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05: Energy Lab Worksheet—Assignment Template

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Instructions: *Note: There are 4 Parts to this assignment. Each part has specific instructions.
Answer questions in complete sentences and with detail. Show your thinking!

Part 1: Rube Goldberg Interactive (15 points)

Use the interactive version of a Rube Goldberg machine in the lesson. Fix the device so the flow of energy is
not interrupted, and the window shade can be closed.

1. (2pts each) Give three examples, from the lab, where potential energy was converted to kinetic energy:
Example 1 the 5lb weight was potential till the string was cut then it was kintic
Example 2 the buket was still till the book fell on it
Example 3 the sea saw was still till the weight fell on it

2. (1pt each) Describe the 5 adjustments you made to the Rube Goldberg device in order to keep the flow of
energy going:
1.tied buket
2.tilted the board
3.connected slinggshot
4.tied 5 lb weight
5.tilted sew saw thing

3. (4pts) A constraint is a limitation or condition that must be satisfied by a design. For example, you may only
be able to use certain materials, or you might want the device to operate at a certain speed.
What was a constraint (a limitation or a condition) in this version?

"Constraint" is a term that denotes a restriction or requirement. In this context, "restriction" refers to
the imposing
Part 2: Design your own Rube Goldberg Device (15 points)

Now that you’ve seen and used the virtual option, it’s time to design your own!

● You should design, test, and redesign your device. It’s ok to test and redesign more than once if you
need to!
● Consider what constraints your project will have (example: you may limit your types of materials, the
number of steps you plan to include, or the space it will take up).
● Also think about what energy conversions will happen. You will need to show a minimum of five
energy conversions (example: potential to kinetic).

Option 1 Draw It:

Draw a device and explain how it will work with a written description of energy conversions on this worksheet.
You can draw the device freehand and scan or photograph the drawing for submission to your instructor. You
may also use a program on your computer to create your device.

Option 2 Build It:

If you would like to build your device, you do not need to include a drawing. If you build your device, you will
need to turn in a video clip or photograph of the device with the written description of energy conversions on
this worksheet.

Rube Goldberg Design:

(6pts) In this section, insert a drawing, video clip, or image of the device.

Here is an example drawing. You may NOT copy this example, rather use it as a guide. Be creative and have

Drawing will be attached to the file.

(5pts) Write a description and explanation of the work the device is designed to complete. Be sure to include
descriptions of how the device works and properly label the energy conversions.

my device works by when i set off the first ball the the chain reaction cause everything to go and dump the
water on the person

(2pts) Discuss how having constraints affected your design.

idk um myby that the cost of everything is high

(2pts) Explain one way you redesigned your device after testing it.

i could change the fan a different speed so when the ball goes in it get slang to the right distance

Part 3: Energy Conversions (15 points)

Record your data in the chart and include at least 5 potential–kinetic energy conversions shown in the device

Example Item Description of potential–kinetic energy conversion

Example Book The book had potential energy when it was on the table. Then as the book fell off
the table, it was in motion and had kinetic energy.
1 dominos when the dominos where sitting on the shelf they had potential but when the ball
hit them it went to kinetic
2 seesaw the seesaw had potential till the ball fell off the shelf and hit the seesaw
3 bucket the bucket with potential was hanging still till the ball went in and pulled the
bucket down and the it had kinetic
4 the ball at the it was potential till i hit it to start it to roll to go to kinetic
5 water cup when the cup was potential till the ball hit the cup
Part 4: Analysis Questions (15 points)

1. Consider the device you created:

A. (2pts ) Is energy exchanged between your system (the device) and its surroundings?


B. (2pts) Is matter exchanged between your system (the device) and its surroundings?


C. (3pts) Is it an open, closed or isolated system? Explain.

closed because mine exchanges only energy with its surroundings not matter

2. (2pts) What is the law of conservation of energy?

no clue im trying

3. Describe two examples of how the law of conservation of energy is demonstrated in the device you created.
(2pts each) clue im trying clue im trying

4. (2pts) In the lesson, a thermos is presented as an example of an isolated energy system. How could you
change the thermos into an open energy system?

no clue im trying

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