EE561D - This Is My Design

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New Era University

College of Engineering and Technology




Wed. 10:00-1:00 P.M.

“Electrical System on Electrical Protection in

Geothermal Power Plants projects”

Submitted by:

Dela Torre, Erano V.

BSEE / 5th year

Submitted to:



Title: “Electrical system in Electrical Protection in Geothermal Power plants Projects”


DESIGN #1 Identification of Electrical Loading

 Abstract
 Schedule of Load
 Power Riser Duagram
 Electrical System Layout

DESIGN #2 Low Voltage Systems

Electrical Components, Dimension Design

 Conductor Size on Low Voltage

 Circuit Breaker’s on Low Voltage
 Current Transformer Ratio on Low Voltage
 Overload Relay on Low Voltage
 Main Circuit Breaker at Low Voltage

DESIGN #3 Medium Voltage Systems

Electrical Components, Dimension Design

 Conductor Size on Medium Voltage

 Circuit Breaker’s on Medium Voltage
 Current Transformer Ratio on Medium Voltage
 Overload Relay on Medium Voltage
 Main Circuit Breaker at Medium Voltage

DESIGN #4 By Pass Standby Generator set Unit Design

 Generator Used on Geothermal Power Plant Project

 Generator Set (Computation of Load)
 Generator Size

DESIGN #5 Short Circuit Analysis

 Transformer Loading
 Summary of Load
 Line to Line Current on Transformer
 Faults Computation’s

DESIGN #6 Capacitor and Power Factor Correction

 Capacitor and Power Factor Correction for Low Voltage

 Capacitor and Power Factor Correction for Medium Voltage

DESIGN #7 Cable Withstands

 Thermal equivalent for Low Voltages

 Thermal equivalent for Medium Voltages




Design #1


In order to ensure that a geothermal power plant is reliable and efficient, an
electrical protection system design is of the utmost importance. The electrical protection
system integrates a variety of equipment into the different systems found in such a power
plant. A successful project includes an engineering team and a project manager, with
each party possessing a deep understanding of the general process of each area necessary
for the construction of a geothermal power generation plant. The purpose of this report is
to provide a representative overview of the electrical protection system in a geothermal
power plant project, as well as to serve as a basis for performance, organization and
results for future projects in El Salvador. The report clearly identifies the location of the
electrical protection system in a power plant, focusing on the protection relays, and
describing the main processes to achieve an adequate system of protection. Furthermore,
schematics and general concepts applied in geothermal power plant studies have been
incorporated as well. The information and dates obtained are based on documents from
the Ahuachapán and Berlin power plants in El Salvador and the Hellisheidi power plant
in Iceland.

1. General Notes and Specifications

General Notes and Specifications is written on the plans or submitted on separate
standard size sheets. It will serve as a guideline before the electrical works is executed. It
shows the following:

a. Nature of electrical service, including the number of phases, number of wires,

voltage and frequency.

b. Type of Wiring

 Service entrance;
 Feeders, sub-feeders and branch circuit wires for lighting/or power load;
 Fire alarm system, if required by law;
 Signaling and communication.
c. Special Equipment to be installed, indicating ratings and classification of
service of duty cycle of rectifiers, heaters, x-ray apparatus, electric welding
equipment and so many others.

d. System or method of grounding.

e. Type and rating of main disconnecting means, overcurrent protection and

branch circuit wiring.

f. Clearances and service drop, burial depth for service lateral, mounting height
and clearance for service equipment and clearance of kilowatt-hour meter.

2. Legend/Symbols

Legend/Symbols are very important in an electrical plan because it represents the

different electrical equipments, electrical loads and any other electrical materials or

In making electrical symbols, it is not advisable to used any symbols which are not
included in the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) except it is not available. It means , you
can make your own symbol if ever it is not available in the PEC.

Examples of not available:

a. Pinlight

b. chandilie

c. others

If you will noticed those examples are kind of lighting fixtures because in the PEC,
among lighting fixtures included are only incandescent lamp, vapor discharged lamp,
fluorescent lamp or what we call the basic lighting fixtures.

On the other hand as the time goes on there is a production of a new kind of lighting
fixture, electrical tools, equipments, appliances or devices . That is why we are making
our own symbol to include in the electrical plan. The PEC only gives those basic symbols
that serve also as a guide if you will make your own symbol.

TIPS: Make a symbol that is simple and easy to visualize.

3. Location Plan

Location plan, with proposed structure and site drawn to appropriate metric scale
shows the following:

a. Bordering areas showing public or well-known streets, landmarks or structures

which need not be drawn to scale unless they extend into the area concerned;

b. Location of service drop, service equipment and nearest pole of the utility company
furnishing electrical energy; location of the meter as well sizes of service entrance
wires, conduits and service equipment;

c. Clearances of the path or run of service drop and enhance wires to adjacent
existing or proposed structures.

4. Riser/One Line Diagram

Riser or one line diagram indicates the following :

 For lighting and receptacle outlet loads, it indicates a single line or schematic
diagram of lighting and receptacle panel boards showing main and branch circuit
rating; indicates the size of conductor for feeders.
 For motor loads, it indicates the rating in kilowatts/horsepower/kilovolt ampere,
full load current, locked rotor current, phase connection for single phase motor on
a three phase system, rated voltage, the size of wiring, indicating load in amperes,
and the last, numbered consecutively of motors to correspond to their number in
 For feeders and sub feeders, it indicates the identification and labeling, size and
type of wires and raceway, protective devices and control, and the allowable
ampacity of the conductors over the designed load current in amperes expressed
as a ratio and indicated alongside the conductor;
 For load center, it indicates the identification and labeling showing the type an
rating of transformer, switches, circuit breaker, and other related devices,
incoming and outgoing feeders, type, size, and voltages, and the last is the
equipment grounding.

5. Schedule of Loads and Computation

In the computation, it shows how to determine the the size of branch circuits, feeders
and services.

Schedule of loads is in tabulated form where you can see the different loads like
motors, lighting and convenience receptacle loads, and the different loads which is belong
in the plan.

 For motor loads, it shows its number identification in power layout, the type of
the motor, horsepower/kilowatt/kilovolt ampere rating, voltage rating, full-load
current rating, frequency rating other than 60 hertz, number of phases, type and
size of wiring and protective device rating.
 For lighting and convenience receptacle loads, its shows its panel number in the
feeder diagram, circuit designation number, number of lighting outlets in each
circuit, number of switches in each circuit, number of receptacles(convenience
outlet), voltage of circuit, type and size of wiring, and the protective device rating.
 For other loads, it shows the designation number on plan, description of load,
classification of service duty, rating of kilovolt-ampere or kilowatt, phase loading
indicating full load line current, voltage rating, type and size of wiring, and
protective device rating.

6. Electrical Layout

Electrical layout is a floor plan showing the location of equipment and devices, and
their interconnection wiring. Layout and wiring plans for power on the floor plans drawn
to scale and shows the sizes and location of service entrance conductors, raceways,
metering equipment, main switchboard, layout of feeders and distribution panels or
switches and their sizes, types and rating; complete circuits motors and other electrical
equipment, their controlling devices, their locations and rating; complete wiring of
emergency power system, if available; nature of processes or activities carried out in each
room or area.

In residencies, apartment houses and small commercial establishments, layout of

equipment and motors of one horsepower or less may be incorporated in the layout for

general lighting and receptacle outlet. In general, layout of motors and power outlets not
exceeding a total of ten, may be included in the lighting layout provided such inclusion
will not make reading, interpretation and checking of said plan difficult.

In general lighting and receptacle outlets on floor plan drawn to scale show the
location, type and rating of lighting fixtures, indicating illumination in flux in each room
or area(in residencies, hotels, apartment houses, and churches, the illumination level in
each room or area need not to shown nor computed); location of switches for each fixtures
or group of fixtures; location of receptacle outlets and appliances to be served and their
rating; complete circuits for lighting and convenience outlets; complete wiring of
emergency lighting system. Sometimes receptacle outlet layout is separate at the
discretion of design engineer.

In auxiliary layout(Fire detection and Alarm Circuit, ) shows the layout and wiring
plans of fire alarm manual stations, fire alarm bells, fire alarm control panels and other
fire alarm devices with its location and complete circuit showing number and size of
raceway and wire.

Other part of auxiliary is the signaling and communications like telephone, intercom,
paging, music distribution, clock and program system, and data system.

7. Title Block

Title block or nameplate of plans and drawings is in standard strip of 40 mm high at

the bottom of the sheet. It contains the following:

 Name and location of installation or project;

 Name, signature and address of owner;
 Title of sheet;
 Name, signature and seal of Professional Electrical Engineer together with
professional Regulation Commission professional license number and validity,
Professional Tax Receipt Number, and Tax Identification Number;
 Scale used, date drawn;
 Sheet number.

Power Plant Site

Electrical Layout

El Salvador covers an area of 21,000 km², and its national transmission system is
composed of 37 lines of 115 kV, which have a total length of 1,024 km. There are 24 substations
and power lines and two 151. 230 kV transmission systems that interconnect El Salvador with
Guatemala and Honduras (Figure 1). The length of the power lines from El Salvador to
Guatemala and Honduras is 14.6 km and 92.9 km, respectively. It is estimated that by the year
2010 the SIEPAC line will be in service, interconnecting the countries of Central America. The
SIEPAC line will be approximately 1,800 km in length; it will have a level voltage of 230 kV
and an interconnection capacity of 300 MW (SIGET, 2008). There are two geothermal power
plants in El Salvador that are responsible for the generation of geothermal energy. The
development of new power generation units is a priority for the support and development needed
to participate in the electrical market. This report is part of a collaboration seeking to continually
improve the design processes of the power systems for new power plants, as there appear to be
new geothermal power plant projects to be developed in the future.

The execution of a new geothermal plant project involves the development of multiple
disciplines. The success of the project is embedded in the understanding of how to integrate the
processes. This report focuses on the integral parts of power systems in a power plant, paying
special attention to the electrical protection of the principal electrical equipment and protection
relays. This report is based on developments from previous experience, and on technical
information obtained from the power plants in El Salvador and Iceland.

A variety of energy conversion systems are used for the generation of geothermal power
throughout the world. The single-flash steam plant is the mainstay of the geothermal power
industry. Often it is the first power plant installed at a newly developed liquid-dominated

geothermal field. Such plants constitute over 42% of the total installed geothermal power
capacity in the world (Dipippo, 2008).

In a single-flash power plant (Figure 2), the process consists of taking a two-phase mixture of
liquid and steam that is produced by the well. The quality of this working fluid depends on the
reservoir properties and the wellhead pressure. A steam separator is a device used to separate
water from steam in a two-phase flow. This equipment creates a vortex that drives the heavy
particles in the flow to one side due to centrifugal force.

This, in turn, produces a stream of steam that is used to drive the turbine. The turbine is the core
unit of a geothermal power plant and the steam is the source that moves to the generator where
the mechanical energy is transformed into electrical energy. This energy is created at a lower
voltage level than the transmission voltage. Then a step-up transformer is used to inject the
electrical energy into the transmission network.

After developing the work on the turbine, the steam continues on to the condenser. The function
of the condenser is to reduce the pressure at the turbine outlet and thus extract more energy from
the steam flowing from the turbine. An additional purpose of the condenser is to condense the
steam into a liquid form since it requires much less work to pump an incompressible liquid than
compressible gas or steam. The condenser shown in Figure 2 is of a direct-contact type. Non-
condensable gases are extracted from the condenser by steam ejectors. In order to create water
circulation from the condenser and reduce the pressure, pumps are used which are equipment of
major electrical internal consumption in the process. As the main equipment, needed in the
process, comes to a substantial cost and requires a large capital investment, the system must be
used as much as possible within the applicable constraints of security and reliability of supply in
order to maximize the return on this outlay. Based on this concept, this report will centre on the
following pieces of electrical equipment: the generator, the unit transformer and the pumps.
Also, it is important to note that the power system should operate in a safe manner at all times.
Thus, it is necessary to provide a suitable protection system for all of the equipment.

A modern generating unit is a complex system comprised of: the generator stator winding, the
associated transformer and unit transformer, as well as the rotor with its field winding and
excitation system, and the prime mover with its associated auxiliaries (Figure 3). Errors of many
kinds can occur within this system for which diverse forms of electrical and mechanical
protection are required. The amount of protection applied will be governed by economic and
technical considerations, taking into account the value of the machine, the value of its output to
the plant owner and the recommendation of the respective grid company.

The conversion of the fundamental energy into its electrical equivalent normally requires a prime
mover to develop the mechanical power as an intermediate stage. The nature of this machine
depends upon the source of energy. In geothermal power plants, generators are based on steam
turbines that use condensing units.

A simplified functionality of a generator can be described as follows. Electromagnets are
developed by circulating direct current through loops of wire wound around stacks of magnetic
steel laminations. These are called field poles, and they are mounted on the perimeter of the
rotor. The rotor is attached to the turbine shaft, and rotates at a fixed speed. When the rotor turns,
it causes the field poles (the electromagnets) to move past the conductors mounted in the stator.
This, in turn, causes electricity to flow and a voltage to develop at the generator output terminals.
The harsh environmental conditions, due especially to the presence of H2S in the geothermal
fields, impose a scrupulous choice of materials for the electric equipment and for the related
construction techniques. The equipment should contain particular resistive characteristics against
aggressive action from the environment.

Under these operational conditions the windings and the electric connections of the stator and
rotor should be insulated with a class F material and against a class B temperature rise. All the
conductors in contact with the air should be protected against the hostile actions of H2S. Given
the particular environmental conditions, it is necessary that all the components of the machinery
be built with materials capable of withstanding the corrosive and erosive action to which they are
exposed. All the parts in contact with the cooling water should fulfil AISI 316.

This unique environment of geothermal power plants is taken into account in the preparation of
technical specifications. For example, the generator housing technical specification of the
Hellisheidi geothermal power plant states the following: “The generator and exciter shall be
totally enclosed in a mutual bolted housing to seal out the corrosive gases in the atmosphere. The
protection class of the housing shall be at least IP54 in accordance with IEC 60034-5. The
enclosure shall be equipped with makeup fans and carbon filters to purify and eliminate H2S
from the circulating air.”

Design #2

Purposes of Power Riser Diagram

The Power Riser Diagram Riser diagrams can mean different things, depending on who is
requesting it. Bur generally, a riser diagram is a physical simple diagram of the system layout.
For instance, you might show the main switchboard on a lower level with the incoming service
from underground to outside to the pad mounted transformer. Out the top of the switchboard,
would come your feeders to the individual panels on each floor or into each area. You may also
show the conduit and conductor sizes, again depending on who is the requestor, and generally
that is the plans checker, or the owner in the case of a large commercial project. Hope this helps.
Most times, the riser diagram gives pertinent information that a single line doesn't give, and it is
easier for the checker to visualize the system layout by looking at a riser diagram.

Electrical Conduit

Electrical conduit is metal or plastic pipe through which electrical wires are run. This conduit
protects the wires and is usually used in exposed locations, such as along the outer surface of a

Flexible Conduit vs. Rigid Metal or Plastic Conduit

Flexible metal conduit typically comes in 1/2" to 3/4" sizes and is used in spaces where rigid,
nonflexible conduit is hard to install. Flexible conduit is also easier to work with. Rigid metal or
plastic conduit provides a higher degree of protection for the electrical wires than the flexible

Shaping Rigid Conduit

In the past, specialized tools were needed to form the intricate bends and curves needed to thread
rigid conduit through spaces. While this type of conduit is still used, homeowners can also find a
wide variety of pre-shaped couplings that can be used instead of bending the conduit.

Metal Conduit and Boxes

Metal conduit can be used only with metal boxes, not plastic boxes.

Metal Conduit Used With THHN/THWN Wiring

The type of wire that is installed inside of conduit is called THHN/THWN. Romex wiring is not
used inside conduit. THHN/THWN wires are individual, plastic-coated and color-coded wires. In
fact, they are similar to the wires you see when you strip the sheathing off of Romex.

Metal Conduit Acts As A Ground

Metal conduit acts in place of the green grounding wire that is found in Romex (thus the reason
why only metal boxes may be used with metal conduit). However, many electricians still like to
run the green grounding wire through metal conduit as an extra-safe means of grounding the

Circuit Breaker

A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical

circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to detect a fault
condition and, by interrupting continuity, to immediately discontinue electrical flow. Unlike a
fuse, which operates once and then has to be replaced, a circuit breaker can be reset (either
manually or automatically) to resume normal operation. Circuit breakers are made in varying
sizes, from small devices that protect an individual household appliance up to large switchgear
designed to protect high voltage circuits feeding an entire city.

Overload Relay

Overload relays are electrical switches typically employed in industrial settings to protect
electrical equipment from damage due to overheating in turn caused by excessive current flow.
Overload relays are provided for protecting components connected to an electrical circuit in the
event the current flowing through the circuit exceeds a predetermined level. An overload relay
monitors the current flowing in the protected circuit and sends a signal to cause a contactor in the
protected circuit to open when the current flowing in the protected circuit is higher than a
preselected level. Overload relays are more than simple circuit interrupters, they are sensors
which, upon determining the existence of an overload or other undesirable circuit condition,
break a circuit and in turn provide a control or an indicating function. Overload relays are
specialized circuit breakers used with industrial motors to protect the motors from damages
caused by overload or electrical faults. In a typical case, the electrical equipment is a three-phase
motor which is connected to a power source through another relay commonly referred to as a
contactor. The contactor is controlled by another switch which is typically remotely located.
Overload relays of various sorts have long been utilized in connection with the operation of
electrical equipment, particularly electrical equipment drawing relatively high levels of power.
Single-phase and multi-phase (e.g., three-phase) power systems typically include an overload
relay for interrupting power in the power conductors when a fault condition occurs, such as a
ground fault, phase loss, overcurrent, or undercurrent condition. For instance, a three phase
induction motor is often linked to a power source through a relay commonly referred to as a
contactor. A typical contactor includes a separate power path for each of the three motor phases.
Contactor motion is typically provided magnetically as the result of power flow through a coil
where the current though the coil is controlled by a control switch. In this case, the contactor is a
heavy duty relay having three contact sets for breaking each of the three-phases of power upon
movement of a yoke member within a contactor coil, the yoke member and coil together forming
an electrical solenoid. With an electronic relay, it is possible to protect multiphase motors by

cutting off their power supply for example when a current overload arises on at least one phase
of the motor or an imbalance between the phase currents occurs.

Main Circuit Breaker

Circuit breakers are designed to prevent the wiring in a house from overheating and catching fire.
The breaker is sized according to the anticipated load and the size of the wiring it serves. Circuit
breakers conduct electricity when in the closed (complete circuit) position. When amperage flow
exceeds the rated capacity of the breaker, it trips (opens) and breaks the circuit, de-energizing it.
The breaker can be reset to the closed position once the cause of the overload is rectified.
Frequent tripping and resetting will fatigue the breaker and eventually reduce its capacity,
artificially lowering the breaker's amperage rating. Circuit breakers can be replaced with
common tools and basic mechanical skill.



186 3-152mm2
1 1 Turbine 2500 5 6,600/ø XLPE 189.81 .25inch. 600AT

186 3-152mm2
2 Condenser 2500 5 6,600/ø XLPE 189.81 .25inch. 600AT

186 3-152mm2
3 Circular Pump 2500 5 6,600/ø XLPE 189.81 .25inch. 600AT

186 3-152mm2
4 steam separator 2500 5 6,600/ø XLPE 189.81 .25inch. 600AT

2 5 Oil Pump 40 30 230/ø 107mm2THWN 90.91 1.25 225AT

6 Air Compressor 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1 200AT

7 Servomotor 30 22.4 230/ø 127mm2THWN 86.16 1 200AT

Motor Operated 3-
8 Valve 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 400AT

3 9 Pony Motor 50 37.3 230/ø 127mm2THWN 117.9 1.25 400AT

10 Motor Heater 50 37.3 230/ø 127mm2THWN 117.9 1.25 400AT

11 3- 200AT
Ventilation 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1 T

Excitation 2- 200AT
12 Cubicle 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1.25 T

3- 400AT
13 Accumulator 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 T

3- 200AT
4 14 Rotor Lifting 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 T

3- 250AT
15 Strainer 75 56 230/ø 127mm2THWN 171.95 1.25 T

3- 250AT
16 Drainage Pump 75 56 230/ø 127mm2THWN 171.95 1.25 T

Mechanical 2- 200AT
5 17 Breakers 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1 T

3- 200AT
18 Cooling Pump 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 T

3- 200AT
19 Blower 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 T

3- 400AT
20 Lubrication 75 56 230/ø 127mm2THWN 171.95 1.25 T

2- 200AT
21 Exciter 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1 T

Power House 2- 200AT

22 Station Motor 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1 T


Horse Power X 746 watts
230 √3 X . EFFX . PF

MCC#2 (see MCC#1 at design #3)

Circuit #5 given: 40hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.886, n=93 %

40 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =90.91A
230 √ 3 X .886 X .93

Size of wire=90.91A /.80=4/0mcm

Use: 3-107mm2THWN

CB: 225AT/250AF, 2PST

Circuit #6 given: 25hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.889, n=92.4 %

25 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =56.99 ≈ 57 A
230 √3 X . 889 X .924

Size of wire=57 A /.80=3/0mcm

Use: 2-107mm2THWN

CB: 200AT/225AF, 2PST

Circuit #7 given: 30hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.882, n=92.4 %

30 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =68.93 A
230 √3 X . 882 X .924

Size of wire= 68.93 A /.80=3/0mcm

Use: 3-127mm2THWN

CB: 200AT/225AF, 2PST

Circuit #8 given: 60hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.858, n=93.6 %

60 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =139.91A
230 √3 X . 858 X .936

Size of wire= 139.91A /.80=250mcm

Use: 3-127mm2THWN

CB: 400AT/600AF, 2PST


Circuit #9 given: 50hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.854, n=93 %

30 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= = 117.9A
230 √3 X . 854 X .93

Size of wire= 117.9A /.80=250mcm

Use: 3-127mm2THWN

CB: 400AT/600AF, 2PST

Circuit #10 given: 50hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.854, n=93 %

30 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= = 117.9A
230 √3 X . 854 X .93

Size of wire= 117.9A /.80=250mcm

Use: 3-127mm2THWN

CB: 400AT/600AF, 2PST

Circuit #11 given: 60hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.858, n=93.6 %

60 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =139.91A
230 √3 X . 858 X .936

Size of wire= 139.91A /.80=250mcm

Use: 3-127mm2THWN

CB: 400AT/600AF, 2PST

Circuit #12 given: 25hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.889, n=92.4 %

25 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =56.99 ≈ 57 A
230 √3 X . 889 X .924

Size of wire=57 A /.80=3/0mcm

Use: 2-107mm2THWN

CB: 200AT/225AF, 2PST

Circuit #13 given: 60hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.858, n=93.6 %

60 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =139.91A
230 √3 X . 858 X .936

Size of wire= 139.91A /.80=250mcm

Use: 3-127mm2THWN

CB: 400AT/600AF, 2PST


Circuit #14 given: 60hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.858, n=93.6 %

60 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =139.91A
230 √3 X . 858 X .936

Size of wire= 139.91A /.80=250mcm

Use: 3-127mm2THWN

CB: 400AT/600AF, 2PST

Circuit #15 given: 75hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.868, n=94.1 %

75 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =171.95A
230 √3 X . 868 X .941

Size of wire= 171.95A /.80=250mcm

Use: 3-127mm2THWN

CB: 250AT/400AF, 2PST

Circuit #16 given: 75hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.868, n=94.1 %

75 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =171.95A
230 √3 X . 868 X .941

Size of wire= 171.95A /.80=250mcm

Use: 3-127mm2THWN

CB: 250AT/400AF, 2PST


Circuit #17 given: 25hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.889, n=92.4 %

25 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =56.99 ≈ 57 A
230 √3 X . 889 X .924

Size of wire=57 A /.80=3/0mcm

Use: 2-107mm2THWN

CB: 200AT/225AF, 2PST

Circuit #18 given: 60hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.858, n=93.6 %

60 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =139.91A
230 √3 X . 858 X .936

Size of wire= 139.91A /.80=250mcm

Use: 3-127mm2THWN

CB: 400AT/600AF, 2PST

Circuit #19 given: 60hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.858, n=93.6 %

60 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =139.91A
230 √3 X . 858 X .936

Size of wire= 139.91A /.80=250mcm

Use: 3-127mm2THWN

CB: 400AT/600AF, 2PST

Circuit #20 given: 75hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.868, n=94.1 %

75 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =171.95A
230 √3 X . 868 X .941

Size of wire= 171.95A /.80=250mcm

Use: 3-127mm2THWN

CB: 250AT/400AF, 2PST

Circuit #21 given: 25hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.889, n=92.4 %

25 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =56.99 ≈ 57 A
230 √3 X . 889 X .924

Size of wire=57 A /.80=3/0mcm

Use: 2-107mm2THWN

CB: 200AT/225AF, 2PST

Circuit #22 given: 25hp, 230v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.889, n=92.4 %

25 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =56.99 ≈ 57 A
230 √3 X . 889 X .924

Size of wire=57 A /.80=3/0mcm

Use: 2-107mm2THWN

CB: 200AT/225AF, 2PST

Current Transformer Ratio-CTR

Formula: full load current +50 %


MCC#2 (see MCC#1 at design #3)

91+50 % 136.5
CTR= =
5 5A

57+50 % 85.5
CTR= =
5 5A

69+50 % 103.5
CTR= =
5 5A

140+50 % 210
CTR= =
5 5A


118+50 % 177
CTR= =
5 5A

118+50 % 177
CTR= =
5 5A

140+50 % 210
CTR= =
5 5A

57+50 % 85.5
CTR= =
5 5A


140+50 % 210
CTR= =
5 5A

172+50 % 258
CTR= =
5 5A

172+50 % 258
CTR= =
5 5A


57+50 % 85.5
CTR= =
5 5A

140+50 % 210
CTR= =
5 5A

140+50 % 210
CTR= =
5 5A

172+50 % 258
CTR= =
5 5A

57+50 % 85.5
CTR= =
5 5A

57+50 % 85.5
CTR= =
5 5A

Overload Relay

Formula: Overload = Il x 1 .2

(see circuit #1 - #4 on design #3)


(90.91) (1.2) = 109.09A


(57) (1.2) = 68.4A


(68.93) (1.2) = 82.72A


(139.91) (1.2) = 167.89A


(117.89) (1.2) = 141.47A


(117.89) (1.2) = 141.47A


(68.93) (1.2) = 82.72A


(57) (1.2) = 68.4A


(68.93) (1.2) = 82.72A


(139.91) (1.2) = 167.89A


(171) (1.2) = 206.34A


(171) (1.2) = 206.34A


(57) (1.2) = 68.4A


(139.91) (1.2) = 167.89A


(139.91) (1.2) = 167.89A


(171) (1.2) = 206.34A


(57) (1.2) = 68.4A


(57) (1.2) = 68.4A

Main Circuit Breaker (MCB) Low Voltages

Formula: MCB = Ifl x 0 .25+Total Il x 0 . 80

MCBlow =Ifl x 0.25+Total Il x 0.80

= (171.95) (0.25) + (657.3A) (0.80)

= 568.83 A

568.83 A
= 711.04 A use: 600mcm, 3-304 mm2 THWN

CB=( 568.83 A ) ( 2.25 )=1 , 279 .87 A

Use: 1400AT/1500,3PST

Design #3



186 3-152mm2
1 1 Turbine 2500 5 6,600/ø XLPE 189.81 .25inch. 600AT

186 3-152mm2
2 Condenser 2500 5 6,600/ø XLPE 189.81 .25inch. 600AT

186 3-152mm2
3 Circular Pump 2500 5 6,600/ø XLPE 189.81 .25inch. 600AT

186 3-152mm2
4 steam separator 2500 5 6,600/ø XLPE 189.81 .25inch. 600AT

2 5 Oil Pump 40 30 230/ø 107mm2THWN 90.91 1.25 225AT

6 Air Compressor 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1 200AT

7 Servomotor 30 22.4 230/ø 127mm2THWN 86.16 1 200AT

Motor Operated 3-
8 Valve 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 400AT

3 9 Pony Motor 50 37.3 230/ø 127mm2THWN 117.9 1.25 400AT

10 Motor Heater 50 37.3 230/ø 127mm2THWN 117.9 1.25 400AT

11 3- 200AT
Ventilation 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1 T

Excitation 2- 200AT
12 Cubicle 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1.25 T

3- 400AT
13 Accumulator 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 T

3- 200AT
4 14 Rotor Lifting 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 T

3- 250AT
15 Strainer 75 56 230/ø 127mm2THWN 171.95 1.25 T

3- 250AT
16 Drainage Pump 75 56 230/ø 127mm2THWN 171.95 1.25 T

Mechanical 2- 200AT
5 17 Breakers 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1 T

3- 200AT
18 Cooling Pump 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 T

3- 200AT
19 Blower 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 T

3- 400AT
20 Lubrication 75 56 230/ø 127mm2THWN 171.95 1.25 T

2- 200AT
21 Exciter 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1 T

Power House 2- 200AT

22 Station Motor 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1 T
Circuit #1 given: 2500hp, 6,600v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.90, n=95.5 %

2500 hp X 746 watts

Ifl= =189.81A
6,600 √ 3 X .90 X .955

Size of wire=189.81A /.80=152mcm

Use: 3-152mm2THWN

CB: 600AT/800AF,3PST

Circuit #2 given: 2500hp, 6,600v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.90, n=95.5 %

2500 hp X 746 watts

Ifl= =189.81A
6,600 √ 3 X .90 X .955

Size of wire=189.81A /.80=152mcm

Use: 3-152mm2THWN

CB: 600AT/800AF,3PST

Circuit #3 given: 2500hp, 6,600v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.90, n=95.5 %

2500 hp X 746 watts
Ifl= =189.81A
6,600 √ 3 X .90 X .955

Size of wire=189.81A /.80=152mcm

Use: 3-152mm2THWN

CB: 600AT/800AF,3PST

Circuit #4 given: 2500hp, 6,600v, 3∅ , p.f. = 0.90, n=95.5 %

2500 hp X 746 watts

Ifl= =189.81A
6,600 √ 3 X .90 X .955

Size of wire=189.81A /.80=152mcm

Use: 3-152mm2THWN

CB: 600AT/800AF, 3PST

Overload Relay

Formula: Overload = Il x 1.2


(189) (1.2) = 227 .77A


(189) (1.2) = 227 .77A


(189) (1.2) = 227 .77A


(189) (1.2) = 227 .77A

Main Circuit Breaker (MCB) Medium Voltages

Formula: MCB = Ifl x 0.25+Total Il x 0.80

MCBmedium =Ifl x 0.25+Total Il x 0.80

= (189.81) (0.25) + (759.24A) (0.80)

= 654.84 A

654.84 A
= 818.55 A use: 700mcm, 3-355 mm2 XLPE

CB=( 654.84 )( 2.25 )=1,473.39 A

Use: 1500AT/1600, 3PST


MCBtotal =( 189.81 ) ( 0.25 ) + ( 2812.42 ) ( 0.80 )

¿ 2297.39 A

2297.39 2
2 ¿ 4 set – 3 x 500mm
500 mm

Use: 3000AT/ AF, 3PST

190+50 % 285
CTR= =
5 5A

190+50 % 285
CTR= =
5 5A

190+50 % 285
CTR= =
5 5A

190+50 % 285
CTR= =
5 5A

Design #4


In electricity generation, an electric generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to

electrical energy. The reverse conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done by
a motor; motors and generators have many similarities. A generator forces electrons in the
windings to flow through the external electrical circuit. It is somewhat analogous to a water
pump, which creates a flow of water but does not create the water inside. The source of
mechanical energy may be a reciprocating or turbine steam engine, water falling through a
turbine or waterwheel, an internal combustion engine, a wind turbine, a hand crank, compressed
air or any other source of mechanical energy.

Generators convert mechanical energy into electricity The conversion of the fundamental energy
into its electrical equivalent normally requires a prime mover to develop the mechanical poweras
an intermediate stage. The nature of this machine depends upon the source of energy. In
geothermal power plants, generators are based on steam turbines that use condensing units.

A simplified functionality of a generator can be described as follows. Electromagnets are
developed by circulating direct current through loops of wire wound around stacks of magnetic
steel laminations. These are called field poles, and they are mounted on the perimeter of the
rotor. The rotor is attached to the turbine shaft, and rotates at a fixed speed. When the rotor turns,
it causes the field poles (the electromagnets) to move past the conductors mounted in the stator.

This, in turn, causes electricity to flow and a voltage to develop at the generator output terminals.
The harsh environmental conditions, due especially to the presence of H2S in the geothermal
fields, impose a scrupulous choice of materials for the electric equipment and for the related
construction techniques. The equipment should contain particular resistive characteristics against
aggressive action from the environment. Under these operational conditions the windings and the
electric connections of the stator and rotor should be insulated with a class F material and against
a class B temperature rise. All the conductors in contact with the air should be protected against
the hostile actions of H2S. Given the particular environmental conditions, it is necessary that all
the components of the machinery be built with materials capable of withstanding the
corrosiveand erosive action to which they are exposed. All the parts in contact with the cooling
water should fulfil AISI 316.

This unique environment of geothermal power plants is taken into account in the preparation of
technical specifications. For example, the generator housing technical specification of the
Hellisheidi geothermal power plant states the following: “The generator and exciter shall be
totally enclosed in a mutual bolted housing to seal out the corrosive gases in the atmosphere. The
protection class of the housing shall be at least IP54 in accordance with IEC 60034-5. The
enclosure shall be equipped with makeup fans and carbon filters to purify and eliminate H2S
from the circulating air.”



186 3-
1 1 Turbine 2500 5 6,600/ø 152mm2XLPE 189.81 .25inch. 600AT

186 3-152mm2
2 Condenser 2500 5 6,600/ø XLPE 189.81 .25inch. 600AT

186 3-152mm2
3 Circular Pump 2500 5 6,600/ø XLPE 189.81 .25inch. 600AT

186 3-152mm2
4 steam separator 2500 5 6,600/ø XLPE 189.81 .25inch. 600AT

2 5 Oil Pump 40 30 230/ø 107mm2THWN 90.91 1.25 225AT

6 Air Compressor 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1 200AT

7 Servomotor 30 22.4 230/ø 127mm2THWN 86.16 1 200AT

Motor Operated 3-
8 Valve 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 400AT

3 9 Pony Motor 50 37.3 230/ø 127mm2THWN 117.9 1.25 400AT

10 Motor Heater 50 37.3 230/ø 127mm2THWN 117.9 1.25 400AT

11 3- 200AT
Ventilation 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1 T

Excitation 2- 200AT
12 Cubicle 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1.25 T

3- 400AT
13 Accumulator 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 T

3- 200AT
4 14 Rotor Lifting 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 T

3- 250AT
15 Strainer 75 56 230/ø 127mm2THWN 171.95 1.25 T

3- 250AT
16 Drainage Pump 75 56 230/ø 127mm2THWN 171.95 1.25 T

Mechanical 2- 200AT
5 17 Breakers 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1 T

3- 200AT
18 Cooling Pump 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 T

3- 200AT
19 Blower 60 44.8 230/ø 127mm2THWN 139.91 1.25 T

3- 400AT
20 Lubrication 75 56 230/ø 127mm2THWN 171.95 1.25 T

2- 200AT
21 Exciter 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1 T

Power House 2- 200AT

22 Station Motor 25 18.7 230/ø 107mm2THWN 57 1 T


Largest Motor: Ifl=189.81 A base design # medium voltage

Is=( 189.81 ) ( 6 )=1138.86 A

Motor High HP: 2500

Locked Rotor Indicator Code Letters

: CODE F = =5.295

5.295 2500 hp
Blocked Rotor Current ( Ic ¿= x
hp √ 3 (13.8)

= 553.82A

Generator Full Load Current = Ifl+ Is+ Ic

= 189.81 + 1138.86 + 553.82

= 1882.49 A

Generator Size = 1882.49 x √ 3 x 13.8


= 44.99 ≈ 4 5 MVA

Design #5

Short Circuit Analysis

A short circuit is an abnormal low-resistance connection between two nodes of an electrical

circuit that are meant to be at different voltages. This results in an excessive electric current
(overcurrent) limited only by the Thévenin equivalent resistance of the rest of the network and
potentially causes circuit damage, overheating, fire or explosion. Although usually the result of a
fault, there are cases where short circuits are caused intentionally, for example, for the purpose of
voltage-sensing crowbar circuit protectors.

In circuit analysis (see image), the term short circuit is used by analogy to designate a zero-
impedance connection between two nodes. This forces the two nodes to be at the same voltage.
In an ideal short circuit, this means there is no resistance and no voltage drop across the short. In
simple circuit analysis, wires are considered to be shorts. In real circuits, the result is a
connection of nearly zero impedance, and almost no resistance. In such a case, the current drawn
is limited by the rest of the circuit.

Requirements to Solve:

 Transformer
 Total Full Load Current in each feeder
 Sizes of conductors
 Bus Bar Sizes


Transformer Loading

Transformer 1 at MCC#1

( 759.24 ) ( √ 3 ) ( 6.6 ) (0.95)

Kva =

= 900 kva use: 1000kva

Transformer 2

( 374 ) ( √ 3 ) ( 0.230 ) (0.95)

Kva =

= 130 kva use: 150kva

Transformer 3

( 573 ) ( √ 3 ) ( 0.230 ) ( 0.95)

Kva =

= 210 kva use: 225kva

Transformer 4

( 484 ) ( √ 3 ) ( 0.230 ) (0.95)

Kva =

= 170 kva use: 225kva

Transformer 5

( 623 ) ( √ 3 ) ( 0.230 ) ( 0.95)

Kva =

= 220 kva use: 225kva


Mcc# I fl

1 759A

2 374A

3 573A

4 484A

5 623A

Total I fl : 2,813A

Main power transformer

( 2,813 A ) ( √ 3 ) ( 35 ) (0.95)
Kva =

= 162 kva use: 225kva

Line to Line Current on Transformer

At Main transformer

I 22,500
√ 3 x 13.8

= 941A

Transformer #1

I 9000
√ 3 x 13.8

= 787A

Transformer #2

I 130
√ 3 x 13.8

= 326A

Transformer #3

I 210
√ 3 x 13.8

= 527A

Transformer #4

I 170
√ 3 x 13.8

= 427A

Transformer #1

I 220
√ 3 x 13.8

= 552A

S .C . MVA=

100(80 MVA)

= 701.75 ≈ 702 MVA


Fault #1 at MCC#1 on Motor/Circuit #1

Available Utility: 35 kv

S.C. MVA : 702,000

Transformer#1 : 1000kva, 6.6kv, 3∅ ,

0.06048%R, 3.4474%X, 3.5000%Z

I¿ : 787A

Switch : 800A



500AT/ 600AF, 3PST


1000 x (6.6)2

= 0.0000620

Table 1.2

(10 )( 3.4474 ) (6.6)2


= 1.5016

Table 5

( 10 ) ( 0.6048 ) (6.6)2

= 0.2634

32 ' 0.0393
X= x
1000 3

= 0.000419

32 ' 0.0385 R X
R= x
1000 3
- 0.0000620
= 0.000410
- 1.5016

0.2634 -
Table X = 0.00007
- 0.000419

0.000410 -

Total R and X - 0.00007 = 0.2638 1.5021

Ztotal per =√(0.2638)2 +(1.5021)2


¿ 1.5250 Ω

I S .C . sym RMS =
√ 3 x 1.5250
¿ 2,499 A

I sym motor contrib =4 x 787=3148 A

I total S .C . sym RMS = 2,499 A +3148 A=5647 A

X /R 1.5021


Asymfactor = 1.295 Table 8

I S .C . Asym RMS=1.295 x 2499

¿ 3236A

I Asym motor contrib =5 x 787=3935 A

I total S .C . Asym RMS = 3236A +3935 A=5647 A

Fault #2 at MCC#2 on Motor/Circuit #1

Available Utility: 35 kv

S.C. MVA : 702,000

Transformer#1 : 150kva, 0.230kv, 3∅ ,

0.6657%R, 0.9985%X, 1.2000%Z

I¿ : 326A

Switch : 400A


3-107.2mm2 THWN

250AT/ 300AF, 2PST


1000 x (0.23)2

= 0.0000000753

Table 1.2

(10 )( 0.9985 ) (6.6)2


= 0.00352
Table 5
- 0.0000000753
( 10 ) ( 0.6657 ) (6.6)2
R= - 0.00352

= 0.00234 0.00234 -

40' 0.0393 - 0.000524

X= x
1000 3
0.000712 -
= 0.000524
- 0.00008
40 ' 0.0534
R= x
1000 3

= 0.000712

Total R and X = 0.00305 0.00412

Table X = 0.00008

Ztotal per =√(0.00305)2 +( 0.00412)2


¿ 0.00512 Ω

I S .C . sym RMS =
√3 x 0.00512
¿ 25935 A

I sym motor contrib =4 x 326=1304 A

I total S .C . sym RMS = 25935 A +1304 A=27239 A

X /R 0.00412


Asymfactor = 1.009 Table 8

I S .C . Asym RMS=1.009 x 25935

¿ 26168A

I Asym motor contrib =5 x 326=1630 A

I total S .C . Asym RMS = 26168A +1630 A=27798 A

Fault #3 at MCC#3 on Motor/Circuit #5

Available Utility: 35 kv

S.C. MVA : 702,000

Transformer#1 : 225kva, 0.230kv, 3∅ ,

0.06657%R, 0.9985%X, 1.2000%Z

I¿ : 527A

Switch : 600A



350AT/ 400AF, 2PST


1000 x (0.23)2

= 0.0000000753

Table 1.2

(10 )( 0.9985 ) (6.6)2


= 0.00234

Table 5

( 10 ) ( 0.6657 ) (6.6)2

= 0.000156

45' 0.0399
X= x
1000 3

= 0.000532

45 ' 0.0457 R X
R= x
1000 3
- 0.0000000753
= 0.000609
- 0.00234

0.00156 -
Table X = 0.00008
- 0.000532

0.000609 -

Total R and X - 0.00008 = 0.00765 0.00295

Ztotal per =√(0.00756)2 +( 0.00295)2


¿ 0.00304 Ω

I S .C . sym RMS =
√3 x 0.00304
¿ 43681 A

I sym motor contrib =5 x 527=2635 A

I total S .C . sym RM S = 43681 A+2635 A=46316 A

X /R 0.00295


Asymfactor = 1.181 Table 8

I S .C . Asym RMS=1.181 x 43681

¿ 79062A

I Asym motor contrib=6 x 527=3162 A

I total S .C . Asym RMS = 79062A +3162 A=27798 A

Design #6
Capacitor and Power Factor Correction

Capacitor and Power Factor Correction
Many loads are highly inductive, such a lightly loaded motors and illumination transformers and
ballasts. You may want to correct the power factor by adding parallel capacitors. You can also
add series capacitors to "remove" the effect of leakage inductance that limits the output current.

The current flow through the circuit is increased by the reactive component. Normally, loads are
represented by a series combination of a resistance and a purely imaginary reactance. For this
explanation, it is easier to contemplate it as an equivalent parallel combination. The diagram
below illustrates a partially reactive load being fed from a real system with some finite resistance
in the conductors, etc.

The current through the reactive component (Ireactive) dissipates no power, and neither does it
register on the watt hour meter. However, the reactive current does dissipate power when
flowing through other resistive components in the system, like the wires, the switches, and the
lossy part of a transformer (Rline). Switches have to interrupt the total current, not just the active
component. Wires have to be big enough to carry the entire current, etc. Correcting the power
factor reduces the amount of oversizing necessary.

Power factor correction capacitors are often rated in kVar, instead of uF, because that is how the
power company works. Say a factory has several thousand horsepower worth of motors at .85
power factor. They might have a reactive component of several hundred kVar. At a distribution
voltage of 14,400 volts, this would require a capacitor with an impedance of a bit more than
1000 ohms, or about 2.5 microfarads, a reasonable sized and priced package. However, if you
were crazy enough to try to compensate this at 230 volts, you would need about .01 Farads (i.e.
10,000 uF), a sizeable package.

For very large systems, even capacitors get unwieldy. One approach is to use large over excited
synchronous motors which look like capacitors, electrically. Another approach is clever systems
of thyristors and inductors which simulate the capactive reactance by drawing "displacement


For Low Voltage

Total Kw = 657.3kw, 230v, 60hz, p.f. = 0.65

Kva =
p. f .

Kva= = 1011.23kva

Kvars = (kva) (sin θ ¿

Kvars = (1011.23) (sin 49.46° )

= 768.49 kvars


I =

I = 4396.65A

Power Factor Correction

Kva= = 821.63kva

Kvars = (821.63kva) (0.60)

= 429.98 kvars

Capacitor Contribute = 768.49 - 429.98

= 338.51 kvars

For Capacitor:

( kvar ) (1000)

( 338.51 )( 1000)
230 v

= 1471.78A


230 v

= 0.156Ω

( 159 ) (10 3)
( 60 ) (0.156)

= 1698.7 ≈ 1699 μf

( kva )(1000)

( 821.63 ) (1000)

= 3572.30A

For Medium Voltage

Total Kw = 7424kw, 6600v, 60hz, p.f. = 0.90

Kva =
p. f .

Kva= = 8248.89kva

Kvars = (kva) (sin θ ¿

Kvars = (8248.89) (0.435)

= 3855.27 kvars


I =

I = 1249.83A

Power Factor Correction

Kva= = 7814.74kva

Kvars = (7814.74kva) (0.312)

= 2438.198 kvars

Capacitor Contribute =3588.27– 2438.198

= 1150.072kvars

For Capacitor:

( kvar ) (1000)

( 1150.072 ) (1000)
6600 v

= 174.25A


6600 v

= 37.88Ω

( 159 ) (10 3)
( 60 ) (37.88)

= 699.58 μf

( kva )(1000)

( 7814.74 ) (1000)

= 1184.05A

Design #7
Cable Withstands

Cables withstand
A cable tie is a device that is used to secure electrical wires in an efficient and organized manner.
You can collect all of the cables in a workspace into a bunch and encapsulate them in a single tie,
which avoids creating a mess of tangled wires. Cable ties are effective for organizing wires
because they don't affix to the wires and can be easily removed without leaving marks or a sticky

Types of Cable

Nylon Ties
Standard cable ties are made from nylon. They come in a wide variety of sizes, ranging from 4-
inch ties that can withstand 18 pounds of pressure up through 7-inch and 14-inch ties that can
comfortably maintain 50 pounds of pressure.

Special Purpose Ties

Specialized nylon cable ties can be obtained for particular uses. These specialized ties include:
oversize ties designed for use with air conditioning and heating ducts; heat-stabilized ties that
can endure temperatures up to 250 degrees Fahrenheit; ties with mounting holes; low-profile ties
for tight spaces; and releasable cable ties.

Stainless Steel Ties

If you need to use cable ties in a harsh chemical environment that reaches unusually high or low
temperatures, you might need stainless steel cable ties. Stainless steel ties are flame retardant and
can withstand temperatures ranging from minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit to 1,000 degrees
Fahrenheit. Stainless steel ties are relatively expensive, costing 30 to 40 times as much as a
simple nylon tie.

Tefzel Ties
Another popular variety of cable tie is the versatile Tefzel tie. Tefzel ties are made from
ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene, which is a substance that demonstrates a high resistance to
environmental threats. Tefzel can withstand temperatures up to 302 degrees Fahrenheit. It is
resistant to levels of radiation up to 100 megarads and to ultraviolet light. It can withstand
humidity and is resistant to fire and acid.

Halar Ties
Halar, or ethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene, is another compound used to create cable ties. Halar
ties are similar to Tefzel ties in terms of their resistance to radiation, ultraviolet light, fire and
extreme temperatures. They are particularly useful in plenum spaces, or spaces used for heating
and cooling purposes. If they catch fire, they emit little smoke. Halar ties are among the priciest
cable ties on the market, typically costing 50 to 60 times as much as a nylon tie.

Velcro Ties
You can obtain simple hook-and-loop cable ties that are made with Velcro. These ties are
particularly effective for temporary, low-temperature wiring systems or systems in which
components are added and removed frequently.



Formula: I THZ=f nx x J THR
√ Tk

Low Voltages
At MCC#2, Circuit #5 - #8

Circuit #5

4/0 MCM or 107 mm2 THWN , 225 A/mm2

I THZ = (107 mm2 ¿

( 225mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 34 A

Circuit #6

3/0 MCM or 85.01 mm2 THWN , 200 A /mm2

200 A 1
I THZ = (85.01 mm2 ¿
( mm2 )√ 0.50

¿ 23.37 A

Circuit #7

3/0 MCM or 85.01 mm2 THWN , 200 A /mm2

200 A 1
I THZ = (85.01 mm2 ¿
( mm2 )√ 0.50

¿ 23.37 A

Circuit #8

250 MCM or 127 mm2 THWN , 250 A/mm2

I THZ = (127 mm2 ¿

( 250mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 44.77 A

At MCC#3, Circuit #9 - #13

Circuit #9

250 MCM or 127 mm2 THWN , 250 A/mm2

250 A 1
I THZ = (127 mm2 ¿
( mm2 )√ 0.50

¿ 44.77 A

Circuit #10

250 MCM or 127 mm2 THWN , 250 A/mm2

250 A 1
I THZ = (127 mm2 ¿
( mm2 )√ 0.50

¿ 44.77 A

Circuit #11

250 MCM or 127 mm2 THWN , 250 A/mm2

I THZ = (127 mm2 ¿

( 250mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 44.77 A

Circuit #12

3/0 MCM or 85.01 mm2 THWN , 200 A /mm2

I THZ = (85.01 mm2 ¿

( 200mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 23.37 A

Circuit #13

250 MCM or 127 mm2 THWN , 250 A/mm2

I THZ = (127 mm2 ¿

( 250mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 44.77 A

At MCC#4, Circuit #14 - #16

Circuit #14

250 MCM or 127 mm2 THWN , 250 A/mm2

I THZ = (127 mm2 ¿

( 250mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 44.77 A

Circuit #15

250 MCM or 127 mm2 THWN , 250 A/mm2

I THZ = (127 mm2 ¿
( 250mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 44.77 A

Circuit #16

250 MCM or 127 mm2 THWN , 250 A/mm2

I THZ = (127 mm2 ¿

( 250mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 44.77 A

At MCC#5, Circuit #17 - #22

Circuit #17

3/0 MCM or 85.01 mm2 THWN , 200 A /mm2

200 A 1
I THZ = (85.01 mm2 ¿
( mm2 )√ 0.50

¿ 23.37 A

Circuit #18

250 MCM or 127 mm2 THWN , 250 A/mm2

250 A 1
I THZ = (127 mm2 ¿
( mm2 )√ 0.50

¿ 44.77 A

Circuit #19

250 MCM or 127 mm2 THWN , 250 A/mm2

I THZ = (127 mm2 ¿

( 250mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 44.77 A

Circuit #20

250 MCM or 127 mm2 THWN , 250 A/mm2

250 A 1
I THZ = (127 mm2 ¿
( mm2 )√ 0.50

¿ 44.77 A

Circuit #21

3/0 MCM or 85.01 mm2 THWN , 200 A /mm2

200 A 1
I THZ = (85.01 mm2 ¿
( mm2 )√ 0.50

¿ 23.37 A

Circuit #22

3/0 MCM or 85.01 mm2 THWN , 200 A /mm2

I THZ = (85.01 mm2 ¿

( 200mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 23.37 A


Formula: I THZ=f nx x J THR
√ Tk

Medium Voltages
At MCC#1, Circuit #1 - #4

Circuit #1

300 MCM or 152 mm2 XLPE , 250 A /mm2

I THZ = (152 mm2 ¿

( 250mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 53.58 A

Circuit #2

300 MCM or 152 mm2 XLPE , 250 A /mm2

I THZ = (152 mm2 ¿
( 250mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 53.58 A

Circuit #3

300 MCM or 152 mm2 XLPE , 250 A /mm2

I THZ = (152 mm2 ¿

( 250mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 53.58 A

Circuit #4

300 MCM or 152 mm2 XLPE , 250 A /mm2

I THZ = (152 mm2 ¿

( 250mmA ) √ 0.501

¿ 53.58 A


Title Approved



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