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Shogun method pdf full

How to use Military-Grade Mind Control to make a woman dependent on you emotionally, because your woman's happiness lies in your power, leadership and dominance regardless of whether you want to make a woman fall in love with you or fix a failed relationship or marriage - the Shogun Method will show you how over 17,000
customers shogun method from 2015! PAY CLOSE ATTENTION Because your life is about making a change foreverThis may well be the fastest method for a man to possess the ultimate control and dominance in his love life, bar no one ... ... and yet very few are even unaware of its existence. Even the leading gurus and Pickup Artists
have no idea. I only knew this because I accidentally came across this method. Almost a decade ago, being completely shattered emotionally by a horrific breakup (and fed up with getting rejected repeatedly after trying to get back into the dating scene). . I went on a do-or-die mission to find the fastest and most effective way to control
and dominate my relationships with women ever known to mankind. My year-long quest led me to an ultra-secret group known as MKDELTA. It was here that the forbidden knowledge of mind control was freely shared behind iron walls closed to the outside world. MEMBERS of MKDELTA uncovered insidious methods of mind control that
infused their victims into a cult trance and turned them into emotional serfs, in the body and in the mind. However, I was only interested in one very specific thing... The ability to make any woman fall in love with me. During the three years I was in the group, I completely immersed myself in mind management techniques, and I ended up
formulating a step-by-step method on how to use hidden mind management techniques on women to create a raw, almost animal attraction to me. This method is built around this very fundamental (and at the same time little-known) truth about women-um has a natural flaw that can be easily exploited by men there is a lack embedded
deep in their minds that make them vulnerable to those who know how to exploit this flaw. The existence of this lack of consciousness has been scientifically established by well-known psychologists such as Carl Jung, Alfred Kinsey and Sigmund Freud. However, given how controversial this is, you can understand why this important
conclusion has been covered up over the years by politically correct media...... and yet, once you know what this flaw is, it will change how you see love and attraction forever, and this: a woman has absolutely NO CONTROL over who to fall in love with. What does that mean? Pretty simple, actually. This means that women do not attract
men just because they consciously DECIDE feel it. In other words, it is, of course, Try to ask your girlfriends what made them draw to the last guys they were with and they will tell you the same thing...... What's what It just happened. Of course, you already know that nothing just happens for no reason! Now, since a woman can't control
who's feeling attracted to, we can subtly make her feel attracted... As long as we have the ability to press every attraction button that is hard wired in her mind. Interestingly, the guys are also hard-wired with these engaging Buttons.For example, our attraction to the blonde, juicy Playboy model is automatic and instantaneous. Why? Simple
really... This is because it pushes every ride button that is hard-wired into our male brain. Let's try a hilarious thought experiment, okay? First, look at this photo: - Imagine this woman stepping into your room, smiling, sitting on her knees and wrapping her arms around her neck. Imagine it in your mind for a few seconds. I'll wait. How are
you feeling? Next imagine this woman shown in the picture below coming into your room and sitting on her lap... How do you feel now? Of course, if you're a healthy, red-blooded man, then you'll be included more of that sexy lingerie model than this old woman. Here's an explanation... For us guys, our pull buttons are pushed when we
see specific physical qualities in women like body and facial symmetry, breast size and shape, and waist-to-hip ratio, for example. For a woman, however, this is completely different because she is governed only by her emotions. This means that if you have the ability to induce certain hot emotions inside a woman, then she will feel an
immediate attraction to you. And it happens without the need for her to consciously think about it. So, with the right approach, you can use this flaw in a woman's mind to your advantage... In particular, with mind control tactics, you'll have the right to crack her mind, tap her attraction buttons and make her fall in love with you. (And if she
was someone who fell in love with you, she'd fall in love again.) Introducing Shogun Method: Hardcore Mind Control Emotional Addiction Tactics Now handed you the silver PlatterMy name Derek Rake and I'm the creator of Shogun Method.Unlike other relationships, get your ex back or Pickup Artist program, Shogun Method is the world's
first and only relationship strategy system built on military-level Mind Control technology. If you want the opportunity to make any woman emotionally dependent on you, then this is the only place where you get it, period. With the Shogun method, you will use advanced mind management techniques to directly access her mind, tap these
red hot pull buttons and make her fall in love with you as quickly as possible. At the same time, you'll secretly bypass her emotional defense mechanism, making it difficult for her to reject you. You'll always be on her mind, no matter how hard she tries to forget you. And here's the best thing that Method - it works regardless of whether you
want to meet new women or bring back an ex-girlfriend or wife. Sounds good? And it's getting better, I promise you. Now, before I tell you more about the shogun method, I'd like to explain to you that it's not. This is not a complicated method that you will need to study for weeks or even days to make it work. It does not require any special
skills or prior knowledge. It does not require you to know any mind control or hypnosis techniques. It's not something that only works in very specific situations. It's not just for advanced seducers. It's not just for players or harem builders - techniques can only be used to attract one or as many women as you want. And most importantly, it's
not unethical, and it's not about lying or cheating on women. The shogun method is ideal for... Guys who want unlimited power and dominance in their relationships Guys who want to generate attraction instantly without having to rely on lame pickup lines and openers guys wanting to get their ex-girlfriend (or wife) back and never see her
leave againGuys who want the opportunity to make women fall in love with them by willGuys looking to improve relationships with their girlfriends or wives, knowing exactly how they think they that they want their love life, and will never be seen as weak againGuys who want to get out of the terrible zone of friends... and get into the lover
zone guys who want to have a choice with women and have a relationship without drama, confusion and headacheGuys who return to the game and want to sharpen their dating skills with the best methods of attraction, bar noneGuys looking to turn a casual friend or colleague into a devoted lover ... and make her be physically and
emotionally dependent on themGuys who are sick and tired of dating book tips that are ambiguous, confusing, and require unnecessary workGuys who want a strong, healthy and loving relationship that lasts as long as they want - perhaps lifeNow, before I go any further, I have to come clean with you... If you're looking for another Pickup
Artist fad or magical Dating Guru tricks, then I'm telling you right now that you won't find any of this garbage here. You know what I mean, and come on, let's be honest. Dating Guru and Pickup Artist things are not real solutions, and deep down your gut you already know that they don't work. Unlike Pickup Artist Books, The Shogun
Method is not some pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense. It's the real deal, and it's only for guys who seriously want unlimited power and domination over women. What I've done to make it as simple as human for any guy to have the love life that he wants. And so, while love and relationships certainly don't walk in the park, as you already
knew Shogun Shogun makes it more of a snap. How Shogun Method differs from other Relationship Advice Programs Seduction is a fool's game. If you want a woman to stick with you forever, you have to make her emotionally dependent on you. Want a happy, long-term relationship or marriage? Then EMOTIONAL ADDICTION is a key
factor. Pickup Artist (PUA) tricks and basic Dating Guru tips are too common or just useless. It's time to get serious and find out what really works - Mind Control tactics leading to emotional addiction. The shogun method builds healthy, long-term relationships that last a lifetime. Those looking for flimsy one-night stand tricks and short
throws should go elsewhere. The shogun method is effective because, unlike basic dating tips, it is based on the scientifically proven foundations of female psychology, as well as reliable, long-standing principles of hypnosis. The shogun method is not limited to borders, cultures and languages. As long as she can understand you, the
shogun method will work for her. Women have the same psychological connections - no matter where she comes from or what language she speaks. The beauty of the shogun method is that you are in complete control of the situation. Want quick results? Use factions on it (which you can learn in a few minutes). In the meantime, make it
yours forever by applying the IRAE model to her. Shogun Method has worked for more than 17,000 men worldwide and it will work for you. We will equip you with real skills that will give you the opportunity to easily and confidently navigate through the maze of love and relationships. You will join the brotherhood of practitioners of the
Shogun method, sworn to defend the sanctity of this precious knowledge. Get all the help and support you need from your fellow shoguns as you embark on this exciting journey! How the shogun method can help you...... Make A Woman Fall In Love With You I want to be good with women and have my choice about who to date I want a
woman to fall in love with meI want to make a woman my friendShogun Method of own model IRAE gives you the full roadmap to take the woman you just met from intrigue to emotional addiction. You will learn advanced mind management techniques such as faction, implanted commands and ENTICE/REPEL cycles to create an intense
sexual attraction that lasts as long as you want. With the Shogun method in the back pocket, that makes a woman fall in love with you is like taking candy from a toddler. You will never fight women again, ever.... Fix a failed relationship I want my ex-girlfriend or wife back and not leave me again, ever I want to stop the breakup or divorce I
want to fix a broken relationship or marriageShogun Method works good with girlfriends and wives because it draws on the shared experience that you have with a woman. Using shogun sequences, you will be her in remembering the good times she had with you, making her afraid to live a life without you. With the shogun method,
rekindling lost love is easy because it works on a woman's innate need for nostalgia and romance. Make her willingly come back to you, making her realizing that you are a better deal. What's inside the shogun method? You will get lifetime access to video, audio and training guides (all in digital, downloadable format), as well as free
program updates (via Derek Rake Insider's Labs) over the next three (3) yearsThis the only complete faction guide you'll find anywhere in the world, periodThe grand-daddy of all Mind Control and extreme persuasion techniques, faction is that the pro-use Shogun Method contains the most complete faction guide ever developed that you
can use right away on the woman you want to attract today. Using a faction in love is said to be like bringing a nuclear bomb to a shootout, and for good reason! The world's first video study by faction containing blow-by-impact analysis on how to use factions to create instant attraction in womanFive (5) has never seen a fraction of scripts:
label the process by using them on the woman you want to attract today, and build her emotional dependence on youLearn One Sentenceation, a brief version that provides a knockout punch in one sentence, a rookie friendly version of the That takes very little effort to get excellent results as experts doFind about Locational Fractionation,
an innovative method where you can fraction woman using only body language - works a treat combined with a conversational fraction of the faction module comes with a downloadable Companion Guide to 'Rollercoaster' storytelling technique. Combining a fraction with a rollercoaster technique like injecting a good dose of steroids into
your game - there's nothing like it! Module 2 contains three prerequisites that you must agree to for the shogun method to work its magicModule 2: Three PreconditionsShogun Method only works for you if you submit to the three preconditions described in this module. Find out what the prerequisites are and why they are critical to your
success. If you haven't gotten the results you like with women, chances are that you've been (unknowingly) breaking one (or all!) of these Preconditions Caution.The content inside this module may be offensive to some because it exposes the truth about human flaws that some may not want to take. Maintaining openness is absolutely
essential as you digest this stuff. Find out what the three prerequisites are and why they are necessary for your As a practicing method of shogunWhy everyone is a manipulator, and why you should be comfortable accepting your true nature as a manipulator (controversial!) Learn why Mind Control and Hidden Persuasion are so
frighteningly effective when used for womenfind about Stealth Mode - how to be completely under the radar until it's too late to learn how to keep the method of the shogun a secret: you want to keep that knowledge for yourself. as soon as you purchased it! In Module 3, you learn the flaws of the mind, which makes one vulnerable to Mind
ControlModule 3: Flaws in the female MindShogun method™ can be seen as manipulative because it uses psychological flaws that naturally are within the human mind. The truth is that every manipulator to some extent, and using these methods is not wrong - as long as your intentions are good. In this module you will learn what are the
shortcomings in the female consciousness, and how to manipulate them in your favor. Find out what a mistake is in the female psyche, and how you can use this mistake to make any woman as you instantlyDiscover the female attraction buttons, and how to push them to create intense attractionThe knowledge of repulsion buttons, and
how to avoid pushing them by mistake, which will make a woman find you repulsiveLearn about the Wet Robot Hypothesis and how you can psychologically program it as you want by triggering the right emotions about you with the help of an indoor Mind Control IRAThe Model is a model A: know and you will understand how and what it
thinksWelcome to the heart of shogun Method of Action! The IRAE model is the gut of the shogun method - it is the final, four-stage roadmap that can be used to seduce any woman from start to finish: Intrigue, Rapport, Attraction and Emotional Dependence (IRAE). The IRAE model simplifies the process a lot, because with it you will only
need to do one thing at a time. This will give you a clear head on what exactly to do and talk about without feeling overwhelmed. Find out what the IRAE model is, described in a simple chart that you can download and print, four stages in the IRAE model: Intrigue, Rapport, Attraction and Emotional AddictionAcy the real reasons why guys
aren't with women (this section will explain why women lose interest, or put guys in the friends zone) Learn that the three main elements of influence are why and why they should all be present. to fall in love withFind about the two concepts of mind management (Pain Limit and Limitation of Action), and how to subtly use them to get a
woman willing to do what you want her to doDiscover the scale of desirability and how you can quickly and simply appreciate she sees you in terms of attractivenessIng the art of generating intrigue, you Any woman's attention, and to captivate herGenerative Intrigue is the first step in the IRAE model. If you choose to get just one
superpower attraction inside the shogun method - then it should be an opportunity to capture a woman's attention with intrigue. This module will show you how to do it. Find out one particular flaw in a woman's psychology that makes her particularly vulnerable to the need for constant IntrigueDiscover why, if you have the ability to guide
and influence a woman's intuition, you'll have the right to control your emotions. , and how you can use this need to make a woman intrigued by you quickly Open the easiest method to develop your own provocative Intrigue story, which you can use to grab the attention of any woman the first three seconds you meet her Recognize five
elements of a good story intrigue: B____, F____, D____, T____ C____ and C____Find how to grab her attention as an expert with fine technique that is used by master storytellers and C____Find makersDiscover how to use Multiple Sub Plots to get her brain into hot mode continuously and captivate her imagination To recognize the
magic of Intrigue Ping - the first sentence you have to say when you approach a woman (with a sample of the lines you can use right away today)Discover the hidden Mind Hack technique that makes her desperate to talk to you... so it seduces yourself for youSesty why being ambiguous will increase your desirability to automatically learn
how to avoid the biggest mistake that you may already be making - especially when you've used Artist Pickup (PUA) style openersUnearth secrets to the ultimate attraction arsenal - Shogun sequences. These are templates or verbal scripts used to evoke a woman's desired emotions... tying these emotions with youLearn, how to deliver
Shogun Sequences smoothly, as an experienced professional without sounding awkward and like a weirdoDiscover Magic Locket sequence that works on the mind's inability to tell fantasies from reality, and deduce its hidden needs in manLearn about three Higher Powers mini sequences that use the built-in charm of the mind for esoteric
beliefsN, how to ignite her passions and pass them on to you with the help of Passion Linking Sequence Get answers to all your questions Don't leave the stones without a howe and no unanswered questionsIt attempts to build an attraction without one establishing an understanding is a classic beginner's mistake. This module gives you
everything you need in creating a rock-hard relationship with a woman who just met, or known for centuries, to attract a woman without one 1 understanding is a classic beginner's mistake. In the Rapport stage of the IRAE model, you get the industrial power of Mind Control relationship-building tactics that will make a woman eat out of
your hands at absolutely any time at all. Find out the little-known fact that a woman is psychologically designed to seduce yourself to a man with minimal or no outside interference (controversial!) Discover the shogun method™ Rapport Development Model (RDM), a simple tool that will help you move from a low understanding to a high
understanding with a woman in no timeSidestep classic Pickup Artist error compels acquaintance to build mutual understanding - this advice will only stop you from getting rejected for something that deceitful, needy and unauthenticLearn, how to use Mind Control Mirroring You for years, even if it has just met youDiscover top six Mirror
hacks you can immediately use to establish understanding at breakneck speedIntroimage the social calibration system inside your subconscious, so you can quickly and automatically sense if a woman likes youLearn as the smallest signals of attraction like, by twitching your eyebrows or changing your breathing patternUnderstand as a
use of anti-demand tactics to create automatic it has absolutely no control over it!) Learn how to make her an aggressor in interacting with a set of mind management tactics called Conversational HooksFind, how to combine conversational hooks with a faction, giving you a unique and effective way to deepen emotional understanding and
give your own level of desirability to boostLearn the five deadly errors of understanding that most guys do, and how you avoid their Opening void sequence, which is designed to produce two simple steps. Designed to exploit a woman's need to belong to social groups - you can use this to create an imaginary world consisting only of you
and her, giving you the opportunity to isolate her from other guys. Inside the shogun method, you only need two (yes, two) to get a woman attracted to you. Inside this module, you get armed to the teeth with these two methods Around you laid the foundations of Intrigue and Rapport, it's time to kick in high gear and start attracting it. Inside
the Shogun method, you need two (yes, only two) techniques to make a woman attracted to you. Find out what these two methods are and how they can be used in a simple, step-by-step roadmap inside the Ride Development Model (ADM). Find out why you should never start attracting a woman before you establish an understanding (a
classic beginner's mistake!) Learn about two flaws in her mind that you will to create a huge attraction in a womanDiscover womanDiscover ENTICE/REPEL Cycle, which uses two flaws in the female mind to crack a woman's mind and press her buttons of attraction, is completely under the radarLearn, as a woman speaks to herself so
that her subconscious believes that everything you say, her own thoughts (sneaky!) know as a ENTICE woman, Using a hidden mind control method implanted commands that will subconsciously make a woman desire you immensely, bypassing her conscious and rational mind of the world one and only complete list of 44 implanted
commands to be added B______ to your arsenal of attraction - think of them as your secret weapon, which you can use to attract any woman you see, anytime and anywhere. that it goes unnoticed by her conscious mindDiscover, how to make an offer to your goal that gets automatically accepted, since it is not possible to be
rejectedConstuary, why you need to REPEL a woman to make her fall in love with youGet know the killer Devalidation technique that makes a woman desire and think of you all the time Open little used (but deadly effective) Negative body language technique, which makes a woman haunt youSrobed how to use B____ P_____ to make a
woman work to develop and maintain a relationship with you - you'll use her fear of losing to make her subconsciously haunt you, how you can use the shared experience of a sequence of short circuits of her rational mind and appeal directly to her emotions, so that she falls in love with you helplessly Open Dream Guy By making her
herself a Dream Guy and by cracking her mind, what makes her see you as her Dream GuyModule 8: Emotional Dependence T he's the first three stages of the IRAE model (Intrigue, Rapport and Attraction) about making a woman fall in love. The fourth stage, Emotional Addiction, is about making a woman stay in love. If you want to
dominate and control your relationship with her, then these are one-of-a-kind hidden techniques that you need. Since these tactics can sometimes cause a target to behave irrationally, we should ask you just to do THIS IF NECESSARY. We will not be held responsible if something goes wrong (i.e. if it turns into a stalker). Thank you for
your understanding. The Black Rose sequence is the most powerful hypnotic pattern ever developed, and is the heart of the shogun's emotional dependency module. It's the only place in the world where you can find the real Black Rose. If you saw an alleged copy of it elsewhere, you saw a fake. Don't cheat! Find out how emotional
addiction techniques can bestow upon you superpowers, captivate a woman and keep her attraction for you as long as you want tonnn how to separate a woman from the outside world, so she is overly dependent on you psychologically psychologically Be happy (caution: may be offensive to some)Know how to isolate a woman
emotionally, using combo tactics of shared experience and common secretsInscover, why you should enter disaster in a relationship to make it strongerfind about Vaccination, and learn how to protect your woman from mind-hacked other guys who know mind control or Shogun MethodLearn Prophesy tactics and use it to install it that
makes it impossible to install it to leave you for another manDiscover, as you can use Rumors to plant ideas in her mind secretly: you'll be a puppet master pulling her by the strings, and she won't even know it, add the infamous 4-step Black Rose sequence in your shogun method arsenal - with this one template, you'll be able to capture
her devotion and make her happy to be with you foreverCAUTION A: If you are someone who is easily offended by direct talk about human manipulation, then you can't learn the tactics inside this module. The emotional addiction techniques I teach here come from the real world and they are powerful and effective. If you don't think you
can handle the direct talk about the dark side of psychology, don't look. Take the Fast Shogun Method tour™ The NowHere Platform's short, 5-minute tour (produced by Frederick, a veteran shogun) on what's inside the platform. That's where you get access to your products, get VIP coaching, get program updates, and
more! Recently added: THIRTEEN (13) Fast Action Bonuses to kickstart your journey to Shogun Method of Excellence In addition to everything I've described so far, you'll also get a lifetime membership in our own mastermind group MKDELTA. In this private community, we share and discuss perhaps the four most explosive mind control
methods ever discovered, namely:-Shadow Dragonhead (deep persuasion technique) that makes your goal of doing your bidding willinglyImplanted teams that allow you to use the int subconscious of your purpose and get her to do anything (yes, anything) you want. that you just met in as little as 10 minutes. , The latest mutation of the
faction technique you just saw, which has 200% strength originalMembership from MKDELTA previously limited to my best customers only who will pay me $250 just to join the group. However, if you invest in the Shogun Method today, you will get privileged access to the MKDELTA mastermind for free. With the purchase of the shogun
method today, you will also get access to our private lab, Derek Rake Insider. Here we regularly release new methods, tools and strategies for our And because this area is protected from the public and away from prying eyes, we can feel safe enough to share Controversial mind control tricks that work like gangsters. I usually don't want
to talk about these strategies in public because, as you know, I don't like in-court disputes, and yet everything is freely disclosed in Derek Rake Insider Labs, has no forbidden. Here are some hints of what's inside this private area: Emotion SlavesCult ControlMental WarfareSurrender - SubmissionSexual TriggersAccess in Derek Rake
Insider Labs is usually limited to my best customers, and regularly priced at $129 per month... but I'll be sucking up a lifetime membership in an insider lab in your shogun method package for free if you order right now. This means that you get fresh-out oven techniques by piping in your private client's area regularly, forever. Follow these
five rake rules and force her to surrender to your power immediately. Learn rake rule #1 and understand what you need, to your partner stay LOYAL to you Recognize rake Rule #2 and know why if you can make one woman fall in love with you, you can make any woman fall in love with you Recognize the Rake Rule #3 and find out why a
woman is not able to love you the way you want her to love you (very importantly!) Learn the Rake Rule #4 and know what the person in BARGAINING TOOL is in the relationship .... It will surprise you) Learn the Rake Rule #5 and discover just what makes (and holds) a woman attracted by the manThe Rake Rules premium product
comes free with every purchase of the Shogun method (until further notice). Buy Shogun Method today to provide your copy of this valuable program! Get one key view from the Shogun knowledge base by emailing to you every morning for the next 100 days. Here's what's inside the Daily Shogun program: Chunked down version of the
Shogun Method delivered in bite-sized bits of knowledge - designed for quick action and immediate results every morning with a key shogun method method with a detailed explanation, Additional examples, Shogun Sequences and Clear Steps of ActionKey ideas from the Shogun Method and more Derek Rake Knowledge Base (Dark
Rapport, Barnum Manuscript, Truth Extractor, SM3, ReSeduction 2.0 and more) The Daily Shogun program regularly sells for $99, but to date it comes free with your Shogun Method package. Here's the reason #1 the shogun method works so well compared to conventional dating guru or Pickup Artist techniques: The Shogun Method
relies on science. This report provides you with scientific evidence of the shogun method - and how it builds on years of theoretical and empirical research into the science of human psychology, advanced beliefs and the theory of social exchange. Not for sale elsewhere, the Scientific Proof Premium Report is available as part of your
Shogun Method package today as a free bonus. Then this premium report is exactly what you need to iron-clad your marriage and enjoy enjoy respect and devotion between you and your wife. You'll find out: Top five TOXIC misconceptions about a married woman who kills your marriageThe magic sauce of all successful marriages -
Alpha/Beta BalanceThe Killer Problem Alpha/Beta Deficiency and How to Deal With It, as a true shogunAs identify the root cause of troubled marriage (Offender/Equal/Loser Continuum) and take action to address this root causeAs to be a patriarch and exert your dominance and credibility as a leader in married married game 101 is not
for sale at any price, but for free when you buy the shogun method today. Don't miss it! The biggest reason why most relationships fail is the lack of emotional investment. In Emotional Investment 101, you'll learn: How to get around the biggest DANGER in meeting women (The Friends Area problem!) Specific strategies to get a woman to
invest emotionally in youAssac to incorporate emotional methods of investment into the standard IRAE model inside the Shogun method of basics of VAKSOG's proprietary tactics - learn how to develop an emotional relationship with a woman on a deep, authentic level... And more! Not sold elsewhere, the Emotional Investment 101
Premium Report is available as part of your Shogun Method package today as a free bonus. You will also be eligible to receive full, unlimited updates for one year. Here's a little-known fact about the shogun method: it can be used to improve your skills with women. With some tweaks, you can use the shogun method on yourself - and use
Mind Control to crack your inner game. In Self Mind Control 101, you'll find: The top seven signs of a weak frame and how they insidiously sabotage your interactions with the womenThe elite O.I. Frame and how to purchase it in no time (in just three simple steps) The simplest mind hack you can use to create an iron frame (absolutely
necessary - don't miss it) The Stoic Technique Guide To Mind and how you can use it to manage your emotions and banish your anxieties - literally a commandoleged way to perform self-hypnoz and plant positive, empowering thoughts in your own mind but everything, what you need is these only these two short pages of simple
instructions) you already know how to hack into the mind of a woman with a shogun method. Learn how to hack into your mind with Self Mind Control 101. This program is not for sale, but it comes free as a bonus when you buy a shogun Method package today. Warning. This report contains mature topics and profanity that can upset
some people. Those who are easily disturbed using profanity and/or a description of human nature should stay away. In this premium program, you'll find out: Why lies are true that your relationship goes to the dogs (don't take it lightly!) how to get the whole truth from your girlfriend or wife, even if she intentionally hides things from
youCovert ways to find out what she really thinks (because before she won't work)Why she's lying to you (answer will surprise you)Five patented Shogun Method of detecting lies tactics (add them to your tool and she'll be completely transparent to you - don't like it , Throw In A Lie, Exhibit A, True Hurts and Into the Unknown We restrict
public access to this program because of its controversial (and inflammatory!) nature. The only way to download this report is by buying a Shogun Method package today while it's still online. In a different way from Pickup Artist products, the Shogun Method is not just for meeting new women. In fact, it can be devastatingly effective in
reviving fading love and restoring relationships from disintegration. This premium report shows you how to use Mind Control to get your ex-girlfriend or wife back in your hands. You'll discover: AS-X Mind Trick - it's an instant power shift in the relationship in your favor (do it immediately!) Five Mind Control tactics to use on your ex -
Implanted Teams, Check, Faction, False Memories and GaslightingNegg has seen examples and scenarios based on the five mind management tactics mentioned above Post-Recovery Strategies - what to do when it comes back to you (print the deal is forever). And more! How to use mind Control On Your Ex is not for sale. It is,
however, available for free when you buy the Shogun Method today. The truth is that your girlfriend or wife will almost never say anything that you should take for your coin. In fact, she won't mean she's talking most of the time! It takes a specialized set of skills to listen and interpret what your woman is telling you. Learning to understand
what a woman really means is extremely tricky for most men. CovertTalk will give you the skills to decipher what a woman really means when she says something. In this premium program, you'll learn: The crucial differences between CovertTalk (or, women say) and OvertTalk (or, men say)Two elements of CovertTalk (Principle of DDD
and Subtext) Two examples on how to master CovertTalk (with a stroke on impact verbatim and detailed analysis) - what it says, and what it really means and more! CovertTalk is not available for sale to the public. However, access is free for all Shogun Method customers for life. The key to understanding a woman is to know what she
really wants: so you can use her desires and make her believe that only you can give her what she wants. Psychology 101 digs deep into a woman's psyche and unearths amazing truths about what she really wants in a man. Combine these incredible ideas together with your shogun method tactics and you will have in your hands the
tremendous ability to make any woman want to be with you. In this premium program, you'll find: Only two things that a woman wants, and how to give her (yes, only two) Four archetypes of men, and how they fare with women (what type are you?) Four archetypes of women, and how they coincide with the four archetypes of men As a
MATCH archetype of your woman with yours, so you can have a long-term relationship with herFemale Psychology 101 for free with the purchase of the method. And because this program is designed to work with the Shogun method, it is not available as a standalone product. In K.A.T.: A Fast Trigger of Attraction, the program details a
new shogun method called Shogun Roast - which is an intense version of the (usually carefree) Intrigue Pings. With Shogun roast, you will challenge her, make her laugh and make her qualify herself to you. Think of the technique as a combo attack that intrigues her, builds relationships with her and makes her attracted to one routine. VA:
A quick pull trigger is free with the purchase of the shogun method. And because this program is designed to work with the Shogun method, it is not available as a standalone product. Also included: One-On-One Coaching - Premium VIP SupportGet the final answers to all your searing questions from Shogun Method Master Trainer Derek
RakeYour Very own Customer Happiness Manager, available on call, 7 days a week! My name is Katie and I am the head of customer support Derek Rake.When you are registered as a customer of Derek Rake, you will be assigned your personal client Happiness Manager who will be on standby in case you need help with your shogun
purchase method. This is my goal to make sure you get the best experience from the shogun method! My team and I are always available via email or through a client portal (which you will have access to as soon as you buy the Shogun method). With lifetime access to Derek Rake's premium VIP coaching platform, DerekRakeH'Shogun
modules are available through our own DerekRakeH online learning system. At the end of each module, you will get the opportunity to post questions that will be answered by Derek Rake himself as well as other designated coaches and students. With over 17,000 customers already successfully completed the Shogun method, you will
have a whole army of peers and consultants rooting for your success by helping you every step of the way. 17,000 shoguns can't be wrongAlready more than 17,000 men as you've enjoyed better success with women using techniques and strategies inside Shogun MethodGet Access to the full Shogun Method Bundle Full set of 8 modules
in digital format (streaming video, audio MP3s, PDF reports, quick action checklists) Personalized coaching service where I get all my questions answered by Derek Rake (really for one (1) full year)Each major program update is valid for three (3) years with the time of purchaseLifetime access to the DerekRakeH platform, freebies and
vouchers assigned personal client manager assigned to my account (and on call 7 days a week) to help me make full use of Shogun MethodNewly Added! Lifelong access to the prestigious MKDELTA network of the mastermind of the groupNko added! Lifetime Access to Derek Rake Insider LabsNewly Added! Lifetime access to the Rake
Rules Newly Added! Lifetime access to the daily shogun immersion program (sold for $99)Recently added! Lifetime Access to Married Game 101Resoundly added! Lifetime access to the Science Award for ShogunNyu has been added! Lifetime Access to Emotional Investment 101 - Unlimited Updates for One YearNew Added! Lifetime
Access to Self Mind Control 101, How to Use Mind Control On Your Ex and How to Get The Truth Out of This Liar - Update the Script for One YearNew Added! Lifetime access to covertTalk's premium program is added! Lifetime Access to the Women's Psychology 101Ew Premium Program added! Lifetime Access to premium AT: Fast
Attraction Trigger: How much does the shogun method cost?$79.97.This is a one-off payment, and there are no hidden, recurring payments. This means that you pay $79.97 once, and the shogun method is yours forever. A: Is there a guarantee of inverse protection of money? Yes, there is. Our cash back guarantee is valid for 60 days
from the time of purchase. If you are dissatisfied with the Shogun method, just contact us within 60 days and we will refund you in full. The question is: I'm a lonely guy looking for love. Is the shogun method suitable for me? Yes.Shogun Method is chock full of techniques on how to create a powerful, lasting impression with women. You'll
learn how to do this with our patented intrigue Ping methodology.Combine Intrigue Pings with a faction, and you'll find how easy it is to make a woman attracted to you - even if she's rejected (or friend-zone) you before. The problem with Artist Pickup tricks is that the attraction will wane after the initial thrill of the pickup truck. Shogun
Method will maintain her interest in you for the pickup - making her emotionally dependent on you. B: I'm already in a relationship (or marriage). Is the shogun method suitable for me? Yes. In fact, a large number of Shogun Method customers use the system to work on their existing relationships and marriages. Shogun method effective in
reviving lost love and reviving feelings of passion in relationships and marriages. Many of our clients have successfully used our system to fix and bulletproof broken relationships. The key to a long-term relationship is EMOTIONAL ADDICTION. Remember: The shogun method is the only system that shows you how to make a woman
emotionally attached to you - so that she sticks with you through thick and thin. The question is: Does the shogun method work for every woman? Yes, because every woman is by nature wired in the same way psychologically. (And of course, this is true for men!) Even so, however, it is important to set your expectations correctly. The
shogun method is NOT a magic bullet system. It won't give you the seduction of superpowers overnight if that's what you're looking for. The truth is that most guys are lazy, unmotivated and expect success without having to lift a finger. Shogun Method is not for these people.n on the other hand, if you are willing to diligently go through all
eight modules and, importantly, PRACTICE what you have learned, then the shogun method will solve all your relationships and marriage problems once and for all. That's my promise to you. The question is: Will Derek Rake really answer all my questions in person? Yes. Personal coaching (valid for one full year from the date of
purchase) is included in the Shogun Method package. Our clients have repeatedly told us that the personal coaching function is the most useful component of our program. Shogun Method is not your out-of-the-mill Pickup Artist ebook - it's important to us that you succeed. One minor catch, though: Due to a lack of time and a hectic travel
schedule, Derek is unable to entertain questions through phone calls and emails. The questions must be posted to get an answer. You can use a pseudonym if you like. In: Does the shogun method work for a woman I already know? Or does it only work for new women? You can use the shogun method to approach
women, or to attract a woman you already know. It works effectively in both situations. A significant portion of our client base uses the shogun method for women who are already in their lives (i.e. women they already see, or girlfriends or wives who threaten to leave them). Rapport, Attract and Emotional Attachment modules are most
useful for them. Also, if meeting new women is your goal, then you should focus more on the Intrigue modules as well as the faction method. Combine Intrigue Pings with a faction for stunning results - I'll show you how to detail inside the program. The question is: Do I need to know mind control or hypnosis to do this work? No, you should
not have any prior knowledge of mind control or hypnosis to understand how the shogun method works. In fact, with no experience in Mind Control, hypnosis and seduction can even in your favor because there will be no bad habits and methods to unlearn. In: Will there be How do I work on my device? Shogun Method works on almost all
modern devices: Windows PC and tablets (such as Surface) Apple Macs and MacBooksiPhonesiPadsAndroid devices (Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO)BlackberriesOpera devicesIf you have a device that is not listed above, contact us. What happens after payment? Once you click add to your shopping cart, you'll be transferred to our
secure checkout page. Here enter your personal and credit card (or Paypal) details, and when your payment is successfully processed, you will receive input instructions by email immediately. The entire course is delivered online through our own DerekRakeH platform, and nothing is ever mailed to you. If you haven't received login details
after a successful check-in, please contact us. We respond within a few hours most (often at once). What does my credit card show on my account? There is no mention of the Shogun Method or Derek Rake or anything related to the company or product. Clickbank currently processes all our credit card and Paypal payments. In your credit
card account, you'll see a fee from CLKBANK. What if I have more questions for you? Then contact us! We'd love to hear from you. For questions about the product, contact us by clicking here. To support the order, please contact ClickBank here. In here. shogun method full pdf free download. shogun method full pdf. shogun method
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