Mass Effect Trilogy - Mission Order Guide2

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Mass Effect Trilogy - Mission Order Guide - PlayStation 3 - By LordT...


Updated: 05/09/2014
Highest Rated Guide

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Endgame Preparations - You are approaching the Point-of-No-Return. Before you proceed ask yourself
the following questions.

Are all my squadmates loyal? Have I researched the Normandy's armor upgrade? Have I researched the
Normandy's weapons upgrade? Have I researched the Normandy's shields upgrade? Have I completed all
the side missions that I want? Have I bought all the equipment and upgrades I want from the Citadel,
Omega, Illium and Tuchanka stores? Do I have all the mineral resources I want in my inventory? You'll likely
be picking up a few more upgrades in the coming missions, most of them requiring platinum. An extra
40,000 of it won't go amiss.

If the answer to all of these questions is Yes then proceed. If the answer to any of these questions is No
then wait and make any preparations you need before continuing.

IFF Mission - The game's unofficial Point-of-No-Return, especially if you want everyone to get out of the
Suicide Mission alive. During this mission you will also meet your final (potential) squadmate. You'll be
fighting a lot of husks during this mission.

Normandy - Back on the Normandy you'll get to decide what to do with Legion. You can sell it to Cerberus
for some credits or you can activate it and recruit it. If you recruit it be sure to immediately talk to it again to
unlock its Loyalty Mission. If Legion doesn't give it to you move to another deck and come back. Do not
access the galaxy map until you get the mission.

Legion's Loyalty Mission - Complete this mission to secure Legion's loyalty. This mission's final decision
will have a big impact on ME3.

After the mission is complete Tali and Legion will get into a fight. You MUST use Charm/Intimidate here to
end the fight. Failure to do so will have a negative impact on ME3.
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Mass Effect Trilogy - Mission Order Guide - PlayStation 3 - By LordT...

Normandy - Access the galaxy map and the next mission will automatically start. For this mission you'll be
controlling Joker. Follow's EDI's directions and move quickly and carefully.

Once the mission is finished and you are in control of Shepard again head immediately for the Omega-4
Relay. It is time to begin the Suicide Mission.

The Suicide Mission - Once you reach the Collector Base you'll need to make several decisions which will
influence who may or may not survive the Suicide Mission.

Whenever Shepard's squad splits into two teams always pick either Miranda, Jacob or Garrus to lead the
other team.

When choosing a tech expert pick either Tali, Legion or Kasumi.

When choosing the Escort pick Mordin.

When choosing a biotic expert pick Samara/Morinth or Jack.

When it is time to pick your final squad to take with you to the final battle choose from Miranda, Tali, Jack or
Kasumi. I always pick Miranda and Tali. NEVER take Grunt, Zaeed or Garrus. Leaving these three behind to
help hold the line greatly increases the odds of everyone else surviving.

As a reminder, whoever you pick for a task must be loyal to do it successfully. This lineup has never failed

The final decision for this mission has an impact on ME3.

Lair of the Shadow Broker (DLC) - Head to Illium and speak to Liara to start this mission. Liara will join
your squad for the second half of this mission. Remember to allocate her power points when you get her.
This DLC has a much greater impact if you romanced Liara in ME1. Be sure to invite Liara up to your cabin
after the mission is complete.

Completing this DLC has an impact on ME3 and unlocks some useful resources and interesting/amusing
info in ME2. I prefer to complete this mission after the Suicide Mission because I think it helps sets the
stage for ME3.

Arrival (DLC) - This mission becomes available after Horizon if you have the DLC downloaded and
installed. Admiral Hackett will contact you with this mission. For most of this mission Shepard will be fighting
alone so prepare yourself.

This DLC sets the stage perfectly for ME3. This mission should be the absolute last thing you do before
moving on to ME3. What I like to do is download this DLC and keep it on a flash drive. I only plug it in when
I am ready to do the mission. That way I can get Hackett's message and complete the mission all in one go.
It feels awkward to get this mission and let it sit for so long given its nature.

That concludes Mass Effect 2.

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Mass Effect Trilogy - Mission Order Guide - PlayStation 3 - By LordT...

Select which profile you want and upload a specific save. A list of some of your major decisions will show up
so you'll know what you are importing.

All the decisions Shepard has made throughout the trilogy come together in a War Asset system. Everything
that can be used in the war against the Reapers, from ships to troops to supplies, becomes a War Asset
with a numerical value. Your decisions influence what War Assets are available and how strong they are.
The total value of all your War Assets becomes your Total Military Strength.

You also have a Galactic Readiness rating. Your Galactic Readiness starts and bottoms out at 50%. To
raise your Galactic Readiness you need to complete missions in the Multiplayer.

Your Total Military Strength times your Galactic Readiness is your Effective Military Strength (EMS). Your
EMS rating at the end of the game determines which endings are available and how they play out.

If you do not have the Extended Cut DLC installed you need at least 4,000 EMS to get the best version of
all endings. With the Extended Cut you only need 3,100 EMS.

The morality system in ME3 has undergone additional changes. Most noticeably your Paragon/Renegade
bars are now one Reputation bar. All points go to fill this up and whichever morality you have more of will
dictate if Shepard is Paragon or Renegade. A lot of interactions will award Shepard with Reputation points.
These points go towards filling up the bar overall and count as both Paragon and Renegade points.

As long as your Reputation bar has reached a certain threshold both Charm and Intimidate dialogue options
will be available regardless of Shepard's overall moral alignment.

The Interrupt system is still around so keep an eye out for those.

ME3's combat system has been updated though the change is not as dramatic as between ME1 and ME2.

Shepard can now use any weapon you want and as many of them as you want. To counter this a new
Weapon Weight system has been added. Each weapon has its own weight score. Usually the more
powerful the weapon the heavier it is. Your weapon weight influences a power cooldown bonus. Heavy
weapons can cause your powers to cooldown more slowly while lighter weapons make your powers cool
down faster. You can have up to a 200% bonus or penalty on cooldowns.

A new Combo system has been introduced as well. Much like the biotic explosions in ME2 different classes
can create different explosive combos. The biotic combos such as Warp plus Singularity/Pull still apply.
Tech combos like Cryo Blast and Incinerate can also create explosions.

Soldier - Pure Combat. Soldiers can carry the most weapon weight. They have access to all Ammo Powers
(except Bonus Powers) and their class power is Adrenaline Rush. When activated it slows down time,
making it easier to line up shots, and increases damage. You also move faster so it can be used as a panic
Settingsallowing you to quickly run to cover.

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Mass Effect Trilogy - Mission Order Guide - PlayStation 3 - By LordT...

Engineer - Pure Tech. Engineers can carry a very light weapon weight. They are still experts in stripping
defenses and crowd control. They now have an additional drone power called Sentry Turret. Throw the
Turret like a grenade and it starts shooting people from wherever it lands. Useful for setting up traps or
chokepoints. With Combat Drone and Sentry Turrets the Engineer can effectively increase your party size
from three to five.

Adept - Pure Biotics. Adepts can carry a very light weapon weight. Still the masters of biotics they now
specialize in creating biotic explosions.

Infiltrator - Combat and Tech. Infiltrators can carry a medium weapon weight. As the Sniper Rifle
specialists they get a slowdown effect when looking through a sniper scope and their Tactical Cloak power
helps them get into position for the perfect sniper shots.

Vanguard - Combat and Biotics. Vanguards can carry a medium weapon weight. Their class power, Biotic
Charge, heavily compliments the Shotgun. Charge makes you dash across the battlefield, ramming an
enemy and putting you in perfect Shotgun range. Shields are replenished when you charge and this comes
in handy with a new power added to Vanguards called Nova. Nova detonates the Vanguard's shields in a
big, damaging explosion to all around. This may leave you vulnerable but if you immediately follow-up with a
Biotic Charge your shields are replenished.

Sentinel - Tech and Biotics. Sentinels can carry a medium weapon weight. With Overload and Warp in their
arsenal they can handle almost any enemy defense. Their class power, Tech Armor, has been slightly
nerfed from ME2. Instead of boosting shields it now boosts overall damage protection. Having it active also
gives you a cooldown penalty which can be reduced by leveling it up and countered with a light weapon
loadout. Tech Armor can now be manually detonated to damage any enemies nearby.

There are six possible squadmates Shepard can recruit plus one DLC character. Only three of these
squadmates are guaranteed to join Shepard. Whether or not the remaining ones join Shepard depends on
decisions made across the trilogy. Once again, try to keep a balanced team.

There are several romance options available in ME3. Most of them are squadmates but ME3 introduces two
new non-squadmate romance options as well.


Steve Cortez


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Samantha Traynor

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Mass Effect Trilogy - Mission Order Guide - PlayStation 3 - By LordT...


Miranda, Jack, Tali, Thane and Garrus can only be romanced if you started a romance in ME2.

Each romance has a specific lock-in point. You can flirt with as many people as you want but once you lock-
in a specific romance you can't flirt with anyone else. These come at various points throughout the game.

Though the mineral scanning from ME2 has been done away with planet scanning is still around. This time
you are scanning for War Assets.

The Normandy now releases a scanner pulse to detect if there are any things of interest in the area. You
can scan planets to see if there are any War Assets, fetch quest items, money or upgrades. You can also
scan space in general to see if there are any destroyed fuel depots in the area you can salvage. Once
you've found something you must launch a probe to retrieve it.

Only a few star systems have active fuel depots. For a free refill on fuel just dock at the Citadel.

Be warned that using the scanner will alert the Reapers to your presence. Once the red bar at the bottom of
the screen fills up the Reapers will have found you and start pursuing you. Flee the star system before they
catch you or it is game over. To remove the Reaper presence in a star system simply complete the next
mission in the game. All star systems will reset and you can scan again.

I will note in this guide when new star systems open up that you can scan. I will note which have Fuel, Fetch
quest items, Research data, Credits or War Assets. Where exactly they are I will leave up to you to find.

The missions in this game are more straightforward than in the previous two games. Some missions will
have some notes about things to look out for, others will not.

The following is all the DLC available for the Single-Player:

The Extended Cut (DO NOT PLAY WITHOUT THIS!!!!!!)

From Ashes
Omega (Optional but recommended)

The Extended Cut DLC is absolutely critical. It changes and improves the game's original endings. If you
insist upon seeing what the original endings are like, watch them on Youtube but only after you have seen
the Extended Cut endings.

From Ashes adds a new squadmate who provides a very interesting perspective on things.

Leviathan gives more backstory on the Reapers and adds some much needed foreshadowing.

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an interesting side story involving Aria T'Loak, during which she becomes a temporary
companion. Most agree that it is a bit pricey for its content so it is skippable if you are strapped for cash. I

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Mass Effect Trilogy - Mission Order Guide - PlayStation 3 - By LordT...

do recommend you pick it up eventually because it rewards you with some powerful new biotic Bonus

Citadel is a hilarious fan-service DLC. Shepard's squadmates, past and present, come together for a bizarre
mission and then celebrate with a party afterwards. This is the perfect sendoff for the series.

All the DLC except the Extended Cut add additional War Assets.

Prologue: Earth

Priority: Mars - Be reassuring with your old squadmate. When talking to the Illusive Man be sure to pick the
Investigate option and the following Charm/Intimidate option.

Priority: Citadel I - Recruit Diana Allers on the docks. Visit your friend in the hospital. Also at the hospital
you can recruit Dr. Chakwas again or convince Dr. Michel to join you. Visit Bailey and, as hard as this may
sound, don't punch the reporteragain.

Planet Scanning - New star systems open up all the time with new planets to scan for money, war assets
and fetch quest artifacts. There are other guides to help you find everything. Get what you can while
avoiding the Reapers. If you can't get everything, do the next mission on the list to reset things and come

Apien Crest

Castellus (Fuel, Fetch)

Gammae (Fuel x2, War Asset)

Exodus Cluster

Asgard (War Assets x3, Research, Fuel)

Utopia (War Asset, Fuel)

Hades Gamma

Plutus (War Asset)

Dis (Credits, Fuel)
Farinata (War Asset, Fuel)
Cacus (Credits, Fuel)
Antaeus (Credits, Fuel)

Kite's Nest

Untrel (Credits, Fuel)

Harsa (Fetch, Fuel, Research)
Vular (Fetch, Fuel)

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Mass Effect Trilogy - Mission Order Guide - PlayStation 3 - By LordT...

Decoris (Credits, Fuel)

Skepsis (War Asset, Fuel)

N7: Cerberus Lab - Look for the Failed Med-Gel Experiment in the room with the holographic skeleton.

Priority: Palaven

Priority: Eden Prime - The first DLC that lets you recruit Javik, a very interesting character. Find the three
pieces of unique intel to get a stronger war asset.

Grissom Academy: Investigation - Must be completed before Priority: Citadel II or there will be
consequences. Keep an eye out for the Biotic Amp Schematics.

Visiting the Citadel - Wander around to pick up various side missions.

Check the info terminal at the Spectres office.

Talk to everyone who appears on your map, especially Thane. Visit your friend in the hospital.

After you talk to Liara on the Presidium move to another area, come back and talk to the asari bartender at
the café. Joker and EDI are on the Presidium.

Find Kelly on the refuge docks and tell her to change her name. She also gives you back your fish. A shop
on the Presidium sells a VI that will feed your fish for you.

Find Aria in Purgatory. There is a bug with the Eclipse portion of her mission. From the time you speak to
the Eclipse second-in-command to when Bailey contacts you by the elevator DO NOT save and reload your
game. This will keep Bailey from contacting you and you can't complete the mission.

Meet with the Spectre Jondom Bau and do not leave the Citadel until his mission is complete or it will trigger
a glitch.

Buy any mods you really want and can afford. Listen to the full conversation between the turian and asari on
the docks and the two turians outside Purgatory to unlock new options at the Spectre info terminal.

Miranda will want to meet with Shepard three separate times on the Citadel. Once on the docks, once in the
Spectre Office and once on the Presidium Commons. Make sure to meet her right away when she asks.

Planet Scanning - New systems have opened up.

Minos Wasteland

Fortis (Credits, Fuel)

The Shrike Abyssal

Urla Rast (Fetch, Fuel)

Xe Cha (Credits, Fuel)

Meet the Diplomants/Priority: Sur'kesh

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Mass Effect Trilogy - Mission Order Guide - PlayStation 3 - By LordT...

Tuchanka: Turian Platoon

Tuchanka: Bomb - Once this is unlocked, if you complete three other missions before this one it fails.
Badly. Look for the Turret Control Schematics during the mission. They are located on top of some crates
between seeing the bomb for the first time at the top of a hill and reuniting with the turian platoon.

Attican Traverse: Krogan Team - Save the Queen but not the Breeder. I hope you completed Grunt's
loyalty mission in ME2 Also look for a krogan corpse with a final message to his asari wife on the Citadel. It
is hidden behind some webbing not far after the cave-in.

N7: Cerberus Attack - In the control room look for the Improved Power Grid.

N7: Cerberus Abductions - In an open area early in the mission there are some dog tags on the ground to
pick up. Someone on the Citadel needs them. They are across from a building labeled 27.

Visiting the Citadel - Make sure you finish any and all active side missions on the Citadel before you begin
the next mission. Many of them will disappear once it is over. If you have not done so already, be sure to
talk to Thane in the hospital if he survived ME2.

Priority: Tuchanka

Planet Scanning - New systems have opened up.

Aethon Cluster

Nura (Research, Fuel)

Satu Arrd (War Asset, Fuel)
Esori (War Asset, Fuel)
Aru (War Asset, Fetch, Fuel)

Arcturus Stream

Euler (Fuel)
Arcturus (Research, Fuel)

Attican Beta

Theseus (War Asset, Fuel)

Hercules (War Asset, Fuel)

Gemini Sigma

Ming (War Asset, Fuel)

Han (Credits, Fuel)

Ismar Frontier

Aquila (Research)

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Nith (Fuel)
Dranek (Fetch, Fuel)

N7: Cerberus Fighter Base - Look for the Heating Unit Schematics across from the terminal you need to

Priority: Citadel II - I hope you talked to Thane before... When meeting your old friend and the Council use
the Paragon/Renegade Interrupts.

Citadel II Aftermath - Lots of new people to talk to and new side missions. Listen to the two smugglers in
Purgatory then head to the Spectre Terminal. A human and turian talking in the Presidium Commons opens
up a new option at the Spectre Terminal.

Be sure to speak to Kelly again.

Planet Scanning - New systems have opened up.

Athena Nebula

Lalessa (War Asset, Fuel)

Vernio (Fetch, Fuel)
Tamaros (War Asset, Fuel)
Orisoni (War Asset, Fuel)
Parnitha (War Asset)

Nimbus Cluster

Agaiou (Fetch)
Kallini (Fuel)
Pelion (Research, Fuel x3)

Valhallan Threshold

Paz (Fetch, Fuel)

Micha (War Asset x2, Fuel)
Raheel Leyya (Fuel)

N7: Cerberus Scientists - Look for the Turian Toxin on some crates at the top of the stairs.

Mesana: Distress Signal - Look for an asari corpse with a last message to her bondmate on the Citadel. It
is immediately to your right after meeting Samara. Be sure to catch the Paragon Interrupt at the end of the

Citadel: Aria T'Loak - This is the first part of the Omega DLC missions. After this Aria's fleet will appear
near the Citadel to officially start it. Do so. Note that you won't be able to return to the Normandy until the
DLC is finished
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Mass Effect Trilogy - Mission Order Guide - PlayStation 3 - By LordT...

Priority: Perseus Veil - Meet with the quarians. Invite Tali up to your cabin after the meeting.

Priority: Geth Dreadnought - Bring EDI along for some interesting dialogue. If you romanced Ashley in
ME1 and Tali in ME2 bring them both for an amusing catfight.

Planet Scanning - New systems have opened up.

Argos Rho

Gorgon (War Asset)

Phoenix (Fetch, War Asset, Fuel)
Hydra (War Asset, Fuel)

Rannoch: Admiral Koris - Pick the Investigate option when talking to Xen at the beginning. Rescue the
Admiral no matter what. Look for the Jamming Tower Data near one of the AA Tower controls.

Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons - Salvage the Reaper Code Fragment. It is from one section of code
that looks like it is bubbling.

N7: Fuel Reactors - Look for the Medical Treatment Plan in the first area where the soldiers have gathered.

Visit the Citadel - Complete any additional side missions. Talk with any of your allies, old and new, who are
now on the Citadel. Especially meet with Miranda if she is there.

Priority: Rannoch - The final Charm/Intimidate option has very specific requirements to unlock. Tali and
Legion must both be alive. Tali must not have been exiled. Legion's loyalty mission must have been
completed. You must have used Charm/Intimidate to stop the argument between Tali and Legion in ME2.
You must have at least four bars of Reputation. Koris must be rescued. Finish Geth Fighter Squadrons.

Planet Scanning - New systems have opened up.

Hades Nexus

Hoplos (Fetch, Fuel)

Pamyat (War Asset, Fuel)
Sheol (Fetch)
Hekate (War Asset, Fuel)

Silean Nebula

Teyolia (Fetch, Credits, Fuel)

Phontes (War Asset, Fetch, Fuel)
Nahuala (War Asset, Fuel)
Loropi (War Asset, Fuel)
Kypladon (War Asset)

Citadel: Shore Leave (First Opportunity) - Begins the Citadel DLC. You receive an e-mail from Hackett to
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the Citadel. A new option will appear when you try to dock. Select it to start this DLC.

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Mass Effect Trilogy - Mission Order Guide - PlayStation 3 - By LordT...

The Citadel DLC has two parts, the Main Mission and the Party. Once you start the Main Mission you
cannot return to the Normandy until it is done. Afterwards you gain access to a new hub area on the Citadel
and can throw a Party at your leisure.

Some like to do the Main Mission and the Party separately while others prefer to do it all at once. I prefer to
do the entire thing at once later on, marked the Second Opportunity in my guide. Others like to split things
up and do the Main Mission now. It is highly recommended that you DO NOT do the Main Mission any
earlier than now, the First Opportunity. This will guarantee that Tali can take part in the mission. The Party
should NEVER be done any earlier than the Second Opportunity to ensure the maximum number of people
can attend.

Do it in whatever order you wish. This DLC is the perfect sendoff for the series, especially the Party, so I do
it all at once. See the Second Opportunity section for more details.

Priority: Citadel III - Talk to the asari councilor. Do any side missions on the Citadel.

Priority: Thessia - Bring Javik with you.

Planet Scanning - New systems have opened up.

Hourglass Nebula

Faryar (War Asset, Fuel)

Sowilo (War Asset, Fuel)
Ploitari (War Asset)
Osun (Credits, Fuel)

Nubian Expanse

Qertassi (War Asset, Fuel)

Kalabsha (War Asset, Fuel)
Dakka (Research, Fuel)

N7: Communication Hub - Look for the Cerberus Ciphers near one of the terminals you need to hack.

Priority: Horizon - For the best result make sure you have done all of the following throughout the game:
Talked to Miranda on the Citadel docks. Warned her about Kai Leng after Citadel II in the Spectre office.
Meet with her on the Presidium and give her access to Alliance resources.

Citadel: Dr. Bryson - This begins a series of missions as part of the Leviathan DLC. They best fit here

Each segment of this DLC opens up new star systems. One has the location you need to go to, the others
can be scanned for new War Assets.

Caleston Rift

Balor (War Asset, Fuel)

CookieAysur (Fuel)

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Mass Effect Trilogy - Mission Order Guide - PlayStation 3 - By LordT...

Crescent Nebula

Tasale (War Asset, Fuel)

Lusarm (Credits, Fuel)

Kite's Nest

Indris (War Asset, Fuel)

Pylos Nebula

Nariph (War Asset, Fuel)

Dirada (War Asset, Fuel)
Zaherin (Fuel)

Sigurd's Cradle

Mil (War Asset)

Lenal (War Asset)

The Shrike Abyssal

Thal (War Asset, Fuel)

Kyzil (War Asset, Fuel)

For the first investigation you only need the filters Creature Sightings, Locations with Element Zero and
Reaper Activity.

During the third visit to Bryson's lab you will be offered two Renegade Interrupts while tracking Leviathan's
location. Taking the first one will narrow it down to two systems instead of three. Taking the second will give
you a precise location but cost you a War Asset. Also talk to James multiple times before beginning the
trace to get a new decoration for Shepard's cabin.

Citadel: Shore Leave (Second Opportunity) - Begins the Citadel DLC. You cannot return to the
Normandy until the Main Mission of the DLC is completed. Doing this DLC now ensures everyone is
available to meet on the Citadel and attend your Party.

After you are given free access to the Silversun Strip your various squadmates, past and present, will be
available to meet in different parts of the Strip, provided their mission during the main game has been
completed. Some will meet you in two locations, the Apartment and the Strip. Some will only meet you in
one location. Check your e-mail for messages. Move back and forth between the Strip and the Apartment to
spawn new messages.

For Jack to appear you must compete in the Arena at least once.

To trigger Kasumi's appearance look for a Suspicious Device on a wall near the bar on the first floor of the

Joker and Wrex have unmarked appearances. They don't send an e-mail and don't appear on your map.
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to the bar on the second floor of the casino. As long as you are not meeting anyone else in the area

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Mass Effect Trilogy - Mission Order Guide - PlayStation 3 - By LordT...

(like Ashley or Garrus), there will be a prompt to meet with Joker or Wrex when you approach the bar. May
need to leave the Strip and return for them to trigger. Do not miss them. They are hilarious.

The Arena is very useful for farming credits and getting new weapon upgrades. The claw machine in the
arcade can give you more upgrades. Some special missions can unlock the more battles you do. Check
your e-mail at the terminal in the sublevel.

Speak to Glyph when you are ready to start the Party. Invite as many or as few people as you want. I advise
you keep a save from before you start the Party so you can experiment with the different Party types you
can throw. It is worth playing through the Party at least twice to see everything.

Priority: Cerberus Headquarters - The point-of-no-return. Bring Shepard's romantic interest for some
special dialogue.

Priority: Earth - You'll have two opportunities to pick a squad, one at the start and one about a third of the
way through this mission. If you can, bring Shepard's romantic interest with you on the second part for an
emotional scene, assuming you have the Extended Cut installed.

If you have 3,100 EMS before this mission begins and you have the Extended Cut installed you will unlock
the best version of all endings. If you don't have the EC you need at least 4,000 EMS.

Pick whichever ending sounds the most appealing.

And that's it! This guide is done! I hope you all found it useful. Happy gaming!

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