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Data Envelopment Analysis

Study Guide and Schedule for PhD Students

September 2020

Text Books:
Zhu, Joe, Data Envelopment Analysis: Let the Data Speak for Themselves

Zhu, Joe, Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: DEA with Spreadsheets, 3rd Edition, Springer, New York, 2014
ISBN 978-3-319-06646-2

These two books provide the most elementary and prominent knowledge of DEA, its variants, methodologies, and applications. Let the Data Speak for
Themselves was designed to transform learners from “laymen” to “the initiated”, and Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking
will help readers enhance and expand their quantitative knowledge and skills, and develop a more comprehensive understanding of DEA. Therefore, it is
highly recommended that students study Let the Data Speak for Themselves first, followed by Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and
Benchmarking. You should pay attention to the “key points” listed in the schedules below, and “tasks” are questions you will need to answer. By the time you
finish studying, there will be a final project to test your ability in constructing and solving DEA models. Feel free to adjust the timeline according to your
digestion of the materials.

Zhu, Joe, Data Envelopment Analysis: Let the Data Speak for Themselves

Tentative schedule

Day Topics Key Points Tasks Supplemental Materials

1 Chapter 1 & Understand the basics of 1. Complete the laptop example. See file “cross evaluation” for an
Chapter 2 DEA and the multiplier 2. Use the same dataset, complete example.
model. the DEA cross evaluation.
2 Chapter 3 & For Chapter 3, understand 1. You need to be able to point out See “input CRS.xlsm” for an input
Chapter 4 efficiency, inputs, and the differences between input and oriented CRS multiplier model.
outputs. Know how to read output orientations and identify
the graphical representation the orientation of a model by
of DEA and interpret the looking at it.
best-practice frontier. For 2. Try the input and output
Chapter 4, familiarize oriented models in Chapter 4
yourself with input respectively, and compute the
improvements and output DEA model with dummy inputs or
reductions, and how to outputs.
determine the magnitude of 3. How to improve the
these performance of a DMU?
for a DMU.
3 Chapter 5 What are the inputs and 1. Compute the DEA models in
outputs selected for the the three case studies using Excel.
model in each of the three 2. Identify the best practicing
case studies? What are the DMUs and provide some
variables? Which DMUs are comments on the ones with lower
best practices? efficiency scores.
3. Provide some examples where
DEA can be used to assist decision
4 Chapter 6 and Know how to construct a 1. Revisit and rebuild the airline
Appendix virtual DMU by letting example from Chapter 5. 2. How
existing DMUs collaborate, do you compose a virtual DMU?
and the difference between 3. What is an envelopment model
the multiplier model and the and what is its difference from the
envelopment model. multiplier model discussed in

Chapter 1?
4. Download the DEAFrontier
software and try the CRS and VRS

Zhu, Joe, Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking

Tentative schedule

Topics Key Points Tasks Supplemental Materials

1 Chapter Chapter 1 provides an introduction 1. DEA has two forms, the See “slack.xlsm” for an example of
1& to performance evaluation, envelopment form and the slack measure calculation.
Chapter performance metrics and DMUs. multiplier form. What is CRS and
2 You should be acquainted with and what is VRS? Can they both be
able to use these terms. Chapter 2 manifested in both the
introduces slacks, and the input envelopment model and the
and output oriented envelopment multiplier model? 2. What are the
models. By the end of Chapter 2, two properties of DEA as defined
you should be able to calculate in Chapter 1? 3. Explain what each
slacks and formulate the input and letter represents in Model 2.1 and
output oriented VRS model in Model 2.5. Identify the variables,
Excel. Chapter 2 also introduces constants and data that are already
the OpenSolver which is a great known. 4. Explain what a "slack"
free add-in for DEA calculations in is and calculate slack measures
Excel. according to Model 2.3.
2 Chapter For Chapter 3, understand the 1. In Model 3.1, what is ε and why See “cross evaluation.xlsm” for an
3& weight restrictions in multiplier is it needed? 2.You have done the example.
Chapter models. For chapter 4, understand input-oriented CRS multiplier
4 the difference between cross- model in the first book. Now try
efficiency and regular DEA the assurance region (AR) model
efficiency. for input-oriented CRS/VRS
multiplier model. 3. How is cross-

efficiency different from regular
DEA evaluations? You have done
the cross efficiency evaluation of
the laptop example, now try
calculating the input oriented game
efficiency using the dataset in
Table 4.1
3 Chapter For Chapter 5, the goal is to 1. In an input-oriented CRS slack-
5& understand the additive slack- based DEA model, what would
Chapter based DEA model. For Chapter 6, your objective function be (i.e.
6 know the properties of the minimize/maximize what)? How
measure-specific models and their do you decide which DMUs are
differences from the regular DEA efficient, and which ones are not?
models. 2. Formulate and solve the slack-
based DEA model in figure 5.1. 3.
How are measure-specific models
different from regular DEA
models? 4. In the analysis of the
fortune 400 companies, the author
obtained the VRS best-practice
frontier for the efficient DMUs. In
order to evaluate the inefficient
DMUs, the author used a measure
specific model. Would the
measure-specific model yield the
same frontier or not?
4 Chapter Non-radial measures (Fare and 1. Calculate the preference
7& Lovell, 1978) allow non- structure model in Model 7.2. 2.
Chapter proportional reductions in positive What is multiple objective linear
8 inputs and improvements in programming (MOLP)? Try the
positive outputs. Why are they input and output oriented MOLP
important? Also understand the models in Chapter 7.4 and pay

preference structure of a DEA attention to the non-orientation
model and its importance. special case.
5 Chapter Does adding or deleting an 1. Formulate and compute the See “super efficiency.xlsm” for
9& inefficient DMU affect the specification DEA model using the guidance on how to set up and
Chapter efficiency scores of other DMUs? data in Table 9.1 2. Compute the calculate DEA super efficiencies.
10 Does it change the best-practice input and output oriented context-
frontier? The answer is no to both dependent DEA models, including
questions. However, would adding first degree and second degree
or deleting an efficient DMU attractiveness. 2. What is the
change the answer? Context- difference between local targets
dependent DEA allows users to and global targets?
evaluate the relative attractiveness 3. In Model (9.1), what is the
of DMUs in a DEA model. Super purpose of introducing the two
efficiency is another important new parameters, l and k? What is
concept. What would happen if the range of l and how is it
you remove the DMU under determined? 4. Compute the input-
evaluation from the reference set oriented CRS super efficiency
of an envelopment model? Super model. Just by looking at the data,
efficiency models are used to study what is one way to determine
the sensitivity of efficiency and whether this model is feasible or
locate the efficiency stability infeasible (Hint: Refer to Chapter
regions. 10.4)?
6 Chapter Understand the basics of 1. According to Chapter 12, what
s 12 & benchmark models, and returns to is benchmarking? What are some
13 scale benchmarking DEA models?
Please complete the calculations of
the input-oriented CRS variable-
benchmarking model using the
data presented in Table 12.2. 2.
What is a fixed-benchmark model
and what is its difference from the
variable-benchmark model? Use

the data in Table 12.2 to calculate
the output oriented CRS variable-
benchmark model. 3. Explain
returns-to-scale (RTS) and RTS
regions. Briefly describe the basic
process for estimating the
prevalent RTS in a VRS multiplier
model. Set up the spreadsheet RTS
estimation as in Figure 13.4 and
complete the calculations.
7 Chapter Understand the basics of two-stage 1. What is a two-stage model? See “sample 2 staged.xlsm” for an
14 models. Compute the VRS two-stage example of a two-staged model,
model. 2. Calculate the VRS two- using the centralized method.
stage model 14.1. 3. What are the
different types of two-stage CRS
model discussed in this chapter?
Please describe in words some
major distinctions/differences
between the CRS centralized
model and the CRS leader-
follower model in terms of
computation. 4. If you have an
interest, please study chapter 15.
8 Chapter Can you set up DEA models for Read through the entire Chapter
18 data that are not exact (i.e. interval and try the models in Excel if you
data or ordinal data)? The solution can. No specific task is assigned.
is called imprecise DEA (IDEA).
In fact, you can convert many
forms of such data into a set of
exact data. Chapter 18 discusses
the detailed steps. Chapter 19
introduces the DEAFrontier


Final Project: Build a Two-Stage Network DEA using Excel Solver and VBA
1. Read the paper published in OMEGA.
Li, Y., Yao Chen, L. Liang, and J. Xie, DEA Models for Extended Two-stage Network Structures, OMEGA, 40 (2012) 611-618. Before you attempt to
build the models in Excel, you should understand the models.
2. You need to solve models (3), (5), (6) and (8), and generate Figure 4.
3. You need to solve model (5) for all DMUs, not just Zhejiang (DMU26)
4. You need to obtain the solutions for all DMUs. This requires you use at least two nested loops via VBA. Detailed instructions are provided in the last
5. You also need to solve the models using opensolver.

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