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ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Enhancing professional practices


RECEIVED DATE: December 30, 2020




STUDENT ID: BKC19100 – BKC19101.

MOBILE NUMBER: 0349685127 –0388239554 .

Summative Feedback:

Internal verification:

Table of content
LO3 : Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team working in
different environments…………………………………………………………………………………… 4

P5. Discuss the importance of team dynamics in the success and/or failure of group work…………….. 4

LO4. Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development(CPD) and its role within the
workplace and for higher-level learning………………………………………………………………… 9

P7 : What is CPD? A Guide to Continuing Professional Development………………………………… 9

P8 : Produce a development plan that outlines responsibilities, performance objectives and required skills,
knowledge and learning for own future goals………………………………………………………….. 12

I. Introduction
I would like to express my gratitude to my assessor Mr.Cong for the useful comments, examples and
engagement through the learning process. The success and the final outcome of this assignment required
a lot of guidance and example from assessor and I am extremely fortunate to have got this all along the
completion of my assignment work.
I am really thankful to my classmates make the way to learn properly. I am really grateful because I
managed to complete this assignment within the time given by my lecturer. This assignment cannot be
completed without the effort and co-operation from my class mates. They help me in my confuse and
spend some time with me to make me clear. This document is written for soft skill training purposes. It is
about the skills an individual needs to be more successful in life and career. Have you ever wondered
why some people can be able to be productive and so successful in life more than others? It is because
they have skills that help them to be successful. Those skills are divided into soft-skill and technical-skill.
The technical-skill set can be different from each job, but the soft skill is the same for everyone. This
document is written to show you how to achieve those soft skills and use them to get promotes in your
career whatever it is.
This document is discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team
working in different environments . The first part is examine the need for Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace and for higher-level learning.

LO3 : Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and
the impact of team working in different environments.
P5. Discuss the importance of team dynamics in the success and/or failure of group work.

3.1. Assignment of work

Team work is a group of people with the same work goal working together and working together.They
interact regularly, help each other in work, each person will be assigned a job and have responsibilities
for the job, the tasks must be clear. Each team member has a special role and task in the group, each
member is an important link together to complete the job well. There are many benefits of team members
working together, so today when recruiting, employers always want their candidates to have good
teamwork skills. The assignment of work does not create independent activities, but is actually the
coordination of coordination in work. When receiving their work, members will be forced to interact with
the work of other members in the group. Assignment of work does not create independent activities but is
actually a coordinated assignment.

3.1.2: Manage and control work
Teamwork also enhances the management and control of the work, because the group's roles and
responsibilities will cause team members to have a comprehensive review of assigned work. For tasks
that require a clear decision, teamwork will help solve the problem in an optimal way
This helps the organization make the best decisions. In groups, activities of each member will be
controlled by working regulations already group unity. As an individual working in a team, each
Members will be under the management of the person in charge of the group, and adjust the assigned
Next, solve the problem according to the proposed regulatory framework. Work, so would is conducted
smoothly and synchronously, with smooth coordination.
3.1.3. Solve problems and make decisions:
Group work is an opportunity for individuals to contribute ideas with distributions
your ants. Problems that cannot be resolved by an individual involve greed
They propose ideas and solutions of the group. From opinions, perspectives and solutions 
Different solutions, through group activities will unify the contents and problems
An effective team process increases a team's ability to solve problems and make decisions. When
working with a large number of people, solving problems with a predetermined process becomes more
It increases the efficiency and productivity of the team.
It increases group engagement - more people join, and as a result,

It increases group satisfaction. This means, the team is more likely to want to tackle other problems
further. And then, they'll be in a better position to tackle them.
3.1.4. Collect information and ideas:
Gather information and ideas .Teamwork is one of the most effective processes of gathering information
and ideas. Each member in the working process is also provided with information related to the issues to
be resolved. The shared information will supplement and enrich the necessary resources for the group's
problems to be solved. Also within workflow groups, different ideas will be proposed, creating diversity
in the work of finding a solution to the problem to be solved. This gives the group more options for the
final decision. Make a richer variety of ideas at work
3.1.5. Information processing
The essence of information processing is on the basis of data sources and evidence is provided, the team
will have to choose the essential information, relevant directly to the group problem to be solved.
Information processing will be collective make decisions with multi-dimensional, multi-faceted
perspectives and ensure objectivity.
Diverse sources of information and ideas require fast processing of information fast and accurate. The
participation of the group members is substantial towards this criterion
3.1.6. Coordinate, increase participation and commitment
An effective team would be a well-coordinated, enhanced group participation of group members, even
those of
people outside the group according to the unity of the group to exchange and learn. Mixing group
A good match is the group that maximizes the capabilities of its members for the purpose
general group. Among the members there is harmony, rhythm, support and tournament problem solving.
A well-coordinated group is a group that all members follow commitments have been passed before the
group, with no personal opinion in the group's final decision.
3.1.7. The criteria for evaluating the effective working group
- An effective working group is a group that has a high consensus in the whole group.
Each member clearly understands work goals, individual responsibilities and principles
- Team members all have relevant expertise and content
group work requirements;
- The final result of the group satisfies the work objectives, correct
the most economical progress and cost;
- At the end of the program, the members gained a lot
Positive value from the participation in your group activities.
Based on the specific job requirements with different conditions will
form different criteria. In this subject we are
Only introduce some basic criteria for evaluating effective working groups as follows:
- To concretize criteria for evaluating group effectiveness on the basis of commitment
effective work of each member, each person will be a subject in the group.
The members actively fulfill their duties in the group, actively
give opinions and make decisions; All issues concluded in the end are agreed by consensus
or vote, limit personal opinion. Conflicts must be resolved
decisions are based on the consensus of a majority of the members. Conflict and creative assurance
health care. Conflict is the creative impulse. Conflict must be controlled
avoid leading to negative effects;
- All decisions and action strategies are not governed by one fish
multiply. An effective group is a group that always sets the stage for creativity and high results;
- Effective team communication should stimulate the sense of responsibility
responsibilities and behaviors of each member and help them understand behavior and opinions
and each other's actions. Accept both negative and positive comments. Available
collaborative screening based on joint efforts and information sharing;
Effective groups always have a share of power. All members accept
are aware of their roles, they have the feeling of being influencer, stimulating
members make decisions and enforce decisions. Thanks to that, it stimulates development
qualifications, personalities and preferences;
- Another important criterion to define effective team is the middle
Members have shared vision, shared responsibility, and shared response levels
3.2: Negotiation and conflict resolution
Teamwork enhances communication relationships. Any fish opinion.

The given personnel are considered from the point of view of the whole group, so all opinions.
Consensus must be sought from team members. To theory
For other members, ideas and solutions must be based on the negotiate with relevant arguments,
arguments and arguments. Thanks to that carefully negotiation ability is promoted. On the other hand in
the case of negative views when appearing in the group will also be governed by final agreement avoid
conflicts, especially personal conflicts that may arise.
There are many factors that are barriers to team activities, affecting work efficiency. Some of the
following factors can be listed here.
3.3:Critical assessment of your own role and contribution to the mission of designing and delivering
the training program:
 Questioning: The skill of demonstrating positive critical thinking that anyone needs to practice. In
fact, this is a difficult skill, requiring a high level of thinking and constructive spirit for the group.
Question smart questions based on strong approving or critical arguments, using soft and delicate
language, not focusing on weaknesses or disparages that lead to futile argument. It is important in the
group to have an open mind to encourage people to accept ideas that are contrary to their views
without feeling selfish.
 Persuasion: The members must exchange, consider the given ideas, at the same time protect
themselves and persuade others to agree with their opinions. When persuading, we must rely on
common ideas to reinforce or make it more reasonable, not only based on personal reasoning.
Especially not relying on your position or talent to force listeners to accept
 Respect the opinions of others, through the encouragement and support of each other, trying to
make them a reality. When the members show mutual respect, they are contributing their efforts to the
success in organizing group activities.
 Help: Members must know to help each other because in one group there will be people who are
strong in one area, another will be strong in another. Sometimes, the problem the team is solving

requires knowledge in many different areas, levels and skills. This is a skill that each person needs to
practice to be ready to contribute to the overall achievement of the group.
 Sharing: The more people who share valuable experiences or give wise ideas to the group, the
more love and respect the other members will receive. When each member is aware of the importance
of sharing, the teamwork atmosphere will be more open and positive.
 Teamwork: Each member must contribute mentality to work together to implement the proposed
plan. This means that the group needs to understand what the group's purpose is to achieve and share
a common desire to accomplish it. "Imagine, we are on the same boat, we all have to row together to
bring the boat to its destination!"

LO4. Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development(CPD) and its role within the
workplace and for higher-level learning.
P7 : What is CPD? A Guide to Continuing Professional Development

The progression of your professional career and organisation depends greatly on how often you and
others engage in CPD: continuing professional development. Without it, you may struggle to keep up
with the ever-changing world of work.

Ongoing learning enables a level of growth that separates the average Joe from the truly outstanding. So
if you’re looking for a way to reach greater success, CPD is a proven route.

What is CPD?

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the process of developing professional skills and
knowledge through interactive, participation-based or independent learning. It enables learners to
proactively develop their professional capabilities through certified learning or self-guided learning

It involves setting objectives for short and long-term progression with a structured and goal-specific plan.
People engaging in CPD need to keep records of any knowledge attained and progress made for the
purpose of reflecting on their learning and for showcasing skills, and sometimes as evidence of having
undertaken CPD.

Development should build on technical and non-technical skills, so learners gain the expertise and
understanding required to approach professional situations from various angles.

Why is CPD Important?

Many professions have set requirements for ongoing CPD, where it is necessary for individuals to prove
they are capable of adhering to current essential standards – such as legal, medical, and accounting roles.

But beyond that, CPD helps people retain a consistent set of high quality, relevant skills and knowledge
throughout their professional life. The best part is that CPD puts learners in a favourable position to
demonstrate new knowledge, work to impressive standards, and progress in their career.

CPD benefits for the learner:

 Refines your personal skills and intellect and helps to plug any knowledge gaps.
 Keeps academic and practical qualifications up to date – keeping skills relevant is integral in
today’s fast-moving world, where rapid progression can quickly lead to previous learning becoming
 Opens pathways to career progression or potential redirection, including achieving higher
salaries and better job security.
 Enhances your ability to regularly learn and improve – you’ll learn quicker as you become
acquainted with the process and will become a better independent learner.
 Demonstrates ambitiousness, aptitude, and a dedication to self-improvement to current and
prospective employers and clients.
 Provides valuable examples and scenarios for showcasing professional achievements and
growth in CVs, cover letters, and interviews.
 Reduces feelings of uncertainty or worries about change – CPD gives you a plan for future
aspirations and the ability to readily adapt.
 Promotes independence – self-directed CPD requires you to consciously engage in learning
activities and follow your own plan, while some structured CPD activities can benefit from you
engaging in further research and study.

Continuous professional development can also be an excellent self-motivation tool, as it reminds you of
your achievements and progression. Plus, its flexibility and diversity – in terms of the different forms of
CPD learning available – gives you an opportunity to find a learning approach that fits you best.

CPD benefits for the business:

 Ensures that standards throughout the company are consistently high.

 Improves efficiency and productivity with highly skilled and motivated staff.
 Enhances the business’s reputation among customers and clients as well as potential employees.
 Promotes a healthy learning culture.
 Improves employee retention as employees feel valued and loyal to the company.
 Provides a useful benchmark for annual reviews and appraisals.
 Enables the company to positively react and move with current trends and shifts in the industry.

To achieve these benefits, businesses should always support employees’ continuous personal
development and allow equal access to learning opportunities. Keep in mind that there are at least a dozen
different types of CPD, so there’s always one form or another that suits your schedule and needs.

What are the Different Types of CPD?

There are two main types of CPD: formal, structured learning and informal, self-directed learning.

Formal CPD usually follows set curriculums, often approved by professional bodies such as the CPD
Certification Service to prove they are effective and well-structured. Conversely, informal CPD involves
learners engaging in independent professional learning by finding their own sources of information and

Formal CPD: structured, active learning

The learner engages in interactive, participation-based learning, usually provided by somewhere other
than the company for which they work. Structured CPD often involves more than one learner for the
benefit of idea sharing and group activities, but it can be one-to-one.

Structured CPD includes:

 Online and offline training courses.

 Learning-oriented conferences and meetings.
 Group events.
 Workshops.
 Online and offline seminars and lectures.
 Other CPD-certified events.

Many structured CPD activities involve professionals taking career-oriented exams and assessments,
which is useful for measuring a learner’s CPD progress: CPD can be tracked with attendance records, test
results, written materials, etc.

Informal CPD: unstructured, self-directed learning

Self-directed learning refers to any development activities that are guided solely by the learner, often
without following a curriculum.  If you are going to engage in self-directed CPD, you should draw up a
CPD plan that covers what you expect to learn.

Self-directed CPD includes:

 Studying online and offline publications written by industry experts.

 Reading articles and case studies.
 Listening to and making notes on podcasts.
 Following industry-specific news feeds.
 Writing articles and essays for personal development.
 Additional studying and revising for professional examinations.

Learners should aim to engage in both formal and informal CPD to achieve the benefits of both.

It’s also crucial that learners reflect on their CPD learning. It is the most crucial stage of the CPD process,
as it enables you to determine what worked and where your strengths lie, and how you can plan and
improve future CPD activities. Self-reflection is used by those who are truly goal-oriented and open to
real growth.

P8 : Produce a development plan that outlines responsibilities, performance objectives and

required skills, knowledge and learning for own future goals.
1.What is an individual development plan?
•The aim is to document a process of self-analysis, personal reflection and hone stassessment of your
strengths and weaknesses. This should help you to assess the value of the leadership and management
training you are receiving, and to evaluate your future development of leadership.

2.My personal development plan:

A .Part 1–Personal Analysis

Strengths Areas for further development (weakness)

Always listen to the members' opinions when To build my confidence in the command, I need
participating in group activities to add experience to managing groups
indifferent scenarios
Completed on time the tasks assigned with Time management skills are not good, I need to
pretty good results develop this skill to help me divide my time for
work and individuals better.
Acquiring and learning knowledge about fields My personal communication skills are still low,
very quickly, this helps me develop personally I need to participate in group activities to help
faster develop this skill

B .Part 2–Setting Goals:

What do I want to What do I have to do? What support an dre How will I mean sure
learn? sources will I need? success?
Develop time Complete a training Training Center area 1.Assessment
management skills course to develop and course ofCourses.2.Self-
time management appraisal.
Develop 1.Courses on Training Center area 1.Self-appraisal
communication skills developing and course 2.Judging from team
Communication skills members ,friends
2.Group activities 3.Feedback from the
3.Training courses team and a supporter
of the project.
To build my Learn more about Senior colleague 1.Judging from the
confidence in the how to observe mentoring and Active completed task
command experienced mentoring partner
managers. Gain
friendship and belief
in them.
C# Achieve the course programmer teaching 1.Finish C # at
C# to build Microsoft center Microsoft
application 2.scores

C .Part 3–Personal Objectives:

1.Short Term Goals (next 12 months)

▪Completion of school door courses

▪Join extracurricular activities

▪Completed C # courses, javascript before 202

2.Medium Term Goals (next 2–3 years)

▪University graduation on time

▪Have a stable job

3.Long-term goals (beyond 3 years)

▪Be promoted

▪High salary



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