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Bad Breakfast, Bad Day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day is a saying that every person has
heard in their life. Eating in the morning provides fuel for the mind and body to kickstart
your day.

There are studies that have been linked to eating breakfast in the morning
leading to students performing better academically. Studies of students who eat
breakfast compared to students that don’t show that those who do eat it have improved
concentration, better test scores, and overall are more energetic.

Even with everyone knowing about the importance of breakfast, many people
skip the meal entirely. People wake up in the morning and are not always hungry, but
that hunger kicks in within a short amount of time because you haven’t eaten since the
day before. Salem State’s mission statement says that the school wants to “prepare a
diverse community of learners to contribute responsibly and creatively to a global
society,”. If every student ate breakfast this mission would be a lot easier to accomplish.

Everyone should step forward and urge the board of trustees here at Salem
State to allow for breakfast in the dining commons at each campus to be free for
everyone, even if they do not have a meal plan.

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