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1. Discuss the factors giving rise to cultural nationalism in the early 19 th century.
2. Discuss the causes and effects of the Second Great Awakening.
3. Characterize the First Industrial Revolution.
4. Explain why Jefferson’s victory in the Election of 1800 and his presidency are referred to as the “Revolution of
5. Discuss the conflicts between the Federalists and the Republicans over the judiciary and the legal precedents
that resulted from these conflicts.
6. Analyze the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. Be sure to include a discussion of Jefferson’s
constitutional dilemma.
7. Discuss the ways in which Jefferson and Madison attempted to maintain US neutrality in relation to the North
African States and the Napoleonic Wars and the consequences of his actions.
8. Analyze the causes and effects of the War of 1812.
9. Explain the arguments for and against war with the British.
10. Evaluate the America’s military and naval efforts and account for American victory in the war.
11. Discuss the immediate and long-term effects of the War of 1812.
Vocabulary Terms: 17. Economic coercion
18. Non-intercourse Act
1. Noah Webster 19. Macon’s Bill #2
2. Washington Irving 20. William Henry Harrison
3. Deism 21. Tecumseh & the Prophet
4. Eli Whitney 22. Battle of Tippecanoe
5. Robert Fulton 23. War Hawks
6. turnpikes 24. Henry Clay
7. “Midnight judges” 25. Oliver Hazard Perry
8. Judicial review 26. Francis Scott Key, The Star Spangled
9. Impeachment Banner
10. Loose construction 27. Battle of New Orleans
11. Zebulon Pike 28. Hartford Convention
12. Hamilton-Burr Duel 29. Secession
13. “orders in council” 30. Nullification
14. Impressment 31. Treaty of Ghent
15. Chesapeake-Leopard Incident 32. Rush Bagot Agreement
16. Embargo Act

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