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Respiratory Therapy Department CARDIORESPIRATORY

Charisa Antonette S. Huelva – 2B


• At the onset of exercise, the brain transmits signals to the

vasomotor center in the medulla oblongata to trigger a
• During strenuous exercise, this can increase to 120 l/min, a 20- sympathetic discharge. This sympathetic discharge has two
fold increase. circulatory effects:
• Depending on the intensity and duration of the exercise, alveolar (1) The heart is stimulated to increase its rate and strength of
ventilation must increase to contraction
(1) Supply sufficient oxygen to the blood and (2) The blood vessels of the peripheral vascular system
(2) Eliminate the excess carbon dioxide produced by the constrict, except for the blood vessels of the working
skeletal muscles. muscles, which strongly dilate in response to local
vasodilators in the muscles themselves.
• The increased alveolar ventilation is produced mainly by an
increased depth of ventilation (increased tidal volume), rather • The net result is an increased blood supply to the working
than by an increased rate of ventilation. muscles while the blood flow to nonworking muscles is reduced.
• During very heavy exercise, however, both an increased depth • Vasoconstriction in the heart and brain does not occur during
and frequency of ventilation are seen. exercise, because both the heart and the brain are as important
to exercise as the working muscles themselves
• The tidal volume is usually about 60 percent of the vital capacity,
and the respiratory rate may be as high as 30 breaths/min. CARDIAC OUTPUT
• Three distinct consecutive breathing patterns are seen during
mild and moderate exercise. • The increased oxygen demands during exercise are met almost
(1) Increase in alveolar ventilation, within seconds after the entirely by an increased cardiac output. The increased cardiac
onset of exercise. output during exercise results from:
(2) A slow, gradual further increase in alveolar ventilation Increased Stroke Volume
developing during approximately the first 3 minutes of • Due to vasodilation in the working muscles; that is, the
exercise. Alveolar ventilation during this period increases vasodilation in the working muscles increases the venous return
almost linearly with the amount of work performed. to the heart.
(3) Alveolar ventilation stabilizes. When an individual stops • The heart, in turn, pumps more oxygenated blood back to the
exercising, alveolar ventilation decreases abruptly working muscles. Thus, the degree of vasodilation in the working
muscles directly influences the stroke volume,
OXYGEN CONSUMPTION • The greater the vasodilation in the working muscles, the greater
the stroke volume and cardiac output
• At rest, normal oxygen consumption (VO2) is about 250 mL/min. Increased Heart Rate
The skeletal muscles account for approximately 35 to 40 percent • The heart rate increases linearly with oxygen consumption, the
of the total VO2 magnitude of the change is influenced by the size of the stroke
• During exercise, the skeletal muscles may account for more than volume; that is, when the stroke volume decreases, the heart
95 percent of the VO2. rate increases, and when the stroke volume increases, the heart
• During heavy exercise, the VO2 of an untrained person may be rate decreases.
more than 3500 ml of o2/min. • The stroke volume, in turn, is influenced by:
(1) The individual’s physical condition,
ARTERIAL BLOOG GAS LEVELS (2) The specific muscles that are working, and
• No significant PaO2, PaCO2, or pH changes are seen between (3) The distribution of blood flow.
rest and approximately 60 to 70 percent of maximal VO2. • The body’s ability to increase the heart rate and stroke volume
• During very heavy exercise, however, when lactic acidosis is during exercise progressively declines with age.
present, both the pH and PaCO2 decline. • An individual’s maximum heart rate is estimated by the following
• It is believed that arterial acidosis stimulates the carotid formula:
chemoreceptors, causing increased alveolar ventilation and Maximum heart rate = 220 – age (years)
promoting respiratory acid-base compensation.
OXYGEN DIFFUSION CAPACITY • There is an increase in arterial blood pressure during exercise
because of the:
• The oxygen diffusion capacity increases linearly in response to
(1) Sympathetic discharge,
the increased oxygen consumption (VO2), during exercise.
(2) Increased cardiac output, and
• The oxygen diffusion capacity may increase as much as
(3) Vasoconstriction of the blood vessels in the nonworking
threefold during maximum exercise. It has been shown that the
muscle areas.
increased oxygen diffusion capacity results from the increased
• Depending on the physical condition of the individual, as well as
cardiac output during exercise.
the intensity and duration of the exercise, the systolic arterial
ALVEOLAR-ARTERIAL PO2 DIFFERENCE blood pressure may increase as little as 20 mm Hg or as much
as 80 mm Hg
• Normally, there is a mean alveolar-arterial oxygen tension
difference of about 10 mm hg because of: PULMONART VASCULAR PRESSURES
(1) Mismatching of ventilation and perfusion; and
• As oxygen consumption and cardiac output increase during
(2) Right-to-left pulmonary shunting of blood.
exercise, the systolic, diastolic, and mean pulmonary arterial and
• Despite increases in oxygen consumption (VO2), alveolar
wedge pressures also increase linearly
ventilation, and cardiac output, the P(A-a) O2 remains
essentially constant until 40 percent of the maximal VO2 is
reached, beyond this point, the P(A-a) O2 begins to increase.
• At rest, approximately only 20 to 25 percent of the muscle
CIRCULATION capillaries are dilated.
• Heavy exercise is one of the most stressful conditions the • During heavy exercise, all these capillaries dilate to facilitate the
circulatory system encounters. distribution of blood.
• Blood flow to the working muscles may increase as much as 25- • This reduces the distance that oxygen and other nutrients must
fold and the total cardiac output may increase as much as 8-fold travel from the capillaries to the muscle fiber. At the same time,
the blood vessels of the viscera and nonworking muscles

1|U n us u a l Environment - Huelva

Respiratory Therapy Department CARDIORESPIRATORY
Charisa Antonette S. Huelva – 2B


• The simplest and most popular form of diving. The maximum
VENTILATION duration of a breath-hold dive is a function of:
(1) The diver’s metabolic rate, and
• One of the most prominent features of acclimatization is
(2) The diver’s ability to store and transport O2 and CO2.
increased alveolar ventilation, when an individual ascends
• A delicate balance exists between the diver’s O2 and CO2 levels
above the earth’s surface, the barometric pressure progressively
during a breath-hold dive.
decreases and the atmospheric PO2 declines. As the
The CO2-O2 Paradox
atmospheric PO2 decreases, the individual’s arterial oxygen
• Is caused by the pressure changes that develop around the
pressure (PaO2) also decreases.
diver’s body during the dive.
• Eventually, the PAO2 will fall low enough (to about 60 mm Hg)
• The CO2 paradox occurs as the diver descends, and the O2
to stimulate the carotid and aortic bodies, known collectively as
paradox occurs as the diver ascends.
the peripheral chemoreceptors. When the peripheral
The Mammalian Diving Reflex
chemoreceptors are stimulated, they transmit signals to the
medulla to increase ventilation. • It also known as diving reflex or diving response, consists of
bradycardia, decreased cardiac output, lactate accumulation in
• Because the peripheral chemoreceptors do not acclimate to a
decreased oxygen concentration, increased alveolar ventilation under perfused muscles, and peripheral vasoconstriction elicited
during a breath-hold deep dive.
will continue for the entire time the individual remains at the high
altitude. • The mammalian diving reflex is a set of physiologic reflexes that
acts as the first line of defense against hypoxia
POLYCYTHEMIA Decompression Sickness
• A during a deep dive, the dissolved nitrogen in the diver’s blood
• When an individual is subjected to a low concentration of oxygen will move into body tissues. The amount of dissolved gas that
for a prolonged period of time, the hormone erythropoietin from enters the tissues is a function of:
the kidneys stimulates the bone marrow to increase red blood (1) The solubility of the gas in the tissues,
cell (RBC) production. (2) The partial pressure of the gas, and
• The increased hemoglobin available in polycythemia is an (3) The hydrostatic pressure in the tissue.
adaptive mechanism that increases the oxygen-carrying • When the decompression is performed at an appropriately slow
capacity of the blood. rate, the gases leaving the tissues will be transported (in their
dissolved state) by the venous blood to the lungs and exhaled.
ACID-BASE STATUS • When the decompression is conducted too rapidly, the gases will
be released from the tissue as bubbles
• Because of the increased ventilation generated by the peripheral
chemoreceptors at high altitudes, causing a secondary HYPERBARIC MEDICINE
Respiratory Alkalosis.
• Over a 24-to 48-hour period, the renal system tries to offset the • The administration of oxygen at increased ambient pressures is
respiratory alkalosis by eliminating some of the excess now being used routinely to treat a variety of pathologic
bicarbonate. conditions and is accomplished by means of a compression
chamber (also called a hyperbaric chamber).
ALVEOLAR-ARTERIAL DIFFERENCE • Most of the therapeutic benefits of hyperbaric oxygenation are
associated with the increased oxygen delivery to the tissues.
• At high altitude, oxygen diffusion across the alveolar-capillary
membrane is limited and this results in an increased alveolar-
arterial oxygen tension difference (P(A-a)O2).
Gas Diseases
• At high altitude, the overall ventilation-perfusion ratio improves • Decompression sickness
as a result of the more uniform distribution of blood flow that • Gas embolism
develops in response to the increased pulmonary arterial blood Vascular
pressure • Radiation necrosis of bone or soft tissue
• Diabetic microangiography
CARDIAC OUTPUT • Compromised skin grafts
• Crush wounds
• During acute exposure to a hypoxic environment, the cardiac • Acute traumatic ischemias
output during both rest and exercise increases, which, in turn,
• Thermal burns
increases the oxygen delivery to the peripheral cells.
• In individuals who have acclimatized to high altitude, however,
• Clostridial myonecrosis
and in high-altitude natives, increased cardiac output is not seen
• Necrotizing soft-tissue infections
PULMONARY VASCULAR SYSTEM • Chronic refractory osteomyelitis
Defects in Oxygen Transport
• As an individual ascends from the earth’s surface, pulmonary •
hypertension progressively increases as a result of hypoxic
pulmonary vasoconstriction



• Because water is incompressible, the pressure increases

linearly with depth. For every 33 feet (10 m) below the surface,
the pressure increases 1.0 atmosphere (760 mm Hg).
• Thus, the total pressure at a depth of 33 feet is 2 atmospheres
(1520 mm Hg)—1.0 atmosphere (1 atm) owing to the water
column and 1.0 atmosphere pressure owing to the gaseous
atmosphere above the water

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