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Project/Research Concept

Title: Library Management System for ISU - Roxas Campus

Researchers: Divine L. Cabral, Liezel B. Mata, Vanessa R. Reyes

Rationale: This project is concerned with developing a Library Management System for ISU - Roxas Campus in
order to make library management more efficient and easy to handle. The Library Management
System enables a fully automated library service. It has the ability to display the details of the books
available in various departments. The system helps both students and library manager to keep a
constant track of all the books available in the library. It allows both the admin and the student to
search for the desired book. It becomes necessary for colleges to keep a continuous check on the
books issued and returned. This system reduces manual work to a great extent allows smooth flow of
library activities. The system excludes the use of paper work by managing all the book information
electronically. The system has books well organized and systematically arranged in the system so that
user can easily search and find the book. It saves human efforts and resources.The goals of this
project are to provide simplicity as well as security and efficiency to the management and also to
reduce managing personnel in the library.

Aim or Purpose: State the purpose why you want to conduct the study and enumerate objectives or expected output/s.

a) To build a system that can receive input and generate automatically output in easy way and short
b) To build a monitoring system that is able to monitor and manage all library operations efficiently.
c) Give an opportunity to librarians to reduce mistakes that always happen during manual method.
d) To store properly the library items in order to maintain their security.
e) To enter and preserve details of the various issues and keep a track on their returns.
Admin login: Admin is the one who administers the system by adding or removing e-books into and
from the system respectively.
User login: Students have to register themselves into the system to create an account. After
registering successfully, they can then login into the system by entering student id and their password.
Change Password: Admin and student can change their password for their safe and security.
Add Books: The admin can add books to the system by entering the details of the books.
Book Issue: Admin and Students can even search for books by entering the name of the book.
Request New Books: The students can request for the unavailable books.
Books Request: Admin can monitor the request books from their students.

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