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Faith Reflection

Being a part of a catholic family at a young age, you are taught to grasp on the word faith.All in all,
there will be a million challenges you will face in your life and when you're ready it will meet your
course. However, that isn't in your control to stress on that but to find faith with hope in God, he will
guide you to something better. This personal lesson allowed me to grow my faith because I let all my
troubles & worries in God's hands which he received carrying this bourbon of weight off me leaving
me to now feeling less trapped from my sins.

As I write this is in Lent season the only thing that comes to mind is when Jesus was in the desert after
being baptized from John the baptized. While during this difficult time Jesus was fasting for 40 days
while Satan was pressuring him to fall into temptation, however Jesus kept his morals strong for God.
Now, I believe this is a lesson I will always carry out throughout my life, the reasoning is there will
always be people with much attention either to hurt you or love you yet at the end of the day you have
to stay true to yourself and follow the path God has led for you. For the most part, temptation is one of
the hardest things you will face during your time as a teen, nevertheless Saint Charles will teach you
that there is always a way to avoid that choice because there is always more than one to follow.

During Lent season as well, we are to remember the 14 stations of the cross , where we as Catholics
walk with Jesus through his journey to the cross.. He expressed his faith for God so much he was
willing to sacrifice his life for him, he showed courage & passion for what he believed in. As I grow with
my faith, I would like to if the times ever come to be able to have the strength in my body & love in my
heart to do the same. However, within two years I have been baptized & had my confession and I'm
going to have my first communion.All in all, I will be attending Mater Dei high school next year where
I am given the privilege to expand my faith as a catholic. Furthermore, to find my path involving God
& allow the Holy Spirit to guide me when problems occur in my life.

In conclusion, being a catholic & the future may be scary from time to time​, yet we should keep
moving forward along with not having a clue what is coming our way. Jesus kept going carrying the
cross to his death regardless of his fear, he had a feeling God was going to take care & nurture him. He
had faith within fearfulness , just as my peers have had during this year due to the pandemic. We were
unaware about how we would continue our education, relationships as well as religion, myself speaking
I was frightened at the same time I moved forward.Taking into consideration , I would have never been
successful without the faith from my class, Coach and family supporting me to drive.

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