil as well as in silo-stored cereal grains, fruits and veg-
liar protection as well as a low order of acute toxicity, with LD50 etables, clothes, and other consumables, generally with the treat-
values in excess of 6000 mg/kg with the exception of nabam (395 ment carried out in enclosed spaces because of the volatility of
mg/kg). Mancozeb is a polymeric mixture of a zinc salt and the most of the products. Fumigants range from acrylonitrile and car-
chemical maneb. bon disulfide to carbon tetrachloride, ethylene dibromide, chloropi-
Although toxicity is negligible in animal feeding trials even crin, and ethylene oxide; their toxicologic properties are discussed
at high doses, acceptance of these agents has been marred by re- under other headings because many have other uses. Attention in
ported adverse health effects. Maneb, nabam, and zineb have been this section is directed only to a very few agents, although all of
reported to be teratogenic (Petrova-Vergieva and Ivanova- the chemicals mentioned have the potential for inhalation exposure
Chemischanka, 1973). Mancozeb has not been demonstrated to be and, for some of them, dermal and ingestion exposure.
teratogenic in the rat but has been associated with abnormally Fumigants may be liquids (ethylene dibromide, dibro-
shaped sperm (Hemavathi and Ratiman, 1993). Maneb has been mochloropropane, formaldehyde) that readily vaporize at ambient
associated with adverse reproductive outcomes (embryotoxicity: temperature, solids that can release a toxic gas on reacting with
changes in usual number of offspring per litter, pregnancy rate, water (Zn2P3, AlP) or with acid [NACN, Ca(CN)2], or gases
estrous cycle, and fetal development) (Lu and Kennedy, 1986). (methylbromide, hydrogen cyanide, ethylene oxide). These chem-
Maneb caused pulmonary tumors in mice, but studies in the rat icals are nonselective, highly reactive, and cytotoxic. The physico-
have been equivocal (IARC, 1976). Environmental and mammalian chemical properties of these agents and hence their pattern(s) of
degradation of the EBDC compounds into ethylene thiourea (ETU), use vary considerably (Cremlyn, 1978). With proper attention to
a known mutagen, teratogen, and carcinogen, as well as an an- use and appropriate safety precautions, there should be little effect
tithyroid compound, has raised suspicions about these agents and other than occasional occupational exposure, because the volatil-
fostered requests for more in-depth studies (IARC, 1976). Recent ity of the agents is such that, when the enclosed space is opened,
chronic studies of mancozeb administered to rats at high (500 to the gas or vapor escapes readily. However, reports in the literature
1500 mg/kg/day) doses demonstrated increased thyroid weight, re- have indicated the presence of low residual levels of ethylene dibro-
duced iodine uptake, reduced protein-bound iodine and thyroxine, mide, methylbromide, and other chemicals in various samples of
as well as a dose-related decrease in thyroid peroxidase activity treated foods. More extensive descriptions of fumigant toxicity can be
(Kackar et al., 1997). Significant histopathologic changes were ob- found in Hayes (1982), Morgan (1982), and Hayes and Laws (1991).
served, including thyroid hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the
follicular mass with a loss of colloid mass. A study of EBDC fun- Phosphine
gicide–exposed backpack sprayers in Mexico demonstrated that
ETU was formed in vivo and excreted in the urine and that thyroid- Used extensively as a grain fumigant, phosphine (PH3) is released
stimulating hormone levels were increased, although there was a from aluminum phosphide (AlP) by the natural moisture in the
nonsignificant reduction in thyroxine and significant increases in grain over a long period of time, giving continual protection dur-
sister chromatic exchanges and chromosomal translocations in ing transhipment of the grain. One serious accident with this chem-
blood lymphocytes (Steenland et al., 1997). ical has been reported, in which this author played a small role in
Neurotoxicity has not been attributed to EBDC fungicides in identifying the causative agent, as the problem originated in the
either experimental animals or humans except at excessively high port of Montreal, Canada (Wilson et al., 1980). Grain leaving
doses (Ecobichon, 1994c). A double (within 2 weeks) acute occu- Canada for European destinations is fumigated by adding a certain
pational, dermal exposure to Mandizan (mixture of maneb and number of sachets of AlP per ton of grain in the hold of the ship
zineb) resulted in initial complaints of muscle weakness, dizziness, while loading. Phosphine (PH3), being heavier than air, sinks
and fatigue, with disorientation, slurred speech, muscle incoordi- slowly through the grain. The particular ship in question ran into
nation, loss of consciousness, and tonic/clonic convulsions ap- a bad storm off Nova Scotia and began to leak, hastening the break-
2996R_ch22_761-810 4/16/01 4:38 PM Page 800


down of the AlP to form PH3. The toxicant penetrated the quarters selectivity (Fig. 22-27). With some chemicals, advantage has
of the crew and officers, where 29 out of 31 crew members be- been taken of the physiology and biochemistry unique to rod-
came acutely ill and two children, family members of one of the ents. With other rodenticides, the sites of action are common to
officers, were seriously affected, one dying before reaching a hos- most mammals but advantage is taken of the habits of the pest
pital in Boston. Symptoms of PH3 intoxication in the adults in- animal and/or the dosage, thereby minimizing toxicity to nontar-
cluded shortness of breath, cough and pulmonary irritation, nau- get species.
sea, headache, jaundice, and fatigue. The highest concentrations of Although most rodenticides are formulated in baits that are
PH3 (20 to 30 ppm) were measured in a void space on the main unpalatable to humans, thereby minimizing the potential hazard,
deck near the air intake for the ship’s ventilation system. In some there are surprising numbers of rodenticide intoxications each year.
of the living quarters, PH3 levels of 0.5 ppm were detected. Al- With only a few exceptions, the accidental or intentional ingestion
though this could be considered a bizarre situation, it does illus- of most rodenticides poses a serious, acute toxicologic problem be-
trate an apparent problem with the use of this type of agent in an cause the dosage ingested is invariably high and the signs and
atmosphere of excess moisture. symptoms of intoxication are generally well advanced and severe
when the patient is seen by a physician. As with other household
Ethylene Dibromide/ products, rodenticide poisoning is more frequently seen in chil-
dren, whose added hazard is a small body weight in relation to the
dosage ingested. The toxicology of the various classes of rodenti-
When inhaled at relatively high ( 200 ppm) concentrations, eth- cides has been extensively reviewed and the reader is referred to
ylene dibromide can cause pulmonary edema and inflammation in Hayes and Laws (1991) and to Ellenhorn and Barceloux (1988) for
the exposed animals. As one might expect, repeated exposures to in-depth coverage of the subject.
lower concentrations produced hepatic and renal damage visual-
ized as morphologic changes. Centrolobular hepatic necrosis and
proximal tubular damage in the kidneys were observed in one fa-
tal poisoning in which the individual ingested 4.5 ml of ethylene
dibromide. This chemical, along with 1,2-dibromo-3-chloro-
propane (DBCP), was found to elicit malignant gastric squamous
cell carcinomas in mice and rats (IARC, 1977). DBCP was also
found to cause sterility in male animals, and concentrations as low
as 5 ppm had an adverse effect on testicular morphology and sper-
matogenesis. However, these results in animals came to light only
when a similar situation was detected in workers who manufac-
tured the agent. Equivocal results have been reported for the mu-
tagenicity of DBCP, the agent that causes base-pair substitution but
not a frame-shift mutation in Salmonella strains. In animal studies
of the dominant lethal assay, DBCP was positive (mutagenic) in
rats but not in mice. DBCP was a reproductive toxicant in rabbits
and rats but not in mice (IARC, 1977).

Many vertebrates—including rats, mice, squirrels, bats, rabbits,
skunks, monkeys, and even elephants—on occasion can be con-
sidered to be pests. Rodents, the most important of which are the
black rat (Rattus rattus), the brown or Norway rat (Rattus norvegi-
cus), and the house mouse (Mus musculus), are particularly seri-
ous problems because they act as vectors for several human dis-
eases. They can consume large quantities of postharvest stored food
and/or foul or contaminate even greater amounts of foodstuffs with
urine, feces, hair, and bacteria that cause diseases.
To be effective yet safe, a rodenticide must satisfy the fol-
lowing criteria: (1) it must not be unpalatable to the target species
and therefore must be potent; (2) it must not induce bait shyness,
so that the animal will continue to eat it; (3) death should occur in
a manner that does not raise the suspicions of the survivors; (4) it
should make the intoxicated animal go out into the open to die
(otherwise the rotting corpses create health hazards); and (5) it
should be species-specific, with considerably lower toxicity to
other animals that might inadvertently consume the bait or eat the
poisoned rodent (Cremlyn, 1978). The agents used constitute a di-
verse range of chemical structures having a variety of mechanisms Figure 22-27. Representative structures of inorganic and organic ro-
of action for at least partially successful attempts to attain species denticides from various chemical classifications.
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A number of inorganic compounds—including thallium sul- samples has revealed cerebellar degeneration and atrophy. There
fate, arsenious oxide, other arsenic salts, barium carbonate, yellow are no known antidotes to fluoroacetate intoxication, although glyc-
phosphorus, aluminum phosphide, and zinc phosphide—have been erol monoacetate has proved beneficial in the treatment of poisoned
used as rodenticides. A mixture of sodium cyanide with magne- monkeys.
sium carbonate and anhydrous magnesium sulfate has been used
in rabbit and mole burrows, causing hydrogen cyanide gas to be A-Naphthyl Thiourea
liberated slowly on contact with moisture. Natural or synthetic or-
ganic chemicals, including strychnine, red squill (scillaren glyco- Following the discovery that phenylthiourea was lethal to rats but
sides), and DDT have been used in the past. All of these agents are not toxic to humans, -naphthyl thiourea (ANTU) was introduced
nonselective, highly toxic, and hazardous to other forms of life and, as a relatively selective rodenticide (Richter, 1946). A wide range
with the exception of zinc phosphide, have been abandoned in fa- of acute oral LD50 values has been reported for different species,
vor of target-specific, selective chemicals. the rat being the most sensitive at 3 mg/kg and the monkey the
least susceptible at 4 g/kg. The exact mechanism of action is not
Zinc Phosphide known, but it is suspected that ANTU must be biotransformed in
vivo into a reactive intermediate. Young rats are resistant to the
This agent is used in developing nations because it is both cheap chemical, whereas older rats become tolerant to it, suggesting that
and effective. The toxicity of the chemical can be accounted for perhaps microsomal monooxygenases in young rats metabolize the
by the phosphine (PH3) formed following a hydrolytic reaction with agent too rapidly into nontoxic products, whereas in older rats ei-
water in the stomach on ingestion. Phosphine causes widespread ther the lower levels of monooxygenases or the inhibition of these
cellular toxicity with necrosis of the gastrointestinal tract and in- enzymes results in less activation and affords protection (Boyd and
jury to other organs, such as the liver and kidneys. Although moist Neal, 1976). ANTU causes extensive pulmonary edema and pleu-
zinc phosphide emits an unpleasant, rotten-fish odor, it is accepted ral effusion as a consequence of action on the pulmonary capillar-
by rodents at concentrations of 0.5 or 1.0 percent in baits. ies. Studies with 35S- and 14C-labeled ANTU revealed that cova-
Accidental poisonings are rare in adults but a definite problem lent binding to macromolecules in the lung and liver occurred
in children. Hayes (1982) recounts a poisoning attributed to the in- following treatment (Boyd and Neal, 1976). Following exposure to
halation of zinc phosphide dust from treated grain, with signs of ANTU, there are a number of biochemical effects, such as alter-
intoxication that included vomiting, diarrhea, cyanosis, tachycar- ations in carbohydrate metabolism, adrenal stimulation, and inter-
dia, rhales, restlessness, fever, and albuminuria several hours fol- action of the chemical with sulfhydryl groups, but none of these
lowing exposure. It is a favorite chemical in suicides in Egypt (A. appear to bear any relationship to the observed signs of toxicity.
Amr, personal communication). The signs and symptoms include Although it would appear that the human is very resistant to
nausea, vomiting, headache, light-headedness, dyspnea, hyperten- ANTU intoxication, probably because insufficient quantities are
sion, pulmonary edema, dysrrhythmias, and convulsions. Doses of ingested, poisonings have occurred, with tracheobronchial hyper-
the order of 4000 to 5000 mg have been fatal, but other individu- secretion of a white, nonmucous froth containing little protein, pul-
als have survived doses of 25,000 to 100,000 mg if early vomiting monary edema, and respiratory difficulty (Hayes, 1982).
has occurred. The usual decontamination measures and supportive
therapy are often successful if initiated early. Anticoagulants

Fluoroacetic Acid and Derivatives With the discovery that coumadin [3-(-acetonylbenzyl)-4-
hydroxycoumarin, warfarin), isolated from spoiled sweet clover,
Sodium fluoroacetate (compound 1080) and fluoroacetamide acted as an anticoagulant by antagonizing the actions of vitamin
(compound 1081) are white in color, odorless, and tasteless. The K in the synthesis of clotting factors (factors II, VII, IX, and X),
extreme toxicity of these two chemicals has restricted their use to it was introduced as a rodenticide. The onset of anticoagulation is
prepared baits. Both agents are well absorbed from the gastroin- delayed 8 to 12 h after the ingestion of warfarin, with this latent
testinal tract. Acute oral toxicity of fluoroacetate in the rat is of the period of onset dependent on the half-lives of the various clotting
order of 0.2 mg/kg, whereas that of fluoroacetamide is 4 to 15 factors (Katona and Wason, 1986). The safety of warfarin as a ro-
mg/kg. The mechanism of action involves the incorporation of the denticide rests with the fact that multiple doses are required before
fluoroacetate into fluoroacetyl–coenzyme A, which condenses with toxicity develops and that single doses have little effect. However,
oxaloacetate to form fluorocitrate, which inhibits the enzyme the development of resistance to warfarin in rats in the 1950s
aconitase and prevents the conversion of citrate to isocitrate in the prompted research into newer compounds, and the exploration of
tricarboxylic (Krebs) cycle. Inhibition of this system by fluoroci- structure-activity relationships led to the development of the su-
trate results in reduced glucose metabolism and cellular respiration perwarfarins (brodifacoum, bromadiolone, coumachlor, diphen-
and affects tissue energy stores. These chemicals are uniquely ef- coumarin) and the indanediones (diphacinone, chlorophacinone,
fective in mice and rats because of the high metabolic rate in the pindone), a new class of anticoagulant compounds that are more
tissues susceptible to inhibition. water-soluble. All of these newer agents differ from one another in
Estimates of the lethal dose of fluoroacetate in humans lie in terms of acute toxicity, rapidity of action, and acceptance by the
the range of 2 to 10 mg/kg. Gastrointestinal symptoms are seen rodent.
initially at some 30 to 100 min following ingestion. Initial nausea, Human poisonings by these agents are rare because they are
vomiting, and abdominal pain are replaced by sinus tachycardia, dispensed in grain-based baits. However, there are sufficient num-
ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation, hypotension, renal failure, bers of suicide attempts, attempted murders, and a famous classic
muscle spasms, and such CNS symptoms as agitation, stupor, case of the inadvertent consumption of warfarin-laden cornmeal
seizures, and coma. Histopathologic examination of postmortem bait by an unsuspecting Korean family to provide adequate docu-
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Table 22-13
The WHO Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard




Ia Extremely hazardous 5 20 10 40
Ib Highly hazardous 5–50 20–200 10–100 40–400
II Moderately hazardous 50–500 200–2000 100–1000 400–4000
III Slightly hazardous 500 2000 1000 4000
III Unlikely to present 2000 3000 — —
hazard in normal use

mentation of the signs and symptoms of poisoning (Lange and In 1972, the WHO Expert Committee on Insecticides recom-
Terveer, 1954; Hayes, 1982; Jones, 1984; Lipton, 1984; Katona mended the preparation of a classification of pesticides that would
and Wason, 1986). Following consumption over a period of days, serve as a guide for developing countries (WHO, 1973). The clas-
bleeding of the gingiva and nose occurs, with bruising and sification was to distinguish between the more and the less haz-
hematomas developing at the knee and elbow joints and on the but- ardous forms of each pesticide and was meant to permit formula-
tocks, gastrointestinal bleeding with dark tarry stools, hematuria tions to be classified according to the percentage of the active
accompanied by abdominal or low back (flank) pain, epistaxis, and ingredient and its physical state. Only acute hazards to health were
cerebrovascular accidents. The signs and symptoms will persist for considered, meaning those resulting from single or multiple expo-
many days after cessation of exposure, particularly so in the case sures over a relatively short period of time, from handling the
of the superwarfarins, which have prolonged biological half-lives product in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions. In 1975,
(e.g., brodifacoun with 156 h compared to 37 h for warfarin) the categories of the classification were established and, with only
(Katona and Wason, 1986). In the Korean episode, consumption of one modification to class 111, they are essentially the same as those
warfarin was estimated to be on the order of 1 to 2 mg/kg/day for that appear in Table 22-13. It is important to appreciate that the
a period of 15 days, and signs and symptoms appeared 7 to 10 days LD50 value quoted for any pesticide is not the median value but
after initial exposure; 2 out of the 14 affected individuals died as the lower confidence limit value for the most sensitive sex, thereby
a consequence of not receiving any treatment (Lange and Terveer, ensuring that a large safety factor has been built into the classifi-
1954). cation. A recent paper by Copplestone (1988) discusses the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of the system and the placement of
CONCLUSIONS problem chemicals such as rodenticides (highly toxic to rats but
not presenting the same hazard to humans) and paraquat (having
With the advent of the chemical pesticides with their diverse na- a low dermal toxicity but causing fatal effects if ingested).
ture, structures, and biological activity, the problem of ranking the From experience, the WHO is of the opinion that this classi-
hazard that each one poses to health has arisen. Should a classifi- fication scheme has worked well in practice, faithfully reflecting
cation system be based on acute toxicity alone or should some nu- the toxicity of these chemicals for humans. Only a few changes in
merical scoring system be used to evaluate other endpoints of tox- classification have been made for chemicals and/or their formula-
icity? Should the classification scheme be based on the oral, tions since the introduction of the scheme, signifying that the sys-
dermal, or inhalation routes of exposure to the active ingredient or tem functions effectively. It would appear that acute toxicity is the
to a formulation concentrate? If one chooses acute toxicity and a most effective parameter by which to judge the hazard to human
definitive endpoint expressed as the LD50, one must be cognizant health. With the move away from animal experimentation to in
of the fact that the LD50 is an estimate, with the range and confi- vitro testing, this classification system can be modified to reflect
dence limits for any particular chemical possibly overlapping a other endpoints of toxicity if they can be quantitated, correlated,
class boundary. To establish a classification system on the basis of and validated to be equivalent to the LD50 results. As Dr. Copple-
other toxicologic endpoints would be impossible given the vari- stone described it, “the classification has been a meeting point be-
ability of biological effects, the dosages required to attain them, tween science and administration and a useful tool in the arma-
and the significance of such results in terms of human exposure. mentarium of preventive medicine” (Copplestone, 1988).

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