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Miray Vural

Professor Prasad

Engl 2 Sec 16

22 April 2021

For many years we always knew there was an equality issue. Racial profiling has been a

part of us and always was against people of color. Recently this issue has escalated to the point

where police get involved and violence occurs. With many factors leading up to this, such as

how the police get trained there should be more awareness raised on the topic of equality and

the treatment of people.

Maybe if the police don’t get involved there would be more hatred and violence occurring

in our society. The police’s job is to protect people and follow the law of what is right versus

what is wrong. If the police did not use force maybe the citizens would be getting hurt and this

would be causing more chaos. Police undertake efforts to make sure there is justice and that

there is public safety for all of us.

Although there have been issues with police reforms we must realize how much they do

for the public. Maybe without them, communities would not be safe and there would be no

regulations made. With no regulations, everyone would be doing illegal actions that could end

up being very harmful to society. Maintaining law and order is something truly valuable and

important to everyone.

Even though the police do many things to protect the community they use a force of

violence against people of color which is not acceptable. We must raise more awareness of

black lives matter and make sure that everyone gets the same amount of respect. As people,
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we must take more responsibility for what the police are doing to people who don’t

deserve hatred and death.

There have been many protests happening in honor of people who died because of the

police. People like George Floyd, Brianna Taylor, Dante Wright, and many more. These names

are just a few, all of them were innocent but since they had a different skin color they were

judged and killed by the “protective” police (Cunnigham and Gillezau et al). These protests were

against the police and it took citizen’s attention because people started to rise against the police

and attempted to stop the violence. Although the police’s job was to protect, during the protests

the police showed more hatred and violence. As we know, protests raise more awareness and


Meanwhile, these protests were peaceful, police used violence that no one deserved. An

article published in The New York Times says, “ In Philadelphia, police sprayed tear gas on a

crowd of mainly peaceful protesters trapped on an interstate who had nowhere to go and no

way to breathe. In Chicago, officers were given arrest kits so old that the plastic handcuffs were

decayed or broken. Los Angeles officers were issued highly technical foam-projectile launchers

for crowd control, but many of them had only two hours of training; one of the projectiles

bloodied the eye of a homeless man in a wheelchair”(Barker, Kim, et al). This use of force could

not be accepted and there must be something we could do to end the hate toward Black Lives.

We are in the twentieth century and there is no acceptance for this violence for innocent people.

There was insufficient training and a failure in nationwide policing. The New York Times article

also mentions how the reports show how poorly the modern American policing showed

aggressive tactics that infuriated many of the protesters. As we can see there is no progress

made between the 1900s versus the 20th century. We cannot improve our mindset and we must

put an end to this judgmental perspective we have.

The Black Lives Matter movement needs to a part of everyone’s lives and there must be

a law passed down about the police so there is respect and equal treatment. A journal published
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by the Bergham journals talks about how the United States is facing the reality of racism and

police violence. Even though this issue does happen worldwide, this has been mainly occurring

in the United States and the violence is on an extreme level. These protests and rallies are

trying to achieve equality and make people see the truth. However, in the United States, the

police do not let this happen and instead kill innocent lives. Why? Just because there is a

change in our skin color does not mean that those people are not human. We are all equal, we

are all one, and we are all in this together.

In conclusion, the escalated issue of respect and treatment has risen in the United

States. As one nation we must take a stand and raise more awareness of the innocent black

lives that are being killed by the police. We as one must go against these dreadful actions that

are happening because of the police.

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