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B r a m p t o n P r i m a r y S c h o o l Week ending: 11.3.

S t r i v i n g t o R e a c h t h e B e s t Spring Term: Issue 9

Brampton Bulletin

Inside this week’s issue: FOB DONATES PLAY EQUIPMENT

• FOB Play Equipment Members of FOB kindly demonstrated to children some of the new
• French in Brampton play equipment they have purchased to improve playtimes for all our
• Forthcoming Dates children. They have got large versions of popular and well known
• SEAL Home Activities games such as snakes and ladders, ludo, chess, jenga, dominoes and
ker-plunk. There will be used with each year group and rotated to
• Week 3 Menu
ensure everyone gets a go at their favourite
• Drop in Box
game. This was a great launch to our
• Gold Book Entries Olympics Week! Many thanks to FOB and
• Weekly Attendance all of our parents and families for their
• And finally— support to
the fund
Forthcoming Dates: raising
Monday 14th March efforts in
Science & Technology week school.
Wednesday 16th March
Arsenal Double Club
Friday 18th March
Parents to see Science French in Brampton
Week work after school
We are luck this term to be one of 3
Wednesday 23rd March
Arsenal Double Club primary schools to be supported by
Thursday 24th March Bexley Grammar School with a French
FOB Meeting teacher, Alix
Tuesday 29th March Cox, teaching
Y4 Money Workshops one of our Year
Wednesday 30th March 6 classes on Wednesday mornings. We
Arsenal Double Club now also have the teaching resources
FOB Mothers Day Pamper
to use in school and Mrs Jackson has
been using the materials in the other
Tuesday 5th April &
class. Many thanks to Mrs Jackson for
Wednesday 6th April
securing this placement.
Parents Evenings
Page 2 Brampton Bulletin


Choose one of your favourite books or use the
one that the child has brought home. Read the
book together. Now look at the pictures. Can you
think how the characters in the book might be
feeling in the picture? How many different feel-
ings did you think of?
If you want to do something more:
You might like to write some of the feelings
down or draw the feeling. Talk together about
times when you have felt the same way as the
characters in the book.
Feeling better
We all have times when we feel down about
something. What can we do to help? Ask each
member of your family to think of one thing that
cheers them up when they feel down or fed up.
The child might like to draw the ideas and stick
them on the fridge or wall as a reminder of how
we can help to cheer each other up when we are
feeling down.
Ask your child to teach you how to relax. They might like to help you using this visualisation.
Remember to sit in a comfortable position and to shut your eyes if it feels OK.
‘Imagine you are in your special place. You look around it. Think about all the things that you can see. Think
about what you can hear. You reach out to touch the things that are near you. You think about how lovely it is
to be in your special place, and this is making you feel happy and content. Your body is beginning to relax …’
(Take a few minutes to relax.) ‘It is now time to leave your special place, so you get up slowly. Turn around
and take one look before you go.’ (Leave a couple of seconds, then say)… ‘When you are ready, open your
eyes and look around the room.’

Money Activities with Barclays

Many thanks to Miss Mason who has
arranged for staff from the local
Barclays Bank in Pickford Lane along
with other colleagues to work with
some of our junior classes to
understand more about money skills
so that they will be able to make more informed financial choices. They had a variety of
different activities to try including ‘What can you do with your money?’ and ‘Not too much
change?’ Last week they were working in Year 5 and next week will be in Year 4.
Issue 9 Page 3

W E E K B E G I N N I N G - 1 4 T H M A RC H 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Meat Minced Beef & Lamb Curry with Roast Chicken Homemade Beef BBQ Chicken
Vegetable Pie with Lemon Coriander with Homemade Meatballs with with Chips
Potatoes Rice Stuffing & Roast Rice
Fish or Tuna Pasta Bake Vegetable Stir Fry Sweet & Sour Salmon Fishcake
Pork with Rice with New Pota-
Vegetarian Tomato & Basil Jacket Potato with Sweet Potato Stir Bubble & Squeak Macaroni Cheese
Pasta Cheese & Beans

Desserts Chocolate Sponge Shortbread & Yo- Apple & Banana Carrot Cake with Jelly & Ice Cream
with Chocolate ghurt Crumble with Custard

A choice of salads, seasonal vegetables, fresh bread, fresh fruit platter,

fruit yoghurt, milk and drinking water are also available daily.

Peanut Allergies
Please can we remind everyone that we are a ‘Peanut Free’ school in our cooked meals and we ask
parents not to put any nuts or items containing nuts in their child’s packed lunches. Thank you

School Dinners
Did you know out of all Bexley schools we are in the top three for take up of school cooked
dinners and in the last few weeks have been number one! So well done to all our children
who are obviously enjoying our school meals. If you would like to try a sample meal and see
for yourself, please contact the office to make a convenient date.

Drop In Box
Although we encourage children to become responsible for handing in dinner money and
other letters etc via their class teachers, there are occasions when parents may wish to
hand in letters and other monies directly to the office. In order to lessen the queues in the
morning the office staff have introduced a ‘drop in’ box on the reception counter. This
should save parents having to wait and is regularly emptied during the day.

Year 6 SATS
This year the Year 6 SATS will take place from Monday 9th May until Friday 13th May.
Please try to avoid making appointments during this week in order to ensure that your child
attends school during this time. It is an important week for the children and provides an
end of key stage assessment that they can be proud of and is useful for their new schools.
Striving to Reach the Best Weekly Attendance
Every week we print the names of those children who have
achieved in either their work, conduct or behaviour around
school and have been entered in the Gold Book. They have
been mentioned in Monday’s celebratory assembly. After 3
mentions children receive a bronze certificate, 6 mentions for a
silver, 9 mentions for a gold, 12 mentions for a Super Gold and
15 mentions for a Platinum certificate, 18 for Diamond, 21+
for a Head teacher’s Award and 24 for a Special Head teacher
Award and Badge. Week ending 3.3.11

4C– Conor Murphy 5M— Holly Tanner

RB: 97.7%
4C– Ryan Freestone 5M— Lenny Bracher (Bronze) RJ: 90.3%
4C– Victoria Obinya (Super Gold)
5S– Tom Rye (Gold) Unfortunately there is not 1B: 93%
5S– Harry Jackson enough space to mention the
5S– Callum Puszyk children’s achievements here 1BA: 94.3%
5S– Amber Barnett but if you are interested to see 2H: 90.3%
5M—Jessica Tolliday your child’s mention, please pop
5M– George Hills in and ask to see it. 2EW: 95.9%
3W: 95.7%
3WH: 95%
Week ending 4.3.11
4P: 98%
1st— Blue = 153 2nd— Red= 148
4C: 92%
3rd—Green= 145 4th—Yellow = 106
5S: 97.1%
Congratulations to Blue House members!
5M: 97.1%
And finally.......Scooters and notifying absences 6B: 95.2%
If your child uses a scooter to travel to school please 6C: 97.7%
can you ensure that they are aware of other Well done to 4P and the
pedestrians and the danger of coming off the kerb into other classes above 96.1%
the road. We have had several parents comment that Our School Total was 95%.
they are very concerned that children using scooters
are a hazard to themselves and others on the pavement. Raffle Prize Winners
Due to the special assembly with
FOB there was no draw this week.
If your child is going to be off school due to sickness it
Four names will be drawn next
is the parent’s responsibility to phone the office before week for the special end of term
10.00am explaining the absence. Otherwise it will be an treat with Miss Fisher.
unauthorised absence.
Remember if you like what we’re doing —tell
us and others! If you don’t, please help us im-
We’re on the web!
School Office; 020 8303 2873 Fax; 020 8298

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