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[MODEL] Research Log #7 - Solutionary Project 2021

Date: March 12, 2021

Name: Kai Gardiner
Title: Mental Health Stigma and Physician’s Licensing Fears

Three Points to Prove: #1: Mental health has been exposed around the United States.
#2: Not everyone treats their mental illness.
#3: Society has made people afraid of their mental illness.

Point that this Source Proves: # 1: The death penalty is not a deterrent of crime.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“The growing national discussion around mental health care has exposed mental illness as
the leading cause of disability in the United States.”

“Almost 50% of Americans will meet diagnostic criteria for a mental health disorder during
their lifetime, yet only 40% of individuals receive treatment for their illness.”

“Although much of the explanation for the 25% increase in the suicide rate over the past 20
years has focused on poor access to and financing of mental health care, cultural and
societal stigma around mental illness have remained largely unchanged over the past two

 “Studies have found that about 35% of physicians do not seek regular health care for
themselves. In one study, almost 50% of female physicians did not seek treatment despite
feeling that they met criteria for a mental disorder.”
Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This scholarly journal mentions how mental health care is getting exposed and how mental illness is one of the leading
causes of disability in the United States. The journal also talks about how people are not seeking treatment even
physicians. In the article it stated that “almost 50% of Americans will meet diagnostic criteria for a mental health
disorder during their lifetime, yet only 40% of individuals receive treatment for their illness.” The article also states
“studies have found that about 35% of physicians do not seek regular health care for themselves. In one study, almost
50% of female physicians did not seek treatment despite feeling that they met criteria for a mental disorder.” Half of
people in America have a mental illness in some point in their lifetime and only forty percent treat it. Even
professionals that treat mental illness qualify for a mental illness and do not get help.

If even professional do not treat their mental illness there must be a reason why they do not treat their mental illness.
The reason I think people think they do not treat their mental illness is because they are afraid other people are going to
judge them. This is the stigma of mental health. In previous research logs I have studied about the stigma of mental
health. People are ashamed of their mental health. People that study about mental health even do not treat their own
mental health. The stakes of physicians’ poor self-health are dramatic, given that the suicide rate among physicians is
1.4-2.3 times higher than the general populations. If professionals do not seek then it gives physicians a bad reputation
that they do not even address their own mental illness so why should their patients seek help. “Studies have
consistently demonstrated that physicians’ own health habits affect their health and prevention counseling and that
depression among providers is associated with lower-quality medical treatment.” Seeing professional not even seek
treatment makes me realize how stigma has affect people with mental health. Mental health does not get enough
attention in our society. The reason why it does not get the attention is because we cannot see it. People suffer without
people knowing because people cannot see them suffering because we cannot see it like other diseases. We can’t see it,
so we think that it can’t be that serious. This leads to people talking about their mental illness, but no one cannot see
you suffer so they do not care as much as other diseases. People might say something about someone’s mental illness,
and it will make them not want to talk about their mental illness. Our society needs to be more aware about mental
illness. In this article I learned more about the stigma about mental illness. Even professionals are afraid about talking
about their illness. This scholarly journal had lots of statistics about mental illness which I found very useful.
Completing these logs, I learned that the best act we can do is be aware of mental illness and to not treat others
differently because of their mental illness. Majority of our society is not aware of the affects of mental illness on
someone. As a community we need to be more aware about mental health. We need to treat everyone with respect and
never put people down. We can not cure mental illness, but we can reduce through acts of kindness.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Mehta, S., Search for more papers by this author, Edwards, M., Mr. Swapnil S. Mehta is a fourth-year
medical student at Stanford University School of Medicine, RC, K., Al., E., . . . CO, C. (2018,
November 01). Suffering in silence: Mental health stigma and physicians' licensing fears. Retrieved
March 12, 2021, from

This is a reputable and reliable article because it was created by medical students and physicians helped publish this
scholarly journal.

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