Qualities of Effective Teachers Word 2

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Name: Rosalinda Garcia

After reviewing the characteristics and qualities of effective educators as identified by research,
write out 2 characteristics that will be easy for you to implement in your classroom and 2 that
you will consciously work on.

Glows Grows

The Effective Teacher as a person…

That knows how to listen to her students. I will continue to work on my being organized
That is very important and effective strategies in my classroom. Being organized will help me
to have. The effectiveness of being an active be ready to teach my lessons, and have a well-
listener is the value behind it. It allows you to structured productive classroom.
better understand your students

The Effective Teacher as a professional…

Will incorporate active learning in her lessons I will continue to work on planning instruction
to engage her students. The effective teacher having the time needed to plan my lessons. I
will also try new teaching strategies, by will continue to work on being organized with
providing the opportunity for her students to my student’s paperwork.
engage in active learning.

The effective Teacher established classroom

management and organization that…

A well effective teacher will establish I will continue to grow by being a better
classroom management on day one in her learner. I believe that we never stop learning
classroom. I will model to my students my teachers don’t know everything and don’t
expectations for my classroom. I will make it have all the answers. I will continue to
visible, clear, and simple my expectations. understand and listen to my students.

The Effective Teacher implements instruction

That the student will understand and easy to I will continue to get to know my students and
follow. The teacher will make sure that the build relationships with them. Is important for
instruction is meaningful. them to have a place where they feel safe.

The Effective Teacher monitors student progress

and potential by…

The effective teacher will monitors a student’s I will work on my multitasking skills. I
progress by recording data assessments from understand that it’s not just about following a
her students. She will use end of unit lesson curriculum.I will have to teach, monitor, and
test to see if her students have mastered their keep their attention on me. I will work on my
goals. This will help the teacher have instruction skills work on my teaching styles.
interventions for her students that need it.

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