Christian Storytelling MG Honor Sources

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Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students (1913)

Chap. 24 - The Bible Lesson

In all that men have written, where can be found anything that has
such a hold upon the heart, anything so well adapted to awaken the
interest of the little ones, as the stories of the Bible? In these simple
stories may be made plain the great principles of the law of God. Thus by
illustrations best suited to the child's comprehension, parents and
teachers may begin very early to fulfill the Lord's injunction concerning
His precepts: "Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and
shalt talk of them when thou sittest in the thine house, and when thou
walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."
Deuteronomy 6:7. {CT 181.1}

Education (1903)

The journey to Jerusalem, in the simple, patriarchal style, amidst the

beauty of the springtime, the richness of midsummer, or the ripened glory
of autumn, was a delight. With offerings of gratitude they came, from the
man of white hairs to the little child, to meet with God in His holy
habitation. As they journeyed, the experiences of the past, the stories
that both old and young still love so well, were recounted to the Hebrew
children. The songs that had cheered the wilderness wandering were sung.
God's commandments were chanted, and, bound up with the blessed influences
of nature and of kindly human association, they were forever fixed in the
memory of many a child and youth. {Ed 42.1}

During His ministry His intimate acquaintance with the Scriptures

testifies to His diligence in their study. And since He gained knowledge
as we may gain it, His wonderful power, both mental and spiritual, is a
testimony to the value of the Bible as a means of education. {Ed 185.1}
Our heavenly Father, in giving His word, did not overlook the
children. In all that men have written, where can be found anything that
has such a hold upon the heart, anything so well adapted to awaken the
interest of the little ones, as the stories of the Bible? {Ed 185.2}
In these simple stories may be made plain the great principles of the
law of God.

The Great Controversy (1888)

Chapter IX - The swiss Reformer (Ulric Zwingle)

And at the side of his pious grandmother he listened to the few precious
Bible stories which she had gleaned from amid the legends and traditions
of the church. With eager interest he heard of the grand deeds of
patriarchs and prophets, of the shepherds who watched their flocks on the
hills of Palestine where angels talked with them, of the Babe of Bethlehem
and the Man of Calvary.(172-173)

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