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most(138)- moʊst health(155) - helθ
data(156) - deɪtə
interesting(139) - ɪntrestɪŋ each(157) - iːtʃ
thing(140)- THiNG person(158)- pɜːʳsən
read(141) - The form read is
pronounced (riːd) when it is the
present tense, and (red) when it is
the past tense and past participle.
recently(142)- riːsəntli
called(143) - kɔːld
creative(144) - krieɪtɪv
destruction(145) - dɪstrʌkʃən
medicine(146) - medɪsɪn
mentions(147) - menʃən What's the most(138) interesting(139)
diagnosis(148) - daɪəgnoʊsɪs thing(140) you've read(141) recently(142)?
prevention(149) - prɪˈvɛnʃən I have been reading a book called(143) the creative(144)
individualized(150) - ɪn.dɪˈvɪdʒ.u.ə.laɪzd destruction(145) of medicine(146) that mentions(147) how
treatment(151) - triːtmənt the diagnosis(148), prevention(149), and
change(152) - tʃeɪndʒ individualized(150) treatment(151) should change(152)
according(153) - əˈkɔːdɪŋ according(153) to the genetics(154) and health(155)
genetics(154) - dʒɪnetɪks data(156) of each(157) person(158).
make(159) - meɪk
nervous(160) - nɜːʳvəs
Whenever(161)- hwenevəʳ
gotta(162) - gɒtə
public(163) - pʌblɪk
speaking(164) - spiːkɪŋ
feel(165) - fiːl
very(165) - veri
particular(166) - pəʳtɪkjʊləʳ
exposing(167) - ɪkspoʊzing
new(168) - njuː
topic(169)- tɒpɪk What makes(159) you nervous(160)?

Whenever(161) I gotta(162) public(163) speaking(164) I

feel(165) very(165) nervous, in particular(166) when I am
exposing(167) a new(168) topic(169).
any(170) - eni
hidden(171) - hɪdən
talent(172)- tælənt
Yes(173)- jes
question(174)- kwestʃən
interesting(175) - ɪntrestɪŋ
shy(176) - ʃaɪ
comment(177) - kɒment
anyone(178) - eniwʌn
unless(179) - ʌnles
someone(180) - sʌmwʌn
asks(181) - ɑːsk
but(182) - (bət, STRONG bʌt)
different(183) - dɪfrənt
skills(184)- skɪl
photography(185)- fətɒgrəfi Do you have any(170) hidden(171)
singing(186) - ˈsiNGiNG
Yes(173), I do. The question(174) is interesting(175)
because I am very shy(176) and I do not comment(177) on
this to anyone(178) unless(179) someone(180) asks(181),
but(182) I have different(183) skills(184), I am good at
photography(185) and singing(186).
one(186) - wʌn
thing(187)- THiNG
before(188) - bɪfɔːʳ
bed(189)- bed
Previously(190)- priːviəsli
life(191)- laɪf
can(192) - (kən, STRONG kæn)
sleep(193) - sliːp
quietly(194) - ˈkwaɪətlɪ

What's one(186) thing(187) you always do before(188)

Previously(190) to bed, I pray and thank for the life(191)
day, doing this I can(192) sleep(193) quietly(194).
or(193) - ɔːʳ
student(194)- stjuːd nt ə

academic(195)- ækədemɪk
so(196)- soʊ
smart(197)- smɑːʳt
only(198)- oʊnli
dedicated(199)- dedɪkeɪtɪd

Were or(193) are you a good

Yes, I was. I remember that I was pretty academic(195),
not so(196) smart(197) because I was only(198) a
dedicated(199) student.
If(200) - ɪf
could(201) - kʊd
outsource(202)- aʊtsɔːʳs
Definitely(203) - defɪnɪtli
Household(204) - haʊshoʊld
chores(205) - CHôr
cleaning(206) - ˈkliːnɪŋ
laundry(207) - lɔːndri
cooking(208)- kʊkɪŋ
grocery(209) - groʊsəri
shopping(210) - ʃɒpɪŋ

If(200) you could(201) outsource(202)

one thing in life, what would it be?
Definitely(203), It would be all the Household(204)
chores(205) like cleaning(206), laundry(207),
cooking(208) and grocery(209) shopping(210).
came(211) - keɪm
warning(212) - wɔːʳnɪŋ
label(213)- leɪbəl
say(214)- seɪ
really(215) - riːəli
something(216)- sʌmθɪŋ
find(217) - faɪnd
way(218) - weɪ
an(219) - æn
excuse(220) - The noun is pronounced (ɪkskjuːs). The verb is
pronounced (ɪkskjuːz).

If you came(211) with a

warning(212) label(213), what
would it say(214)?
If you really(215) want to do something(216), you'll
find(217) a way(218). If you don't, you'll find an(219)
class(221)- klɑːs
tried(222) - traɪd
teach(223) - tiːtʃ
too(224) - tuː
much(225) - mʌtʃ
information(226) - ɪnfəʳmeɪʃən
time(227) - taɪm
passed(228) - pɑːst
faster(229) ˈfɑːstə
than(230) - ðæn
thought(231) - θɔːt
cannot(232) - kænɒt
explain(233) - ɪkspleɪn
wanted(234) - ˈwɒntɪd

How did your class(221) go?

I tried(222) to teach(223) too(224) much(225)
information(226) but the time(227) passed(228)
faster(229) than(230) I thought(231) and I cannot(232)
explain(233) all that I wanted(234).

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