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Submitted as One of the Requirements for Passing the Courese

Human Anatomy Physiology

By :


Maria Naomi Siregar (4193141022)

Michelle Leony Simangunsong (4192141002)

Miftah Rizkiyah (4193341005)



APRIL 2021

1. Bismi Amrina: Regarding abnormalities in the male reproductive organs. what is

the name of a disease in which the testicles cannot descend completely, then when
crying the scrotum enlarges and what is the cause?
Cryptorchidism is known as the "undescended testis" which means that the
testicles are not descended. This is because almost all forms of cryptorchidism occur
due to a delay or cessation of the process of lowering the testicles from the
abdominal cavity into the scrotum.
The exact cause of cryptorchidism is not known. However, genetic and
environmental factors are thought to influence the occurrence of this condition.
In addition, there are a number of conditions in infants and pregnant women that are
considered to increase the risk of cryptorchidism, namely:
 Premature birth, that is, birth occurs before the gestational age reaches 37
 Low birth weight (LBW)
 Family history of cryptochism and disorders of genital development
 Exposure to chemicals, such as pesticides, diethylstylebestrol, phthalets, or
dioxins during pregnancy
 History of frequent alcohol consumption during pregnancy
 History of exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy
 Obesity or diabetes experienced by mothers during pregnancy. There are no
other specific symptoms of cryptorchidism. This condition does not cause
urinary pain or problems in children.

If the scrotum shows swelling, redness, and the baby looks painful, this may

 Orchitis (inflammation of the testicles).

 Epididymitis (inflammation of the duct connecting the testicles).
 Hydrocele (buildup of fluid in the scrotum).
 Varicocele (dilation of blood vessels in the scrotum).

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 Testicular torsion (twisted testis). However, this condition is generally
accompanied by severe pain.

If the swelling of the scrotum is not accompanied by redness and pain, and can
come and go, it is likely a scrotal hernia. A hernia is a condition in which the
contents of a cavity (in this case the contents of the abdominal cavity, namely the
intestines or intestinal hanger) come out through a hole in the connective tissue or
weak muscles. There are many types of hernias and scrotal hernias are one of them.
A hernia will occur when there is increased pressure on the stomach, such as crying
and straining. When the pressure is gone, the hernia will disappear. Hernias in
babies generally close on their own within a few years. However, you should
consult your pediatrician. A hernia that gets bigger and doesn't go away on its own,
may require surgery.

2. Bismi Amrina: There is such a thing as menopause. Is there any influence on

follicle growth with menopause ? And why someone can menopause prematurely ?
Answer :
As we know that menopause is the cessation of the menstrual cycle for forever for
women who previously experienced menstruation every month. And the influence
of follicular growth with menopause is related, namely when a person is going
through menopause, the person's ovaries will show an accelerated reduction in
follicles, especially when a person enters their 30s or late 40s. And why someone
can experience menopause is due to various factors, including :
1.) Experiencing stress or depression, according to experts as quoted by Indiatimes,
stress and depression can also cause hormonal imbalances that lead to
menopause. In fact, this very significant depression can make menopause come
2.) The influence of disease or drugs, side effects of drugs, chronic disease, or
tumors of the pituitary gland (pituitary). Not only that, HIV / AIDS,
chromosomal abnormalities, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune
diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, can also cause premature menopause.
3.) Have had ovaries removed, according to experts, women who undergo this
medical procedure will experience a very rapid decrease in hormones and
experience menopausal symptoms

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3. Eunike Manurung: How to tell when someone is barren or not ?
Answer :
There are several ways to tell them apart, for women are as follows :
1.) Having endomestriosis, this disease is a risk factor for decreasing female
2.) Menstrual blood is pale or dark. If the menstrual blood that comes out is
paler than usual, you need to be aware that a woman can't get pregnant again.
Normally, menstrual blood will be bright red at the start of the cycle, and
will get darker over time.
3.) Irregular menstruation
4.) Stop menstruating / not menstruating for months
For men it is as follows :
1.) Testicular disorders, as an organ that produces the hormone testosterone and
a place for making and storing sperm, testicular health is very important for
male fertility.
2.) Shrinked testicles, this condition will cause sperm production to decrease so
that the chances of men experiencing infertility are fairly larger

4. Mindo Laura: If a man is sexually traumatized, then the effect is that he can't get an
erection. What disturbances occurred in the erection mechanism of his penis?
Sexual dysfunction is a condition that makes a man or woman sexually
insatiable. Sexual dysfunction can be in the form of a loss of desire for sexual
intercourse, it can also be in the form of an inability to feel sexual stimulation
despite the desire to have sex.
The causes of sexual dysfunction are generally divided into two types, namely
physical factors and psychological factors. Psychological factors that can lead to
sexual dysfunction are mainly: Past trauma, including sexual abuse.
Psychogenic erectile dysfunction was generally associated with cohort factors
that influence, accelerate, and maintain erectile dysfunction alone. These factors
include predisposing factors such as experience past traumatic. hormonal
disturbances can lead to sexual dysfunction. a decrease in the hormone testosterone
in men can also reduce the desire for sexual activity.

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Symptoms of sexual dysfunction in men also vary according to type. Symptoms
of sexual dysfunction in men are:
 Loss of sexual desire
Men suffering from this type of sexual dysfunction experience a loss or
decrease in their desire for sexual intercourse.
 Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction or impotence will make it difficult for a man to keep his
penis erect during sexual intercourse.
 Ejaculation disorders
This condition causes men to ejaculate too quickly (premature ejaculation)
or even too long during sexual intercourse.

5. Salwa Khairani: What if someone has lost their virginity but not because of being
raped but because of an injury, can the form of hymen still be said to be vitginous or
not? Then there are the names of diseases about endometriosis that causes infertility
in women, please explain in detail about the disease
Endometriosis is a condition when the tissue that makes up the inner lining of
the uterine wall grows outside the uterus. This tissue, called the endometrium, can
grow in the ovaries, intestines, fallopian tubes (fallopian tubes), vagina, or in the
rectum (the end of the intestine that connects to the anus).
Before menstruation, the endometrium thickens as a place for a fertilized egg to
attach. If you are not pregnant, the endometrium will dissolve and then leave the
body as menstrual blood.
In the case of endometriosis, the endometrial tissue outside the uterus also
thickens, but it cannot shed and leaves the body. This condition can cause
complaints of pain, and can even lead to infertility or female infertility.
Endometriosis is divided into four levels, depending on the location, number,
size, and depth of the endometrial lining.
Minimal endometriosis. Small, shallow endometrial tissue appears in the
ovaries. Inflammation can also occur around the pelvic cavity. Mild endometriosis.
There is small, shallow endometrial tissue in the ovaries and pelvic wall.
Intermediate endometriosis. There is some endometrial tissue that is quite deep in

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the ovaries. Severe endometriosis. There is deep endometrial tissue in the ovaries,
pelvic wall, fallopian tubes, and intestines
Endometriosis is thought to be related to an immune system disorder, or
reversed menstrual blood flow. This condition is generally characterized by several
symptoms, such as:
1. Pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis.
2. Excessive blood volume during menstruation.
3. Pain when defecating or urinating.
4. Endometriosis attacks age
5. Children (6-13 years): rare
6. Youth (14-18 years): general
7. Young people (19-40 years): general
8. Adults (41-60 years): general
9. Older people (60 years and over): rare

If a person loses his hymen due to injuries due to physical activities such as
sports, horse riding and so on, that person can still be said to be virginal because
the shape of the vulva must still be like an ordinary woman and as previously
explained that the shape of the hymen that is torn due to rape orban is different
from that of a woman. someone who is injured because the victim of rape is
irregular in shape and if because he has had sexual intercourse the torn hymen
also has a pattern so it can be concluded that if a person who has torn the hymen
due to accidental accident, that person can still be said to be virgin.

6. Ratu Nurul: Are all women born with the hymen? Then is there a relationship
between cyst disease and female genitalia?
Answer :
The hymen or hymen is part of the vulva, namely the external genital organs.
The hymen is formed from a layer of tissue that develops in the early stages of fetal
development, when there is no opening in the vagina at all and a thin layer of tissue
hides the vagina, but will usually divide or incompletely divide before birth and
form the hymen. And if this development does not occur in an individual this can
cause the woman to be born without the hymen, moreover, the hymen has different
degrees of tenderness and flexibility depending on the individual.

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Then, the relationship between cyst disease and genital organs is that there is an
ovarian cyst where an ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled bag located on the ovary or on its
surface. Women have two ovaries that are on each side of the uterus (left and right).
The size and shape are similar to almonds. And the symptoms are as follows :
1.) Pain in the pelvic area / hip. This pain can be dull or sharp in the lower abdomen
or in the contents of the ovary affected by a cyst.
2.) Abdominal lump, can be found if the size of the ovarian cyst is very large.
3.) Pain during intercourse
4.) Abnormal bleeding through the vagina

7. Yana Sofia: Why smoking can cause impotence?. How the substances contained in
cigarettes with impotence?
In one cigarette, there are about 7,000 chemicals. As many as 200 types of them
are carcinogenic. Carcinogens are substances that damage genes in the body. If these
substances accumulate in the body, they can cause cancer and other chronic
The chemicals in cigarette smoke can damage the lining of blood vessels,
affecting how they work and function. smoking can inhibit blood flow to the penis,
thereby affecting a man's ability to get an erection.
Impotence due to smoking is actually caused by chemicals in cigarettes,
especially nicotine, which affects the blood vessels in the penis.
Normally, when an erection, what happens is the arteries in the penis dilate
(vasodilation) and are flowed by blood when the signal comes from the penile
nerves. When smoking, nicotine and chemicals in cigarettes make blood vessels
shrink (vasoconstriction), so that blood flow is blocked, including to the penis.
When a person smokes, nicotine compounds will enter the bloodstream. The
more often and the more cigarettes you smoke, the more nicotine will enter and
interfere with blood flow so that blood flow to the penis is not smooth. The more
you smoke, the higher the risk of impotence.

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1. Ratih and Mirna want to become a policewoman. And at the time of the medical
examination there was a "Virginity Test". After the results came out, it turned
out that Ratih was declared not a virgin as a result of rape while Mirna was
declared no longer a virgin due to having given birth. Why can doctors make
such an assumption? Connect with the form of the hymen (hymen)
2. Explain the mechanism by which an erection occurs in the penis
3. Mona is a woman who recently married Tono. They married at the end of 2020.
In 2021 Mona plans to have a child. So Mona will make a fertility calendar so
she knows to have sexual relations with her husband. In January 2021, Mona
had her period to be precise on January 14. On what dates exactly is Mona's
fertile period for 3 consecutive months? (Let's just say Mona has a regular cycle
during menstruation).


Name Score
Aisyah Warahma 90
Bismi Amrina 90
Eunike Manurung 100
Mindo Laura V T 85
Ratu Nurul Aulia 100
Salwa Khairani Ahmad 95
Yana Sofia Putri 100
Josephine Gloria M S 85
Mamanda Silitonga 100
Gresia P Hutagaol 50
Fadillah Rahma Purba 100
Teresia O Butar-Butar 55
Hana Sophia Sianturi 65
Sarah Nur Fadhilah P 75

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